Toilet      08/31/2020

UFO studies ISS technology. The ISS camera captured a huge, armed UFO object similar to a ship from Star Wars

Another inexplicable phenomenon was recorded by the ISS cameras on October 20, 2016. A huge UFO is extremely unusual shape came into the camera's field of view, its parts were alternately illuminated by the Sun as it moved.

The video transmission from the ISS on October 20, 2016 was interrupted almost immediately after a UFO came into view, but a ufologist under the nickname Streetcup1 managed to not only see this intriguing moment, but also record it, posting the video for everyone to see.
Scott K. Warring became interested in this video and carefully studied the image, after which he came to the conclusion that it was an alien ship, however, what is frightening is that it is most likely a warship carrying numerous weapons on board...

NASA continues to hide from humanity the real state of affairs about contact with alien intelligence, but more and more uncontrolled, unexplained cases are occurring that shed light on many questions.

UFOs observed the docking of the Soyuz MS-02 spacecraft

Several UFOs were observed during the docking of the Russian manned transport spacecraft Soyuz MS-02 with the International Space Station (ISS), which took place on October 21, 2016.

Unidentified objects were located at a considerable distance from the docking vehicles, so from time to time they were not picked up by the camera, since they changed their color and reflectivity during movement.
The video footage shows how one of them appeared almost out of nowhere in the center of the screen, then changed speed and direction, passed behind the hull of the ship, flew into the visible part of the sky and went to the lower left corner of the screen at an angle of more than 60 degrees.
The second object appeared in the upper left corner only for a moment and disappeared again. Observing the movement of these objects, changing speed and direction, hardly anyone can say that these are ice crystals or space debris. Even if this were so, these particles would be influenced by the jets from the spacecraft engines, clearly visible in the rays of the sun.

However, the first object moved independently of external influences, keeping its course and speed unchanged. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the camera filming the docking process followed the UFO and again returned to its original position.

A giant structure was discovered on the moon

Video of the lunar surface taken with a telescope, where you can see an unusual structure. Ufologists believe that the structure is man-made.
“A dark, rounded tower was discovered on the Moon, rising above the lunar horizon. The edges of the Moon are the easiest to see structures due to the specific angle of light for both the explorer and the structure itself. This is 100% proof that there are giant buildings on the Moon,” said Scott Waring.
According to ufologists, nature is not able to create anything similar on the Earth’s natural satellite. Therefore, at the moment, one of the key versions of the origin of the giant tower is the presence of an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon.

NASA has always had a rather controversial PR. The problem is withholding information and numerous information leaks - they say the American space program is hiding the most a big secret in history. And the secret is so serious that Watergate is lost next to it. We are talking about UFO visits that were filmed from the ISS. The Richest selected the most famous photos, allegedly from NASA archives, which seem like a hoax to skeptics and convincing to conspiracy theorists.

The general position of the US leadership and NASA has not changed since the 1950s; they masterfully use the media to manipulate public consciousness. NASA was founded in 1958 at the height of the Cold War, when space exploration was of purely military importance. The American “Space Act” of July 29, 1958, states that the agency “is charged with communicating to departments directly involved in national defense discoveries that have military value or significance../and the information must be available to the public with the exception of: (a) information that federal status permits or requires withholding, and (b) information classified in the interest of national security.”

Celestial body in free flight

This relatively clear image of the object was taken by the ISS in orbit around the Earth. Beneath the object are layers of clouds and the outlines of the Earth's oceans. The image is a little blurry, but the spherical shape is clearly visible, and overall the object appears to be made of stone or metal. An object moving in orbit has a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour - too fast to be noticed and incredibly fast to get some high-quality photographs. We might wonder if this is a meteorite, but in general, it is extremely rare for meteorites to have such a regular spherical shape. While this object has a number of rough edges and is rock-like, it appears so artificially round that it may indicate that it belongs to some kind of "smart" technology.

Companion "Black Knight"

Dozens of satellites fly around our planet, launched for all kinds of research and scientific purposes. However, there is one among them that no state claims. And in general, there is a suspicion that it was not made on Earth. The legend of the “Black Prince (or Knight)” began with Nikola Tesla - he caught a repeating radio signal from space back in 1899. True, today we know that he caught a signal from a pulsar, which was not yet known at that time. Later, an Oslo scientist experimenting with short radio waves was able to detect the "long delay echo" (LDE) in 1928, without fully understanding the phenomenon of radio return. The explanation came in 1954, when newspapers published a statement from the US Air Force about two objects in Earth orbit, when no one had yet been able to launch them. The existence of the “Black Prince” is attested to by various sources. The latest confirmation was found in 1998, when the space shuttle Endeavor made its first flight, STS-88, to the space station. The astronauts on board took many pictures of the strange object, which for a long time could be seen on the NASA website.

Spy - an automated alien research station?

This photo was allegedly obtained as a result of an information leak from NASA. Interestingly, a spherical metallic colored object is clearly visible here - the reflection of the Sun or Moon (above) can be seen in it. However, it is not known exactly what kind of ball it is - some kind of camera or other device used during space flight. At least it appears to be some distance from the spacecraft, and there is no visible halyard or cable connecting it to the shuttle. This ball is not like typical devices, which are used by NASA. In fact, this object is very close to many UFO photographs taken from Earth. However, there is still no clear conclusion. NASA allegedly said that they were not ready to say anything about this object.

The Black Prince next to the Soyuz

(downloads: 43)

Some believe that this is a photo of a UFO taken from the ISS, others that this is another photographic image of the Black Prince. An object that looks like kite, flies through the air, spinning in space below the Russian Soyuz spacecraft as it follows a trajectory beyond the Earth's atmosphere. It could be space debris, but it could also be some kind of ship, for example, the SR-71. Hard to say. Meanwhile, Roscosmos stated that there were no overflights of objects near the ISS at that time. "If something flies nearby, this is reported in advance. This is a compilation of video, apparently filmed from the American segment of the ISS. It contains elements of the layout - for example, the first frames show spaceship"Progress", and at the end of the video - "Union". This difference is obvious due to the shape of the windows,” Roscosmos explained.

Disc-shaped object

NASA broadcast from the International Space Station to show all the beauty of space from orbit live. One of the amateur ufologists watching the broadcast was Scott Waring. He passed on the video of the strange horseshoe phenomenon to his colleague, Tyler Glockner, who runs the SecureTeam Youtube channel. Tyler assures that NASA actively monitors what is happening on the video, and turns it off when things appear in the frame that the public should not see. According to him, the last time the broadcast was interrupted after the appearance of a massive yellow disk in the frame was in 2014. As soon as a horseshoe-shaped UFO entered the frame and flew too close to the ISS, the broadcast was immediately interrupted. Naturally, after such an incident, conspiracy theorists accused NASA of hiding information about aliens.

UFO or not?

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A video from NASA has been posted on the Internet, which shows an unidentified flying object of an elongated shape. The recording was made during the spacewalk of two astronauts to conduct repair work on the ISS. The object was recorded by ISS CCTV cameras. In the video, the UFO, which looks like an elongated line, is captured hovering for several seconds behind one of the astronauts. Immediately, various assumptions arose regarding the origin of the object: a spaceship from Earth could have entered the frame, or it was just a glare or a speck of dust. It is noteworthy that NASA distributed the scandalous video on its own; the object really exists, but the agency refused to comment.

An object similar to the ship from " Star Wars"

This object was considered by many to be similar to some of the ships we saw in the original Star Wars episodes. It remains to be seen whether this is garbage or alien ship. There is a possibility that this is computer graphics. The wavy blue light in the background is like a cinematic effect. In fact, we might wonder if this image is too sharp and perfect to really be true and authentic? The UFO was moving quickly, so the camera was stable enough to capture the object without blur. Some UFO websites report that this photo is from NASA archives, but there are also some hoaxes, so nothing is clear for sure.

Pentagonal UFO

Another alleged “leaked” photo from NASA. This appears to be a photo of the asteroid Juno taken from the Juno space exploration rocket, which was launched into space as a reconnaissance rocket last year. The photo and accompanying video went viral in July, racking up hundreds of thousands of views online, but questions remain about whether or not this image of the pentagonal object was CGI. According to one UFO website, the photos are fake. The images were originally posted on the website UFO@Section 51, which is known for its hoaxes that rely heavily on computer graphics. But the website itself claims that it can prove this is a leak from the agency.

Space stations?

These photographs were taken from the shuttle, which is in permanent orbit. The image is blurry, barely visible is a spherical object that appears to be moving through the vacuum of space around the Earth. The object appears to be stationary, but in reality it is not, because it was taken from the shuttle, which is moving at high speed. Some UFO researchers believe that this object followed the shuttle in orbit around the Earth. There is absolutely dead silence regarding NASA comments on this photo, but on Google you can find many different opinions - both skeptics and lyricists.

It could be some kind of rock or meteor. It looks like a saucer that is drifting in space. The source of the photo this time is obvious - it is from the NASA website. The object has a bluish ring of light or radiation around its top, which could indicate some kind of electronic functioning (but the ring could also be a layer of ice). Anyway, blue rings on a stone - this is still slightly unusual, and is not common. It is debatable whether the object is metal or stone; the photograph is unclear. Some UFO apologists have expressed their disappointment in NASA photographs, which are always somewhat ambiguous or blurry. They believe that some higher quality (HD) UFO photos are hidden in some secret agency storage facility. It may very well be!

UFO in deep space

These difficult-to-classify flying objects or formations appeared on the ISS cameras on one ordinary day without incident in space. Just silver balls, similar to what we've seen many times before.


An extremely blurry photograph of a cylinder taken by astronauts, who reported that the object had been accompanying the International Space Station for some time. Over the years, similar reports have surfaced here and there, causing several astronauts to claim last years that NASA is hiding existing data about the existence of aliens. Such revelations generally dismiss theories that these foreign objects around the shuttles and ISS are devices used for space missions. We would certainly hope that NASA astronauts would be able to identify flying objects that are part of manned systems. In fact, it is unlikely that they would not be able to recognize their own ships.

Sphere taken from the shuttle

This sphere, similar to others we have seen before, suddenly shifted in the shuttle camera frame beyond the Earth's atmosphere. The shuttle (in this case Atlantis) took this photo during its STS-37 mission. Interesting, but impossible to discern any exhaust or steam that would indicate engine or booster operation. It seems that the aliens know some other way to propel their ships. Some theorists and government insiders believe they propel their ships using anti-gravity.

Remote object

During the live broadcast of the ISS, UFO enthusiasts noticed a strange oblong object, which caused a great stir on the Internet. In the foreground we see astronauts at work (these are Reid Wiserman and Alexander Gerst) on the outside of the ISS station, along the outer perimeter of the station. In the distance, a cylindrical object is visible, which seems to be observing the events at the station. Around the same time, there was an interrupted online broadcast from the ISS, which was interrupted as soon as an unidentified object loomed somewhere in the distance. Skeptics claim that this particular photo is just dust on the lens, but people who believe in UFOs continue to accuse the agency of hiding information.

New sensation from space explorers! Ufologists love to surprise the population with all sorts of inexplicable phenomena. More and more messages are coming from them regarding alien activity. Now they have heard alarming news about some alien robots. A video was published online showing how these robots attack the ISS in orbit.

Previously, ufologists had already suggested that aliens live on Mars and that the Moon was captured by them, and that they are also in the rings of Saturn. There were also suggestions that UFOs regularly visit Earth to study the situation on the planet. Over the past few months, a lot of data about UFOs has been recorded on the Internet, for example, in Kuzbass, Rostov and even in France. UFOs have also been spotted more than once over the United States.

Sensation: video with alien robots and a strange object on cameras

More recently, ISS employees reported that they saw some strange object right in the view of the window. He was probably monitoring the station. And a few days ago, a video was even posted online where the orbital base was captured by alien robots. It was published by a certain “securyteam10” on his own YouTube channel. The greatest attention was shrouded robotic arm shown in the video.

Ufologist enthusiasts commented that these robots did not appear there by chance. They captured an earthly space truck. Internet users noticed that in the video there is a strange kind of object in the form iron fist and her own reflection.

An object was also spotted on board the ISS gray, similar to the silhouette of an alien holding a red object in his hands. Only the author of the video himself has a little doubt that this is an alien creature, since it could well be a reflection of some object located at the station, or a researcher-astronaut.

UFO researchers have suggested that aliens managed to capture the entire ISS. Also, Internet users were able to notice that the entire event in the video takes place against the backdrop of a strange kind of elongated object from which a glow emanates. They say that this object is of artificial origin and is larger in size than the dimensions of an orbital ship.

This object was shrouded in fog, and an orange glow emanated from it. At first the lights flickered from it, and then simply went out. The aliens probably realized that they had been seen and decided to put out the lights. Then the object simply disappeared from sight and flew off to an unknown destination.

Internet users, of course, have put forward many hypotheses regarding these events shown in the video. Thus, some people think that it is actually an alien ship. Others think that it is fake, edited and faked. Still others admit that ufologists simply imagined that it was a UFO, and in fact it was a completely different object. But it is noteworthy that 20 seconds after the object appeared in the video, the cameras were turned off and directed towards the earth.

Is NASA hiding something?

NASA, as a rule, immediately commented on such situations and reacted quickly, but here their reaction was not so rapid, and the video was shocking and sensational! It would seem rather strange behavior for an organization that does just that. Some say NASA simply decided to ignore it.

It is noted that this is not the first time that NASA has exhibited such suspicious behavior. Just last month, ufologists made accusations against the organization that they are hiding the truth, retouching photographs, deceiving the entire planet and are in collusion with government agencies and even with alien representatives. The bottom line is that many times such an oddity has been noticed on the Internet that NASA provides photos that differ from the images published by independent researchers. It is also suspicious that immediately after some strange objects were caught on the cameras, for some unknown reason the devices suddenly stopped functioning.

UFO near the Sun?

UFOs have been spotted more than once in recent days. For example, right before the eclipse, strange objects were spotted near the Sun. Ufologists published photos of the crowns of the Sun, on which two strange objects appeared, presented in the form of unusual lines in the form of steps and a white oblong body. Near the lines, we noticed square-shaped inspection entrances, and the second body resembled a monolith.

Skeptical scientists here also spoke out against all sorts of assumptions made by ufologists. They claim that there were actually no UFOs near the Sun. In their opinion, these are just prominences and a defect in the photo. Ufologists, of course, continued to declare that these were undoubtedly alien representatives, although in principle it was impossible to approach the Sun at such a distance.


In theory, of course, alien civilizations may exist, since this is talked about in legends, fairy tales, etc., but there is still some part of the truth there. Scientists do not exclude the possibility of other races being in space. But they cannot know details about them. Of course, in their opinion, these creatures are still subject to universal laws, for example, gravity, as well as the action of black holes and the effects of solar radiation.

Also, if we assume the existence of other civilizations in the solar system, they are, without a doubt, higher in development than humanity, and it is unlikely that they will so easily catch the eye of ordinary people. After all, they probably have systems that are capable of blocking the activity of the ISS cameras. But it arises interest Ask: How did the lenses manage to detect several objects of alien origin at once? Skeptics would say that in both cases described above, a frame defect and an optical illusion are quite possible.

A mysterious object was spotted near the International Space Station (ISS). Amateur astronomers claim to have observed a UFO in a live online broadcast. Ufologists managed to examine the suspicious object before the broadcast signal from the station was lost.

This is not the first time that ufologists have accused NASA of denying the presence of aliens. There are many known cases of unknown ships appearing near the ISS. Just as the UFO appears on camera, NASA cuts the signal, citing a sudden technical problem.

With great controversy, the claims of numerous researchers have forced NASA to issue statements. They claim they have no evidence of extraterrestrial life and this is not some kind of conspiracy or secret information. Aliens simply do not exist within the planet. All the strange objects near the ISS are just pieces of ice, meteors, and space debris.

UFO researcher Scott S. Waring uploaded images of suspicious objects on September 27 of this year. The video was posted in all in social networks planets, and most who have seen the images agree with Waring's theories.

“The UFO appeared bright due to the reflected light. The shape of the object was difficult to discern, but it was a curved triangle. What may appear to be the US Air Force's top-secret TR-3B or an evolution of that ship." However, skeptics explain that these are camera lens flashes or reflections of garbage objects.

The argument of adherents of the theory of alien guests is also interesting. “As soon as we see any strange object with flashes, we immediately receive a message that says: We are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station.” Based on this we can draw our own conclusions. It would be selfish to think that we are the only ones in the vast Universe.

ISS: UFO arrival.

A little earlier, UFO hunters reported the appearance of a cylindrical alien ship flying near the ISS on live television.

Here we see the appearance of a UFO or are we observing the effect of some kind of optical illusion? UFO enthusiasts, always searching for evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, believe they have found a “bright” alien plane, 300 meters long, hovering near the ISS.

The first person to report this new UFO sighting was an American YouTuber who calls himself Kingwilly200. After analyzing the latest ISS live broadcast released by NASA on official page he identified extraterrestrial technology. According to the UFO hunter, the craft was cylindrical in shape and then split into four or six spheres of light. “This is not the first time such a UFO has been observed near the ISS,” the YouTuber said in his film.

"I think NASA cannot continue to ignore mysterious activities like these that happen very often," said Scott K. Waring, another UFO hunter.
Scott is one of a number of conspiracy theorists who have been claiming for years that NASA is doing everything it can to hide evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial forms.

Many people cannot understand why NASA does not install a high-definition camera on the ISS so that the transmitted images are clear and can eliminate any doubts about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

NASA has reiterated that these "UFO sightings" that have taken place near the International Space Station are only images produced by the sun's reflections in contact with debris flying past the ISS cameras. According to Nigel Watson, author of The UFO Investigative Guide, many of these videos become popular because UFO hunters are eager to prove the validity of their theories.

Extraterrestrial civilization and its representatives have long been of interest to people. Conspiracy theorists are confident; NASA is hiding tangible evidence of the existence of aliens. Otherwise, what flies in low-Earth orbit?