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We replenish our vocabulary. What does seasoned mean? Replenishing vocabulary What distortions happen and what they lead to

When you hear the word “seasoned,” you involuntarily think about some dangerous and hardened person who has seen everything and experienced even more. And all the desire to face something like this disappears. But in vain! Read this article and you will find out what a seasoned person means. And, most likely, your opinion will change. After all, with a hundred percent probability it may turn out that you are also “experienced” in some ways.

Meaning of the word

Let's consider what seasoned means. Linguists There are often arguments about the origins of the formation of this word, but most often the option is considered Latin language, one of the most ancient.

Maturus is translated from Latin as ripe, ripe. This also includes deadline pregnancy, being in prime, at its zenith. Dahl's dictionary says that motherhood is hugeness, largeness, plumpness. The word refers to a person or animal who has reached the peak of its development, the prime of life.

Now contemporaries divide the meaning into three main concepts:

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what seasoned is in the broad sense of the word, but if it is remembered, it is often a negative connotation, associated either with gangsters, or with domestic “gopniks,” or simply with the petty hooligan Pashka. It’s nice to know that you can not only not be offended by the word “seasoned,” but also use it freely in speech.

Where did "matterness" come from?

And yet, a specific “manufacturer” of this concept has not yet been found. Since language groups borrowed a lot from each other, in the process of migration new languages, concepts, peoples and customs were created, the word “seasoned” is simply a modified concept that could come from anywhere.

Some experts believe that the root is the word “mother” and the origin of the word can be justified by Russian roots. Because only a mature woman, ready for this, can become a mother. And seasoned means that a person is an independent person, mature from the care of his mother.

However, many do not agree with this opinion. In other European languages ​​there are words very similar in meaning and sound: Spanish (madura) - ripe, ripe; Italian (maturo) - mature, bold; Romanian (matur) - mature; English (mature) - ripe, mature.

How to use the word. And is it necessary?

Definitely, you can and should use this word in your speech.

Firstly, there will be a reason to expand and surprise others, and at the same time explain what a seasoned person means.

Secondly, if there are children in the family, it will be better if they learn about the meaning at home than for its meaning to be distorted by “knowledgeable” peers. Many children have a false synonym for the words “mat” and “seasoned.” It is also useful to dispel this myth in the child's head. Of course, of conscious age and in the form of an unobtrusive game. This way you can explain any complex word to your child.

If we consider motherhood as a personality quality, then this is the ability to be experienced, a professional in one’s field, to be incorrigible and notorious, ingrained in some occupation.

In the modern lexicon

Unfortunately, there is a natural transformation of the Russian language into a new, modern manner, so the meaning of many words is forgotten or completely eradicated.

More often in the media and in common speech, a version of the description of an inveterate person who has experienced life from different sides is used. More often used by older generations, young people use the synonyms “rabid”, “crazy”, “dangerous”, which more reflect a fearless character.

Now you have learned in more detail what the word seasoned means, and have seen in examples how it can display several semantic situations at once. We advise you to read literature more often and write down unfamiliar words so that you have a reason to look in the dictionary. This not only broadens your horizons, but also trains your memory.

Seasoned... Russian spelling dictionary

seasoned- seasoned... Dictionary of the use of the letter E

Seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, seasoned, mother,... ... Forms of words

MATERIOUS, oh, oh; er and (simple) MATEROY, oh, oh. 1. About the beast: having reached full maturity, strong. M. wolf. 2. (seasoned), trans. Experienced, knowledgeable (colloquial). M. hunter. 3. (seasoned), trans. Incorrigible, notorious. M. enemy. | noun motherhood, and, wives... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

seasoned- oh, oh. 1) Having reached full maturity (about animals and talk about plants) My fox. Seasoned wolf. My pine. 2) decomposition Very experienced and knowledgeable. (about a person, a specialist) A seasoned man. Seasoned captain. My swimmers... Dictionary of many expressions

seasoned- seasoned and seasoned. in meaning “having reached full maturity, strong”, seasoned and seasoned. A seasoned wolf. Seasoned oak. In meaning “experienced, knowledgeable; inveterate, notorious” only seasoned. Seasoned sailor. A seasoned enemy... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

Aya, oh and seasoned, aya, oh. 1. Having reached full maturity (about animals, plants). A black-brown fox, fluffy, seasoned, flies, sweeps its tail! N. Nekrasov, Who lives well in Rus'. A seasoned wolf is strong and is not very afraid of a whole pack of hounds... ... Small academic dictionary

seasoned- about an experienced drug addict. Ivan is a seasoned man, he’ll cook whatever you want for a spread. (Ivan is such an experienced drug addict that it will not be difficult for him to make a drug out of thin air.) Drug addict jargon ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

seasoned- mater/s and mat/s... Morphemic-spelling dictionary


  • Gentlemen of Fortune! (DVD), Baranov Alexander, Kiselev Dmitry. The young animator of the children's center Lesha Treshkin - an infantile and cheerful "hipster" - turns out to be a double of the most dangerous thief and murderer Smiley (as he was nicknamed for his habit of smiling in front of...
  • The strongest, Ramos Mario. After lunch, the wolf goes for a walk through the forest to make sure: he is the strongest, the most seasoned, the most terrible! The bunny, Little Red Riding Hood, the three little pigs, the seven dwarves - they all rush with him...

I adj. decomposition

1.Strong, large, full of strength, reaching maturity; mature (about man and animal). Ott. Perennial and strong (about trees).

2. transfer.Very experienced and knowledgeable in his professional activities. II adj. colloquial, inveterate, inveterate, inveterate, seasoned II. III adj. local

1.ratio with noun continent I, associated with it; continental

1. (about earth, dry land).

2.Characteristic of the continent [continent I], characteristic of it; continental

3.Belonging to the mainland [mainland I]; continental

4.Located on the mainland [mainland I]; continental

Large modern Dictionary Russian language


1. adj. decomposition

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


or seasoned, seasoned, big, tall, huge; thick, dense, hefty, portly, plump, corpulent; adult, mature, aged, not small. Seasoned man, bull, hare, oak tree; - a layer of clay, limestone. Seasoned duck, mallard, kryzhen. A person's mature years, average. Seasoned beluga (kasp.), measuring at least 12 quarters, from the eye to the red feather. A hardened wolf, a fair one. Mother's little little mermaid. We were waiting for the channel, but it was all seasoned (bed?). The hardened earth, the continent, -Rishcha husband. opposite water; land, earth in general; solid ground, opposite island; subsoil, an untouched layer of the surface of our earth, a ridge, natural, unfilled, non-alluvial. The continent of the globe occupies one third of its entire surface. New Holland can be considered a mainland or an island. For rubble, for construction, swarm to the mainland. This is sediment, and this is matter. They also say mothers, mothers of wives. Mainland shore, near rivers, mountain, mountainous, opposite to meadow, talovaya, floodplain or floodplain. | Mainland or mature river, the very bed, fairway, depth, core, root. Maturing, swearing, swearing, the most seasoned. Materusha vol. old thing, livestock, chalyab. Motherhood of women enormity, density, plumpness; adulthood, state in all years or so. Mother of a woman , Ryaz. a large wild duck, seasoned, mallard. To swear, to become seasoned, dense, plump, to grow, to grow in years, to be of age. | Become a mother, give birth to children. The bull hasn't matured (tired) yet, he's young. She'll be home soon. He has been maturing since spring. The tree has matured. The apple tree has matured and is now producing its first apples. With this feed, the cattle will not squirm for long and will soon fall off the body. It was amazing. In southern countries they mature earlier. To swear, to swear, meaning. to remain seasoned, to remain fat, plump, callous, rude; to become stale, to become coarse and obese, or to become stagnant in something uncommendable; | to grow old, to go through middle, mature years, to pass from manhood to old age (more commonly referred to as the female gender). To become impatient in superstition, in vanity, in unbelief, etc. A woman who is impatient, who has already survived the period of childbearing. The earth became soggy, turfy, turfed, covered, covered, and drowned with turf grass.

Dahl's Dictionary


Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin


Colloq is an experienced, knowledgeable hunter. seasoned incorrigible, notorious enemy of M. seasoned About the beast: a strong M. wolf that has reached full maturity.

Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language


1. adj. decomposition
1) a) Strong, large, full of strength (about man and animal). b) Having reached maturity.
2) a) trans. Very experienced and knowledgeable in his professional activities. b) Old, ossified; seasoned.

2. adj. local Same as: continental (about land, dry land).

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova


seasoned, seasoned (reg.). Mother.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov


Complete spelling dictionary of the Russian language


having reached full maturity (about an animal, plant) very experienced and knowledgeable in something notorious, inveterate


Examples of using the word seasoned in the text

But he - seasoned, wounded, already wheezing - again rushed to the throat, and Zhmakin again hit him with a knife and, without seeing, felt that now there were only two left, that the seasoned one was finished.

A seasoned criminal cannot be frightened by such a trifle - a seasoned criminal is not afraid of either the blue eyes or the police themselves...

asked Vaska, from the outside it seemed that he was crying, but seasoned sweatshop Micah knew that it was just his eyelids sweating.

Two "earthly" operas - young Gena, but already "baptized" and seasoned Kostya, at thirty-three, also mutilated more than once - went on another wanted list, hiding behind playfulness, so as not to get nervous in vain.

From the Kremlin bell thunder, beating on the mica windows, Erofey - a seasoned, well-worn cat - shivered chillily, rubbing himself against the owner’s legs.

And the round timber finally sits down, and you can immediately see that it was held by a seasoned branch - thick and crossing across.

But no one will believe my confession - I lied so much, pretended that the truth would seem ridiculous: the seasoned saboteur lied, the old wolf was completely confused.

For half an hour he was bored over his notebook and lazily scratched the paper with a pen, and then suddenly decided to have a civil conversation again and told me an old joke about how one seasoned journalist asked another like him if he had read his yesterday’s essay, and he was terribly offended and called him names. he was a bully and said that he had not even read Leo Tolstoy.

Additional Information.

There are several age periods in a woman’s life: girl, girl, woman, old woman. Each age period has its own archetypal roles, which reflect the leading zone of development at a particular age. The correct sequence of working out roles leads to high-quality use of them in the reality of your life.

In my consultations, probably in 90% of cases, I always look at how filled a person is with Love, because almost everything in our lives depends on being filled with Love. I will say this - as a rule, people turn to psychologists who lack self-love and therefore problematic situations arise in their lives. And only a small part of the requests come from people who know how to love themselves and only need adjustments to some developmental tasks in their lives..

About the role of a woman in the family

Very often, a lack of Love in a woman leads to an incorrect hierarchy of roles in the family. This is the topic I would like to understand in this article.

For any woman, the role of “woman” is normally primary. Why?

Yes, because when you came into this world, the first thing your mother heard was that you had a girl! There are several age periods in a woman’s life: girl, girl, woman, old woman. Each age period has its own archetypal roles, which reflect the leading zone of development at a particular age.

The correct sequence of working out roles leads to high-quality use of them in the reality of your life. To become ready for the high-quality implementation of the role of “mother,” a woman must first learn to be a Friend - Amazon (girl), Bereginya - Witch (girl), Darineya - Geisha (woman). Only after working through these roles is a woman ready to get married and have children. The role of mother is complete only when a woman knows how to be a woman for herself and the world, and knows how to be a wife for her husband.

What are the distortions and what do they result in?

If a woman is “stuck” in working out the “girl” role, then the first priority for her will be her own development in society - career growth, business, etc.

All other roles will be performed according to free time, which, as a rule, is not available. Moreover, most often, family relationships will be built on competition between husband and wife within the framework of success in society. Men rarely like such competition, they either leave such a woman or give up and become “housewives”, which few women already like, such a man ceases to be interesting to a woman, and in the end, she leaves. The best option Such a relationship with such a woman is friendly, but not family.

If a woman “hangs out” in the role of “girl,” then she will rely on filling the space at home– cleaning, cooking, etc. She will be the perfect housewife... and that's it. She is not very interested in a career, although she can work with pleasure or out of necessity, but she has never learned to be a woman. In her understanding, a woman is one who knows how to keep the house in order, feed and wash on time. The roles “woman”, “wife”, “mother” come after the role of “housewife”.

If a woman bets on the role of “woman,” then the whole world narrows her down to a relationship with the opposite sex. She will in every possible way direct all her husband’s attention to their relationship; everyday life often turns out to be neglected. Exactly like children. Well, or she will build love relationships in the status of “mistress”

If the primary role for a woman is “mother”.

Let me start with the fact that the role of “mother” is the most masculine of the female roles; it simultaneously includes three male roles: “breadwinner”, “protector” and “scout”. A mother feeds her children, protects them and always looks for a safe place for them. Having made this role primary and main for herself, the woman, without noticing it herself, begins to compete with her husband in all his significant roles. Very often surviving it outside the family.

That is why there are so many divorces after the birth of a child in a family.

After the birth of a child, a husband automatically becomes not needed, well, if only as an assistant in caring for the baby. “Hanging” in the role of “mother” also harms children. The task of parents is to raise healthy adults using the example of their happy relationships between husband and wife, man and woman. What benefit will children have from a mother who focuses all her attention only on the children? Very dubious, to put it mildly.

All of the above is usually observed in cases where a woman is in a state of lack of love - selfishness or egocentrism.

When a woman is filled with the energy of love, she is able to use ALL her roles efficiently:

  • at work she is an Amazon, a friend to her husband;
  • in the house she is the mistress, and her husband is also the owner, he rules, she manages the family household;
  • A close relationship with her husband is important to her, their intimate communication is bright and beautiful, she is an inspiration for her husband.
  • in communication with children, she is a loving mother who raises their common children on equal terms with her father.

I remember the old saying: “A real woman knows how to be good everywhere at the same time, she is a geisha in the bedroom, a witch in the kitchen, a queen in the living room, an Amazon at work, a mother in the nursery.” Women's wisdom is manifested in the ability to use their roles correctly - in the right place and at the right time, and knows how to perform them efficiently - honestly, cleanly and beautifully.

What to do? Lenin was right when he said “Study, study and study!!!”

We all came into this world to learn. You shouldn’t give up, you should form your will (desire), take responsibility for it, then it will be filled with strength and you will be able to implement it. Fill yourself with love for yourself and the world. Be happy in all your roles life has given you!

How will you feel that you are performing the role well? Inside you, in the chest area, a feeling of warmth will appear, your shoulders will straighten, you will catch yourself feeling an inner smile that will illuminate the world with the smile of your joy from the beautiful result obtained. published.

Tatiana Lyavenko

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

In the beginning there was the word.
Checkmate - atomic cartridge,
To the holder of sound memory.
The world is a formidable testing ground.

Mat is like radiation
Affects the genome.
The nation is weakening in spirit.
Poisoned by wine.

Humanity in the fog
From cigarette smoke.
Give back, my Fatherland,
Vedic covenant!

“In the beginning there was the Word... Mat is the “last cartridge” in a person’s energy cartridge, which gives strength, but also affects the genome, like radiation.”
In fact, the weaker people are in spirit, the more they need swearing, and the more often it is used unnecessarily, the greater the degradation of humanity.
In the previous article, I gave several examples confirming that swearing is a male subculture. It gives strength, confidence, and pushes us to take decisive action in difficult times. But, if used for empty bravado and a “bundle of words” turns into swearing.
A man who swears and swears automatically falls into the redneck category for me.
What about women? How does their use (or in their presence) of profanity affect them? Some people think that coming from a woman’s mouth this sometimes sounds very piquant and adds charm. I myself, no, no, let me skip the “strong” word!
But...this is a misconception, a bad habit, tantamount to drinking alcohol and cigarettes.

“First of all, through swearing, a woman is deprived of her feminine energy, greatly pollutes the space around her, and becomes coarser.”
Regular use of obscene expressions can lead not only to depression, a depressing state, but also affect physical health.
For example, people who like to argue often suffer from difficulty breathing.
If a woman constantly swears, even to herself, it weakens her femininity. And it has an equally negative impact on spirituality. A reduced level of energy and spirit leads to apathy, indifference, and destroys dreams. The woman becomes embittered, which leads to even more frequent use of obscene language. As a result, we get a rude woman, dissatisfied with life, in whom there are almost no feminine traits left. Next...Appearance.

“Cosmetologists know where swearing becomes commonplace, girls develop excess hair, their skin deteriorates, their voice begins to break, like in boys - that is, the production of male sex hormones increases.” If a woman cares about her appearance, she should not use obscene expressions and be present where they are the norm of communication, as this provokes hormonal disorders - these are the recommendations of doctors.

Exceptions to the rules are:
* female warriors use mating for the same reason as men in times of danger,
* witches who use these magic words for rituals and spells.

“Swear words mean exactly what we mean by them - “causal places.”
A priori, there is no “dirty energy” in them. After all, in Latin and other languages ​​this is not a curse? Why is this considered unacceptable only among the Slavs?
Apparently, our ancestors attached great importance to the function of childbirth. Words meaning reproductive organs, was given magical meaning. It was forbidden to pronounce them in vain, so as not to damage people. Then, thousands of years ago, the custom of breaking taboos arose.
The first violators were sorcerers and witches, who were engaged in causing damage to their enemies and the enemies of their clients. Following them, the taboos began to be broken by those who wanted to show that the law was not written to them at all. Gradually, the custom arose of using obscenities regardless of the object, just because of the fullness of feelings! At the same time, the basic words were overgrown with a mass of derivatives. They say there are virtuosos who can swear for hours without repeating the expression.

Let's return to the topic - women's mate.
"It's more than strange that" main character"This abuse is a woman, a mother."
This is typical only for the Eastern Slavs. In the North Caucasus, for example, curses are directed mainly at incest. IN Central Asia Sexually charged language is often directed at the father. This is due to the fact that ancestral relationships under the leadership of the father were very important. The fragmentation of the family weakened the clan and was undesirable for it. And in our country, apparently, swearing at the mother served as a kind of brake on generic feminism - equality with men.

From the history.
“There is a version that the territory between the Volga and Don was occupied by tribes of female warriors for quite a long time.” In ancient women's clothing there is an attribute of armor - now it is used only as decoration, but it was once worn by women in war. Apparently, Chechen women, southern Russians, Cossack women are all descendants of those “Amazons” who once lived here. In ancient times, matriarchy and patriarchy were equal in rights, it was just that different laws of society required one or the other. Outside - patriarchy, inside - matriarchy. And feminism could sometimes go beyond the norms, hence the targeting of women.

And one last thing.
“If a man does not want to harm a girl or woman, he cannot “express” himself in front of them because swearing is harmful to them, causing hormonal disorders.” Russian swearing is purely male speech.
Speaking about swear words, it must be recalled that many nations had male and female spoken languages. Men could speak their own language, and women used feminine expressions.
This explains the completely natural rejection by sensitive women of swear words in everyday speech. Probably, in pagan times in Rus' there was also a “female swear language” used in rituals, which, under the influence of the Christian church, disappeared. Men turned out to be more resilient.
But perhaps some of the women will still awaken their ancestral memory, and remember the expressions used specifically by women in rituals dedicated to Mother Earth and the Goddess Mokosh?

The article uses materials from the forum site "History of swearing".
I published and discussed theses that I fully agree with.
But the discussion is not over. Anyone can take part!

CORRECTION FOR WIND (from reviews).

Bydlo literally means "working cattle." And this word has nothing to do with the human tribe.
-It's all nonsense!
-It is incorrect to talk about a purely female state or a purely female military culture.
-I don’t even want to discuss the main topic of the article.
-What kind of cosmetologists made such a significant discovery?
- "Idle speculation"
“We’ll soon get used to it, like torn, dirty jeans.”
-Mat protects a woman from sexual harassment and is a contraceptive.

Please keep in mind that these are replicas from men! My humble task is to convey to the ladies that swearing and listening to obscenities is extremely harmful to them, and the gentlemen are going out of their way to prevent this.
"Do you like the girl in the illustration?" The question is rhetorical. Let them understand it however they want, roll it out on a log, accuse them of obscurantism, witchcraft, destruction of foundations...what other labels are there? The main thing is that these cute creatures and walking charms think for a minute about the true purpose of swearing. It is for men and only for men.

The first swallow (female review):
-Men needed swearing. Maybe this is how they hunted.
-When a woman swears, it is very scary.
-You just need to ask men, would they love a foul-mouthed woman?
-The idea of ​​the author of the article is correct!

Illustration: demotivator from the Internet.


Olya, hello, Mat, this is an ancient taboo slander. Exactly the same and even stronger and vile English swearing, and Spanish is ten times worse.
** your mother - shortened from Tatar:: your mother. Yes, when a Baskak came to Rus', he demanded compliance with his customs, namely, the guest, among the Tatars, was supposed to give his wife for a while. The expression should be understood - you are not a descendant of your father, but a descendant of a Tatar, you have no rights, go to Tatarstan.
Expressions with insertion into the butt have a direct hint of blueness. Back in the 19th century, convicts grabbed a knife for this expression - if a person does not fight, it means he agreed that he was blue.
In principle, women could use the same expressions in a feminine version, which is actually what happens. It’s just that earlier such expressions were tantamount to a challenge to a fight, but now it’s between words.