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Total war warhammer 2 races. Proud High Elves

A guide for beginners. How to win the campaign in Total War: WARHAMMER 2 (II).

NOW IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! Text version and voice-over video. Everything for beginners))

Welcome to this video guide that will teach you to understand what is happening on the battlefield and will help you win. We'll talk about different units and their characteristics.

Let's start, of course, with the Lord - this is the most important piece on the board. They can range from light mages in togas to huge armored monsters.
Their main task is to lead the army, so you must protect them and not let them die in battle. The greatest danger to a lord comes from enemy lords. Try to stay away from them.

Heroes, as well as lords, can be very different; in any case, they are your best choice if you need to destroy enemy characters or dangerous troops.
Mages should not be thrown into melee combat because their main strength is in magic - causing damage and weakening the enemy, strengthening and healing your troops. They can do anything, but most magicians are weakly armored and not particularly good in hand-to-hand combat, so they need to be carefully protected and protected.
Melee infantry are your main killing force, excellent against any type of infantry, but they are quite vulnerable against monsters and cavalry so should be avoided.
Melee infantry with polearms is essential on the battlefield to deal with large targets. Basically these are kopecks which can be used against monsters, cavalry and flying units and other large infantry. But they are vulnerable against any foot melee with various swords and axes.
Missile infantry can have a mass various applications on the battlefield. They can deal damage to any type of units but they are also vulnerable against any melee units and need to be protected from attacks, especially from enemy cavalry which is very effective against them.
Cavalry is a highly mobile part of your army. They can protect your troops and attack the enemy. Flank and rear attacks, destruction of riflemen and artillery personnel are especially effective. The main threat to them is infantry with polearms - spearmen, halberdiers, and so on. Stay away from them.
Monsters can have the most different type- small groups, single huge creatures, agile flying units, but they are all very dangerous. They easily crush your infantry, but you need to try to keep them away from infantry with polearms. Arrows, bullets and shells are also very effective in fighting monsters.
Artillery inflicts great damage on the enemy long before he enters the battle. It is capable of hitting any target, but is most effective when firing at large concentrations of infantry, but beware - artillerymen cannot defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat, so be prepared to defend them.
So what makes the Uints what they are and how they fit together.
Information about the unit is written in the information panel - the number in the squad, the number of hit points, as well as various characteristics and abilities. you need to understand what they mean in order to play Total War effectively.
Hitpoints determine the amount of so-called health - how much damage a squad can take. They can be added or subtracted by buffs and debuffs.
Armor determines the degree to which a unit is protected from damage. The higher it is, the less damage the unit will receive from enemy attacks.
Morale determines how strong a unit's fighting spirit is and how steadfastly it will withstand blows. If morale is low, the unit may flee the battlefield.
Speed ​​- determines how fast a unit moves across the battlefield. Accordingly, the more armored a unit is, the slower it is.
Melee attack determines a unit's chance to damage an enemy in melee combat, the chance to hit an enemy. The higher it is, the more damage the enemy will receive as a result, because his defense will be broken more often.
Melee defense determines a unit's chance to dodge or block an enemy's attack. Accordingly, units with a high score will receive less damage and can fight much longer.
Another important indicator is Weapon Strength. This indicator will determine the amount of damage inflicted on the enemy upon a successful strike, i.e. breaking through his defenses in close combat. The indicator is summed up from base damage and armor-piercing damage.
Onslaught or charge is a bonus that adds damage during a quick attack, so to speak, “on the run.” However, it only works if this condition is met. For example, a squad of knights can be repeatedly withdrawn and launched into an attack with their lances lowered. But when the knights stop after a hit, subsequent weapon strikes do not have this bonus.
Now you know what the characteristics of units in battle mean
Now let's talk about the importance of armor-piercing weapons.
The armor-piercing power of a unit's weapon can be determined by the cuirass icon that appears next to the Weapon Strength number. If you hover your cursor over it, in the drop-down window you can see exactly how many units of base damage and armor-piercing it includes.
Units with a high armor-piercing rating are the best choice for fighting highly armored opponents, because despite the powerful armor, the enemy will receive more damage for each successful hit. In this case, the base damage will not fully penetrate the armor and cause damage.
You can see many more symbols when viewing a block of information about a unit - you can hover over them yourself, read in the drop-down tips what they mean and think about how this can be used on the battlefield. go for it!
Now that you know what it all means and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each unit, you can begin the battle.
As a result, each of your units will collide with an enemy; you can use a hint comparing the strength of your and enemy units.
So my White Lions went out to battle against the executioners of Khar-ganeth. I selected my Lions and hovered over the executioners. You can see that bookmarks have appeared in the information panel, which show the advantages and disadvantages of my squad compared to the enemy. green is what the enemy is superior in, and red is inferior in what.
We see that executioners have more armor, morale, weapon power and attack. Lions surpass them only in speed and melee attack. The melee defense of both units is the same.
Based on this data, I can predict that the executioners will defeat the lions, and so it happens.
It should be noted that executioners are more expensive and this is a good indicator of the quality of the unit, but this does not mean that the more expensive unit always wins. If I had used some auxiliary units on the battlefield, the Lions could well have emerged victorious.
So you need to understand which units are best to use in a given situation, how, when and where to place them. You should also remember the characteristics of the faction with which you will be fighting,
For example, if I'm going to fight lizardmen, then I just need to take with me more units with polearms that have a bonus against large enemies. Because they have many such large and strong lizards.
If I'm facing high elves, I know they have a lot of ranged archers so I need something to neutralize them with.
The Skaven tend to push numbers, so I'll need a lot of cheap infantry to be able to hold off this avalanche.
The dark elves have a lot of powerful melee infantry, so I'll have a better chance of success if I hire more cavalry for flanking and rear attacks.
In general, as you already understand, you need to take a flexible approach to the formation of armies, depending on the theater of operations and the intended enemy.
Finally, let's look at the basic structure and the concept on which it is based.
The army can be conditionally divided into several parts.
The main body forms the front line in the center of your position. These are usually polearm warriors or swordsmen ideal for holding the front. Their task is to create a monolithic line into which the enemy cannot break through.
the left flank should be protected by more mobile units that, if necessary, can overturn or repel a flank attack or simply hold back the flank from the enemy’s onslaught.
The right flank has the same function. It usually makes sense to place spearmen and cavalry on the flanks.
Behind the backs of the warriors holding the center, you need to place shooters and everything that needs protection. Of course it’s safer here than at the front. A little further it is necessary to place detachments to protect the riflemen and reserves that will quickly respond to flank and rear attacks.
This is a basic formation and you need to understand the place of each unit in the formation, in supporting each other.
After all, the morale of soldiers greatly depends on whether the rear and flanks are covered. We must always remember this.
After all, the beauty of Total War is that you can recruit a variety of units, form a variety of armies and try different strategies on the battlefield.
So don't be afraid to get creative and experiment.

Where they found out that the game is worthy of high praise, and also analyzed its pros and cons. One of the advantages is that we have written well-developed new races. In this article, we will take a closer look at them and give some tips on playing for them.

Proud High Elves

The most balanced race of all the new ones. All types of troops are present, but there is only one siege weapon, and it is not very powerful. Don't expect powerful ranged units like the Wood Elves. At the same time, there are several types of dragons, which adds power to your army.

However, in the early stages of the campaign, you will not have monsters. What then? Then we would recommend focusing on the standard formation - melee infantry with a small number of long-range soldiers, and cavalry support on the flanks (it is advisable to ambush them).

In the campaign, the goal of the race is to support the “Magic Vortex,” whose work was disrupted by a passing two-tailed comet and which sucks out excess magic, preventing the demonic hordes of Chaos from enslaving the entire world.

The characteristics of the race are: Intrigue, Espionage and Military Valor. Intrigue is the most interesting of them. It lies in the fact that your faction “needs to pull the political blanket to its side,” and this in turn will give you influence points that can be spent on court intrigue or hiring stronger lords and heroes.

Espionage allows High Elven factions to spy on their trading partners, revealing their lands completely to you. And military prowess gives an advantage in close combat if your army enters it with full strength.

Fierce Lizardmen

This race is characterized by its "Numerous Animals". It completely lacks cavalry, instead the cavalry is represented by riders on Cold-Blooded - two-legged lizards resembling dinosaurs. The race lacks siege weapons, but is more than compensated for by a powerful army of monsters. Most units of the race can fall into a kind of frenzy, which is both good and bad. On the one hand, they become completely uncontrollable, but on the other, they do not actually lose morality and are capable of inflicting enormous damage even to superior forces before they take flight.

According to the above analysis, we can recommend several options for deploying troops in battle. A cheaper, but less powerful option would be to focus on melee infantry. Thanks to their power, the “close men” of the Lizardmen are quite capable of defeating similar units of other races, even in a frontal attack. But at the same time, cavalry support is still recommended to attack the enemy from the flanks.

A more powerful option, but also more expensive, would be to focus on monstrous units. It is enough to add one creature of each type to the army so that your army becomes virtually indestructible.

In the campaign it is rather a positive race and helps maintain the performance of the “Magic Vortex”. Overall, however, their goals remain a mystery and are revealed as the story progresses.

Racial traits include: Geomantic Network and Blessed Broods. The geomantic network connects all the settlements of the Humans and strengthening it in certain provinces allows increasing the effectiveness of the decrees issued in it.
Blessed Broods are a feature through which you are given quests, for completing which you can receive elite units of warriors.

Cruel Dark Elves

The race is based more on powerful magic, although all types of units are present. A new school of magic was added especially for them - Darkness. The siege weapon, again, is only one and not very powerful. There are not many monsters either, and only two of them are strong. Things are better with melee and ranged infantry. What’s interesting is that some “long-range fighters” can perform well in hand-to-hand combat, knocking out a surprised opponent.

In the early stages, strong expansion is not recommended, since the units on which you can build an arrangement will open a little later. The most advantageous would be a formation with a good number of magicians, but at the same time, not without the protection of melee infantry. To attack from the flanks, use those same “rangers” who excel in close combat, since they also have the ability to “forward deployment,” which means you can easily attack the enemy from the rear with powerful units.

In the campaign, the goal of the race is to take revenge on their Higher brethren for expelling and capturing the “Magic Vortex” for their dark and not very good deeds.

The race features are: Black Arks, Slaves and Bloody Prowess. Black Arks are mobile fortresses of sorts where your lords can hire troops and replenish losses. In addition, arks provide artillery support to your troops on the march.

Your armies will capture slaves in their campaigns. Increasing their number will increase income, but at the same time, reduce social order. Slaves can also be sacrificed to perform rituals.

Bloody Prowess is a boost that is given to all your troops in battle if they destroy a certain number of enemies. Well, I would like to note that the Dark Elf lords have fickle loyalty and can betray you, which means you need to carefully monitor them.

Treacherous Skaven

The Skaven, or ratmen, have a large infantry force and very powerful siege weapons. Among siege weapons, I would like to highlight the Wheel of Doom, which can deal with superior enemy forces without any problems. The Skaven infantry, for all its numbers, has a low level of morality and flees the battlefield quite quickly. This race has no cavalry at all, and there are only two types of monsters. But it should be noted that one of them is the most powerful unit in the entire game. And of course, you need to notice two new Skaven schools of magic - Plague and Destruction.

The only correct tactic for this race will be to focus on a huge number of infantry. And so on until you unlock powerful siege engines. Then, it will be possible to reduce the number of infantry by adding these same vehicles and increasing the number of magicians
in your army, which, thanks to the ability to call reinforcements from underground, will form an excellent guard for them.

The Skaven are servants of Chaos, which means it is not difficult to guess that their role in the campaign is far from positive. They want to kill all other races and plunder their cities, and use the “Magic Vortex” to return the world to the dominion of their Dark Gods.

This is a continuation of a unique, acclaimed strategy that quickly attracted a huge number of players with its mechanics and unique gameplay. The second part will delight you not only with updated familiar details, but also with new races, new continents and gameplay features, which you must first understand.

Part - 1: Campaign Map and Heroes

Total War: Warhammer 2 campaign tips

The game world presented in Total War: Warhammer 2 covers three continents at once - the southern lands of Naggarond and Lustria + a small island called Ulthuan. The territories are located in the south and west of the lands of the game universe. Players can choose from four new races: High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen and Skaven.

However, in addition to the four main races, during the passage you will definitely meet a huge number of other factions that are better known thanks to the first part of Total War: Warhammer - for example, people and dwarves. In addition, each key race in the second part is divided into other smaller factions. Each race has access to two other factions and this is most likely due to the fact that there will be new DLC in the future for players.

Walkthrough of Total War: Warhammer 2 will be full of various conflicts, so the couple will have to unite with other factions for a common goal. The starting positions of each faction are presented in the screenshot above.

The basic mechanics that underlie gameplay, in general, has remained virtually unchanged and is therefore consistent with past games in the Total War series: players must develop their territories by conquering others. The magic remained in the second part. However, now the campaign has been supplemented with a completely new element that underlies the storyline - the struggle for control of the “Great Vortex”.

As in the first part, so in the second, various and unique characters will take part in the battles, which are divided into three categories.

♦ The first category is “”. They represent influential leaders of certain factions. There are two legendary lords per faction in the campaign. Each of them has its own distinctive appearance, skills and starting positions in the overall campaign, which will further determine the difficulty of passing. Each legendary lord has his own special storyline, which in turn gives access to a variety of unique and important items. After all, all legendary lords are immortal, so even if one of them dies in battle, after a certain number of turns you will have access to them again.

♦ The second category is “”. Typically, they are primarily used as leaders of armies. They are the ones who can lead armies and replenish the ranks with new units. They will personally take part in all battles. They have a variety of other skills that are aimed at supporting their own units. In the end, by choosing the right skills, they will be able to influence the entire state, but unlike legendary lords, ordinary lords are mortal.

♦ The third category is “”. They represent agents who were previously in previous parts of the Total War series. Agents are able to independently move around the world, engage in sabotage, murder and increase your units. They can also join some of your army to become powerful warriors or magicians in the future. And just like ordinary lords, all heroes are ordinary mortals.

Total War: Warhammer 2 useful tips for beginners

The Total War games are a huge list of challenging aspects that offer players serious challenges. It is for this reason that the system is unpredictable, so it is impossible to give exact step-by-step instructions for completing the campaign, so below are presented useful tips for completing the Total War: Warhammer 2 campaign.

♦ Advice - 1: “Make sure that in your provinces full order" And I don’t mean just any concept, but an important game element. You need to try to stay at a neutral level: find some kind of middle ground in which you will not have any riots or fines that could appear with a high or low value of internal order.

♦ Tip - 2: “Always keep an eye on the level of corruption.” The ideal situation for almost every state is a complete absence of corruption, so make sure to keep it to a low level. In this case, the only exceptions are those states for which corruption is an important part of the gameplay - for example, for the forces of Chaos. Corruption can be reduced by the most easy way- it's just to build the necessary buildings.

♦ Tip - 3: “Try to control all provinces.” Thanks to this, it will become much easier for you to manage the level of order and corruption. In the end, it will be possible to issue laws that are no less important and useful.

♦ Tip - 4: “In the provincial capital, it is better to give priority to high-level buildings.” In capitals, the main building can be upgraded up to the fifth level inclusive. And in general, there are much more free spaces for buildings in capitals than in ordinary/standard settlements. Some buildings can be built or improved to the maximum level exclusively in capital cities, so you don’t even have to try to build such buildings in small settlements.

♦ Advice - 5: “Economic infrastructure should be developed in ordinary settlements.” The capital is in no way suitable for such plans, but secondary settlements are an excellent opportunity to quickly increase, for example, the population of the province and the treasury.

♦ Advice - 6: “Defensive buildings should be built only in unprotected settlements.” Small settlements must have at least walls, which in turn will be accessible from the third level. In capitals, walls must be the same, but if this is enough for ordinary settlements, then for capitals it is necessary to actively garrison them after that.

♦ Tip - 7: “You need to prepare for war before you start it.” In fact, this road is almost always extremely difficult - the new campaign is also quite demanding. At a minimum, it is necessary to monitor the protection of the borders of your state and public order.

♦ Tip - 8: “Try not to fight with more than one state.” Even if you have a fairly powerful and strong state, keeping the situation under control on several fronts at once is a rather difficult process. In addition, this could also lead to you losing the newly acquired lands and, as a result, possibly facing an economic crisis, which is a serious blow.

♦ Advice - 9: “You shouldn’t start a war if you are not ready to support it.” If it just so happens that at the moment you have little gold and your income is low, then don’t even think about fighting with anyone in order to somehow enrich your state. First, build a more or less stable and strong economy that will help survive the war.

♦ Tip - 10: “It’s not worth fighting with factions that are stronger than you.” And although countries that are stronger or have relatively the same power as yours are still not a guarantee that the war will end in success, even if they have several enemies. War is always very costly and tiring, not only for your entire army, but also for the economy.

♦ Tip - 11: “The army should be diverse!” This will allow you to be more flexible, which is incredibly important in any battle. So armies that consist only of ranged units or cavalry may be able to show positive results, but still a balanced army will show itself much more effectively in battle.

♦ Advice - 12: “You should not include in the army a large number of siege weapons." Such units can indeed effectively destroy the enemy army, but as soon as the enemy troops come close, the siege weapons will instantly become useless, and without a powerful main army you will quickly lose the battle.

♦ Tip - 13: “You can’t send heroes anywhere alone.” No matter how strong your hero is, if he is surrounded by hundreds of enemies, sooner or later he will be killed. So try to keep him near the main army.

♦ Tip - 14: “Mages should be kept on the back line of the front.” Mages are effective against any enemies, but who will have a low level of magical armor. However, the main problem is that magicians are absolutely useless in hand-to-hand combat, so they absolutely cannot be sent forward and put under attack.

♦ Tip - 15: “It is very important to monitor the discipline of units.” If discipline becomes too low, the army will begin to mutiny and gradually flee from the battlefield if it does not receive reinforcements in a difficult battle. The lack of reinforcements will further undermine the morale of the remaining units, so keep this in mind.

♦ Tip - 16: “Watch out for unit fatigue.” Another feature is fatigue. Tired units will perform much worse in battle, so try not to waste all your stamina. From time to time, give them at least a minute to rest during battles, but only if such an opportunity exists.

♦ Tip - 17: “Try to protect ranged units.” Most of units (including siege weapons) need protection in close combat, because in this case they are, as a rule, practically helpless. The only exceptions are units with hybrid weapons, that is, units that can use ranged and melee weapons. Although even they need strong support in close combat.

♦ Tip - 18: “Always watch your flanks and don’t let the enemy flank you.” The first thing I want to note is that surrounded units receive an incredibly large penalty to morale, so they can be broken in such a situation at any time. Therefore, I recommend using actively, for example, cavalry, in order to break through the enemy’s encirclement in a timely manner, or attack the enemy army from the rear. Cavalry acts much faster and receives a good bonus when attacking from the rear or flanks.

♦ Tip - 19: “Think several times before you randomize the winds of magic!” You can get more magic points, but at the same time their supply may decrease significantly. If during the first attempt to increase magic you managed to increase the supply of winds, then I recommend not to risk it and repeat it randomly once again.

♦ Tip - 20: “It’s better not to use more than two magicians in battle.” The productivity of the winds of magic is strictly limited, so there is no point in using more than two magicians in battle - you simply won’t have enough points for all the spells. So subsequent magicians will be completely useless and may even become a burden.

♦ Tip - 21: “Magic points must be spent wisely.” Powerful spells can destroy almost any enemy, but at a certain point you may realize that you spent too many points on it, when it would be more profitable to give your warriors useful buffs. So don't waste your points.

♦ Advice - 22: “If the strength of the army is based on magic, then it is necessary to fight in lands where the reserves of winds of magic are low.” The bottom line is that the winds of magic will determine the number of magic points available. Moreover, their quality will change over time for each province, so they may turn out to be virtually useless. Therefore, try to monitor this factor too, because it is important.

Part - 3: Factions

Which faction is better to play in Total War: Warhammer 2?

Part - 4: The position of the army in the world

Exploring the game world is an equally important element of the gameplay. It is necessary not only to know, but also to understand how armies move and what influence the environment and other important elements of the outside world can have on a particular army.

Element - 1: Correct Army Position

How to reduce corruption in Total War: Warhammer 2?

First you need to consider the positions of the army. Each lord and his army can choose one of a number of positions that can change the way they move around the global map. It is necessary to study them carefully, because the correct position, for example, can counteract the same corruption or make it possible to travel over much longer distances, but within one move, of course. And almost all positions carry with them a variety of effects, which are divided into positive and negative.

If the lord with the army takes a normal position, then there will be no additional effects. In this regard, the only exception is the Skaven, since in their normal position they have an increased chance of an ambush. However, since each race has different important positions exclusively for themselves, I recommend taking at least a minute of time to learn a little in depth about what is best for a particular (or chosen) race.

The Lord's position can only be selected once it is directly above the army's position icon: hover your cursor over any desired position to see what potential effects it may have on your lord and army.

Element - 2: Army fatigue

There are some specific territories on the global map, where your army will get tired. Fatigue, in turn, will not come immediately, but little by little with each new move. The harder the ground, the more your troops will suffer. However, the worst will be in those territories where there is a high level of corruption or extremely dangerous environment- for example, the Arctic wastelands in the North. However, there are countermeasures against this - camps. The only problem is that the camps allow you to use only half of the available movement points, or the use of underground tunnels that are accessible exclusively to the Skaven.

And be sure to pay attention to the fact that the game itself will inform you if any effects have appeared. So if you hover your mouse over the army, an icon in the form of a “skull” will be presented there - this will mean that the army is gradually starting to get very tired.

Part - 5: Provincial development and climate

How to properly develop provinces in Total War: Warhammer 2?

An important part for achieving success in the game is the development of provinces by expanding settlements. The construction of new buildings will make it possible to create large armies and easily finance them in the future. Each faction by default starts the game with just one city - the capital of the province. And it is necessary, first of all, to focus attention and energy on the development and defense of the capital, since this will be the heart of your future powerful empire. In addition, the capital will be the main target during ritual attacks.

Element - 1: Development of settlements

How to develop settlements in Total War: Warhammer 2?Total War: Warhammer 2guide By development

For the development of settlements, two very important resources will be required: the first is gold, the second is excess population. You will receive gold as income from settlements, robberies of neighboring settlements and for completing special tasks. Gold, in turn, will be needed not only for the development of cities, but also for recruiting new units/armies, performing various actions by agents, for conducting diplomatic actions and for unlocking completely new technologies.

As for the excess population, it is used to improve the main building in a city. All these, so to speak, “resources” will appear with each new move during the development of the entire province. Once a certain level is reached, the faction will receive one point of excess population. The pace of development and the amount of surplus population are the same in all settlements of the province. More accurate information about the pace of development can be found by clicking on the development icon, which is located in the lower left corner of your screen.

Each subsequent new level of the main building will require additional excess population points. So, for example, the third level of the main building will require two excess population points, the fourth - four, and the fifth - five, respectively. Moreover, the pace of development of your provinces will depend on several incredibly important details. What determines the rate of development of provinces inTotal War: Warhammer 2 :

Depends on buildings in the province's settlements. . Depends on unlocked technologies. . They depend on the laws that are issued in the province (the laws become available if you keep all the cities of a particular province under your strict control). . Depends on the abilities of the heroes and lords who are in this province. . Depends on public order. . They depend on random events that can, one way or another, change the speed of development for several turns.

As I mentioned above, the excess population is used to develop the main building in the city. The excess population gives several very important advantages which are described below:

Access to either new buildings or improvements to existing buildings. . Unlocks new cells/slots for building construction. . Increases income in the city. . Increases income from all buildings not only in the province where the population has increased, but also in neighboring provinces (we are talking about the capital of the province, and not just about an ordinary city). . A stronger garrison.

It is worth considering that bonuses may differ slightly depending on what race you play. For example, upgrading the capital in a province that belongs to the Skaven will not provide any tangible bonuses for other buildings. In addition, some important cities will have their own unique bonuses: for example, Lothern will have the highest percentage in terms of public order.

Element - 2: Provincial capital and settlements

Guide to economic development inTotal War: Warhammer 2

Each province includes a couple of other cities: as a rule, from 2 to 4 settlements, but there are also provinces that include only one city. By selecting any city, you will notice a tab with all the other settlements of this province. Plus, there is also information about who owns what part of this province, what buildings were built and much more. However, something else is important now: in the province there are only two types of cities - the capital and ordinary/standard settlements. The capital can be found on the left side of the Provinces tab. Moreover, the differences between the capital and ordinary settlements are significant:

♦. Firstly, the provincial capital can be upgraded to level 5, and this will make it possible to build absolutely any buildings, at the same time raising these buildings to the maximum level - this is a primary task, especially when it comes to military infrastructure. Secondly, in the provincial capital a total of seven construction slots will be available (not counting the occupied slot with the main building), and in more important cities there will be a total of nine available slots. Thirdly, each capital is equipped with protective walls and has a much stronger garrison, unlike ordinary settlements, which means that conquering such a city will be much more difficult.

♦. First of all, it is important to know that all small settlements can only be upgraded to the third level, which already means that you will not be able to build certain buildings in them. In addition, small settlements have much fewer slots, a smaller garrison and, in the end, battles for such settlements are ordinary battles. Such settlements can be protected only by erecting city walls, but nothing more.

Due to the fact that the excess population is growing very slowly, you will have to initially plan your future actions well and always remember that it is necessary to improve buildings that will accelerate development. A situation where there is quite a lot of money, but too little excess population is unacceptable. A balance needs to be found.

Element - 3: Types of buildings and their improvements

What buildings are best to build in Total War: Warhammer2? Guide to building buildings inTotal War: Warhammer 2

The development of provinces is practically the same between factions. The only difference is that each faction will have its own unique sets of buildings. To develop the main building you will always need excess population and gold. By developing the main building, you will unlock more new construction slots and levels for buildings - to improve any other building, you will only need gold and nothing else.

It is imperative that every building you have is upgraded to the highest building level so that it can be used as a full building. Before constructing any building, always consider the type of settlement you are building in. A mistake in construction will entail a number of consequences: lost moves and lost gold. As a result, the building will simply have to be demolished and everything rebuilt, so approach the construction responsibly. I will give below a few examples in which I will tell you where and what types of buildings are best to build.

♦. Such buildings make it possible to recruit basic/regular/standard units, for example, High Elf spearmen. Such buildings, as a rule, can only be upgraded to the third level, so they can be built almost anywhere. On the other hand, there is no point in building such a building in the capital - it is better to leave a slot in the capital for a much more promising building that will require the fourth and fifth levels.

♦. Such buildings already make it possible to build much stronger and more serious units. You can also build specialized units or heroes, including magicians. And due to the fact that access to such buildings can only be obtained in a third-level settlement, it makes sense to build such buildings only in capitals.

♦. Such buildings can be divided into two types. The first includes those buildings that can increase the income and development of the city, and can be improved strictly to the 3rd level. However, for this reason they should only be built in regular/standard settlements. This is especially true for those buildings that contribute to the development of the province. The second type includes those buildings that increase public order and many other similar specialized buildings - these should be built in capitals, where they can be brought to the maximum level, since such buildings are not limited to the third level.

♦. These buildings should be built strictly in those settlements where special resources will be found by default. Buildings, in turn, will allow you to extract these unique resources, receiving additional income or some other bonuses. You should also understand that, for example, if there are a lot of pastures in the province, then you should definitely build a stable.

♦. The situation with these buildings is the same as with buildings specializing in certain resources. Therefore, if it is possible to erect such a building in any city, be sure to allocate a slot for it. Such buildings, as a rule, provide tangible useful bonuses and are not available in all cities.

But this is not all the nuances. Also, when constructing new buildings, you should understand and continue to remember that it is very important not to build the same military buildings in the same province. In terms of income, the situation is different. Income is accumulated in different buildings, so it makes sense to build identical buildings.

Be sure to build the buildings you need. There is no point in building military buildings in every province. If a province is located in a safe point on the map, that is, there is no need for an army, then take advantage of the free slots to raise/improve the economy.

I also recommend checking which buildings will reduce the level of corruption. Almost all races suffer greatly from being under the influence of corruption, except for the Skaven race. Due to corruption, public order will decrease, and then, gradually, these adverse effects will reach the army, of which there may be nothing left. Therefore, be sure to think about building such buildings, even if you do not require units that can be created.

Element - 4: Provincial climate

Unlike the first part, in absolutely every faction can settle in any province. The only problem is that each province has its own special climate, and each race has its own personal preference. Therefore, if any faction is located in a province whose climate does not suit it, it will receive penalties, including slow development, low public order, or generally high building construction costs.

Each province has a special icon that indicates the climate (it is located next to the name of the province). So, the color that surrounds this icon indicates how suitable the climate of your faction is: - the climate is suitable (no penalties), - the climate is not suitable (minor penalties), - the climate is unsuitable for existence (high level of penalties). To get a little more detailed information about the fines, click on the climate icon.

Study your army in a regular battle

To complete the campaign, you will need to repeat a series of victorious battles over and over again in order to capture more and more lands. There is no need to wait for the enemy to attack you first. Campaign in Total War: Warhammer 2 - no best place to research the army and conduct any tests with the troops. You should always know what and where you want to build, how certain units operate and in what situations it is appropriate to use them.

Choose the usual order and fight the computer in a custom duel, gradually studying the units available to this faction. To begin with, focus on the main units to create the main army of your own faction. After this, look at higher level units so that you know which ones to use in the later stages of the campaign.

Try out the original campaign difficulty

Like other Total War games, the campaign has different difficulty levels, which are related to how well positioned and how strong the chosen faction is on the world map. It will be tempting to dive head first into the easy campaign, but in general you actually have a lot more choice. Naturally, this will become reasonable; in fact, the difficult level was invented for real masters who have honed their own skills in simpler battles. But before you start choosing a faction, carefully study the tricks and style of the toy for each of them.

If you play as the high elves on easy difficulty, you will find yourself in the very center of the island of Ulthuan. These lands are located in easily defended mountain passes, but do not forget that the high elves are an elite army that relies on a relatively small number of vulnerable units that deal the highest damage. Their research tree is the most complex. An advantage can be called the extraordinary ability to manipulate enemies, although it is more abstract than it seems at first glance. Much more useful are the capabilities of the dark elves and skaven.

Naturally, if you have played Total War games, the High Elves faction will seem familiar and useful, but in general I would still recommend using the Lizardmen with Lord Mazdamundi or even the controversial Skaven campaign. Mazdamundi's starting position is quite effective for the lizardmen - once you capture your province, you can fight the human faction in the south, and then raid the weak dark elves in the north. Lizardmen units are more fun than elves, in fact they of course have dinosaurs and even huge frogs.

The Skaven Campaign is a challenging prospect for newcomers to the series, but quite fun if you enjoy a tough challenge and want to control as a Skaven warlord. Taking the starting province is easy, but you'll face constant raids from the island of high elves and lizardmen hunting fleets. In the east, of course, there are many skaven clans who will fight in this area for a source suitable for them. You will need to raid one settlement after another.

Check which buildings are needed for research

A fair number of factions in Total War: Warhammer must build structures to unlock different branches in the technology tree. Due to this, developers seem to connect buildings, technologies and units into a single system of mutual blocking. This provides each faction with personalized approaches to research and development. Lizardmen - magical demons and masters of the universe - have a huge number of mystical buildings that unlock the proper technology. Instead, the Skaven begin to learn new technologies after building several third-level buildings.

Regardless of which faction you start playing with, be sure to familiarize yourself with the branches and abilities of the technology tree so that you know what you should strive for.

Chaos and Skaven, occupying lands, change its very nature in accordance with their Most Highs. Corruption is shown as a percentage for each area, and you'll even notice how the appearance of the land changes as Chaos turns your home into a lava-filled space.

If the level of corruption on earth is very high, then your army begins to die. Chaos corruption can be characterized by aggressive spread. Remember that in this case, prevention is better than cure.

The area information map in the lower left corner of the monitor will provide you with useful data on all the factors influencing corruption in this region. Methods to combat corruption vary depending on the faction you choose. Find hero skills and buildings that allow you to protect yourself from corrupt lands. Naturally, on the other hand, you can play for a faction that “loves” to wallow in corruption, but in this case you need to choose buildings and heroes that contribute to its spread.

Chaos attacks get strong pretty quickly

In Total War: Warhammer 2, the four major factions perform rituals, but with each successful ritual, the forces of Chaos invade the lands. It’s quite easy to remove the first invasion, but with each new ritual, Chaos generally becomes stronger and more dangerous.

Faction selection

Before starting the campaign you will have to choose the race and its faction for which you will play. You will also have to make a choice in favor of the legendary lord, who will lead the faction. Races mainly differ from each other in units and some mechanics, and lords - in different abilities and effects imposed on troops. Additionally, each Legendary Lord will have its own starting position on the campaign map. Obviously, this position can be either simple or complex.

Good factions for beginners

The optimal faction for beginners, apparently, are the Lotharens, led by Tyrion of the High Elves race. The High Elves have a truly powerful army, consisting of long-range archers (as well as hybrid units that can also fight in close combat), excellent warriors. And the actions of each unit are supported by the Ancient Dragons! Additionally, High Elves can easily influence relationships between other factions, making it easier to form alliances.

Tyrion himself is a fearsome warrior, and his effects reduce the cost of maintaining base units and the time required to recruit a new army. All this will greatly simplify the task of an inexperienced gamer. Additionally, the starting position in Lothern on the island of Ulthuan means that in the early stages of the game you will have minimal amount enemies, since these lands are mainly surrounded by High Elves.

Difficulty levels and gameplay options

The level of difficulty determines several different elements gameplay. For example, how aggressive other factions are towards you or how likely it is that rebel forces will form. Consider all of these details when choosing difficulty. Legendary difficulty will also prevent you from making manual saves and will disable pauses during battle.

Besides changing the difficulty level, you can also tweak a few other things. If you click on the icon in the corner, next to the difficulty selection, you will open the necessary options.

Here's what you can change:

  • Tutorial - You can include an advisor who will explain various aspects and suggest certain actions during the game.
  • Cloud Auto-Save - Warhammer II only saves the game to your local drive by default, but you can enable this feature if you plan to play on multiple different computers.
  • Game autosave is very useful thing for forgetful and inattentive gamers. It automatically saves the game at certain intervals. But do not forget that the game will be saved after each turn.
  • Realistic Mode (this option is automatically enabled on Legendary difficulty) - During battle, camera control is limited to the area where your units are visible. There's also no mini-map, and you can't issue orders while paused.
  • Battle duration - you can set this parameter to 60 minutes. If you need to wait for the enemy somewhere, then during the battle you can always speed up the game.


In this chapter you can find detailed information about all interface elements. If you played the prequel, you'll notice that there aren't many changes, and most of them are related to camera settings and tooltips.

Camera and tips

The developers gave gamers the opportunity to adjust the speed of camera movement and track other factions as they progressed. These settings can be configured in the upper left corner of the screen. Once you open it, you can go to your faction tab to change the animation speed - this will save a lot of time.

To improve orientation during the war, you can go to the enemy factions tab and switch the camera to high or strategic - this will allow you to see exactly everything the enemies are doing during their turns. The same settings can be applied for hostile and neutral factions.

You can also speed up the movement of all factions by clicking on the up arrow icon located at the top of the screen - this will significantly reduce the time spent.

There have also been other changes in the way the game is played - hints have become available that inform the player about possible actions. They are now reported by an icon displayed on the end turn button. Notifications are displayed one after another, which was not the case in the previous game where you received full list. Clicking on this icon will take you to the corresponding location or menu (for example, the Lord upgrade tab, if any points are available for him). You can ignore any notifications, and also set up a request system using the button below.

I recommend turning off hero idle notifications, otherwise the game will constantly tell you that the given character is not moving, which can be very annoying. For example, the hero can use it to reduce corruption in the region, which is what causes downtime.

Other interface elements

In the lower right corner of the screen, where the turn end button is located, you will find a couple of icons that open different tabs - diplomacy and technology.

  1. Race mechanics - here you can find special mechanics for the race you are playing for. In the case of the Dark Elves, for example, you will be told about slavery; in the case of the High Elves, you will learn about the influence on the relations of other factions.
  2. Rituals - here is a tab with bonuses that you can currently purchase. We discussed the rituals in more detail in a separate article.
  3. Technologies - this is how you can open the technology tree of your race.
  4. Diplomacy - used to communicate with other factions.
  5. Goals are requirements that must be met to complete the game.

At the top of the screen you can find information about your treasury, income for each turn (if you hover your mouse here, you will get more detailed information), the progress of rituals that will help you gain control of the Great Vortex (more on this in a separate guide), as well as a list of active effects that affect the faction. You can also familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the race - for example, the level of influence of the High Elves on the Skaven food supply.

Minimap and lists

In the upper right corner of the screen you will find a mini-map with the territories of all discovered factions. There is an icon above it with lists that will appear below the minimap if you click on them. From left to right this is:

  • Missions and quests - a list of active tasks. These are your legendary lord missions and completing them is as rewarding as possible. Missions are randomly assigned and often have a time limit.
  • Events are all the events that took place during a given turn, including declaration of war, construction of buildings, random actions, etc.
  • Lords and Heroes - A list of all your lords (along with the number of their armies) and heroes. After selecting any of them, the camera will automatically focus on it.
  • Provinces - a list of your provinces. Here you will find two critical characteristics of each province - the treasury and public order (if the province belongs to you).
  • Discovered Factions - A list of all discovered factions, as well as their relationship to you. This also includes signed contracts.

You will also find a button for your own faction. If you click on it, you will open a tab with all the information about the faction: active effects, information about the territories where you are, or the number of armies and heroes.

Province and army information

After selecting any of your cities, a tab with information about the province appears in the lower left corner:

  • Development - this parameter determines how soon you can upgrade buildings in your cities to new levels. The positive population percentages that you receive for developing a province will allow you to upgrade the main buildings of a given settlement. We provided more detailed information about this in a separate guide.
  • Income is the total wealth of your cities along with tax revenue. You can increase your income by constructing the necessary buildings. You can also reduce taxes to appease the population in provinces with low order.
  • Public order - this parameter indicates how happy the population of a given province is. If it drops to -100, a riot will begin in the province. For more information about public order, please see the separate guide.
  • Corruption - affects public order in the province. If it is very high, it will lead to the destruction of the army. More details in another guide.
  • Province effects are all factors that affect a given province. These could be laws or any outcome of random events.

At the bottom of the screen you will find a panel of all settlements and buildings available in the province. By selecting one of the armies on the map, you will open a tab showing what units the army consists of and what their numbers are.

In the lower left corner is a miniature of the leader along with his level and equipped items. In the case of the army of other factions, you will only get a rough idea of ​​their numbers and units.

Perhaps the best game in the world of War Hammer.

Gambling addiction

The Warhammer universe (not the one with the God-Emperor, but where Sigmar) is famous for its harsh gloom. There are almost no heroes here, but a common person lives day to day with the understanding that at any moment one and a half meter rats can crawl out of the sewer and ruin the whole day. And, most likely, a very short remaining life.

Game mechanics Total War brought to perfection many, many projects ago. Total War: Warhammer occupies a place of honor in this series. This was an excellent, well-thought-out game - a real find for fans of grand strategy games. Also in the famous fantasy setting!

Therefore, when the second part appeared on the horizon, fans largely rallied around one simple motto: “Don’t break it!” They didn't break it.

Official trailer.

The Not-So-Old World

A two-tailed comet divided the sky and weakened the magic of the Great Vortex. This means that the time of prophecy has come, the time of war. This time we are fighting on the territory of the “New” World: Lustria and the Southern Lands (that is, in America and Africa, if we refer to real continents). And the factions available to us are more “exotic”: rat-men-skaven, lizardmen, dark elves and high elves. As usual, each nation has its own set of units, style of warfare, its own management features on the global map - and sometimes even a unique resource.

Now all races start in strictly opposite corners of the world, which encourages a slightly more relaxed playstyle. Each faction slowly clears its quarter of the map - and then a war of cool high-tech armies of top units with pumped-up generals begins. In addition, in addition to the “general” victory of the “take out everyone” type, a quest-based victory was added to the campaign. This is if you manage to complete the ritual for which you actually entered the war. More on this below.

But don't think that the game world is populated only by non-humans. Pleasant surprise: all nations last game are present on the field as small (sometimes with giant territories) factions with a full set of units and their own logic of diplomacy. They are not yet playable, but their very presence allows us to hope that with additions the number of playable factions will gradually grow to the size of the full roster of the tabletop Warhammer.

For experts of the Hammer of War, there will be some offensive moments. Factions such as Arabia and Khemri, unfortunately, were replaced with... analogues. Instead of necro-Egyptians, we are met by vampire armies (in the sunny desert!), instead of armies of Bedouins and assassins, we are met by ordinary tanned guys from the Empire. We hope that, as in the first part, over time there will be unique factions here.

War in the jungle and elves in the trees

If you've played the first game, or any game in the Total War series, you'll immediately find yourself right at home. A familiar system of armies, a familiar system of provinces. Construction, heroes, war, technology tree - everything is as we are used to. The developers followed the path of “don’t fix what isn’t broken,” and we thank them very much for that.

However, there are also innovations.

The tactical battle map is no longer flat and boring. The game finally fully takes into account differences in altitude, climatic preferences and the influence of vegetation on shooting accuracy. Now it is quite possible to arrange a battle like “300 elves against a horde of ratmen” in a narrow passage. It is logical that this made the tactical part much more epic.

Also, more units are brought onto the battlefield, and there is a completely different level of animation and elaboration of fighter models (there is no comparison at all with the imperial Pinocchio infantrymen of the first patch of the previous part).

But the AI ​​is now downright disgusting (unfortunately, there’s no other word for it). No, he hasn't gotten any smarter. It’s just that the game doesn’t even try to hide the fact that the AI ​​sees and hears everything and therefore instantly reacts to any change on the field. Instantly. It’s very annoying when a cunning plan (for example, hitting the flank of enemy artillery with horsemen hidden in the forest) breaks down exactly at the moment when the units become visible.

Who is who

Lizardmen- the aborigines of Lustria and the oldest race of the War Hammer world. The self-proclaimed “defenders of peace” are serving as heavyweights in this war. There are many tenacious and powerful units, good sorcerers, and combat dinosaurs (yes! lizards riding dinosaurs!) are simply universal fighters with frightening damage rates. Naturally, this means that almost all units are extremely expensive (although you can get free reinforced versions of them for quests).

Skaven- The rat people of the Under-Empire, which extends beneath the entire known world. Rats have the weakest troops in the game. Even monsters and Wheels of Doom are relatively weak in clashes against similar units from other factions.

The strength of the Skaven lies elsewhere: there are infinitely many of them. Their troops replace their losses incredibly quickly, and their cities instantly develop. What is it worth to have the opportunity to immediately populate cities up to the fifth stage of development! Given an equal balance of power, they will, of course, lose. But there are always five, or even ten times more skaven.

High elves- the most balanced faction and a good choice for newbies. These ancient warriors, who call themselves Asura, protect the world from the forces of chaos and destruction. The elves resemble the troops of the Empire from the first part. They are above average in everything, but are incredibly good at only one thing - magic and magical creatures. High elves also reveal a map during trade and can influence the diplomatic relations of other factions. These proud people prefer to pit enemies against each other - and strike only where necessary.

Dark Elves- traitors and ruthless killers led by the sorcerer-king Malekith. Dark elves destroy their opponents with fast and deadly attacks. Their arsenal includes heavy cavalry, monsters, and squads of speedy assassins. In addition, the black arks of the dark elves are real sea cities where you can hire heroes with lords and recruit armies, which provides Malekith's troops with complete superiority on the water. The Legendary Lord's trait allows him to give some of his experience to other commanders, but be careful. If an ordinary commander becomes stronger than a legendary lord, he may well resort to betrayal typical of the dark elves!

Each faction has a unique resource needed to advance towards a story victory. Important: each side of the conflict sees only its own resource, but the key cities are the same for everyone. In other words, in a location where the skaven see warpstone, the lizardmen, for example, will find solar tablets. Hence a simple and wonderful conclusion: in the second part, key cities and fortresses can fall under the control of any of the main factions!

I love the smell of warpstone in the morning!

Resources are mainly needed to perform rituals that allow you to skip the painfully long stage of conquering all the provinces of each opponent. To win, you need to complete five such rituals, and their cost in terms of resources and time increases with each success. There's a lot of work to be done towards the end - especially since the game regularly creates neutral armies in the campaign, which become stronger as the factions advance to victory. Of course, these armies usually appear somewhere in the deepest rear.

Purely mechanically, the ritual works as follows. If you have the required amount of resource, you will activate three of your cities (randomly, of course). Within ten turns, these cities are visible to everyone, and the loss of any of them cancels the ritual, and you are deprived of the right to try again for a few more turns. What’s even more unpleasant is that for a certain amount of money, any faction can create an instant “invading army”... right on the lands of the player performing the ritual. The AI ​​really loves this option and sends out two or three top armies as soon as the player is about to win.

However, even if the AI ​​is weak and they have no money, the game, in addition to other troubles, immediately creates from three to eight (!!!) armies of Chaos or Skaven. Which begin to burn and destroy everything they see. Are you bored, you say? Hold it.

On the unpleasant side: the classic sins of the TW series are evident. The AI ​​makes unforgivable mistakes in a global war, the game takes a long time to load and can crash after a tactical battle (and when the battle lasts half an hour, this is very, very disappointing). As a fan of the Hammer of War, I can’t help but note one more point: the admissibility of absolutely impossible situations (for example, when noble dwarves ask for mercy from ratmen), which can offend fans of the universe.