Shower      03/07/2020

Amnesia: The Dark Descent Walkthrough Walkthrough of the game "Amnesia. Ghost of the past" Engine room amnesia walkthrough

Hall with rain.

After the introductory video, we wake up in some kind of castle. We read the entry in the diary and go along the corridor, guided by the pink footprints on the floor. Also, do not forget to read the hints and look into the rooms, cabinets in search of useful items. For example, a tinderbox is needed to light candles, etc.

Old archives.

We continue to walk, hoping to find a source of water. In the room where the tracks lead, we select a lantern from the floor, there is a chest on the left. It contains a vial of tinderbox. We pass into the next one, having reached the cabinet with flasks, we read the note from the table. Daniel asks us to kill Alexander. It was a note to himself. After all, we, having taken a certain elixir, lost our memory and, assuming such complex consequences, took care in advance of returning us to old life. Here we pick up fuel for the lamp. To the right of the table, on one of the shelves we activate the mechanism. Through the opened passage we go to the next location.

After leaving the main hall, we watch a small cut-scene. We go down to the illuminated door. There is nothing good there - the road is blocked by a sticky mass. We need to somehow dissolve it. Once again, I would like to note that useful items are scattered throughout the game with great generosity, you just need to be able to find them, even in the most unexpected places.


We go down the stairs and turn left. In the experiment room, we select a note from the table. On the left side of the room we read another note and take away the empty bottle. After leaving the laboratory, we hear a woman’s scream coming from the second floor.

From the right room, from the table we take the manuscript. Leaving the room, turn right, right again and find ourselves in a huge corridor. We go to the end and turn into the left room. In the “Floor Plans” we find a chest in the very last row. After leaving the room, we turn right, resting against a dilapidated wall, we hear a roar. Near the left room, we select the next urinals from the table. There we pick up a stone and throw it at the wall with the opening. We go further. We examine the hall of local history, first we find all three books that need to be activated. Under glass lies the last manuscript in this series. Having noticed the books, we activate them and go to the secret room. We take the key from the table and take out the note from the nightstand. Having heard the roar, we return to the hall where it opened new door. We move carefully along the corridors, because a monster is wandering nearby. We leave the archives the same way we came.

Wine Vault.

We use the found key on the wine cellar door. We go down the stairs and enter the first door. We select the first component: cuprite. Next, we examine the rooms from left to right. In the second room we select the next component. We will lose consciousness for a few seconds. In the corner of the room you can top up the fuel for the lantern. We remove the rubble before exiting and go to the next room. Approaching the door, we see that someone is breaking in with reverse side. But this is just an illusion, in reality there is no one there. We take the royal vodka. We return to the stairs. Now we go from right to left. The first door is locked, let's go to the second. Upon entering, immediately turn left. At the end, from the shelf we select tincture of opium (healing drink) and immediately we see the monster. He doesn't pose any danger yet. If we are on the verge of madness, a simple flashlight will not save us. It will be necessary either to quickly advance through the plot by completing the task, or to enter a very illuminated area. We go further around the corner where the monster hid. We go to the end, from below, we see the last component on the shelf, we take it. We go to the laboratory to make acid.


We go to the room with the device for chemical experiments. Pour in all the components, turn the left one, then the remaining screws. Quickly place the empty bottle under the tap on the right. We take the acid.

We use acid on the slime that blocked the road.

Processing chamber.

We move along the dark corridor. Having seen the monster, we turn off the flashlight and try to climb on our haunches. We turn left and go into the room. On the shelf on the left we select fuel for the lantern. In the next room, from the shelf, we select the tincture of opium. Next, we discover that the door is locked on the back side. We go further until we find a note. We return back to the blocked door. On the right, having removed the boxes, we enter the back room through a narrow passage. After walking a little, we replenish our fuel supply. The gate does not turn, this needs to be fixed. Somewhere in the middle, looking at the ceiling, we see that a piece of wood is interfering with the mechanism. We put the box and, reaching out, we shake it until it breaks. We turn the gate. Don’t forget to thoroughly inspect the room before leaving. Next, we go down through the opened door.

Basement archives.

So, after a few seconds of loss of consciousness, we jump onto the first box. An invisible monster is near us! We can only track him by his footprints on the water. Also, if we walk on water, he instantly notices us and kills us. There is a room on the right. We activate the lever and very quickly walk along the corridor, at the end there is a metal grate that slowly closes. If we don’t have time, we’ll have to do it all over again. Of course, if you find it difficult to find your way, you should scout everything out first. Intelligence will help you discover useful items in other rooms. Once in the next zone, there is already another monster there. The boxes contain dismembered body parts. We throw them into the water and wait for the monster to start eating them. Then, we quickly move through the water and turn the mechanism on the door to move on. Meat needs to be added constantly. Having passed into the next room, we take the needle from the shelf and use it on the door.

Archive tunnels.

Run, run and run again. Don't forget to close the doors behind you!

Remote hall.

By looking to the left, the game itself indicates where we should go. The elevator is not working, the engine room is locked. We return to the hall and go in the opposite direction.


After passing along the corridor, we turn left. We enter the room and select one of the parts of the drill. The monster is right there, we quickly disappear into the darkness. There are also a lot of tinderboxes here. In a branch, it is best to light lamps and candles everywhere to make it easier to navigate. Let's go right. There are many barrels here, among them there are containers with primary and secondary liquid. We need them to make explosives. We carefully examine the rooms in search of the remaining parts of the drill. Find them, let's connect. Using a drill, we drill a hole in containers with liquids and substitute an empty bottle. Ready. We go back and go to the last fork, where, in fact, the blockage is located. We use the explosive on the stones. We take a small pebble in our hands and throw it into the dangerous mixture. It will catch fire, and we have a few seconds to run away. We walk along the corridors, examining the rooms. We move quietly, because there will be a couple of monsters on the way. Having reached the room, we select two rods and a note that says that the third rod is in the office on the second floor. We leave the storage facility.


We look around the rooms. We go further, approaching the window, it will crack. There is oil nearby. We go into the room on the right. We look at memories, look for useful items, notes. We pick up a heavy object, such as a chair, and throw it at the cracked window. Through the cornice, we jump to the other side. From the table on the right we look into the sphere. We go further, on the right we select the last rod and instructions for setting up. In the next room on the left we examine the chest. When leaving, don’t forget to fill the lamp with oil.

Living room.

We examine the left room, take the crowbar from the table. We read the note from the nightstand. In the middle room we select oil from the shelf. We read the note from the table. Use a crowbar to break down the door to the right room. A little later we hear a roar and read a warning. The monster is coming, we quickly hide in the closet. When he leaves, we read the last note, remove the picture from the wall and take the key from the hiding place.

We go to the hall with the elevator. We use the key on the engine room door.

Engine room.

We go forward and turn right. On the left side of the table we read the note. Let's go further, now we need to adjust the levers according to the instructions: the sum of the numbers should be 8 - from the bottom, 8 - from the top.

Having done everything correctly, we will see a notification. We return to the entrance, go down the stairs and turn into the left room. We install the rods: three-phase - triangle, four-phase - square, steam - circle. We read all the notes in the room. We go further. Having entered the room with the mechanisms, immediately turn right and read the note. Next, you need to fill the stove with coal, to do this, open the hatch, and go to the room on the left, throw three coal balls into the stove. We set it all on fire using a lever. Now you need to find three gears: one of them is somewhere in this room. The second is in the room where the rods were installed, the third is right at the exit from that room, in the corridor. Having installed everything as it should, we start the mechanism. Everything started, we return to the elevator and go down.

There are many types of fear. We encounter some of them every day: fear of heights, fear of losing a job, fears about the health of loved ones, horror of an impending universal flood... But, perhaps, the fundamental fear is the fear of death. "Amnesia. Ghost of the Past” - that’s exactly what it’s about.

This game can easily be called an interactive horror film. "Amnesia. Ghost of the Past "begins like a real thriller. The main character comes to his senses on the cold floor of a dilapidated castle, with emptiness reigning in his head, he barely even remembers his name.

He looks around, sneaks along the corridor as silently as possible. And suddenly - grunt! The door of one of the rooms jerks open and pieces of paper fly out. The camera jumps back, the image floats and ripples, the music changes abruptly...

Initially, the player knows absolutely nothing about what is happening in the castle. He can only do one thing: move forward in search of answers, being scared at every step. The plot, intrigue, methods of presentation - everything is like in a movie, with the only exception that the main character is controlled by the player.

The hero's name, by the way, is Daniel, and he is an archaeologist. While on an expedition in Algeria, he came across an ancient temple, where he found an amazing object - a luminous sphere. And immediately after this event, Daniel’s life changed dramatically.

From that moment on, death itself follows on his heels. Everyone Daniel has the misfortune to encounter - even the unknown hairdresser - soon dies under mysterious circumstances. Daniel is in a panic, he realizes that the sphere is to blame for everything, but does not know how to stop this nightmare. And no one can help him except Baron Alexander of Brennenburg...

The plot's premise is as banal as half of horror films, and its ending is absurd to exactly the same extent as the remaining half. And even the fact that the mosaic of the plot is assembled throughout the game and the full picture does not come together until the very end does not change anything.

Mouse passes

But Amnesia. Ghost of the Past" would have remained "another horror movie" if not for interesting design. For example, the game has no interface at all. There is nothing on the screen except what Daniel himself sees, not even the cursor - a barely noticeable light dot in the middle of the screen that can be turned off at any time.

The character has only two parameters - health and degree of fear. And even the first one was added to the game just for show. Daniel is either alive or dead, there are almost no in-between states.

But the second one greatly diversifies the game. Depending on Daniel's condition, the world around him changes. As soon as you step into the shadows, the image will barely noticeably float, and strange sounds will begin to be heard. If Daniel gets even more scared, imaginary details will appear around him: spiders, wood lice, flies, dead people. When the character is finally overcome by madness, it becomes difficult to see anything on the screen - the picture is distorted and comes in waves.

To perform each action, whether you open doors or dismantle a blockage of boards, you have to draw intricate pretzels with the mouse. Developers rarely decide to introduce such controls into a game, but in this case it came in handy, bringing the player as close as possible to the character. The barriers between Daniel's fears and the experiences on this side of the monitor were completely blurred.

"It's this again"

"Amnesia. Ghost of the Past" rests on two pillars of game mechanics: a feeling of constant fear and tension, as well as ease and simplicity in mastering.

The developers seemed to use all the cinematic methods of escalating the situation in the early stages of the game. There is no direct danger yet, but almost every scene is a frightening event. There are many of them, and they are varied: then the candles will suddenly go out, then the door will open in front of your nose, then the piano will play right behind you. And then terrifying sounds and voices will be heard from around the corner, but even if you overcome yourself and look, there will be no one there...

A little later, the player will still meet with the local monsters - but from afar, briefly, in a short episode. Then the moment of direct contact will come - and then you will have to run away, hide in closets and behind drawers, wait until the monsters leave. Closer to the end, everything will fall on the player at once, but this is not the climax yet, everything is still ahead.

When Daniel sits in a dark corner, shaking all over and almost whining in horror, the panic is transmitted to the player. It’s not so easy to detach yourself from what’s happening on the screen - the player regularly gets scared along with the main character from scene to scene.

This is not death. This is worse.

The developers shuffle the episodes like a real magician shuffles a deck of cards. The action on screen is constantly changing. Situations sometimes repeat themselves, but at the same time they are sure to acquire new, nerve-wracking details.

If Daniel already ran away from the monster five levels ago and that time everything ended well, then now there will certainly be a door in his way. Yes, not a simple one, but littered with stones and boards. It is impossible to pull the stones away quickly, the heavy beam barely moves, the door does not react in any way to desperate jerks. In just a couple of seconds, the player experiences the whole gamut of emotions: from the disappointed “really again?!” through a frightened “well, I knew it!” and to the point of panic “I’m going to die, what should I do?!”

Constant changes do not allow you to “get used” to what is happening. As soon as Daniel, and with him the player, calms down a little, the game immediately throws up new sensations, even sharper than before. And where does the reinforced concrete confidence go that in fact the drawn hero (and even more so the player sitting in a chair at the computer) is not actually in danger?

Unit of fear

Puzzles here for the most part are simple and can often be solved by simply trying out options. The player is unlikely to reach a dead end; if the current situation cannot be solved by the available set of tools, then the “key” is in the next room in the most visible place. To find all the important items, you don’t have to search every corner - just walk around the level with a flashlight. In some cases, scraps of diaries and rolling memories come to the rescue.

The game is let down a bit by its weak graphics engine. However, faded textures and angular models are not so critical, but the most important thing - the visualization of fear effects - was a great success. The game easily flies by in one day (although night is better, of course), but for these seven hours gameplay there are a record number of creepy moments.

There are several types of horror films: from suspenseful thrillers to trashy grotesqueries and parodies. "Amnesia. Ghost of the Past” managed to take a little bit from everywhere without becoming tasteless.


Hall with rain

A man comes to his senses on a cold stone floor. It seems to be some kind of castle, and an abandoned one. The only thing he remembers is that his name is Daniel, and the Shadow is following him. He doesn't remember who or what it is.

There are rose petals and traces of some pinkish liquid on the floor. The tracks are fresh, and Daniel wants to find out where they lead. In the room with paintings, where Daniel enters, the lights suddenly go out. Panic sets in, the hero lights candles on the nearest candelabra - he feels calmer in the light.

It is important: in fact, you can stay in the dark for as long as you like - even if you completely lose your mind, Daniel will not die of fear. But it will become much more difficult to navigate in space.

Old archives

In the second room, Daniel finds a portable flashlight on the table. There is not enough oil in it, but a lamp is a great way to disperse the darkness when it becomes completely unbearable. In addition, this is a quick way to bring yourself to your senses without lighting candles.

Meanwhile, footprints on the floor lead to a desk in a small closet. There is a note on it that was written... by Daniel himself. The message is very short and doesn't explain much.

Daniel took some medicine to erase his memory, but first indicated in the message: he must find a passage to the inner sanctum of Alexander of Brennenburg's castle. Find the owner and... kill him. Who is this baron, why did Daniel need to kill him, and why did his memory interfere with this? There is no answer to these questions.


In the huge hall, memories come to Daniel, from which it follows that the inner sanctuary is located deep in the mountains under Brennenburg Castle. The path there begins in the processing chamber.

Behind the right door a strange brown mass is discovered blocking the passage. Seems to be of organic origin. You need some kind of solvent, acid.

The choice is small: if you can get acid anywhere, it is in the laboratory. The wine cellar and archives, which can also be accessed from the hall, will wait.

On a note: It doesn’t matter which location to visit first. In any case, you will go around them all, and in what order - decide for yourself.


In the experiment room, Daniel studies records of the baron's old alchemical research. Instead of the elixir of life, however, an excellent toxin came out, but this is exactly what Daniel needs. Alexander listed four ingredients: calamine, orpiment, aqua regia and cuprite.

In addition to the empty container next to the note, an incomprehensible-looking vessel is found in the table. Touching it triggers someone else's memories - maybe Daniel himself?

But in the laboratory itself, what we were looking for was not found. But on the table with alchemical instruments a hint awaits us: the ingredients are stored in the wine cellar. Really, where else can vodka be stored? Moreover, hmm, royal.


The door to the cellar was locked, therefore, we need to look for the key in the archives.

In the office and the rare books room, Daniel discovers two scraps from his own diaries about the Algerian expedition and his discovery - the sphere. The local history room is locked; Let's look for a workaround.

It's not difficult to find; True, there is no way back by the same route - the roof has collapsed. In the map storage room is the last fragment of the diary.

There seems to be no way out of the stone trap, but light breaks through a hole in the wall. Pick up a stone from the floor and widen the hole with a well-aimed throw - this is the way to the hall of history. Papers under a glass cover will tell about superstitions and legends associated with Brennenburg, Alexander and the scientist Agrippa.

Visiting the room awakens several more memories for Daniel, this time about a secret room. It opens by clicking on three fake books on the shelves, and this must be done quickly.

Replay the actions and take the key to the wine cellar from the table in the room that opens. In the desk drawer is a note about thugs locked in a wine cellar. We must take this into account.

The path out of the archive appears by itself - someone breaks down the door. But is it worth dating this “someone”, or is it better to quietly leave?

  • The first thing I would do is remove the ability to save achievements when leaving the game. The developers prudently eliminated the ability to quickly save, this improves immersion in the game. Automatic saving exists and occurs at the beginning of each level. But the “save and exit” menu item immediately defeats the purpose of this idea - the player can save the game at any time and then immediately enter it.
  • It would be nice not only to light a candle or lamp, but also to extinguish them. If the player was given the opportunity to disperse the darkness, why shouldn't he do the opposite? If the player can adjust the boundaries of light and shadow, the interest will only increase.
  • Being in the dark for a long time is a little out of the general picture of madness. Throughout the entire game, Daniel is constantly afraid, wildly, panickyly afraid of everything around him. The darkness distorts his perception, and he gradually loses his mind. But... what's next? Nothing. The level of fear decreases to a “mild headache.” A bit unrealistic, isn't it? It would be much more interesting if, after some time in the dark (say, more than a minute in a state of insanity), the player temporarily lost control of Daniel until he came to his senses. For example, Daniel could hide in a corner and sit there, staring at one point, or vice versa - rush off with wild screams, not making out the road.
  • I would add various secrets and hidden locations to the game. Everything secondary that does not directly affect the passage (diaries, notes, memories in top hats) is almost always in the most visible place. There are a lot of things in the game that you can pick up, move, throw, but this is of little use, because the interactivity ends there. Why go through all the books on the shelves or drawers in the corner if we don’t get anything for it? But if the same book served as a lever to open a secret passage, or if the boxes blocked a crack in the wall, the player would pay more attention to exploration.

Wine Vault

The cellar is not empty, that's for sure. Footsteps, eerie sounds - someone is wandering in the pitch darkness. And, judging by Daniel's returning memory, these are no longer people...

Cuprite is found very quickly, in the room opposite the descent to the basement. In the right room there is a bottle of calamine lying on the floor. When Daniel lifts it, the old beams will not hold up, and the exit from the room will collapse. It’s not difficult to pull stones and beams aside, and an oil barrel in the corner will help you cope with the darkness.

The archaeologist will find aqua regia and a note with the last words of William, who died here, in the room behind the stairs. The last ingredient is in the left room, but there is also a revived corpse wheezing there. William? The main thing is to stay in the shadows and not look at this creature, then the thick-headed creature will not detect Daniel even two steps away from him.


For a successful experiment, you need to place all the ingredients in the distillation chamber, place an empty container near the outlet and light the fire. But before Daniel has time to rejoice at the results, a terrible roar is heard. It was the stairs upstairs that collapsed.

It’s easy to climb back, you just need to lean one of the boards that are lying in abundance against the wall against the collapsed stairs. The passage to the processing chamber is open.

Processing chamber

The darkness reigns completely. However, this is beneficial. A very unpleasant creature is wandering around the room.

Having walked around all the rooms in a circle, Daniel discovers two more fragments of diaries, this time about returning to England after the expedition. The door to the last room is locked, but to the right of it there is a passage hidden behind a pile of boxes. We remove them, climb into the hole and find ourselves in a small room. A hatch on the floor leads somewhere even deeper into the mountains below the castle. The winch should lift the manhole cover, but something is in the way. We need to inspect the rope on the ceiling.

Basement Archives

A rapid metamorphosis occurs right before our eyes: the lights go out, water appears on the floor, and piles of boxes appear out of thin air. You can’t stay in the water for a second - a ghost that has appeared around the corner is already running towards Daniel.

It is important: as soon as water appears, it is best to immediately run onto the boxes in the room on the right - you will save a lot of nerves and vitality.

A lever is found on the far wall of the room. If you pull it, you will hear the sound of a metal chain unwinding. This is a mechanism that gradually lowers the door at the far end of the corridor. Daniel must jump on the boxes to her before she goes down.

The boxes are located in such a way that in some places the archaeologist cannot reach the next ones. You will have to climb onto them directly from the water - if you act quickly, the ghost will not have time to catch up with the hero.

The next room is also filled with water, and the ghost is still there. But here you need to not rush, but to get to the goal as carefully as possible without falling down. Rearrange the boxes in a chain one after another; two will be enough.

On a note: the ghost will always follow Daniel on his heels. We must make sure that the movement of water from the ghost does not roll away the box on which the hero is standing: due to a strange whim of the engine, the box will move, but Daniel will not.

Archive tunnels

Daniel finds himself in a long corridor filled with water. There are no more boxes. The splash of water from the steps of the ghost behind you makes you run headlong and without making out the road.

You can’t stop, otherwise the ghost will catch up and kill you. Jump over any boxes and other debris you encounter without stopping. At the fork after the first door - to the right, at the fork after the third door - as you like.

Remote hall

Looks like I got out.

Before Daniel - Big hall with many doors and a fountain in the middle. A door that opens by itself helps to do right choice. There is an elevator in the room on the left. The archaeologist recalls that the elevator descends deeper into the dungeons of Brennenburg Castle, where we need to go. But it doesn't work. The reason must be sought in the engine room, but the door is locked. So, we are looking for the key.

Living room

Behind the door are three small rooms, where the archaeologist lived. The one on the right is locked. Daniel finds scraps of diaries on the table, and a rusty crowbar in the room to the left. With its help, we break the door, and then steps are heard from behind. You can hide in the closet, closing the doors behind you, or you can just run into the corner on the right and wait outside the door - the monster will not enter the room.

When it leaves, Daniel remembers a hiding place with a key somewhere in this room. This hiding place is a painting on the wall in the same room. And why was it necessary to hide the key to the engine room?

Engine room

In the room above there is pressure control. It is not yet clear how it works. In a room on the middle floor, the archaeologist discovers a flow control panel. Judging by the note on the table, some kind of rods are needed. Two of them are in the storage room, and the third must be found in the training rooms.

The mechanism that controls the elevator itself is on the lowest floor. Attempts to launch it will not be successful; rods are needed.


The passage to the room with the parts is blocked, we need to clear it somehow. We go in the other direction, to “Equipment”. In the right room, Daniel finds Agrippa's notes on explosives made from a mixture of liquids in barrels. Just what you need!

The taps on the barrels have long since rusted, so we need to find a way to get to the liquids. In other rooms you can find two parts from a hand drill, and a drill is in a small room above the entrance. Drilling both barrels and filling the vessel with the mixture takes a couple of minutes. We place a bottle of liquid explosives near the rubble and throw stones, trying to hit it in the semi-darkness.

You should not light candles in a food warehouse, much less open the second door ahead of time. Light is, of course, great, but it is better to be shaken with fear in pitch darkness than to please someone for lunch in bright light.

Both rods are waiting for Daniel in what is supposed to be the farthest room. On the same shelf is a clue: the last rod is somewhere in the office. All that remains is to sneak in the darkness past a couple of walking corpses and get back into the hall.


The office turned out to be a network of work spaces, partially littered with debris from the roof. In the room on the left is a fragment of a letter from Agrippa to his student Weyer. Interesting little business, so both of you have been to Brennenburg? How many years have passed?

Daniel's thoughts are interrupted by a gust of wind. Window frame cracks. Since there is no way to get into the distant rooms anymore, we knock it out with any suitable object. If you don't look down and carefully jump over the ledges, Daniel will get to the right room alive and well. The end justified the means: on the table is one of the rods and instructions for debugging the elevator mechanism.

Engine room

The pressure control mechanism will work if Daniel moves the handles up and down in three positions - I, II and V - so that both the bottom and top numbers add up to 8. The rods should be installed in the flow control mechanism in the following sequence: the circle corresponds for the steam cycle rod, the triangle for the ternary rod, and the square for the four-phase oscillation rod.

The controls are normal, now the lifting mechanism itself should be started. Throw coal into the stove and light it. Doesn't work - there aren't enough gears. There are a lot of different parts everywhere, dig into them and soon the three gears will fall into place. Everything hummed and came to life. We must hurry to the elevator.

Everything changes when the Shadow comes.

Dungeon (South Wing)

The descent was disgusting and ended in a collapse.

On the first level of prison cells, voices are heard from the corridor on the left. There, in one of the chambers, the archaeologist will find a hammer. On the second level, Daniel is interested in the door on the right, but it is locked. We need to find a workaround. Turning left, Daniel discovers a chisel in the chamber.

Continuing to move along the left wall, he comes across a cage where the mother and girl were kept. It seems Daniel was the one who put them behind bars. Thank God, the girl escaped through a hole in the floor under the bed. Enlarge the hole using a hammer and chisel and follow in her footsteps.

Dungeon (north wing)

Daniel emerges from the tunnel into a lit corridor. Turning right leads into the kitchen, whose only feature is a barrel of acid in the far corner. A walking surprise awaits you at the exit. We quickly run back into the kitchen, slam the door behind us and hide behind the pork carcasses near this very barrel.

The choice is small, the archaeologist goes along the corridor to the left. Soon he reaches the storage room, where he removes an empty jar from a shelf - an excellent container for acid.

While exploring the premises along the left wall of the prison labyrinth, Daniel stumbles upon the desired passage. The door is locked, but the lock doesn't look very strong. If you treat him with acid and then knock him down with a hammer, Daniel will open a passage further.

Passage to the tank

Daniel finds himself in a sewer system located under Brennenburg Castle. The water level is now too high to go any further. We need to drain the water. The control room for the drain mechanisms is higher, you still need to get to it.

Lever lowering retractable ladder, stuck. Lubricate it with the oil flowing out of the pipe. Finally the lever snaps into place, but a piece of pipe prevents the ladder from lowering. Break the pipe by loosening it with the descending ladder.

There are two levers next to the control room; they lower the suspension bridges to the tank on the left and the morgue on the right. The lever from the bridge on the right does not want to work, so for now, keep the path to the left.


There are three pipes in a room flooded with water; they supply water to the collector. Turning off the taps on them would not have been difficult if not for the collapsed passages and... an old acquaintance - a ghost.

Luckily, he still can't touch Daniel until he touches the water. As soon as all three valves are closed, you need to get out of the inhospitable stone tank. At the pipe on the left, a hanging bridge will prevent this. It can be lowered by throwing any heavy object. And on the way to the pipe on the right, Daniel will encounter three jets of escaping hot steam.

Control room

The water level has dropped, but it is still not possible to walk through the collector: mushrooms that have grown on the stone walls are emitting poison. Alexander mentioned an antidote; perhaps it will be found in the morgue.

To lower the bridge to the morgue, you need to configure the mechanisms in the same way as the mechanisms of the bridge to the tank are configured. First we hang the weights, and then we set the piston arms. Some of the pipes are missing in the last room. Debris is lying everywhere, it is necessary to arrange them so as to block the same holes as on the other side.

On the way back, the handle of the moving door will fly off. Well, you can probably find something next to the mechanisms.


The bridge leading to the morgue started working, but something jammed and it did not lower all the way. Something heavy - like a stone - will finish what you started.

In the room on the right, Daniel finds Alexander's notes. The baron administered a vaccine against mushroom poison to his servants and prisoners. Daniel did not find any servants other than terrible monsters, so the only option left was to use the blood of the dead. Luckily, there was a suitable corpse lying on the table.

In the room to the left of the entrance we find copper tube and connect it to the needle. The resulting homemade syringe insert it into the dead man's head, having previously drilled a hole in it hand drill. All that remains is to inject yourself and go down into the sewer.


There are never many combinations in this game.

The passage further is blocked - where do these eternal obstacles come from?! - rotating drum. Perhaps there is a control mechanism somewhere. That's right, the passage on the left leads to the right room. The two handles expose different gears to the mechanism. If you set the left handle to the smallest gear and the right handle to the largest gear, the mechanism will slow down the most.

However, this is still not enough. We search the tunnel to the right of the entrance, one of the pipes there is rusty. A piece of pipe works great to jam the rotating blades.

Moving further, Daniel will come to a dead end - the passage is blocked by bars. And if Daniel himself is not able to break them, then perhaps someone else will be able to do it. There is only one “but”: the monster is standing right in the passage. However, there are plenty of available means around; you can attract the attention of this creature by throwing a stone from the other side and, while he wanders around in search of the source of the noise, quietly slip to the door.


Daniel examines the rooms on the top floor, in one of which he notices two levers. What they open or launch is still unclear - they do not work. But Daniel finds another piece of his diary. And he learns with horror that Alexander forced him to perform the ritual - and Daniel had to kill the man. Did he really do this? Someone else's life in exchange for your own? Although it was a criminal...

But Daniel was most surprised when he descended into the depths of the nave. Agrippa was chained to the wall... half-dead! In a conversation with this man, Daniel remembers his fall and realizes that O he needs to do it. First, find the fragments of the sphere, which will open the entrance to the sanctuary. And if possible, find the notes of Weyer, a student of Agrippa.

Six sphere fragments should be in the torture chambers. The doors to them are closed - that's why the two levers at the top are needed. For them to work, you need to open the hatch in the ceiling above the torture table.

Before entering the choir, in the passage that opened on the right, Daniel discovered a small room. There is a note on the table. It seems that now the hero can save Agrippa, but first he must find three components: a paralyzing poison from a mushroom, an elixir of life from the blood of those who have just been killed, and the secretions of some creature living in the water.

This is interesting: if you go to the altar now, before the sphere is collected, the underground temple will not yet be destroyed by the Shadow. The bridge on the right leads to the baron's personal chambers - there is no practical use, but you will read another diary of Alexander.


There is red twilight everywhere, you can’t see anything at a distance of ten steps, but occasionally you can hear the steps of monsters. We need to find three torture chambers and pick up the sphere fragments. The first one can be reached by turning left and walking along the wall.

Daniel will reach the second if he goes straight from the entrance to the choir. A pipe overhead will help you get to the third and farthest one. There is a large mushroom growing in front of the entrance to this torture chamber. The first ingredient is there.

It is not difficult to cross the main hall of the choir. You just need to bend down and move close to the wall. Even if Daniel meets a monster, he is unlikely to notice him until he buries his nose. But they don’t walk near the walls.


In the next passage, which opened after repairing the door mechanism, Daniel sees a well. Alexander mentioned that the well would be an excellent habitat for a creature whose remains were needed to create an elixir.

On the second tier of prison cells nearby, Daniel finds a piece of meat. Just what you need. We tie the meat to a rope and lower it into the well. The remains are not remains, but the bone definitely contains the necessary secretions.

The transept is a huge empty hall with three doors at the far end. In the middle spiral staircase, she leads to the baron's office. There is a rope on the table.

The door on the right leads to the cell where Daniel and Alexander once sawed up the “rapist”. A grate on the floor hides a drain hole into which the victim's blood flowed. We tie a rope to the jar, lower it into the hole and fill it with blood. The third ingredient has been found. After searching the remaining two chambers, Daniel collects all the fragments of the sphere. Where now to glue the sphere and prepare a potion for Agrippa? Maybe in the altar room?

Bad thought. Daniel could not escape from the dead who attacked him...


The hero woke up in prison. The door, of course, is locked. Suddenly, a brown mass began to fill the chamber - Daniel was overtaken by the Shadow. We need to look for a way to salvation.

The masonry of the left wall turned out to be fragile. A hammer and chisel (fortunately, the monsters didn’t think to search it) will help make a hole in it. Through it, Daniel will reach the cracked beam and bring it down onto the wall.

The exit from the prison is locked. While exploring the cells, the hero finds a note with the last words of one of the prisoners: the key is stuck in a sewer pipe. You can get it out in two ways: fill a bucket with water from the well and “wash” it, or break off a rod from a rusty grate and push it through. The path to salvation is open.

Unobtrusive surprise

Many developers like to leave some “Easter eggs” in their games, hidden or not-so-surprises for curious players. The people from Frictional Games acted with true Swedish humor.

Why look for something in the game? Moreover, in “Amnesia” the players are only busy looking for something. All the most interesting things are in plain sight.

Right in the root directory of the game (who even looks there?) quietly located an archive called “super_secret.rar”. This is so that no one will guess, yes. Everything would be fine, but the archive is password protected. The password is long, but very simple.

The game has three endings: good, bad and normal. After all the credits (or by pressing a button), the player will see the inscription “end”. And in a large font, almost larger than the very “end” - so that they definitely won’t miss it - the code. Not yet a password, but only part of it.

But if you combine the codes from all three endings, the resulting combination will be the password to the archive. And it contains - no more nor less - early art and drawings, a detailed walkthrough of the first chapter of the game, a design document, a description of the capabilities of the new “engine” (all in great and mighty English) and several video excerpts from the alpha versions of the game.


Daniel is back in the nave. The castle collapses, a brown mass forms everywhere, it injures the archaeologist. The rubble opened access to the laboratory, which had previously been boarded up with boards. Well, we need to help poor Agrippa.

First, distill the blood. Then squeeze out the secretion of the poisonous gland into the same vessel. Then use a still to evaporate the Thumpter extract from the bone.

Agrippa is still chained to the wall. Daniel gives him a potion to drink, after which the old man asks him to cut off his head and throw it into the portal that Alexander opens. Daniel has nothing against it, since the saw is very close, in the room on the left. Now he must connect the sphere and penetrate the inner sanctum.


Daniel finds himself in a spacious underground temple. The bridge crosses the chasm and leads to a shrine and a room with mechanisms. The passage to the sanctuary is blocked by a magical field. Daniel tries to put together a sphere from the fragments on a special pedestal, but nothing comes of it - he needs some kind of adhesive mass.

A bucket of resin in the machinery room comes in very handy. But this doesn’t help either: the sphere itself cannot remove the magic field; the mechanisms must be turned off. The stone breaks the gears - we must hurry.

Inner Sanctum

A massive gate blocks Daniel's path. He pulls the lever on one of the columns, but the gate remains in place - but passages open on both sides of the hall. There is nothing in the rooms except some ritual drawings on the floor and sacrificial altars.

Daniel has no choice but to spill his blood on both altars and begin the ritual. Daniel's mind refuses to obey him, his legs give way. The shadow breathes down the back of your head, the castle changes before your eyes.

But the ritual had already begun, and the gate to the sphere room opened.

Sphere room

And here is the denouement. Alexander is ready to finish the ritual and leave through the portal to another world. What should Daniel do? Let it be as it is? Stop the baron and kill him? Carry out the will of Agrippa?

Who is to blame for all these murders? Alexander? Daniel? Both? It’s strange, Daniel achieved his goal, but still didn’t receive any answers...

1 2 All


English - language name of the game: Amnesia. The Dark Descent

We follow the trail of drops. There is a closet in the corridor. Open it and take the tinderbox. We go into the room on the right. We take the tinderbox on the table. We go further along the trail of drops. Next, after the character’s glitches, we go to the first door on the right. We take the tinderbox on the shelves. We go into the next room on the right. The light goes out. We go out and follow the trail down the stairs.

Old archives

Let's follow the trail. The door opens and the light goes out. Let's go through this door. We take 2 tinderboxes on the shelves. We follow the trail into the room. A lantern falls from the table. Let's select it. We move further along the trail. Now you can do this with a lit lantern (F button, it consumes oil, you need to look for it to keep the fire going). In the next room, next to the stove, there is a cabinet. Inside is a tinderbox. We open the door, take the letter, read it. Former Daniel tells us that we must kill Alexander of Brandenburg. There is oil next to the note on the table. We take it. Now, by going into your inventory, you can replenish the lantern’s energy reserve by double-clicking on the oil. In the same room on the left, near the shelves, there is a lever. We pull it. A secret door opens

Chapter 1.


Let's go where the petals show. Organic mass blocked the passage to the processing chambers. Opposite the stairs to the processing chambers in the hall is a room with a chest on the left at the very beginning. Inside is a tinderbox and oil. Let's try to open the large gate in this room. Didn't work? Organics blocked the exit again. We go back to the center of the Hall. We go into the passage, located at the base of the stairs up. We get down and go to the door leading to the Laboratory. We go.


If it is dark for you, then light a lantern or use tinderboxes to light torches on the walls, under the ceiling and wherever is convenient for you. Here I will not describe where and how to light it (this is stupid). We go down the stairs to the laboratory. There is a shelf next to the stone-filled passage. There is oil next to it. We go to the only way under the stairs down. In the 1st room on the right, among the boxes, there is a tinderbox and a chest with another one inside. We see an alchemical table and a letter on it. We read and find out that all the ingredients are in the wine cellar (with the dead bugagaga) In the same room, on the other side, there is another table with a jar and another letter. We take the jar, read the letter, find out exactly what ingredients are needed to create the acid. We check the cabinets in the table, inside there is a tinderbox and a “cassette” (a cylindrical artifact, it needs to be read and admired). Opposite this table is a stove, with a tinderbox inside it. We are moving out of the laboratory. We are being intimidated. We put out the lights and hide. When everything calms down, we leave the laboratory. In the hall we go up the stairs to the door marked “Archives”. We go.


We go through the door to the right. We read the note. We go through the door on the left. We take the note on the shelves. There is a tinderbox in the desk cabinets. We go into the corridor to the “Office” door. Let's go in. We read the note from the table. There is a tinderbox in the drawers. We leave the office through another door. We go to “Old Books”. On the right in the chest is a tinderbox and oil. There is a tinderbox in the oven. We leave. We are trying to enter the “Local History Hall”. Closed. We go out to the right into a large, beautiful “corridor” with fireplaces on the sides. We go left to the end of the corridor and then turn left again. We take oil from the table next to the piano. Go to Floor Plans. We listen to the story about the rotten castle. In the upper left corner of the room is a chest with 2 tinderboxes and oil. We leave. Let's go to Maps. We approach the table. We take a note. Daniel gets high again. This time we are helping him. Moving forward to shine. Let's take the sphere. We are back in reality. We are content with the beautiful classical motifs playing in the background. In the table where the note was there was again a tinderbox. The exit was filled with stones. How to get out? We go to the wall between two offices. Do we see cracks? The wall is fragile, but you can’t break it with your hands. We take something heavy (in particular, there is a helmet nearby) and throw it at the wall. We are free. We go into the room. There is oil on one of the shelves here. At the end of the room on the left is a note. You need to break the display case with something (for example, a book). We use the books on the shelves. They need to be turned on all at once, but each of them is inserted back after being pulled out. Therefore, you need to find all the necessary books and use them as quickly as possible. We take them all out and the passage opens. There is a note in the desk locker. On the table is the key to the wine cellar. Let's take it. Someone is scaring us. We go into the room with books - we see that the door, closed on the right, is now broken. We leave the archives feeling frightened at the same time. When leaving, you need to quickly move away from the door - the shadow is indignant. We go to the wine cellar (the door is in the same descent where the laboratory is, opposite) We use the key on the door.

Wine Vault

Let's go down. Let's listen to the scene. We go into the door opposite the stairs. We take cuprite. In order not to go crazy, we light some kind of candle and wait in this room for 20 seconds (there is an enemy wandering outside, although this is not a fact, but caution did not hurt anyone) We leave, go through the rooms clockwise. Let's go to the next one. Are cockroaches crawling on your monitor? Don't try to knock it down) There is a tinderbox on the shelves. On the right is a barrel of oil (the most useful thing in this game). There is another tinderbox on the tables. Calamine is lying on the floor. Let's take it. It fell like a barrel and the door was blocked by rubble. Let's take it apart. We drag away heavy stones by holding the mouse and w,a,s,d moving. Has the rubble been cleared? We leave. The next entrance has no door. They made a pate out of someone. It's a pity. We listen to the scene. There is a tinderbox in the chest. There is a note on the table and... ROYAL vodka... mmm. Unfortunately we just take it. We go to the last door under the stairs. Or rather there are 2 of them, but we go into the one to the left. We take opium on the shelves at the end of the corridor on the left. Be careful, there is a dead ghost wandering in this room. We select tinderboxes on the shelves. (We also look at the top of the shelves) We examine the entire room. We find Orpiment and leave the wine cellar. Again the shadow is indignant. Let's go to the Laboratory.

Laboratory 1.1

Remember the alchemy table? Let's run to him. We install all the ingredients, including the jar. Now let's start chemistry. Turn the valves in a circular motion. First gas. Then take turns at each test tube. Take the resulting bottle of acid. We see the consequences of such strange noises - the stairs are destroyed. We use the wonders of the local physics: we put boxes on the remains of the bottom of the stairs, climb onto these boxes and jump up. We leave the laboratory.


We go to the already hated organic mass that blocked the way to the processing chambers. We use a bottle of acid on it. The mass dissolved.

Processing chamber

We move along the tunnel. Let's listen to the scene. We see the enemy. Let's hide. We move more carefully in the direction where the enemy went. We go into the room. We take a note. On the shelf on the right is a tinderbox. We move into the next door. Another tinderbox. The next room has a locked door. There are several boxes to the right of the door. We clear them - passage into the next room. In it we see... An oil barrel! Hurray) We take all the tinderboxes from the chest (2) and shelves (1). We see the hatch down. But it's too heavy to lift. We see a rope. But the mechanism does not work because the stick is stuck in one of the parts. Searching from above. We take out the blockage. We turn the lever. The hatch is open. We jump down. We go to the door to the basement archives.

Basement Archives

Here it is, one of the most disgusting missions of Amnesia. Having entered the room and walked a little, you see how the light goes out and the room is already partially filled with water. Everything seems to be fine. But you should not stand in this water. Because there is an enemy in it and he wants to eat you. You have to jump on boxes. We jump into the room on the right and use the lever there. Now you need to run in time to the door that is open but will close. Did you run? Another room with something hungry on the floor. We throw pieces of meat at him and run to open the door (here you will have to operate the lever yourself). Have you opened it? You quickly run in, open the next door and jump onto some box. The next door requires a key. There is no key, but there is a hollow game on the shelf in the same room. We use the needle on the door and go out into the Archive Tunnels.

Archive tunnels

Oh my dear mom!!! The monster wants you dead right here and right now. Just run, run headlong, remember the wise saying “Good food is dead food.” Today you are food and you need to run away. The tour is short and linear. Don't get confused.

Chapter 2.

Remote hall

We follow the trail into the room on the left. Let's listen to the scene. We are trying to start the elevator - it doesn’t work. We leave. We go up the stairs to the “Living Room”.

Living room

We read the note. We take out opium from the table cabinet. We take a crowbar tinderbox on the table in the next room and read the note. We use the bed. Let's listen to the scene. We approach the only door on the right, which does not open. We use the crowbar on this door from the inventory. We move the crowbar here and there. Bam. The door then opened. We read the note. Approach the closet on the right. Bugaga! The enemy is coming. Hide in the closet and close the doors. Remember Freddy's rhyme? The time has come to remember her. We listen to the sounds. We are waiting for the monster to come out (the sound of the door) We leave the closet. In the same room, a key is hidden behind a painting. We move the picture and it falls down. We take the bottle with the key and let go. The bottle is broken - we select the key. We return to the "Remote Hall" Leaving immediately from above we go to the next door "Study".


We enter the door on the right. Open the chest and take the tinderbox. We enter the door on the left - read the note. We leave and walk along the corridor. Next to the windows we go into the first door. We listen to a skit about how dogs were tortured. We read the note on the table. In the room next to us we read the note. We search the table - a tinderbox and a pile of skulls. We leave these rooms. We go along the corridor to the right. Blockage. Don't pass. We return to the windows. The first window is cracked (there is oil next to it, take it) We throw something at the window, for example a chair. We go out onto the cornices. We jump along them until we see the entrance to a new room. In this room, look at the new “cassette” (cylindrical artifact). In the next room, fill the lantern with oil from the Barrel. We read the note, select the rod. In the next room there is a chest with 2 tinderboxes. That's it, you can go back the same way along the cornices and return to the “Remote Hall”. In the Distant Hall we go down the stairs and go to the room on the right - “Storage”.


Let's move forward. We take the tinderbox. In this room, try to light at least some of the torches - there is little light, or use a lantern, but it must be used wisely. First we go through the door on the left. We take the part from the drill on the shelf. We hear the monster grumbling. We wait in this room. There are 3 tinderboxes on the shelves. Since there are no torches or candles here, you will have to stupidly spoil your already shaken mind, but nothing, not for the first time. We leave the room. But be careful. We go to the next passage (counting clockwise) from the room called “Details”. We light candles and torches along the way so as not to get confused later. We go all the way, go down and see that the passage is blocked. We need explosives. To make explosives you need to mix 2 substances. We have a jar. We go back to the center and move into the next passage called “Equipment” We look in different rooms the remaining parts are from the drill. In the room in the center there is a handle and 2 tinderboxes. In the room on the right there are 2 tinderboxes and in the chest there is oil + opium + tinderbox. In the room on the left there is a drill base and 2 tinderboxes on a shelf (1 in the middle, the other on top). We assemble the drill together by moving objects on top of each other. Now we find vertical barrels with taps next to the horizontal barrels (with wine?). But the taps are rusty. We use a drill. We substitute the container. There are 2 of these barrels. We are looking more carefully, both are here. Did they pour explosives? They scare us, but we are not afraid, because we are fearless pioneers. Now we return to the “Details” room. We install explosives next to the stones. We take the meanest pebble that is lying nearby. We retreat about 10 meters and throw a pebble. Don't get it? Then you can just walk up and hit it close with a boulder... but is that interesting  Explosion. Bang! We go into the room. We take our favorite tinderbox on the shelf (what kind is there?) We go left. Let's listen to the scene. In the next room we take tinderboxes on the shelves (one on the left and one on the right). We go into the room on the right. Let's take another tinderbox. We go to the far right room. We open. Bugaga! Zombie. Actually, it wasn’t necessary to open it, but I scared you) Slam this door shut and run forward into the passage, run, run and eventually listen to another scene and go through the door on the right. There are 2 more rods and a note there. We take them and try to get out. Zombie!!! He scared us again. We sit in the room. Then we carefully get out of it and move in a squat. It is advisable to put your head under the pillow. No? It's a pity. In general, we are moving towards the exit from the Warehouse, along the way meeting monsters and our deepest horrors. Going out to the Remote Hall, we see how it has changed and move to the Engine Room. It is located in a room where the elevator is only on the left. We open the door with the key.

Engine room

We go into the door on the right. We read the note. A little further we turn on the light in a suspended lamp. We see the mechanism. See the numbers above and below the levers? It is necessary that the levers raised up should be the sum of the numbers = 8 and down 8. We solve the problem - it displays the inscription “Uniform flow” Let's go down. We go into the 1st door. Take 2 notes. We turn on the light in this room (required) to better understand what needs to be done here. We see 3 notches on the big one metal panel. We insert rods into them. The steam cycle rod is round. Triple to triangular. Four-phase to square. We leave the room. Pay attention - there is a large gear in front of the room. Another one inside the room. They will still be useful to us. Let's go down. In this room, we also turn on the light next to the mechanism. Here you need to put 3 gears. 1 is in this room and 2 is where we just came from (read a couple of lines above) Have you installed 3 gears? Great. To the left of this mechanism is a firebox. Here, too, it is necessary to turn on the light in the lamp from above, otherwise you will not see the nose. We open the firebox. It's empty. In the room on the left there is coal (there is also 1 tinderbox on the shelf). We take balls of coal and throw them into the furnace. Need 3 pieces. Filled the firebox - close - press the lever. Approach the mechanism on the right - press the lever. Did you feel like a driver? Still) Exit the engine room to the Remote Hall. Let's run to the elevator!!! We're leaving for home.

Chapter 3.


We listen to the scene. We clear the blockage at the door. Let's go in. We go to the right next to the wall. If you see something that can be lit (torches, candles), light it. We move all the time along the right wall (this is not necessary, but this way you will understand what places I’m talking about, otherwise it’s unlikely) We see the first light coming from above. We turn right and go further, we see the first camera. We go into it. We take a tinderbox. We leave the room and go further along the wall. We take another tinderbox and this is actually a dead end. We return to the light from above. Have you regained your sanity? Now move along the left wall... We go into the 1st cell. Take a tinderbox and oil. We go to the far camera. They scare us with knocks. Let's retreat and regain our sanity. In the chamber opposite the left is a hammer. Let's take it. We go further along the right wall. Zombie ghoul is scary AHH! In general, we hide and wait until the creature disappears. Well, either you can die and next time he will be somewhere else if you walk carefully. We go up the stairs. We turn right. We go along the right wall. Next comes the entrance to the room. (point 1) It is advisable to light a torch next to it. Inside there is opium and a tinderbox. Let's get out of it. We go further along the wall, there is a descent down. We are being intimidated. We rise back to point 1. Moving directly from point 1 - the room. It contains a tinderbox and oil. Let's go left out of the room with oil. And let's go into the left room. Let's listen to the scene. We move the bed and see a hole, but the passage is too narrow. Well, let's look for tools. We leave this room and go straight to the stop. Entering the room we listen to another scene. We take a chisel on the floor. We leave. We approach the door on the left. He writes that the lock is weak and rusted. We connect the chisel and hammer. We use it on the door. Oil barrel! Woohoo! We refuel and move towards the room with a narrow hole. We use a hammer and chisel on the hole. It has become wider! Human anatomy? No, my friend, physics!


We crawl through the tunnel. Left or right? To the right of course You left? We follow the signs to the “Storage” (Receptaculum). We are guided by the signs on the walls. Since at the end of the last level there was a barrel of oil, I hope that you are not going blindly and see these signs. If there is something, light the torches on the walls to see it. We come to the Storage, take a jar and 2 tinderboxes. Now we follow the signs to the “Kitchen” (Culina). If we meet monsters, we have fun hiding, sitting out and going out hunting again. Did you go to the kitchen? We read the note. There are 2 tinderboxes on the shelves. We approach the cauldron at the end of the room and use the jar on it. Alarm! Alarm! Zombies are here! We hide behind the pig carcasses and turn off the lights. Let's sit and that's enough. We take the oil from right next to it and leave the room. We go towards the storage room again. We go up the stairs, go right, left, left, right, left. We go into the door on the left, take the oil and tinderbox. Through the door on the right, we listen to the scene. Let's move on in the old direction. In the room we read the note. We go back - they are intimidating us. Let's hide. Did you sit out? We leave. Now we go in the opposite direction, then left, right, left all the way. We see a door with a lock in poor condition. We pour acid from a can onto it. We finish with a hammer and chisel. We are being intimidated again. We open the door and run into the Passage to the Cistern.

Chapter 4.

Passage to the Cistern

We listen to the scene. We see a pillar in the middle with a lever on it that lowers the stairs. But it needs to be lubricated. We go to the pipe from which the oil flows and substitute the jar. We take the can and go to the lever. We use on it. Let's use the lever. The ladder did not go all the way down - the pipe was in the way. You need to break it. We raise the ladder. We lower it again using the lever. And so on several times. The stairs went down - we crawled up. We go forward to the door. We use the right lever, the left lever. We walk along the bridge that descends from the right lever. Let's go to the cistern.


We walk along the path and listen to the scene. We see a descent and a new ascent on the other side. Let's go to it. We jump along the bridge to the very end. There is a note there and you need to turn the lever. This way we lower the water level in the adjacent location, which is where we will need to go later. Let's spin. Let's go back. Let's move to the right side. We take oil and tinderbox from the chest. Now we go to the other side of the bridge after which we crossed the water for the first time. To the right of this rise is another one. Let's go for it. We see suspension bridge. It is necessary to throw a stone along the chain. The bridge went down. Let's go to the end. We read the note. To the right of the boxes is oil. We turn the valve. The monsters are rampaging. Let's go back. The last valve remains. It is located on the left; if you walk along the water, then after about 10 meters you will see a rise - we are heading towards it. Gas pipes. We pass carefully, wait for one to go out - we pass. We are waiting for the next one. Easier than steamed turnips. We twist the valve so that it does not smoke here. Let's go to the end. We read the note. We turn the valve. You can leave here. We go into the Passage to the Cistern. We went out into the Passage. Now we go to the “Control Room” (where there are 2 levers for lowering the bridges).

Control room

We go in and listen to the scene. We go into the room on the right. We take the tinderbox on the box. We look at how the levers are fixed. We go to the room opposite. Here they must be fixed in the same way. If it doesn't work out, try turning and twisting. The only strange puzzle in this game, because they are not fixed in exactly the same way as in the room opposite. You may need to listen for clicks in the mechanism. Have you noticed pipes lying around in these rooms? They will still be useful to us. Approach the door to the next room and turn the valve. We go into the room and at the same time I advise you to throw 2 of these pipes into it at once. We go first to the right room. A tinderbox and a note. Also on the floor is the 3rd pipe. There is oil by the stairs. Remember how the levers of the mechanism are located. We go to the left room. We take the handle. We install the levers in the same way as in the right room. We go to the last room. Here you need to install these 3 pipes that are lying around in different rooms. Bring them all here. How to install? Long in the middle vertically. 1st small one through the long one horizontally. 2nd small one to the left of the long one vertically. It's working! Just 2 games in one. We leave the Control Room. You can not? Has the valve fallen off? We use the handle instead. We exit into the Passage to the Cistern. We use the lever to lower the bridge into the next room. The bridge doesn't want to go down all the way? We get down to the ground. We take a larger stone and throw it onto the bridge. If you don’t have the strength to throw at it right away, we first throw it onto the stone base on which we’ve already had a good run. The bridge went down. Let's go to... MORGUE.


What will be next. Maybe Hell? So it does not matter. Let's go ahead. Let's listen to the scene. We go straight to the room with a bunch of bones. We listen to Daniel's panic. Take a tinderbox and a copper pipe. Opium is on the higher shelves. We go back to the turn. Let's go to that room. We see inside a laboratory for the study of human organs and other perversions. Inside the table we look at another “cassette” (cylindrical artifact) + tinderbox + opium in the cabinets. There is a note on the table. On the shelves next to it is another + tinderbox. I hope you didn't go explore the corpses in the next rooms? Ew, well, you and... tsk tsk. But okay. We approach the corpse on the table. We drill his skull with a drill. We stick a copper stick into the hole. Insert a needle into the stick. Hooray! Anatomy lesson completed. Now we stab ourselves with this needle and catch the Teletubbies! Now try to get out. Oh my bastard! Tinky Winky is banging on the door! Rather, hide under the corpses (heh, it’s a pity you can’t do that) In general, just hide in the rooms with corpses and wait and leave from here to the Passage to the Cistern. Are you out? Go downstairs. Go to where it used to be flooded. Now you can go there calmly. Forward. We go down to the Collector.


We are moving forward. Let's go down. Let's go. We see zombies. Let's hide. We move on carefully to where he came from. Then we go right all the way. To the left and enter the room. We refuel from an oil barrel. 2 levers. We put them in such a position that there is less noise. (right maximum to the right, left maximum to the left) We go back to where we were frightened by the ghoul-ghost-zombie. Fuck there. He came here too. Let's hide. We wait. Let's go where I said earlier. Have you arrived? So you are standing next to the “water pump”. Go into the remaining tunnel. Along the way there is a tinderbox in the pipe (how many of them do you already have?) We reached the end. We see a broken pipe. We break it off completely. Let's return to the "water pump". We block the movement with a pipe. We crawl. Let's go straight. Right. We enter the door. Opium stands by the aisle. Go ahead. Dead end? Let's go back. Boom! The monster broke the bars. Let's hide. We wait. We go to where the grate is broken. Now here you need to lure the monster on one side to run around in a circle and run on the other side to where it blocked the passage. Do you hear the growl?! Quickly run, open the doors and crawl up the stairs. Uff... Light, light! Oh yeah! And we crawl out somewhere. This location is Nave.

Chapter 5.


Next to the well is a tinderbox. We go into the door on the right (to the right of the rope, if we consider your original location after the previous level). The door does not budge. We go straight through the door - there is a tinderbox and the passage is blocked. We go through the door at the back. In the room there is a barrel of oil, a tinderbox, a note and 2 levers. We don't need them yet, but remember this place, let's call it point Bravo. Now go through the last door on the left. We move along the corridor - the stairs go down. Let's go down. There are 2 tinderboxes under the stairs and a door next to it. We go in the door. Let's listen to the scene. We go left, open the door and go downstairs. Who do we see!!! Old friend, Kirill Oreshkin Agrippa. He tells us a couple of lovely stories. We listen to him and look to the left. There is butter on the table. We take it and crawl onto the table. Open the hatch at the top. We put a chair on the table (items can be rotated with the R key) and climb onto it. Fixing the detail. The mechanism has been fixed. Now we run to point Bravo (where there are 2 levers). We use the levers. We run again to Agrippa. We go further along the corridor into the next large room. I'm going to the cameras. In the near right below is a tinderbox. In the far right from above is a tinderbox. When we go up from the left side we see meat on the table. Let's take it. We return to Agrippa. Now two gates have opened in this room. We go first to the right (if we count where we just came from) or to the left (if we stand next to Agrippa and look at these two gates). Have you come in? We reach the room. There is a well inside. We tie the meat to the rope. We lower the meat into the well. Om-Nom-nom. The monster says thank you for the dessert. Pull it back. We take the bone. We go further in this tunnel to the entrance to the Transept.


There are 3 rooms (left, right, front) + a room up the stairs. Let's go to her first. We go into the office. Take a tinderbox and oil. We take out a note from the table and look at the "cassette" (cylindrical artifact) We take the rope on the table. Let's go down. We go into the room to the left. We enjoy the torture. We take out the first piece of the sphere from the cabinet. We leave the room. Let's go straight into the room. Let's listen to the scene. We go in a straight line until it stops. We open the door. Let's listen to the scene. The tinderbox is nearby + the 2nd piece of the sphere under the bags. We take them and leave the room. We go into the room to the right. Let's go to the room. Let's enjoy another torture. We take the third piece of the sphere and can leave the Transept. Are you out? So you are in Nave. Now we go through the gate opposite. Door on the left. Let's go in. There is a tinderbox on the shelf. There is a tinderbox + "cassette" (cylindrical artifact) in the cabinets of the table. There is a note on the table. We leave the room and go into the Kliros.


We walk along the corridor. We enter the door on the right. Below and on the table are tinderboxes. We go through the door on the left. We use the note. Take a knife. Cut the "scoundrel". We leave the room. We go further along the corridor and go down. We go into the Kliros (Main Hall). So here, just like in the Transept, there are 3 rooms for each martyr. I hope you have enough oil in the lantern, because it's terribly unpleasant here - foggy and dark. In general, remember how to return to the original point (let's call it the Gamma point) and everything will be fine. First we move to the left. You can go straight along the left wall. We reach the room. There is a tinderbox in the passage on the left. On the right is opium. In the middle is the Iron Maiden. Let's enjoy the torture again. To the left of the iron maiden lies the 4th piece of the sphere. We leave this room and return to the Gamma point. Again, just walk along the wall (now on the right) So you are at the entrance to the Kliros. Now go to the room on the right. The main thing here is not to miss the bridge to it. Did you find the bridge? Which looks like bridges in Murowind. So you're on on the right track. The main thing is to move strictly next to the wall on the right. If there is a dead end, then go to the next wall and move back. In general, all the time on one wall. This way you will stumble upon the room for sure. Don't forget that there is a monster walking nearby. Let's go inside. We enjoy the torture. Take the 5th piece of the sphere. Next, we leave the room and continue moving along the right wall. As a result, after much torment, you will stumble upon the 3rd room. There is a mushroom nearby. Use a hammer and chisel to break it apart. The poisonous gland is with us. Hooray. We go into the room. We enjoy the torture and take the 6th piece of the sphere. Phew. Now you can leave the Kliros and forget about it as bad sleep. We approach Agrippa, he is again more talkative than ever. We go to the very last room that we have not entered yet - the Altar.


We go up the stairs. We open the door. DEAR MOTHER. A bunch of perverts are running towards you! What will they do?!? Phew. They just cut it off. The loading screen says "Sleep"... means Sleep. So we're in jail. Let's listen to the scene. There is oil under the bed. Break off the steel rod from the grate. The wall on the left is unstable. We insert the rod. Let's bend him. We break through the wall. We leave. In the next chamber clockwise, we select the note and oil behind the bed. In the next cell we are shocked! And we see an ordinary man and naked. No! Down with the perverts. It's just a naked man. And he's dead. We select 2 tinderboxes and go to the next chamber. In it we take an opium bucket and a tinderbox. We are trying to exit through the main door. However, he doesn’t want to. We approach the well in the middle and twist the rope up. We attach the bucket and lower it. We pick it up again. We take the bucket and approach the pipes. The key is there. We use the bucket on the pipes and wash the key onto the ground. We use the key on the doors. We leave. Hey MOM, take me back! A creature with 65 tentacles and 21 eyes is chasing us!!! Okay, so... you can’t even dream up. The graphics just wouldn’t pull it off like that. The red fog is chasing us. We run away with all our might. We open all the doors and clear away the rubble and move forward forward forward. And by the way, I feel sorry for you, as well as for myself, if by that time the lantern has run out (it’s generally worth saving it throughout the game for such cases). We go out to the Nave.

Chapter 6. Final

Nave 1.1

We take the tinderbox from the table and the note. Let's watch the splash screen. Have you woken up? We go straight through the door. Another door. Take the tinderbox and go through the door to the left. +1 tinderbox – we leave. Go through the door on the left/straight. We walk along the corridor. We go down the stairs. The location is familiar to us, although it has become dark. We see that the Alchemy room has opened on the right. We don't need it yet. Let's go to Agrippa. He tells us that everything is fine. We move into the passage that has opened on the left. We take the saw on the shelf. Do you see a trail of blood on the floor? We approach a small hatch where the blood flows. We open it, before that we connect the jar with the rope in the inventory and put it there. We take out the jar. Now we go to the Alchemy room. Place the jar on the appliance on the right and heat it up. On the device on the left we pinch the grass. We substitute the jar and squeeze it out. On the device in the middle, put a bone there, substitute a jar. Let's fry. Ale op! Alchemical lesson number (which one is there already?) is over) We return to Agrippa for further water procedures. We do what he says. We take what he gives. Let's go to the altar again.


We go up the stairs. Here again the system is left-middle-right. Let's go left. If there is a zombie there, then we wait for him to disappear and still go left. We take a note. Take a tinderbox and a bucket of resin. Let's go down. We need to stop the mechanism by jamming it. We take the box from above and stick it between the gears. Now we go straight into the room. We are close to the final. We see the pedestal on the left. We put the resin on the pedestal. Next, we glue the sphere on the pedestal piece by piece. Ale op. We are passing to unknown lands. We run into the inner sanctuary.

Inner Sanctum

Let's go down. Use the lever on the column on the left. We go to the left door. We read the note. We approach the sacrificial table on the right. We pierce ourselves (we like it so much, mm) Then we stand on the pentagram. My mind was shaken. But we rest and go back to battle. We go into the room on the right. Back to the altar. A drop of blood. Then the pentagram. The passage is open. Let's run into it. And to the Hall of the Sphere.

Hall of the Sphere

Here he is, Alexander. He gives us long speeches. What can I say? This is already an entertaining end to Amnesia. It's up to you to decide what to do. There are 3 endings. If you haven’t done anything yet, then it’s better to try, if you DON’T know what to do, then here are 3 options
1) Push the pillars that feed it with energy.
2) Do nothing, listen and wait for the gate to open and throw Agrippa’s head there
3) Do nothing, listen and wait for the gate to open and do not interfere with Alexander leaving for another world (the same ending happens if you are killed by a shadow anywhere else in the game)

So, welcome to the world of nightmare! Let's start this walkthrough with useful tips. At the very beginning of the game, you will go through a short training course, which will tell you how to interact with the outside world, and most importantly, how to behave with monsters. Read everything carefully - it will definitely come in handy.

  • In this game, light is life in the truest sense of the word. You will have an oil lamp and tinderboxes at your disposal. (this is a box filled with tinder - a material that ignites with a single spark). The number of tinderboxes and oil in the lamp will be limited, so take care of the light and always carefully examine the location for the presence of tinderboxes and jars of oil.
  • The game has a life gauge. Life can be restored with the help of opium tincture, which, in turn, can be found in locations. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary. Stay away from the red substance on the walls - it stings painfully. And heroic jumps from great heights can end very badly.
  • Never try to make friends with monsters. As soon as you hear a roar and “exciting music” (over time you will get used to it) - immediately hide in the darkest corner. It is impossible to stay without light for a long time - our hero begins to go crazy, faints and generally behaves poorly, which greatly interferes with the game. Monsters have the same effect on him if you look at them for a long time. The hero begins to worry about how he reveals his presence, and this is fraught with death from the clutches of an merciless monster. The sensor in the lower left corner of your inventory will help you understand the state of your mind.
  • If you, out of fear, have forgotten what to do and where to go, look at the Journal. There, in the “Memories” section, your tasks are listed.
  • Always be extremely careful, nothing in this game happens for nothing. The game itself suggests your next actions. A suddenly opened door, rose petals on the floor, a fallen book, a broken window - all this is not accidental. Read the documents, pay attention to such clues - and you will never get lost in this game.


Now about the useful buttons. You will have to play with both a keyboard and a mouse. You use the keyboard to walk and use the mouse to perform various actions: take, carry, open, throw, move.

In the settings section, you can change the settings to those that will be convenient for you personally, and by default the buttons are set like this:

  • Inventory– Tab
  • Magazine- J
  • Memories– M
  • last record-N
  • Show cursor-X
  • Throw an item- Right mouse button
  • Use item-Left mouse button
  • Rotate item– hold down R and perform rotational movements with the mouse
  • Zoom in or delete object inspected - scrolling
  • Flashlight- F
  • Movement- W, S, D, A
  • Run- left shift
  • Sit down- left Ctrl
  • Bounce- space


This chapter of the game was created so that we could understand the principles of interaction with objects and study the behavior of the main character. We received the first task - to follow the trail of drops and find the source of the liquid. The assignment can be read in the journal, in the “Memories” section. Now we begin to carefully explore the locations. Let's start with the room behind us, on the left. There on the table we pick up our first tinderbox. Further, following the drops on the floor, we head to the hall. Here our hero will experience the first attack of fear. Pay attention to how the controls change, and be prepared for the character's reaction to monsters and other stimuli. The large door is locked, but there is an entrance on the left. There are two cabinets in the corridor, opening them, we find tinderboxes. We go into the room on the right, on the table we take a tinderbox. The next door down the corridor will lead us to the stairs. Climb up and follow the pink drops on the floor. We arrived at the great hall. The door to the right opened. Let's go there. Here we have to get our first lesson in using tinderboxes. As soon as the lights go out, look for a candelabra in the room. When we move the cursor to the candle, an image of a tinderbox will appear. We light candles. We go back to the hall and head to dark room, the first from the entrance to the hall. It's dark there and we don't have a portable light source. Therefore, we quickly run to the end of the room, pick up the tinderbox and - back to the light. Now we go to the passage on the opposite side of the hall. We go down the stairs and open the door leading to the next location.

Old archives

We walk along the corridor, following the pink drops, until a door suddenly opens. The lights go out and Daniel starts to panic. We find a torch on the wall and light it. You shouldn't light too many torches - you need to save fuel. We go to the room into which the draft so kindly invited us. We go down the stairs. In the closet opposite the stairs we take two tinderboxes. There is nothing else in this room - we return to the corridor. We go further and go into the room on the left. We select a lantern on the floor near the table. Now we have a portable light source. And it is just very handy, because there is a dark corridor on the right, and the tracks indicate that we need to go there. We pass through a dark corridor and find ourselves in the next room. Looks quite safe. On the left under the window we scatter the boxes and pick up the tinderbox. Another tinderbox in the closet. We go through the door at the end of the room. On the table we take the refill for our lamp and read the note. There is a lever on the wall to the left of the table - lower it and open the secret entrance.


We go up the stairs. Where the rose petals, having received another dose of hallucinations, we go down to the door leading to the "Processing Chamber". Some sticky substance blocked our entrance, and now our task is to find something that could dissolve it. We go back to the hall and go into the opening immediately opposite the stairs. In the chest we select oil and tinderbox. In the second cabinet on the shelf we take another tinderbox, and behind the third cabinet - oil. The door at the end of the room is closed. We return to the hall and go into the opening located on the left. Going down the stairs, we find ourselves between two doors. The door on the left (Wine Cellar) is locked. We enter the door on the right.


We go down the stairs and to the right on the floor, near the lit torch, we pick up the oil. On the left side of the cabinet, at the very top, we again select the oil refill. Let's go down. On the right on the floor we select a tinderbox, another tinderbox in the chest. Further, again on the right, there is a table. We read the note on the table. In the cabinet opposite we take the oil. Another through the closet is a tinderbox. To the left of the entrance is another table. We take a note and a jar on the table, a tinderbox in the table drawer, and an artifact in the cabinet. In the stove opposite the table we select another tinderbox. From the records we learn about solvents and the storage of chemicals. All that's left is to get them.


We return to the hall and go up the stairs and to the right. On the left, in the opening littered with stones, we select a tinderbox. We go further, to the very end of the corridor to the doors leading to the “Archives”. Next to the doors there is a ladder down, we can go down it and pick up another tinderbox on the steps.


We follow the trail of drops. There is a closet in the corridor. Open it and take the tinderbox. We go into the room on the right. We take the tinderbox on the table. We go further along the trail of drops. Next, after the character’s glitches, we go to the first door on the right. We take the tinderbox on the shelves. We go into the next room on the right. The light goes out. We go out and follow the trail down the stairs.

Old archives

Let's follow the trail. The door opens and the light goes out. Let's go through this door. We take 2 tinderboxes on the shelves. We follow the trail into the room. A lantern falls from the table. Let's select it. We move further along the trail. Now you can do this with a lit lantern (F button, it consumes oil, you need to look for it to keep the fire going). In the next room, next to the stove, there is a cabinet. Inside is a tinderbox. We open the door, take the letter, read it. Former Daniel tells us that we must kill Alexander of Brenenburg. There is oil next to the note on the table. We take it (now, having entered the inventory, you can replenish the energy of the lantern by clicking 2 times on the oil. In the same room, on the left near the shelves, there is a lever. We pull it. A secret door opens).

Part 1


Let's go where the petals show. Organic mass blocked the passage to the processing chambers. Opposite the stairs to the processing chambers in the hall is a room with a chest on the left at the very beginning. Inside is a tinderbox and oil. Let's try to open the large gate in this room. Didn't work? Organics blocked the exit again.

We go back to the center of the Hall. We go into the passage, located at the base of the stairs up. We go down and go through the door leading to the Laboratory. Let's go in.


If it’s dark for you, then light a lantern or use tinderboxes to light torches on the walls, under the ceiling and wherever it suits you. Here I will not describe where and how to light it (this is stupid). We go down the stairs to the laboratory. There is a shelf next to the stone-filled passage. There is oil next to it. We go to the only way under the stairs down.

In the 1st room on the right, among the boxes, there is a tinderbox and a chest with another one inside. We see an alchemical table and a letter on it. We read and find out that all the ingredients are in the wine cellar (with the dead bugagaga). In the same room, on the other side, there is another table with a jar and another letter. We take the jar, read the letter, find out exactly what ingredients are needed to create the acid. We check the cabinets in the table, inside there is a tinderbox and a “cassette” (a cylindrical artifact, it needs to be read and admired). Opposite this table is a stove with a tinderbox inside.

We are moving out of the laboratory. We are being intimidated. We put out the lights and hide. When everything calms down, we leave the laboratory. In the hall we go up the stairs to the door marked “Archives”. Let's go in.


We go through the door to the right. We read the note. We go through the door on the left. We take the note on the shelves. There is a tinderbox in the desk cabinets. We go into the corridor to the “Office” door. Let's go in. We read the note from the table. There is a tinderbox in the drawers. We leave the office through another door. We go to “Old Books”. On the right in the chest is a tinderbox and oil. There is a tinderbox in the oven. We leave.

We are trying to enter the “Local History Hall”. Closed. We go out to the right into a large, beautiful “corridor” with fireplaces on the sides. We go left to the end of the corridor and then turn left again. We take oil from the table next to the piano. Go to Floor Plans. We listen to the story about the rotten castle. In the upper left corner of the room is a chest with 2 tinderboxes and oil. We leave.

Let's go to Maps. We approach the table. We take a note. Daniel gets high again. This time we are helping him. Moving forward to shine. Let's take the sphere. We are back in reality. We are content with the beautiful classical motifs playing in the background. In the table where the note was, there is again a tinderbox. The exit was filled with stones. How to get out? We go to the wall between two offices. Do we see cracks? The wall is fragile, but you can’t break it with your hands. We take something heavy (in particular, there is a helmet nearby) and throw it at the wall. We are free.

We go into the room. There is oil on one of the shelves here. At the end of the room on the left is a note. You need to break the display case with something (for example, a book). Let's use books on the shelves. They need to be turned on all at once, but each of them is inserted back after being pulled out. Therefore, you need to find all the necessary books and use them as quickly as possible. We take them all out, and the passage opens. There is a note in the desk locker. On the table is the key to the wine cellar. Let's take it. Someone is scaring us.

We go into the room with books - we see that the door, closed on the right, is now broken. We leave the archives, getting scared along the way. When leaving, you need to quickly move away from the door - the shadow is indignant. We go to the wine cellar (the door is on the same descent as the laboratory, opposite). We use the key on the door.

Wine Vault

Let's go down. Let's listen to the scene. We go into the door opposite the stairs. We take cuprite. In order not to go crazy, we light some kind of candle and wait in this room for 20 seconds (there is an enemy wandering outside, although this is not a fact, but caution did not hurt anyone). We leave and go through the rooms clockwise. Let's go to the next one. Are cockroaches crawling on your monitor? Don't try to knock it down) There is a tinderbox on the shelves. On the right is a barrel of oil (the most useful thing in this game :)) There is another tinderbox on the tables. Calamine is lying on the floor. Let's take it. It fell like a barrel, and the door was blocked by rubble. Let's take it apart. We drag away heavy stones by holding the mouse and w,a,s,d moving. Has the rubble been cleared? We leave.

The next entrance has no door. Someone was made into pate. It's a pity. Let's listen to the scene. There is a tinderbox in the chest. There is a note on the table and... ROYAL vodka... mmm. Unfortunately, we just take it. We go to the last door under the stairs. Rather, there are 2 of them, but we go into the one to the left. We take opium on the shelves at the end of the corridor on the left. Be careful, there is a dead ghost wandering in this room. We select tinderboxes on the shelves (we also look at the top of the shelves). We look around the whole room. We find Orpiment and leave the wine cellar. Again the shadow is indignant. Let's go to the Laboratory.

Laboratory 1.1

Remember the alchemy table? Let's run to him. We install all the ingredients, including the jar. Now let's start chemistry. Turn the valves in a circular motion. First gas. Then take turns at each test tube. Take the resulting bottle of acid. We see the consequences of such strange noises - the stairs are destroyed. We use the wonders of the local physics: we put boxes on the remains of the bottom of the stairs, climb onto these boxes and jump up. We leave the laboratory.

We go to the organic mass that we already hate so much, which blocked the road to the processing chambers. We use a bottle of acid on it. The mass dissolved.

Processing chamber

We move along the tunnel. Let's listen to the scene. We see the enemy. Let's hide. We move more carefully in the direction where the enemy went. We go into the room. We take a note. On the shelf on the right is a tinderbox. We move into the next door. Another tinderbox. The next room has a locked door. To the right of the door there are several boxes (be careful, there is a red substance between the boxes and the door). We rake them - the passage to the next room.

In it we see... An oil barrel! Hurray) We take all the tinderboxes from the chest (2) and shelves (1). We see the hatch down. But it's too heavy to lift. We see a rope. But the mechanism does not work because the stick is stuck in one of the parts. Searching from above. We take out the blockage. We turn the lever. The hatch is open. We jump down. We go to the door to the basement archives.

Basement Archives

Here it is, one of the most disgusting missions of Amnesia. Entering the room and walking a little, you see how the light goes out and the room is already partially filled with water. Everything seems to be fine. But you should not stand in this water. Because there is an enemy in it, and he wants to eat you. You have to jump on boxes.

We jump into the room on the right and use the lever there. Now you need to run in time to the door, which is open, but will close. Did you run? Another room with something hungry on the floor. We throw pieces of meat to him and run to open the door (here you will have to operate the lever yourself). Have you opened it? You quickly run in, open the next door and jump onto some box. The next door requires a key. There is no key, but there is a hollow needle on a shelf in the same room. We use the needle on the door and go out into the Archive Tunnels.

Archive tunnels

Oh, my dear mother!!! The monster wants you dead right here and right now. Just run, run headlong, remember the wise saying “Good food is dead food.” Today you are food and you need to escape. The tour is short and linear. Don't get confused.

Part 2

Remote hall

We follow the trail into the room on the left. Let's listen to the scene. We are trying to start the elevator - it doesn’t work. We leave. We go up the stairs to the “Living Room”.

Living room

We read the note. We take out opium from the table cabinet. We take a crowbar and tinderbox on the table in the next room and read the note. We use the bed. Let's listen to the scene. We approach the only door on the right, which does not open. We use the crowbar on this door from the inventory. We move the crowbar here and there. Bam. The door opened. We read the note. Approach the closet on the right. Bugaga! The enemy is coming. Hide in the closet and close the doors. Remember Freddy's rhyme? The time has come to remember her. We listen to the sounds. We are waiting for the monster to come out (door sound). We leave the closet.

In the same room, a key is hidden behind a painting. We move the picture and it falls down. We take the bottle with the key and let go. The bottle is broken - we select the key. We return to the “Remote Hall”. Having left, we immediately go from above to the next door “Office”.


We enter the door on the right. Open the chest and take the tinderbox. We enter the door on the left - read the note. We leave and walk along the corridor. Next to the windows we go into the first door. We listen to a skit about how dogs were tortured. We read the note on the table. In the room next to us we read the note. We search the table - a tinderbox and a pile of skulls. We leave these rooms. We go along the corridor to the right. Blockage. Don't pass. We return to the windows.

The first window is cracked (there is oil next to it, take it). We throw something at the window, for example, a chair. We go out onto the cornices. We jump along them until we see the entrance to a new room. In this room we look at the new "cassette" (cylindrical artifact). In the next room, fill the lantern with oil from the Barrel. We read the note, select the rod. In the next room is a chest with 2 drones. That’s it, you can go back the same way along the cornices and return to the “Remote Hall”. In the Remote Hall, we go down the stairs and go to the room on the right - "Storage".


Let's move forward. We take a tinderbox. In this room, try to light at least some of the torches - there is little light, or use a lantern, but it must be used wisely. First we go through the door, on the left we take the Drill Part on the shelf (before taking the part, close the door for God’s sake!). We hear the monster grumbling. We wait in this room. There are 3 tinderboxes on the shelves. Since there are no torches or candles here, you will have to stupidly spoil your already shaken mind, but nothing, not for the first time. We leave the room. But be careful.

We go to the next passage (counting clockwise) from the room called “Details”. We light candles and torches along the way so as not to get confused later. We go all the way, go down and see that the passage is littered. We need explosives. To make explosives, you need to mix 2 substances. We have a jar. We go back to the center and move into the next passage called “Equipment”. We are looking for other parts from the drill in different rooms. In the room in the center there is a handle and 2 tinderboxes. In the room on the right there are 2 tinderboxes and in the chest there is oil + opium + tinderbox. In the room on the left there is a drill base and 2 tinderboxes on a shelf (1 in the middle, the other on top). We assemble the drill together by moving objects on top of each other. Now we find vertical barrels with taps next to the horizontal barrels (with wine?). But the taps are rusty. We use a drill. We substitute the container. There are 2 of these barrels. We are looking more carefully, both are here. Did they pour explosives? They scare us, but we are not afraid, because we are fearless pioneers. Now back to the "Details" room. We install explosives next to the stones. We take the meanest pebble of those that lie nearby. We retreat about 10 meters and throw a pebble. Don't get it? Then you can just come up and hit with a boulder close ... but is that interesting? Explosion. Bang bang! We go into the room. We take our favorite tinderbox on the shelf (what kind is there?) We go left. Let's listen to the scene. In the next room, we take tinderboxes on the shelves (on the left and on the right, one at a time).

We go into the room on the right. Let's take another tinderbox. We go to the far right room. We open. Bugaga! Zombie. Actually, it wasn’t necessary to open it, but I scared you) Slam this door shut and run forward into the passage, run, eventually listen to another scene and go through the door on the right. There are 2 more rods and a note there. We take them and try to get out. Zombie!!! He scared us again. We sit in the room. Then we carefully get out of it and move in a squat. It is advisable to put your head under the pillow. No? It's a pity. In general, we are moving towards the exit from the Warehouse, along the way meeting monsters and our deepest horrors. Having gone out into the Remote Hall, we see how it has changed, and we move to the Engine Room. It is in the room where the elevator is only on the left. We open the door with the key.

Engine room

We enter the door on the right. We read the note. A little further we turn on the light in a suspended lamp. We see the mechanism. See the numbers above and below the levers? It is necessary that the levers raised up should have a sum of numbers = 8 and downwards 8. We solve the problem - it displays the inscription “Uniform flow”. Let's go down. We go into the 1st door. Take 2 notes. We turn on the light in this room (required) to better understand what needs to be done here. We see 3 notches on a large metal panel. We insert rods into them. The steam cycle rod is round. Triple to triangular. Four-phase to square. We leave the room.

Pay attention - there is a large gear in front of the room. Another one inside the room. They will still be useful to us. Let's go down. In this room, we also turn on the light next to the mechanism. Here you need to put 3 gears. 1 lies in this room and 2 is where we just came down from (read a couple of lines above). Did you install 3 gears? Great. To the left of this mechanism is a firebox. Here, too, it is necessary to turn on the light in the lamp from above, otherwise you will not see the nose. We open the firebox. It's empty. In the room on the left there is coal (there is also 1 tinderbox on the shelf). We take balls of coal and throw them into the furnace. Need 3 pieces. Filled the firebox - close - press the lever. Approach the mechanism on the right - press the lever. Did you feel like a driver? Still) Exit the engine room to the Remote Hall. Let's run to the elevator!!! We're leaving for home.

Part 3


Let's listen to the scene. We clear the blockage at the door. Let's go in. We go to the right next to the wall. If you see something that can be lit (torches, candles) - light it. We move all the time along the right wall (this is not necessarily the point, but this way you will understand what places I am talking about, otherwise it’s unlikely). We see the first light coming from above. We turn right and go further, we see the first camera. We go into it. We take a tinderbox. We leave the room, go further along the wall. We take another tinderbox, well, and, in fact, this is a dead end. We return to the light from above. Have you regained your sanity? Now move along the left wall... We go into the 1st cell. Take a tinderbox and oil.

We go to the far camera. They scare us with knocks. Let's retreat and regain our sanity. In the chamber opposite the left is a hammer. Let's take it. We go further along the right wall. Zombie is a scary thing. Ahh! In general, we hide and wait until the creature disappears. Well, either you can die, and next time he will be somewhere else, if you walk carefully. We go up the stairs. We turn right. We go along the right wall. Next comes the entrance to the room (point 1). It is advisable to light a torch next to it. Inside there is opium and a tinderbox. Let's get out of it. We go further along the wall, there is a descent down. We are being intimidated. We rise back to point 1. Moving directly from point 1 - the room. It contains a tinderbox and oil. Let's go left out of the room with oil.

Let's go into the left room. Let's listen to the scene. We move the bed aside - we see a hole, but the passage is too narrow. Well, let's look for tools. We leave this room and go straight to the stop. Entering the room, we listen to another scene. We take a chisel on the floor. We leave. We approach the door on the left. He writes that the lock is weak and rusted. We connect the chisel and hammer. We use it on the door. Oil barrel! Woohoo! We refuel and move towards the room with a narrow hole. We use a hammer and chisel on the hole. It has become wider! Human anatomy? No, my friend, physics!

Dungeon (Northern Corridor)

We crawl through the tunnel. Left or right? To the right of course :) Are you out? We follow the signs to the “Storage” (Receptaculum). We follow the signs on the walls. Since there was an oil barrel at the end of the last level, I hope that you are not walking blindly and see these signs. If anything, light the torches on the walls to see. We come to the Storage, take a jar and 2 tinderboxes. Now we follow the signs to the “Kitchen” (Culina). If we meet monsters, we happily hide, sit back and go out hunting again. Did you go to the kitchen? We read the note. There are 2 tinderboxes on the shelves.

We approach the cauldron at the end of the room and use the jar on it. Alarm! Alarm! Zombies are here! We hide behind the pig carcasses and turn off the lights. Let's sit and that's enough. We take the oil nearby and leave the room. We go towards the storage room again. We go up the stairs, go right, left, left, right, left. We go into the door on the left, take the oil and tinderbox. Through the door on the right, we listen to the scene.

Let's move on in the old direction. In the room we read the note. We go back - they intimidate us. Let's hide. Did you sit out? We leave. Now we go in the opposite direction, then left, right, left all the way. We see a door with a lock in poor condition. We pour acid from a can onto it. We finish with a hammer and chisel. We are being intimidated again. We open the door and run into the Passage to the Cistern.

Part 4

Passage to the Cistern

Let's listen to the scene. We see a pillar in the middle, and on it is a lever that lowers the stairs. But it needs to be lubricated. We go to the pipe from which oil flows, we substitute the jar. We take the can and go to the lever. We use on it. Let's use the lever. The ladder did not go down to the end - the pipe interferes with it. You need to break it. We raise the ladder. We lower it again using the lever. And so on several times. The stairs went down - we crawl up. We go forward to the door. We use the right lever, the left lever. We go along the bridge that descended from the right lever. Let's go to the cistern.


We walk along the path and listen to the scene. We see a descent and a new ascent on the other side. Let's go to it. We jump along the bridge to the very end. There is a note there and you need to turn the lever. So we lower the water level in an adjacent location, and we will need to go there later. Let's spin. Let's go back. Let's move to the right side. We take oil and tinderbox from the chest. Now we go to the other side of the bridge, after which we crossed the water for the first time (apparently there is no one in the water, although I was not there long enough). To the right of this rise is another one. Let's go for it. We see a suspension bridge. It is necessary to throw a stone along the chain. The bridge went down.

Let's go to the end. We read the note. To the right of the boxes is oil. We turn the valve. The monsters are rampaging. Let's go back. The last valve remains. It is located on the left, if you walk along the water, then after about 10 meters you will see a rise - we are heading towards it. Gas pipes. We pass carefully, wait for one to go out - we pass. We are waiting for the next one. Easier than steamed turnips. We twist the valve so that it does not smoke here. Let's go to the end. We read the note. We turn the valve. You can leave here. We go into the Passage to the Cistern. We went out into the Passage. Now we go to the “Control Room” (where there are 2 levers for lowering the bridges).

Control room

We go in and listen to the scene. We go into the room on the right. We take the tinderbox on the box. Let's see how the levers are fixed. We go to the room opposite. Here they must be fixed in the same way. If it doesn’t work, try further, twist, twist. The only strange puzzle in this game, because they are essentially not fixed accurately, just like in the room opposite. Perhaps you need to listen to the clicks in the mechanism. Have you noticed that there are pipes lying around in these rooms? They will still be useful to us. Approach the door to the next room and turn the valve. We go into the room and at the same time I advise you to throw 2 of these pipes into it at once.

We go first to the right room. A tinderbox and a note. Also on the floor is the 3rd pipe. There is oil by the stairs. Remember how the levers of the mechanism are located. We go to the left room. We take the handle. We install the levers in the same way as in the right room. We go to the last room. Here you need to install these 3 pipes, which are lying around in different rooms. Bring them all here. Install pipes on the left, when looking from the entrance to the room! How to install? (just bring it up, they will stand up as they should). Long in the middle vertically. 1st small one through the long one horizontally. 2nd small one to the left of the long one vertically. It's working! Just 2 games in one. We leave the Control Room. You can not? Has the valve fallen off? We use the handle instead.

We exit into the Passage to the Cistern. We use the lever to lower the bridge into the next room. The bridge doesn't want to go down all the way? We get down to the ground. We take a larger stone and throw it onto the bridge. If we don’t have the strength to throw at it right away, we throw it first onto the stone base, which we’ve already had a good run on. The bridge went down. Let's go to... MORGUE.


What will be next. Maybe Hell? So it does not matter. Let's go ahead. Let's listen to the scene. We go, without turning, to a room with a bunch of bones. We listen to Daniel's panic. Take a tinderbox and a copper pipe. Opium is on the higher shelves. We go back to the turn. Let's go to that room. We see inside a laboratory for the study of human organs and other perversions. Inside the table we look at another “cassette” (cylindrical artifact) + tinderbox + opium in the cabinets. There is a note on the table. On the shelves next to it is another + tinderbox. I hope you didn't go and examine the corpses in the next rooms? Ew, well, you... But okay.

We approach the corpse on the table. We drill his skull with a drill. We stick a copper stick into the hole. Insert a needle into the stick. Hooray! Anatomy lesson completed. Now we stab ourselves with this needle and catch the Teletubbies! Now try to get out. Oh my bastard! Tinky Winky is banging on the door! Rather, hide under the corpses (heh, too bad you can’t do that). In general, just hide in the rooms with corpses, wait and leave from here to the Passage to the Cistern. Are you out? Go downstairs. Go to where it used to be flooded. Now you can go there calmly. Forward. We go down to the Collector.


We are moving forward. Let's go down. Let's go. We see zombies. Let's hide. We move on carefully to where he came from. Then we go right all the way. To the left and enter the room. We refuel from an oil barrel. 2 levers. We put them in such a position that there is less noise. (right as far as possible to the right, left as far as possible to the left). We go back to where the dead zombie ghost scared us. Fuck there. He came here too. Let's hide. We wait.

Let's go where I said earlier. Have you arrived? This means you are standing next to a water pump. Go into the remaining tunnel. Along the way there is a tinderbox in the pipe (how many of them do you already have? :)). We've reached the end. We see a broken pipe. We break it off completely. Let's return to the "water pump". We block the movement with a pipe. We crawl. Let's go straight. Right. We enter the door. Opium stands by the aisle. Go ahead. Dead end? Let's go back. Boom! The monster broke the bars. Let's hide. We wait.

We go to where the grate is broken. Now here you need to lure the monster from one side, run around in a circle and run from the other side to where he was blocking the passage (how to lure him is up to you. I can only say that you can’t hit him with a stone - they fly through, try throwing this a stone into the wall or hit it... and UNDER NO EVENT try to lure the zombies with your carcass and try to escape - even if you manage to survive in the tunnel, dodging behind the pipes, you will most likely be killed at the first door (in one fell swoop), although Thrill-seekers may like it. Do you hear a growl?! Hurry up, run, open the doors and crawl up the stairs. Ugh... Light light! Oh yes! And we crawl out somewhere. This location is Nave.

Part 5

Next to the well is a tinderbox. We go through the door on the right (to the right of the rope, if we consider your original location after the previous level). The door won't budge. We go straight through the door - there is a tinderbox and the passage is blocked. We go through the door at the back. In the room there is a barrel of oil, a tinderbox, a note and 2 levers. We don't need them yet, but remember this place, let's call it point Bravo. Now go through the last door on the left. We move along the corridor - the stairs go down. Let's go down. There are 2 tinderboxes under the stairs and a door next to it. We go in the door. Let's listen to the scene.

We go left, open the door and go downstairs. Who do we see!!! Old friend, Agrippa. He tells us a couple of lovely stories. We listen to him and look to the left. There is butter on the table. We take it and crawl onto the table. Open the hatch at the top. We put a chair on the table (items can be rotated with the R key) and climb onto it. Fixing the detail. The mechanism has been fixed.

Now we run to point Bravo (where there are 2 levers). We use leverage. We run again to Agrippa. We go further along the corridor into the next large room. I'm going to the cameras. In the near right below is a tinderbox. In the far right from above is a tinderbox. When we go up from the left side we see meat on the table. Let's take it.

We return to Agrippa. Now two gates have opened in this room. We go first to the right (if you count where we just came from) or to the left (if you stand next to Agrippa and look at these two gates). Have you come in? We reach the room. There is a well inside. We tie the meat to the rope. We lower the meat into the well. Om-Nom-nom. The monster says thank you for the dessert. Pull it back. We take the bone. We go further in this tunnel to the entrance to the Transept.


There are 3 rooms (left, right, front) + a room up the stairs. Let's go to her first. We go into the office. Take a tinderbox and oil. We take out the note from the table and look at the “cassette” (cylindrical artifact). We take the rope on the table (here it is worth considering two options: 1 - the one described by the author, the second is mine, it seems to me that it is more economical: after you have taken the rope, go to your inventory and connect the jar with the rope, now (continuing to proceed as you progress) in the torture room, where people were sawed upside down, we approach the infernal apparatus and look at the grate below. Open it and insert the jar. The blood is already in yours. Now you can not let the laboratory pass by and return to it later, but immediately do all the experiments with the potion ( The laboratory will be discussed much later.) We go downstairs.

We go into the room to the left. We enjoy the torture. We take out the 1st piece of the sphere from the cabinet. We leave the room. Let's go straight into the room. Let's listen to the scene. We go in a straight line until it stops. We open the door. Let's listen to the scene. The tinderbox is nearby + the 2nd piece of the sphere under the bags. We take them and leave the room.

We go into the room to the right. Let's go to the room. Let's enjoy another torture. We take the 3rd piece of the sphere and can leave the Transept. Are you out? So you are in Nave. Now we go through the gate opposite. Door on the left. Let's go in. There is a tinderbox on the shelf. In the table cabinets there is a tinderbox + a “cassette” (cylindrical artifact). There is a note on the table. We leave the room and go to the Kliros (Before going to the Kliros or better BEFORE the Transept), you can visit the Altar, examine it all (be careful, there are zombies there, but after the first patrol he disappears somewhere), I especially advise you to go to the right room (if look from the place where you entered. Why? More on that below).


We walk along the corridor. We enter the door on the right. Below and on the table are tinderboxes. We go through the door on the left. We use the note. Take a knife. Cut the "scoundrel". We leave the room. We go further along the corridor and go down. We go into the Kliros (Main Hall). So, here, as in the Transept, there are 3 rooms for each martyr. I hope you have enough oil in your lantern;) Because it’s terribly unpleasant here - foggy and dark. In general, remember how to return to the original point (let's call it the Gamma point), and everything will be fine. First we move to the left. You can go straight along the left wall.

We reach the room. There is a tinderbox in the passage on the left. On the right is opium. In the middle is the Iron Maiden. Let's enjoy the torture again. To the left of the iron maiden lies the 4th piece of the sphere. We leave this room and return to the Gamma point. Again, just follow the wall (now on the right). So, you are at the entrance to the Kliros. Now go to the room on the right. The main thing here is not to miss the bridge to it. Did you find the bridge? Which looks like something out of Morrowind. So you are on the right track. The main thing is to move strictly next to the wall on the right. If there is a dead end, then go to the next wall and move back. In general, always on one wall. This way you will stumble upon the room for sure. Don’t forget that there is a monster walking nearby (either he is alone, or he wanders exactly where you need to go, and then disappears, be on alert CONSTANTLY, you can figure out the infection even without seeing it - by the grinding, howling and, most importantly, the fear of the main character , who, apparently, sees much further than you. And also, I advise you to walk through the entire choir on tiptoe, it’s calmer). Let's go inside. We enjoy the torture. Take the 5th piece of the sphere.

Next, we leave the room and continue moving along the right wall. As a result, after much torment, you will stumble upon the 3rd room. There is a mushroom nearby. Use a hammer and chisel to break it apart. The poisonous gland is with us. Hooray. We go into the room. We enjoy the torture and take the 6th piece of the sphere. Phew. Now you can leave the Kliros and forget about it like a bad dream. We approach Agrippa, he is again more talkative than ever. We go to the very last room that we have not yet entered - the Altar.


We go up the stairs. We open the door. DEAR MOTHER. A bunch of perverts are running towards you! What will they do?!? Phew. They just cut it off. The loading screen says "Sleep"... that means sleep. So we're in prison. Let's listen to the scene. There is oil under the bed. We break off a steel bar from the grate (you can use a hammer and a chisel, I still had them by that time (and then disappeared). The wall on the left is unstable. We insert the bar. clockwise to the camera we select a note and oil behind the bed.

In the next cell we are shocked! And we see an ordinary man and naked. No! Down with the perverts. It's just a naked man. And he's dead. We select 2 tinderboxes and go to the next chamber. In it we take opium, a bucket and a tinderbox. We are trying to exit through the main door. However, he doesn’t want to. We approach the well in the middle and twist the rope up. We attach the bucket and lower it. We pick it up again. We take the bucket and approach the pipes. The key is there. We use the bucket on the pipes and wash the key onto the ground. We use the key on the doors.

We leave. Ay, MOM, take me back! A creature with 65 tentacles and 21 eyes is chasing us!!! Okay, so... you can’t even dream up. The graphics just wouldn’t pull it off like that. The red fog is chasing us. We run away with all our might. We open all the doors and clear away the rubble and move forward forward forward. And, by the way, I feel sorry for you as well as myself, if by that time the lantern had run out (it’s generally worth saving throughout the game for such cases) We leave for the Nave.

Part 6

Nave 1.1

We take the tinderbox from the table and the note. Let's watch the splash screen. Have you woken up? We go straight through the door. Another door. Take the tinderbox and go through the door to the left. +1 tinderbox - exit. Go through the door on the left/straight. We walk along the corridor. We go down the stairs. The location is familiar to us, however, it has become dark. We see that the Alchemy room has opened on the right. We don’t need it yet (we used my method - go to the room). Let's go to Agrippa. He tells us that everything is fine.

We move into the passage that has opened on the left. We take the saw on the shelf. Do you see a trail of blood on the floor? We approach a small hatch where blood flows. We open it, before that we connect the jar with the rope in the inventory and put it there (if there is already blood, there is no need to do this). We take out the jar. Now we go to the Alchemy room. Place the jar on the appliance on the right and heat it up. On the device on the left we pinch the grass. We substitute the jar and squeeze it out. On the device in the middle, put a bone there, substitute a jar. Let's fry. Ale op! Alchemical lesson number (what is it already?) is over. We return to Agrippa for further water procedures. We do what he says. We take what he gives. Let's go to the altar again.


We go up the stairs. Here again the system is left-middle-right (on the right there is now a gap, and there is no way to get there). Let's go left. If there is a zombie there, then we wait for him to disappear somewhere, and still go left. We take a note. Take a tinderbox and a bucket of resin. Let's go down. We need to stop the mechanism by jamming it. We take the box from above and stick it between the gears. Now we go straight into the room. We are close to the final :) We see the pedestal on the left. We put the resin on the pedestal. Next, we glue the sphere on the pedestal piece by piece. Ale op. We are passing to unknown lands. We run into the inner sanctuary.

Inner Sanctum

Let's go down. Use the lever on the column on the left. We go to the left door. We read the note. We approach the sacrificial table on the right. We get pierced (we like it so much, mm). Then we stand on the pentagram. My mind was shaken. But it’s okay, we rest and go back to battle. We go into the room on the right. Back to the altar. A drop of blood. Then the pentagram. The passage is open. Let's run into it. And to the Hall of the Sphere.

Hall of the Sphere

Here he is, Alexander. He gives us long speeches. What can I say? This is already an entertaining end to Amnesia. It's up to you to decide what to do. There are 3 endings. If you haven’t done anything yet, then it’s better to try, if you DO NOT know what to do, then here are 3 options:

  1. Push the pillars that feed it with energy (each one falls in a certain direction - it doesn’t give in to one, we push it to the other)
  2. Do nothing, listen and wait for the gate to open and throw Agrippa's head there
  3. Do nothing, listen and wait for the gate to open, and do not stop Alexander from leaving for another world (the same ending happens if you are killed by a shadow anywhere else in the game)

Thank you all for your attention and have a good game :)

Many thanks for the material - Parradoxio (Edited by DancingLenin)

  • Basic tips for the game:
  1. Don't fall from nowhere- here this is fraught with the loss of a large number of lives. Slide down ladders or anything else, but most importantly, be careful.
  2. Save your flashlight. It is vital. Use tinderboxes more often. By the end of the game, I discovered 30 of them (that is, they are quite enough for my life). (In fact, you shouldn’t waste tinderboxes too often. In order for it not to be dark, it’s enough to light 1 - 2 torches in the room. Regarding the huge number of tinderboxes at the end, this is true, but an excess of them appears only at the end, when There are a lot of tinderboxes, but the opposite is true for torches. As for other matters, of course, it’s up to you to decide)
  3. Mind your sanity. If it is very cloudy, then look for light sources and do not look at the monsters for a long time - this also upsets the psyche.
  4. Don't forget to check your diary. In particular, “Recordings” and “Memories” often contain useful information for passing through