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Happy birthday to Eugene. Happy birthday greetings to Evgeniy girl. Beautiful congratulations to a young man on his birthday

We have come to your domain,
Beautiful Evgenia!
We would like to sincerely congratulate you,
Listen to the truth.
The pocket was cracking with bills,
And discounts at the spa, on manicures,
To be adored by men
They always ran to the first call.
Tender, talented and meek,
Well, okay, happy holiday, beauty!

We wish Zhenya that she
Everything in life worked out,
For more happy days
She had a lot of luck in her life.
To keep her calm
It didn’t leave for a moment.
So that there is bread and salt at home,
Wine, caviar and oil.
And life was sweet like honey
And so that this sweetness
Gave her love, her
I carried it in my arms so that...

Dear Zhenechka, I sincerely congratulate you on your bright and
wonderful holiday. I want to wish you good moments in life and
joyful events, irresistible beauty and cheerfulness of soul, excellent
health and splendor of the soul, great respect and endless happiness
in life.

Dear Evgesha, I congratulate you,
Happy day to you today,
Extremely punctual
You don’t debug things for later.
And today I sincerely wish,
Success, joy and bright days,
May there be more happiness
And life will only be more fun!

All your roads are successful
And every day, and at good times!
Luck is destined for not many...
Yours - he can’t take his eyes off you!
Dejection, tears and sadness
They go the other way.
Fate and happiness got married
For a sweet girl like this.
Evgenia, your smiles
Very beautiful and sweet.
You yourself are like something out of a picture.
And your hands are so tender.

Noble and bright,
Girl Evgenia.
Flexible, elegant,
Reliable, hot.
Strong-willed, active,
Zhenya is very positive!
Prominent - no doubt about it,
Punctual everywhere...
Young and stubborn
Passionate and sexy...
A determined woman
By nature - sociable,
But a little crazy
And at work she is very strict!
Non-standard, restless,
Strong-willed and active
Charming, sweet.
Sunny's friend Zhenya,
Our source of inspiration!

We congratulate Evgenia,
We express our admiration!
Fair and calm
Worthy of the highest praise.
Simply ace at handicrafts,
The best of us in the kitchen.
Sharp mind and beauty,
You, Zhenechka, took it all.
We wish you happiness
Create a friendly family.
Well, most importantly, friend,
Always look your best!

You flow like moonlight
Like the silver of a stream
And you have no equal around,
Evgenia, my
I want to wish you
On the bright name day,
I am an ocean of cornflowers
And like daisies, clouds,
And a sea of ​​fabulous love,
And may you be happy!

You shone and the birds sang songs,
And everyone around, not hiding smiles,
We came to the celebration of the true queen,
With a beautiful name - Evgenia!
Your holiday, dear, we all celebrate together.
We sing, we dance, we rejoice.
And from the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and great love.
May everything you dream of come true!
And your beauty will never fade!
Everything has changed for the better!
And life always gave holidays!

Fulfill all your whims
From the first command,
You conquer men
Proud Evgenia.
I wish it to continue
Move forward in life.
Let the spell help you
Achieve goals.
Let love live in your heart,
Gives you strength.
It only affects you
Like an elixir.

Evgenia, our friend,
Congratulations from us today,
We hope that we will dance
And from you some goodies, treats,
We wish you to live in peace,
Know neither grief nor sadness,
Make friends with good people
So that your enemies remain silent,
Let the sparkle in your eyes not fade away,
And the face glows with happiness,
Let beauty not fade away
We'll drink some wine for that!

Happy birthday greetings to Evgenia, comic poems

Congratulations to the girl Evgenia from friends

Happy birthday, Evgenia,

Your entire elite is in a hurry today.

What can I wish for you? Just patience

Will give you the opportunity to live happily.

Sorry, but now you please

Wake up at four in the morning.

And... jogging. Don't mess around with this.

Do you need twenty laps? - Nonsense.

Douse yourself with cold water

From the refrigerator and from the bucket,

Braid a simple braid

And off to work. It's time.

You will seduce sperm whales there

With its freshness and beauty.

And believe me, it’s already irrevocable

Life will become a friend.

Happy birthday from a friend

Zhenya, happy birthday!

Happy holiday to you!

Like an obsession

The beauty is yours.

Let men all

Foreheads are smashed

Lose weight

And they scold you in their hearts.

You pass by

Just think about

Where to watch the sunrise.

In the sea. But which one?

Or in the mountains with snow,

Or in Time Square

Zhenya is definitely there

Will meet a billionaire.

Happy birthday to you,

Girl friend!

Clever, you are Zhenya,

Always be everywhere.

Congratulations to Evgeniya from colleagues

Today everything is your way

You are the queen

After all, our team

Congratulations on your honor.

Happy birthday to you

Congratulations today,

And different things for you, Evgeniya,

We wish you some delicious food.

May your life be sweet

Without grief and stress,

And the husband - let him have chocolate

In this princess's bed.

Comic congratulations in verse

Zhenechka, Evgenia is a wonderful creation!

Blue eyes, turquoise in the ears,

There is a cunning twinkle in the eyes,

Be careful, boy.

Smart, beautiful,

Almost not lazy

Shoots with eyes

He blinks so modestly.

We congratulate you,

Loving everything limitlessly,

And we wish you a whole year

Live easily and without worries!

So that nothing overshadows,

So that adversity does not rock you!

So that jokingly, laughing, with excitement

I celebrated this date.

Are you celebrating your holiday?

With girlfriends, friends

We wish you to be like this

How do you dream?

Laugh loudly, sing in the morning

Welcoming a sunny day,

Lying around and not making the bed

Today it is allowed.

If you feel sad, smile

There is no reason to be sad.

This day only comes once a year

So welcome him with joy.

No need to think about business

All the troubles - see you tomorrow.

Who knows, maybe not in vain

You hear a sudden knock on the door.

A wider smile, a pipe tail,

And the makeup is brighter!

Call your friends, invite them with you

Happy birthday greetings to Evgenia in verse

Poems for Zhenya from friends

And we wish you inspiration,

Let your strength not be lost,

Are added,

Happiness overflows in your heart,


Happy Birthday from colleagues in verse

Happy Birthday to You,

The most tender and affectionate day!

And we wish you warmth, Evgeniya,

And prosperity is only in your home.

We wish you wonderful work,

So that there is only one positive thing,

We wish to relax in the lovely

AND cozy places in the Maldives.

And, of course, we wish you happiness,

Straight to the point of darkness,

And with love, so that it is endless.

Happy Birthday, colleague Evgeniya!

Poems from a friend

Zhenya, happy holiday! You are my mischief

How I love you Congratulations. gentle wind

And I want to wish you the coastal one.

So that he brings you many stars

On your way, Bright Zhen.

Happy birthday, birthday girl,

You are my tenderness, My ginseng.

Congratulations to Evgenia from a friend

Happy birthday, friend, Evgenia!

From the bottom of my heart, allow me to wish

You have a lot of strength, inspiration,

So as not to lose your happiness

Don't lose your built ship

From your wisdom, tenderness, warmth,

So that he will always be without a hole

And he fluttered in love across the seas.

So that everyone dotes on you

Respected, loved, so, Zhen.

So that you can swim for a long time in life

And celebrated the birthday.

Happy birthday to my girlfriend Evgeniya

Today is our holiday

– It’s Zhenya’s birthday!

Hurry up and accept congratulations from us!

We love you very much, we respect you,

And on this beautiful day we wish you with all our hearts

Happy to be at work, happy to be in the family,

Always sit on a bench with a gentleman

In the grape arbor, and he would sing to you,

Playing the guitar that I wanted with all my heart

To meet such a Zhenya on life’s path

Which fate destined for the two of you,

And may good luck be your companions,

And with her - happiness in pairs, and also luck,

Joy and fun, so that there is a mood,

May laughter always help, may the song rhyme,

So that you walk merrily, so that you don’t get tired,

Let your dreams come true, let your wishes come true,

Let the days of life be filled with sunshine,

Let there be moderate clouds and occasional rain,

And if you have an umbrella, the rain is nonsense.

Let the rainbow sparkle, the star of love shine,

Let success not forget the way to you,

Always bloom and rejoice, love and be loved,

And be protected by your Angel throughout your life!

Congratulations in verses by Evgenia

Happy birthday greetings to Evgenia and Zhenya
We would like to congratulate Evgenia
And bring joy to our Zhenya
On a beautiful day, it’s her name day.
We would like to express our gratitude to her
For loyalty in friendship, for its participation
In the fate of others, for joy and happiness,
Which Evgeniya gives.
Lucky is the one who walks next to her
Along life's winding road!
Although the eyes often remain stern,
Good at heart and honest in thoughts,
In love - open, affectionate, faithful.
And how we dream and want,
So that Zhenya and I have the same path!
And on your beautiful name day
Thank you for who you are!

Zhenya, Zhenechka, Evgenia - happy birthday
Today is a holiday - birthday
At Zhenya's, Zhenya's, Evgenia's!
A wonderful day has come to you,
We are not too lazy to congratulate you!
And the name is tender, hot
Unpredictability dictates.
To be bright is life's destiny,
And we love you like that!
You are always faithful, reliable,
You know how to do the impossible.
You are elegant and fashionable
And the hostess is excellent!
Always be kind, wonderful, wise,
Let your home be a full cup!
Be like the morning breeze,
You are always easy to climb!

poems for Evgenia
One more moment
One more moment
And I will say, Evgenia,
A strong compliment to you.
But it's amazing
I don't know how to start.
But this is unforgivable -
It's painful to remain silent.
I'll throw away my worries
I'll tell you straight away
About what you, Evgeniya,
Every beautiful moment!!!

happy birthday to wife
Congratulations to the girl genius,
After all, success is with you everywhere!
Happy birthday, Evgeniya!
Zhenya, you are the most alive!
We are left without Zhenya, and
It’s cold and uncomfortable everywhere...
With Zhenya by your side, everything is in motion
They drink, sing, stand up, chew...
Always be the same
Zhenechka, In a century, not in a year,
So that there is a little time before you
Slowed down the eternal progress!!!

Congratulations to Zhenya from her beloved.

Dear Zhenya,
The most beautiful
I am glad to congratulate you,
I will be your faithful soldier!
Let your dreams come true
Happiness will be where you are!
Let everything always work out -
The heart is beating hotly!
On your holiday - lots of luck,
And don’t know the word “grief.”
You are my pearl -
I love you so much!

Yuri Vizbor - Toast to Zhenya

- So, guys, let’s drink to Zhenya!
It’s good to drink for Zhenya!
Do you remember how many battles
I passed with the name Zhenya.
And the years fell on the sleepers,
And the winds rustled...
Oh, how many loved ones are missing
Along those unlucky paths!
And in the roar of self-immolation
We forgot them forever.
But Zhenya... Do you remember? Zhenya…
I came here with her -
Then, in the nineteenth century...
Yes, remember, damn it!
I imagine a certain house -
In Voronezh or Perm.
That morning rose quietly,
Only reflections on the floor
It smelled like “Dutch” and wax,
And a curtain frozen to the glass.
It’s like we’re just back from hunting.
I remember this office...
And we drank something vile
Similar to Cabernet.
But still we got pretty drunk,
And each of you interpreted:
"Ah, ah, young noblewoman,
I've been looking for something like this all my life..."
Well, do you remember? That's it. And that's right,
Haven't met him since then
I am a woman more faithful
And purer beginnings.
I don't remember anyone's hugs,
I don’t remember either lips or hands...
- So where is your Zhenya, buddy?
Here she is, in a friendly circle!
- Yes, somewhere he’s walking bravely,
Lying on some beach...
But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter:
I'll shout and she'll come running.
- Well, citizen, you stayed
One. It's time for us to close!
- Did he pay? - I paid off...
- Do you intend to sit until the morning?
- Not really.
Frowning out of habit,
I left the past away...
Hotel "Arctic". Murmansk.
Dead polar night.

Beautiful congratulations to Evgenia.

Beautiful Eugenia - today is your holiday,
We are gathered in a crowd to congratulate you joyfully.
Let sweet, heartfelt words ring out
May your head turn, Evgenia!
Bloom like a bright rose, giving your scent,
And let bright colors fill your garden with life!
Love, good luck, happiness, everything to you -
All that joy will ignite in your destiny!

SMS Happy Angel Day to Eugenia.

There is nobility in you with beauty
In your name, Zhenya, we are open.
It's so easy and wonderful with you,
You must be one of God's elite.
And Happy Angel Day, Zhenya, to you
Congratulations, warming my soul,
Your noble essence
May it bring only joy to your loved ones.

SMS Evgeniy with name day.

I congratulate you on your Name Day
You, Evgenia, among everyone,
I wish you significant love,
So that success pleases you.
Be happy and wise
May it fill your life
And let the difficulty bypass
Your wonderful destiny.

Happy birthday sms to wife.

Congratulate Zhenya on his birthday
Fortunately, I haven’t forgotten you,
I wish you truth and inspiration,
So that she comes to you, straight from the stars.
I wish you wonderful days in your destiny,
So that a flurry of emotions serves them,
And only good reviews for you
Let the ideal give hearts.

Happy birthday greetings to Evgeniy

Dear Zhenya, may fate smile on you on this beautiful day
with the most welcoming Hollywood smile and will make sure that everything
wishes came true. May this holiday in your life
a white streak will begin, with no end in sight: there will be a
beloved girl, career is going uphill, and health does not fail even
little things.

What does "Eugene" mean?
What meaning does the name hide?
Your essence reflects
Nobility notices.
You are well-mannered and calm,
Worthy of the highest praise.
Intelligence, wit, charm -
The upbringing is immediately visible.
We want to wish you good luck
And luck to boot.
Be persistent, develop yourself,
Achieve your goals.

Dear, wonderful, dear Evgeniy, I congratulate you on this
holiday I want to wish you fruitful work, wonderful
rest, gallant activity, unbreakable success, reliable friends,
support of loved ones, bright hopes and undoubted confidence in
to yourself.

Evgeniy, how can I congratulate you,
Say words, give a gift?
Or maybe leave wishes
Should I live at least another hundred years?
Of course, we wish you good luck
And plenty of money, loyal friends to you,
Let them not be sad or cry in your house,
More joyful, cloudless days to you.

And Evgeniy is noble,
He is the people's favorite!
Kindness captivates everyone,
That's why he's successful.
Be happy among friends
Life is an active undertaking.
Joyful and bright days,
Drink your cup of joy!
Your dreams will come true
You will reach the heights!
Write down this greeting
For a hint on a piece of paper.

Happy birthday, buddy, Zhenek,
Please accept my congratulations:
Let smiles light up all day,
May you never be scolded
I wish you beauty
And reach the desired star,
I wish you success in your work
And always be in fashion
To be the first, always, and everywhere,
In general, good luck to you, my friend!

Evgeniy - this name means “noble”,
What he has proven more than once,
We hasten to congratulate him today,
After all, he is the only one we have!
Love, health, happiness, respect
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts!
And the main wish today is -
Don’t rush to grow old with your soul!

Faithful friend, excellent husband,
This is our Evgeniy,
He brings joy to the world,
And at work - a genius!
This is happiness for us,
That we know each other
Let's wish him
Happiness was at home
We also want to say:
Smile more often,
By what was and is past,
It's easier to break up.

Zhenya, you are a funny guy,
Kind, smart, young.
I wish you happiness
Don't lose your head.
Be free from doubts
Be free from strangers
You have biased opinions,
Remember, you have your own path.

Handsome and kind, smart - he is a genius,
Our faithful family friend Evgeniy,
The face glowed with happiness,
Misfortune ran away screaming,
So that Lacetti stands under the window,
In Italy, eat spaghetti,
In Egypt, dip the legs,
Take a sweet nap on the beach.
Congratulations to the mega man,
And this man is our Zheka!

I won't find it in my life
More joyful than moments
I congratulate you
I love you, Evgeniy.
Let the sun shine
It will heat your house
Let love come to you
He'll be happy to do it.
Let life be generous
For the good of the rich,
So that dreams come back
Once forgotten.
Tenderness and affection
Let your heart be filled
And cherished dreams
Let them be fulfilled in life.

Happy birthday greetings to my beloved wife

My beloved, beautiful wife,
Happy Birthday to You,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you patience!
Yes, it's not easy with me,
Sometimes I drive you crazy
Sometimes I piss you off
I put things in the wrong place.
But at the same time, I love it
With all my heart and soul, I
Without you I'm dying
You are my tender flower!
On this day I still wish
For beauty to bloom
So that all the bad things are forgotten,
May your dream come true!

I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness.
With a smile, with good mood,
Our path through life will continue.
Let there be everything: thunderstorms, blizzards,
I still love you.
But what you have in my life,
I say thank you to fate.

My dear! You are the source of inspiration, the source of warmth and the reason
my smiles. Congratulations on your birthday. I hope you have
there is everything you dreamed of, and if not, then I will give it to you. WITH

My beloved wife, sent to me by God,
I wish you happiness in this bright hour.
Even if it’s an unnoticeable anxiety
It will not darken your soul now.
Health, dear, health and hope,
Love of proven and eternal beauty!
I admire you as much as before
And I'm proud that I have you!

I proudly say: “Wife!”
You alone are so dear to my heart,
There are sorrows and troubles with you,
And every moment the soul burns with fire.
There are not enough phrases to say how much I love you,
I want to see you every time
As soon as you leave for a minute
Or you’ll fall asleep like a gentle angel.
I want fate to
I was as nice to you as ever,
And your life has become a fairy tale,
So that you live with me like in paradise!
Always be the same, my dear,
Yuna, smart, healthy, cheerful,
I only want to go through life with you,
Making your every dream come true!

My beautiful, beloved wife,
I hasten to congratulate you,
You're like an angel, a sight for sore eyes,
And you delight me.
My dear wife,
I wish you on this day,
So that you don't have doubts,
You cast a shadow of sadness!
May you always be beautiful
May your dreams come true,
Happy Birthday dear,
You are the best in the world!

My dear, dear,
An incomparable wife.
Know that I adore you
You were given to me by fate.
On your birthday I wish you
Don't change, be a muse,
Inspire me with a smile
Take care of the world, love your family.

I can't forget that moment
When we met you.
It's like you're straight out of the pages of Shakespeare
She came down and appeared before me.
Yuna, as beautiful as an angel,
And the voice is like the sound of the seas,
Your first laugh crept into your heart
Like the flapping wings of doves.
Steal my soul forever
In return, bestowing a taste for life,
Wife, beloved, dear
Happy Birthday to You!
Be as beautiful as you are now,
Healthy, full of joy,
With you through anything
I will live my life to the end!

I best woman Don't know,
There is nothing more beautiful in the entire Universe!
And congratulations on your birthday,
You decorate the world with yourself!
Tender, talented, beautiful
And sexy - there are no words,
Wise, but with a touch of positivity,
I will return your love threefold!
I'm proud of you, my dear,
I wish you many years to come,
I bring it to you without getting tired,
Rewards for all your victories!

Happy Birthday,
Dear wife.
I'm not afraid of the cold with you,
Hurricane and blizzard.
With your affection and care
You protect our family.
I admire you
I never get tired.
I wish you strength and patience,
Be healthy, don't be sad,
Muse, faithful friend
And to be my beloved.

My dear ray of sunshine,
My treasure, my treasure,
Today is your birthday
And I am glad to congratulate you!
Let everything be as you want
These flowers are just for you!
And in the morning, during the day and even at night
Dreams come true!

The meaning of the name Evgeniya: high-born, noble, descendant of a noble family.
Origin of the name Evgeniy: from the ancient Greek eugenius.
Diminutive forms used by loved ones: Zhenya, Genya, Eva, Evgenya, Evgesha, Yena, Enya, Enyasha.
Women with this name are usually sociable and strong-willed, optimistic and self-confident.
Evgeniya quickly becomes excellent housewives and caring mothers. .

Congratulations on Evgenia's birthday

Beautiful and sweet Evgenia,
Happy birthday to you!
You are a true miracle, without a doubt
We wish you happiness and love!
Toast and champagne flow like a river,
Jokes, wishes, compliments.
May life give you a sea of ​​happiness,
Love and true friendship continents.

Life is like a book, open
Evgenia, in front of you.
We wish you love for a visit,
All the best from crazy luck.
And rich, bright colors
On a good and long journey.
Victory, everyone tastes very sweet.
Whatever you are looking for, we wish you to find it!

Happy birthday Evgeniy!

Today is a holiday - birthday
At Zhenya's, Zhenya's, Evgenia's!
A wonderful day has come to you,
We are not too lazy to congratulate you!

And the name is tender, hot
Unpredictability dictates.
To be bright is life's destiny,
And we love you like that!

You are always faithful, reliable,
You know how to do the impossible.
You are elegant and fashionable
And the hostess is excellent!

Always be kind, wonderful, wise,
Let your home be a full cup!
Be like the morning breeze,
You are always easy to climb!

O light of my soul, Evgenia
I want to wish you from my heart
Today, on your birthday
Don't forget your friends
Throw away your doubts.
I wish you to be happy,
Find great inspiration in love
And so as not to ever lose heart,
And in life there is constant luck. (WITH)

On this glorious birthday
A holiday, in general, for the whole Earth,
Oh, precious Eugenia,
We have come to congratulate you!

We want to wish you good luck
So much money and friends,
So that all problems are solved,
So as not to worry!

And more people, Zhenya,
May I meet some interesting people!
So that you don’t know defeat!
Let the music sound in your soul!

Poems for Evgenia's birthday

Happy name day, dear Zhenya,
You always be as beautiful
Stay cheerful, smiling,
And never be forgetful.
I wish you a lot of joy,
Bathe in divine sweetness,
Name days are a wonderful thing,
Remain a faithful friend!

We congratulate you on your birthday!
Among the gray swirling clouds
Like a flickering ray of sun
You are for us, dear Evgenia!
You are as beautiful as a white lily
Suddenly blooming in a blue pond.
I wish you health and happiness in abundance,
At least give you a big star from the sky!

Congratulate Evgeniya on her birthday

Congratulations to the girl genius,
After all, success is with you everywhere!
Happy birthday, Evgeniya!
Zhenya, you are the most alive!

We are left without Zhenya, and
There is cold and confusion everywhere
With Zhenya by your side, everything is in motion
They drink, sing, stand up, chew

Always be the same
Zhenya, in a century, not in a year,
So that there is a little time before you
Slowed down the eternal progress!!!

Zhenya, I wish you happiness,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Your birthday has arrived
It became a bright holiday.
There will be many successes
Just, Zhenechka, don’t cry,
Just, Zhenya, don’t be sad,
Let go of all problems!

Congratulations to Evgenia on her birthday

Evgenia, the world of fairy-tale fantasies
He will take anyone with him.
On your personal and serious holiday
Let me be in reality with you,
Tell me how much I wish
So that it comes true in life, becomes reality.
May you always remain like this.
Keeping memories of my youth.

From the most worthy Eugenia,
Today is a holiday - a birthday.
A wonderful day has come to you!
May your dreams come true!
Your name, tender, hot,
Being unpredictable dictates.
Destined to be bright by fate,
And we love you like this.
Don't be offended in vain
You are faithful, reliable,
Mistress you are wonderful
You can do the impossible.
You are wonderful, kind, wise,
You cannot be found more tender.
Poetry, painting, music,
They will help you move through life!

Birthday wishes for Evgenia

We would like to congratulate Evgenia
And bring joy to our Zhenya
On a beautiful day, it’s her name day.
We would like to express our gratitude to her
For loyalty in friendship, for its participation
In the fate of others, for joy and happiness,
Which Evgeniya gives.
Lucky is the one who walks next to her
Along life's winding road!
Although the eyes often remain stern,
Good at heart and honest in thoughts,
In love - open, affectionate, faithful.
And how we dream and want,
So that Zhenya and I have the same path!
And on your beautiful name day
Thank you for who you are!

Funny happy birthday greetings to Evgenia

Dear Evgenia!
You are confident in yourself!
You're always right
Open and gentle!
Put aside your doubts
And be happy!
Our congratulations
Remember, don't forget!

Happy birthday greetings to the woman Evgenia

Today warm words, gifts and flowers
Only for you alone, Evgenia
Today we celebrate with rejoicing
Your long-awaited birthday.

You are so beautiful, like the light of a star
Smart, friendly and angelically beautiful
We all wish you happiness and great love,
And no matter what happens, be always happy (C)

The meaning of the name Evgeniy: noble, noble.
Origin of the name Evgeniy: has ancient Greek roots.
Sons have the patronymic name Evgenievich, daughters have Evgenievna.
Close people call him by the diminutive name Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya, Zhenya, Zhenyusha, Zheka, Enya, Evgensha, Evgesha. Pairs female name- Evgenia.
Men with this name are distinguished by their passion, sense of humor and artistry. .

Congratulations on Evgeniy’s birthday

Evgeniy is noble and direct,
Words do not differ from deeds.
Happy birthday, Evgeniy, dear!
Be strong in spirit and healthy in body!
Let's all sit together at a beautiful table,
There will be jokes, toasts, laughter
May happiness follow you
Fate will give you joy and success.

Eugene is a Greek name.
How noble it is translated,
And very wise, insightful
Given by relatives at birth.

In appearance, you, Zhenya, are noble,
How noble both in actions and deeds.
And you will never change your nobility
To a well-fed, silent fear.

You won’t throw words to the wind -
You value deeds more than words,
Without very good excuses
You are ready to help.

Happy birthday Evgeniy!

Evgeniy, today is your birthday!
I want to congratulate you, very tenderly, lovingly.
More smiles and fun on your holiday
And the best gift, believe me, is from me.
I will read you poems from the heart,
I will look into your eyes, as always.
I will guess your cherished wish,
I will fulfill it and hug you.
After all, Zhenya, you are the most beautiful, reliable,
I only gave my heart to you.
You are the most intelligent, my beloved, gentle,
I'm so happy that I found you.
I'm next to you, like a princess.
I wish you not to regret anything.
Don't you dare lose interest in life,
You can overcome a lot on your own.

It's a pleasure to congratulate Evgeniy!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!
You are very good and nice!
In many ways you have no equal!
Let happiness ripen in your heart!
May grief disappear forever
From your life, it will evaporate!
Let your dream come true!
Live inspired, dream!
Gather your friends!

Happy birthday, my dear!
You are always a hero to everyone!
I wish you happiness,
May all bad weather pass by!
You will meet Evgeniy love,
Celebrate the holiday with all your heart!
May your dream come true
Whatever you wish will happen!

Count your dreams
On this day, Evgeniy.
Happiness of pure beauty
It will come without a doubt.
On the name day for a reason
Almost anything is possible.
Make a wish to live to a hundred -
It's not difficult.

There are a lot of good and smart guys
But for me, Zhenya, you are dearer than everyone else!
I love you, kiss you, hug you tightly
And happy birthday, dear, congratulations!

I wish that on the path of life
Happiness and luck always keep pace,
And this may sound pretentious:
Love you! And I can’t do otherwise.

Happy birthday today
We congratulate Evgeniy.
He best guy, our Zhenya,
And taking life on board,
Comes out the winner.
Praise to his parents
For life given on time,
For the first life lesson,
Because he is the only one.
Be healthy, Evgeniy,
Remain a mustacheless youth until you turn gray,
And fall in love with life tirelessly.

Happy Birthday Poems to Evgeniy

Zhenya has been smart and tenacious since childhood,
He was so gifted
Everything in the house has sockets
I tried it with my hand.

He grew up and became a current dork,
Master of Electronic Affairs,
You'll be lucky without a deadline,
Take risks, but know the limits!

Our Evgeniy is witty,
And at work he is simply a genius,
And - which is rare among men -
An excellent family man.
You, Evgeny, are simply a treasure!
Be healthy and be rich!

Happy birthday to man Evgeniy

There is a reason for congratulations -
We congratulate the man here:
Beautiful and mischievous
Cheerful and lively.

Evgeny, I admire you
And I bow to you!!!

Kilometers separate us
And it won’t work out like before,
Say when meeting: “Friend Evgeniy,
Well, happy birthday to you!”
Let us be far away - virtually
I feel your support.
I wish you a perfect life,
So that there is always comfort in the house.

Congratulate Evgeniy on his birthday

Evgeniy means noble!
On your birthday we wish you,
So that your soul is free,
So that they don’t believe the words,

But they only trusted the matter,
And to my sincere friends,
To start the day with a smile,
And may you be lucky in life!

Evgeny, I wish you
On a wonderful holiday - birthday -
So that only true friends
Bring you joy and fun,

May you be lucky in everything in life,
I sincerely wish you good luck,
So that every day, in spite of enemies,
You only got richer!

Funny birthday greetings to Evgeniy

No poems
There is no way to describe it
What do you need, dear Evgeniy,
We would like to wish.
All the good that there is in the world,
Happiness is all that is around,
Life in a hundred decades
We wish you, our friend!

Thank you for adding to:

happy birthday congratulations
I, Evgenia, you!
Let your laughter never stop
Happiness protects life,

And when friends come,
Let it be filled with fun
Your whole home and your whole soul!
Wow, friend, that’s good!

We will pour wine into glasses,
Let's say a lot of important words,
There are many wishes
Well, let's drink to love!

Evgenia! Like in French.
Eugene! – doesn’t it sound true?
Exquisitely in St. Petersburg -
He talks about nobility.

And you will celebrate your birthday
Not like always, not like everyone else.
You will celebrate the holiday elegantly,
Seeing no obstacles in the way.

We wish, Evgenia,
The brightest impressions,
The most wonderful moments
Only the right decisions!

Happy birthday, Zhenechka,
Let your imagination
It will take you into a fairy tale,
Where there is no anger and adversity!

Catch a wave of luck
Be happy, Evgenia,
Don't worry, darling
Let the enthusiasm never leave you!

Beautiful Evgenia,
On your glorious birthday
We wish, without a doubt,
Have magical adventures!

What can you wish for Evgenia?
Of course, patience
Only great feelings
Happy birthday!

Let things be great,
Health does not fail
Luck is limitless
And trouble goes around the house!

Happy Birthday!
Let your dreams come true!
You, beautiful Evgeniya -
Queen of beauty!

On this holiday I really want
Wish you well
Let there be no loneliness
Never in your life!

Our dear Evgeniya,
Happy Birthday!
We wish you the best life,
Let the cheerful laughter sound!

May your wishes come true
All your cherished ones!
Let there be enough understanding,
Happiness, kindness, love!

To you, unique Evgenia
I wish you good spirits this holiday!
Try to pamper yourself more often.

Less everyday life and more relaxation!
Have enthusiasm, fire and passion in your soul,
May life be 100% successful!

Happy Birthday to you, dear!
Happy birthday! You know.
On this holiday I wish,
To make life better than Paradise!

You, Evgenia, are more beautiful. Cleverer
Many other girls around
I wish you to be kinder
And a huge bunch of girlfriends.

The sun has just risen. It's dawn outside the window
On this day, once born into the world
The best of women, just a pure treasure
Happy holiday, dear! I'm incredibly happy

What can I congratulate, what can I say
Happy Birthday, Zaya! Well, wish
Dear, dear, happiness. For long years.
And also, Evgenia, I’ll give you some good advice.

Don't take sadness to heart
Always be smarter, love your dreams.
Joy, peace, peace and goodness

I wish you. Life is so hard
Stay bright and dear for a long time
My best little man in the world!