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Chic design of a small balcony: examples and tips from professionals! How to turn your small balcony into the most comfortable place in the apartment How to make a small balcony cozy

The problem of limited square meters of housing is familiar to many first-hand; a good half of the country lives in old Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. The addition to the compact apartment is a small balcony. There is no point in taking this as a tragedy and wringing your hands. It’s better to roll up your sleeves and beautifully arrange a small area, since there are plenty of possibilities for decoration. Wide choose building materials, interesting furniture designs and a lot of tempting decorating ideas will help transform a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building beyond recognition. And recommendations from experts will give you the right direction for your activities.

Deciding on a style

The question is how to arrange small balcony relevant even before the start of repairs. Before you start purchasing finishing materials, you should decide on the style of a small balcony. This will largely determine the need for certain products. There are many design options, the main thing is to take into account your own inclinations and preferences. The following ideas for a small balcony are original:

Photo examples of small rooms will give an idea of ​​the options for how to arrange original interior on its own territory.

We carry out surface finishing

When the decision on the interior style has been made, you can proceed to examining the small balcony.

Attention! The key point is the condition of the balcony slab. Installing double-glazed windows invariably involves adding weight to a small structure, so it is important to assess whether the balcony slab can withstand the additional load.

The climate in our open spaces is quite harsh, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to properly equip a balcony without glazing and insulation. You can decorate a small area yourself, but it is better to entrust the process to specialists. The proven technology will allow you to equip a balcony with a small area in the shortest possible time. Double-chamber double-glazed window with glass thickness over 32 mm - optimal choice for decoration of loggias and balconies. A more practical option is to equip a small balcony area in a Khrushchev building with external frames.

In some cases, arrange the structure plastic double glazed windows unacceptable. Installation wooden frames allows you to preserve the concept of eco-style or country design. After glazing, proceed to the external and interior decoration small balcony or loggia. In addition to the decorative cladding of the fence, attention is also paid to the insulation of the ceiling.

A small room needs full insulation; for this you will need to install a heated floor. One of the technologies for how to carry out insulation is proposed below:

  • Function thermal insulation material For the floor of a small balcony, foil foam is used.
  • During installation, the foil layer is on top, the material is laid end-to-end and sealed with aluminum tape.
  • On top of the foam foam it is necessary to equip a frame made of timber. The cells of the structure are filled with penoplex of the appropriate thickness.
  • Completes the process of insulating a small balcony OSB boards or floorboard.

A small area can be arranged in different ways decorative coating. It looks organic in the interior of the balcony:

The last option eliminates the efforts to insulate. The floor surface of a small balcony can be equipped with a film heated floor. After which they move directly to the formation of the interior.

Design ideas

The arrangement of a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building is largely determined by the proximity of the rooms:

  • If balcony door borders a hall or living room, a small area can be turned into a miniature greenhouse or study.
  • When the exit to the apartment is in the bedroom, on extra space It’s optimal to arrange another seating area or make the balcony a place to store things.
  • If there is a kitchen across the wall, you can set up an elegant coffee shop on a small balcony.

The proposed options are not a postulate; apartment owners independently determine how best to equip modest square meters.

Residents of Khrushchev apartments suffer not only from a compact balcony, but a lack of free space is observed throughout the apartment. The issue of designing the kitchen space is especially acute. Small kitchen design ideas often contain tips for dismantling the wall between the balcony and the main area. The solution is accompanied by a large amount of work, which is preceded by a complex procedure for preparing technical documentation.

Attention! It is strictly prohibited to arrange a common space between a small balcony and a room without an assessment and the permitting signature of a specialist.

Mini greenhouse

A small space is used in a variety of ways, but always with benefit. Lovers of flowers and any greenery will love the idea of ​​setting up their own mini greenhouse or winter Garden. Following the recommendations will help make your plans a reality:

  • High-quality thermal insulation of a small room is an indispensable condition for the full development of vegetation. You will also need to install heating to preserve the plantings in winter.
  • Artificial heating often reduces the level of humidity; this issue is also resolved at the stage of arranging a small balcony.
  • To prevent the scorching rays of the summer sun from harming your pets, the windows are decorated with blinds or other protective means.
  • Installing embedded beams at the stage of installing double-glazed windows on a small balcony will help you easily set up flower stands.

It is necessary to arrange the outer side of the main wall in accordance with the general concept of the balcony design. It could be plastic wooden panels, decorative plaster or tiles. The weight of the material does not matter, it deserves attention color palette. It is preferable to decorate a small area with a monochromatic finish in light colors.

A place to relax

Finding a place for privacy in a Khrushchev building is very difficult. It is possible to change the situation if you arrange extra bed recreation. To flip through a magazine or listen to music, just chat on the phone without unnecessary witnesses, it is enough to complement the interior with a comfortable ottoman, sofa or sofa. If you can’t find suitable furniture for a small area, you can always arrange it yourself.

There are many solutions. It's enough to find wooden beam, cover it with chipboard and put a comfortable mattress. Decorating a mini sofa will be a little more difficult, but still doable. And if the balcony design has an oriental flavor, then colorful pillows can be placed directly on the soft carpet small space.

Comment! The decision to arrange a bench with drawers for storing things under the seat is practical.

A place of relaxation has a chamber feel, so glazing on the sides of a small space would be unnecessary. Blind panels can be arranged in different ways: a painting, a poster or flowers - a completely relevant design.

An oasis for coffee lovers or tea ceremony lovers

The interior of kitchens in Khrushchev has a minimal set of furnishings, the reason is banal - there is not enough space. The design of a balcony will provide a change from the boring picture, where it is convenient to drink a cup of your favorite drink. The problem of small space is solved different ways. The most popular idea is to install a folding table. A place for drinking tea can also be equipped with folding seats, which when folded do not interfere with moving around a small room.

Creative people will appreciate the idea of ​​an unusual table, where functionality is combined with compactness and decorativeness.

Work zone

A small balcony is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​arranging workplace. It would be unfair to call the corner a study, but you can work peacefully in solitude. Basic steps for registration:

  • installation of a functional table and a comfortable chair;
  • arrange lighting;
  • make the required number of shelves.

When there is no desire to transform a small balcony into a functional room, installing storage cabinets will help you make good use of the additional square meters of Khrushchev. The interior of the apartment will only benefit from such a solution, because unnecessary objects quickly clutter up a small area.

Nuances of choosing furniture

Regardless of the decision on how best to arrange a small balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, there are several nuances in selecting furniture. Following the recommendations will help you avoid the problem of cluttering a small space and arrange the interior with maximum functionality:

  • Massive furniture has no place on a small balcony. It is optimal to equip a compact area with folding structures.
  • The option of installing a small table with round table top on one leg.
  • It is practical to arrange on a small balcony wide window sill, which will serve as a table. The interior is optimally complemented with bar stools.
  • A wide window sill is also used to place flowers if the main purpose of a small balcony is to decorate a greenhouse.

Advice! It is better to arrange a sofa for reading and relaxation yourself. Simple wooden structure complemented by a mattress and decorative pillows, the lower part of the structure is reserved for storing things.

Important little things

Balcony lighting is an equally important part of arranging a small space. Special attention is devoted to the issue of installation lighting fixtures, if you plan to arrange a winter garden. A workplace or relaxation area also needs additional lighting in the evening. It is preferable to equip the work table with a lamp with a rotating mechanism.

In a relaxation area or a place for drinking tea, spotlights whose horns can change direction have proven themselves to be excellent. Experts agree that for a small space it is effective to equip general and spot lighting. Additional light sources will eliminate the presence of dark areas on a small balcony and visually increase the space.

Solve the problem of excess natural light in summer heat It is possible if you equip the windows of a small balcony with blinds.

Interior decoration options depend on the purpose of the small room, but several flower pots, soft pillows in practical cases and the original picture will be appropriate in any design.

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Cozy balcony- this is a great opportunity to take a walk without leaving home. But how can you make it a place for a comfortable pastime if the dimensions are not so large? In fact, it is not difficult - just a little imagination and skill. A classic example is tiny and incredibly charming French balconies.

We are in website collected good advice on how to design your dream balcony and invite you to get inspired and experiment.

Open or closed?

You can choose a winning design for both closed and open balconies.

Experts say that for small closed balcony The following options are great:

  • Installing built-in step drawers that can be used as seating, tabletops and of course, ample storage.
  • Organizing a vacation spot or sleeping place, sometimes solid, when the balcony becomes a dedicated niche, a separate cozy corner.
  • Placement of hanging hammocks and chairs.
  • Organization of the workplace.

Porcelain stoneware tiles have proven to be the most practical and durable coverings for open balconies. terrace board, natural or fake diamond. And as an accent, you can add artificial grass.

Practical advice: As an interesting detail with a massage effect, you can install a container with colored crushed stone on the balcony. We pour bright pebbles, which can be bought in stores, into a flat box landscape design. Your feet will be grateful for the massage, and your eyes will enjoy the bright colors.

How to use space effectively?

You can visually increase the area of ​​the balcony using light shades of walls or fencing. Choose white, beige, yellow, blue - they will create a feeling of more space.

If you use forged dark elements as a fence on an open balcony, then you should not cover its upper part: this will visually narrow the space and it will seem more cramped.

Various glossy surfaces that reflect light work well to expand space. In this case you also need to choose bright hues: gray, olive, yellow, beige, white.

How can you squeeze maximum utility out of a small space?


  • Hanging furniture: portable tables that can be hung on railings, hanging tables and chairs, hammocks. If you have open balcony, be sure to take into account the height of the placement: rest areas should be strictly below the railing line. Do not neglect this rule, even if another placement option seems safe to you.
  • A window sill that can easily replace a table or shelf.
  • Hanging containers for plants.

Lighting that adds coziness

Light sources on the balcony are wonderful helpers in creating comfort. To place light accents, pay attention to the following options:

  • Flashlights that charge from sunlight, and in the evening the balcony is illuminated.
  • Outdoor garlands that can be used all year round. The most popular are multi-colored thread balls: they are bright details during the day and a source of light in the evening.
  • Artificial candles.
  • Small garden lights.
  • Glowing decorative figures.

Practical advice: You can make a garland of thread balls yourself. To do this, we inflate small balls and wrap them with thread soaked in glue. Let it dry, then pop it and remove the latex. We attach the finished “plafondki” to LED garland, securing with tape or thread.

Additional accessories

Do you agree that individual details always add coziness to any room? Same with the balcony - add interesting little things.

Blankets, pillows, decorative elements, curtains, screens, blinds, decorative umbrellas - all this will allow you to comfortably rest and unwind after a working day.

If you are worried that the scorching sun, rain or frost will damage the decoration and interior items, use materials designed for open spaces.

Accessories made for outdoor use on terraces and balconies will be coated with paint that is resistant to fading and precipitation. Often the material is made water-repellent and resistant to damage. For curtains and various kinds of decorative barriers, choose natural tones, and they will serve you for many years and retain their color.

Practical advice: fabric blinds or thick paper you can do it yourself. You can see how this is done.


Of course, what would a balcony be without these important accents? With the help of flowers you can not only add coziness, but also zone the balcony.

A small room can be properly equipped and in this way increase the usable area of ​​the apartment. The design of the loggia is preceded by careful insulation. In this article, the photo shows a selection of ideas for decoration.

Coffee table and wicker chairs on the balcony 3 sq. m. Light tulle adds comfort and does not weigh down the space. The soft carpet allows you to take off your shoes while sitting in a chair without getting cold on the tiled floor.

Repair of a small balcony. The walls are covered with gypsum plasterboard, upper layer finishing - wallpaper for painting. For the arrangement, a compact cabinet and a small glass table, which do not take up much space.

Oriental style in design. The secret of this style consists of little things: warm colors in the decoration, textile furniture, soft lighting, Moroccan lamps. Here you can equip a hookah room. The presence of a radiator allows you to use the place to relax all year round.

  • To enlarge a small room (2, 3 or 4 sq. m.), you can make an additional extension when installing double-glazed windows. This method can increase the room by 30 cm;
  • If removal is not possible, you should turn to visual expansion methods. To do this you need to use
  • Regardless of the repair method, finishing materials must match the chosen style.

Loggia furniture

  • To be able to transform the space, it is better to purchase folding furniture models;
  • Instead of a bed that will take up the entire area, you can use a hammock for the relaxation area. If necessary, its structure is dismantled, freeing up the premises.
  • If the loggia is small, you should use compact items when decorating the interior of the room. For example, open shelves are used for storage - such designs look easy, and at the same time help to properly organize the space.

A relaxation area with a hammock and pillows allows you to use several levels at once in one space. In such a room a company of 4-6 people can gather for a pleasant conversation.

Open shelves perform not only a functional role, but also a decorative one - they serve color accent in this interior.

For additional insulation A heated floor system is suitable. Despite the additional financial costs, the result will convince you of the rationality of this action.

The role of lighting

Additional light sources allow you to fully use the space throughout the day.

It is better to think through several lighting scenarios, so you will have the opportunity to use all devices at once or only part of them.

The lighting system creates an atmosphere for relaxation in the evening. There is also a more powerful light source on the balcony. The design of the blinds on the windows allows you to regulate the flow of light during the daytime as desired.

A selection of design ideas

Let's look at the photographs that show.

1. Premises with an area of ​​3 square meters. m

PVC panels were chosen for covering the walls of the room. This method is one of the most practical and does not require large investments of money and time for installation. The texture of the panels is perfectly complemented by window PVC frames, the surface of which imitates wood.

Relaxation area on the balcony with an area of ​​3 sq. m. A pastel range of shades was used as a basis, complementing the interior with active colors through decorative items, furniture, and light sources. A panel with a city perspective fits into the general idea of ​​the style and creates the atmosphere of a street in Paris.

The cabinet is designed specifically to save space and maintain order - while panoramic glazing The territory is visible from the street if there is no tinting. Ironing board does not interfere with the passage to the apartment. Furniture material - painted chipboard elements. The walls are lined with black ceramic tiles in the shape of a brick.

Design of a balcony of 3 square meters. m in black and white. Chairs, coffee table, carpet, pillows, dishes and decorative items - everything is designed in the same style.

Modern interior. Finishing natural materials- wood, decorative plaster, textiles.

Decorative plaster in the design of a hookah room (3 sq. m).

2. Loggia - continuation of the apartment

Two rooms are combined into one. The balcony area includes a dressing table with a pouf and a built-in wardrobe.

The loggia continues the idea of ​​living room design. Behind sliding system Residents read books from glass without being distracted by extraneous sounds in the apartment. If you open the partition, you can thereby increase the area of ​​the room.

Country style in the interior of the work area.

3. Kitchen

Not everyone needs a kitchen that takes up a lot of space. In the space of an insulated balcony you can make a kitchen with a compact set, a dining area, hob domino, coffee machine or microwave.

Mini-set on the balcony in a studio apartment with a sink and domino hob.

Full dining area can be replaced with a bar counter, which will take up less space.

The window sill serves as a bar counter. Decoration Materials: ceramic tiles, linoleum.

4. Children's room

Creative corner for children's activities.

The loggia is combined with the adjacent nursery.

5. Office

Interior in country style with a workplace.

Decorative stone, paintable wallpaper and moldings are used in the cabinet design. The backlight effectively reveals the texture of the material.

It is better to order furniture for furnishing an office from a workshop custom sizes. Thus, the interior of the room will be as convenient as possible for further use.

Visualization of a home office in modern style on a loggia with panoramic glazing.

Sewing workshop.

A cozy place to work at the computer.

6. Space for relaxation

Despite small area, a relaxation room allows you to retire from the general space of the apartment.

Swing chair in room design.

Mini living room with sofa.

Modern interior style.

Place to stay in small room. The base is used to store various items.

7. Green corner

The plants will be comfortable on the loggia; here they will not lack natural light.

A shelf for flowers on a balcony greenhouse.

Recreation area and winter garden.

The flower garden can operate all year round if the room is insulated, or be seasonal.

To arrange flowers, open shelves are installed, special shelves or shelves are created.

8. Terrace

Balcony terrace. Wicker furniture, bamboo curtains and indoor flowers. The parapet is sheathed wooden clapboard. The brick walls of the house are painted white.

Natural furniture materials, Street light And decorative rock in wall decoration - all this creates the atmosphere summer terrace even in winter cold.

9. Dressing room

This method of storing things allows you to free up space in the apartment.


The balcony has long ceased to be a place that is used only as additional square meters in the apartment for storing and storing various things. With the right approach, even a small balcony can be functionally equipped, turning it into a place for relaxation, privacy or work.

Design of a small balcony in Khrushchev

A small balcony is usually found in Khrushchev-era buildings. With some small balcony design ideas, you can transform this space into a useful, comfortable and stylish area.

The interior design of a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building or just a small balcony begins with what functional load this room will have. According to need or personal preference, the following places can be equipped from the balcony area:

  • Terrace for relaxation. To arrange a recreation area, it is necessary to create conditions for a comfortable stay on a small balcony. For this you need cozy furniture and a table. Due to its small dimensions, it should not be bulky - for this you can use a folding table and chairs, or equip a small multifunctional soft sofa with hidden storage boxes inside. Numerous pillows and other textiles will add comfort.
  • WorkplaceIf you need privacy for work, this place is just right for it. There is enough space on the small balcony to accommodate computer desk for one computer and an upholstered chair. To work with a laptop, you only need a soft sofa and a table, which are also used for relaxation.
  • Tea or dining area If the balcony is small but wide, in the summer you can arrange a dining or tea area with full dining table for two or three people.
  • Winter gardenFlowering plants and greenery growing all year round on the balcony will create a summer atmosphere even in winter time. You can install hanging racks with pots on the walls, and place pallets with flowers on the balcony windowsill (example in the photo). Instead of a greenhouse, you can even build a greenhouse.
  • Gym Placed sports equipment or exercise equipment will create a small gym on the balcony. Thus, space in the apartment for storing equipment is saved, and in the summer there will be an opportunity to play sports in the fresh air.
  • Enlarging the main room with a balcony A more labor-intensive process of arranging and creating a design is combining small balconies with the rooms to which they adjoin. In this case it is taken out window frame and the door, in some cases the heating radiator is moved, creating a room extended by the size of the adjacent balcony. At the same time, it begins to perform the function that belongs to the room: if the balcony is combined with a kitchen, it can turn into a dining area, a place for a bar counter, or it can accommodate Appliances, for example, a refrigerator. If a living room or study is combined, another functional area is formed there. When combining a bedroom, you can equip a workplace or boudoir on the balcony, and a playroom in the children's room.

If the goal is not to convert the balcony into a certain functional area, you can simply decorate it stylishly by placing a neat, ergonomic storage system on it.

Preparing the area

The design of a small balcony begins with preparing its area for finishing and further decoration.

Initially, you should clear the area of ​​unnecessary things and restore order. The main task Preparation for decoration is glazing and insulating the balcony. Without these works, the practical use of the balcony space is significantly limited.

When glazing, double-glazed windows with a thickness of at least 32 mm should be used. When all three sides of the balcony are glazed, it will become bright and cozy, but at the same time there will be fewer sides useful for practical use. If you glaze only the front part, you can later install storage systems on the side walls, hang flower pots, etc.

Insulation is usually done with sandwich panels on the outside of the balcony and on top, and inside the floor insulation is done using penofol, penoplex, covered with plywood or laminate on top. When combining a room with a balcony, it is mandatory to install a floor with electric or water heating.


When decorating a balcony room, you can use one of two options: stylistically combine the space with the main room, decorating the balcony in accordance with the room using the same materials, or create an individual balcony style that differs from the main design of the apartment, but, at the same time, does not breaking out of it.

It is worth using moisture-resistant and heat-resistant materials, and for glazed and insulated loggias you can use any material for cladding, from wallpaper to stone and decorative plaster. Since the balcony space belongs more to the external space of the apartment than to the internal one, durable materials are often used for finishing surfaces - artificial stone, plaster, decorative panels, as well as various combinations of them. With their help you can implement any design ideas, creating original style. In order not to waste time and money on finishing with stone or plaster, you can treat brick wall at home, paint or varnish it, creating an urban style. When finished, lining or wooden panels create a pleasant eco-style, and additionally serve as a heat insulator.

From flooring laminate, wood or tiles are used.

Techniques for decorating a small balcony

When decorating a small balcony space, it is important not to overload it with unnecessary details. In addition, to visually correct a small area, you can follow some design recommendations:

  • Light colors in the decoration will visually expand the narrow balcony walls.
  • You cannot load the space with bulky furniture. You should use wicker, glass furniture, hanging and folding tables, storage systems with sliding doors, hidden drawers inside the seats.
  • Windows should also be sliding. It is recommended to decorate them with blinds - they are beautiful and practical. To create a more comfortable atmosphere, roller blinds or Roman blinds are used. Long curtains and heavy curtains, it is better to decorate the balcony window of the combined space with the room to create a unified style.
  • Wallpaper with a perspective on the side walls of the balcony will visually make it more spacious.
  • A wide window sill can be turned into a kind of bar counter or a place for flowers (see photo). And underneath you can install hidden shelves with doors for storing food and canning.
  • A mirror and glossy surfaces will visually increase the area. Tensioner glossy ceiling with spotlights also contributes to this.
  • From open wall shelves It’s better to refuse, they clutter up the space.
  • An accent with color on one of the walls helps to visually increase the square footage.
  • When gardening with flowers, you should not place pots and trays on the floor so as not to take up extra space.

The long-awaited summer is approaching, which means it’s time to take care of creating a small green oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle. In today’s article I want to talk about how to beautifully and functionally decorate a small balcony and create a cozy corner for relaxing in the fresh air.


Is it worth glazing a small balcony or is it better to leave it open? The decision is yours, it all depends on the functions you assign to it. If you want to enlarge the room due to the balcony area, then, of course, you will have to glaze. Want to have a place to relax, read and work outdoors? Leave it open.

One thing I can say for sure: you definitely shouldn’t turn your balcony into a warehouse for unnecessary things! Whether the balcony is open or glassed, leave it as open and comfortable as possible. When we lived in Moscow in a small one-room apartment, unfortunately, we did not have the much desired balcony. However, we had no trouble finding space for our bike, seasonal items, and camping gear. And if we were the happy owners of at least a tiny balcony, we certainly wouldn’t fill it with snowboards, suitcases and boxes of winter shoes! =) Use precious meters to create your favorite place in the apartment, at least for the summer.

Small balcony: choice of furniture

Small elegant chairs and table





Folding furniture

Folding chairs and tables perfectly solve the problem of lack of space. I already mentioned this in the article about.






Hanging table and pots

An innovative table that is suitable even for a tiny balcony:

Hanging pots will save space on the floor and eliminate the need for drawers and shelves.


And every man living in a city apartment probably dreams of such a thing! =)


If you are going to spend a lot of time on the balcony and want more comfort, place a small sofa in the corner, if space allows. In this case, you should consider the issue of moisture protection: provide protective covers, a visor, and use a special moisture-resistant material.

A hanging sofa or chair is a real dream! You should carefully consider the issue of fasteners; it is advisable to seek help from a professional.


A very functional thing is a small bench with soft cushions and storage space. Such a bench can be made to order or even put together yourself.






Chaise lounge

If space allows, you can even install a sun lounger on the balcony, but it will be more of a paradise for one.

Pillows and poufs

If you want to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere on your balcony, avoid furniture altogether. Throw soft pillows, poufs and mattresses on the floor.


The issue of storage on a small balcony will be solved by a small bookcase. On it you can place flower pots, put tools and other equipment in drawers and cute boxes.



Bright colors for a great mood

Create a cheerful atmosphere on your balcony - lay out colorful rugs, put bright pillows on chairs, paint pots in different colors. How else can you liven up your interior for summer, read.


Even on a tiny balcony you can create a cozy place to relax if you carefully approach the issue of choosing furniture and decor. I wish you success in this matter, and may your small balcony please you until winter!