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What does someone who does not want to grow up the career ladder deprive themselves of? How to climb the career ladder as a woman How to climb the career ladder


Non-standard thinking is a very valuable quality that helps to find the unexpected and effective solution where others are scratching their heads. To develop non-standard thinking, wean yourself from thinking stereotypically and stereotypedly, try to look at the tasks assigned to you from a different angle. Throw away the boundaries and the rules and turn the problem you need to solve on its head. Non-standard thinking is also associated with changes in the ordinary and familiar. So try to change your environment, your surroundings, your habits and your way of thinking.

Responsibility, initiative and independence are the qualities that contribute to rapid career development. When several people are working on a project a large number of people, most often they lose interest and initiative. If no one takes responsibility, take matters into your own hands. Moreover, a project for one person has a greater chance of success. What is not a reason to prove yourself in the right quality?

The desire to learn helps you move forward and prevents you from getting stuck in a monotonous routine. Usually, when a person has occupied a certain niche and established himself in it, he loses the desire to learn something new and improve. Laziness does not allow you to develop further. Therefore, do not lose motivation, be positive and always ready for the new and unknown. A person who constantly learns and has a broad outlook has a great chance of success.

Attention to detail and a tendency to understand all the nuances of work (meticulousness) are a sign of a true professional. Your opinion will be recognized as authoritative even by the most inveterate debaters. A professional in any field is a person who is valued, respected, and taken into account.

Willingness to help is a quality that will help you yourself when you need someone else's help. After all, what we give to others, according to the “boomerang law,” comes back to us. Of course, you shouldn’t become a trouble-free person who helps because he doesn’t know how to say “no” and tries to please everyone. Such people are usually simply used by others for their own purposes.

Modesty attracts people, arrogance repels people. If you are a professional in your field and at the same time have modesty, you will certainly be appreciated. However, you need to know when to stop everything. Modesty combined with a sense of dignity and self-confidence is one thing, but excessive meekness, which can play a cruel joke on you, is another. It's important to find the right balance.

A sober mind and the ability to find practical solutions at the right time are very useful quality which most successful people have. Many people do not know how to manage emotions, and therefore often make rash decisions that they later regret. You must become a person who knows how to make correct, informed decisions.

“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general.” Suvorov A. V

The same can be said about an employee who is not interested in career advancement.

There are two concepts: careerism and career.

Careerism- unprincipled pursuit of personal success in any activity. It is believed that a careerist only outwardly demonstrates his devotion, when in fact he pursues only his own selfish interests.

It's a completely different matter with the word career. Career- a trajectory towards success that a person builds himself, in accordance with own goals, desires and attitudes. In terms of meaning, the concepts seem to be close, but attitudes towards oneself give rise to different things.

It is better for a person to be a careerist than for someone who does not dream of becoming a general. Careerists are specific people who clearly understand what they are doing. They have a plan to advance their career. But you need to understand that you won’t rise high if you don’t know how, so you have to learn. Of course, a careerist is more of a person who wants to have more than to be able to. And through force he begins to learn to do what is necessary in order to get to a better place. high level. All because he understands that there is no other way.

A much smarter approach is to love improvements in the business you are doing and, as a result, receive offers from managers and bosses for promotions. There is always a shortage of good managers, so if you focus on skills, they will come to you with an offer.

Careerism is better than complete passivity, but it’s not entirely smart because people who think more about how to move up the career ladder actually don’t get much pleasure from self-improvement in their profession. Jack Welch, based on his experience, came up with the following formula:

Out of 100% employees:

1. 20% are stars;

2. 70% are good people who will never become high-level leaders;

3. 10% are C and D students who need to get rid of.

You can work with good people if you monitor them closely, but only stars become leaders. The remaining 80% of employees, even when promoted, will never occupy leadership positions.

In order to climb the career ladder, the most important thing is to work well. To work well is to do the right thing, according to the boss, the person who pays you. You need to find a smart boss, because 99% are fools. We need to look hard for this smart boss.

There is such a law:

“If you want to find something, you need to look.”

If the boss is good, then he will be your coach, boss, and teacher - everything. You need to go to a meeting with your boss and then he will go to a meeting with you. Going to a meeting means working on yourself. You need to deserve to be on the team of a very strong leader. When you get into such a team, then you begin to grow quickly. And before you find a smart boss, you need to satisfy the needs of the one you work with, show results. To climb the career ladder, you need to be productive, efficient.

To become a better employee you need:

1. Start your day earlier and end it later than other workers. Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre worker like initiative in work and ability to work. People who work more on their own initiative stay longer in their jobs than those who work from bell to bell.

2. Work efficiently and always do more than is expected of you. Working hard does not mean working smart. You need to learn how to make the most of your time and regularly raise the bar for yourself. This will be the first signal for the manager to promote you.

3. Ask your manager to be your mentor or find a mentor in your industry. The more experience and wisdom a manager has, the greater the desire to help beginners build their careers.

Few people approach their boss for help, only stars. But this is neither good nor bad. We need to face the truth. Basically, all people are lethargic and lack initiative because they lack energy, so they work from bell to bell. A person first subconsciously feels how much energy he has, then he lives his day so that he has enough of it. And if there is very little energy and a person arrives earlier, you are delayed, it seems to him that he does not have enough energy, so most people do not do this.

There is an expression: “It is better to earn more than to save a lot.” It's the same with energy. But most people try to save money instead of getting more. They think that the later I get up, the more energy I will have. But everything works the other way around. The earlier a person gets up, the more strength he has, the more he puts himself into action, the more strength he has.

According to observations, people have no energy. Either God didn’t give it to them, or they just don’t rock it. Energy also needs to be pumped up. You need to do the right things, then more energy will appear, and then you will have the strength to do quality work. Quality requires energy.

For an intelligent person, work brings great pleasure.

1. So why deprive yourself of pleasure?

2. Why limit yourself?

3. Why, first of all, be an “idiot” and not love your job?

Love your job!!!

4. Jack Welch writes that if your manager checked your work and was unhappy, correct the mistakes. Don’t give up and don’t let him finish what you couldn’t finish. For the manager, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that it is time to look for another more capable employee.

5. Take initiative every day. Managers dream that you will cope with your work, and he will be able to delegate new projects to you. The more he can betray you, the more indispensable you will become to him. Constantly improve all processes, help your colleagues improve, and also do not forget about the delicate manifestation of initiative. It is important that the boss does not feel that you are aiming for his place. A person who is not very developed will begin to put a spoke in your wheels. Take initiative sensitively, with the intention of making your manager's job easier.

Initiative- this is the most important sign of a bright, potential person. Initiative is punishable because when you show it, you begin to act, to play. And when you actually play, you either win or lose. You start doing things you've never done, you start moving forward. Initiative is a risk. Therefore, in 70% of cases you will be punished with defeat. But the initiators lose early stages more often, because there is initiative, but there is no wisdom. And viewers who look at those who take initiative notice this and diagnose that initiative is punishable. Active people who really want to succeed must take the initiative. You need to understand well that sometimes you will be punished for your initiative, and still move on.

6. Bring the work entrusted to you to the end.

7. Know how to follow instructions. Only those who know how to obey a leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. Sometimes the manager needs your innovation, but often he needs you to simply complete the project in accordance with the task. You will become invaluable if your manager is confident that you can entrust any task to you and forget about it, knowing that you will do it right.

That doesn't work. He says there must always be an ironclad deal. It is necessary not to instruct, not to set tasks, but to agree on the result. And then just control. Otherwise, much will not be done. You need to give him freedom in how he will do it, and often when, but you have an agreement not on the process, but on the result.

8. Respect your manager. If you do not respect a person who is at a higher level, find yourself another job or another boss who will be an authority and leader for you, only then will you be able to learn and grow from him. There are laws of hierarchy. If you don't respect those above you, your subordinates won't respect you. Show signs of respect and never allow yourself to become familiar.

Subordination is the level of culture, and culture is the level of spirituality. Spirituality is subtlety, insight, when a person feels, knows, understands. Spirituality develops the feeling - love your neighbor as yourself. You must feel, as you can tell your boss, feel where the boundary is. And the boss must be cultured and respect subordination in relation to his subordinate. There must be distance.

9. Treat your work as your own business. The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working like an owner. It is these employees who later become partners and develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

A person punishes himself when he does something without a soul, because it makes him feel bad. Because the more you put your soul into it, the more you feel in the mood. That's how nature works. We can only be happy if we give our 100% and put our hearts into it. Therefore, you need not to be lazy and find a business in which you would like to invest your soul and, as a result, there will be career growth, a lot of money and self-esteem. There will be human happiness. And happiness begins with love. Everything is very simple.

You can note important points. You need to understand that there are no trifles in moving up the career ladder. The most important thing is initiative, responsibility, desire to develop and grow professionally. If you want to become a star you must be educated because stars cannot be just beautiful and shining. The ability to please a manager not because you are well dressed, but because you are responsible, efficient, and know how to admit your mistakes, and not blame them on someone else and hide behind someone else’s responsibility.

Work hard, then you will have everything you want!!!

You already have a job, you have gone through all the pains of the interview and are successfully occupying one position or another. But if you are a person with ambitions and prospects, then sooner or later you will want to grow. But in order to do this competently, you need to adhere to some simple, but sometimes very necessary things.

1. Befriend the right people

The conversation here is not about being dragged through to the right place, no. You must be friends with those people for whose job or position you are applying or will apply in the future. They can reveal to you a secret for which others pay huge amounts of money at endless “Business of Youth” seminars. They can tell you how they achieved certain things. In the end, they themselves want a promotion or a change of location and will be able to recommend you as a person who is sincerely interested in all the nuances of the work and meticulously asks about everything.

2. Focus on positive things

In fact, there are no happy jobs or happy people at jobs, they just get high with good times and forget about bad days. No work happens without doing useless and boring things every day. More often than not, getting to the good means pushing through the bad, and people who do this with a smile on their face end up winning simply because attitude is everything. If positive things from your work don’t immediately come to mind, try to remember what was cool, besides the fact that you touched someone’s ass at a corporate party. It doesn’t matter whether you are happy or sad, the amount of your work will not change.

3. Don't rush to get promoted

The career ladder does not always lead from bottom to top in a straight line. There are times and occasions when you need to stand on one floor, move to another staircase, and maybe even take a step back when it is really necessary. Take your time and decide for yourself what you really want to do - be honest with yourself. After all, if you are not competent enough for a certain position and somehow got into it ahead of time, then most likely you will not cope well with your responsibilities. The consequences of this can be very disastrous, to the point that you will be returned to your previous position, but after that it will be oh so difficult to climb back. Therefore, calm down, sit and think about what skills you need to improve, what you are not yet savvy enough to do, and after that, try to take the next step up.

4. Find a mentor

Although in one book we all know they say not to create an idol for yourself, you can create a certain image that you would strive for. You choose a cool person who has achieved what you would like, and look at how he behaved in the initial stages and what he did. You don’t need to imitate him, because you have your own head on your shoulders, but it will be great not to make his mistakes.

5. Do your job

Everyone always says: “Reach heights”, “Do unusual things”, “Be non-trivial”. But everyone forgets about basic things - to arrive on time and do their job.

In fact, showing up to work every day and performing your duties is not typical for most people. Most success stories are boring. Most of them require showing up to work every day and, oddly enough, working.

6. Choose vacancies

Most likely, you will go to an interview 5 times before you find something normal. Do not rush. Changing your job or position from year to year, you will arrive with more experience, knowledge and connections. Compare this with anything - with a mosaic that is filled with elements, or an athlete who gradually increases his rank. You need to adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically needed for you. Yes, it will take time and it won't be easy, but as they say, finding a job you love is a privilege, not a right. So treat it as such and never stop trying something new. Patience is not just the ability to wait. It's how you act while you wait.

7. Forgive people and be a kind person

They are often stupid or do some things not on purpose. Most of them don’t make plans for themselves since Sunday evening, how can they annoy you next week. Many of them have their heads buried deeper in the sand than an ostrich, always looking for ways to become efficient in a pattern. They do not appreciate other people's help as they should. Don't be that kind of person - speak, advise, take advice. You live in society, and it’s stupid to neglect it. If you have a difficult employee or subordinate, sit down and discuss the problems with him. Perhaps new horizons will open up for you, and you will gain experience that will certainly be useful in the future.

How to make a career? To do this, you just need to decide and follow your decision. The advice of the old carpet rat will help you. Career growth, job promotion, how to achieve it - short, clear instructions. (10+)

Making a career - instructions. How to advance in your career. Position growth

Do you need a career?

Do you really want to make a career? Why do you want to take a higher position or position? What will promotion up the career ladder and job hierarchy give you?

Your answers to these questions are very important. Making a career is quite simple in the sense that it does not require any special talents, special character traits, or any special initial data. Making a career is very difficult because you have to devote your whole life to it, subordinating everything else to this goal.

Why do you need career growth? There are other ways to make a fortune. There is a separate article about this, “How to make a fortune?”. You can also realize yourself in another field. Do you really need a career?

However, before making the final decision whether you will climb the corporate ladder, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Once you make a decision, follow it. Otherwise, you will be very sorry for the energy spent on unfinished business. Build your career constantly, every working day. You shouldn’t make a career for two days, then give up for a week, then remember again and take up your career. There will be no benefit from such actions, only wasted effort.

Career Rules

I will give a few rules of a successful careerist, which I myself have actively used with consistently excellent results, and which my clients successfully use. There is nothing special about these rules, but they must be followed in order to advance in your career.

Make a career plan and follow it

The only way to do a big project (and a career is a big long project) is to make a detailed plan with small steps and execute it. We will draw up a career plan with goals and deadlines. We will strive to implement it. What to do if your career plan does not coincide with the plans of your employer, read below.

Catch the fish where they are

Choice right place Jobs are the most important step in a career.

There are a lot of companies where the corporate culture is not conducive to a career. All the places are occupied, all the bosses at all levels hold on to their chairs, they are afraid of new things, of any kind of development. Stability is elevated to the main value. Such companies often function quite normally, pay decent salaries, but they are not suitable for you. If your goal is a career, immediately and without regret look for another job. There is no place for a careerist.

By the way, when I write “look for another job,” this means that you are given two months to transition, and not two years to slowly go through interviews. In a career, as in many other things, it is very important to learn how to achieve your goals within a given time frame.

Another option is that the company is developing dynamically, but categorically underestimates its personnel. All leadership positions attract people from the outside. Their employees almost never get promoted. You can work in such a company for experience; it’s good to come to a management position from outside, work there, do a project, and go for a promotion to another company. Decide for yourself why and how long you will work in such a company. Work exactly as much as you decide, and not a day more.

There are a lot of companies and organizations where the career ambitions of employees are welcomed and encouraged. Go work there, you can quickly make a career there.

Build a network of contacts

The job of an operator is bad for starting a career not only because it is very difficult to prove yourself and it is easy to ruin your reputation, but also because it does not at all contribute to the development of a network of contacts. This kind of work is not suitable for us.

We need work that doesn’t interfere, or even better, directly requires us to build a network of contacts, meet people, and discuss professional topics. The development of a network of professional contacts is facilitated by participation in professional communities, conferences, seminars, infrastructure and commercial projects in which many people are involved. How many telephone numbers of colleagues do you have in your address book with whom you can discuss professional issues? There must be more than 150 to begin with.

Be a public person in your professional community, come up with initiatives, proposals, and participate in the training of young specialists. Create for yourself maximum quantity people's reputation as someone who solves rather than creates problems. Then you will be constantly offered participation in various projects and interesting positions. By the way, training young specialists is an excellent way to develop a network of contacts. After all, these specialists will not always be young; some of them will occupy key positions in a couple of years, and you will be a guru in their eyes. You will definitely be called if a serious project appears. And the rest, who do not advance, will be your personnel reserve. you, coming to good project, you will be able to attract your best students who have not yet made enough progress and are waiting for their chance.

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Some workers are called the word with the letter "l". And this is not a “leader” at all. They fall into the ranks of losers according to various reasons. We won't talk about the most obvious ones. You yourself understand that salaries are usually not given for viewing cat posts. This article will not turn your life 180 degrees, but it will give you something to think about. And you will also find portions of bitter truth and wonderful illustrations.

website invites us to discuss the mistakes that set us back on our way to the top of the career ladder.

1. Life is dedicated to something other than your own business.

Choosing a profession is an assessment of the likelihood of many events. A simple human “like” must somehow be combined with potential benefits. We usually start our professional journey with a minimum amount of experience. Everything is so difficult to predict that sometimes the “oh, that’s it!” mode is activated. and the decision is made at random.

Someone is unlucky: links fall out of the chain “income - prestige - satisfaction”. What to do? Before it's too late, leave everything to hell worst moments work history in the past, and bring passions and talents to the forefront. Mastering a new business is difficult. But it's smarter come to terms with the transition period than mentally quartering your colleagues and superiors until retirement.

2. Belief in stereotypes

“This position is not for women”, “Find a normal male job”, “Do something serious”, “You can’t jump over your head”, “Without connections, you’ll go nowhere”... Such stereotypes ruin a career in the bud.

What to do? Move towards the goal, ignoring the lamentations. Self-confidence is the key to success. And vice versa. However, sometimes it’s worth taking precautions into account. For example, if you decide to become an advanced poacher or build a unicorn farm.

3. Vain sacrifices

There are different ways to infringe on your interests:

  • Family-sacrifice. For example, giving up important courses in order to buy expensive gadgets for your child. Or the intention to quit in order to look after second cousin Klava, while other relatives share her “one-room apartment” in the village of Dalnekukuevo and save on the services of a nurse.
  • Worker sympathizers. Let’s remember situations when you wanted to get a salary increase, but “the company is going through difficult times” and the owner is “seriously ill.” You have to get into position and wait. Once again.

The conclusion is laconic: you can’t live like this. What then is possible?

  1. Think about the consequences of your sacrifices. Ask yourself the question: “Who will I be in 5 years?”
  2. Consider alternative options solving the problem.
  3. Remember the meaning of the concept of “labor relations” and soberly assess the facts. Most likely, it will turn out that escalating the situation is a manipulative move by the authorities. And the “seriously ill” owner of the company simply cost a trip to Thailand, from where he brought food poisoning.

4. Finding a starting point for moving forward

There are a number of objective reasons to postpone radical changes until the most appropriate moment. For example, it is not very wise to discuss a salary increase at 9 am after a company party. But justifying inaction by the presence of Saturn in the sign of Aries is a losing strategy.

Do you have a desire to postpone decisive action? Be honest with yourself. Find out whether it all comes down to banal timidity.

5. Expecting colleagues to improve someday

It seems that your colleagues are behaving inappropriately? Don’t rely on them to repent, but start taking action:

  • People can't read minds. Maybe someone awarded you the title “Inadequate of the Year.” This means it’s time to direct the dialogue in a constructive direction.
  • Where do the grooves on your shoulders come from? Yes, this is a trace from the burden of other people's responsibilities. Previously, you were afraid to reset it, so as not to disturb your colleagues with the racket. Change your behavior. Rudeness and protecting personal boundaries are different concepts.

6. High school student in kindergarten

Economists, of course, argue that labor productivity is growing faster than wages. Still too a big difference between professional level and the income upsets me. It must be upsetting.

In an ideal world, a person, having pumped his skills to the limit, moves on. Option one: he takes a higher position and increases his income. The second option involves looking for a new job. If a person has outgrown his position, but remains without encouragement, his career is in danger of decline.

7. Expired knowledge

Man needs to adapt to new trends and means of production. In any field. Even when it comes to baking cakes. You can offer classic “Napoleon” to those with a sweet tooth for years, but a confectioner who is sensitive to consumer needs will get a higher income. And consumers are impressed by macarons, mousse cake and intricate cupcakes.

There will be no links to studies here. Name any profession and think about how the requirements for workers have changed over the past 15 years. During this time any diploma will turn sour without knowledge. The acquired specialty is only the basis, which must constantly acquire new skills.

8. Together it’s not so scary

Don't confuse team spirit with an unwillingness to take responsibility. Once in your life, giving in to the hype and buying a bag of buckwheat on sale is a forgivable weakness. Be like colleagues who kick at work reproductive organs, is a crime against a career.

Many people hesitate to make important changes without the encouragement and intelligence of pioneers. They must be prepared for disappointment. Scientists warn: the higher the probability of losing, the more often applicants show cynicism. It is unlikely that on a narrow career ladder, colleagues will say: “Oh, you have a family, a mortgage and just a kind face. Come forward."

9. Fear of leaving the warm swamp

Work can turn into hell gradually. At first, minor quibbles, savings on salaries, and strange innovations are alarming. By ignoring alarm bells, employees end up with a new round of outrage. The hope that these are temporary difficulties has been exhausted. But there is no longer any faith in one’s own strength. Changes for the better will be postponed until the next life.

Common situation? If months pass and things are still bad at work, this is stability. The truth is not one that needs to be appreciated. Hurry to get out of the swamp before your bosses reproach you with free water in the cooler.