Water pipes      06/17/2019

Litter tray for cats: which one to choose. Cat litter: types and properties

Until recently, many owners did not think about cat litter boxes. Sand was poured into a wooden or plastic box and the kitten was taught to do all the “dirty” things there.

But the smell and impracticality of sand have always upset lovers of these furry animals, so today a product such as litter for the tray, which makes caring for the cat much easier, is in great demand. How to choose it, which one is suitable for adult animals, and which one is better for kittens?

The main quality that any toilet filler should have is the ability to absorb moisture and absorb odors.

Therefore, industrial companies use materials with a high degree of adsorption for production. Of course, they must also be safe for people and pets, as well as simple and easy to use and dispose of.

Fillers are made from natural and synthetic materials, namely:

  • wood fillers;
  • silica gel;
  • mineral;
  • bentonite.

Unfortunately, sand and newspaper do not meet the requirements due to the fact that they do not absorb odors, and printing paper and paint can be harmful to health, especially if used on a kitten.

To train to the tray, you can use a soft toilet paper or absorbent diapers for newborns.

What litter is suitable for a kitten?

To answer this question, you need to understand what this or that material represents and what properties it has.

Since cat babies up to 6 months old try everything on their teeth, some of them will not be very useful.

Wood filler

These cat litter materials are a favorite among pet owners for several reasons:

  • firstly, they are inexpensive;
  • secondly, they are effective - they perfectly absorb moisture and absorb bad smell;
  • thirdly, they are easy to recycle. When wet, they can gather into lumps that are convenient to throw away, or, on the contrary, they loosen and all that remains is to throw all this “good” into the toilet.

The only drawback of this material is that when wet, they can stick to the animal’s paws and spread throughout the apartment.

Wood is safe natural material, which is suitable for the toilet of both kittens and adult purrs. They differ in the fraction of granules; for adult animals they are larger, for babies they are smaller.

Fillers from paper and grain waste

The most best materials, from which kitten litter can be made are grain and paper waste. Moreover, the former are in great demand, since their characteristics are much better. They look like granules, and their composition includes bran from wheat grains, soybeans, oats and other crops.

Such toilet fillers include corn, which are popular mainly in Western European countries, but in Russia almost nothing is known about them. However, these materials are leaders in their qualities: they perfectly absorb moisture and retain odors.

Of course, they are safe for small kittens, but for adult animals they are not very convenient to use. The granules have a very small mass, so they often scatter around the trays.

Clay fillers

Almost every cat owner is familiar with clay litter. It is made from bentonite clay rocks. It consists of granules similar to sand of a very coarse fraction, which, when exposed to moisture, absorbs liquid and turns into a solid lump.

It is easy to dispose of with a spatula, but they significantly lose their ranking in terms of odor absorption.

However, they can be used on kittens, since the smell of their urine is not as rich and pungent as that of adult animals, especially males.

Another drawback of these materials is that they often stick to the animal’s paws and spread throughout the apartment.

Silica gel

This filler is very popular among purring cat owners.

Its qualities are very attractive:

  • economical: this filler needs to be changed much less often than any other, and less is used at a time;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture and absorbs odors.

Nevertheless, this material has some disadvantages:

  • its price is higher than the standard one. Despite the cost-effectiveness, not every owner will decide to incur additional costs with the available alternative;
  • the filler tends to crunch underfoot, like snow, which the cat may not like;
  • sticks to wet objects, so it often sticks to the cat's paws.

As for whether this material can be used to litter kittens, we do not recommend it. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, kittens love to play and often the lumps become toys and are scattered throughout the apartment.
  2. Secondly, due to their “sticky” properties, they can get into the baby’s mouth, stick and lead to tragic consequences.
  3. Thirdly, silica gel has a specific smell that can confuse the baby; he will not be able to quickly get used to the tray and will relieve himself in another, not always adequate, place.

Which litter to choose for a kitten?

To choose a good kitten litter, you need to understand what is best for him and what is best for you.

By comparing these qualities, it will be easier for you to decide on the type and manufacturer of the filler.

Which would your cat prefer?

If a kitten had the opportunity to choose its own litter, then, for sure, it would evaluate the quality according to the following criteria:

  • get into it softly;
  • it is easy to rake and does not generate dust;
  • it does not cause allergies, and its smell is completely natural;
  • If you eat it, it is not harmful.

Of course, cat owners make their choice based on slightly different properties, but nevertheless, some similar options can be found.

For the owners of a furry purr, it is important that he:

  • held the smell well;
  • did not spread on its paws throughout the apartment;
  • does not generate dust and is easy to dispose of;
  • it should not be toxic or cause obstruction, in case the kitten decides to taste it;
  • it must be inexpensive and economical.
Thus, we see that the best litter for a kitten is made from wood pellets, clay, and also from cereal bran. It is easy to accustom your baby to these toiletries and the smell from the kitten will remain only in his tray. It is very important to note that not all cat litter materials can be flushed down the toilet.

Difficult brand choice

There are a large number of foreign and domestic brands on the market. You can choose any, the main thing is that the price issue suits you, since domestic ones are no different in quality from foreign ones.

For kittens, it is best to use clay clumping litters such as Pi-Pi-Bent, Ever Clean, Cat’s Choice, or our Russian “Barsik”.

Also, according to experienced cat owners, the wood filler “Clean Paws”, fine-grained “Murzik” and “Kotyara” are considered good.

If you don’t know which one your pet will like, you can try different ones. Almost every type of filler is available in small and large packaging.

Useful lifehacks

When you decide which filler your little fluffy will love, and also when he is completely accustomed to going to the tray, you can use some tricks.

  1. Mix the fillings. Place wood pellets on the bottom of the tray, and add clay and mineral filler on top. This way you will achieve a “double effect”. The sawdust will perfectly absorb the smell, and the mineral granules will not allow them to fall out of the pot. This option is best for kittens and adult animals.
  2. If you have one animal, you can use regular clumping litter and not worry about the cleanliness of the potty. But if you have several animals, or the cat has given birth to kittens, then it is better if you use the most absorbent filler, for example, corn or bran.
  3. To prevent the litter from being dragged around the apartment on the animal’s paws, you can teach it to walk on a tray with a mesh. You can add a thin layer of clumping material to the bottom of the toilet. This way, the kittens’ paws will not come into contact with the granulate and, accordingly, will always remain clean.

Cat litter is absorbent and clumping, based on sawdust, minerals and silica gel granules.

The choice depends on the character and age of the cat, the preferences of the owners, financial capabilities; the frequency of cleaning the cat litter box will depend on this decision.

The presence of a cat in the house is a lot of positive emotions, especially when the owners have chosen the right cat litter for the litter box.

It prevents the spread of unpleasant odors and absorbs moisture.

Available in pet stores wide choose compositions.

Therefore, it is important to understand their pros and cons and choose the most best filler for your pet.

Why use filler

The litter is a special composition that is used to fill the cat's litter box.

It is used for both open and .

Today, such mixtures are made on the basis of sawdust and minerals.

They differ in the size and shape of the granules. An important factor when choosing is the price, which varies greatly.

Previously, the cat's tray was filled with scraps of newspaper or sawdust.

But such products are hardly beneficial for her health, and they need to be replaced much more often.

It is preferable to use cat litter for both the pets themselves and their owners.

  1. When there is enough litter in the tray, the cat always knows where she needs to go to the toilet. Also in view small size granules, it's easy for pussies to bury their waste.
  2. The special composition absorbs unpleasant odors and moisture, so the owner will be comfortable, and the tray will not have to be washed daily.

Important! The best filler is selected based on the following characteristics: composition, operating principle, granule size, cost.

How are fillers classified according to their principle of action?

If you pay attention to the structure of the filler, you can distinguish two groups:

  • absorbent;
  • clumping.

The absorbent composition does not change its structure after getting wet.

As you use it, liquid accumulates in the lower layers, and this affects how you use it.

This type of cat litter requires complete replacement approximately 2 times a week.

If this is not done in a timely manner, an unpleasant odor will begin to emanate from the tray.

It will be necessary to replace the layer of granules more often if there are several cats in the house.

The composition can be purchased relatively cheaply at pet stores.

Mineral filler consists of small granules

Clumping cat litter is different in that when liquid gets on it, it rolls into hard lumps.

To keep it clean, simply remove these clumps from the tray daily and add a fresh layer of granules.

In order for the clumping filler to live up to its name, it should be poured in a layer of at least 8 cm.

However, it is cheap to buy high-quality composition Not sure it's going to happen.

Main types of fillers for trays

Before choosing cat litter, you should pay attention to its composition.

The following varieties are presented:

  • woody;
  • mineral absorbent;
  • clumping;
  • silica gel.

Wood filler is quite widespread due to its low price.

It is wood chips compressed into granules.

It is made from natural ingredients, absorbs liquid well and does not generate dust; it can be bought cheaply at any pet store.

Wood filler inhibits the spread of bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Wood filler in the form of granules

The disadvantages include the fact that granules from pressed chips swell greatly.

As a result, they fall apart, and the animal can drag them on their fur and paws throughout the house.

In this case, cleaning around the house with pets will have to be done more often.

At the same time, due to its characteristics, it is suitable for both kittens and adult cats.

Features of mineral fillers

You can also see another filler on the shelf in a pet store - mineral absorbent.

It is made on the basis of minerals with a porous structure.

From the instructions on how to use it, it is clear that it is replaced a little less often than wood - once a week is enough.

The granules absorb liquid well and prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

They do not stick to paws and do not spread around the house.

As for the downsides, the mineral absorbent filler is dusty.

Important! When cleaning, mineral fillers should not be flushed down the toilet to avoid clogging.

Absorbent filler neutralizes odors

Its second type is clumping filler.

Quartz sand, chalk, and bentonite are used for its production.

It perfectly absorbs moisture and absorbs unpleasant odors.

The difference between clumping compounds is that when liquid gets in, they form a dense lump that is easy to remove from the tray.

The remaining granules will be clean; complete replacement is carried out as lumps accumulate.

Particles of granules do not stick to the pet’s paws and do not get stuck between the pads.

It is worth noting that the price of clumping filler is 3-4 times higher than the cost of absorbent filler.

Granules are also prone to dust, which is important to consider when pouring the mixture into a tray.

It is primarily suitable for owners of one cat.

If there are several furry pets in the house, the owners will have to constantly pick out the resulting lumps.

Therefore, if the cat has recently had a cat, the choice of filler will have to be reconsidered.

Important! The optimal layer for lump formation is 8 cm.

The most modern formulations

The most modern of those presented in pet stores is silica gel filler, which is the best in terms of moisture absorption.

It is produced on the basis of polysilicic acid and consists of white cloudy balls with colored inclusions.

The substance has the same chemical composition, like sand, but differs in structure and is a dried gel.

It does not swell and does not form a viscous mass. You only need to completely replace the contents of the tray 2-4 times a month.

Silica gel filler granules

Important! To keep the tray clean, you need to remove solid waste from it daily and mix the gel filler so that the moisture is evenly distributed.

As in other cases, there is a drawback here - you can only buy it at a high price.

And although at first glance the gel filler is not affordable for many cat owners, it is economically consumed.

Another point is a specific crunch. It is not easy for some animals (or their owners) to get used to it.

However, as reviews show, it is not expressed in all brands. And all cats are very individual.

When choosing cat litter, you can notice another variety - corn.

It is not often found in pet stores, but has good characteristics.

Corn cobs are used to make it.

This type of composition perfectly absorbs moisture, it also saves the owners’ finances, it can be bought cheaply in comparison with other varieties.

The downside is the lightness of the granules, which is why the filler spreads throughout the house.

It also has a specific smell, so not all pussies will like it.

And to buy it, you will have to go to a lot of pet stores.

Corn filler (above) is not often found in stores

What is known about Japanese tray fillers

In search of an answer to the question of what the best filler should be, some owners pay attention to Japanese brands.

They are made from environmentally friendly materials and, according to manufacturers, are economical in consumption.

  1. Clumping, made from starch and paper, with a color-changing indicator added.
  2. Clumping based on crushed wood and starch.
  3. Clumping from cellulose and carbon inclusions.
  4. Tofu is made from compressed soybean fibers.

These are just some of the items from the range of Japanese fillers.

Due to the characteristics of the composition, they can be removed through the sewer system.

Variety of fillers – which one to choose?

Considering the variety of products available in pet stores, it is not so easy to decide which cat litter is best.

There are three factors to consider before purchasing a package:

  • character and characteristics of a furry pet (after all, for , And different compositions are required);
  • own preferences;
  • financial opportunities.

Important! Speaking about arranging the comfort of a cat, it would also be useful to choose one for your pet.

In fact, these compositions cannot be called universal.

You need to select a mixture for each specific case.

  1. When several cats live in a house or apartment, it is worth buying absorbent litter. It is not advisable to purchase a clumping one in this situation.
  2. Wood filler is considered the safest for cats. It is recommended for animals with skin problems and allergies.
  3. The size of the granules is selected according to the age and length of the coat. Small granules are suitable for kittens and those with sensitive skin. Large ones are recommended for long-haired cats.
  4. Some manufacturers offer scented litters as they mask odors better. When purchasing them, it is worth considering that the preferences of the owner and the pet may not coincide. If the aroma of citrus fruits seems pleasant to a person, then it may simply repel a cat. A light lavender scent would be more appropriate.
  5. For apartments with several cats, silica gel litter is recommended. However, it is not suitable for small kittens.

Interesting! Ultimately, the cat will decide which cat litter is best to use. Her behavior will immediately make it clear whether she approved of the owners’ choice.

Rating of popular brands

To decide which cat litter is best for the owners and the pet, it is worth considering the ratings of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

  1. "Katsan" is one of the most common Russian brands. The manufacturer offers an absorbent filler made from processed chalk, quartz sand and mineral components. You can hear different reviews about the quality of this composition. According to the information on the packaging, it should be replaced every 5-6 days.

One of the most famous brands

  1. “Clean Paws” filler has been available on the Russian market for a long time. Lines of clumping bentonite and wood compositions in the form of granules are presented.
  2. For those who prefer gel fillers, the composition of the Russian brand “Kotyara Magic Balls” is suitable. It perfectly retains unpleasant odors and will do its job for a long time, even if several cats use the tray. But, like other silica gels, it is not recommended if there are small kittens in the house.
  3. Of the Russian brands, it is worth noting Pi-Pi-Bent. High quality bentonite clay is used to produce this clumping filler. Separate lines with flavors are presented.

Care should be taken to select flavored litter

What foreign brands are on the market?

  1. According to reviews, Ever Clean is the best filler available on the Russian market. The manufacturer offers a clumping clay composition. Although it is more expensive than mixtures of other brands, it is economically consumed. In addition, the composition has antibacterial properties.

High quality filler with antibacterial properties

  1. Another American brand is Fresh Step from Clorox. Clay clumping and silica gel mixtures are presented. The brand can be called one of the most popular around the world.

One of the most popular formulations in the world

  1. The Canadian Extreme Classic is more affordable. In terms of quality, it has almost the same indicators as Ever Clean; it differs from the best filler in the rating only in its more modest packaging.
  2. The German manufacturer presents the Cat`s Best composition, made on the basis of fir sawdust. Perhaps this is the only wood filler that clumps.

Clumping wood filler

  1. The next brand is “Cat's Choice”. Compositions based on bentonite with the addition of flavorings and wood are presented.

Choosing the best litter that will please your furry pet and suit the owners can be difficult.

In the end, it is the cat who will make the final choice and decide what will be filled with her tray.

The number of cats in the house also plays a big role.

Taking into account the characteristics of absorbent and clumping compounds, as well as reviews from other owners, you can make the best choice.

Cat litter: Rating of the best manufacturers

Cat litter is absorbent and clumping, based on sawdust, minerals and silica gel granules. The choice depends on the character and age of the cat, the preferences of the owners, financial capabilities; the frequency of cleaning the cat litter box will depend on this decision.

To ensure that a cat in a house or apartment does not go to the toilet anywhere, but is accustomed to the tray, it is necessary to choose the best litter for cat litter. Of course, you can use regular sand or paper, but this will be uncomfortable for the pet and inconvenient for its owners. The products presented in this rating, based on customer reviews, are the highest quality, safe, effective and good value. Check out their advantages and disadvantages and choose the appropriate option.

Which brand of cat litter is best to choose?

Such pet products from Japanese, Chinese, American, German and Russian production. The competition among them is extremely high, but they can withstand it with dignity, leaving behind other companies, the following brands and firms:

  • Pussy-Cat is a brand owned by the Kis Pis Group company, which sells hygienic litter for pets. The company began its activities in 1987. Its products are environmentally friendly, recognized as safe for animals and are not very expensive.
  • Effem GmbH– in this rating it is represented by Catsan Ultra Plus cat litter. This is a German manufacturer that guarantees high quality, safety and ease of use of its products. It has excellent absorption capacity, which makes its use comfortable for animals.
  • Catsan is an American brand whose products are manufactured in Germany. Its range includes clay and mineral type fillers - clumping and absorbent. They come in thick cardboard packages with handles and cost slightly above average.
  • N1 – premium cat litters affordable price, which are produced in Russia. The brand's product range includes absorbent and clumping fillers, mainly silica gel. Cats respond well to them, do not walk past the toilet and do not spread its components around the apartment.
  • Cat Step– the owner of the brand is the largest manufacturer of pet products on the Russian market, Amma company. Its products are created for hygienic use of the toilet by cats, to eliminate unpleasant odors in the litter box and eliminate them in the apartment. It is non-toxic, does not cause allergies and does not stick to the paws of pets.
  • Zoonic– the brand attracts interest with a wide range of pet products, including litter tray fillers. It is owned by the Oris company, one of the oldest on the Russian market. The range includes wood and silica gel, clumping and absorbent fillers. Most of them are available in small packages of up to 6 kg.
  • Barsik– the trademark is registered by Intel, which has been operating on the Russian market since 1991. Its products are distinguished by high quality, hypoallergenic, safe and reasonable prices. They reflect the smell of cat urine well and prevent it from spreading throughout the apartment or house.

The most budget-friendly brands on the market are Zoonik and Barsik, and the quality of their products is not inferior to those included in the premium class category.

Rating of the best cat litters

When compiling this TOP and in the selection good fillers for cat litter, customer reviews and veterinarian opinions played a huge role.

These are the parameters we also paid attention to when analyzing the characteristics of the product:

  • Type – wood, silica gel, corn, mineral or clay;
  • Packaging volume and its convenience;
  • Natural composition and safety of use;
  • Reaction of cats to raw materials;
  • Type – absorbent or clumping;
  • Ease of use – can it be flushed down the toilet, is it easy to clean with a spatula, etc.;
  • Natural aroma and protection against urine odor;
  • Which cats are suitable for – by age and breed;
  • Economical consumption and replacement frequency.

A special selection criterion was the price-quality ratio of the fillers, the brand under which they are produced, and their availability for sale.

The best wood litter for cat litter

Here it is worth taking a closer look at two fillers from well-known brands"Barsik" and "Zoonik".

Barsik is the best wood filler that pleases even the most picky cats. It consists of small soft granules that are comfortable for the animal’s delicate paws. The material is environmentally friendly and does not harm four-legged animals, is easily distributed throughout the tray, absorbs cat excrement well and thereby reduces the unpleasant odor. Its prevention is also helped by adding special ingredients to the composition. The raw materials are safe for humans and nature, being biodegradable.


  • Cheapness;
  • High quality;
  • Can be flushed down the toilet;
  • Does not clump;
  • Stays dry;
  • Suitable for small kittens.


  • Not sold everywhere;
  • Can be spread on cats' paws.

Barsik Natural is sold in a large 4.5 liter paper bag; it does not have the usual handle, so carrying the bag is not very convenient.

I have been using this litter for more than six months, it does not clump and is suitable for trays different sizes and cats of all breeds...

Expert opinion

This wood filler is in no way inferior to its predecessor in the rating. Its use is comfortable for cats and humans; the granules perfectly absorb urine, have a pleasant aroma and cover up its odor. It belongs to the premium class due to its hygiene and environmental friendliness; it is made from natural raw materials. The granules are small in size, but at the same time they do not stick together and are not spread throughout the house. One package sells 5 kg.


  • Cats like to dig holes in it;
  • It is carefully raked with its paws and does not fly apart;
  • It does not compact, which allows you to create volume;
  • Convenient packaging with handles that does not get wet;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Sometimes there is a bit of "sawdust".

The Best Silica Gel Litters for Cat Litters

N1 Crystals cat litter is one of the best because it is environmentally friendly, safe and absorbent. large quantity moisture. Due to this, one load of product in the tray lasts for several days, which allows you to save money. It has a normal smell to which the animal responds well and does not repel them due to its softness. Silica gel granules do not stick to the pet's paws and fur and do not injure its tissues. Since it contains special components, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the house is eliminated.


  • Economical to use;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Dust does not appear when filling the tray;
  • Easy to clean toilet;
  • Non-toxic.


  • Do not flush down the toilet;
  • Tough if the animal wants to chew it;
  • Not suitable for small kittens.

This cat litter is regularly included in ratings of the best among silica gel ones due to the optimal combination of high quality and low cost. It is made from a specially prepared gel that is safe for adult cats. It can be long time do not change, as the raw material absorbs moisture well and suppresses the unpleasant odor of urine. Cats have no difficulty burying their excrement, but it may create some noise when creating the hole. Cat Step is manufactured using European technologies and is recommended for use by veterinarians.


  • Large volume – 15.2 l;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Lasts a long time;
  • Contamination is easily removed;
  • Does not stain cats' fur or paws;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Not sold everywhere;
  • It is better not to use for small kittens.

The Best Corn Cat Litters

This is one of the most environmentally friendly options that is completely safe for your pet. The animal reacts normally to it and quickly gets used to it.

This corn litter attracts attention due to its low price, safety and ease of use. It is hypoallergenic and does not harm the health of animals and people. It can be flushed down the toilet without clogging the drain or causing damage to the soil due to the biodegradability of the raw material. It is made from environmentally friendly corn grains, soft to the touch and pleasant to the cat's paws. N1 Naturel does not spread throughout the house and does not require constant sweeping of floors.


  • A spatula with large holes is also suitable for cleaning the tray;
  • Wonderful, natural aroma;
  • Natural composition;
  • Looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • The remains can be used as fertilizer;
  • Flushes down the toilet without any problems.


  • Small volume per package – 4.5 l.

According to reviews, the N1 Naturel corn litter can be changed only 1-2 times a month, which is very beneficial for the wallet and convenient for cat owners.

The Best Clay Cat Litters

This type of filler is inexpensive and can be used in the tray for a long time without replacement, but it retains the odor a little worse than wood filler.

This cat litter is highly rated for its ability to keep your home clean. When wet, the raw materials do not stick to the cats' paws and do not spread across the floor. In case of ingestion of particles, nothing threatens the pet’s health, since the material is natural and does not cause intoxication. Wet lumps can be easily removed with a spatula; there is no need to completely replace the contents of the tray. The composition of Catsan Ultra Plus is close to the most natural, so four-legged animals stop walking past the toilet.


  • Small granule size;
  • Softness of raw materials;
  • When combined with water, they form compact pieces, which makes cleaning in the tray easier;
  • Natural composition;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Small volume.

The bag in which the Catsan Ultra Plus filler is packed is made of thick paper and is equipped with a convenient handle for comfortable carrying.

The best mineral cat litters

Such fillers are made on the basis of zeolite, they perfectly absorb moisture and the resulting lumps are easily removed from the tray.

This is the only flavored cat litter in the rating, ideal for adult cats. But for small kittens it is not recommended to use it due to possible blockage of the gastrointestinal tract if particles are swallowed. It is interesting from the point of view of ease of cleaning, instant absorption of moisture, due to which the product always remains dry. This does not push your pet away or cause him to walk past the litter box. This will also allow you to clean it less often, which will save you some money.


  • Reliable protection against urine odor;
  • Pleasant natural aroma;
  • Practical packaging with handles;
  • Convenient release form;
  • There is no sound when the cat creates a hole.


  • Cannot be disposed of by flushing down the toilet.

The key feature of Pussy-Cat is its antibacterial effect, which reduces the likelihood of infection of the animal.

Which cat litter is best to choose?

For cats with allergies, it is better to buy wood or corn fillers, which are natural and safe. They are also recommended to be chosen for small kittens and purebred cats. For everyone else, ordinary means will do. In order for animals to use the tray comfortably, it must have a pleasant aroma and protection from the smell of urine, quickly absorb moisture and remain dry.

Depending on the situation, we can recommend choosing the following options from this rating:

  • For small kittens, Barsik Natural will be the most preferable.
  • Pedigree cats, especially if they suffer from allergies, will be completely satisfied with Zoonic Wood.
  • For those who are just getting used to the tray, it is worth choosing N1 Crystals.
  • If you need not to change the contents of the tray for a long time, it is best to choose N1 Naturel Corn or Cat Step Silica Gel.
  • For those looking for something with an antibacterial effect, the Pussy-Cat Oceanic is an ideal choice.
  • If your cat goes to the toilet either outside or in the litter box, you can take a closer look at Catsan Ultra Plus.

As you can see from this rating, for each case you can name your own best cat litter. Therefore, when choosing it, you need to focus on the age, breed and health of the pet, and only then look at the type of product.

Almost every home has an animal. If this is a cat, then you need to take care of his toilet. After all, these animals are ambitious and require a certain place to meet their needs. What types of cat litter are there? The rating of this product will help you make your choice. Let's look at the most popular types of cat litter.

Basic selection options

Every cat owner should purchase litter for him. It allows eliminate unpleasant odors, and also facilitate the process of cleaning the tray. The quality of the product directly affects the behavior of the pet in the process of relieving itself. The main task of cat litter is to quickly and efficiently absorb liquid. Ideally, toilet filler should also lock in all unpleasant odors.

These points play a key role when choosing such products. It is worth considering that the waste products of such an animal contain quite a lot of ammonia, which has a pungent and unpleasant odor. Many natural as well as artificial fillers capable of eliminating unpleasant odors. The rating of such products will allow you to accurately determine your choice.

Cat litter should perform several functions at once:

  1. Absorption of liquid. Otherwise, the product will not be able to retain liquid and prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The product must be environmentally friendly. It is better to choose a material that is safe not only for humans, but also for pets.
  3. Ease of use. Litter filler should not cause a feeling of discomfort in the animal during the process of relieving itself. Also, the material should be easy to separate from the tray and not cause difficulty during cleaning.

Clumping fillers

The principle of operation of this filler is quite simple. If liquid gets on it lumps form, which can be easily removed from the tray if necessary. In this case, there is no need to completely change the filler. Cleaning the cat litter box should be done every day. This is a mandatory condition. To do this, you should remove all lumps and other solid waste. After this, you can pour the composition into the tray to the required amount.

This litter is suitable for those who have only one pet. It's much more convenient. When the cat relieves itself, the resulting lump will be easier to remove. It is easier to clean up after one animal than after several. In addition, the composition usually dries slowly, and animals can spread it throughout the apartment.

You should be extremely careful when choosing such products. Many pet owners complain that such formulations are very do not absorb moisture well. As a result, the liquid simply drains to the bottom of the tray. The composition begins to clump and sticks to the walls of the container. It is very difficult to wash it off. According to experts, many simply use such compounds incorrectly. As described in the instructions, the layer thickness should be from 8 to 10 centimeters. Only in this case will the product absorb moisture and retain unpleasant odors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, such products have a number of advantages. The list of benefits includes:

  1. Economical. The composition is used sparingly provided that there is only one cat in the house.
  2. Completely eliminates all unpleasant odors.
  3. Makes cleaning the cat litter easier. It is enough to remove solid waste and formed lumps from the tray.
  4. Does not emit toxic substances. This filler is completely safe, as it is made only from natural ingredients.
  5. The structure of the filler is similar to the structure of sand. Therefore, it does not cause problems for the animal.

As for the shortcomings, there are practically none. The main thing is to use clumping cat litter correctly. The only thing causing the problem is slow drying. Because of this, the material can only be used on one animal. If several cats use the tray, the composition will spread throughout the room.

  1. Unclean "Clumping"
  2. Siberian cat "Ultra"

This type of cat litter works a little differently. This product is able to absorb and retain moisture without changing its structure. At the same time, odors do not spread throughout the room. It should be changed, like other fillers, as soon as the liquid is saturated. If this is not done, your pet’s waste products will accumulate at the bottom of the container and emit untidy odors. If your pet refuses to go to the litter box, then it’s time to replace the contents.

This material should be changed completely, since animals bury their waste products, and the filler does not change its structure. In this case, lumps will not form. And removing used material is not so easy.

This product can be used by those who have several cats. The composition dries very quickly, and animals will not be able to spread it throughout the apartment. However, it will have to be changed quite often. One serving is enough for about 10 days. Among the advantages of the absorbent filler it is worth highlighting:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Retains unpleasant odors well.
  3. Suitable for those who have several pets.
  4. Made only from natural materials, which are suitable even for kittens.

As for the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting:

  1. If the material in the tray is half dirty, the animal may refuse to go into it. Because of this, material consumption increases.
  2. When replacing, the pet owner inhales unpleasant odors. After all, the product only holds them back.

Clay products

This type of cat litter can be either clumping or absorbent. This material is suitable for those cats that have been accustomed to sand. It is best to buy a filler made of bentonite. This material swells when exposed to moisture. When choosing a clay filler, you should pay attention to the size of the granules. Too large will not be suitable, as the animal can seriously injure your paws.

Cat litter made from clay has many benefits. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Naturalness. Clay is a unique product. It is safe and does not contain dangerous toxins.
  2. Cats love this litter.
  3. A wide range of.
  4. Suitable for kittens.

Of course, such a product has its drawbacks. This list includes:

  1. Markedness. The material easily clings to the paws of animals and spreads around the apartment.
  2. Be careful when filling the tray. Otherwise, there is a possibility of raising a column of fine dust.

Wood products

Today, wood litter for cat litter is made not only absorbent, but also clumping. This product is usually made from pine needle sawdust. They are pressed into granules of certain sizes. It is worth noting that this filler is considered the safest and most environmentally friendly. In addition, the material has a pleasant aroma of pine needles.

The operating principle of this product is as follows: liquid quickly absorbed into granules, and they begin to crumble into small particles.

Filler made from pine needle sawdust has many advantages:

  1. Environmentally friendly product.
  2. Pleasant aroma of pine needles.
  3. Suitable for kittens.

As for the downsides, there is only one: scattered granules can cling to the cat’s paws and spread throughout the house.

  1. "Clean paws."
  2. "Barsik"
  3. "Murzik."
  4. "Kotyara."

Silica gel filler

This product appeared on the market of our country relatively recently. Silica gel filler has good absorbent properties. However, this product cannot be called environmentally friendly, since it is produced by drying polysilicic acid gel. This filler should be stored in a hermetically sealed container. Otherwise, the product will lose its properties after contact with air.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of this product it is worth highlighting:

  1. Convenient when cleaning the tray and replacing the filler.
  2. Can be used if there are several cats in the house.
  3. Economically used.
  4. Absorbs moisture well and retains odors.

Of course, such a product also has some disadvantages. Among them:

  1. Cannot be used on kittens. If it gets on the mucous membrane, it can cause a chemical burn in the animal. Don't forget that kittens love to try everything.
  2. Some animals don't like its texture.
  3. High price.

Silica gel cat litter: rating

The most popular silica gel products are:

  1. "Katsan."
  2. "Murzik."
  3. "Kotyara."
  4. "Fresh Step"

Corn filler

This cheapest product. However, it does not have such popularity. Typically, corn litter is used for rodents. Many manufacturers produce special series for kittens and cats. It is made from corn cobs. The granules can be small, large and medium. For adult cats, it is better to use the last two varieties. It is worth noting that such filler is only absorbent.

Advantages and disadvantages of corn filler

Corn cat litter has a number of advantages:

  1. It has a pleasant and light aroma.
  2. Non-toxic and completely safe for animals.
  3. Excellent moisture absorption.
  4. Can be flushed down the drain.
  5. Relatively low cost.
  6. Doesn't spread around the apartment on its paws.

The main disadvantage of this product is that it cannot be used on multiple animals at once. In addition, such products are unpopular and cannot be found in every store.

In conclusion

After purchasing, fill the cat litter and pay attention to how the animal reacts to it. Some materials Not all cats like it. This will help you make your choice. If the animal refuses to relieve itself in the tray, then the filler should be replaced. Only by trial and error can you select the ideal material for cat litter.

Cats usually prefertray with filler

The natural cleanliness of cats makes keeping them at home much easier than keeping dogs: there is no need to walk cats, as they easily get used to doing their natural needs in a designated place. The pet industry has taken this feature of cats into account and today offers a huge selection of products that make life easier for cats and their owners.

If earlier we used boxes with scraps of newspapers or sand from a nearby construction site, now cat owners have the opportunity to choose both a tray and filler, taking into account all their requirements. We are considering the option with a tray without filler, as its only advantage is its low cost. Otherwise, it, firstly, does not take into account the cat’s natural need to bury its “deeds”, and secondly, it requires the owner to clean the litter box after each time the cat goes to the toilet. Otherwise, especially clean individuals may refuse to use the litter box and will demonstrate their love of cleanliness in a way that is unlikely to please their owners.

Which litter is better from a cat's point of view?

It is convenient to step on it with your paw pads;

It is convenient to dig into it;

When you dig for cat litter, it doesn’t generate dust;

It has a natural smell;

It does not cause allergies in the form of cracks on the paw pads;

Nothing bad will happen if you try to swallow it;

Which litter is better from the point of view of a cat owner?

It should hold the smell perfectly;

Cat litter should not be spread throughout the apartment on the cat’s paws;

It should not become dusty when you pour it into the tray;

It should be convenient to clean;

It should not cause poisoning or obstruction if the cat suddenly decides to swallow it;

It must be economical because the filler is " consumables", and you have to buy it constantly.

Basically, the cat's and the owner's ideas about the ideal litter coincide. The only thing is that the cat, naturally, does not care about the price of the litter. But a person does not always remember that the smell of a flavored litter that is pleasant to him is not always pleasant to a cat with its sensitive sense of smell.

In order to determine which litter is best for your cat, we will first find out how different litters differ from each other.

According to the principle of action, all fillers are divided into two types:absorbent And clumping.

They appeared on Russian market relatively recently, but have already gained considerable popularity. Their peculiarity is that, unlike other fillers, it can be disposed of directly into the toilet without fear of clogging the sewer. It absorbs moisture well and also reliably retains the smell inside itself.

If we sum it up and try choose the perfect filler, which the cat would like and satisfy all the requirements of its owner, then we can say that it is most suitable for this role clumping clay filler, For example, Russian litter "Pi-Pi-Bent"

It is most similar to what a cat is used to wearing to go to the toilet in nature

It is easy to clean without completely changing it every three days, just removing lumps and solid waste

When used correctly, it is very economical and lasts a long time

When used correctly, it perfectly neutralizes odor

When used correctly, it does not leave whitish marks on the floor.

It doesn't rub off on your cat's paws and fur as much as wood filler.

He's not sad.

Under correct use We understand the use of filler in full accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. The manufacturer requires you to pour a layer of filler of at least 8 cm, which means you need to pour no less. Usually, all complaints about the quality of the filler arise in cases where the owner decides to save money and pours a thinner layer into the tray. An insufficient amount of filler in the tray causes liquid to accumulate at the bottom without forming lumps, soggy clay sticks to the cat’s paws, which then leaves white marks on the floor, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the tray itself.

When choosing one for your cat, you should not lose sight of its uninterrupted supply. Because no matter how good the litter is, the cat will not be able to appreciate its merits if you cannot buy it.
The site will help you purchase the selected filler.