Water pipes      03/04/2020

Which insulation is better for the inside of a loggia? The better way to insulate a balcony. What materials are better to choose

In this article we will talk about how to protect the walls of the loggia from the penetration of cold, and also give advice on what tools and materials will be useful to you for this purpose. But first I would like to dwell on the problems that will have to be overcome in the process of work.

Common mistakes

A serious problem is created by condensation that forms from the inside on the cold surface of the walls and ceiling. As a result, damp areas appear, which very quickly become covered with a layer of mold. This happens due to poor ventilation, improper insulation and heating systems.

When the ventilation of a room does not work correctly, the air quickly moves from the warm part of the apartment to the cold part, i.e. to the loggia. There excess moisture settles on the coldest surfaces. Ordinary doors that separate rooms with different spaces help to avoid such a negative effect. temperature conditions, and, consequently, with different humidity.

Insulation systems also cause a lot of trouble. If, for example, the insulation of walls and floors was done incorrectly, then moisture will certainly leave its traces on problem areas of the loggia.

If you decide to save on foam and instead seal the seams between the slabs with a putty mixture, then in these places condensation is very likely to settle with all the ensuing consequences. It is better not to make such mistakes at all, since eliminating them will be very difficult. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the technology of all insulation processes.

Often the problem is a poor-quality loggia heating system. If this process occurs only due to warm air from the next room, then mold will certainly form in the cold corners of the outer room. Therefore, it is advisable to start insulating the wall with insulating the floor on the loggia.

This is also important in order to comply with building codes, because the installation of water heating on balconies is prohibited. A properly equipped heated floor reacts sensitively to temperature changes in its various areas and automatically eliminates this imbalance.


In addition to its main purpose, wall insulation also has other positive effects. It becomes much quieter on the loggia, which means the noise level is significantly reduced in the remaining rooms of the room.

After all, it is the loggia that is exposed to numerous noise influences from the outside.

Material selection

Modern market thermal insulation materials provides customers with a huge selection, which is quite difficult for a beginner to understand, so it is better to seek advice from specialists. Many of them advise choosing extruded polystyrene foam or, as it is popularly called, penoplex.

This material has excellent heat-saving properties, high strength and low hygroscopicity. In addition, it is easy to process, boasting high environmental standards and chemical neutrality.

Other types of foam plastic are widely used as insulation, however, unlike penoplex, they have more modest thermal insulation characteristics. Often for and loggias use penofol and mineral wool.

Wall insulation

Insulation of the walls of the balcony consists of several stages. Let's look at each of them in detail.

It is possible to successfully insulate a wall only if the appropriate preparatory work. Take the time to prepare, this will ensure excellent results.

First of all, thoroughly clean the walls of the old coating. It’s good if, before warming, you replace obsolete window designs on double-glazed windows, and also remove the old mounting foam from the frames.

To do this, it is best to use a stationery knife. If there are significant mold formations on the walls from the inside, you must get rid of them. In this case, a fungicidal spray will do.
Then you should carefully mark the lines for fixing the foam sheets.

Laying the insulating layer

At first, insulating a loggia may seem like a rather complicated and time-consuming process. However, if you decide to try, you will quickly realize that there are no particular difficulties here. All operations are quickly mastered and do not require special construction skills.

The balcony can also be turned into a comfortable and useful room. For example, equip it with an office, a workshop, a small sports corner or a comfortable relaxation room.

Owners of city apartments often wonder how to insulate the inside of a balcony with their own hands. This procedure is actually simple. However, it is still necessary to follow the required technologies when performing it. First of all, of course, you will need to decide how to insulate the inside of the balcony with your own hands. The type of cladding of the parapet, walls and ceiling will largely depend on the type of material chosen.

Expanded polystyrene or mineral wool?

These two materials are most often chosen for insulating balconies and loggias. Expanded polystyrene is a little more expensive than mineral wool. However, it is also the best answer to the question of how to insulate the inside of a balcony. The fact is that when covering the loggia from the side of the living quarters, the so-called one is located inside the insulating “pie”. Therefore, it is much better to use moisture-resistant material for insulation. Inexpensive mineral wool, unfortunately, does not differ in such properties. It gains moisture very quickly. Of course, you can use it. However, in this case you will have to pay maximum attention to waterproofing. So the best answer to the question of how to insulate the inside of a balcony with your own hands is still polystyrene foam.

Material characteristics

When choosing sheets for balcony insulation, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • density,

Expanded polystyrene sheets produced by modern manufacturers have standard sizes: 2x1, 0.5x1 or 1x1. Those who are wondering how to cover the inside of a balcony should think about purchasing smaller sheets. It will be very inconvenient to install too large slabs in the limited space of the loggia. For a balcony, the best option is 0.5x1 or, in as a last resort, 1x1.

As for thickness, you can buy absolutely any polystyrene foam for a balcony. The only thing you should be guided by in this case is such an indicator as the area of ​​the loggia. After assembling the insulating pie, there should be enough free space left on the balcony for a comfortable pastime. Most often, owners of loggias of typical Soviet-built houses choose expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 40-50 mm.

The density of this type of insulation can be found by looking at the markings. The best answer to the question of how to sheathe the inside of a balcony would be to use expanded polystyrene grade 15-25. The higher the numbers, the lower the thermal conductivity of the material, and the more fragile it is. If the expanded polystyrene is intended to be covered with decorative plaster or wallpaper in the future, it is worth purchasing thicker slabs. If lining or panels are used, you can take loose sheets that retain heat well.

Where to begin?

So, now you know how to insulate the inside of a balcony with your own hands. Next, let's figure out how to do it right. Before proceeding with the installation of the insulating “pie”, it is necessary to carefully prepare the loggia itself. First of all, wooden floors are dismantled. Then they begin to repair the parapet. If there are through gaps in it, they must be sealed with sealant. The chips are being repaired cement mortar or moisture-resistant putty. The walls, floor and ceiling are prepared in the same way.

Loggia waterproofing

Having asked the question of how to properly insulate a balcony inside with your own hands, apartment owners should first of all ensure that this small room is always dry. Waterproofing when performing this operation is considered mandatory (especially when using mineral wool as insulation). In its absence:

    the service life of the balcony finishing will be reduced;

    all metal structures will quickly rust;

    because of high humidity will begin to develop various kinds fungi, resulting in an unpleasant odor on the loggia.

Sometimes balconies that are not insulated in this way even begin to collapse. support structures, which, of course, is very dangerous.

The easiest way to waterproof a balcony is to use bitumen-polymer mastic. It is heated to a liquid state, the floor is poured with it and the parapet is coated in 2-3 layers. Sometimes roll materials are used to waterproof a balcony.

What kind of glue is needed

Those who are wondering how to insulate the inside of a balcony with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene should, among other things, take care to use suitable glue to fix the sheets. This material can be mounted directly on mastic (on polymer-bitumen - immediately, on bitumen - after complete drying). In this case, special glue should be used. It's called Bitumast.

What else will you have to buy?

Thus, you now know how to insulate the inside of a balcony with your own hands. Photos of polystyrene foam sheets - the most suitable material for this purpose - can be seen on the page. However, in addition to them and glue, to insulate the balcony you will also need to prepare:

    reinforcing mesh,

    mushroom dowels,

    polyurethane foam (without toluene),

    decorative plaster or wallpaper.

Pasting technology

So, next, let's look at how to insulate a loggia from the inside. Installation of sheets should begin from the corner. This rule is true both when gluing the parapet, and walls or ceiling. The actual installation operation itself is performed as follows:

    Expanded polystyrene sheets are given a rough feel. To do this, they are passed with a special needle roller. Treated this way, they will hold up much better.

    A support rail is attached to the bottom of the parapet.

    The adhesive solution is evenly applied to the surface of the wall, ceiling or parapet.

    Press the polystyrene foam tightly to the surface.

The material for insulating the balcony from the inside should be installed in such a way that the joints between the sheets have a T-shaped appearance (as when laying bricks). After the plate is glued, it should be additionally secured with mushroom dowels (5 per sheet). Holes for them can be drilled directly through the sheets. On final stage process the joints. In this case, construction foam is used.

Gluing reinforcing mesh

Expanded polystyrene is an excellent answer to the question of how best to insulate the inside of a balcony. However, decorative plaster does not hold up very well on this material. To correct the situation, a special reinforcing mesh is used. Mount it as follows:

    The polystyrene foam surface of the ceiling, parapet and walls is first completely coated with glue (for polystyrene foam).

    Another layer of glue is applied on top of it. Its thickness should be such that the joints of the mesh do not protrude above the surface plane.


So, we found out how to insulate a balcony with our own hands. Step by step photo this process is presented above. As you can see, this procedure is relatively simple. At the final stage, the dried adhesive surface is passed with a special grater to give it roughness. Next, start applying decorative plaster. You can also wallpaper your balcony.

Second way

The loggia insulation method discussed above is suitable when using dense polystyrene foam. What if the owners decided to buy mineral wool as an insulator? How to insulate a balcony with your own hands? A step-by-step (photo of the process is presented below) guide to performing the work in this case will look like this:

    A frame made of wooden beams. The pitch between its elements should be equal to the width of the slabs of the selected insulation. The timber can be secured to the concrete parapet with self-tapping screws. For balconies with metal fencing, an independent paving structure is assembled.

    Next, the insulation itself is inserted between the frame elements. The material is attached to the concrete parapet with “fungi” (expanded polystyrene can be additionally glued). If the fence is metal, it is better to use cotton wool and insert it into the fence. If polystyrene foam is chosen for insulation, you can, for example, attach it to reverse side plywood frame and glue the material to it.

    It is stretched over the insulation. It is better to secure it with thin slats (two on each side of the beam).

    the balcony is finished with clapboard, plastic panels, plasterboard or plywood. Attach the material to the frame beams.

How to insulate a floor

The base of the balcony is insulated last. The floor is pre-waterproofed and then logs are installed on it. The answer to the question of how to insulate the inside is simple. Most often, polystyrene foam or mineral wool is laid between the beams. You can also use expanded clay. A vapor barrier is attached on top of the insulation, and then the flooring or edged board. Then the floor is covered with linoleum or finished with any other suitable material.

Balcony heating

Whatever answer to the question of how to insulate the balcony inside, the owners of the house choose, if the installation technology is followed, in the future it will be possible to have a good time here, including in winter. However, on very cold days, even an insulated loggia may require additional heating. Carry out central heating regulations are strictly prohibited. That's why the best solution will install normal here electric heater. It should be placed near the wall separating the balcony and the apartment. It is not recommended to install heating devices near the parapet. The fact is that in this case, due to the warm air rising upward, the windows on the balcony will begin to fog up heavily.

You can also arrange it on the loggia

Warm floor

This work is done as follows:

    Thermal insulation material is laid on the floor.

    Metal is installed

    The heating cable is laid.

    The thermostat is hung on the wall.

    Poured concrete screed 30-40 mm thick.

    The flooring is being laid.

Well, we hope we have answered the question in sufficient detail about how to insulate the inside of a balcony with your own hands and how to do it correctly. The most important thing when assembling a “pie” is not to violate the required technology. In this case, the balcony will be cozy and warm.

IN modern apartments the balcony is no longer just a place where clothes are hung to dry, vegetables are stored for the winter, or used as another pantry.

A modern balcony is another small room; most owners have a separate one, and some thus expand their living space (enlarge the rooms).

Thanks to the diversity building materials Now it’s very easy to make a redevelopment: some residents expand their balconies within the boundaries of the apartment, some, on the contrary, reduce them, for example, divide a long balcony into two parts (one remains as a balcony, the other becomes part of the room or kitchen).

There are, of course, many options, and they all depend on individual needs. But no matter what option you choose - a separate room or an extension of the living space - the balcony must be insulated.

Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that the area of ​​the balcony after its insulation inside will decrease. But in cases where insulating a balcony from the outside is extremely difficult (for example, a high floor) and poses a danger to the specialists performing this work, insulating it inside is the most rational option.

So, first, decide on the type of insulation.

Insulation options for balconies

The most popular and frequently used material for insulating balconies is penoplex.

Penoplex, or the more common name polystyrene foam, is extruded polystyrene foam, a material that is an effective insulation material with a special homogeneous structure. Penoplex is distinguished by sufficient strength, excellent water resistance, fairly low thermal conductivity and, importantly, ease and speed of installation. With all its enormous advantages, penoplex is flammable, so when installing it, this quality should be taken into account and a fire-resistant finishing material should be selected (for example, plaster will give the desired combination).

The next type of insulation, quite suitable for balconies, is polyurethane foam. It is distinguished by its lightness and strength, low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability, and lack of flammable properties, which also adds to its advantage as a material used for indoor work. Not susceptible to fungal plaque. Polyurethane foam belongs to gas-filled plastics, another name for it is foam rubber, it is distinguished by a unique structure, due to which it has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient in comparison with other insulating materials.

If you choose polyurethane foam as insulation, keep in mind that it is impossible to apply it yourself if you do not have special equipment. Polyurethane foam is applied only by spraying. Due to this, it is airtight and takes away relatively small area due to the fact that it does not require application in several layers.

Penofol became the most modern insulation material. This is the thinnest material with a multilayer structure based on foamed polyethylene, covered with a layer of foil. Penofol insulation means creating reflective insulation.

This environmentally friendly product is distinguished by the highest thermal resistance, due to which the room insulated with penofol retains heat in winter and creates a cool microclimate in summer. This material also provides good sound insulation; its advantages also include ease of installation. Penofol is produced in rolls, and this provides an exceptional opportunity to avoid unnecessary trimming and selection of joints, which gives the material additional economic benefits.

The most ancient and proven type of insulation is mineral wool (this is a synthetic material with a fibrous structure). Of course, this type of insulation has proven its excellent thermal insulation properties, heat resistance, fire resistance, reliability and long term operation.

Each of the insulation listed above, of course, has its own pros and cons and differs in cost. But all of them are perfect for insulating a balcony; they are available for sale in any hardware store and are quite easy to install with your own hands, except for polyurethane foam (as mentioned above, you need special equipment for spraying it). The basic principles of installation of other types of insulation are approximately the same, differing in some nuances.

Having considered all types of insulation and having decided to carry out work on insulating the balcony yourself or with the involvement of specialists, you will be able to make the final decision - how to insulate the balcony inside.

And, so that you can better understand the basics of installation, we will consider below the procedure for insulating a balcony with one of the types of insulation, for example, penoplex.

Insulation of the balcony inside with penoplex

Before you start insulating the balcony inside the building, you need to glaze it (this will immediately increase the air temperature in the room), and also keep in mind that all insulation work is carried out only at above-zero temperatures.

Required materials and tools

To start work on insulating a balcony, you need to study the list necessary tools and materials and prepare them. So, for work you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • level;
  • whisk;
  • putty knife;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • container for mixing glue, putty;
  • special container for primer solution;
  • wooden beams;
  • metal corners (for attaching the frame to concrete);
  • construction mixtures (primer, glue for penoplex, putty for sealing cracks);
  • foam boards 10 cm thick (for the first layer of insulation);
  • foam boards 5 cm thick (for the second layer of insulation);
  • material for interior decoration balcony

The procedure for warming the balcony

First, you should inspect the surfaces of the walls, floor and ceiling on the balcony; if cracks or chips are found, they must be repaired. After this, clean the surfaces from dust and dirt.

When the walls are cleaned, they must be primed with a special primer solution. This will improve the adhesive properties of special mixtures, which will subsequently adhere to the penoplex. The primer is applied using a roller.

Installation of penoplex involves carrying out work in one of the following ways: the plates can be glued or attached using dowels. However, many try to add additional reliability to the mount, so they use glue method with control fastening of the slabs with a special dowel.

The special dry glue mixture must be diluted in a prepared container to a certain consistency (the preparation technology and the ratio of water to the mixture are always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). Mixing the mixture is done using a whisk.

When the glue is ready, it is applied to the prepared foam sheets (for the first layer, slabs 10 cm thick are taken) and gluing begins. You need to know that glue is applied to the foam sheet using a point method using a construction spatula, and gluing the slabs always begins from any lower corner of the building.

When the first layer of foam boards is glued, the sheathing is made using wooden blocks measuring 50x50 cm.

The bars are cut to the required sizes using a jigsaw. The bars are attached to the concrete (perimeter of the floor, ceiling) and to the first layer of insulation using dowels, and they are connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The holes for the dowels are drilled with a hammer drill.

In the spaces between the bars (in the cells) a second layer of insulation is placed - foam boards, but for the second layer a thickness of 5 cm is sufficient. The plates are also glued.

It is very important that the second layer of penoplex should be cross-applied and completely cover the seams of the first layer of insulation.

The frame for the floor is mounted from the same bars, attaching them to the floor using special iron corners and dowels.

The resulting cells in the floor frame are filled by gluing two layers of insulation. Then the finished floor is covered with ordinary plywood sheets, attaching them with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

All stages of installation are accompanied by measuring the evenness of the resulting surface, this is done using a level.

This completes the process of insulating the balcony with insulation.

The next stage is internal Finishing work. You can use any material you like as a finishing material. Most often, lining (plastic or wooden) and plastic slabs are used to decorate the walls of an insulated balcony. If your choice falls on plaster, this will ensure additional protection your design (taking into account the fact that penoplex is flammable, and plaster will provide it with the necessary fire resistance).

Both laminate and linoleum are perfect for finishing the floor. It is possible to install heated floors on the balcony. Everything again depends on your taste and needs.

What materials for insulating a balcony or loggia will effectively cope with the task? I suggest you consider 5 heat insulators that I have worked with. I will tell you by what qualities they were selected and why they are considered the best.

Types of thermal insulation materials

Balcony insulation can be done with the following thermal insulation materials:

Option 1: mineral wool

Mineral wool is a roll or slab material, which consists of thin mineral fibers. The latter are obtained by melting and spraying rocks or blast furnace slag.


To insulate a balcony from the inside frame method You can use glass wool, which is cheaper than basalt wool. In this case, during its installation it is necessary to carefully protect the respiratory organs, eyes and hands.


  1. Versatility. Basalt wool can be used to insulate a balcony inside and outside. Moreover, insulation of surfaces can be carried out either by frame method or by wet method:
  1. Environmental friendliness. Basalt wool does not contain harmful substances, and even during installation, unlike glass wool, it practically does not cause irritation to the skin;
  2. Vapor permeability. The insulation allows the walls to “breathe”, thereby creating a favorable microclimate in the room;
  3. Fire safety. Mineral wool does not burn and can withstand high temperatures.


  • Absorbs moisture. When performing insulation work, it is necessary to ensure high-quality vapor and waterproofing;
  • Price. The price of basalt wool is higher than some other insulation materials.


Expanded polystyrene is a lightweight polymer insulation material, one of the most common thermal insulation materials due to its low price.

Option 2: polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene, or simply polystyrene foam, is a polymer insulation in the form of slabs formed by small granules.



  • Light weight. Foam plastic is the lightest slab insulation;
  • Low price. The cost is significantly lower than the price of basalt wool;
  • Versatility. Like basalt wool, it can be used for insulation in any way, both from the inside and outside;
  • Moisture resistant. The material absorbs moisture to a lesser extent than mineral wool.


  • Zero vapor permeability. This deficiency can lead to increased humidity inside the room, the formation of mold on the walls, etc. High-quality ventilation will help eliminate it;

  • Fire hazard. Polystyrene foam manufacturers, especially little-known ones, rarely add fire retardants to polystyrene foam. Therefore, it ignites quite easily and burns well;
  • Low strength and fragility. This drawback is important if the insulation boards are plastered after installation. Surfaces insulated in this way are unstable to shock loads;
  • Low environmental friendliness. Polystyrene foam itself does not threaten health in any way, but during the combustion process it releases toxins. Inhalation of these substances leads to severe poisoning.


Option 3: extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam, also known as penoplex, is made from the same raw materials as regular polystyrene foam. However, thanks to a special insulation technology, it has higher characteristics.


Advantages. From the data in the table it can be seen that penoplex has low thermal conductivity and high strength. In addition, it has some other advantages:

  • Moisture resistance: Penoplex does not absorb water at all, so it does not need waterproofing;
  • Fire safety. All well-known manufacturers add fire retardants to this material, which makes the insulation for the balcony low-flammable.


  • High price. For this reason, it makes sense to use penoplex only in cases where a large load will be placed on it, for example, in the case of insulating walls and ceilings using a wet method. You can also use it to insulate the floor under the screed;
  • Low vapor permeability. The vapor permeability coefficient of penoplex is slightly higher than that of polystyrene foam, however, the material is still not “breathable”.


Option 4: polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is another type of polymer insulation. Its main feature is that it is applied to the surface in the form of foam.


Polyurethane foam is also used for insulating balconies in the form of polyurethane foam. It is used to insulate all kinds of cracks.


  • Low thermal conductivity. As can be seen from the table, polyurethane foam has the lowest thermal conductivity. In addition, it is applied to the surface in a continuous layer, due to which it retains heat in the room more effectively;
  • Moisture resistant. Thanks to this quality, it does not require the use of waterproofing;
  • Good adhesion. This allows you to apply insulation to any surface.


  • Requires special equipment. You cannot apply polyurethane foam with your own hands. This procedure should be carried out exclusively by highly qualified specialists with special equipment;

  • Zero vapor permeability. Like other polymer insulation, the material does not breathe;
  • Increase in thermal conductivity over time. The gas that fills the polyurethane foam structure gradually leaves the shell. As a result, its thermal conductivity increases slightly;
  • High price. In addition to the cost of the material itself, the cost of insulation work is added to its price;

  • Impossibility of plastering. If polyurethane foam is used, finishing a balcony from the inside or outside can only be done using a frame method;
  • Toxic in liquid form. When working with polyurethane, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment, as it is toxic. After hardening, the material is safe for health.

Price. Different manufacturers have different prices for polyurethane foam insulation. On average, the cost, including work, is about 500 rubles. for 1m2

Option 5: penofol

Penofol is a thin roll insulation, which consists of two layers:

  • Foamed polyethylene - serves as a heat-insulating material;
  • Foil - reflects heat from insulated surfaces into the room.

Thus, this material used only for internal insulation balcony and loggia.



  • Little weight. The material is easily attached to any structure;
  • Moisture resistant. This allows you to use penofol as waterproofing material if, for example, you insulate a balcony or loggia with mineral wool;
  • Small thickness. Thanks to this, the material does not take away extra space in room.

The instructions for using penofol require its location during installation with the foil side facing the room. Otherwise, the material will not reflect heat from the surfaces.


  • Zero vapor permeability. I have already spoken of the consequences of this deficiency;
  • High thermal conductivity. Penofol is a thin material, therefore it is not enough to fully insulate a room. Therefore, it is usually used as additional thermal insulation.

Price. The price starts from 50-80 rubles per 1m2.

That's all the heaters that I wanted to acquaint you with. Well, to decide how and how best to insulate the balcony, you now have to do it yourself.


Now you know all the basic qualities of the most common thermal insulation materials, and you can make your own right choice. I recommend watching the video in this article. If you have any questions, write comments, and I will answer as soon as possible.

A loggia is a part of the apartment that requires high-quality insulation. If you leave it in its original state, then in winter the cold will penetrate into the rest of the rooms, and this will mean extra money spent on heating. Owners who do not know how or how to insulate a balcony on their own invite workers, whose services cost a lot of money. And it’s good if the hired craftsmen turn out to be professionals, because contractors with a lack of qualifications often come to the call.

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    If we take professionals as an example, they first visually assess the condition of the balcony and take into account what year it was built apartment house. Then they pay attention to the frame (whether it is metal or wood) and evaluate the dilapidation of the cladding. Lastly, experienced workers compare neighboring loggias and can suggest that the owner make a structure in the same style.

    Because of the old-style balconies, all work becomes more complicated, especially if this building is not closed, but open type. In this case, the craftsmen are engaged in additional strengthening of the structure and replacement of rotten parts: they cut off the rusted metal elements of the frame and reconstruct the concrete platform. The upper and lower parts of the balcony must be strengthened.

    how to insulate a balcony with your own hands

    It is after the measures to restore the structure that specialists are engaged in cladding and internal thermal insulation premises. Often, owners prefer to equip their balconies with foam blocks and double-glazed windows. The stones are laid out at half the total height of the loggia, and the open space is covered with windows. As a result, not only an attractive appearance building, but its strength also increases significantly. By the way, a double-glazed window will significantly insulate the room.

    If the owner of an apartment replaces the windows with plastic ones, then it is advisable for him to purchase products with double glass, since single glass retains heat by only 30% in the cold season.

    Without preparing the balcony you cannot take the next drastic steps. Before purchasing materials for insulating a loggia, specialists carry out the following work indoors:

    The interior arrangement of the loggia concerns not only the ceiling and walls. It is equally important to insulate the floor, for example, with penofol.

    Expanded polystyrene is widely used for internal insulation of almost all structures. Its low cost does not affect its quality. It is sold in the form of slabs 5 cm thick or more. If the apartment is located in the north, then it is better to use sheets 15 cm thick. To install polystyrene foam, a sheathing with identical cells is made. Expanded polystyrene is convenient in that it can be easily cut with an ordinary knife.

    The positive aspects of this insulation are that it is odorless, does not emit harmful substances, is environmentally friendly and does not affect human health. Sheets are usually fixed with special “umbrellas” or construction glue. To save money, it is better to insulate the balcony inside with it.

    Mineral wool is also quite popular. Such insulation is slightly more expensive than polystyrene foam, but this is due to the additional sound insulation that the material has. Therefore, by using mineral wool, you can not only efficiently insulate the structure, but also eliminate street noise. It is sold in the form of yellow rolls.

    Insulation of the loggia Secrets of craftsmanship from Alexey Zemskov

    The fire safety of this insulation is at high level, and the absence of a specific odor makes mineral wool one of the most popular. The material begins to melt at a temperature of 1000 degrees. It is also necessary to make a sheathing for such rolls. Another plus is that it is easy to cut. The disadvantage is due to the composition, which includes powdered glass, which penetrates into the skin and itchy and redness.

    Penoplex is a new insulation material that appeared on the building materials market relatively recently and has already become popular. It is lightweight, making it easy to work with. Penoplex is produced in the form of rectangular sheets, which can be cut even with a stationery knife. According to the method of fastening, it is similar to foam plastic, which is glued or fixed with fasteners. The surface of the material is rough, so it does not slip in your hands.

    Granulated expanded clay is often laid on the floor. This kind of insulation for a balcony inside has a porous structure and consists of baked clay, so it is environmentally friendly. Builders use it to insulate floors and ceilings.

    The work process is simple, just create a layer of expanded clay and pour liquid cement so that the granules are held together. But we must take into account that such material will take away 15-20 cm of height from floor to ceiling. In addition, a thin-layer screed will have to be poured over the expanded clay, because the relief surface will not be suitable for laying, for example, parquet or laminate.

    Another insulation option - penofol. It is made from foamed polyethylene. The material is especially suitable for water-heated floors, as it has a foil coating with a heat-reflecting effect. This insulation has 4 advantages: it does not allow wind to pass through, retains heat, prevents the penetration of water and has vapor barrier properties. Penofol is flexible and easy to cut, and environmentally friendly substances do not harm human health. The insulation is produced in the form of rolls, therefore, it is convenient to work with it. The installation process takes no more than 1 hour.

    Insulation of balconies and loggias: eight mistakes of finishers

    As previously mentioned, polystyrene foam is cheap, but nevertheless it is practical, and many builders use it. What is the best way to insulate a balcony from the inside with polystyrene foam:

    The thickness of the wall from the edge of the interior to the exterior, taking into account the foam block, should be 30 cm. This is enough to retain heat and prevent cold from penetrating into the room.

    Pouring concrete, expanded clay layer and similar methods cost a lot of money. You can do similar insulation, but at the same time save money. An option for cheap wood and foam finishing could be like this:

    How to insulate a balcony? Choice of heater.

    Specialists always start finishing the walls and ceiling, and finish with the floor. If you do everything the other way around, the base will be damaged and the front surface will be scratched.

    It is very difficult to calculate the total amount as there are many factors that influence it. Firstly, you must first decide whether the loggia will be a living room. If yes, then you will have to spend money on double-glazed windows. Secondly, prices for insulation change almost every day. Thirdly, you need to decide what kind of furniture the room will be furnished with. Therefore, you should not allocate a strictly fixed amount for such an event; it is better to prepare additional funds just in case in case unforeseen expenses arise.

    It is also recommended to prepare an estimate in advance and find a cheaper source of sales for the material, for example, not through intermediaries, but directly buy building materials at the base. If you turn to specialists for help, they will take into account the following points:

    You may also have to spend money on furniture and other interior items.

    Arranging a loggia with the help of specialists will cost a large amount, which will significantly hit your wallet. But if you insulate the balcony inside with your own hands, the final cost will be approximately 10 thousand rubles.