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Assassin's Creed Syndicate - The Hidden Intelligence of Evie Frye - Assassin's Creed. Assassin's Creed movie watch online Assassin Evie Fry what it looks like

At the Sony press conference, the developers demonstrated the cruel nature of Jacob Fry's sister. Apparently, the girl will be much more merciless in battle than her brother. Moreover, the developers armed the heroine with a whole list of various types weapons.

Armed with a cane in which a sword is hidden, the heroine is able to use both the cane and the blade at the same time. Ranged weapons include throwing knives and a miniature pistol mounted in a glove, just like Jacob Frye's. At the same time, special pads on the knuckles are also noticeable on the glove, acting as brass knuckles. The developers didn’t deprive Evie of the assassins’ signature hidden blade either.

Evie is older than her twin brother and approaches tasks somewhat differently. While Jacob prefers to rely on the Rook gang and go ahead, Evie acts secretly and incredibly accurately, thinking through her every step and carrying out her plans with lightning speed.

At the exhibition, Sony representatives also announced an exclusive addition to the game for PlayStation 4. called The Dreadful Crimes will introduce fans of the series to 10 side missions investigating murders, kidnappings and other ruthless crimes in London.

The release of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate is planned for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC platforms - the site reminds. The game will go on sale on October 23, 2015.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate – The Hidden Intelligence of Evie Frye

Past exhibition Gamescom pleased many fans with new details about previously announced projects. Ubisoft did not forget its fans and the development team prepared whole line delicious information regarding the second key character of the game Assassin's Creed Syndicate- Evie Fry. Journalists Ubiblog We did a short interview with the game's producers and wrote an article dedicated to Jacob's older sister.

Despite being a few minutes older than her brother, Evie and Jacob Fry are almost complete opposites. Where Jacob is impulsive and willful, Evie is patient. She plans. She calculates every step to maximize the chances of successfully completing the mission. She never leaves anything unfinished. But sometimes her cautious nature gets the better of her... Evie could allow herself to think a little less, while at the same time Jacob needs to think a little more. IN Assassin's Creed Syndicate The Frye twins will often have to compromise with each other while they have their own personal shortcomings. Together they become a force to be reckoned with.


Evie Frye firmly believes in the teachings of the Order of Assassins, and wants to use her knowledge in the fight against the Templars. Jacob believes that only “Rooks” can bring victory over the Templars. So... while one twin carries out his personal mission, the other is collecting evidence about the whereabouts of the piece of Eden known as the Shroud - an incredibly powerful, incredibly mysterious artifact that simply cannot fall into the wrong hands.

In demo Assassin's Creed Syndicate shown at the exhibition Gamescom, unkind hands belong to Templar Lieutenant Lucy Thorne. This is the unsurpassed Templar (this is the reason why Evie is interested in her), Lucy is arrogant and self-confident, as is Evie if she has enough influence to effectively take over the Tower of London during the search for the Shroud. "Evie wants to get the Shroud before it falls into Lucy's hands and The best way to carry out our plans - to eliminate it", says assistant producer Andrée-Anne Bouvet. "Having hit Lucy with an entire arsenal of gadgets, even while in her death throes in the white room of the Animus, Lucy will still refuse to cooperate and will not reveal the sinister influence of the Shroud."


One of the questions that many people want to hear answered “Why did we make the main characters twins? Was there any point in making them a married couple whose children could also join the Assassin Order? Of course not, and this has already been played out in history. We wanted the story Assassin's Creed Syndicate brought fresh notes to the gameplay.

“We left the romance behind and when we started making this game, we asked ourselves if we could make this story different.”, explains creative director Marc-Alexis Cote. “We know our fans and what they really want. They need new experiences, fresh sensations year after year, and this peculiar dynamic appears for the first time in the entire existence of the franchise. Brand Assassin's Creed connected to human DNA and the player travels back in time through it. Having a brother and sister - twins who share the same DNA - we feel like this is something that will really strengthen strong point franchises."

Together, these two very different individuals form one ideal Assassin and although their methods of achieving their goals are different, their motivations are the same. Through their trials, they both realize they need each other to see the mission from all angles. "Evie is very meticulous", says actor Paul Amos (Jacob). “She's very focused, meticulous and has a passion for plans, but don't mess with Evie because once she gets going she's deadly. Evie and Jacob have all the skills that make them the perfect Master Assassin. In the game they learn to work together, together they are strong.”

“I like Jacob a lot better. “Let's get this over with. I'm going to send my boys to end this.", says Buovet. “Evie, on the other hand, sees London and everything around it as a political web that needs to be explored. She must understand the situation perfectly before acting. Of course, these contradictions will set up difficult discussions between them. But their differences complement each other and I think it will give players more freedom - plus it will be fun to watch."


Once the decision was made to have two main characters, the team began to think about how this would affect the gameplay. “Our mission design is directly dependent on the personality of the main character for whom the mission was intended", explains Buovet. "The two have very different personalities, so we will of course structure the missions to highlight those differences.".

“Eevee's missions will focus on choosing and thinking through tactics and stealth from a design perspective, while Jacob will more often have to engage in open confrontation.”, says Coté. He also adds that their personality traits will directly reflect on their skill tree. “Their trees will be slightly different. They will have quite a lot of common basic skills, but Jacob will have more combat skills, while Evie's skills will be focused on stealth and infiltration.".

Evie's Chameleon skill is a prime example. When she stands absolutely still in stealth mode, the heroine is able to blend in almost perfectly with her surroundings, which will allow her to literally hide from everyone in the open. Several times throughout our demo we found ourselves in an open area with approaching guards - a situation that would likely lead to an open confrontation or chase. But with the help of the chameleon, we simply positioned ourselves carefully in the shadows and watched as the patrolling guards marched past our obvious makeshift shelter. This was also very useful when you had to hide in corners that were quite visible. With a little help in the form of cover, Eevee's ability to become virtually invisible will be highly sought after by players who want to pull off the perfect stealth experience.

The Knife Master ability is also a great choice for those who prefer to work in the shadows. “Throwing knives are very silent and deadly weapons.”, says Boisvert. “Jacob will be more of a shooting enthusiast. Eevee prefers quieter weapons. Once you gain the Knife Master skill, throwing knives will do more damage, Eevee will throw them faster, and will also be able to carry more of them.".


Although some weapons will be more suitable for one of the twins, Jacob and Evie will both be able to use the same weapons. The development team wanted to have different skills, but didn't want to penalize the player for choosing one of the heroes in the open world. So while Jacob may not be as good at using throwing knives or the blade cane, he can still use them, just like Evie can shoot a pistol or use brass knuckles. In addition, both twins will be able to use electric bombs. Releasing a massive blast of electricity, this bomb stuns and weakens groups of enemies, giving Evie or Jacob a chance to break through and finish things off with a couple of precision strikes, or distract enemies long enough to escape. The bomb will be especially useful at the moment when enemies begin to surround one of the main characters. At this point, Jacob or Evie can simply throw an electric bomb at their feet without causing damage to themselves.

Each mission in the open world is available to any of the heroes. “There will be some missions in the open world that will be more natural for one of the characters.”, says Buovet. “An example is the Gang Wars. They are more suitable for Jacob both in terms of storytelling and playstyle. However, no one will limit you if you choose Eevee to complete these tasks. Freedom is key moment Assassin's Creed Syndicate» .

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a computer multiplatform game from the Assassin's Creed series in the action-adventure genre. The developer is famous company Ubisoft Quebec, which is the creator of such games as: Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Freedom Cry. This exciting game takes place in Victorian London in 1868, during the Industrial Revolution. The main character is the assassin Jacob Fry. He will have to free the entire city from criminals and thieves and overthrow the Templars who dominate the city. In such a complex and risky matter, his twin sister Evie comes to the rescue. Do you want to help Jacob in such a dangerous task? Then hurry up to download Assassin Creed Syndicate torrent on our wonderful website completely free of charge. Also in the game there are railway stations and trains, as well as a harpoon, with which you can climb to any hard-to-reach point.


The game takes place in London in 1868. The industrial revolution and the era of incredible inventions are upon us. Previously unrealistic and incredible technologies are changing the lives of millions. A large number of people who are inspired by new opportunities flock to London. They long to become part of a new world, over which kings, emperors, politicians and priests will not have power, a world where money will equalize everyone. But, unfortunately, not everyone considers such a world a good thing. The workers who power the mighty locomotive of the British Empire are a bit different from slaves. At the very time when others are reaping the fruits of their labor, honest workers are perishing in poverty. Dissatisfied with their financial situation, representatives of the lower classes form gangs and begin to fight for life. Assassins are joining this brutal struggle, ready to reignite the long-smoldering conflict with those who hold power over London. This battle will affect the entire city and change history. In the game you will meet Jacob Fry - he is an assassin who, with the help of his sister Evie, will change the lives of millions of people in new game. In order to play it you need to download Assassin Creed Syndicate torrent Mechanics for free on our game resource. Lead and subjugate the underworld in order to free London. A lot of intrigue, adventure and fierce battles await you in the Game!

Features Assassin Creed Syndicate

  • Do justice. Jacob Fry is a young, brave assassin who is ready to help everyone who is defenseless against the onslaught of progress and in trouble. You need to work together to free the children who are forced to do backbreaking labor, and also steal valuable materials from your enemies. Let justice prevail!
  • Lead street gangs. Don't try to change anything alone. Better create a real underground empire, where you will have loyal allies. Strengthen your own positions and destroy competitors, because the Templars should not control cash flows.
  • Absolutely new system battle. Now all battles have become more dynamic and realistic. Attack all the time, because successful combinations your actions will not leave your enemies any chance.
  • Huge arsenal. In the game you can choose equipment to suit your taste. If you like to be stealthy, you can climb the rope and use the hidden blade. Hurry up to try all the features and advantages of the game. To do this, we recommend that you download the game Assassin Creed Syndicate via torrent on our game storage for free.
  • The latest means of transportation. In order to make the city truly alive, the developers created an advanced transport system. Pursue your target by accelerating your cab, fight on the roofs of high-speed trains and learn to maneuver between boats that glide along the surface of the Thames.
  • Fully detailed open world. See all of London appearance which was changed by the industrial revolution. Also here you will find legendary historical figures - Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Queen Victoria and many others.

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In 1492, in Andalusia (Spain), the brotherhood of assassins accepts a new member into its ranks - the warrior Aguilar. He takes an oath to protect people from the tyranny of the Templars and to do everything possible to prevent them from obtaining the Apple of Eden - an artifact that could allow them to deprive all people of free will. After this, the action moves to Mexico in 1986. Boy Callum Lichn performs a bicycle stunt and later returns home. There he sees that his mother is dead. The father killed her, and then ordered the boy to run away. Currently, Callum is in a correctional facility and awaiting execution of a death sentence for the murder he committed.

He is soon taken to the execution site, where he will soon be given a lethal injection. Before the drugs are administered, Callum manages to spot a strange girl among the people. When he is injected, his whole life flashes before his eyes, but he does not die, and later wakes up in an unknown place. The same girl sits next to him; she introduces herself as Doctor Sofia Raylin. She reveals that to the world, Callum is dead. The hero still experiences discomfort from the injected drugs, he tries to escape, but soon realizes that there is nowhere to go. Sofia reports that they are in a scientific center located in Madrid, where their private organization is engaged in the improvement of people.

Then Callum. The guard tells Sofia that her father wants to talk to her, but she wants to experiment with Callum first. He is connected to the newest invention of the Templars - the Animus. With its help, the hero will be able to recall in his memory the adventures of his ancestor Aguilar in 1492, it was then that the Templars lost sight of the Apple of Eden. Callum is hooked up to a machine and his memory goes back in time. In a small village, the Templars found the heir to the throne, who was sheltered by local residents. After this, the Templars intend to exchange the boy with his father, the emir, for the Apple of Eden, which is in his possession.

However, then the assassins Aguilar and Maria appear. They engage in battle with the Templars. And the Templar commander McGowan immediately gets behind the sled and tries to take the boy with him. Aguilar and Maria give chase. They manage to catch up with McGowan and free the boy, but only at the very last moment. Aguilar and the boy fall off a cliff, and survive only thanks to the cable that the hero managed to pull. However, they are now trapped by the Templars. Sofia sees that Callum's readings are not normal and orders him to be shut down.

Lynch himself, meanwhile, begins to be tormented by hallucinations; he sees images of Aguilar everywhere. Then Sofia comes to see him. She reports that it's a trickle-down effect, by-effect Animus works. Sofia shows Callum the work she has put into finding him. She says that with his help they will be able to find the Apple of Eden, which will help eradicate violence throughout the world. After this, Callum communicates with the rest of the assassins, who were also experimented on in the Animus. They all turn out to be loyal to their brotherhood and are now worried that Callum might betray them and hand over the artifact to the Templars. The Assassins think it might be worth stopping him before it's too late.

Lynch is soon sent to another session in the Animus. He travels back in time again and sees Aguilar and Maria about to be burned at the stake after their capture. However, Aguilar manages to free himself from the chains, he begins to fight the Templars, and then frees Maria. Together they flee the city, escaping from many guards. However, the moment Aguilar jumps from the top of a tall building, a desynchronization occurs. Callum begins to foam at the mouth and his body convulses. Sofia and the medics run to him to help and he soon regains consciousness, but reports that he cannot feel his legs. Sofia reports that this is only temporary, after which Callum is sent for recovery procedures.

Sofia asks Lynch to understand their purpose and help end the suffering. To win him over to her side, the girl gives him the medallion that his mother was wearing on the day of her death. Soon Rikkin also goes to talk with Lynch. When Rikkin asks what Callum would like more than anything in the world, he replies that he would like to kill his father, who took his mother’s life. After this, Rikkin gives the hero the blade with which his father killed his mother, and then takes him to his father. When Callum asks his father why he did this, his father says that he did it in the name of brotherhood, so that the Templars could not connect her to the Animus and find out the location of the Apple of Eden. The father should have then killed Callum himself, but he couldn’t. At first, Callum thinks about killing his father, but then decides that it would be better to just help the Templars with the simulation and get the artifact for them.

Lynch reports that he wants to voluntarily connect to the Animus and goes for the procedure, but on the way he is attacked by one of the assassins, because he does not want Callum to lead the enemy to the Apple. However, Lynch fights back and continues on his way. He plugs into the machine and is transported back to late 15th century Spain. He sees how the Templars came to the emir's possessions and demanded that he give them the artifact in exchange for his son. The emir agrees and gives them the sphere. At this moment, Aguilar and Maria strike, they deal with the guards, but McGowan grabs Maria. He tells Aguilar to lay down his weapon and give him the artifact, otherwise the girl will die. Aguilar is already thinking of obeying, but Maria herself moves towards the blade, so that Aguilar has no reason to give up. After this, he enters into battle with McGowan and defeats him in a difficult fight.

After this, Aguilar has to run away from the Templars who are pursuing him. The Assassin is driven into a trap on a high bridge, but he does not give up, but only takes a leap of faith right from the bridge. After this, Callum’s memory recalls the events of how Aguilar gave the sphere to Columbus for safekeeping, ordering him to take it with him to the grave after his death. At this moment, Callum realizes that his place is among the other assassins, and takes an oath. At this time, other assassins rebel and engage in battle with Abstergo guards. Sofia and Rikkin decide that they need to escape, so they go towards the helicopter. Only three assassins reach the Animus room and prepare, together with Callum, to give battle to the remaining Templars. One of them is killed during the battle, so only Callum, Moussa and Lin survive, but Sofia and Rikkin have already left the facility. They successfully found Columbus's tomb and received the Apple of Eden.

After this, the Templars go to a meeting in London, where Rikkin is to give his speech, reporting the discovery of the artifact and the new world they will build with it. However, assassins also infiltrate the meeting, hiding among the guests. As Rikkin begins his speech and displays the Apple of Eden, Callum emerges from the crowd and kills him. He takes the artifact and quickly disappears from the place along with his comrades. Sofia, seeing her father's body, swears revenge on him and all the assassins.

Jacob Fry- British assassin, born in 1847 in Crawley, UK. Traded in Victorian London, twin brother of Evie Fry. He is the main character of the game .


Jacob was born in the county of Crawley, thirty miles from London. Since childhood, he grew up and was raised among assassins. In 1868, he and his sister Evie Fry went to London.

Personality and characteristics

Unlike his level-headed and inconspicuous sister, Jacob was reckless and rebellious. While he was raised as an assassin, he did not seem to be a true believer in the principles of the creed like his sister, preferring action over philosophical thoughts and a good fight at discretion.

Equipment and skills

Having been raised among assassins, Jacob is a skilled assassin. He is also a professional in hand-to-hand combat.

Due to Victorian era restrictions on openly carrying weapons, Jacob uses only a concealed arsenal. Including a new type of hidden blade - assassin's bracer, which was equipped with Shengbiao and a blowgun. Carry a light and convenient chopping knife kukri, deadly weapon cane blade, six-shooter revolver And brass knuckles.

Has a rare ability .

Evie Fry

Evie Fry- Daughter of Ethan and Cecily Fry, Master Assassin of the British Brotherhood of Victorian London, and twin sister of Jacob Fry.

Personality and characteristics

A true tactician and a believer in the teachings of the Brotherhood, Evie learned Assassin skills from her childhood with her father, while her brother had no interest in it. She herself planned her missions very carefully and patiently, considering every detail to ensure her chances of success. Sometimes, this worked against her, as Evie was slow to act, although if a mission didn't go as planned, she remained dangerous.

On the other hand, her brother Jacob liked to get into action very quickly. Despite their bickering, the twins' motives were the same, and if they worked together, they became stronger.

Equipment and skills

With her experience with the hidden blade, Evie was able to kill her targets skillfully and quietly. She excelled at Chameleon to the point where the guards couldn't spot her up close when she wasn't moving.

Since carrying weapons openly was prohibited, Evie had an entire hidden arsenal of weapons, just like her brother: Blade-Cane, kukris, firearms, brass knuckles, throwing knives, smoke bombs and volt bombs that emitted a burst of electricity upon impact. . Evie's Hidden Blade was equipped with a launch cable, allowing her to quickly scale buildings, as well as hallucinogenic darts.

While her brother liked to use weapons such as brass knuckles and guns, Evie preferred the cane blade and throwing knives. She was especially skilled with the latter type of weapon: Evie has shown that she can hit a target at a greater distance than her brother.

She also had experience in parkour and a rare ability -

Henry Green

Henry Green, real name Jaideep Mir also known as Ghost- leader of the British Assassins. In 1862 he immigrated to London from India. Close friend of Jacob and Evie Frye. The adopted son of the famous Indian assassin - Arbaaz Mir. He is the main character in the book Assassin's Creed: Underground.