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Interesting facts about restaurants around the world. Facts about restaurants and the restaurant business. Body like a table

The concept of selling products for profit dates back to ancient civilizations including Ancient Rome and China, where street vendors sold bread and wine to people in the cities. Modern restaurants are much more complex organizations, but the basic concept has not changed, people come to a restaurant to eat delicious food. Here are some facts about restaurants and the restaurant business.

In 2008, a German court ruled that having a kebab thrown at you in a restaurant does not constitute a "serious violation of human dignity and honor."

The Bawabet Dimashq restaurant in Damascus has 6,014 seats, making it the largest in the world.

The French Revolution invented excellent cuisine. After Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their heads during the French Revolution, the French aristocracy collapsed and the chefs who were employed by the noble families found themselves out of work. Therefore, many decided to open their own establishments and offer delicious dishes to the masses. In the end french style dinner spread to Britain and across the Atlantic to the United States.

Restaurant business figures

10% of the entire workforce in the United States is part of the restaurant and food industry. Shishas bar on Arbat

8 out of 10 restaurant owners who start their careers in the restaurant industry started in entry-level positions.

When choosing a restaurant, nearly half (48.9%) of diners surveyed said they first seek information from trusted friends, but more than 8 in 10 (80.1%) respondents do more research after receiving a recommendation.

Restaurant chain Starbucks switched its stores to LED lightening, which reduced energy consumption by 7% at each point.

Spain and the USA have the most positions in the ranking of the 50 best restaurants in the world (7 each)

Fast food restaurants

Anywhere in the continental US. Any McDonald's restaurant is located no more than 115 miles away. From time to time, McDonald's rejects more applicants than Harvard.

Taco Bell has attempted to open stores in Mexico twice. Their food was labeled "American food."

After he left KFC, Colonel Sanders began to hate the company. He once described the food as "the worst fried chicken I've ever seen" and said the sauce was like "wallpaper paste."

These 13 facts you won't hear from a waiter:

1. If you want to visit a popular restaurant, it is best to do it on a regular day, and not on the weekend - the fact is that on holidays and weekends even good restaurants with well-trained service cannot cope with the influx of visitors, and the food becomes a little worse, than on normal days.

2. In the restaurant business there is practically no such thing as “sick leave”. Yes, if a waiter breaks his leg, he will stay home, but a cook with an acute respiratory infection, sore throat or flu will still come to work, because he does not want to lose his money due to illness. And these are the people who serve us.

3. You’ve probably often seen in films how waiters or cooks add something indigestible to dishes or even spit into food? So, this is a really common phenomenon, of which you yourself can become a victim if you attack waiters with or without reason.

4. Never say “I’m a friend of the owner of this restaurant.” When you cross the threshold of your friend's restaurant, he automatically turns into the owner of this establishment, who does not want to spend his money feeding his friends and acquaintances for free. Actually, even if this is the case, you still shouldn’t abuse friendship.

5. Treat the restaurant or pub staff like a human being, the way you would like to be treated. This is common advice, and yet people often forget it.

6. Snapping your fingers when calling on waiters is bad form. It’s still worth raising your hand, more or less politely calling the waiter. Otherwise, you can pay - read point No. 3.

7. It is advisable not to order anything that is not on the menu. If you still force the chef to cook it, you may end up with an indigestible dish - after all, the menu, first of all, shows what the chef can do best.

8. If you need lemonade, order it - no need to force the waiter to bring water, sugar and lemon separately. This delays the waiters and does not show the visitor in the best light.

9. If you like the way a particular waiter serves you, always ask to be seated in the section he/she is serving. Also, recommend this waiter to your friends. As a result, this person will receive more money, receive gratitude from the owner, and will serve you even better.

10. If you feel sorry for tips, then it’s better not to dine in a restaurant. By the way, the waiter usually gives from 20 to 40% of the tip to other people on the service team.

11. Always check your receipt. This is especially true for those who come “for a walk” in a large group. Sometimes the waiter may simply make a mistake, but more often than not these are intentional “mistakes” that help the waiter get even more money from inattentive visitors.

12. If there are no seats in the restaurant, try offering more tips to the waiter. Maybe there will still be a place.

13. Don't come to a restaurant 15 minutes before it closes. The cooks are already tired, the waiters can hardly walk at all. In general, no one will be happy with you, and the attitude will be appropriate.

Restaurant "Dans le Noir?"

This is a restaurant where you eat in complete darkness. Initially, such a restaurant with the same name was founded by Edouard de Broglier in 1999. in Paris with the support of the Paul Guinois Foundation for blind people.

This restaurant employs blind waiters. There are no stereotypical attributes of blindness in the form of canes or other devices; the waiters are perfectly oriented in the restaurant space and can easily escort guests and seat them at a table.

The founders of the restaurant claim that in complete darkness a person perceives the taste and smell of food completely differently. This unusual restaurant allows you to gain new social experiences and immerse yourself in a world of new sensations.

Ithaa Undersea Restaurant

One of the most beautiful restaurants in the world, part of the Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa restaurant chain and located in the Maldives.

The uniqueness of this establishment, designed for only 14 seats, is that it is located under a layer of ocean water, which is about 5 meters.

Visitors to the restaurant will be treated to a magnificent spectacle of stingrays and other fish that inhabit the local waters swimming past their heads.

Restaurant "Hadaka Sushi"

In the United States of America, there is a Japanese restaurant "Hadaka Sushi" in Los Angeles.

At the Hadaka Sushi restaurant. The dishes are served on the bodies of beautiful girls, alive of course.

Restaurant "El Diablo"

The El Diablo restaurant is located above an active volcano on the island of Lanzarote, which is located northwest of Morocco.

True, this is not such an active volcano as is commonly understood. Instead of lava, it spews regular heat. It is in this heat that the restaurant's chefs prepare their dishes in the kitchen above the small crater of the volcano.

Restaurant by the waterfall

There is also an unusual restaurant in the Philippines. To attract tourists, the Filipinos came up with the idea of ​​organizing a restaurant in close proximity to the waterfall. And although the restaurant’s kitchen and furniture are unremarkable, the atmosphere itself makes an indelible impression on visitors.

In order to enter the restaurant, you are asked to take off your shoes, since there is no floor there, and all visitors eat their food to the sound of the waterfall, dangling their feet in the cool water.

Surely a very pleasant feeling, considering that the air temperature in this country is quite high, from 30 to 37 degrees Celsius. The restaurant is located in Villa Escudero and is very popular among tourists.

The Yellow Treehouse Restaurant

In our time of new technologies, when buildings are increasingly being built from plastic and glass, you can still find a place where you feel like a part of nature and even taste the most delicious food there.

Such a place is The Yellow Treehouse restaurant in New Zealand, designed by Peter Eising and Lucy Gauntlett. The restaurant is installed on a tree at a height of 10 meters.

Restaurant "Dinner In The Sky"

A hanging restaurant called “Dinner In The Sky” (“Lunch in the Sky”), where you can dine between heaven and earth, was invented in Belgium, where it began its triumphant march across Europe.

The structure can be transported to any place - it has already hung in Brussels, Paris and Budapest. So, lovers of extreme pastime will be delighted by this restaurant after visiting it.

Restaurant "Medical Prison Restaurant"

Another interesting restaurant where the setting is a “medical prison” or “prison hospital”, and the visitor acts as a patient, is the Medical Prison Restaurant.

The waitresses are dressed as nurses, and the first thing they do is pretend to stick a huge needle in the patient's butt and lock him in a cell. At Medical Prison you can order "Dead Chicken", "Penis Sausage" and "Giblets". There are also many cocktails with strange names, served in syringes, douches, and mannequin heads. In general, this restaurant is the place for lovers of unusual places.

Restaurant in a cave

The magnificent restaurant was built in Italy and offers beautiful views of the Adriatic Sea.

The restaurant itself is located in a cave and is part of the Grotta Palazzese hotel in the town of Polignano a Mare. The restaurant menu mainly features Italian cuisine.

Restaurant in the shape of a coffin

Well, our top ten is completed by a restaurant shaped like a coffin.

This “nice establishment” is located in Ukraine and with a “positive” inscription “Entrance only in white slippers!” -greets your visitors.

There is a coffin at each table. The entire ambience of this establishment consists of a funeral theme. If you are comfortable with such visual originality, you are welcome.

A restaurant today is not a luxury at all, but rather an integral attribute of life modern man. Restaurants outside the city, in noisy centers, in quiet squares, we go there to take a break from the hustle and bustle of home, enjoy our favorite dishes, or try something new. But restaurants are not just gourmet cuisine, they are also a storehouse of interesting facts, but that’s not all...

For example, Paris remains the leader in the number of restaurants on its territory, and these same restaurants are popular not only in the capital of France, but also far beyond its borders.

And in expensive restaurants they still honor traditions. Let's say, before bringing you the wine you ordered, the sommelier is obliged to present the cork, and you are obliged to inspect and smell it. This long-standing tradition has come to us from the times when wines were not marked with labels and you could find out what kind of wine you would drink now only by the markings on the cork.

The oldest operating restaurant in Spain is Casa Botin, opened back in 1725.

There are also quite non-standard restaurants, as they say in taste and color. So in Chicago and Rome there are restaurants where it is considered the norm to insult and humiliate customers in every possible way. The service staff deliberately speaks very rudely to visitors and to each other; insults, bullying, and vulgar rude jokes are considered “healthy tone” here. Visitors who are not informed about this tradition even write complaints to the relevant authorities, complaining about the violation of public ethics.

There are restaurants where visitors can vent their anger by breaking dishes, there are those where you can personally catch your lunch, and there are all sorts of them, too many to list at once.

Restaurants have become a field of discovery for many of our favorite dishes. Let's say it was in a restaurant that chips were invented. In 1853, in one of the American restaurants where George Crum worked, the signature recipe was French fries. One fine day, a visitor returned this signature dish, complaining about its excessive thickness. Crum decided to make a joke of the latter by cutting the potatoes paper-thin and frying them in oil. This is how chips appeared, which later became the most popular dish in the restaurant.

And there are restaurants for extreme sports enthusiasts. Thus, on the Spanish island of Lanzarote, which is part of the Canary Islands, there is a restaurant called El Diablo (which literally means “the devil” in Spanish). The dishes here are prepared right above the mouth of an active volcano, the temperature of which reaches over 400 °C.

Interesting Facts about restaurants A restaurant today is not a luxury at all, but rather an integral attribute of the life of a modern person. A restaurant behind the bridge, in noisy centers, in quiet squares, we go there to take a break from the hustle and bustle of home, enjoy our favorite dishes, or try something new. But restaurants are not just gourmet cuisine, they are also a storehouse of interesting facts, that’s not all... Interesting facts about restaurants Let’s say Paris remains the leader in the number of restaurants on its territory, and these same restaurants are popular not only in the capital of France, but also far away beyond. And in expensive restaurants they still honor traditions. Let's say, before bringing you the wine you ordered, the sommelier is obliged to present the cork, and you are obliged to inspect and smell it. This long-standing tradition has come to us from the times when wines were not marked with labels and you could find out what kind of wine you would drink now only by the markings on the cork. The oldest operating restaurant in Spain is Casa Botin, opened back in 1725. There are also quite non-standard restaurants, as they say in taste and color. So in Chicago and Rome there are restaurants where it is considered the norm to insult and humiliate customers in every possible way. The service staff deliberately speaks very rudely to visitors and to each other; insults, bullying, and vulgar rude jokes are considered “healthy tone” here. Visitors who are not informed about this tradition even write complaints to the relevant authorities, complaining about the violation of public ethics. There are restaurants where visitors can vent their anger by breaking dishes, there are those where you can personally catch your lunch, and there are all sorts of them, too many to list at once. Restaurants have become a field of discovery for many of our favorite dishes. Let's say it was in a restaurant that chips were invented. In 1853, in one of the American restaurants where George Crum worked, the signature recipe was French fries. One fine day, a visitor returned this signature dish, complaining about its excessive thickness. Crum decided to make a joke of the latter by cutting the potatoes paper-thin and frying them in oil. This is how chips appeared, which later became the most popular dish in the restaurant. Interesting facts about restaurants And there are restaurants for extreme sports enthusiasts. Thus, on the Spanish island of Lanzarote, which is part of the Canary Islands, there is a restaurant called El Diablo (which literally means “the devil” in Spanish). The dishes here are prepared right above the mouth of an active volcano, the temperature of which reaches over 400 °C.