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How to dilute garlic infusion for spraying. Garlic infusions, safe insecticides against pests. Ways to use garlic arrows on the site

In the garden and vegetable garden, farmers are faced with an invasion of various pests that have a detrimental effect on the future harvest and destroy plants through their vital activity. Garlic is rightly called a natural insecticide. It contains antimicrobial substances (phytoncides), a toxic component (dallyl sulfite), and active esters that are effective against leaf-eating caterpillars, spider mites, various small larvae and other harmful insects. Garlic infusions for spraying against pests should be prepared taking into account their type, making the product more or less concentrated. Only with this approach will processing be effective.

Efficiency of use

By using water-infused garlic in the garden, you can not only save the affected plant, but also protect the rest of the plantings from attack by harmful organisms. The natural insecticide is active against:

  • cabbage whites;
  • snails;
  • slugs;
  • sawfly larvae;
  • thrips.

The infusion is used to spray plants against fungal and bacterial diseases. Garlic is often used against aphids. This small insect infects plantings in entire colonies and, having settled on the leaves, sucks out the juices, disrupting their viability.

For garden pests, the prepared solution not only treats the leaves, but also waters the plantings. The main thing is not to harm the plant itself, so you should follow the amount of the main component specified in the instructions or recipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of garlic infusion

  • Effective only at the beginning of the disease.
  • If the norms of plant raw materials specified in the recipe are exceeded, the solution may destroy the crop.

Despite the list of advantages, natural insecticide has disadvantages:

It is effective only at the beginning of the disease. If the norms of plant materials specified in the recipe are exceeded, the solution can destroy the crop.

Infusions of garlic arrows should be used against pests in the garden in dry, windless weather, in the morning or late evening, for maximum results. It is recommended to carry out treatments for 3 days in a row, then a 7-day break, and if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

Cooking recipes and application

Depending on the type of harmful organism, the infusion recipe is individual. So, a working solution against cabbage moths, aphids, earwigs, and horned caterpillars is prepared as follows:

  1. Chop the garlic cloves (a liter jar) well.
  2. Transfer to a container and pour in purified vegetable oil (0.5 l).
  3. Infuse the mixture for a day.
  4. Strain and add to the solution of 2 tsp. and 0.5 liters of water liquid soap in the amount of ½ tsp.
  5. Mix all ingredients and pass through cheesecloth and strainer again.

Garlic infusion is used for spraying against the development of brown rot and fungal infections.

You can prepare the infusion according to a different recipe. To do this, plant raw materials are passed through a meat grinder and diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Place in a warm, dark place and let it brew for 7-10 days. Irrigation is carried out with a solution made from 50 ml of infusion and 10 liters of water.

To destroy carrot flies and cucumber aphids, you need to fill a bucket halfway with green leaves, fill it with water (to the top) and let it sit in the sun for two days. To protect against bacteriosis, it is good to plant garlic or onions between the cucumber rows. You can prepare an infusion of garlic arrows to combat these pests and water the rows.

Garlic peels are used in the garden as a preventive measure. The working fluid is prepared from crushed raw materials (150 g) and 10 liters of warm water. Leave for a day, after straining the product is ready for use.

Ordinary garlic can be an excellent assistant in the fight against garden pests. The article provides recipes for a decoction and several infusions of garlic and garlic peels, which will act as safe insecticides on your site. and there are a lot of them. Without fighting them there is no harvest. In the spring, you definitely need to cultivate the garden and...

If you do not want to use chemical insecticides at your dacha, you can use time-tested folk remedies that have the same properties, but are safe for humans and the environment. Garlic infusions– protection from pests.

spraying with garlic infusion

Garlic broth (helps against many pests living in the soil)

Garlic heads (600 grams), without peeling, chop in any way. Fill with hot water (1 bucket) and boil with the lid closed for about 3 hours. Then cool, pour through cheesecloth or a sieve into another container and dilute by half with water. Water the soil with this liquid once every 6-8 days, calculating so that for each square meter there is half a liter of the product.

Garlic infusion

There are different recipes for preparing and using garlic infusion:

Recipe 1.

Grind garlic bulbs (half a kilogram) in a meat grinder or grind them in a mortar. Pour in warm water (5 liters), stir, leave for fifteen minutes. Strain and squeeze. Fill the pomace again with warm water (1 liter) and also let it brew for fifteen minutes, then strain. Now combine both solutions (prepared first and prepared after) and add another 4 liters of water. How to use: the resulting product is added to water in a ratio of 3:100, and plants affected by rust, spider mites, and aphids are watered using a watering can. For best results, apply in the evening or when it is cloudy.

Recipe 2.

Grind the garlic bulbs into a paste, place in a glass container and fill with cool water (ratio 1:1). Seal the mixture with a lid and let it brew for about 10 days. Strain the infused liquid, pour into a dark bottle and use as needed (for 10 liters of water - 25 milliliters of infusion), and keep in a cool place for storage. The infusion is effective against aphids and gray rot.

Recipe 3.

Chop half a kilogram of garlic bulbs thoroughly, place in a three-liter glass jar, pour room temperature water to the very top and leave to infuse for 5 days in a warm place. Then strain and use, adding to 10 liters of water 60 milliliters of the resulting garlic infusion and 50 grams of grated laundry soap (the composition sticks better with soap). Treat plants by spraying. Helps get rid of aphids and spider mites.

Recipe 4.

The husks remaining when peeling garlic can also be used to prepare an infusion. Don't throw it away, but collect it throughout the year for the summer season. To make an infusion, pour 150 grams of husks and dry garlic leaves into a bucket of water, leave for a day, and then strain. Apply immediately - spray plants that need to be rid of pests such as spider mites and aphids. I invite you to the group on Subscribe.ru for summer residents and gardeners: “Country hobbies” Everything about country life: dacha, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, relaxation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Garlic against aphids is the simplest, most effective remedy available to everyone. Garlic beds planted in different parts of the garden are reliable protection against many pests. Using the product according to folk recipes allows you to quickly and safely get rid of aphids on any garden or vegetable plant. Garlic helps treat a variety of plants against aphids. For example:

  • (including , and );
  • and other plants.

Preparation of the product

Garlic against aphids is used in several variations - tincture, whole cloves, arrows, solution. You can ensure the safety of crops in advance if you plant beds with garlic nearby.


Garlic infusion for aphids is prepared in several ways. The rule always applies - the longer the endurance, the higher the concentration.

  • Pour the cloves with cold water and leave covered for at least 3 days. Before use, add the required amount of water.
  • A glass of crushed garlic is poured into 10 liters of water and left for 24 hours.

On a note!

Preparing garlic tincture does not require strict adherence to proportions. The main thing is that there is a strong garlic smell. It is he who expels people from the garden, garden plot.

Garlic arrows

Garlic arrows from aphids are the easiest control option. They are scattered throughout the plot of land, laid out under the bushes of affected plants, tied to branches, and rubbed on tree trunks. Garlic arrows will provide reliable protection for several weeks and drive away pests with their persistent aroma.


They lay them out whole under bushes of plants, rub them on branches and tree trunks. Grind, add to water, leave for a day, use the mixture for spraying.

Soap solution

To increase the effectiveness of the drug, any soap is added to the water. The recommended natural product is . The liquid product is added directly to a bucket of water. The sticks should initially be grated on a coarse grater and diluted in liquid. The soap solution glues the aphids together, does not allow them to escape from the area, and leads to death.

Any of the recipes begins to act immediately after use, the effect can be noticed the very next day. Aphids simply cannot tolerate the pungent aroma of this spice.

Methods of application

The garlic solution should be poured into a spray bottle with a straw, which ensures that the plants are treated from the bottom up. Aphids are located on the back of plants. If the product is sprayed from above, it does not get under the sheet and flows to the ground.

On a note!

When using a spray bottle, you must turn each leaf and spray thoroughly. This option is more suitable for a small number of plants that need to be saved from aphids.

The old method of watering is a watering can. When using it, the solution consumption is much higher, but the concentration is higher. It is necessary to water each twig and leaf well.

Frequency of application

How many times to treat plants with garlic depends on several factors - the degree of infestation, the chosen method of protection.

Garlic arrows protect for about 2 weeks. The cloves retain their properties for the same amount of time. Beds planted in close proximity permanently prevent aphid infestation. The garlic solution lasts for about 3 days, provided there is no heavy rain. Treatment with a liquid product should be carried out 2-4 times every 3 days.

Features of wrestling

Aphids are spread across the land. If it has infested crops, it is necessary to inspect the vegetable garden for the presence of anthills. Because pest control is carried out in tandem. Insects are interconnected. To avoid the spread of aphids, it is necessary to expel insects from the area. To prevent ants from taking root in the garden, aphids should be exterminated.

Garlic greens have a fairly strong odor due to the presence of a large amount of active phytoncides, which repels many garden pests. That is why experienced gardeners regularly plant it between perennial plants.

Dangerous insects sensitive to volatile compounds in garlic include most leaf-eating and leaf-sucking pests, for example, aphids, spider mites, lacewings, ringed silkworms, apple and plum moths, strawberry-raspberry weevils, apple moths, brown fruit mites, scale insects, etc. Garlic planted between trees and berry bushes in 2 rows at a distance of about 12-15 cm from each other significantly reduces the population of garden pests. To save planting material, it is advisable to sow aerial bulbs of the plant in the fall.

This type of planting using bulbs has many advantages:- updating valuable varieties of garlic; - using grown single cloves as planting material to obtain a garlic harvest for the next season; - protecting the garden from pests in a natural way. The first shoots of winter garlic appear quite early. After the garlic leaves reach a height of 10-15 cm, they should be trimmed.

The cut releases garlic juice, which has a pungent odor that repels pests. Trimming young shoots is repeated every 7-10 days by 0.5-1 cm, which is approximately 13-16 times during the entire growing season.

Garlic itself quite actively releases phytoncides into the air, and the pruning procedure increases its effectiveness against insects several times. Treating the garden with copper sulfate solution In addition to protecting fruit trees and bushes by planting garlic, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures to treat them against fungal and other infectious diseases, in particular scab and anthracnose.

In early spring, before buds form, all trees and shrubs in the garden, including ornamental ones, as well as the vineyard, are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate. The event should be carried out in dry, clear and windless weather. Blue crystals of copper sulfate should be diluted at the rate of 100 grams per bucket of water (standard).

Pour the granules into a three-liter jar, add hot water and stir until they are completely dissolved. Crystals do not dissolve well in cold water. Let the mixture sit, then pour it into a bucket and fill it to the top with water.

Before pouring into the sprayer, the solution must be filtered so that the hose and nozzle of the device do not become clogged. When treating trees, it is more convenient to use an automated sprayer.

Don’t forget to protect your hair with a scarf or the hood of an oilskin raincoat, your respiratory system with a mask, be sure to wear goggles and use rubber gloves. Garlic infusion against pests and fungal diseases of perennial plants If, nevertheless, your trees are attacked by pests, then you can use garlic infusion to treat them during the growing season.

It is also effective against most fungal diseases. Grind 200 grams of peeled cloves using a blender (you can grind it through a meat grinder), transfer the pulp into a glass jar with a volume of at least 2 liters, pour in a liter of water at room temperature, cover the container with gauze and let it brew for 36-48 hours. Strain the resulting infusion and dilute it in a bucket of water (10 l). The composition is sprayed on the affected plants every 10-12 days. Experienced gardeners use garlic infusion as a preventive measure throughout the summer, starting a month after treating the trees with a solution of copper sulfate. Using these simple tips, you can protect your garden from dangerous pests and pathogens, which guarantees a bountiful harvest of berries and fruits.

What to do with garlic arrows

Garlic reproduces by seeds. They ripen in a peduncle, which resembles an arrow in appearance and is formed in the center of the bulb. The garlic arrow is empty inside; initially it is twisted into rings, but as it grows it straightens.

The top of the peduncle is crowned with a spherical inflorescence. It consists of small bulbs wrapped in a thin shell resembling parchment. When ripe, the bulbs dry out and crack, and the seeds spill out onto the ground.

Garlic arrows: to pick or not to pick?

Experienced gardeners remove such buds as soon as an arrow appears above the gray-green leaves of garlic. And they do this for a reason. The fact is that a bud with seeds takes away from the plant all the forces intended for the growth of cloves, for which garlic is cultivated.

The sooner you cut off the arrows, the more energy the plant will devote to the development of cloves. Although it is advisable to leave inflorescences on several plants. They will become a kind of indicator of maturity.

If the inflorescences with seeds begin to crack, it means it’s time to dig up the garlic, otherwise the bulb will split into separate cloves. You can, of course, rely on the calendar, but weather conditions every year make adjustments to the ripening times of various crops.

Grapes for beginners Gounod variety. Website "Garden World"

Although, it should be noted that in terms of its vitality, garlic is superior to many crops. To be left without a harvest at all, you need to make an effort. It is better to direct energy for productive purposes.

To throw away or not to throw away?

Garlic arrows need to be cut off, but you shouldn’t throw them away, they can serve you well. First of all, they can be eaten both raw and as pickles.

Garlic arrows are fried, pickled, frozen to be added to various dishes in winter, and even jam is made from them. This is a godsend for the cook. In addition, garlic arrows help in pest control. They can easily replace pesticides.

After all, the essential oil of garlic arrows contains phytoncides that repel pests and kill pathogens of various diseases. By the way, it is the content of phytoncides that determines the unique smell and pungency of garlic. To make a pest control product, you can use both garlic tops and cloves, but the arrows ripen earlier, and the effect is no worse.

How to use garlic against pests and plant diseases

To combat pests and fungal diseases of plants, it is necessary to prepare an infusion from garlic.

Many people have heard that garlic can be used instead of pesticides against pests and plant diseases in your garden. They heard it, but they don’t know or don’t remember how to do it. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of garlic. Read on to find out how this is done. I offer two ways to prepare garlic infusion. So, the first way. To prepare an infusion of garlic against pests such as cabbage moths, earwigs, flea beetles, mosquitoes, aphids, whiteflies, bedbugs, horned caterpillars, the following is required: 1. Finely chop or crush a large number of garlic cloves and place them in purified vegetable oil for a day. ; 2. Strain; 3. Mix two teaspoons of the resulting solution with half a liter of water, add a little (several grams) of liquid soap; 4. Mix well and filter again. To spray plants in the garden, we use this particular concentration, because higher concentrations may damage the plant itself. Substances contained in the resulting garlic solution able to cope with brown rot, leaf spot, scab, rust and many other fungal plant diseases. You can also use mother infusion of garlic. 1. To do this, garlic is passed through a meat grinder. 2. Add water at a ratio of one to one. 3. The container is tightly closed and placed in a warm, dark place for 1 - 1.5 weeks. The resulting garlic solution can be stored for a very long time. For spraying, take 20-70 ml. on a bucket of water. For better adhesion of the solution to the leaves of plants, you can add a few grams of soap or washing powder to it.

What plants can be treated with garlic tincture?

Yes, perhaps, all the plants that grow in the garden, which someone gnaws, and which suffer from fungal diseases. These are primarily tomatoes (in greenhouses and in open ground), cucumbers, sorrel, spinach, radishes, etc. All living things scatter from this infusion. There is only one drawback. The garlic solution is effective until the first rain. The rain has passed, washed it away, and needs to be sprayed again. But it is an environmentally friendly drug for controlling pests and plant diseases.

Alternative to pesticides and garden chemicals, recipes for preparing decoctions

The first information about the use of herbal preparations to combat agricultural pests appeared in 1838, when the merchant Yumtikov, not without success, used pyrethrum powder (Persian chamomile flowers) against a number of harmful insects. Currently, herbal poisons are widely used. There are many recipes for making decoctions and infusions of various plants, but not all of them are acceptable for two reasons.

First reason- this is the presence in some plants of very strong poisons that kill beneficial insects and are harmful to the health of animals and humans. A. Zlatanova calls for the same thing, proving that wormwood decoction is effective, but its use is not recommended.

The test showed that it is destructive for entomophages for quite a long time and, in addition, leaves a bitter taste on the fruits of treated plants for a long time. The second reason- the possibility of a sharp reduction in plants occupying small areas if all gardeners begin to use them. Therefore, we can recommend the use of those plants that grow over large areas and their poisons cannot cause significant harm.

Or it is worth using waste from crops grown in the garden. Orange. 1 kg of dry crusts is poured into 10 liters of warm water and placed in a warm, dark place for 3 days.

The infusion is used, without diluting, to spray plants against aphids and mealybugs. Marigold. Used against root-knot nematodes. Per 1 m2, 15 g of crushed dry plants are added to the soil. Birch tar. 80-90 g of tar are diluted in 1 liter of water.

Potato plants are sprayed against the Colorado potato beetle. Potato tops- an excellent remedy against fruit mites and aphids.

To prepare the infusion, take 1.2 kg of green or 600-800 g of dry tops and pour 1 liter of water for 3-4 hours, then filter through cheesecloth and use for spraying. Within 12 hours after treatment, up to 50% of mites and aphids are destroyed, but in higher concentrations this infusion causes leaf burns.

Tomato tops can be used in the fight against caterpillars of apple codling moth, cabbage cutworm, and larvae of other pests. To do this, they usually collect tops in the fall, and stepsons in the summer.

A decoction of raw plants is prepared as follows: 4 kg of tops, cut into pieces, pour 1 liter of water, let it brew for 3-4 hours, and then boil over low heat for 30 minutes. After squeezing out the boiled tops, the liquid is poured into tightly sealed bottles.

In such a container, the broth will not lose its properties for a year. Before using 3 liters of decoction, you need to dilute 10 liters of water and add 20-30 g of soap. The process of boiling tops is associated with the appearance of an unpleasant odor, so it is better not to do it at home. Mustard.

Dissolve 50-70 g of powder in 10 liters of water. Spraying with such a solution is especially effective against scab and other fungal diseases. 30-40 g of powder is brewed in 1 liter of water and left for 2-3 days in a tightly sealed container, then filtered.

Before spraying, dilute with water 1:4. Use without dilution against ticks and aphids. Ash-soap infusion. For 1 liter of water, take 1 kg of wood ash, boil for 30 minutes, leave for 1 day, add 50 g of laundry soap.

Used against powdery mildew, as well as against damage by leaf-eating and sucking pests: gooseberry moth, currant bud moth, aphids, mites, hawthorn caterpillars, apple and plum moths and other pests. Ants quickly leave their homes after pollinating their habitats with ash. Calendula.

It is used against aphids and small caterpillars by spraying plants with a decoction of ground mass (1 kg per 10 liters of water). Mullein. Used against powdery mildew. 1 kg of mullein is diluted with 3 liters of water, allowed to ferment for 3 days, filtered and diluted with water 3 times.

Spray in the evenings during the bud opening phase, after flowering and before the leaves fall. It is especially important to spray in mid-June, when a secondary infection appears, creating a “reserve” of the disease for the next year. Buttercup caustic.

Spray the plants against aphids with a daily infusion of fresh plants (1 kg per 10 liters of water). Dandelion. An infusion of it effectively destroys aphids, copperheads and mites.

To do this, 200-300 g of crushed roots or 400 g of fresh dandelion leaves are poured into 10 liters of warm water (not higher than 40 ° C) and left for 1-2 hours. You can take 1 glass of onions and dandelion leaves, pass through a meat grinder and leave for 1-2 hours in 10 liters of water. Alder.

They are used against the Colorado potato beetle and mole cricket, sticking branches every 1.5 m. They are replaced as they dry out. Hot pepper.

100 g of finely chopped fresh or 50 g of dried fruits are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for one hour in a closed enamel container, then left for 2 days. After this, the pepper is ground, squeezed, and the infusion is filtered.

The resulting concentrate is bottled, sealed and stored in a dark place. Before the buds open, the plants are treated with a strong solution (500 ml per 10 liters of water). During the growing season - 100 ml per 10 liters of water. For strawberries, 50 ml per 10 liters of water is enough.

The decoction is used to combat aphids, small caterpillars and larvae, slugs, cabbage cutworm caterpillars and moths. Common tansy. They are grown in potato rows against the Colorado potato beetle and near fruit crops against the codling moth.

For aphids, spray with a decoction of dry mass (1 kg per 10 liters of water). Rowan. Rowan phytoncides are more effective against late blight than garlic phytoncides. Use an infusion of berries or leaves.

Pine and spruce. 200 g of annual growth needles are poured with 3 glasses of river or rain water, left for 1 week in a dark place, stirring daily. Before spraying, 100 ml of infusion is stirred in 1 liter of water.

Used against leaf-eating insects. Real tobacco and shag tobacco used to destroy aphids, honey beetles, thrips, young caterpillars of leaf rollers, gooseberry moths, cabbage moths, sawfly caterpillars, flea beetles on vegetable crops, and larvae of the secretive proboscis on onions.

Infuse 400 g of leaf powder in 1 liter of water for two days and strain. Store the infusion in a cool, dark place. Before spraying, dilute 2 times with water and add 40 g of soap for every 10 liters.

Spray 2-3 times every 5-8 days. Yarrow usually grows in meadows, fields and forests. Flowers pink, purple. Collect its entire above-ground part and dry it well.

When needed, scald 800 g of this herb with boiling water, add water to 10 liters and let it brew for two days. A decoction is also prepared, only in this case the herb is not infused, but boiled over low heat for 30 minutes.

As soon as aphids or copperheads, mites and caterpillars appear on fruit and berry plants, add 20-40 g of soap for every 1 liter of infusion or decoction, and, without diluting with water, spray the trees and bushes. Pine concentrate used to protect gooseberries and currants from the moth during the period from the beginning to the end of flowering, when mass egg laying occurs.

The bushes are sprayed with 0.5-0.7% pine concentrate (4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) every 7 days. Horseradish. An infusion of leaves and rhizomes can be used against nematodes. Garlic.

An infusion of it is effective against sucking pests, late blight and cladosporiosis. 200-300 g of heads, arrows or leaves of garlic are passed through a meat grinder and diluted with 10 liters of water, washed well in this amount of water, filtered after 15-20 minutes and sprayed on the plants.

If this infusion is kept in bottles for a month, it acquires a rather unpleasant odor, which the codling moth cannot tolerate. If there is not enough garlic, take only 50 g, crush it, add 1 liter of water, leave for a day, stirring occasionally. After straining, it is used against pests. It is very convenient to use a concentrated solution, for which you infuse crushed garlic in a tightly closed jar or bottle for 8-10 days, filling it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

To prepare the working solution, take 20-25 ml of concentrate and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. Celandine. 3-4 kg of fresh stems, cut during flowering, or 1 kg of dry ones are crushed, poured with 10 liters of water and left for 24 hours.

Used against aphids, caterpillars, sawfly larvae, and weevils. Onion peel used in the fight against spider mites and aphids. 200 g of husks are kept in 10 liters of water, filtered and plants and trees are sprayed with this infusion three times with an interval of 5 days.

Death of ticks up to 95%. Second option: pour 10 liters of hot water into a bucket filled halfway with onion peels, leave for a day, and filter.

For spraying against aphids and other sucking pests, the infusion is diluted with water 2 times. Before preparing infusions and decoctions, the plants should be crushed. After infusion and boiling, strain through a double layer of gauze and squeeze.

Sheltering raspberries for the winter. Website "Garden World"

When boiling, water should be added to the initial level as it evaporates. Preparing decoctions and infusions of herbs at home is unsafe, because there may be cases of allergies and other toxicoses.

For example, pyrolysidine from coltsfoot, comfrey, borage, fireweed causes serious liver damage. Not only infusions and decoctions of plants can be used in the fight against pests and diseases, but also the growing plants themselves.

In 1928, Professor B.P. Tokin discovered that almost all of them contain substances (usually highly volatile) in themselves or on their surface that kill microbes or suppress their vital activity. He called such substances phytoncides. Subsequently, it turned out that each plant kills or repels different types of microorganisms and insects, but acts selectively, selectively.

Thus, bird cherry, releasing strongly odorous essential substances that repel and kill microbes, is itself attacked by various caterpillars. Garlic phytoncides repel most pests from neighboring plants and destroy many pathogens on them.

But garlic itself is exposed to a number of diseases. Plant phytoncides can be used in gardening and gardening. Blackroot, canoufer and elderberry have long been known to repel mice.

Potatoes planted near elderberry bushes are not damaged by the Colorado potato beetle. It is also repelled by calendula, which in turn disinfects the soil from pathogenic microbes.

It has been noticed that gladioli growing next to marigolds are very rarely affected by diseases. Nematodes are repelled by mustard, calendula, tagetes and chicory planted on the site.

As repellents (deterrents) Naphthalene, tobacco or pine dust, and birch bark tar are widely used. Naked slugs do not like mulch made from oak leaves and dry nettle stems. Potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water) is used against streaks, pumpkin mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis. This solution repels the raspberry-strawberry weevil and helps preserve strawberries from gray rot.

Urea (carbamide) can be used not only as fertilizer. Apple and pear trees are sprayed with a 5% solution 2 weeks before leaf fall to eliminate scab spores.

Zaitsev old Christmas tree decorations made of tin foil suspended from the branches are deterrent. With moles You can fight it with calcium carbide or a mixture of machine oil and kerosene in equal proportions.

Old weeds soaked in the solution are pushed into the mole tunnels. Once every 10-15 days, the tunnels left in the ground mole crickets pour soapy water (1 g of laundry soap or 3 tablespoons of washing powder per 1 liter of water). Insects appear on the soil surface very quickly - literally in 1-2 minutes. Here they are easy to collect and destroy. You can use an infusion of 300 g of ash per 10 liters of water as a remedy against gooseberry sawfly powdery mildew on currants and gooseberries. The material was prepared based on the book:

Garlic is a plant of exceptional value. It is useful not only for human health. Experienced gardeners know that garlic can help protect plants from a number of diseases and insect pests. What causes this property and how to prepare an infusion (recipe) of garlic for treating plants is described in this article.

Biochemical composition of garlic

The better the garlic is ripe, the more valuable elements it contains. Biochemical analyzes reveal the presence of seventeen mineral elements in garlic cloves: potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine ( see →), copper, manganese, etc.

In addition, garlic contains the following components important for the grower:

  • Phytoncides. This term refers to substances that can destroy microorganisms. Garlic phytoncides have exceptional activity. Laboratory experiments prove that they kill Koch’s bacillus 6 times faster than the popular antiseptic “carbolic acid” (in 5 minutes versus 30).
  • Diallyl disulfide. This substance is an organosulfur compound that gives garlic its specific smell.

In general, there are more than a hundred different sulfur-containing substances in garlic cloves. All summer residents who have at least once used colloidal sulfur on their plots are aware of the benefits of sulfur in the fight against plant diseases and pests. Thus, garlic can be considered a natural substitute for this chemical.

The effect of garlic on pathogenic microorganisms

The antimicrobial and antifungal effect is due to the large amount of phytoncides that garlic releases when cutting the cloves. The arrows of this plant can also be used to prepare medicinal preparations, however, such remedies will be inferior in effectiveness to those prepared from the cloves.

The mechanism of action of garlic phytoncides on pathogenic microorganisms includes several processes. First, they destroy the cell wall. Then they penetrate the cytoplasm and inhibit the enzymatic activity of the pathogen and its respiratory activity.

Not all phytopathogens are equally sensitive to garlic phytoncides. The causative agents of the following infectious diseases react most actively to garlic preparations:

  • late blight;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fruit rot.

Garlic destroys not only microbial spores, but also mycelial cells, suppressing the proliferation of fungi.

Important! Garlic infusions are not effective against downy mildew. Garlic itself often suffers from peronosporosis, so it is not able to protect other plants from it. For the same reason, reports of the effectiveness of garlic remedies against fusarium are questionable.

Recipes for garlic infusions to combat plant diseases

To prevent infectious plant diseases, it is most convenient to prepare a universal concentrate. To do this, two large heads of garlic are twisted in a meat grinder along with the peel and placed in a glass jar. Then the garlic pulp is filled with water so that the volume of water is the same as the amount of garlic. The jar is closed with a lid and put away for 10 days in a dark, warm place.

After 10 days, the drug is filtered. The resulting concentrate is poured into a dark glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator. To treat plants, 25 ml of concentrate is added to 1 liter of water and used for spraying.

There are also more specialized garlic-based remedies:

Disease Recipe Application
Late blight Grind a large head of garlic in a meat grinder, mix the pulp with a teaspoon of dry mustard. Pour 2 liters of water, cover and leave for a day. Filter before use. Dilute the resulting infusion in 8 liters of water. Use for spraying tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes when there is a threat of infection.
Powdery mildew Peel 3 cloves of garlic, grate and put in 1 liter of whey overnight. In the morning, strain the product. Find out →. Dilute the resulting whey-garlic infusion with 3 liters of water and treat the leaves of the plants.
Fruit rot Pour a full head of garlic, twisted in a meat grinder, into 1 liter of warm water overnight. In the morning, strain the product and pour a bottle of brilliant green into it. Dilute the resulting solution with water 1:10 and spray the plants over the fruits and ovaries.

These funds are not stored. They must be used immediately after preparation.

Tip #1. Phytoncides are volatile substances and quickly go into the air when garlic is twisted in a meat grinder. Therefore, you need to perform all the steps quickly and seal the jars in which the infusions are prepared well.

Effect of garlic diallyl disulfide on insects

Garlic actually copes well with many pests if their colonies are not too large. But it does not kill insects, but repels them.

The repellent effect of garlic is due to the presence of the aforementioned diallyl disulfide. Insects, in search of food, navigate mainly using their sense of smell, which is fantastically acute. For example, a cabbage butterfly can smell a cabbage leaf a kilometer away from the garden bed.

Diallyl disulfide is a pungent-smelling compound. When contacted with leaves, solutions containing this substance mask the natural aroma of the plant and make it “invisible” to the pest. Thus, garlic infusions help cope with those insects that come to the garden “by smell”:

  • cabbage butterfly;
  • carrot fly;
  • cabbage scoop;
  • cabbage moth;

All pests are repelled by garlic +6 (click to expand)

  • whitefly;
  • codling moths;
  • cruciferous flea beetle;
  • weevils;
  • Colorado beetle.

Diallyl disulfide is a stable compound, so the protective effect of garlic products lasts for several days in good weather.

Recipes for garlic infusions to combat insect pests

It is better to enrich garlic infusions with some kind of adhesive so that they stick better to the leaves and shoots. Typically, laundry soap is used for this purpose, but you can replace it with tar soap:

Recipe Preparation Application
Garlic infusion with dandelion 1 kg of dandelion leaves and roots is crushed and placed in a bucket of water. After two days, 5 chopped heads of garlic are added to them along with the husks. After another day, the solution is filtered, half a bar of laundry soap is added to it. Places where insects accumulate are abundantly irrigated with infusion. You can also spray young shoots to prevent damage.
Garlic infusion with celandine 1.5 kg of celandine greens is chopped with a knife and combined with chopped 6 heads of garlic. Everything is filled with a bucket of water and infused for 5 days. Then it is filtered and combined with a solution of tar or laundry soap. A broom is moistened in a bucket with a solution and irrigation is carried out over the potato tops. This procedure effectively protects the plot from the attack of the Colorado potato beetle.
Wormwood-garlic infusion 1 kg of wormwood greens is chopped with a knife and combined with 5 chopped heads of garlic. Everything is filled with a bucket of water and infused for 3 days. Then it is filtered and combined with a soap solution. Plants that need protection from insects are sprayed with the infusion.

To maintain the effect, these infusions need to treat the plantings regularly - approximately once every 5 days. If the weather is rainy, spraying is carried out after each rain.

Garlic against spider and kidney mites

The great advantage of garlic infusions is that they are effective not only against insects, but also against ticks. Not every chemical has such a dual effect.

  • Garlic infusion with dandelion is used to protect against spider mites. Spraying is carried out generously, wetting the entire above-ground part of the plants. Since spider mites reproduce most actively in hot, dry weather, in hot weather, spraying can be done more often than usual - once every 3 days.
  • A universal concentrate is suitable for protection against currant bud mite. In early spring, it is diluted in hot water at the rate of 250 ml per 10 liters of water and poured over the currant bushes until the buds awaken.

To combat bud mites in late spring, during the period of currant budding, you can additionally spray the bushes with an infusion of garlic and dandelion.

Garlic as a deterrent in mixed plantings

Another way to use garlic to protect plants from pests is mixed plantings. This term denotes a method of organizing a vegetable garden in which plants are planted not according to the principle of “one crop - one bed,” but mixed up.

What plants can you plant garlic with (click to expand)

Garlic is a universal crop. It can be planted next to almost any garden plant - beets, radishes, potatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Even in flower beds, garlic looks quite decorative, while at the same time protecting flowers from pests.

Also very popular is the joint planting of garlic and carrots:

“Planting garlic and carrots together is an effective means of protection against carrot flies. This insect is attracted to chlorogenic acid, which is secreted by carrot leaves. Moreover, the juicier and sweeter the variety, the more chlorogenic acid is released by the carrot tops. Garlic interrupts this aroma, both above the ground and in the area of ​​the root crop, where the carrot fly lays its eggs.”

ON THE. Serebryannikova, natural farming expert

The only undesirable neighbors for garlic are legumes. Also, according to some reports, this culture negatively affects the taste of cabbage.

Disinfection of planting material using garlic

Using garlic infusions, you can sanitize planting material. Experienced gardeners who grow garden strawberries for sale often practice this method:

  • 150 ml of universal concentrate is diluted in a bucket of water;
  • garden strawberry bushes are completely immersed, together with leaves, in the solution;
  • stand for 20 minutes, lightly dry the planting material under a canopy and plant it in the garden bed.