Water pipes      06/14/2019

Mosquito bites, how to relieve pain for a child. What should you apply to a child's mosquito bites? How to apply mosquito bites to children

The consequences were different... The reaction occurs not to a puncture of the skin, but to a substance that is injected into the insect.

Dangerous insects

When bitten by bloodsuckers, unpleasant sensations occur. But that's not so bad. Take the same mosquito bites: what to smear the affected skin is known to many. The danger is that some types of insects can carry infectious diseases: malarial mosquitoes - malaria; lice - relapsing fever; African mosquitoes - West Nile encephalitis; mosquitoes - leishmaniasis; tsetse fly - sleeping sickness; flies - typhus and dysentery; mosquitoes - Dengue fever, yellow fever, equine encephalitis; ticks - Lyme disease; fleas - Can lead to severe illness and even death - Brown recluse or

Allergic reaction

Before smearing mosquito bites with one or another product, it is necessary to assess the condition of the victim.

When a mosquito bites, it injects biologically active substances into the wound that provoke an inflammatory process. A normal reaction to this is redness of the skin, an itchy papule. But if after a bite a large red spot appears that itches unbearably, it means that an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite has begun. This is a local form of the reaction; in terms of severity, it is rated as mild.

Severe itching, hives, redness not only at the bite sites, but throughout the skin indicate the onset of allergic dermatitis. And this is also a mild form of allergy.

Shortness of breath and dizziness indicate that the inflammatory process has affected the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and internal organs. These are moderate allergy symptoms. When shortness of breath transforms into and nausea into vomiting, it is necessary to diagnose severe form allergies.

Choking, loss of consciousness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure are signs of anaphylactic shock. This complication is rare, but it does happen.

Mosquito bites: what to apply to the wound to relieve itching

The itchy bite site is treated with a strong solution baking soda. The affected area of ​​skin can be lubricated with boric alcohol, alcohol tincture calendula or tomato juice. A cold lotion soothes itching well. The drugs Fenistil and Fukortsin relieve itching. An antihistamine should be taken for multiple bites.

Note that for now we are talking exclusively about minor troubles that mosquito bites can cause. What to smear the skin at puncture sites is well known to folk healers. The affected areas of the skin are lubricated with kefir or sour cream. You can apply a plantain or bird cherry leaf to the bite site, or treat the area with “Star” balm.

Mosquito bites: what to apply to your skin if you have allergies

For mild allergies, it is enough to take an antihistamine. Local treatment involves the use of ointment with corticosteroid hormones. You should also use alcohol or soda.

Severe form

If you need to immediately call an ambulance. But anaphylaxis forces you to take immediate measures - injecting adrenaline. Usually the patient knows about this feature of his body - he carries with him a syringe and an ampoule of adrenaline. The injection will have to be given without waiting for the doctors to arrive.

Mosquito bites leave red and itchy blisters on our skin that disappear after a few days. However, the discomfort caused by the feeling of itching leads to the fact that we quickly try to find proven ways to relieve the effects of bites.

There are quite effective, so to speak, “grandmother’s remedies” that can relieve symptoms. There is redness and swelling at the site of the bite, which is usually accompanied by itching, as well as pain and burning. These symptoms persist for several days. To get rid of them, you can try proven home remedies, most of which are suitable even for a child.

If swelling after a mosquito bite lasts longer than a few days, you should consult a doctor. Long-term skin inflammation can be caused by an allergy to mosquito venom or an acquired infection.

In fact, there are many folk remedies, incl. juice, banana peel, cucumber, tea, various spices, applying a hot spoon and even toothpaste, which will burn rather than help with itching. There are also various pharmaceutical ointments, about which it cannot be said unequivocally that they are more effective, but they are definitely more convenient to use (the most famous is “Rescuer”). Here you can find the most accessible means at home, in the country or in nature to combat the problem.

Lemon slice

Rub a thick slice of lemon onto the affected area. Citrus juice effectively relieves inflammation. It is worth repeating this procedure several times a day to finally get rid of the bite.


Chop the parsley and apply the resulting mixture to the blister for a few minutes.

Cabbage leaf

Apply a piece of fresh cabbage leaf to the reddened skin. This will relieve the itching.

Salt solution

This is the most accessible method. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of water. Apply a cotton swab soaked in saline solution to the bitten area of ​​skin. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Slice of potato or onion

Place a slice of raw potato or onion in the area where the mosquito bit. This will quickly reduce the size of the bubble and the discomfort caused by itching.

Eucalyptus oil

Rub eucalyptus oil onto the wounds; it has anti-inflammatory properties and will quickly reduce pain and burning.

Vinegar or perfume

Acetic acid not only effectively repel mosquitoes, but also reduces discomfort after insect bites. All you need is to treat the bite site with a few drops of this liquid. If you don’t have vinegar on hand, you can try replacing it with strong alcohol, salicylic acid, aftershave lotion, deodorant (including dry or roll-on) or perfume (due to the alcohol in the composition).

Activated carbon from the pharmacy

To get rid of a bubble after a mosquito bite, you need to dissolve several tablets of activated carbon in water. After mixing, place the product on the affected area and cover with gauze.

Summer is a wonderful, but problem-free time for walking with your baby. It's warm, the birds are singing, but, unfortunately, the mosquitoes are biting. These insects cause a lot of trouble for both parents and children themselves. While adults can somehow tolerate the itching from mosquito bites, for children this problem often becomes very serious. The baby's delicate skin turns red from the bites, blisters swell, and bruises appear from scratching. In this connection, many mothers are interested in how to anoint a mosquito bite on a child in order to prevent the development of all the troubles associated with it.

How to treat a mosquito bite on a child: home remedies

If the child is very young, then parents are most often concerned with the question of how to anoint a child’s mosquito bite in order to reliably stop the itching and not harm the baby. After all, the baby, of course, will still have time to get acquainted with pharmaceutical chemistry, but for now I want to do without it. An excellent tool One thing that you always have on hand is regular baking soda. You need to take 10-15 grams of soda (1-1.5 teaspoons) and dissolve them in 2-3 teaspoons clean water. It will turn out to be a paste. This solution should be used to lubricate the bites. Baking soda will quickly relieve itching and ease the baby's suffering.

One more good remedy is a raw potato. If your child has been bitten by mosquitoes, you can take 1 medium potato, wash it, peel it and cut it into slices. Use the resulting plates to lightly rub the bite areas. The starch contained in potatoes also relieves itching and helps block the inflammatory process.

If there is nothing at hand, and the itching needs to be eliminated, at least for a while, until you can purchase more strong remedy, you can use regular toothpaste. A small drop of toothpaste applied to the bite site blocks the itching for 30-40 minutes.

If your child has sensitive skin or is prone to an allergic reaction to insect bites, all of the above folk remedies will not work or will only give temporary relief. If you have a serious reaction to the bites, you should seek medical attention.

The modern pharmaceutical market is saturated with various drugs that help soothe itching after mosquito bites in children, as well as stop the development of an allergic reaction. Experts often recommend using the following remedies in cases of mosquito bites:

  • Ointment or gel "Fenistil";
  • "Psilo-balm";
  • Balm “Star”;
  • "Fladex".

In cases of serious allergic reactions, specialists prescribe medications based on hydrocortisone or prednisolone. But these are quite serious drugs that should not be used thoughtlessly.

In addition to local treatment of mosquito bites, antihistamines are prescribed to allergic children.

Mosquitoes are insects that have been causing trouble to humans for many years. Almost every family has its own proven remedies that they use to treat mosquito bites in children.

If you take a folk pharmacy, you can highlight the following popular options for products that help eliminate itching and relieve inflammation on the skin:

  • Chamomile decoction - you can wipe the baby with it or add a little decoction to the water for bathing the baby;
  • Oak Bark – Brewed oak bark is an ideal bath additive that helps relieve itching and prevent the development of an allergic reaction;
  • Crushed plantain leaves can be applied to wounds, this will help relieve inflammation and eliminate itching;
  • Fresh mint juice – if you squeeze a little juice from fresh peppermint leaves, you can apply it to the inflamed surface of the skin. This will relieve redness and relieve itching.

Some parents use simple kefir to alleviate the baby’s condition after insect bites. It is smeared on the inflamed areas of the body, and after 5-10 minutes it is washed off. It is believed that this food product very effective in treating mosquito bites.

Being in the fresh air is good for child's body. It's fun to play outside and strengthens your immune system. However, in the summer, children often face such a problem as bites of blood-sucking insects. In most cases, children are attacked by midges and mosquitoes. Why are their bites dangerous? How to help a child with the help of pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine? Let's figure it out together.

A child’s skin becomes very red and itchy from mosquito bites, so you need to know what products can be used to lubricate it.

First aid for a child who is bitten by a mosquito or midge

If your baby is bitten by a mosquito or midge, he will need help. The bite sites are very itchy and cause discomfort. A child, trying to scratch itchy areas, can injure the skin and introduce an infection into the blood. How to provide first aid to a baby if he is bitten by a mosquito or midge? The following recommendations will help:

  1. to prevent infection, the wound should be lubricated with brilliant green;
  2. to reduce itching, apply a cool compress to the bitten area (if you plan to use ice, it must first be wrapped in a towel);
  3. if there are a lot of bites, you will need to apply antiallergic ointment or take an antihistamine;
  4. To alleviate the child’s condition, the bite site can be lubricated with a paste of water and baking soda, a compress can be made from grated raw potatoes, and a plantain leaf can be applied;
  5. Make sure that your baby does not scratch the bite areas.

To relieve itching, apply a cold compress with ice to the bite site (more details in the article:)

What are the dangers of mosquito bites?

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Mosquito and midge bites are always accompanied by severe itching and burning, but this is not the most dangerous consequence encounters with blood-sucking insects. The child may develop a severe allergic reaction or severe swelling. In such cases, babies sometimes require qualified medical care.


Swelling is a constant companion of blood-sucking insect bites. Minor swelling appears after a bite even in people who are not prone to an allergic reaction. When bitten by midges, swelling can reach significant sizes (more details in the article:). If an insect bites a baby on the eyelid, it can become very swollen and completely close the baby's eye. If swelling is severe, the help of a specialist is required.

Allergic reaction

Increased sensitivity to insect bites can occur in people of any age. However, unlike an adult, a child is not always able to understand what is happening to him and help himself on his own. If anaphylactic shock develops, the baby will need to be called ambulance and urgently take an antihistamine or give an injection of Prednisolone intramuscularly.

Symptoms bronchial asthma, vasomotor rhinitis, urticaria can also act as signs of an allergy to an insect bite.

Pharmacy drugs

What ointment to use and what to apply to mosquito bites on a child? Modern pharmaceutical companies produce a wide range of products that help quickly rid a baby of unpleasant consequences encounters with mosquitoes. Before using any pharmaceutical drugs, you should carefully study the instructions, since most medications have strict age restrictions and other contraindications.

Fenistil gel and drops

Fenistil is a drug that has antiallergic and antipruritic effects. The medicine is available in the form of gel, tablets, stick and emulsion. There are also Fenistil drops. The medication in the form of a gel can be used in the treatment of babies from the first days of life. Fenistil drops can be taken by babies from 1 month as prescribed by a doctor.


Psilo-balm is an antiallergic agent that is available only in the form of a transparent homogeneous gel for external use. In accordance with the instructions, Psilobalm is used for skin itching of various origins, eczema, urticaria, dermatitis, allergic skin irritations and insect bites for children from 2 years of age.

Cream Boro plus

Boro Plus is an inexpensive, non-hormonal, broad-spectrum antiseptic cream. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the product. Suitable for use in the treatment of children of any age. Medicine Available in two forms, which differ in their composition:

  1. Violet - recommended for the treatment of any damage to the skin. Contains a complex of plant substances and chemical components that enhance its effect. It can also be used for preventive purposes and as a caring cream. Packaging color is purple.
  2. Green is an antiseptic cream. Indicated for use as a preventive and caring agent for patients of any age, including smearing mosquito bites on children up to one year old. This variety of Boro Plus contains only plant components. Packaged in green polymer tubes.

Cream Bepanten

A drug called Bepanten is known to all parents. This effective remedy, used to treat wounds and skin lesions, is often used in caring for infants from the first days of life. The cream can be applied to bite sites on the body of children of any age, including infants up to 1 year old. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Gel Mosquitol

If your child has been bitten by mosquitoes, you can also use MOSQUITALL gel-balm (Mosquitol). The domestic product Moskitol has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, helps quickly eliminate itching, reduce swelling, and relieve inflammation. Contains silver ions. Mosquitol gel-balm is allowed to be used by children over one year of age.

Hydrocortisone ointment

When using Hydrocortisone ointment as a decongestant and antipruritic, it should be taken into account that this is a hormonal drug from the group of glucocorticosteroids (see also:). The ointment cannot be used for a long time, as it can provoke dysfunction of the hypothalamus, disrupt the functioning of the pituitary gland, and negatively affect the functioning of the adrenal cortex.

It is permissible to use Hydrocortisone ointment for application to the skin of children only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision. Due to the characteristics of the baby’s body, the drug more often causes side effects. It is prohibited to use ointment against mosquito bites for more than 7 days in a row. The drug should not be used for a child under 2 years of age.

Tsindol suspension

For insect bites, Tsindol suspension is often used to treat the skin of children. The product is an antiseptic based on zinc oxide, which has a drying and astringent effect. In accordance with the instructions, there are no age restrictions for use. Please note that the drug contains alcohol.

Traditional recipes at home

Medicines are not always at hand when the need arises for their use. If parents cannot or do not want to apply pharmaceutical preparations to the baby’s skin, traditional medicine will help alleviate the child’s condition.

Lemon and lime juice have antipruritic and antibacterial properties; they should be used to lubricate the bite site

They are very easy to use; every mother usually has the components in her kitchen, so they are often used for treatment at home. List of recipes:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and lubricate the bite areas with the composition. For older children who have been seriously attacked by blood-sucking insects, you can prepare a bath with warm water, dissolving 2 glasses of this vinegar in it. Before using the product on your child's skin, you should apply a few drops to your wrist to check if any discomfort occurs.
  2. Squeeze the juice from fresh basil and apply to itchy areas. The plant contains camphor, which cools the skin after a bite, causing it to itch less.
  3. Toothpaste with mint will help you quickly and easily eliminate discomfort. This is one of the best home remedies. Simply apply a small amount to the bite site.
  4. The affected areas can be lubricated with fresh lemon or lime juice. The procedure should be carried out indoors or in a shaded place, as under the influence sun rays Citrus juices can cause burns.
  5. Mix water with skim milk in equal proportions. Dip a gauze swab into the resulting mixture. The damaged areas are blotted with a swab several times, lightly pressing it for a couple of seconds.
  6. To avoid infection and relieve itching, you can use essential oils tea tree, lavender or coconut. Before anointing the child's skin after a bite, apply a few drops of the product to your own skin. If you feel itching or burning, it is better to dilute the oil with water before use.

The summer season is the most favorable period for the reproduction of blood-sucking insects, among which the most common are mosquitoes. To reproduce, their females need to feed on human or animal blood. The bites of these insects cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort: itching, swelling, inflammation.

The skin of a child is especially affected. Therefore, for most parents it is topical issue– what means of protection against mosquito bites for children will be most effective.

Mosquito bite

Often insects infect areas with the most delicate skin and nearby capillaries.

By piercing the layer of epidermis and the wall of a blood vessel with its proboscis, the mosquito injects saliva with anticoagulants.

These substances prevent blood clotting. The secretion of the insect's salivary glands does not contain poisons, and it is the anticoagulants it contains that cause discomfort.

After mosquito bites, the following reactions may occur:

  • severe itching;
  • swelling;
  • burning sensation;
  • inflammation of affected skin areas;
  • blistering;
  • infection when scratching the bite site;
  • allergic reaction.

It is important to avoid scratching the affected area of ​​skin, as this leads to the spread of mosquito histamine and injury. skin, causing infection.

There are many different mosquito bite remedies for children. Medications and traditional methods dealing with unpleasant sensations.

However, it is worth remembering that when using any medications for a child, you should adhere to the pediatric dosage of anti-mosquito medications.

Modern pharmacological drugs

Most antihistamine ointments intended for the treatment of bites in adults have a strong effect, therefore, before using such drugs on children's skin, consultation with a specialist is necessary. The most popular external remedies for mosquito bites for children are given.

An anti-mosquito drug intended for children's skin is one of the most popular. Available in the form of a gel or drops.

Effectively fights unpleasant symptoms by blocking the action of histamine. In addition, it has a local anesthetic effect. Indicated for use in infants.


A universal remedy designed to relieve allergic irritation of the epidermis, eliminate itching and redness resulting from mosquito bite, and other rashes.

It has a repellent effect that prevents damage by blood-sucking insects.

The ointment in question for mosquito bites includes only herbal ingredients.

Product available in gel form. Effectively fights itching.

Its application to a large area of ​​a child's skin is contraindicated.

Mosquito bite balm for children contains essential and plant extracts and is therefore safe for use on infants.

Eliminates itching and allergic reactions.


Anti-inflammatory agent in the form. Helps relieve swelling and promotes rapid healing of bites.

Each type medications is used depending on the severity of the reaction. If a child bitten by insects suffers from long-lasting swelling and irritation, then hormonal medications help in such a situation. Often this is an ointment or cream for mosquito bites based on prednisolone and hydrocortisone. Treatment is carried out according to the attached instructions.

To avoid scratching the affected area, children need to take an oral antihistamine. medicine, for example, Loratodin or Suprastin. The dosage is calculated according to the age of the baby.

Folk remedies

Many parents don’t know what to apply to a child’s mosquito bites if they don’t have the necessary medications on hand. In this case, folk remedies will help. An alternative to pharmacological drugs are:

  • Toothpaste containing menthol. Helps relieve itching.
  • Boric alcohol, valocordin. If you lubricate the bitten area of ​​skin with them, the affected area will soon stop itching.
  • The brilliant green solution not only relieves itching, but also protects the skin from inflammation.
  • The skin should be lubricated with tomato, onion or lemon juice. They reduce the intensity of itching and have antimicrobial properties.
  • fight redness and inflammation of the epidermis. The skin calms down and stops.
  • Use of tea tree oil. It has an antibacterial effect.
  • Coconut and lavender oils are applied to the affected areas to reduce discomfort.
  • Sour cream, kefir or yogurt applied to the skin soothes it and relieves itching.
  • An ice cube applied to the bitten area acts as a local anesthetic and relieves swelling.
  • A tea bag helps eliminate swelling because the tea contains tannin, which draws excess fluid from the bite.
  • Soda solution at the rate of 0.5 teaspoon per glass of water, soda slurry is also used. Apply to the affected area.
  • Vinegar acts quickly and effectively. For infants, apple is preferable.

Before anointing a mosquito bite with the described remedy, it is necessary to conduct a test for individual intolerance to it.


If you know what to apply to a child’s mosquito bites, you can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time. Usually treatment with folk remedies or medications gives positive results, but the best solution is to prevent damage from blood-sucking insects. To protect children's skin, repellents are used:

  • cream;
  • gels;
  • sprays.

As well as electrofumigators and barrier devices ( Mosquito nets, closed clothing).