Well      06/26/2020

Chemicals for cesspools and toilets. An effective remedy for cesspools: how to clean with chemistry. Possible ways to treat wastewater

Owners of private houses claim comfortable household amenities, but avoid certain problems with the disposal of contents cesspool and sewer cleaning is impossible. Moreover, the process requires a constant solution, which is rather annoying with a number of specific moments. Through the efforts of laboratories, bacteria were grown that affect the efficiency of waste decomposition, and at the same time carry an antiseptic load.

Advantages of using biological products for sewage

With the help of bacteria for cesspools, activities have been greatly simplified:

  • for cleaning cesspools, drainage wells, storage tanks;
  • dilution of bottom sediment;
  • elimination of relevant odors;
  • reducing the volume of sewage waste;

The main advantage is the fact that with the systematic use of bioactivators, the number of pumpings is significantly reduced.

Cleaning principle

Sanitary products of the latest generation do not violate the ecological balance in nature. The innovative formula of microorganisms with the speed of the virus copes with the decomposition of waste and amber. They successfully dissolve organics, due to the high concentration of bacteria that are part of the formula. Even a single application will increase the capacity of the reservoir, anticipating future blockages.

In our time, when environmental problems are discussed everywhere, biological treatment is timely. Getting into engineering Communication, bacteria quickly adapt to the environment, are activated and the result of their use is:

  • significant cost savings through reducing the volume of sewage, which means economy;
  • personal investment in environmental protection. Included in chemical compositions formaldehyde is especially damaging to the environment. During the period of cold weather, harmless nitrate oxidizers will become its alternative;

Microorganisms for cleaning

Demanded microorganisms for sewers and septic tanks divided into:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Both versions, as expected, are always present in organic waste. The first type is capable exist exclusively in an oxygen environment, and its colony are considered the most active. They are ubiquitous in nature, and their role in the course of biological life processes is enormous. Thanks to specific features, enzymes, antibiotics and a number of other compounds that are so necessary for humans have appeared.

The functional principle of aerobic organisms is reduced to deep cleaning . When oxygen enters, the bacteria are activated and begin to multiply at cosmic speed. In the course of the process, sludge is formed, in contact with which, organic components begin to decompose intensively, and, leaving almost no sediment. Over time, residual effects are pumped out by the pump of the machine or removed independently. Important advantage - complete absence of amber.

The action of anaerobic bacteria is somewhat lower. The process is due to a long processing interval with the assumption of the formation of sediment with harmful microorganisms, therefore, the dominant is aerobic organisms.

Consequence biological treatment becomes the fact that wastewater does not need additional measures of the second stage and discharged into the sewer. The resulting sludge can be used to fertilize the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

The best result can be obtained only in the case of careful selection of the means with respect to specific features sewer system. Therefore, when choosing, we take into account that:

  1. Dry closet follows cleanse with special tablets, which equally effectively dissolve any organic matter, turning it into a liquid.
  2. Activators should include components reducing the proportion of solid fraction in wastewater, including dissolve and fats.

Bacteria feed on residual products and self-destruct in the clean sewerage of a private house.

Several rules, which must be observed in order to obtain high performance:

  1. A bit of theory
  2. About the features and principle of operation
  3. What are the types of biobacteria?
  4. What problems do biological products solve?
  5. What are the benefits of using bacteria?
  6. How to make the right choice?
  7. Pay attention to details!
  8. Practical recommendations
  9. How to ensure maximum efficiency bacteria?
  10. When can microorganisms die?

Owners of cottages and personal plots regularly decide the need to maintain treatment facilities. To solve this problem, they use the help of a sewage machine, but today we want to propose to consider more thoughtful and modern technologies, among which special attention deserve bacteria for treatment plants, splitting and converting effluents into a purified liquid, carbon dioxide and waste, acting in the form of minerals or the so-called sludge.

A bit of theory

Pay attention to details!

Before ordering a specific drug, carefully study the instructions, paying close attention to the points:

  • The degree of concentration. The greater the number of bacteria in the preparation, the higher the efficiency of the work.
  • Types of microorganisms used. The composition establishes the types of waste that the product disposes of during operation. The more different microbes, the wider the possibilities and potential.
  • The volume of waste processed by bacteria from a pack. In case of insufficient number of microorganisms, microbes can die. As a result, the colony will not pull the task. When too in large numbers used to clean bacteria, they can tritely destroy themselves, reducing efficiency.
  • Dry residue left by microorganisms after work. The lower it is, the better for sure.
  • Best before date. Most often it is equal to the life span of microorganisms. In the expired packaging, the bacteria have already died or their concentration is decreasing.
  • If the bacteria will be used for the first time, then we recommend buying drugs with the phrase “start” or “for primary use”. The content of such funds includes substances that stimulate the development of a new colony.
  • After cleaning, the liquid remains in the septic tank, which is pumped out by a conventional

    Bacteria are living beings, so for normal operation it is necessary to provide a set of conditions:

    • Temperature regime in the region of 4-30 ° С. If the indicators fall below the indicated figures, then the microorganisms “fall asleep”. When it gets warmer, microbes become active. Remember that in a cold toilet, bacteria will not work properly in winter.
    • Microbes always need food. Otherwise, the microorganisms die. If the toilet is used infrequently, then periodically it is necessary to introduce additional microbes. If the toilet is used exclusively in the summer, then a new colony must be formed annually.
    • For the bacteria to work well, the liquid must rise several centimeters above the level at which the solid waste is located in the treatment plant. In case of insufficient amount of water, liquids must be added.
    • Microbes do not utilize inorganics. Do not drain plastic or metal elements as they will simply remain at the bottom of the treatment plant.
    • Chlorine, manganese and other similar substances can completely kill the colony.
    • In the process of preparing the product, it is necessary to fully comply with the instructions, because otherwise the bacteria may "not come out of hibernation."

    When can microorganisms die?

    The impact of a number of substances for bacteria is similar to death. The wastewater treatment plant should not contain:

    • Substances that contain chlorine.
    • Byt.chemistry.
    • Potassium permanganate.
    • Medicines.
    • Antibacterial drugs.

    If, nevertheless, aggressive elements have got into septic tanks, then it is necessary to introduce new bacteria in time. Such a decision will provide an opportunity to update and strengthen the colony.

Increasingly, you can hear about such a tool as bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools. Experience shows that this is one of the the best options for cleaning sewers. Therefore, we will help you understand what effect live bacteria have on septic tanks, how they are used and which manufacturers are preferred. Read to the end and you will find out what the market price is for these drugs and which bacteria are suitable for what.

Sewerage or septic tank for a person can be cleaned by special bacteria Source ptoday.ru

What is bacteria for septic tanks

Bacteria for toilets and cesspools are special biological-based cleaning preparations. They are needed in order to do high-quality cleaning. Now such tools are becoming more and more popular, because they are very effective. The idea is to add micro-organisms to the household waste that process everything unwanted.

You can clean the drain water tank using biological means Source krrot.net

Cleaning with the use of such bacteria is very fast, and bad smell passes in just 4-5 hours. In addition, they have a lot of other advantages:

    Bacteria are absolutely harmless to the environment

    Do not destroy the walls of concrete and plastic septic tanks, unlike chemicals

    Can be used in any environment

    They have a wide range of applications: suitable for toilets, cesspools, industrial wastewater treatment plants, sewers

However, there are certain limitations. Microorganisms can only be used in the temperature range from +5 to +35 ° C.

What bacteria for septic tanks is better to choose

Not all bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are universal, therefore, for each type of structure, you need to select your own remedy. Below we will look at reputable and trusted manufacturers and help you figure out which one is better to choose.

Dr. Robik

One of the most popular biological cleaners. Accelerates the decomposition of household waste and sludge. Can be used in plastic or concrete septic tanks, as well as in earthen wells.

"Doctor Robik" operates in three main areas:

    Accelerates the decomposition of waste

    Breaks down starch, proteins and fats

    Decomposes faeces

The tank contains active spores of bacteria that feed on solids. Such microorganisms are resistant to harsh conditions and begin to act after entering a favorable humid environment. The composition includes anaerobic, that is, not requiring oxygen, bacteria.

This is how the package of Doctor Robik bacteria looks like Source dismar.ru

In a favorable environment, organisms begin to multiply rapidly. New colonies appear, which absorb all the nutrients from Wastewater. After 4 days, the container will be completely empty. But if the cleaning was not carried out for a long time and the septic tank is very greasy, then on the sixth day it is recommended to start a new batch of bacteria.

Due to active fermentation, gas plugs may occur on the first day, but they quickly resolve and in a day the whole system will function normally.

You need to pay attention to the fact that "Doctor Robik" is a whole family of biological agents for various works. Some are better suited for cleaning concrete tanks, others for plastic, and still others are designed to dissolve paper. Therefore, when buying a drug, you need to know what to focus on.

Bacteria decompose household waste, feeding on them Source hi-news.ru

However, during frosts, such bacteria for cesspools lose their effectiveness. There are also options that work with negative temperatures but they are expensive.


Anaerobic bacteria manufactured by Sannitree (South Africa). The composition contains enzymes that create the initial nutrient medium for microorganisms.

The product is granules packaged in sachets, which are mixed in water before use at the rate of 50 g of the drug per 5 liters of water. After entering the septic tank, the reclamation process is accelerated. All solid waste is converted into liquid, which is pumped out and can be used as fertilizer for the garden.

Means for cesspools "Septic-Biogranules" does not allow silt to form in siphons and settling tanks, and can also be used to clean drainage fields.

Sewer drainage fields quickly become clogged with silt and require cleaning. Source septiki39.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a service for. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

"Septic-Biogranules" is safe for waste systems from any materials. But the truth is that the drug should not be used together with chlorine-containing compounds and phenols.

Bioactivator live bacteria Biosept

French brand. Live bacteria for septic tanks come in powder or granules. The action of the drug begins within two hours after activation. The tool must be used within two months, pouring a new portion every two weeks.

Live bacteria Biosept - a French remedy for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools Source fishing-caravan.ru

The bioactivator is used not only to clean sewage wells from silt, paper and feces, but also to eliminate pathogens. The tool copes well with unpleasant odors and significantly reduces the volume of the contents of the septic tank.

However, there are some nuances. Dissolve and rinse hot water"Biosept" is impossible. Otherwise, it will lose its effectiveness. Also, bacteria die from chlorine and antibiotics and do not decompose dry waste.


Another good brand that produces chemicals for septic tanks and cesspools. There are two packages: powder sachets of 25 g and a suspension of 950 ml. All products are manufactured in Russia using US technologies. In addition to the fact that the product fights household waste well, it also neutralizes hydrogen sulfide.

The composition includes six types of colonial microorganisms that feed on solid masses. ROETECH 106M is applied by dissolving in water and flushing down the toilet. Unopened product can be stored for no more than two years.

The drug cleans not only septic tanks and wells, but also all pipes and underground communications. Therefore, it is often used in filtration and treatment facilities. Besides ROETECH 106M destroys the salts which are harmful to soil which are contained in drain waters.

With the help of live bacteria ROETECH 106M, you can clean the entire system of underground utilities Source dcgate.pp.ua


A popular product in Russia for cleaning sewer and drain pipes and to improve the performance of the septic tank. The preparation includes eight types of anaerobic bacteria intended for the processing of different fractions. The main action of Likvazym is aimed at combating organic matter and body fat.

Likvazym is sold in bottles as a ready-to-use solution. Source goodway-zep.ru

Remedy for country toilets"Likvazim" has the property of accumulating in a septic tank. The more often it is used, the faster each subsequent cleaning goes. It can be used for tanks of both toilets and private houses, baths and saunas. Often they clean industrial buildings.

But the minus of the drug is that it decomposes only organic waste and some salts, and then in conditions of low acidity.

The main types of live bacteria for septic tanks

anaerobic bacteria

The most unpretentious option. They do not need oxygen to function properly. They decompose solid waste, lowering them to the bottom, and the water becomes clean and bright.

The disadvantage of anaerobic bacteria is that it is constantly necessary to remove solid masses with the help of special equipment. Moreover, the sediment must be disposed of, and in no case be used as fertilizer.

When using anaerobic bacteria in a septic tank, sediment from sludge and mineral deposits Source pinterest.com

Aerobic microorganisms

Aerobic bacteria do not live without access to oxygen. Therefore, they can only be used in septic tanks communicating with the atmosphere. Moreover, the air must be constantly pumped with the help of a compressor. You can use aerobic microorganisms as a means for a country toilet for dissolving fecal matter and as a cleaning agent. sewer pipes and underground reservoirs.

Aerobic bacteria can only be used in septic tanks with compressor units Source aquakomfort-spb.ru

The advantage of this choice is a relatively small amount of sediment and the removal of almost all harmful impurities. Therefore, it is possible to clean the toilet or septic tank much less frequently. In addition, aerobic bacteria do not produce methane, which cannot be said about anaerobic ones.

Video description

Which bacteria are good for what?

When choosing septic tanks for cesspools and toilets, the first thing to consider is packaging. In the case of cesspools and country toilets, tablets are more suitable. To process 1 m 3 of feces into safe compost, one tablet is enough. Powders or suspensions are most suitable for underground utilities, because it is in this form that it is more convenient to deliver the active substance there.

It is better to pour a solution of powder or suspension into septic tanks Source yandex.uz

Anaerobic microorganisms are well suited for country toilets. After all, the resulting mass can be immediately pumped to the site and used as fertilizer. Aerobic bacteria are most often taken to septic tanks, because it is problematic to clean solid sediment from underground tanks.

The most versatile drugs are labeled "109" on the packaging. These agents are capable of destroying whole line connections:



The rest of the living bacteria are intended for specific purposes. All indications for use must be read on the package.

Video description

How bacteria are used for septic tanks

Using bacteria for cesspools and toilets is easy. The whole procedure consists in delivering the product to a septic tank, toilet or cesspool. You can do this in different ways:

    Pour the solution through the toilet and flush the water several times

    Pour the powder through the hatch of the septic tank

    Mix the product in warm water and pour into the cesspool

Moreover, with a certain interval of time, you need to replenish the number of bacteria. Most often, manufacturers recommend doing this every 10-14 days.

For cesspools, powder diluted in water is usually used. Source goindie.com

All bacteria for septic tanks are harmless to humans and animals, but it is better to work with them with gloves.

Any cleaning of sewage facilities using biological agents for country toilets and cesspools is best done in the warm season. Optimal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria - high humidity and a temperature of +20 ° C.

Cesspools should be used immediately before bacteria are applied, or they should be filled with water. The fact is that microorganisms will not be able to process dried waste.

Before using live bacteria, a dried cesspool is filled with water Source los.bio

When choosing products for cleaning septic tanks, you should pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that it includes nutrient emulsions, and the concentration of bacteria is as high as possible.

Important! Cleaning of waste communications should be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of excessive pollution and salting, which can lead to large expenses for septic tanks for cesspools.

Video description

In this video you can find helpful tips for sewer care using bacteria for septic tanks:

How much do bacteria cost for septic tanks

Most manufacturers pack drugs in standard 25 g bags. This is a single dose for a 750 liter container. There can be up to 50 such bags in a pack. This is necessary for regular use, because during any cleaning you have to pour the product into the septic tank several times.

Two bags of Biosept in Moscow will cost 141 rubles. Bioactivator ROETECH 106M will cost 46 rubles per sachet. There are also cheaper options. 1.5 kg of live bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools "Tratan" can be bought for 190 rubles.

There are also non-standard packages. New Russian manufacturer Biolatic offers sachets of 80 g. This weight is claimed to be enough to clean a 2 m 3 septic tank. Biolatic - Septic costs an average of 150 rubles for such a package.

Means for cleaning septic tanks of a young manufacturer Biolatic Source sirodelie.by

Doctor Robik's septic tank and cesspool cleaner can often be found in suspension format. There is a bottle of 750 ml about 579 rubles. And the average cost of a bag of granules of 40 g for septic tanks is approximately 180 rubles.

Briefly about the main

Live bacteria for septic tanks are biological means for cleaning sewage communications. They are harmless to humans and nature, unlike chemical compounds.

Bacteria for septic tanks are divided into two types: aerobic, which require oxygen, and anaerobic, which can live in an oxygen-free environment.

Live bacteria for septic tanks are produced in the form of granules, suspensions, tablets and powder.

In order to clean the septic tank or cesspool, a solution is poured into it from warm water with bacteria.

These drugs are different affordable price, and in stores there is a large selection of formulations for specific purposes and manufacturers.

- this is a product that has firmly entered the life of owners of suburban real estate, where there is no way to connect to the central sewer networks. A septic tank is an excellent device for treating wastewater, but without special bacteria, it becomes a simple tank or pit for the accumulation of feces and human waste. The work of a mixture of bacteria of different types turns the septic tank into a real bio-factory for waste processing.

Thanks to the activity of these little "killers" of dirt, all biological waste is effectively processed into a safe mass, unpleasant odors are eliminated and environmental cleanliness is ensured on the site. In nature, these types of bacteria multiply slowly, their biological cycle does not allow them to cope with large masses of waste. But man, this “crown of nature”, has developed effective technologies for the reproduction of bacteria for septic tanks in large quantities!

How to use

  • Use once a year at the rate of 798 ml (one bottle) per 2 cu. m volume.
  • Before use, mix by shaking, pour into the toilet and rinse.
  • After treatment, reduce the intensity of use of sewage for a day.
  • When silting the entire system, apply in conjunction with
  • In case of soap deposits, additionally use .

The product is completely environmentally friendly, harmless to humans, vegetation and animals. Manufactured by Roebic Laboratories (USA) and under license Russian companies.

Bioactivator in tablets BioExpert (Poland)

A highly specialized tool designed for cesspools, septic tanks closed type and ring sewers. Eliminates odors, quickly cleans wastewater and build-up inside pipes, perfectly processes fecal matter in cesspools.

  • It is produced in tablet form and packaged in plastic containers from 2 to 12 capsules.
  • The cost of 1 capsule - from 215 rubles

How to use

  • For 4 cu. m. of the volume of processed masses, one tablet of the drug is enough.
  • Before use, the dose is dissolved in water: 1 tablet per five liters of water.
  • The solution is evenly poured into a cesspool or septic tank.
  • To treat the sewer, dissolve the tablet in the toilet and flush.
  • Pure sewer system should not be treated with the drug.

The drug is safe for the animal and plant world, as well as for humans. BioExpert tablets are produced by a well-known Polish biochemical company of the same name.

Bacteria for septic tank Roetech K-37 (USA)

One of the best bioactivators on the world market. Designed for complex processing of sewer systems and septic tanks without direct air access (). Effectively decomposes biological masses, reduces the solid component of wastewater, removes blockages at the inlet and outlet of sewer systems, and decomposes harmful chemical compounds.

  • Produced in the form of a suspension and packaged in plastic containers with a volume of 950 ml (estimated volume - 2 cubes)
  • The average price of a bottle is 950 rubles.

How to use

  • – The contents of the container are poured into the toilet or directly into the septic tank.
  • - One vial is enough to process 2 cc. m. volume of the septic tank.
  • – Shake the container well before use.
  • – The period of active action is at least six months.

The drug is completely safe for environment. Produced by the Russian company BioTechnologies of the 21st Century LLC under license from Roebic Laboratories, Inc.

Bioactivator for septic tank Biosept (France)

An effective bioactivator for all systems where flushing with water is used. Includes all the necessary enzymes and enzymes. Works in any environment both oxygen, and without access of air. Starts its work very quickly, within two hours after processing.

  • Produced in the form of a powder and packaged in bags of 25 gr.
  • one sachet is designed for a capacity of 2 cubic meters / for 2 weeks
  • the cost of a bag - from 55 rubles

Ways to use

  • Pour the required amount of the drug into the toilet and drain the water 2 times.
  • For 1 cu. m volume, one sachet is enough for up to two weeks.
  • Cesspools are first treated with the drug, and then filled with water.
  • – The product must be used regularly to improve the cleaning effect.

This safe and highly effective bioactivator is produced in France. Average price for Russian market is 650 rubles for 300 gr. drug.

Means for septic tanks Dr. Robik 109 (powder)

A potent combined bioactivator consisting of a set of soil bacteria in spores. It is intended for use in any systems of the sewerage. Works great in both septic tanks and cesspools.

  • Produced in powder form with packaging in bags of 75 gr.
  • The cost of 1 sachet - from 110 rubles

and delivery within the Russian Federation

How to use

  • – It is recommended to use every month at the rate of 75 gr. for 1.5 cu. m.
  • - For septic tanks: pour the drug into the toilet and flush with water twice.
  • – For cesspools: dilute the drug in 10 liters of water and pour into the pit.
  • – It is recommended to carry out the treatment at least once a month.

Produced by Roebic Laboratories (USA), as well as under license by Russian companies. The average price on the market is 135 rubles per bag. These bioactivators for the maintenance of sewage systems are the most popular with the consumer. And the quality of the action of bacteria has been tested in practice by thousands of users in our country.

Sooner or later all owners country houses face the problem of processing wastewater, waste, feces. A properly selected antiseptic for a toilet in the country will help solve this problem by getting rid of harmful microorganisms and stench.

The article provides detailed overview different types of antiseptics, their features of use, advantages and disadvantages are described. To facilitate the task of choosing the right drug, we have listed the main criteria for a competent purchase, and also identified the best manufacturers biological and chemical means.

The accumulation of sewage and faeces not only emits an unpleasant odor, but can cause soil contamination with toxic substances or become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of modern antiseptics allow you to effectively solve the problems of maintaining a cesspool or local sewer network country house

To get rid of them, various ways disinfection and recycling of waste that can be used in different types sewer systems.

Cesspools and septic tanks

For a long time, residents of small settlements used outdoor closets equipped with drain pits, which require periodic pumping with the help of sewage trucks. Antiseptics can greatly facilitate this process by reducing the frequency of waste disposal.

Now dwellings are often equipped with local sewer systems with septic tanks - special modules where waste is accumulated and disposed of.

  • anaerobic bacteria that thrive in the absence of oxygen. They are distinguished by high productivity, which allows them to be used both for cleaning drains of summer cottages and country houses, and in local sewer systems of guest houses, campsites.
  • Aerobic microbes. Since they are able to exist and multiply only in the presence of oxygen, the sewer system should be equipped with means of forced ventilation. With constant air injection, such bacteria do an excellent job of cleaning pits / septic tanks, however, in the event of technical failures, their performance drops sharply.

As a rule, modern biological preparations simultaneously use several types of microflora belonging to both aerobic and anaerobic groups. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the funds, contributes to the uniform cleaning of the entire volume of the sewer system.

In this case, bacteria, which need oxygen, process the wastes on the surface, while anaerobic microorganisms corrode the compacted bottom masses.

In addition to bacteria, biopreparations for a toilet in the country house include enzymes that accelerate the processes of fermentation and decomposition, as well as enzymes that enhance the effect of microflora on organic matter, and excipients.

Types of bioactivators for toilets and septic tanks

Biological products can be produced in different forms: in the form of liquid, powder, capsules, tablets, granules.