Shower      07/02/2020

Ointment based on acetic acid and eggs. Experiments with vinegar. Is it possible to eat an egg after the experiment

We continue to conduct experiments for children. This time we chose eggs as the theme. The site has already published experiments with an egg in the framework, but my daughter and I decided to go further. In today's article we will talk about:

- frozen eggs

- soft, jumping eggs,

- strong and hardy eggs.

And also tell you how to distinguish raw eggs from boiled.

Experience for children with egg and vinegar

We took egg and placed it in a jar with 9% vinegar. The egg immediately began to be covered with bubbles of gas. The whole point is that eggshell contains calcium carbonate, which, when interacting with an acid, dissolves with the release of carbon dioxide. The process is quite intensive, and after a while a lush foam from CO2 bubbles forms above the liquid.

The egg was left in vinegar for 2 days. After this time, the shell completely dissolved and only a thin inner film covered the egg. At the same time, it slightly increased in size (this can be seen in the photo in comparison with an ordinary egg).

Despite the fact that our test egg lost its strong protection, it became soft, but at the same time elastic. The photo shows how we squeezed it from different sides, pushed it through. Another egg became bouncy. Of course, it was not possible to capture this in the photograph, but when throwing a soft egg on a plate, it bounced like a rubber ball. Having played enough, we proceeded to the following experiments.

Experience for children with eggshells

Next we had an experiment in determining the "stamina" of the eggshell. We took eggshell halves from used eggs. The edge was reinforced with electrical tape and trimmed with scissors. Cardboard was placed on top to evenly distribute the weight on all the shells and put a “load”.

The photo shows how we gradually increased the load on the eggs with the help of cans and cans of water. But then we decided that since the eggs are so strong, we will put a 6-liter bottle of water on them. The eggs were left whole and unharmed.

The thought crept into our heads that the eggshell behaves this way, because we have additionally strengthened it. Having repeated the experiment with ordinary shells, we were convinced that our suspicions were groundless (unfortunately, I did not capture this in the photo, but you can see for yourself by experience!).

The ability of a fragile eggshell to withstand significant weight is due to its hemispherical shape. Due to this, the weight is distributed evenly, which prevents the shell from bursting. This knowledge has been used in construction for a long time - when using arches and arched ceilings.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Experience for children "Walking on the balls"

It seemed to us that the previous experience was not enough, and I suggested that my daughter stand on a tray with eggs. Masha was very puzzled by this proposal and tried to convince me, saying that the eggs would burst and she would get dirty. I convinced the child to stand on the eggs and see what happens. What happened? The eggs held the child's weight of 15 kg twice while we repeated the experiment, and I tried to photograph the result.

What is important in this experiment? So that the egg tray is strong and the eggs stand upright. Because the pressure of the eggs on the foot has a fairly strong massage effect, and when the daughter began to “dance” on the eggs due to inconvenience, one egg still burst (the last one, which turned on its side).

Experience for children "Egg freezing"

The next experiment was not so extreme, and my daughter came up with it, offering to freeze a raw egg and see what happens. I agreed.

The shell on the egg burst when frozen. I reminded Masha of ours in a cocktail tube and the fact that water expands when it freezes. Masha concluded that there is a lot of water in the egg. (An egg is indeed 73% water.) When the egg thawed a little, we cleaned it and admired the view of the frozen egg.

Experience for children "Raw and boiled eggs"

And finally, I invited my daughter to determine where the boiled and where the raw egg is. Daughter offered to break the eggs and look. But since my goal was to teach the difference between raw and boiled eggs without breaking them, I refused and showed that:

  • boiled eggs rotate well if you try to twist them;
  • raw eggs, no matter how you try to rotate them, do not spin. The egg stops without making a single turn.

This is due to the fact that a boiled egg in the physical sense is a single solid body, and by rotating it, we transfer the energy of rotation to the whole body, where it is evenly distributed - the egg is spinning. A raw egg is only solid on the outside, but liquid inside. So it turns out that we are essentially trying to rotate the shell, while the inner liquid part “remains in place” and dampens rotational movements.

It seems that my daughter did not really understand my explanations. But nothing, the rotation of eggs is good for, so there are still benefits from our activities.

You can see more about the rotation of raw and boiled eggs in this video:

Like these ones egg experiments for kids we spent.

Have you tried experimenting with eggs? Tell in the comments!

Did you enjoy the experience? Save to your wall by clicking on the buttons social networks to repeat with your kids!

The science

Did you know that eggs are mostly water?

Try an experiment with the children in which the egg shell disappears in vinegar.

Besides? there are many more experiments that can be done with a chicken egg.

Experiments for children

1. Rubber egg (without shell).

You will need vinegar and 24 to 48 hours to experiment.

Video experience for children

2. Flatten the egg and return it to its original shape.

If you repeat the first experiment with vinegar, then dip the egg into corn syrup, the egg will turn into a deflated ball. If you then immerse the egg in water and wait for some time (about 24 hours), then it will "inflate" and return to its shape.

You will need:

corn syrup

egg container

Large spoon (to hold the egg in the container under the syrup)

Children's experiences

3. How to put an egg in a bottle?

You will need:

Hard boiled egg


Matches or lighter


1. Cut a paper strip (20 x 2.5 cm).

2. Gently light the strip on one end and drop it into the bottle.

3. Put a hard-boiled egg on the neck of the bottle.

4. Watch how the paper itself goes out, and the egg falls into the bottle.

How to get an egg out of a bottle?

Just blow hard into the bottle and the egg will pop out by itself.

Home experiments for children

4. Egg afloat.

You will need:

2 jars or glasses

5 teaspoons salt

1. Pour water into one jar.

2. Pour into the second jar warm water and add salt. Stir.

3. Gently place one egg in each jar.

4. Watch - one egg will stay afloat, and the other will go to the bottom.

Experiences for children

5. How to make a glowing egg

You will need:

Marker for highlighting text

2 empty containers

UV lamp.

1. First c do rubber egg(see experiment 1), only add the paint squeezed out of the marker to the vinegar.

2. Wait 24 hours, take out the egg, turn off the light and shine the egg with ultraviolet light.

Home experiments for children

6. Colored volcano.

You will need:

Baking soda

Egg paint or food coloring


1. Mix baking soda and food coloring in a ratio of 2 to 1. If the paint seems to you not too bright, add a little more dye. Stir to make a liquid paste.

2. Using brushes, paint the eggs with a thick layer of paste.

Not everyone knows that such, in principle, a simple product like an egg can be used not only as food, but also used in such qualities:

  • How medicine(treatment of barley, runny nose, means for weight loss);
  • as a magical element (damage, evil eye);
  • as an ingredient in cosmetic products (face and hair masks, skin creams);
  • as a component of therapeutic ointments (for joints, from heel spurs).

Vinegar and egg ointment- This folk remedy treatment of all kinds of diseases associated with the limbs (mainly with the legs), which has come to us since very ancient times.

Surely, many people know the fact that an eggshell, consisting of calcium, can completely dissolve in vinegar - the recipe for this ointment is based on this particular chemical reaction.

Another ointment recipe using an egg ingredient will help heal burns and other complex wounds or scars. ethnoscience advises in such cases to cook.

Hard boil (10-15 minutes) a dozen eggs. Then separate the yolks from the protein, put them in a bowl that can be tightly closed with a lid - a “duckling” or “goose” will do. Put the saucepan in the oven for at least three hours (or four). Do not open the lid until the time has elapsed.

The result is a homogeneous mass, which is rubbed into places of burns or wounds. The only drawback of the remedy can be called a short shelf life, but the results of the folk remedy are amazing.

This folk remedy is famous for its amazing effect, which can be obtained not only from external, but also from internal use. She treats such serious diseases as eczema, burn wounds, fungal areas of the skin, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the female reproductive system, including cyst resorption, and many, many other ailments.

The preparation is very easy and at home. Ingredients should be taken only the freshest and certainly natural.

We will need:

  • beeswax (volume two match heads),
  • unrefined sunflower oil (2 cups)
  • and boiled yolk of a fresh chicken egg.
  1. We take bulk dishes, pour into it vegetable oil and bring to a temperature when the oil begins to crackle.
  2. We throw the wax and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After grinding the yolk to the state of gruel, add it to the heated wax oil - during this manipulation, the oil will begin to increase greatly in volume, therefore, within 5-8 minutes you will have to monitor the level of the cooked mass and periodically remove the dishes from the fire.
  4. After the specified time, the resulting mixture must be filtered and cooled.
  5. It is advised to store the product in the refrigerator - the shelf life does not exceed three months.

It gives an amazing effect in a short time - reviews of the application everywhere and on each site speak of the wonderful properties of this tool. It turns out that you can take care of your health without having a lot of money.

Did you know that if you put an egg in vinegar for two days, the shell will dissolve and the egg will become elastic. Under the influence of vinegar, the calcium that makes up the shell dissolves and disappears in the form of gas bubbles. It turns out a funny egg that looks like jelly. If we experiment with boiled egg, then it will become elastic, like a rubber ball.

Pour table vinegar (9%) into a transparent glass and dip a chicken egg into it. Carbon dioxide immediately begins to be released from the surface of the egg.

The shell of bird eggs is 90 percent calcium carbonate. Therefore, when interacting with acid, it begins to decompose, releasing CO2.

After 12 - 15 hours, we look at what happened. Calcium has dissolved from the surface of the egg. Only the film between the shell and the egg remained intact.

Remove the egg from the vinegar and rinse running water.

The egg increased slightly in size as it was soaked with vinegar.

There is no shell and you can play with an egg like a ball. The film is very thin and, therefore, can break if handled carelessly.

Now this rubber egg can be seen through.

Attention: Eating such an egg is prohibited!

Did you know that if you put an egg in vinegar for two days, the shell will dissolve and the egg will become elastic. Under the influence of vinegar, the calcium that makes up the shell dissolves and disappears in the form of gas bubbles. It turns out a funny egg that looks like jelly. If you experiment with a boiled egg, then it will become elastic, like a rubber ball.

(Total 12 photos + 1 video)

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1. Pour table vinegar (9%) into a transparent glass and dip a chicken egg into it. Carbon dioxide immediately begins to be released from the surface of the egg.

2. The shell of bird eggs is 90 percent calcium carbonate. Therefore, when interacting with acid, it begins to decompose, releasing CO2.

3. After 12 - 15 hours, we look at what happened. Calcium has dissolved from the surface of the egg. Only the film between the shell and the egg remained intact.

4. Remove the egg from the vinegar and rinse under running water.

5. The egg has slightly increased in size because it has been soaked with vinegar.

6. There is no shell and you can play with an egg like a ball. The film is very thin and, therefore, can break if handled carelessly.

7. Now you can see through this rubber egg.