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The designation of the load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle. Permissible dimensions and maximum weight of goods transported by road

Services for the transportation of oversized cargo are the transportation of objects of large mass, volume, with a displaced center of gravity, exceeding the maximum allowable norms. These indicators significantly complicate the transportation, therefore, in order to allow this problem, you will need to seek help from professional logisticians who have undergone special training. But first, let's understand what is oversized cargo? Next, we will consider the basic rules for transporting oversized cargo and choosing the right transport.

Definition of oversized cargo

Oversized cargo is a non-standard, bulky object that exceeds all established standards with its parameters. Such an oversized item does not fit in a regular container; it is not possible to transport it by freight transport. According to all the rules, bulky cargo has the following parameters: a length exceeding 16 meters, a height of more than four and a width of more than 2.55 meters. Such objects include the following:

Vessels, water transport.

Road and construction special equipment.

Agricultural machinery: combines, tractors, threshers, etc.

Products and designs of non-standard parameters.

Industrial equipment and special equipment.

To transport large-size objects with non-standard height, it is necessary to use a low loader platform. Thanks to it, you can significantly reduce the height of the load along with the vehicle. If the transportation of a massive object is foreseen, it is recommended to use a platform with an increased number of axles and an appropriate load capacity.

Freight transport requirements

Special equipment, with the help of which oversized cargo is transported, must meet the following standards:

1. This transport should not interfere with the movement of other road users.

2. The restrictions on the dimensions of the transported cargo must be observed.

3. If the restrictions are exceeded, an additional escort by a traffic police car is required.

4. The vehicle must have an appropriate sign - "Oversized cargo", as well as other necessary identification and registration marks.

During transportation, you will need to adhere to the following rules:

The load must be correctly and securely fixed on the vehicle.

The load must not cover lighting and reflectors.

The cargo must not interfere with the normal control of the cargo vehicle.

The cargo should not restrict the driver's view of the controlled means of transportation of oversized cargo.

Route and support

Proper escort of vehicles carrying oversized cargo is the key to success. It should be borne in mind that you need to accompany the carrier from point A to point B without missing any section that may seem safe for the owner of the cargo. An unforeseen incident may occur along the way, in which you can not only damage or lose your cargo, but also incur great responsibility. In this case, small savings are absolutely inappropriate, because they can result in much more significant costs.

Why is it necessary to accompany the transportation of oversized cargo?

Transportation of oversized cargo implies all sorts of risks that are associated with, in which it is possible to damage the cargo, harm strangers and their property. To ensure the safety of transportation of such cargo, it is necessary to involve accompanying cover vehicles throughout the entire route. In this case, you can contact the local law enforcement agencies for the provision of police patrol cars or cars of the carrier company.

Cover vehicles are involved only in cases where the width of the loaded vehicle exceeds 3.5 meters and the length is 24 meters. Escort of vehicles carrying oversized objects is necessary when changing routes if there is a bridge or a tunnel on the way, and the safety of oversized traffic or providing sufficient space for travel is in question. In this case, as a rule, traffic is blocked until the cargo passes.

The main purposes for which escort of oversized vehicles is required

1. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the transportation of massive cargo.

2. It is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the transported cargo.

3. The safety of other road users must be ensured.

4. To ensure the safety of road communications.

Escort of oversized vehicles by traffic police cars

Escort of traffic police vehicles is required if the width of the road train is more than 4 meters, and the length exceeds 30 meters. Such a vehicle can occupy more than one and a half lanes of the road, so oversized objects must be accompanied by state traffic inspectors. This is necessary in order to quickly redirect the traffic flow. In this case, the traffic police car ensures not only the safety of the vehicle and the transported cargo, but also of other road users.

Who can be entrusted with transportation

As you already understood, transportation of oversized cargo is a rather difficult task. If there is such a case that only one of the permissible design parameters is exceeded - height, for example - you can get by with ordinary transport for transportation and only bother to hang additional beacons on the contour points of the object being transported. But if at least one more non-standard parameter is added, then the cargo automatically acquires the status of oversized.

To ensure high-quality loading and delivery of an object of non-standard sizes, special equipment is needed. In order for freight transportation of oversized cargo to take place in compliance with all safety standards, it is necessary to use platforms with a low-frame design and sliding trailers, which are equipped with various fasteners.

These are often designed according to non-standard schemes for oversized cargo. Such structures must be loaded and unloaded under special engineering control, based on the calculations of the loads on the axles and fasteners.

The carrier company, which provides transportation of oversized cargo, is required to have special permits that confirm the consistency of transportation with the main management bodies and regional structures. Among other things, the carrier must organize a patrol that will accompany the transportation of the object. Transportation of oversized objects contains many potential dangers and difficulties, so it is better to entrust this type of work to professional carrier companies.

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The mass of the transported cargo and the distribution of the load along the axles must not exceed the values ​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle

Before starting and during the movement, the driver is obliged to control the placement, fastening and condition of the load in order to avoid its falling, interfering with the movement

Carriage of cargo is allowed provided that it:

does not restrict the driver's view;

does not complicate control and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;

does not cover external lighting devices and retroreflectors, registration and identification marks, and also does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;

does not create noise, does not generate dust and does not pollute the road and the environment

If the condition and placement of the cargo do not meet the established requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the listed transportation rules or stop further movement.

Before a long trip, make a list of everything you need. Try to place all this correctly and rationally in the car. Make the most of the luggage space, but do not exceed permissible load on the vehicle axle. When placing a load on the roof rack, remember that it raises the vehicle's center of gravity and this increases the risk of rollover.

Cargo protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind by more than I m(fig. 215) or laterally more than 0.4 m(Fig. 216) from the outer edge of the side light, must be marked with identification signs "Oversized cargo", and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - in addition, in front - with a lantern or retroreflector white color, behind - with a flashlight or a red reflector

Reader A: If I took the boards to the dacha on the upper trunk, and they protrude beyond the dimensions of the car in length by more than 1 meter, then you need to fix the indicated identification mark on them.

Reader B: What he really is?

Reader A: It says that it is made in the form of a shield. Is rag flags unacceptable?

Reader B: And if the boards hang both in front and behind by more than 1 meter?

Placing bulky cargo on the trunk passenger car, consider the requirements of the next paragraph of the Rules. However, they apply to all vehicles.

Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, the movement of a vehicle, the overall parameters of which, with or without cargo, exceed 2.55 m in width (2.6 m for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), 4 m in height from the surface of the carriageway, in length ( including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's clearance by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers, is carried out in accordance with special rules.

International road transport is carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and the rules of transportation established by international treaties. Russian Federation.

According to the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as SDA), the permissible width of a vehicle is 2 meters 60 centimeters for refrigerators and isothermal vans and 2 meters 55 centimeters for other vehicles. The maximum vehicle height is 4 meters. The maximum length of a road train including one trailer cannot exceed 20 meters, while the length of the tractor and trailer cannot exceed 12 meters.

The permissible mass of a two-axle vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle) cannot exceed 18 tons, 25 tons for a 3-axle vehicle and 32 tons for a 4-axle vehicle. The mass of a 3-axle road train must not exceed 28 tons, a 4-axle road train 36 tons and a 5-axle road train 40 tons.

The maximum axial load at a distance of more than 2 meters between the nearest axles should not exceed 10 tons per axle, at a distance of 1.65 to 2 meters inclusive 9 tons, at a distance of 1.35 to 1.65 m inclusive should not exceed 8 tons, at a distance of 100 to 135 cm, the maximum axial load should not exceed 7 tons, and with a distance between the nearest axles, the maximum axial load per 1 axle should not exceed 6 tons.

All vehicles that do not fit into these restrictions are oversized and for their movement on roads common use special permits are required. For driving a vehicle exceeding these dimensions, the driver is fined or withdrawn by the VU in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The main problem is the lack of understanding by drivers of these norms. So let's break it down into questions and answers.

B: car width 2.55 + mirrors. Is it oversized?
A: No, this is the size.

Q: Is it possible to overhang the load by 0.4m on each side and 2m behind?
A: yes, but at the same time, the width of the vehicle with a load cannot be more than 2.55 m, and the length of the road train cannot be more than 20 meters.

Q: what does the phrase "strike through the axes" mean.
A: For example, a 3-axle truck enters the scale. The total weight is less than 25 tons, the distance between the rear axles is 135 cm, but the load on the rear bogie is 20 tons, i.e. not 8 tons per axle, but 10. This is not much better than that if the truck weighed more than 25 tons.

Q: I was carrying tires (tires are taken as an example), they fell apart on the road, the awning was opened and my license was taken away. IDPS right?
A: Yes, IDPS is right, as the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded, but there is no permit. The driver is responsible for exceeding the dimensions.

Q: The walls of the refrigerator, which according to the documents has a width of 2.6 m, are “inflated” even without cargo, will the rights be taken away?
A: Yes, they will.

Q: The height of the vehicle on the raised cushions (meaning the axle cushions, analogue of the springs) in the transport position is 402 cm, will the rights be taken away?
A: Yes, the rights will be taken away. If in the transport position the vehicle exceeds the dimensions, then these are your problems, they do not care about IDPS. Try to bleed air during stops or look for legal justifications for the fact that your vehicle was measured not in accordance with GOST.

Q: according to the documents, the cargo is 20 tons, it fits into the dimensions, it turned out on the scales that there are 25 tons, who is to blame.
A: the shipper is to blame, he will pay for all the "representation", but often it is not always possible to immediately prove this, so legal delays are possible.

As you can see, the working conditions are quite tough and the driver almost always has a good chance of being left without documents, but you should not be afraid of this and give money, since giving a bribe is a serious article, and your guilt has yet to be proven in court. According to the stories of those who carry oversized cargo, there are years when they travel for 8-10 months a year not with a license, but with a temporary permit. The main thing is to know the laws, and not at the level of “heard somewhere”, but verbatim formulations and, if possible, carry a collection of laws with you.

Transportation of goods is a responsible procedure that requires consideration of many factors. Often, in the process of such transportation, it is necessary to transport various oversized items - objects whose dimensions exceed the norms established in the traffic rules. Experienced drivers know that special requirements are imposed on the transit of such goods. This means that they cannot be transported in a conventional car trailer or train carriage.

How to make the transportation of oversized cargo by road as safe as possible? This article will discuss the rules for the delivery of such non-standard objects and the legal norms that regulate the order of transportation. In addition, we will talk about a number of requirements for the driver of this vehicle, as well as his responsibility for exceeding the weight of the load.

Any cargo carried by car, must correspond to the size that the legislation imposes on him. In this regard, there are a number of restrictions on the delivery of such objects. So, according to the SDA, the cargo must not:

  • Protrude beyond the length of the vehicle front and rear by more than 1 meter;
  • Exceed the car in width by more than 2.25 meters;
  • Have dimensions in height of more than 4 meters.

If the length of the transported object exceeds 1 meter, it is necessary to install a sign of bulky cargo - it is a white square with red stripes drawn diagonally. If the permissible norm is exceeded by more than 2 meters, the cargo cannot be transported without the agreement of the driver with the traffic police. As for the violation of height standards, in this case it is necessary to hang up two “oversized” signs - in front and behind. In the dark, in addition, reflectors should be added to them. This is necessary in order to ensure their visibility to other drivers. Permission for heavier cargo can be obtained both for one trip and within a period of 1 to 3 months.

SDA requirements

Oversized cargo and heavyweights must be transported in accordance with the requirements of traffic rules. Moreover, some features of such transits are regulated federal laws No. 127 and 257. According to these documents, oversized cargo can be delivered only on condition that it:

  • Securely fastened;
  • Does not violate the stability of the car;
  • Does not restrict the driver's view;
  • Does not interfere with movement;
  • Does not cover flickers and signs for other drivers;
  • No noise, no pollution and no harm to the environment.

The transported cargo must be securely stowed and secured so that there is no shift, fall or any other trouble. It should also not interfere with the driver's driving. Thus, transportation of an object blocking its view is allowed only in cases where the vehicle has both side rear-view mirrors. In no case should the transported object create obstacles to other motorists, as well as other obstacles on the road.

If a convoy moves along with the cargo, then several requirements are also imposed on it. At the same time, one of the cars must be empty - it is intended to replace the main vehicle in case of unforeseen circumstances. So, escort drivers must:

  • Have warning signs;
  • Keep a safe distance between each other;
  • Obtain a travel permit and pass a technical inspection.

Driver Responsibilities

Another important point- compliance with the speed limit. The maximum speed of a vehicle with a load on the carriageway should be 60 km/h, and on the bridge - 15 km/h. The driver cannot deviate from the established route. In particular, he is strictly forbidden to drive in adverse weather conditions, such as ice and poor visibility, as well as to drive along the side of the road.

If a permit is required for the carriage of oversized cargo by road, the driver must issue it immediately. For example, it can be the transportation of large equipment or special equipment. It is better to apply for a pass in advance, since it may take up to 30 working days to receive it at the traffic police. During this time, traffic police officers are required to check the proposed route for obstructions to traffic. You may be denied permission to transit if there is a safer way to transport the cargo: rail, air and sea transportation. If it is possible to disassemble the heavy weight into parts and perform several transportations, you will also be denied a pass.

Responsibility for violation of requirements

The driver driving the vehicle is fully responsible for compliance with the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo. In case of non-compliance with them, he must immediately take measures to eliminate them, and if possible, stop the movement of the car. In addition, the owner of the transport must constantly monitor the condition of the cargo in order to avoid falling or damaging it. The object must not harm either the car itself or other road users.

For improper organization of delivery, the driver of the vehicle may be fined. So, when transporting a large-sized object without a special permit, the motorist must pay from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles, and if the weight of the cargo is exceeded - from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. As for the transportation of objects exceeding their size, in this case the driver may face deprivation of rights for a period of 2 to 4 months. In addition to it, officials and legal entities may be held administratively liable.