Shower      06/23/2020

Temperature and humidity in the steam room: optimal and acceptable standards. What temperature and humidity in the Russian bath are the most correct Russian steam bath

Bath is a real panacea for diseases. Bath procedures improve blood circulation, thereby accelerating metabolic processes. But for comfort in the bath, you need an appropriate microclimate. The optimal ratio of temperature and humidity is 60/60. At the same time, higher temperature and humidity levels cause tangible discomfort. And the lack of humidity makes the soaring procedure unpleasant. Therefore, many lovers of the Russian bath are wondering how to raise the humidity in it.

How to make your stay comfortable

The Russian bath requires knowledge and the ability to bathe: in order for the steam in the bath to be “light”, you must be a master of bathing

There can be many reasons for the lack of humidity in the steam room. The most common of these is the wrong selection of the furnace. Modern stoves designed for baths or saunas. The second option involves dry heat at a high temperature. As professionals say, if you increase the humidity in a hot bath (at a temperature of more than 70 ° C), you can simply cook. If you have a problem with the furnace, then it is more expedient to change it.

Some advise putting a brick screen around the stove to absorb some of the heat. In this case, to achieve right level humidity will have to be poured a large number of water on the stone.

The ideal ratio of temperature and humidity in a Russian steam room is obtained when a heat-intensive heater is made of brick.

Another reason is the dry wood of the walls and ceiling. Dry wood quickly absorbs moisture. To prevent this from happening, pour water over the walls and ceiling during the heating of the steam room. While the stove is heating, the wood will absorb some of the water and the rest will evaporate, increasing the humidity.

An unpressurized water tank attached to the stove will significantly increase the humidity. The water in the tank will heat up and evaporate. The amount of steam depends on the area of ​​​​the open hole in the tank - the larger it is, the stronger the evaporation.

You can put a metal basin with water on the shelves in the steam room, which will evaporate during the soaring process.

Finally, before taking bath procedures, you can install a humidifier or steam generator in the steam room.

This is how professionals advise to increase the humidity in the steam room to the desired level.

Many people like to visit the steam room. But in order to relax, get a positive result from the procedure, and at the same time not harm your health, you need to know what is the optimal temperature in the bath. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of humidity of the air and the quality of the steam.

Types of baths

The human body is more sensitive to heat when the humidity is high. IN different types bath buildings have a different microclimate, so it doesn’t hurt to understand their features, as well as find out how best to bathe. Consider the main types of baths that are popular.

Finding out how many degrees in the bath should be, take into account the type of steam room:

  1. Russian bath. The air here has high humidity but the heat is low. To adjust the humidity in the steam room, hot stones that are heated in the oven are poured with water. The higher it is, the more difficult it is for the body to cope with such a microclimate. The temperature in the steam room of the Russian bath reaches 60-70 degrees with a humidity of 90%. But high humidity has its own advantages, for example, in a person, all muscles and joints are qualitatively warmed up, internal organs. In the Russian version of the bath, it is also customary to use brooms, which are like a massager. When visiting the steam room, blood circulation improves, the pores on the skin open, the muscles relax and, as a result, harmful substances metabolism.
  2. Turkish bath . It will be interesting to know how many degrees in the hammam. In it, the temperature and air are noticeably different from the conditions of stay in a Russian bath. The body gets tired less here, and the atmosphere is better tolerated. The air warms up to 50 degrees, and the humidity reaches 100%. Despite the lack of intense heat, the steam is thick. You can stay in such a bath for a longer time compared to a Russian wood-fired bath.
  3. Finnish sauna. In this place, the air humidity is noticeably lower than in other types of baths. The temperature is high and the air is dry. Such an atmosphere is not well perceived by everyone - dry mouth appears, and a burning sensation occurs in the nose. On average, the temperature approaches 90 degrees, but sometimes it can even exceed 110 degrees, and the humidity is only 10-15%.

The effect of heat on the human body

As blood circulation speeds up, blood pressure rises. A bath is useful for people who suffer from stagnation of blood in the limbs. However, for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, the steam room can do harm.

But some diseases can, if not get rid of, then significantly alleviate their course, subject to the regular adoption of procedures in the steam room.

These include:

  • frequent colds;
  • obesity;
  • allergy;
  • circulatory disorders.

Temperature and humidity

The bathhouse consists of three zones: a dressing room, a dressing room and a steam room. In the first of them, the temperature is about 25 degrees, and the humidity is 60%, in the dressing room, respectively, 27-29 degrees and 80%. The temperature in the steam room of the Russian bath is 50-90 degrees, the humidity is about 70%. The degrees rise gradually and the body has time to get used to the heat. The water in the reservoir should be cool, in the range of 10-25 degrees, so that you can feel the contrast with the steam.

A study was conducted to find out what temperature and how long the body can withstand.

According to it, they came to the conclusion that the higher the temperature, the less time a visitor can be in the steam room:

  • 71 degrees - 60 minutes;
  • 82 degrees - 49 minutes;
  • 93 degrees - 33 minutes;
  • 104 degrees - 26 minutes.

In the sauna and bath, it is imperative to monitor the temperature and humidity of the air. For this purpose, appropriate devices are installed in the room. If there is not enough moisture, you can pour water on the stones, when there is a lot of it, open the door slightly. In the event that it gets hot, it is recommended to sit further from the stove and preferably on the lower shelf.

At a humidity level in the range of 90-100%, the temperature should not exceed 70 degrees. If the steam room is visited by elderly or in poor health, it is recommended not to exceed 55 degrees. This Maximum temperature in the bath for them. At low humidity given parameter may be higher. More intense sweating occurs in dry, hot air.

How to visit the bath

Having found out what temperature should be in the steam room of the bath, you need to pay attention to how to attend the procedures correctly. First of all, you need to do this regularly, not occasionally.

  1. A person visiting the steam room for the first time should not stay in it for more than 5 minutes. There is no need to use brooms right away. When there were no problems during the first visit, gradually, each time, the time of stay can be increased by a couple of minutes.
  2. Those who often visit the bathhouse know that it is highly undesirable to stay in the steam room for more than half an hour. But this does not mean that you need to sit to the end - if you feel uncomfortable, you should get out of it.
  3. You should not stand in the bath, as you can get heat stroke. The position of the body must be such that favorable conditions for the outflow of lymph - you need to lie with your legs elevated. Due to this, the load on the heart is reduced. If it is impossible to lie down, it is recommended to sit so that the legs are at the level of the body.
  4. To warm up the body, you should change postures. Breathe only through your nose.
  5. Do not stand up abruptly, as you can lose your balance and fall.
  6. Regardless of the temperature of the Russian bath, it is allowed to enter the steam room 3-4 times. Moreover, after each visit, the time spent in it or the locker room should increase.
  7. Between visits to the steam room, contrasting procedures are needed. It is better to start patting with brooms after the second visit to the steam room.
  8. When the body warms up, you can do a massage. But before that, it is undesirable to go out to other rooms or drink cool drinks. After completing the massage, take warm shower and wash.
  9. A visit to the bathhouse ends after the body has dried and cooled down - you do not need to immediately go outside.


  • visit the steam room after at least 1.5 hours after eating;
  • no need to steam at a high temperature or poor health;
  • no smoking;
  • remove metal objects from yourself to avoid burns;
  • no need to wash your hair in the steam room;
  • you need to remain calm and not make sudden movements;
  • you can not go to the bath on an empty stomach and take alcohol;
  • before going outside, you should cool down and rest;
  • you should use a broom only on a steamed body;
  • you need to wash only after the steam room;
  • when visiting the steam room, you should not immediately lie down on the top shelf;
  • on the first run, you do not need to create a lot of steam.

You need to bring bath accessories:

  • sheet and towel;
  • soap and shampoo;
  • brooms;
  • a cap on the head and slippers;
  • robe;
  • comb
  • drinking water.

Arrangement of ventilation and thermal insulation

The level of heat and its safety depends on how well the thermal insulation is performed, and how the bath is built. To keep the heat longer, a heat insulator is laid between the walls during construction. Only then can the optimum temperature for the Russian bath be maintained.

The steam room should be built in such a way that the heat cannot escape. To this end, the doors are made low, and the thresholds are high. It is better to place the stove near the door, then the steam room will warm up evenly. To keep the floor surface warm, flooring laid in several layers.

Ventilation in the sauna is necessary in order to maintain the same pressure from inside and outside. As for the Russian version of the bath, the air pressure in it is increased, so steam must be supplied carefully so that the doors do not come out. A bath with high humidity leaves condensate on all surfaces, so after a visit, dry cleaning and long-term ventilation are required.

Humidity, temperature and ventilation are three interrelated and interdependent characteristics of any bath that determine the comfort and benefits of the soaring procedure. Raising one of them requires changing the others. By varying these values, an optimal microclimate for steamers is achieved.

Normally, the air humidity in a Russian bath is 80-100%, and the temperature is 50-60 degrees Celsius. Such high humidity is perfectly tolerated by the human body.

When does it need to be reduced?

If the oven is incorrectly selected or installed, the temperature regime in a steam room. When the temperature changes more than the specified norm in the Russian bath, the steam becomes “heavy” and intense heat is felt. This happens if the power of the furnace does not correspond to the volume of the steam room. During operation metal furnaces with a tank, sometimes there are complaints about an increase in humidity at a low temperature in the steam room (40-45 degrees). Water boils early, when the bath has not yet warmed up.

Therefore, even at the design stage, it is necessary to choose a suitable furnace. An increase in humidity in the bath is possible due to inadequate air exchange.

Ventilation in log bath it was not specially thought out, since the humidity in the street and in the steam room was set approximately the same. The issue was resolved by the building itself. Now there are various modifications to the construction of baths, and ventilation planning should be given Special attention. If the bath is already built, sometimes it is necessary to install a forced fan to eliminate this problem.

There is a method to reduce the accumulation of condensate on the ceiling and walls in the bath (and, as a result, increase their service life), as well as to ensure the creation of an adequate steam pocket.

Hot air collects under the ceiling and settles on it. The tree first absorbs moisture, and then stops, and a so-called steam pocket is created. For adequate steam production, the ceiling must be heat-retaining.

To do this, at the construction stage of the bath, the following design should be formed.

When the walls are already erected, sewn on them and on the ceiling construction stapler reflecting thermal insulation material- penofol. It overlaps in a certain way: one edge overlaps the other to create a continuous layer. Then wide bars are nailed to which eurolining will be attached. As a result, an air gap is created between the inner and outer skin walls and ceiling.

The blower of the furnace is mounted below the floor level, and the concrete is poured with a slope towards the sewer. Logs are installed in the form of a platform, they lay under them waterproofing material, and floorboards are laid on top. Under top layer the floor also forms an air gap.

How does this design work?

Hot steam passes from the room through the eurolining and lingers between it and the penofol layer, creating a steam pocket. When condensation forms due to the temperature difference, it flows down to the floor along the foil. The blower door opens and moist air escapes through the chimney.

So, high humidity in the bath will be comfortable if, at the design stage, you choose the right model and size of the stove and think over ventilation. In order for the bath to last longer and create the right steam pocket, you need to create air gaps in the ceiling, walls and floor.

As soon as they don’t call a bathhouse in Russia! In Russian folklore, she is both a “kindred mother”, and a “healer”, and “a savior from seven troubles”. Semyon Gerasimovich Zybelin, a student of M.V. Lomonosov, the first Russian professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University, in his book “On bathing, baths and baths” wrote about the process of washing in a bath as a pleasure. And he called the state after the bath a rebirth of strength and a renewal of feelings. His works are still being used not only by doctors, but also by everyone who in one way or another studies the properties of the bath.

There are a lot of works about the bath in general and specifically about the Russian bath. Among those who studied how the Russian bath affects the human body was the scientist, academician Ivan Tarkhanov (1846–1908) and his contemporary Professor Vyacheslav Manassein. So, Tarkhanov wrote that it is enough to slightly prick a steamed person with a pin, and he will immediately bleed in drops. This is due, according to the scientist, with an increase in body temperature when a person takes a steam bath. Blood thickens, hemoglobin rises. However, in order for the blood to return to normal, it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses of water. At what temperature did Tarkhanov's subjects soar, if his further conclusions indicate a decrease in body weight from 140 to 580 grams at this time, an increase in circumference chest and reduction (envy, women!) of the circumference of the abdomen?

It makes no sense to talk about a specific traditional temperature and humidity in a Russian bath. In numerous works of Russian scientists - A. Fadeev. V. Godlevsky, V. Znamensky, S. Kostyurin, N. Zasetsky and many others - they talk about a bath with different temperatures. So, in a classic Russian bath, the temperature ranges from 40 to 60 degrees Celsius and humidity is kept at about the same percentage level (40–60). In such a bath, the body heats up very slowly. A person is able to sit in the steam room for up to an hour. With such a combination of temperature and humidity, medical scientists note a very high inhalation effect of the procedure.

But try to lure a real bather into such a bath. He won't understand you. The steam must be strong. That is, the temperature is higher - the humidity is lower. Such baths warm up to 70-90 degrees, and the humidity there does not exceed 35 percent. If the temperature reaches 100 degrees and above, and the humidity drops even more, then we are talking about a bath, which we call a “sauna”. However, according to the works of the scientists already named, it is not difficult to trace that long before they got acquainted with the Finnish sauna, there were always lovers of high temperature and very low humidity in the steam room in Russia.

The temperature and humidity in a Russian bath largely depend on the design of its furnace. If an open water tank is used in the steam room, then as the temperature rises, the water evaporates - and the bath is provided with increased humidity. The temperature of the stones in the heater in such a bath does not rise above 300 degrees Celsius. If water is poured on the stones, the so-called heavy steam is formed. It hangs in the form of mist and adversely affects the respiratory tract.

On the contrary, a closed container, and even remote from the oven, does not emit moisture at all. The stones in such a steam room can warm up to 700 degrees. It is enough to pour a bucket of water on the heater, and the liquid instantly turns into dry steam, it is also called light, or dispersed. This means that water molecules and air molecules are mixed in it.

Teachers and students of the First Moscow Medical Institute, having studied modern Russian baths, came to the conclusion that they are universal. Baths are built in such a way that the temperature and humidity of the air there change depending on the place where you are. So, in the dressing room the temperature will be 20–25 degrees with very moderate humidity; in the washing room it reaches the lower level of a classic bath - 30–35 degrees at a humidity of 40%; and in the steam room it will increase depending on the preference of the steamer. If you do not pour water on the heater, then perhaps the temperature will remain at a level no higher than 80 degrees with a humidity of 25-30 percent. And if you want a vigorous park - you sprinkled one or two buckets of water on the heater, and the classic sauna is ready.

The main principle of the Russian bath, which is noted by all scientists without exception: there is no maximum humidity or temperature in it. Otherwise, this is not a bath, but wandering with a broom in the fog.

The main difference between a bath and a sauna is the temperature regime. There are several types of baths - dry air (sauna), wet (public steam room) and Russian steam bath. In the Russian steam room, air humidity is high (40-70%), and the optimum temperature in the steam room is 50-60º C.

Good bath - hot steam

Humidity in the steam room and on the street has almost the same indicators. The Russian bath has a mild effect on the human body. The ideal ratio of temperature and humidity in the Russian steam room is obtained when the heat-intensive heater is made of brick. It is believed that even if a metal furnace is lined with stone, there will be no such effect.

Soaring in the Russian bath

In order to maintain the required temperature in the steam room, the heater must be located in this room. This option is also allowed when the stove is heated from the rest room, and the remaining three walls are located in the steam room. Quite often, this is how the heater is placed in the bath. It will not be possible to obtain the optimal temperature if the stove is not planned correctly, when only one wall of the heater goes into the steam room.

In order for the steam in the bath to be “light”, one must be a master of the bath business. When the stones are not heated, and small droplets of water are felt in the air, the steam will be “heavy”, while it should be close to saturated in all respects. This is achieved by heating the stones in a closed furnace. The door is opened only to add water. In the Russian bath, steam is created independently, that is, it is removed from the stove.

The stove is the heart of the Russian bath

Vapor is the gaseous state of matter. When it is only in the gaseous state, the vapor is dry and saturated. Wet saturated steam is obtained when the substance is in a two-phase state. This occurs when a dry saturated steam and a boiling liquid are combined.

Kamenka for Russian bath

Such optimal performance humidity and temperature can be achieved at home and in the bathroom, but the resulting steam will be harmful to the human body. When inhaling heavy vapor, it is even possible to get burned. Some, when trying to get the right temperature in a steam room, do not consider the importance of getting dry steam.

Insulation of the ceiling in the bath

In the Russian bath are undesirable. When the stones are heated to 200-250 degrees, the air overheats. In the Russian bath, it is very important to get "light steam". That is why they choose those furnaces in which the stones are closed. Only with this oven design can good steam be extracted.

In the bath, fatigue is removed, breathing is trained, the work of the heart is stimulated, hardening and healing of the body as a whole takes place. However, we must not forget that the impact high temperatures and humidity is a kind of shock for the body. As the temperature rises, the skin heats up for the first few minutes. After that, the temperature of all internal organs increases.

In the Russian bath, steam is extracted from the stove by throwing water on the stones. The particles of the liquid become smaller, and the steam is not burning, but pleasant, the body easily tolerates it. It takes skill and concentration to make good steam. In the sauna, the conditions are stable during the entire stay there.

In the Russian steam room, on the contrary, conditions are constantly changing. You can’t just lie in it, but you need to perform some actions. It is necessary to give and lower steam, as well as perform other actions. Therefore, the Russian bath requires knowledge and the ability to bathe, as well as more time. It is necessary to invest in the process of soaring not only the mind, but also the soul. The oven door is opened only to pour water on the stones. The furnace, which is installed in the bath, should have a minimum heat transfer from the walls.

Russian bath interior

In the Russian steam room, ventilation also matters. In such a bath overpressure. The steam that has come out of the oven rises and collects under the ceiling. They make couples differently. Some lower it with sheets, towels, fans. Sometimes the steamers themselves wave brooms.

The steam that rises up settles on the wood. Since the wood is cold, condensation results. The tree first absorbs moisture, and then a film (1-3 mm) appears on it. A vapor bag or pocket is formed. Experts say that it should be 2.4-2.5 meters high. A threshold is also required so that steam does not come out. In the bath, they make a low door so that steam does not penetrate from the steam pocket.

In order to store steam in a pocket under the ceiling, it must be impervious to steam and have sufficient heat capacity. Make such a ceiling as follows. First, reflective thermal insulation (penofol) is attached to the floor beams. Then a board is installed that will absorb steam, thereby preventing it from escaping. Such a board is called moisture-accumulative. Its thickness is about 40-50 mm.

It covers such a ceiling, and high-strength wrapping paper (kraft paper) is laid on top and everything is poured with a clay-sand mortar. The thickness of such a layer is usually 30-50 mm. After that, the insulation is covered, its thickness should be at least 150 mm. The next layer is a windproof film. In order for the temperature regime in the bath to be maintained, it is necessary to properly make the ceiling. The walls do not play a big role in the bath. Although, if desired, you can insulate the walls, or sheathe them with wooden clapboard.

Steam room thermometer and hygrometer

Special stainless steel fan wooden handle, which looks like an oval loop, is used to lower steam. It is usually covered with fabric. Move steam to closed door when everyone is already in the bath, so as not to lose part of the steam.

When preparing steam, one pours water on the stones, and the other disperses the air with a fan. Stop pouring water when there is enough steam in the bath. For this reason, the ceiling in the bath is not made low so that there is a steam supply. In the bath, in addition to steam, there should be enough air.

In order for it to be pleasant and easy to breathe in the bath, the air must be infused. Water is poured on hot stones. Steam, mixing with the air of the steam room, interacts with it, and as a result, good and easy breathing is obtained.

In the bath you can lie below. Soaring with a broom can lower the steam. The Russian banya should be prepared for a long time and “survive”. Within six to seven hours, the temperature should gradually rise. During this time, the stones are heated to the required temperature, and after that you can start bathing procedures.

The bath should be well and properly built so that it can be easily heated and fired up the stove. When it is necessary to take into account the fact that the recommended dimensions of the steam room are approximately 2.5x2.5x2.5. It is not recommended to plan smaller sizes. Usually in a family bath, 3-4 people take bath procedures at the same time. The oven is located closer to the door. There should be a distance of 70-80 cm between the stove and the wall. In this place, you can place basins, brooms, and also put benches.

Biometric type thermometers, alcohol ones, are installed in the steam room, but mercury thermometers use is not recommended. After a broken mercury thermometer, the steam room will be completely unusable. Of course, there is a special way to collect mercury and reusable treatment of the premises (demercusation), but this is a very long and expensive process.

Modern interior of Russian bath

In the Russian steam room, you need to decide on the power of the unit. This is important to ensure that the temperature in the steam room is comfortable. Among the sauna stoves, wood-burning heaters are in the lead. There is a large selection on the market today. Buyers pay attention to parameters such as dimensions and stylish design equipment. Must be carefully studied specifications aggregates. For a Russian bath, the most common stove is a steel double-walled stove, which has both a firebox and a casing.

Having melted the stove, the steam room is heated until the temperature at the shelf level is 55º-60º C. After that, steam is extracted into the room. Then they pour water on the stones three times, observing the intervals. Experienced vapers know what needs to be done to eliminate bad smell in a steam room. First, a mixture of vinegar and water (0.5 liters) is poured onto the stones. The air becomes light and pleasant. A similar procedure is carried out 2 more times, with an interval of 15 minutes, and the air "reaches". At the same time, circular movements are made, thus mixing steam and air. Deep, fragrant and warm steam envelops already after the third steaming.

Straw is spread on wooden bars. Branches of fir, juniper, spruce, stacked on shelves. Mint infusion can be splashed on the stones, and medicinal infusion of birch with thyme can be splashed on the walls. Bath procedures are completed with brooms, which are pre-soaked in a vat of ice water. They lie on the shelves and put one broom under the head, shaking off the liquid from it, and the second on the face. The body basks under the hot steam, while the soul enjoys the coolness. You can take turns taking out different brooms - oak, linden, and so on. To do this, it is not even necessary to get up from the shelf, but only to reach out and get a cold broom out of the vat.

Make two or three visits to the bath. In order to warm up the body well, the broom is periodically lifted up and shaken. Having sweated well, you can also plunge into the ice hole. After that, the body perceives 70º C, and even all 90º C. In the end, you can relax even at 60 degrees. On final stage massage the body with birch brooms with soapy foam.

The interior of the steam room in the bath

The heat that is created in the steam room should not burn, but only gently envelop the body. The intensity of heat depends on where the stove is located and what material it is made of. The ripening time in each bath is individual. Used for bath cladding different breeds trees that have different characteristics. Uniform heating of both surfaces and air creates comfort and contributes to saturation with pleasant aromas of herbs. At the same time, comfortable sensations appear gradually while a person is in the bath. The warmth is getting better every minute.

The speed of air movement affects the microclimate in the bath. If the air is standing still, evaporation on the body is minimal. When they begin to make whipping movements with a broom, they also increase evaporation. With an increase in warming and sweating of the body, feelings of discomfort may occur.

  • fire up the oven. The temperature is chosen individually, and procedures begin at 40-45 degrees;
  • going into the bath, you need to sit down and relax;
  • depending on addictions, they stay in the bath for 20-30 minutes, or they make 3-5 visits;
  • for the first time, water (5-7 liters) is sprayed on the walls, but not on the heater;
  • optimum temperature in the bath they create for a certain humidity;
  • need to rest after the second call.
  • having entered the third time, pour water on the ceiling (2-3 liters), then you need to open the heater and warm up the humid air a little. After that, only 50-100 grams of water is poured onto the stones.

Compared to the sauna, the temperature regime in the bath is characterized by increased air humidity. You can increase the humidity and temperature for a short time by watering the stones in the steam room. used to heat stones gas ovens. These are large structures that must accumulate heat. Moreover, this heat should be enough for long time work of a public steam room.

Wet steam in a Russian bath

For such a long period of operation of the bath, the temperature may be different at certain hours. For example, in the morning the oven walls reach 100 degrees, and the stones are very hot. Opening the door to the steam room, the soaring feels a strong warmth. During these hours, the ceiling and walls of the steam room get very hot, so in the bath it will look more like a sauna. In the evening, on the contrary, the walls of the furnace and the stones cool down. This is also bad for the Russian bath.

The most best temperature for a Russian steam room - 60 degrees, and the oven walls should not exceed a temperature of 90 degrees. Otherwise, the stove will overheat the steam room.

There are two circuits. The first is internal high temperature, the second is external low temperature. The material from which the inner contour is made is refractory fireclay bricks. The outer contour is made of red brick. The air gap reduces heat radiation and prevents overheating of the heater walls.

Temperature outer surface ovens can be adjusted by opening the circulation doors. Required amount stones are determined by calculations, and on their basis the thermal balance of the steam room is made.

In order to keep the heat accumulated by the stove, it is necessary that the stones warm up strongly, but at the same time and evenly. Therefore, a bell-type heating mode for stones is used. In this mode, not only the required warm-up time is reduced, but also the gas consumption.

Firebox optimal sizes The furnace has divided furnace arches. Such design of a fire chamber protects from an overheat of a bearing arch. It is also possible to make repairs without dismantling the entire furnace. The firebox is not connected to the walls of the thermal chamber, therefore, it is protected from the formation of cracks.

There are sauna lovers who prefer temperatures over 100 degrees. Especially for them, it is possible to regulate the heating of the steam room, that is, to create conditions close to the sauna regime.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. In order to free access to the furnace, open the door of the furnace window. Heat is radiated into the steam room and the temperature rises.
  2. The water supply door opens, and then the air valves.

How to steam in the bath

Furnace designers provided for the possibility of creating a normal temperature regime in the Russian bath. This is very important point so that the steam room can be heated, and at the same time the walls of the furnace do not heat up. Thanks to this, in the Russian bath, you can create the optimal temperature and regularly maintain it at the right level.

With light steam in a bath (for example, with a humidity level of 80%), the following happens: the mass of water breaks up into small drops. With heavy steam, for example, humidity is 30%, water molecules stick together into one drop. This process in the field of physics is called the degree of dispersion of water, or steam moisture. Some confuse this concept with air humidity, but this is not true.

It can be concluded that the higher the temperature in the bath rises, and the evaporation occurs from a large surface, the more dispersed the steam. Such steam is called light. Simultaneously with evaporation, another process takes place in the bath - condensation.

You can measure the temperature in the bath using a conventional glass capillary thermometer. In a bath, for example, the temperature is 40 degrees, the thermometer shows the same value. If you understand that the thermometer imitates the temperature of the human body, you can conduct an experiment. To do this, wet the thermometer, the readings will gradually decrease. This will indicate that the temperature of the human body will also decrease.

In meteorology, the concept of a wet thermometer has long existed (an ordinary thermometer wrapped in a damp cotton swab). On a dry bulb thermometer, you can see the temperature in the steam room. What temperature the human body will tend to, shows a wet bulb thermometer.

It is very easy to explain why the thermometer shows different temperatures. When there is moisture on the surface of a body (living or inanimate), it evaporates. Evaporation of the liquid causes the object to cool. The concept of a wet bulb in meteorology is very important. It is quite clear that speaking about the temperature regime in the bath, it is necessary to mention the humidity.

A person must adapt to each bath. Fans of the steam room believe that the nature of the bath is better known not by the builder, but by the attendant himself. It will need to be further studied. The Russian banya must not only be built, but also steam must be created in it. They say that there are no two identical Russian baths, but a truly Russian person will adapt and make good steam, even in a not very good steam room.

Russian bath - font of health


The temperature regime in the bath is influenced by a number of factors. What matters is the temperature in the steam room, the humidity and the speed of air movement. No less important is the thermal radiation from the furnace and its intensity. The design of the heater, baths and a number of other factors affect the climatic parameters.