Well      06/29/2020

Interesting facts about flowers in brief. Interesting facts about flowers for children. Violation of crop rotation rules

Greetings dear readers to the blog site. Have you heard the expression “Health is more valuable than wealth”? I think yes. Everyone knows about this, but many are negligent about the most valuable thing a person has. Today I want to once again talk to you about the harm from smoking cigarettes and its effect on the human body, maybe someone will think about it and look at this habit differently.

The information that smoking is one of the most common habits that harms all body systems may not be something new. But nevertheless, it will be useful to read for smokers, especially for teenagers and pregnant women. It is much better and more enjoyable to exercise in the gym and look strong and healthy at the same time.

What is included in cigarettes?

Indeed, one cigarette contains more than 4000 harmful substances! They can be divided into three groups: nicotine, tar and toxic gases. The worst health hazard is caused by nicotine, a drug, a potent toxin found in tobacco leaves and capable of causing addiction no less than heroin or cocaine.

The effects of nicotine can be described in two phases: stimulation and exhaustion. First, the drug irritates the brain's receptors and dilates the blood vessels, significantly increasing the heart rate. Then there is a decline in activity, a period of exhaustion and depression sets in, which makes you want to increase the dose in order to feel better. As soon as a person receives the desired portion, he feels temporary satisfaction.

Below in the photo you can see the entire list of substances harmful to health.

The following, no less dangerous substance- resin. It's actually not one specific toxin. Resin is a collection of substances that remain on the cigarette filter. Nicotine and water do not fall into this group. This toxin poses a high risk to overall health. When you inhale cigarette smoke, thousands of substances enter the respiratory tract, which not only settle on the lungs, forming a sticky residue, but are also distributed throughout the body. While nicotine is dangerous because it causes addiction, tar kills the body's immune cells, which leads to premature death.

Examples of toxic gases include carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide. The first is a colorless and odorless gas that has the property of combining with hemoglobin at a rate hundreds of times higher than oxygen does. As a result, oxygen is replaced by oxide, which leads to oxygen starvation, as the body experiences a lack of vital gas. The consequences, naturally, are negative. The heart and lungs begin to work actively to give the body what it did not receive from oxygen. There is a risk of earlier death.

Carbon monoxide is no less harmful. Being carbon monoxide, it narrows the walls of blood vessels, damages arteries and cellular respiration. Thus, the death rate from heart attacks increases.

And these substances are far from the limit. The composition of cigarettes is very complex; they contain thousands of poisons that are mutagenic, toxic and, in turn, extremely active.

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So, the harm of smoking is obvious. However, not everyone knows what diseases can follow addiction. Since a smoker experiences destruction of many tissues and organs, the range of diseases is very wide.

One of the most common diseases among smokers is cancer. And not only the lungs, throat and mouth, caused by the passage of smoke through the respiratory tract, but also other organs of the body: bladder, kidneys, esophagus. In women who smoke, the risk of acquiring cervical cancer increases many times.

Smoking also causes cardiovascular diseases. As is known, nicotine increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, as a result of which this substance is deposited on the walls of veins, arteries and blood vessels, which leads to their narrowing, and then to the formation of blood clots and blood clots. The risk of heart diseases such as coronary thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis, stroke and others increases.

A pressing problem for smokers is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease causes partial restriction of air flow into the lungs. Once in the lungs, smoke irritates the tissues with various pathogenic particles and gases. There is shortness of breath, cough with copious mucus secretion. Lung dysfunction is actively developing.

Smoking poses a particular risk for women. In addition to the organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the reproductive system, which performs the childbearing function, is at risk. All poisons and toxins accumulate in a woman’s egg, which reduces her fertility by half. Smoking in the first weeks of pregnancy can have especially serious consequences. Since the embryo is just implanting into the wall of the uterus, the risk of miscarriage will increase fivefold. Even if the pregnancy was normal, the consequences expressed in various diseases nervous system, may be visible several years after the birth of the child.

There are so many terrible diseases that smokers suffer from. And this is not an exaggeration. These are not all the consequences of a bad habit. There are many other factors that prove that smoking is evil:

  • bad breath, yellowing and decay of teeth, deterioration of the quality of the nail plate;
    decrease in the body's immune activity;
  • scientists have proven that smoking impairs the sense of smell and the ability to detect tastes and smells;
    a significant number of cases of fires caused by smoldering cigarettes have been recorded;
  • there are complications in visual acuity, sleep and memory;
  • an increase in the number of so-called passive smokers. Most often, children whose parents smoke are at risk.

We don't know the whole truth about tobacco. Only one thing is clear that smoking is one of the most terrible threats to mankind. It's not just a habit - it's a weapon mass destruction, which kills thousands of people every year. You yourself hang this stone around your neck, and you yourself can save yourself from a rash decision to ruin your life.

Financial costs of cigarettes

Another interesting fact is that a heavy smoker spends a lot of money on daily tobacco purchases.

If a person smokes one pack of cigarettes every day with an average cost of $1, that’s $30 per month. At the same time, for a year it comes out to at least $360. And this amount was spent on ruining personal health. For many, this amount is close to a month's salary. Now imagine that you go to work for a whole month to stock up on cigarettes for a year. To say the least, it's just stupid.

Therefore, before you start smoking, think about whether you need it. This is where I will conclude today’s article. Bye everyone.

There is nothing surprising or funny about the habit of poisoning the body with nicotine. However, addiction to tobacco has left many interesting facts - historical and medical. Let's talk about the most sensational ones.

At first, tobacco brought to Europe from America did not take root well. To increase its sales, traders talked about the benefits of smoking for the health of body and spirit. They were echoed by doctors and clergy: maybe out of conviction, or maybe for a good reward. It was believed that tobacco could cure about 40 diseases, and also exorcise evil spirits.

Today, only a lazy obstetrician would not warn a pregnant woman about the dangers of smoking for the fetus. But at the beginning of the last century, tobacco was even prescribed to expectant mothers so that they would not gain extra pounds.

If you are quitting smoking, give up mint chewing gum: its taste encourages smokers to break their promise to themselves...

According to psychologists, the popularity of smoking lies in its outward innocence: well, a person smokes half a pack a day - and so what, nothing special happens? Those sentenced to execution feel just as carefree (for the time being), knowing that the sentence will be carried out in 20-30 years.

Smoking is harmful not only in itself. It becomes a faithful ally of other vices. If a person is also addicted to alcohol, cigarettes “hit” his larynx, liver and esophagus. A lot of drunkards and at the same time smokers die from cancer of these organs.

Cigarettes are still among the most popular products in the world.

When we inhale cigarette smoke, we introduce lead, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, arsenic, hydrocyanic acid and more than 40 other compounds, many of which contribute to the appearance of malignant tumors.

You can only buy cigarettes in Japan from the age of 20. In the rest of the world, the limit is from 18.

The United States has the most balanced number of women and men smoking: this ratio is approximately equal, but there are still more men. But in Islamic states, 44% of men smoke and only 4% of women.

By buying lightweight cigarettes, a smoker causes himself no less harm, and sometimes even more. After all, he does not get enough of them, experiences a tobacco hunger and runs to the smoking room much more often than a lover of “stronger” cigarettes.

Cigarette smoke contains aromas of vanilla, clove, lavender, bay leaf, cocoa, rum and even vinegar.

  • Opening a bottle with a standard pack of cigarettes.