Well      06/14/2019

Lesson notes on furniture in kindergarten. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic: Summary of an open lesson “Furniture. "Where did the table come from"

Even the ancient nomad's yurt had some furniture. What can we say about modern house! Without furniture, a person’s comfortable existence in the civilized world is impossible. When reviewing the lexical topic “Furniture” with children, refer to the useful experience of your colleagues outlined in the publications in this section.

Here you can find ready plans and notes of classes, projects, GCD on the topics “Furniture around us”, etc. Pay attention to the original games and manuals on this topic, created by yourself. They will help diversify your classes, save them from repetition and will not give a single chance to boredom. Use the information outlined here in your work. useful ideas by use toy furniture for dolls and baby dolls.

We complement and consolidate children’s ideas about furniture and its meaning in human life.

Showing publications 1-10 of 586.
All sections | Furniture. Thematic lesson notes, games and manuals for children on the lexical topic “Furniture”

Summary of direct educational activities “Furniture for a cat from the fairy tale “Cat’s House” Abstract direct educational activities in the preparatory school group Subject : Furniture for a cat from a fairy tale "Cat house" Made up: Achkasova N.V. – teacher, without category Types of children’s activities: educational, gaming, communicative Target: Extension...

Summary of a lesson on speech development with design elements “Furniture” for children of the first junior group Private preschool educational institution "KINDERGARTEN No. 191 Open Joint Stock Company" "Russian railways» Abstract direct educational activities on speech development with elements design on the topic : « Furniture» For children junior preschool...

Furniture. Thematic lesson notes, games and manuals for children on the lexical topic “Furniture” - Presentation “Educational journey through kindergarten “The History of an Old Chair”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

"Furniture". Summary of an open lesson on speech development using TRIZ technology methods in a senior speech therapy group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 176 “Little Country” Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech on the topic “Furniture” (using TRIZ-RTV technology methods) for the senior “B” group, teacher M.D. Parsieva, Vladikavkaz, 2018. Abstract...

Lesson on speech development in senior preschool age using the collage “Tomato - sofa” P: Tell me what you see in the picture? R: I see a tomato, a sofa, a teapot, a dog, a saucepan, a dress, carrots, a table, a jacket, a rooster, a wardrobe and a mug. P: Do you think it’s possible to combine these items according to any criteria? Can we call them in one word? If a child...

Summary of an integrated lesson for children with mental retardation using the application “Sofa for Antoshka” Lesson summary for the application “Sofa for Antoshka” Objectives: Continue to introduce children to the concept and general word “Furniture”; continue getting acquainted with various types furniture (sofa, ottoman, bed, etc.); form a stable idea of ​​color (green, blue,...

Furniture. Thematic notes of lessons, games and manuals for children on the lexical topic “Furniture” - Notes of an open lesson on speech development “Lots of furniture in the apartment” in the middle group

Summary of an open lesson on speech development on the topic “A lot of furniture in the apartment” in the middle group Tasks: Educational area “Cognition” To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about furniture, the materials from which furniture is made. Learn to distinguish and name furniture parts. Form...

Lesson topic: The apartment we live in


- get acquainted with the concept of “furniture”;

- cultivate a desire to help as much as possible, to rejoice, to feel satisfaction when you do a good deed for another;

- teach how to take care of things and toys.

Vocabulary work: nouns (apartment, table, bed, wardrobe, chair, furniture, shop, money); adjectives (empty, special, gaming, furniture, necessary); verbs (sit, store, bought, dine, sculpt, give).

Equipment: Stepashka doll, pictures depicting pieces of furniture (chair, table, bed, wardrobe), plasticine, boards for working with it, stacks.

Educator. Guys, Stepashka came to visit us in kindergarten. (Brings in a doll.) He is crying.

Children. Stepashka, what happened?

Educator(with a doll in his hands). Stepashka received a new apartment, but it is empty. He does not know what to do. Guys, let's help him.

Stepashka. I don’t have in my apartment... (Make riddles.)

With legs, but not walking,

With a backrest, not lying down. (Chair.)

Shows a picture of a chair.

Children. Chairs.

Educator. Stepashka has no chairs. What are they needed for?

Children. They sit on them.

Stepashka. Guess what else I don't have?

I am sweet to the tired

But we will feed the sick. (Bed.)

Shows a picture of a bed.

Children. Bed. Stepashka doesn't have a bed.

Educator. Guys, what is a bed for?

Children. They sleep on it.

Stepashka. I don't have it yet...

Guess the riddle.

Four brothers

They huddle under one roof,

Everyone has the same name. (Table.)

Shows a picture of a table.

Children. Table. Stepashka doesn't have a table.

Educator. What is the table for?

Children. They eat at the table.

Stepashka. I also need...

What's in the house for clothes? (Closet.)

Shows a picture of a cabinet.

Children. Closet.

Educator. What is a closet for?

Children. Clothes are stored in it.

Educator. Stepashka has no chairs, table, wardrobe, or bed. What is the name in one word for everything that should be in the apartment?

Children. Furniture.

Educator. Guys, where do you get the furniture from at home?

Children. Mom and dad bought it at the store.

Stepashka. How is it in the store? I buy bread and milk at the store, but I haven’t seen any furniture there.

Educator. It is sold in a special store. Guys, what is it called?

Children. Furniture.

Educator. Guys, let's help Stepashka buy furniture.

Children. Let's.

The teacher, children and Stepashka go to a play furniture store.

Stepashka. Guys, thank you for helping me choose furniture for my apartment and giving me chairs; When I arrange the furniture, I will invite you all to visit me. Goodbye.

Exercise 1. Name all the objects in the picture. First one by one, then one word at a time.

Task 2. Think and answer

  • What furniture has legs?
  • Seat?
  • Back?
  • Tabletop?

Game 3. " Big - small” continue the phrase.

  • The big one is a closet, and the small one is a locker.
  • The big one is a table, and the small one is...
  • The big one is a chair, and the small one is...
  • The big one is the bed, and the small one is...
  • The big one is a sofa, and the small one is...

Game 4.“Describe a piece of furniture according to the diagram”:

Look, you need to tell about a piece of furniture according to the diagram. In the first rectangle you see a question mark. He asks us to tell us what we are talking about, what object is encrypted in the assistant scheme.
The second rectangle helps answer the question of how and where the encrypted item is used.
The third rectangle shows the materials from which it is made.
In the fourth, the form is encrypted.

The child must guess what is encrypted and correctly tell about this object (table).

Lesson 5. Create order by putting things in their places.

Task 6. Write a story about how furniture is made, following the diagram in the picture.

Task 7. Think, remember and answer.

— List the pieces of furniture in the kitchen
— List………in the living room
— List………in the hallway room
— List ………in the bedroom
— List………in the children’s room
- From building material, designer assemble pieces of furniture
— List all the pieces of furniture that currently surround the preschooler
- Count the number of identical objects (one chair, two chairs, three chairs; one closet, two closets)

Task 8. Finish the sentence:

  • We need a chair...
  • We need a bed...
  • We need a closet...
  • We need a sofa...
  • We need a table...
  • We need a shelf...

Game 9.“Divide furniture into appropriate rooms”

Lesson 10. Compare:

  • Sofa and bed
  • Armchair and chair
  • Table and chair
  • Wardrobe and chest of drawers
  • Chair and stool

Task 11. Guess the item by description:

1. Wooden, 4 legs, round, dining?
2. Wooden, rectangular, does it have doors?
3. Has 4 legs, back, seat, plastic?
4. Rectangular, soft, you can sleep on it, does it have a back?

Task 12. Solve the crossword

Game 13. " What's extra?

1. Sofa, armchair, bedside table, buffet
2. Bed, wardrobe, pan, table
3. Table, chair, TV, wardrobe
4. Chest of drawers, wardrobe, bedside table, chair
5. Couch, shelf, chair, stool
6. Sofa, armchair, bed, chandelier

Game 14.“What kind of furniture is hidden in the picture?”

Game 15. " Say it in one word"

Wooden table – (wooden)
Plastic chair -...
Glass bedside table -...
Iron bed -...
Leather sofa - ...

Task 16. Solve riddles

Game 17."One-many"

  • One table - many tables
  • One chair -...
  • One bed - …
  • One closet -...
  • One chest of drawers -...
  • One stool -...
  • One chair -...
  • One shelf -...
  • One sofa -...

Lesson 18. Find objects in the picture using the prepositions in, on, under, for, between, about

Lesson 19. Fold the picture and several parts. Name the item.

Task 20. Identify an object by its part (cabinet door, back of a sofa, table leg, chair seat, etc.)

Task 21. Describe a piece of furniture in such a way that others can understand what we are talking about.

Game 22."What is missing?"

Task 23. Imagine yourself as a salesperson furniture store. Explain in detail what is sold in it.

Task 24. What is the name of the furniture?

  • The table where they eat? (dining)
  • A table where lessons are taught?
  • A table with a computer on it?
  • A table to put magazines on?
  • A cabinet where books are stored?
  • A closet where clothes are stored?
  • Bed for children?

Task 25. Which plan suits this room?

Game 26. " What has changed in the bottom picture?”

Task 27. Make up a story based on the picture, describing in detail what objects are in the room, their appearance, location.

Game 28. Based on the previous picture, draw up a room plan.

Video speech therapy session with children on the topic “Furniture”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 21"


Direct educational activities

on the implementation of the educational field “Cognition” (the child and the world around him)

In the middle group

For children with general speech underdevelopment

Furniture theme

Compiled by


Tomilova Yulia Alexandrovna




Educational area "Cognition"

  • To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about furniture and the materials from which furniture is made.
  • Learn to distinguish and name furniture parts.
  • Form a generalizing concept of “Furniture”.
  • Introduce the new word “armrests”.
  • Develop mental operations.
  • Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence.
  • Develop fine motor skills.

Educational field "Communication"

  • Activate and enrich the subject, high-quality, verbal dictionary on the lexical topic.
  • Activate children's speech.
  • Learn to form adjectives from nouns.
  • Make sure to use correct sound pronunciation.

Educational field "Socialization"

  • Cultivate careful handling of furniture.
  • To form a positive attitude in children to participate in classes and the ability to work in a team.

Educational field "Physical education"

  • Learn to coordinate movements with speech.

Educational field "Health"

Integrative qualities of children:to form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, adequate use of means of communication, mastery of dialogical speech, and the ability to manage one’s behavior.


Subject: furniture, table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa, chair, lid, legs, drawers, doors, handles, walls, shelves, back, seat, armrests.

Qualitative: furniture, dining, writing, book, tableware, soft, children's, adult, high, low, doll, wooden.

Verbal: do, sit, store, sleep, lie down, rest, do not break, wipe, repair.

Methods and techniques: greeting ritual, questions from the teacher, looking at the furniture, a surprise moment (meeting with the doll Lena), didactic game“Collect a picture”, ball game “What’s for what?”, result.

Health-saving technologies:gymnastics for the brain ex. “Elephant”, physical minute.

Individual work:continue to teach how to answer a question with the correct complete answer - Georgy, Vanya, Zhenya

Material: envelopes with cut pictures (furniture), doll furniture, doll, ball.

Progress of the lesson

Welcome ritual:

Educator: - Guys, let's hold hands and smile at each other to create a good mood for the whole day. To learn a lot of interesting things in our lesson, you need to be attentive, not shout out from your seat, or raise your hand.

D/i “Collect a picture”

Educator: - Guys, there are cut pictures on the tables, collect them and guess what is shown there.

(Each child collects a picture, names a piece of furniture and sits on a chair).

Main part

Educator: - Children, how can you call these objects in one word?

Children: - This is furniture.

Educator: -Where are furniture made?

Children: - At the factory.

Educator: - What is the name of the factory where furniture is made?

Children: - Furniture factory.

Educator: - Well done. Guys, after the furniture is made, it is sent to the store. What is the name of the store that sells furniture?

Children: - Furniture store.

gymnastics for the brain ex. "Elephant"

Bend your knees, press your head to your shoulder, extend your hand forward (the one with which you are writing). Draw a lazy figure eight in the air while simultaneously extending your upper torso following your arm, moving your ribs. Look beyond your fingers. Repeat this with the other hand.

Educator: - Guys, remember when we went to visit the little girl Lena? She needs your help again! Her parents bought new furniture, and Lenochka doesn’t know the name of the furniture and what it’s for. Let's help Lena.

(The children, together with the teacher, go to the doll corner, where the doll meets them.)

Educator: - Guys, where are the dishes on?

Children: - On the table.

Educator: - The table at which they dine, what table?

Children: - Dinner table.

Educator:- What is the table at which they write?

Children: - Desk.

Educator: - What parts of the table do you know?

Children: - Lid, legs, drawers (at the desk).

Educator: - Right. Guys, what is the vase of flowers on?

Children: - The vase is on the cabinet.

Educator: - Let's look at the closet. What does the closet have?

Children: - Doors, handles, walls, shelves.

Educator: - What type of cupboard are books stored in?

Children: - Bookcase.

Educator: - What type of cupboard is it in which the dishes are stored?

Children: - Cupboard.

Educator: - Well done. Guys, look where the cat is?

Children: - The cat is lying on the bed.

Educator: - Touch the bed, what is it like?

Children: - The bed is soft.

Educator:- If the bed is for children, what kind is it?

Children: - Children's bed.

Educator: - If the bed is for adults, what is it like?

Children: - Adult bed.

Educator: - Guys, what are you sitting on?

Children: - On chairs.

Educator: -What does the chair have?

Children: - The chair has a seat, a back, and legs.

Educator: - Compare two chairs. What are they?

Children: - One chair is high and the other is low.

Educator: - Right. What's next to the table?

Children: - There is a sofa and an armchair near the table.

Educator: - What do the sofa and armchair have?

Children: - Seat, back, legs.

Educator: - The sofa and armchair also have armrests. Armrests - These are the arms of a chair or sofa, on which you rest your elbow. Repeat.

(Children repeat)

Educator:- Touch the sofa and armchair, what are they like?

Children: - They are soft.

Educator: - Guys, a chair, a table, a bed, a wardrobe, an armchair, a sofa - what is it?

Children: - This is furniture.

Educator: - If the furniture is for dolls, what kind is it?

Children: - Doll furniture.

Educator: - Guys, what is the furniture made of?

Children: - The furniture is made of wood.

Educator: - If the furniture is made of wood, what kind is it?

Children: - Wooden furniture.

Educator: - Well done.

BALL GAME “What for what?”

A chair is needed in order to...(sit).

A bed is needed in order to...(sleep, lie).

A closet is needed to...(store books, dishes, clothes).

A chair is needed in order to... (sit, relax).

The sofa is needed in order to... (sit, lie).


Educator: - Children, what did we talk about today?

Children: - About furniture.

Educator: - What needs to be done to ensure that the furniture is preserved for a long time?

Children: - Don’t break it, wipe off the dust; if it’s broken, you need to fix it.

Educator: - Well done boys! The girl Lena now knows what furniture is for.

Abstract of direct educational


Educational area "Cognition"

Section “Formation of a holistic picture of the world”

Topic: "Furniture"

Middle group for children with special needs.

Prepared by the teacher:

Loginova Lyudmila Vasilievna

Syktyvkar, 2014


Integration of educational areas: OO “Communication” sections: “Formation of a dictionary”, “Sound culture of speech”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, motor.

Target: introduce children to the objects of their immediate environment: furniture, their functional purpose.


NGO "Cognition": section "Formation of a holistic picture of the world"


Give an idea of ​​the main pieces of furniture: table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa;

Introduce children to parts of furniture: legs, seat, back, door, handles, walls, shelves;

Give an idea of ​​the material from which the furniture is made;

To form a generalizing concept of “furniture” based on identifying essential features;

Correctional and developmental:

Development of an active vocabulary on the topic of furniture;

Develop coherent speech.


    cultivate a caring attitude towards objects in the immediate environment.

OO "Communication" section "Formation of a dictionary":

Intensify the use in speech of the names of objects in the immediate environment;

Strengthen children’s ability to form the diminutive form of nouns;

Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Section “Sound culture of speech”: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Preliminary work: HRE "Shop" (played).

Demo material: items doll furniture:table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa; object pictures with images of furniture; doll, Dollhouse(with open wall).

GCD stages:

    Introductory part: Organizational moment.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Teacher. Guys, today the doll Tanya came to our lesson. She has a new apartment, but there is no furniture yet. Doll Tanya asks you to help her choose the right furniture. Let's go with you to the “furniture store” and see what furniture is, what it comes in and what it is needed for. Are you ready to go to the “shop” and help the Tanya doll?

Children. Yes!

Teacher. Then we close all our eyes and say the following words:

One two Three,

We've arrived at the store!

    Main part.

Teacher. So we ended up in a furniture store! Let's see what pieces of furniture we have here! Guess the riddle:

You can sit on it

When they called you to the table to eat.

Teacher. What is this? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher asks related questions and points to the corresponding object).

Children. This is a chair.

Teacher. Look at what parts the chair consists of. The chair has legs. How many legs does a chair have?

Children.(Consider) Four legs.

Teacher. The chair stands on legs. The chair has a seat. How many seats does a chair have?

Children. One seat.

Teacher. People are sitting on the seat. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the consonance of the words “seat” and “sitting.”) The chair has a back. How many backs does a chair have?

Children. One back.

Teacher. The back of the chair is needed to rest your back. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the consonance of the words “back” and “back”).

Teacher. Guess the following item:

Under the roof - four legs

And on the roof - soup and spoons

Teacher. What is this?

Children. It is a table.

Teacher. Look what parts the table consists of! A table also has legs, just like a chair. How many legs does the table have, can you count it?

Children.(The teacher points with a pointer, and the children count) Four legs.

Teacher. Right! The table stands on legs. The table has a tabletop. How many tabletops does the table have?

Children. One.

Teacher. What is the table for, guys?

Children. To eat at the table, study, read.

Teacher. (Helps if children find it difficult to answer the question about the purpose of the furniture; corrects mistakes when using prepositions incorrectly: “at the table”).

Teacher. Listen to the following riddle:

He stands in the corner by the wall

Oh, he looks huge

But he's not punished at all

Mom keeps things in it.

Children. This is a closet.

Teacher. Look at the parts that make up the closet! The cabinet has walls, shelves, a door, and handles. How many walls does the closet have? (Count together).

Children. Three walls.

Teacher. How many doors?

Children. Two doors.

Teacher. Where are the handles on the cabinet?

Children. On the door. (The teacher corrects if the children pronounce incorrectly).

Teacher. The cabinet is closed on all sides: from below and from above too. What is a closet for?

Children. To put clothes and linen there.

Teacher. (Helps if children find it difficult to answer a question about the purpose of furniture; corrects mistakes when using prepositions incorrectly: “in the closet”, “put in the closet”). Listen to the following riddle:

At night there are guys in me

Until then they will fall asleep sweetly,

That I don't want to get up

What kind of thing am I...(bed)

Teacher. Look what parts the bed consists of! The bed also has legs and a backrest. How many headboards does the bed have?

Children. (Count) Two.

Teacher. How many legs?

Children.(Count) Four.

Teacher. Why do we need a bed?

Children. To sleep.

Teacher. That's right, we sleep on the bed, so it is soft so that we can sleep comfortably.

Teacher. And what's that?

I'm comfortable, very soft,

It's not difficult for you to guess -

Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren

Sit and lie down

Children. Is this a sofa?

Teacher. A sofa, like a chair, has a seat and a back, only they are elongated. There are also legs. Count how many legs the sofa has.

Children.(Count) four.

Teacher. Why do we need a sofa?

Children. A sofa is needed to relax, sit or lie in front of the TV.

Teacher. That's right, the sofa is soft, just like the bed, which is why such furniture is called “upholstered”.

Teacher. All these items can be called in one word - “furniture”. Furniture is mainly made of wood - wooden. Doll furniture is often made from plastic - plastic furniture. (The teacher asks to repeat new words).

Children and their teacher choose furniture for the doll, “buy” one doll’s furniture and “return” to kindergarten.

Teacher. Now, to return to kindergarten, you need to close your eyes again and say:

One two Three,

We arrived at the kindergarten.

Let's help the Tanya doll arrange the furniture in her new apartment. (Children arrange the furniture one by one.) What did you put in?

Children. Table.

Teacher. Where did you put the table?

Children. In the apartment (and so on, each of the children puts one type of furniture and names where they put it).

Teacher. Here, Tanya, the children have placed new furniture in your apartment! Doll Tanya is very pleased that you helped her, and she wants to play the Furniture game with you.

Physical training “Furniture”

One two Three,

one two Three,

(children are walking)

The cabinet is tall - look!

(raise your arms high)

One two three four,

One two three four,

(children are walking)

We have chairs in our apartment.

(squats - springs)

There are tables, beds -

(arms extended in front of you, palms down,

bend forward with arms out)

Our furniture is all in order!

(make a large circle in front of you with your hands).

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of an easel. On the easel, the teacher takes turns laying out pictures with images of pieces of furniture and asks each of the children to repeat the name.

Teacher. Now let's play the game “Name it kindly”! I say a chair, what about you? (The teacher points to the picture).

Children. High chair.

Teacher. Table.

Children. Table.

Teacher. Closet.

Children. Locker.

Teacher. Bed.

Children. Crib.

Teacher. Sofa.

Children. Sofa.

The teacher is trying to achieve correct pronunciation words

    Final part.

Teacher. What new did you learn today? (What objects did you get acquainted with?)

Children. Chair, bed, table, sofa, wardrobe.

Teacher. How are all these objects called in one word?

Children. Furniture.

Teacher. Right. What is furniture for?

Children. A chair is needed to sit. A table is needed to eat, study, and read. A sofa is needed to sit or lie and relax. A bed is needed to sleep. A closet is needed to store clothes. (The teacher helps if there is difficulty).

Teacher.(Summarizes children's knowledge) Furniture is needed for convenience and order. What is furniture made from? (Helps in case of difficulty).

Children. From wood - wooden furniture, made of plastic – plastic.

Teacher. Do you think furniture should be looked after?

Children. Yes (we don't know).

Teacher. It turns out that furniture also needs to be looked after: washed, wiped. You can't break it or draw on it. If you treat your furniture carefully and with care, it will last a very long time (it will be like new for a long time).

Doll Tanya liked playing with you, she thanks you and says: “goodbye!”

Children. Goodbye.

Teacher. This concludes the lesson. Everyone did a good job, well done guys!


    Gromova O. E., Solomatina G. N. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-5 years old: Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 128 p.

    Mironova S. A. Speech development of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. – M.: Education, 1991. – 208 p.

    From birth to school. General educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2013. – 336 p.

    Internet resources (pictures of furniture items)