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Lesson furniture for children 3-4 years old. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic: Summary of an open lesson “Furniture. Didactic game “What’s missing?”

Abstract of direct educational


Educational area "Cognition"

Section “Formation of a holistic picture of the world”

Topic: "Furniture"

Middle group for children with special needs.

Prepared by the teacher:

Loginova Lyudmila Vasilievna

Syktyvkar, 2014


Integration of educational areas: OO “Communication” sections: “Formation of a dictionary”, “Sound culture of speech”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, motor.

Target: introduce children to the objects of their immediate environment: furniture, their functional purpose.


NGO "Cognition": section "Formation of a holistic picture of the world"


Give an idea of ​​the main pieces of furniture: table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa;

Introduce children to parts of furniture: legs, seat, back, door, handles, walls, shelves;

Give an idea of ​​the material from which the furniture is made;

To form a generalizing concept of “furniture” based on identifying essential features;

Correctional and developmental:

Development of an active vocabulary on the topic of furniture;

Develop connected speech.


    cultivate respect for the objects of the immediate environment.

OO "Communication" section "Formation of a dictionary":

Intensify the use in speech of the names of objects in the immediate environment;

Strengthen children’s ability to form the diminutive form of nouns;

Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Section “Sound culture of speech”: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Preliminary work: HRE "Shop" (played).

Demo material: items doll furniture:table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa; object pictures with images of furniture; doll, Dollhouse(with open wall).

GCD stages:

    Introductory part: Organizational moment.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Teacher. Guys, today the doll Tanya came to our lesson. She has a new apartment, but there is no furniture yet. Doll Tanya asks you to help her choose the right furniture. Let's go with you to the “furniture store” and see what furniture is, what it comes in and what it is needed for. Are you ready to go to the “shop” and help the Tanya doll?

Children. Yes!

Teacher. Then we close all our eyes and say the following words:

One two Three,

We've arrived at the store!

    Main part.

Teacher. So we ended up in a furniture store! Let's see what pieces of furniture we have here! Guess the riddle:

You can sit on it

When they called you to the table to eat.

Teacher. What is this? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher asks related questions and points to the corresponding object).

Children. This is a chair.

Teacher. Look at what parts the chair consists of. The chair has legs. How many legs does a chair have?

Children.(Consider) Four legs.

Teacher. The chair stands on legs. The chair has a seat. How many seats does a chair have?

Children. One seat.

Teacher. People are sitting on the seat. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the consonance of the words “seat” and “sitting.”) The chair has a back. How many backs does a chair have?

Children. One back.

Teacher. The back of the chair is needed to rest your back. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the consonance of the words “back” and “back”).

Teacher. Guess the following item:

Under the roof - four legs

And on the roof - soup and spoons

Teacher. What is this?

Children. It is a table.

Teacher. Look what parts the table consists of! A table also has legs, just like a chair. How many legs does the table have, can you count it?

Children.(The teacher points with a pointer, and the children count) Four legs.

Teacher. Right! The table stands on legs. The table has a tabletop. How many tabletops does the table have?

Children. One.

Teacher. What is the table for, guys?

Children. To eat at the table, study, read.

Teacher. (Helps if children find it difficult to answer the question about the purpose of the furniture; corrects mistakes when using prepositions incorrectly: “at the table”).

Teacher. Listen to the following riddle:

He stands in the corner by the wall

Oh, he looks huge

But he's not punished at all

Mom keeps things in it.

Children. This is a closet.

Teacher. Look at the parts that make up the closet! The cabinet has walls, shelves, a door, and handles. How many walls does the closet have? (Count together).

Children. Three walls.

Teacher. How many doors?

Children. Two doors.

Teacher. Where are the handles on the cabinet?

Children. On the door. (The teacher corrects if the children pronounce incorrectly).

Teacher. The cabinet is closed on all sides: from below and from above too. What is a closet for?

Children. To put clothes and linen there.

Teacher. (Helps if children find it difficult to answer a question about the purpose of furniture; corrects mistakes when using prepositions incorrectly: “in the closet”, “put in the closet”). Listen to the following riddle:

At night there are guys in me

Until then they will fall asleep sweetly,

That I don't want to get up

What kind of thing am I...(bed)

Teacher. Look what parts the bed consists of! The bed also has legs and a backrest. How many headboards does the bed have?

Children. (Count) Two.

Teacher. How many legs?

Children.(Count) Four.

Teacher. Why do we need a bed?

Children. To sleep.

Teacher. That's right, we sleep on the bed, so it is soft so that we can sleep comfortably.

Teacher. And what's that?

I'm comfortable, very soft,

It's not hard for you to guess

Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren

Sit and lie down

Children. Is this a sofa?

Teacher. A sofa, like a chair, has a seat and a back, only they are elongated. There are also legs. Count how many legs the sofa has.

Children.(Count) four.

Teacher. Why do we need a sofa?

Children. A sofa is needed to relax, sit or lie in front of the TV.

Teacher. That's right, the sofa is soft, just like the bed, which is why such furniture is called “upholstered”.

Teacher. All these items can be called in one word - “furniture”. Furniture is mainly made of wood - wooden. Doll furniture is often made from plastic - plastic furniture. (The teacher asks to repeat new words).

Children and their teacher choose furniture for the doll, “buy” one piece of doll furniture and “return” to kindergarten.

Teacher. Now, to return to kindergarten, you need to close your eyes again and say:

One two Three,

We are in kindergarten.

Let's help the Tanya doll arrange the furniture in her new apartment. (Children arrange the furniture one by one.) What did you put in?

Children. Table.

Teacher. Where did you put the table?

Children. In the apartment (and so on, each of the children puts one type of furniture and names where they put it).

Teacher. Here, Tanya, the children have arranged new furniture to your apartment! Doll Tanya is very pleased that you helped her, and she wants to play the Furniture game with you.

Fizminutka "Furniture"

One two Three,

one two Three,

(children are walking)

Wardrobe high - look!

(raise your arms high)

One two three four,

One two three four,

(children are walking)

We have chairs in our apartment.

(squats - springs)

There are tables, beds -

(arms extended in front of you, palms down,

bend forward with arms out)

All our furniture is in order!

(make a large circle in front of you with your hands).

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of the easel. On the easel, the teacher takes turns laying out pictures with images of pieces of furniture and asks each of the children to repeat the name.

Teacher. Now let's play the game "Name it affectionately"! I say a chair, what about you? (Teacher points to the picture).

Children. High chair.

Teacher. Table.

Children. Table.

Teacher. Closet.

Children. Locker.

Teacher. Bed.

Children. Crib.

Teacher. Sofa.

Children. Sofa.

The teacher is trying to achieve correct pronunciation words

    Final part.

Teacher. What new did you learn today? (What objects did you get acquainted with?)

Children. Chair, bed, table, sofa, wardrobe.

Teacher. How are all these objects called in one word?

Children. Furniture.

Teacher. Right. What is furniture for?

Children. A chair is needed to sit. A table is needed to eat, study, and read. A sofa is needed to sit or lie and relax. A bed is needed to sleep. A closet is needed to store clothes. (The teacher helps if there is difficulty).

Teacher.(Summarizes children's knowledge) Furniture is needed for convenience and order. What is furniture made from? (Helps in case of difficulty).

Children. From wood - wooden furniture, made of plastic – plastic.

Teacher. Do you think furniture should be looked after?

Children. Yes (we don't know).

Teacher. It turns out that furniture also needs to be looked after: washed, wiped. You can't break it or draw on it. If you treat your furniture carefully and with care, it will last a very long time (it will be like new for a long time).

Doll Tanya liked playing with you, she thanks you and says: “goodbye!”

Children. Goodbye.

Teacher. This concludes the lesson. Everyone did a good job, well done guys!


    Gromova O. E., Solomatina G. N. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-5 years old: Methodological manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 128 p.

    Mironova S. A. Speech development of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. – M.: Education, 1991. – 208 p.

    From birth to school. General educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2013. – 336 p.

    Internet resources (pictures of furniture items)

Marina Gurtsieva
Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic “Furniture”

Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic« Furniture» .

Target: Introduce children to objects in their immediate environment; With furniture, their functional purpose.


Clarify and expand children's knowledge about furniture.

Introduce children to parts furniture.

Expand and activate lexicon children by topic« Furniture» .


Furniture workshop, assembler, carpenter, assemble, wooden.


Subject pictures with the image furniture.

Preliminary work:

Production story furniture.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, to learn a lot of interesting things on our class, you need to be very careful. Today we will go to the kingdom furniture. Do you want to know how they do it? furniture?

When they grow up big trees, they are cut down and all the branches are cut down. This produces logs that are laid in trucks and sent to furniture workshop where they make parts for furniture. Pickers collect items from them furniture: beds, chairs, tables, cabinets. Ready furniture sold in furniture stores.

Physical education minute:

Chair and table, sofa, chest of drawers (we bend our fingers, listing furniture) .

The people are calling for furniture! (show palms).

Our closet serves to (spread your arms to the sides).

To put laundry there! (arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest).

What is the bed for? (arms spread to the sides).

So that you can sleep comfortably! (palms folded and under cheek).

Furniture creates comfort! (turns with half squats right-left).

And in the country, in the house, here! (spread your arms to the sides).

Educator: “What types of tables and cabinets are there?”.

What is the table at which they write? (Writing.)

The table where they dine? (Dining.)

A table with magazines and newspapers on it? (Magazine.)

A closet in which to store clothes? (Closet.)

A cabinet where books are stored? (Book.)

Educator: Guess riddle:

You can sit on it

When they called you to the table to eat.

Educator: What is this? (This is a chair.)

Educator: Look at what parts the chair consists of. The chair has legs. How many legs does a chair have?

Educator: The chair stands on legs. The chair has a seat. How many seats does a chair have?

Educator: We are sitting on the seat. The chair has a back. How many backs does a chair have?

The back of the chair is needed to rest your back.

Guess the next one item:

Under the roof - four legs

And on the roof - soup and spoons (It is a table.)

Educator: Look what parts the table consists of! A table also has legs, just like a chair. How many legs does the table have, can you count it?

Listen to the next one riddle:

He stands in the corner by the wall

Oh, he looks huge

But he's not punished at all

Mom keeps things in it. (This is a closet.)

Educator: Look at what parts the cabinet consists of! The cabinet has walls, shelves, a door, and handles. How many walls does the closet have? (Count together).

Children. Three walls.

Educator: How many doors?

Children. Two doors.

Educator: Listen to the next one riddle:

At night there are guys in me

Until then they will fall asleep sweetly,

That I don't want to get up

What kind of thing am I... (bed)

Educator: What parts does the bed consist of? The bed also has legs and headboards. How many headboards does the bed have? (two)

Educator: How many legs? (four)

Educator: Why do we need a bed? (to sleep)

That's right, we sleep on the bed, so it is soft so that we can sleep comfortably.

Bottom line classes:

Well done guys, you did a great job.

Guys, you all worked together today, answered all the questions correctly, well done!

Publications on the topic:

Photo report of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic “Furniture” Goal: to form children’s ideas about furniture and its functions.

"Furniture". Summary of frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group Topic “Furniture” Correctional and educational purposes. Expansion and concretization of ideas about furniture, its purpose, the parts from which it is made.

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development and construction. Compiling a story on the lexical topic “Furniture” Municipal preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 85 combined type" Synopsis of an integrated lesson on.

Summary of organized educational activities on speech development in the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Furniture” Goal: - improvement of lexical and grammatical components of speech on the topic “Furniture”. Tasks: - clarification, expansion, activation of the dictionary.

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group Topic: “Furniture” Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge and ideas about furniture. Objectives: Speech: Clarify, activate and generalize vocabulary on the topic “Furniture”; .

Lexical topic “Furniture”. The type of lesson is reinforcement. Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about types of furniture, its purpose, and accessories.

Speech therapy session for children senior group

Correctional educational goals: expanding ideas about furniture and its purpose. Clarification and expansion of vocabulary on the topic (sit, lie, sleep, table, chair, bed, closet). Consolidation in speech of a noun with a general meaning furniture. Improvement grammatical structure speech (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, forms of nouns in the genitive case singular and plural, the use of the conjunction so that, adjectives from nouns based on the purpose of the item, the material from which the furniture is made. Coherent speech. Improve the ability to write short descriptive stories about types of furniture.

Corrective and developmental goals: development of speech hearing, memory, coherent speech. Development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of speech with movement.

Corrective educational goal: develop the ability to care for furniture and treat it with care.

Equipment: subject pictures, cut-out pictures of furniture, ball.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

The one who names the extra object will sit down: plum - pear - chair; tomato - table - cucumber; doll - spinning top - bed; truck - stool - bus; sneakers - boots - closet; sofa - tit - bullfinch; poplar-birch-bedside table; plate - ladle - chair; shelf-sweater - coat; rose - poppy - couch.

2. Game “Say the Word”

If you want to sleep, the bedroom is waiting for you (bed)

How nice it is to lie on our Tanya’s (sofa)

To rest your legs, sit on (a chair)

Frosts are not scary if you are sitting in a cozy (chair)

We'll drink tea with pies at the dinner table.

Carefully fold the sweater, jacket, and warm scarf into the (closet)

What do you think we will talk about today? (About furniture.)

The speech therapist shows a presentation (exposes pictures) with images of furniture: chair, table, bed, stool, wardrobe, sofa, cabinet, armchair, shelf, couch.

3. Conversation about furniture

Children, look at the pictures, but how can you call all this in one word? (-furniture)

Furniture is items made mainly of wood or plastic; furniture can be covered with leather or fabric.

Furniture needs to be looked after, but who knows how to do it?

Wipe, wash, clean, repair, vacuum, knock out

Where is furniture made? (Furniture is made at a furniture factory.)

Who knows what furniture is made from?

Furniture are items made primarily from wood, plastic or plastic. Furniture can be covered with leather, leatherette, fabric.

4. Didactic game“Say kindly” (with a ball)

Let's look at the pieces of furniture on the screen and call them affectionately.

Vocabulary material: chair - stool; table - table; bed - crib; wardrobe - locker; sofa - sofa; nightstand - nightstand; armchair - armchair; shelf - shelf; couch - couch.

5. Finger gymnastics“There is a lot of furniture in the apartment”

1, 2, 3, 4, clench and unclench your fists

Lots of furniture in the apartment

We'll hang the shirt in the closet and bend our finger

And we’ll put a cup in the buffet and bend our finger

To rest the legs

Let's sit on the chair for a little while and bend our finger

And when we were fast asleep,

We lay on the bed and bend our finger

And then the cat and I sat at the table, bending our finger

They drank tea with jam and clapping their hands together

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.

6. Now tell me what furniture is needed for, using the word so that (Furniture is needed for in order to sit (lying down, eating, reading, writing, resting, working, hanging up, putting up, etc.)

A chair is needed to (sit)

The sofa is needed to (lie down, relax)

A bed is needed in order to (sleep)

A closet is needed to (store clothes)

A chair is needed to (sit, relax)

7.Let's look at several pieces of furniture and name their details.

The table has four legs and a lid. The chair has four legs, a back and a seat. The chair has a back, seat, armrests and four legs. The sofa has a back, seat, armrests and four legs. The dresser has drawers, handles, a lid, walls.

8. Now guys, tell me what happens table?

Round, square, rectangular, dining

What is a sofa?

Soft, large, small, folding, comfortable

What is the bed like?

Large, light, soft, wooden

What is a chair like?

Hard, soft, high, low

What is the closet like?

Small, large, open, closed, wooden

9. Physical education lesson: “Kiryushka’s crib”

Here is Kiryushkina’s crib, (spread your arms to the sides)

So that Kiryushka sleeps sweetly, (sit down, palms under the cheek)

So that in a dream he grows up, (rise slowly)

So that he becomes big as soon as possible (stand on your toes, stretch your arms up)

10. The game "One - many"

11. Didactic game “What Doesn’t Happen”

A table without a lid, a chair without a back, a cabinet without a door, a sofa without a seat, a stool without a leg, an armchair without an armrest, a sideboard without shelves. etc.

12 . Now tell me where I can buy furniture? That's right in a furniture store.

Let's imagine that we came to furniture store and we want to buy furniture for our apartment. But we can’t decide which is better, a chair or an armchair. We have to compare these two items.

Let's determine how they are similar:(you can sit on both a chair and an armchair; Both a chair and a chair have a seat, a back and 4 legs; Both an armchair and a chair are furniture).

Now let's find the differences:(The chair has armrests, but the chair does not; The chair is soft, but the chair is hard; The chair is made only of wood, and the chair is made of wood, foam rubber and fabric). In which room can you put the chair? (in the kitchen, bedroom, children's room). And the chair? (only in the living room). Therefore, before you go shopping, you need to decide for what purpose you need furniture, because it is so different in its purpose, color, shape, and size.

13. Self-massage

Our smart little head thought cleverly today (pat yourself on the head).

The ears heard everything (stroke the ears), the eyes looked (stroke the eyelids),

The hands did everything (pat the palms), and the legs sat (pat the legs

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, topic: “Furniture”


Expand children's knowledge about furniture.
Activate children's vocabulary on this topic.
Form stable ideas about color, size, quantity, shape.
Continue to teach children to count to three, navigate in space, and understand the meaning of the concepts “upper” and “lower.”
Practice finger painting and stamping, sculpting, gluing.
Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements. Coordination of words and movements.


A wonderful bag with pieces of toy furniture.
Pieces of wood.
Pictures depicting pieces of furniture (bed, sofa, armchair, table, chair) and carpenter.
Clothespins, a silhouette image of a backless chair cut out of thick cardboard.
Picture of sofas with white empty places in the form of geometric shapes in place of sofa cushions, cut out sofa cushions suitable in shape.
A background picture depicting a table without a tabletop and stools without seats; seats and tabletop cut out of colored paper; glue.
A picture depicting three pieces of furniture and one toy - a bear.
Paired pictures of furniture.
Background picture with the image of a tree without leaves, green plasticine.
Finger paints, coloring picture with a picture of a sofa.
Cardboard beds in three sizes, pieces of fabric-bedspreads corresponding to the size of the beds.
A schematic representation of two armchairs (large and small) made of a square, an oval and two circles; these same geometric figures, cut out of colored cardboard.
Small figurines of nesting dolls. Doll furniture.
Building materials: cubes, bricks, whetstones.
Colored silhouette pictures of clothes and toys, images of shelves and wardrobes.
Sheets of paper in the form of a blanket, stamps, scissors.
Glued from matchboxes chests of drawers with one, two and three drawers; buttons.
Buttons, a picture of a kitchen cabinet with circles corresponding to the color and size of the buttons, in the form of handles and utensils.
Audio recordings: “We need to rest”, “Tuki-tok”.

Progress of the lesson:

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Children take doll furniture out of the bag and name it.
Chair, bed, sofa, armchair, table, wardrobe - all this can be called in one word - furniture. Look around, what kind of furniture is in our room?

Didactic game “Run to the piece of furniture that I will name”

The teacher names a piece of furniture, and the children find and run up to the named piece of furniture.

Take geometric shapes and lay them out in a large chair on the diagram.

What shape did you use to make the back of the chair? From the square. What shape did they make the seat? From the oval. What shapes were the armrests made from? From circles. How many laps did you use? Two circles.
Now lay out a small chair.

Didactic game “Place the nesting dolls in chairs”

Place one nesting doll on a small chair, and three nesting dolls on a large chair.

Didactic game “Arrange the sofa cushions”

These new sofas need cushions. Choose two pillows of a suitable shape for each sofa.

Didactic exercise “Find the extra object”

Take a look at the picture. It shows furniture, but one thing is not furniture. What's not furniture in the picture? Bear. It is a toy.

Dynamic pause “We need to rest”

Children move to the music according to the text.

Application “Table and stools”

Bought for the kitchen new table and stools.
What color is the table? Yellow. Show me a blue stool, a green one, a red one.
Glue the seats to the stools and the top to the table. Just choose them correctly: on a blue stool - a blue seat, on a red stool - a red seat, on a green stool - a green seat, and on a yellow table - a yellow tabletop.

Game with clothespins "Chair back"

Use clothespins to make the back of a chair.

Didactic exercise “Paired pictures”

Children are given pictures depicting different pieces of furniture and asked to name this item. And then find a paired picture with exactly the same object.

Didactic game "Chest of drawers"

There are chests of drawers in front of you. Count them. How many chests of drawers? Three dressers. Is it possible to say? That they are the same? No they are different. Show me the smallest chest of drawers. How many drawers does he have? One box. Show me the middle chest of drawers. How many drawers does he have? Two boxes. Show me the biggest chest of drawers. How many drawers does he have? Three drawers. What color is the large, small, medium chest of drawers? Look in the top drawer of the middle dresser. What's in it? Button. Place the button in the bottom drawer. And put three buttons in the top drawer of the middle chest of drawers.

Construction from building materials “Chair, table, bed”

Chair: place a brick vertically on the cube. Place a matryoshka doll on a chair.
Table: Place a brick on top of the cube. Place small dishes on the table.
Bed: Place bricks placed on edge to the edges of the block. Put the nesting doll to sleep.

Didactic game “Make the beds”

Place the beds in front of you. Count how many there are? Three beds. Same beds? No different. Show a large bed, a medium one, a small one.
Now take the bedspreads, there are as many of them as there are beds - three. Choose the right size bedspread for each bed.

Children use their fingers to paint the picture of the sofa.

Didactic game “Put things in their places”

You have a closet and a shelf. Here are the scattered things. Clothes should be put in the closet and toys should be put on the shelf.

Furniture is made from wood. Look at these pieces of wood.
To make a table, you need to cut down a tree.

Dynamic pause “Joiners”

Children perform imitation movements according to the text as shown by the teacher.

We chopped, we chopped,
So that we have logs.
We sawed, we sawed -
We made planks from logs.
We planed, we planed -
The boards became smooth.
We put them in a row
They nailed it with a hammer.
We'll paint everything later.
The result is a new table.

But if you just cut down trees, there will be no trees left. Therefore, it is necessary to plant new trees instead of those that were cut down.

Bas-relief sculpture “Tree”

Children tear off pieces of green plasticine and stick them to a picture of a tree without leaves.

Finger gymnastics "Nails"

Bom, bom, bom, bom,
We hit the nails with a hammer.
The nails don't get driven in
They just bend over.

One hand is a "hammer" (clenched fist). The second hand is “nails” (an open palm with spread fingers). The hammer-cam knocks on each nail-finger, which bends after impact.

So you need to take pliers,
Let's hammer in nails.
I pulled, pulled, pulled,
I straightened all the nails.

The nail fingers are all bent. The fingers of the other hand are pliers (the thumb and index fingers close and open). Using pliers, we alternately pull and straighten all the nail fingers.

Find a place for each button in kitchen cabinet. Be careful to place large buttons on large circles and small buttons on small circles.

Didactic game “What’s missing?”

Pieces of doll furniture are exhibited in front of the children. Then one item is removed, and the children must name which item is gone.

Dynamic pause "A lot of furniture in the apartment"

One two three four,
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.
(Walking in circles holding hands)

We'll hang the shirt in the closet,
(Spread your arms to the sides - opened the doors)

And put a cup in the buffet
(Stretch your hand forward)

To give your legs a rest,
Let's sit on the chair for a while.
(To squat)

And when we were fast asleep,
We were lying on the bed.
(Lie on the carpet, hands under the cheek)

And then me and the cat
We sat at the table.
They drank tea and jam together.
(Sit at the table)

Lots of furniture in the apartment!

Drawing with stamps and cutting with scissors "New sofa cover"

Children leave prints by applying stamps along the entire plane of the bedspread, then cut the fringe edges with scissors.

Didactic game "Tell me a word"

The teacher makes a riddle and shows a picture of the answer, and the children must say the answer word out loud.

If Fedya wants to sleep,
He lies down on... BED

Misha entered the room
And put the juice on... TABLE

Dasha fluttered into the room,
I took the bag and umbrella from... CHAIR

Ivan's new book
I took it out from under... THE SOFA

1. “Let’s arrange the furniture.” The presenter names the pieces of furniture, and the children distribute them into rooms (according to their purpose): a bed in the bedroom, a buffet in the kitchen.

2. “What kind of furniture?” The teacher names the room, and the child lists the furniture that could be there.
3. “What is this for?” The teacher names a piece of furniture, the child names its purpose: chair - “You can sit in a chair and relax, rest; the back and seat are soft, there are armrests for the arms - it’s very comfortable to sit!”;

Wardrobe (wardrobe) - “The closet stores bed linen: sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases, underwear. All this is on the shelves. Outerwear(dresses, sweaters, shirts, trousers, suits) so that they do not wrinkle, hang them on hangers in the closet.”
4. “Name the parts of the object” . Chair - a chair has a soft or hard seat, a back and four legs: a cabinet - a cabinet has three walls: a back and two sides, a top, a bottom, a door (doors), legs; Inside the closet there are shelves and hangers.

5. “Find commonalities.” The child compares two pieces of furniture: a table and a chair - they each have four legs; armchair and chair, chair and stool, bed and sofa, etc.
6. "Find the difference."
You can name the same objects as in the previous game.
7. “What’s extra?”
Wall, table, bed, chairs, sideboard (the extra thing is the bed, it is in the bedroom, and everything else is in the dining room); shelf, sideboard, bedside table, saucepan (the extra one is a saucepan, this is not furniture, but dishes).
8. “What’s missing?”
Example pictures: a chair without a seat, a chair without a left (right) armrest, desk no drawer, wardrobe without hanger...
9. “We’ll repair it.”
The same pictures are shown, and the children explain what needs to be done and what tools are needed for repairs.
10. “What object?”
The presenter names the material from which the object is made, and the child names what it is (adjective). For example: a shelf is made of wood - a wooden shelf; the legs of the table are made of iron - iron legs; The doll's chair is made of plastic - a plastic chair.
It is necessary to monitor not only the correct formation of words, but also the use of grammatical forms of gender and number.
11. “Fold it correctly.”
The child puts together a drawing from separate parts.
12. “Define the whole from the part.”
The child is shown individual parts of the furniture: a seat, a chair leg, a headboard. You need to identify the object and name its other parts.
13. “Describe the object.”
Children identify an object by verbal description. The person who guesses correctly receives a picture of this item.
14. “Let’s help the doll.”
We will help you arrange the furniture and tidy up the room.
15. “What do you have?”
Children talk about the furniture they have at home.

Material from the book: Lozbyakova M.I. Learning to speak correctly and clearly: A manual for speech therapists, educators, parents