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Put on translation into Russian. Translation and meaning of PUT ON in English and Russian languages

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irregular verb

put - put - put

  1. put (put, attach)
  2. put)
  3. put (place, insert, place, adjust)
  4. invest (invest)
  5. plant (plant)
  6. expose
  7. drive
  8. express (state)
  9. suggest
  10. guide
  11. put on (dress)
  12. postpone
  13. expose
  14. lower
  15. transfer
  16. throw
  17. attach
  18. push

Verb forms


put a cross
put a cross

put on fire
put on fire

put force
apply force

put eggs
lay eggs

put on paper
put on paper

put here
put here

put a finger
insert finger

put the people
accommodate people

put money

put the soul
put your soul into it

put trees
plant trees

put in jail
to imprison

put people
expose people

put in motion
set in motion

put on boots
put on boots

put the money
save money

put on sale
put up for sale

put a veil
lower the veil


I can't put up with the way he spits.
I can't stand the way he spits.

Tom has put on some weight since the last time I saw him.
Tom has gained some weight since I last saw him.

I want them put in prison
I want them to go to jail.

Don't put your hands out the window.
Don't stick your hands out the window.

Tom put the box in the car.
Tom put the box in the car.

The new international airport really put Narita on the map.
The new international airport made Narita truly famous.

The plane put down at Itami Airport on time.
The plane landed at Itami airport on time.

I didn't put this here.
I didn't put this here.

Please put out your cigarettes before entering the museum.
Please put out your cigarettes before entering the museum.

Put it on my tab.
Chalk it up to me.

I wouldn't put it past Tom.
This was to be expected from Tom.

Put your coat on a hanger.
Hang your coat on the hanger.

Put handcuffs on him.
Handcuff him.

Tom ate as soon as the food was put on the table.
Tom ate as soon as the food was put on the table.

As he grew up, he learned to put things in perspective.
As he grew older, he learned to look at things more broadly.

She puts her own interests above everything else.
She puts her own interests above all else.

Tom puts too much sugar in his tea.
Tom puts too much sugar in his tea.

Tom rarely puts sugar in his coffee.
Tom almost never puts sugar in his coffee.

Your singing puts professional singers to shame.
Your singing makes professional singers blush with shame.

The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper.
The only seasoning that Tom adds to the meat is pepper.

Tom eats anything Mary puts in front of him.
Foma eats everything Masha puts in front of him.

Her husband eats everything she puts in front of him.
Her husband eats whatever she puts in front of him.

He puts ten dollars aside every week.
He saves ten dollars every week.

Tom puts a lot of sugar and cream in his coffee.
Tom puts a lot of sugar and cream in his coffee.

Tom puts gas in his car twice a week.
Tom fills up the car twice a week.

This music puts one to sleep.
This music makes you sleepy.

As he wants to buy a car, he puts aside money.
He is saving money to buy a car.

Eating ice cream always puts me in a happy mood.
Ice cream always cheers me up.

That company puts out a magazine, doesn't it?
This company publishes its own magazine, doesn't it?

He puts aside some money every month.
He saves some money every month.

transcription, transcription: [ʹpʋtʹɒn]

1. put on

to put on one"s hat one"s shoes, one"s coat - put on a hat, shoes, coat

to put on make-up - put on makeup

he put his clothes on - he got dressed

2. pretend, pretend, pretend

to put on a brave face - to pretend that everything is in order, to be brave, to cheer up

to put on airs - to put on airs, to put on airs, to put on airs

to put on airs and graces - to behave; put on airs

he put on an air of innocence - he assumed an innocent look

he put on a semblance of anger - he pretended to be angry, he pretended to be angry

she put on her best manners - she tried to seem unusually well-mannered

her wistful look was put on - her sadness was feigned

she put on an act - Amer. she was putting on a comedy

3. stage (on stage)

to put on a new play - put (on stage) a new play

to put a play on again - resume production (of a play)

4. add, increase

to put on speed - increase speed

to put on full speed - develop full /maximum/ speed

to put on pace - a) increase the pace; b) sports. speed up your run

to put on weight /flesh/ - add weight; (to) gain weight

to put on five kilos - gain five kilos

to put on two goals before time - (have time) to score two goals before the end of the half

5. launch, turn on, put into action

to put the light the gas on - light the gas

to put on the brake - slow down

to put on the radio the television - turn on the radio TV

to put on a record - put a record

6. connect (by phone)

to ask to be put on to smb. - ask to speak with someone.

7. move forward (clock hands)

8. use, apply

to put on more trains - put more trains on

to put on all sail - a) pestilence. set all sails; b) do everything possible, take all measures

9. organize; start work; engage

to put smb. on to do a job - give / entrust / to someone. work

10. bet (on a horse)

11. impose (tax)

12. colloquial make fun of (someone); put (smb.) in a funny position

to put smb. on - tease / play, tease / someone.

are you putting me on? - Are you scoffing, yeah?

13. colloquial wonder, pretend, imagine; act cavalier or arrogant

she puts on a great deal - she thinks too much about herself, she sets herself up too much / shows off /

to put it on - a) exaggerate (feelings, suffering, etc.); she put it on so thick we didn't believe a word - she thickened her colors so much that we didn’t believe a single word; b) inflate the price, demand an exorbitant price

to put the make on - to flirt; climb, pester (a woman)

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More meanings of the word and translation of PUT ON from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and translation of PUT ON from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for PUT ON in dictionaries.

  • PUT ON - * (sur)metter; (feign) ficter. TO PUT THE BLAME ON: atribuer li culpa a
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  • PUT-ON — I. adjective Date: 1621 pretended, assumed, II. noun Date: circa 1927 an instance of putting someone on , parody …
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  • PUT-ON - I. (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: from past participle of put on 1. : assumed, pretended in a put-on childish voice …
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  • PUT ON - wear, clothe oneself with; load; pretend
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  • PUT-ON - I. ˈpu̇t-ˈȯn, -ˈän adjective Date: 1621: pretended, assumed II. ˈpu̇t-ˌȯn, -ˌän noun Date: circa 1927 1. : an …
  • PUT ON — Date: 15th century 1. a. : to dress oneself in: don b. : to make part of one's appearance …
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  • PUT-ON — Pronunciation: "pu ̇ t- ˌ o ̇ n, - ˌ än Function: noun Date: circa 1927 1: an …
  • PUT-ON — Pronunciation: " pu ̇ t- " o ̇ n, - " än Function: adjective Date: 1621: PRETENDED , ASSUMED
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  • PUT ON — Function: transitive verb Date: 15th century 1 a: to dress oneself in: DON b: to make part …
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  • PUT-ON — adj (1621): pretended, assumed put-on n (ca. 1927) 1: an instance of putting someone on "conversational ~s are related …
  • PUT ON - vt (15c) 1 a: to dress oneself in: don b: to make part of one's appearance or behavior ...
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  • PUT-ON - noun [usually sing. ] (NAmE) something that is done to trick or cheat people
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  • PUT-ON — ˈput-on BrE AmE noun American English informal something you say or do to try to make someone …
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  • PUT-ON — noun EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ At first they were thinking it was a big put-on.
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  • PUT-ON — Function: noun 1 Synonyms: IMPOSTURE , cheat, deceit, deception, fake, humbug, phony, sell, sham, spoof 2 Synonyms: MASK 2, cloak, …
  • PUT-ON — Function: adjective Synonyms: ARTIFICIAL 3, affected, assumed, feigned, spurious Related Words: mannered, posed; faked, sham
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  • PUT-ON - n. An act of tempting; the playing of a practical joke on someone. Eric didn't realize that it was a …
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  • PUT-ON - 1. ʹpʋtɒn n 1. swagger, conceit; “showing off” 2. pretense; smb. feigned 3. parody, mockery, caricature 4. stupid joke; draw...
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  • PUT-ON - 1. noun 1) deception, fraud 2) trick, trick 2. adj. 1) a) put on b) dressed 2) imaginary, feigned, unnatural, false, counterfeit, feigned ...
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  • PUT ON - 1) put on He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house. - He threw on his coat in a hurry...
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synonyms don, get on, gown, robe

What do you prefer putting on for corporate parties? - What youdo you preferdressoncorporate events?

2) puton(smth.) — colloquialism to pretend, pretend, imagine

to put on airs and graces - to behave; put on airs

to put on an act - to break, play a trickcomedy

You just put on a brave face as if nothing has happened - AYouNotgive it to memindAndhold onWell done

3) put smth. on- stage (on stage)

Americans don’t know how to put on Chekhov – Americans don’tknow howputChekhov

4) putsmth.on —smth. to tax)

Thepublicispushingtheauthoritiestoputataxondirtyproduction – The public demands that the authorities tax dirty industries

5) putonsmth.- add, increase

to put on pace - addstep by step

Let’s put on speed before dark – Drive faster, ByeNotdark

6) put smth. on— move forward (clock)

In spring Russia puts clocks on – In spring Russiatranslateswatchforward

7) putsmth.on- start, turn on

Whoputheatingonwithabovezerooutside? - Well, who turned on the heating at above-zero temperatures?

8) putsmb.on — American vernacular make fun of (someone); play a trick

Let'sputthenewbieon – Let’s tease the new girl

9) putonsmb. —British vernacular to bother someone)

Don'tputonme,standleft – Don’t stand under my right hand