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The oldest house. The strangest and most mysterious buildings in the world The most ancient buildings in the world

World Travel


10.11.17 14:19

Buildings - man-made structures for protection, prayer, lodging, meeting, living or any other use - were built long before the advent of our era. And, looking at the oldest buildings (or at well-preserved picturesque ruins), one can only wonder: how people created these masterpieces without having modern technologies, machines, or tools. The oldest buildings in the world are several thousand years old, but they don’t matter! Shall we look at them?

They are from 3250 to 6800 years old: the oldest buildings on the planet

Treasury of Atreus: a monument to Mycenaean Greece

The tomb, called the Treasury of Atreus, was built during the Bronze Age, around 1250 BC (more than 3,250 years ago). And this is only the first participant in our top, so the oldest buildings on the planet should be called very ancient! Before the completion of the Pantheon, this tomb was famous for having the tallest and widest dome in the world. The monumental structure and its surrounding area are one of the most impressive monuments remaining from the era of Mycenaean Greece.

Palace of Knossos: home of the Cretan Minotaur

The palace of Knossos (a decaying ancient city on Crete) was the ceremonial and political center of the Minoan civilization. The palace was excavated and partially restored under the direction of Arthur Evans in the early 20th century (although attempts were made in the 1870s). It is believed that the very first palace in Knossos was built in 2000-1700 BC. It was destroyed by an earthquake, and a new, even more powerful and beautiful building was built in 1700 BC. In the 16th century BC. e. The palace was damaged by a volcanic eruption, and after about another half century a fire completed this dirty deed. Myths connect the main building of Knossos with Daedalus and his legendary labyrinth, which was guarded by the Minotaur.

Great Pyramid: Tomb of Cheops

The Egyptian pyramids are also among the oldest buildings in the world, because this is not just a decorative building, there are chambers and corridors inside. The Great Pyramid of the Egyptian city of Giza (other names are the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of this necropolis. Despite the fact that among the Seven Wonders of the World it was the oldest, the pyramid is the only one that has survived intact to this day. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for the fourth dynasty pharaoh Khufu. The construction took about 10-20 years, and construction ended around 2560 BC. The top of the pyramid was originally located 146.5 m above sea level, so the Great Pyramid remained the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.

Pyramid of Djoser: built by Imhotep

Another Egyptian pyramid, named Djoser (or Step Pyramid), is located in the necropolis of Saqqara and consists of six mastabas laid on top of each other. It was founded in the 27th century BC (approximately 2650 BC) for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser, the architect was his vizier (chati) Imhotep (not to be confused with the villainous priest Imhotep from the Mummy franchise). The pyramid is older than its “sisters” from Giza and is the first Egyptian pyramid. Initially, the Pyramid of Djoser, “clad” in polished white limestone, rose 62 meters, and its foundation had an area of ​​109 x 125 meters. The Step Pyramid is considered to be the oldest large-scale stone structure.

Tarshien Complex: The Treasure of Malta

Malta is known for its impressive temples, which make it a great choice for our list of oldest buildings. Thus, the archaeological complex in Tarshien, dating back to approximately 3150 BC (the “decline” of the megalith), is distinguished by its “venerable age.” In 1980, this ensemble became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tarshien consists of three separate but connected temple structures. The main entrance is a reconstruction from 1956 (when the entire site was restored). At the same time, many of the finely decorated tiles discovered at the site were moved to the Valletta Museum of Archaeology.

Newgrage: the oldest in Ireland

5,100 years ago (approximately 3,200 BC) the oldest building in Ireland appeared. This is the prehistoric site of Newgrage, built during the Neolithic period. It is older than both the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. The building consists of a large round roof mound and internal stone passages and chambers. The Scottish landmark is believed to have religious significance, but scientists have not come to a consensus on why the building was built. Human bones were discovered in its small premises - perhaps Newgrage was used for making sacrifices (or a tomb was built here). Now it is one of the most important megalithic structures in Europe.

La Hoog-Bie: a curiosity on the island of Jersey

The name of the next oldest building is perceived as something Asian - La Hougue Bie. However, it is located in the parish of Groveville on the island of Jersey (Great Britain). The building dates back to 3500 BC and is now a historical monument with a museum. This is an 18.6-meter passage chamber covered with an earthen embankment 12.2 meters high. La Hug-Bie was discovered only in 1925. During World War II, this structure was an important strategic observation point; an underground command bunker was built in the adjacent embankment.

Knap of Howar: part of a Neolithic manor house in Scotland

The oldest stone building in Scotland is called the Knap of Howar. It is believed to have been part of a Neolithic manor house. Radiocarbon dating showed that the house was built between 3700 BC and 3100 BC (or 5500 years ago). The building, consisting of two rooms, is perfectly preserved: 1.6-meter walls, shelves for things, stoves, beds. Ancient farmers cultivated wheat and barley, kept pigs and sheep, and fished. This was evidenced by the debris found by archaeologists near and in the buildings.

Ggantija: Tower of the Giants in Gozo

We have already mentioned the megalithic temples of Malta, but Tarshien is not the oldest building in the archipelago. Religious buildings on the island of Gozo are even older - the structures of Ggantija were erected around 3600 BC. The name translates as “Tower of Giants”. This and other Neolithic structures in the country are protected by UNESCO (under the general title “Megalithic Temples of Malta”). Ggantija consists of the older Southern Temple and the Northern Temple (they stand side by side on the Shaara plateau). Large-scale excavations began in 1827, then the area was in private hands, which negatively affected the buildings. In 1933, Ggantija passed to the Maltese government, and the temples have already been restored and studied five times.

Bugon necropolis: French sensation

The Bougonian necropolis (France) is a group of five Neolithic mounds (they are called Tumulus A, B, C, D, E, F). The oldest building in the world received its name in honor of the Bugon River, near which it is located. Scientists believe that Tumulus began to be built around 4800 BC. The discovery of the necropolis in 1840 created a sensation in the scientific world. To protect the monuments, they were purchased (in 1873) by the department of Deux-Sèvres (New Aquitaine region). Archaeological excavations started in the 1960s, at which time dishes and household items, jewelry, human remains, and tools were found in the chambers.


Every day, walking through the center of St. Petersburg, I pay attention to the sights of our city, which, of course, are familiar to everyone:

Saint Isaac's Cathedral,
Alexandria pillar,
Marble Castle,
Engineering castle.

All of them were built a very long time ago; they cannot yet be classified as the most ancient buildings, but a lot of time has passed, and they have not lost their attractiveness and beauty.

At the same time, if you just go deeper into the city, you can see buildings that in appearance can be called the most ancient buildings, although they were erected several decades ago.

You don’t even have to go far, every day, almost everywhere you can hear about dilapidated housing. It happens that even when buying an apartment in a new building, the very next year flaws appear, because of which it is simply life-threatening to stay in these apartments.

I was wondering what the most ancient buildings in the world?

The most ancient buildings in the world

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to Alexander (his blog), the reader of my ““.

It was discovered in 1975; bronze bracelets and ceramic buttons were found in it.

Currently, it has been completely restored and is open to the public. This is one of the symbols and main attractions of the city of Menorca.

The most ancient buildings - 8th place!

The Treasury of Atreus or the Tomb of Agamemnon, built in the ancient city of Mycenae (Greece) during the Bronze Age around 1250 BC, which is more than 3250 years ago and ranks 8th in the ranking of the most ancient buildings in the world.

The Treasury of Atreus, thanks to its grandeur and monumental form, is one of the most impressive monuments surviving from Mycenaean Greece. For example, lintels over passages weigh more than 120 tons!!!

The most ancient buildings - 7th place!

The city of Coral was inhabited approximately between 2600 BC. and 2000 BC - this is more than 4600 years ago. And on its territory of 60 hectares there are 19 pyramids.

The most interesting thing is that during archaeological excavations, beads, necklaces, musical instruments and much more were found, but there were absolutely no weapons. This means that this one of the most ancient cities was peaceful and most likely its inhabitants were engaged in trade

The most ancient buildings - 6th place!

The Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt is the oldest stone structure in the world.

It was erected before 3000 BC. - this is more than 4,700 years ago and consisted of six steps located on top of each other. The total height of the Djoser pyramid is 62 meters.

The most ancient buildings - 5th place!

And again the mound. On the 5th line of the top 10 ancient buildings in the world, I placed the Hulbjerg mound, located on the southern tip of the island of Langeland.

The most interesting thing is that the Hulbjerg Tomb was built 5000 years ago. Moreover, it is completely assembled from 13 stone blocks precisely fitted to each other.

The most ancient buildings - 4th place!

Newgrange is a UNESCO-protected prehistoric site located in County Meath, in the eastern part of Ireland, approximately one kilometer north of the River Boyne.

It was built around 3200 BC - more than 5,100 years ago.

Today, Newgrange is a popular tourist attraction.

The walls of the passages are composed of large stone slabs, twenty-two of which are on the west side and twenty-one on the east. The height of the stone sides is on average about 1.5 meters in height; decorates many blocks.

The most ancient buildings - 3rd place!

With each line we are getting closer and closer to first place. And we dive deeper and deeper into history.

Built Monte d'Accoddi in the north of Sardinia, between Sassari and Porto Torres around 2700 - 2000 BC - that's about 5,200 years.

The most ancient buildings - 2nd place!

Knap of Howar - on the island of Papa Westray in Orkney (Scotland) approximately 5500 years ago in the period from 3700 -2800. BC. a manor was built - This is the oldest stone house in Northern Europe.

The walls of the Knap of Howar still stand and support a 1.6m cornice, and the stone furniture also remains, giving a vivid insight into life in the house. Fireplaces, beds, and shelving were found in almost their original condition. Just imagine - more than 5,000 years have passed, and they are intact!

The most ancient buildings - 1st place!

Now, in fact, we have reached the oldest building in our rating.

And it's right up there with the Megalithic Temples of Malta, a series of prehistoric monuments in Malta, seven of which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Surprisingly, they were built (just think!) more than 5.5 thousand years ago.

Archaeologists believe that these megalithic complexes are the result of local innovations in the process of cultural evolution. The temples were built between 3600 and 3000. BC, which were fully functional and in use until 2500 BC.

Victor Rodriguez, an architect from Portugal, also made his house from real stones in 1973, and a huge number of tourists come to see it. True, his stone house was not included in our rating for obvious reasons. You can look at his creation in the article: “ “

But that's not all! The world is big and there are still many interesting things ahead, if you don’t want to miss them, then I advise you

Perhaps you can suggest your options in the comments?

How old is architecture? Experts are absolutely sure that the first structures on Earth appeared long before the advent of our era. At the same time, ancient buildings sometimes look simply amazing. The question even arises - who really built the most ancient buildings, fragments of which have survived to this day.

Pyramid of Josser at Saqqara recognized as the oldest building on the planet. The building was built by the Egyptians, and it is even known that the ancient architect’s name was Imhotep. The pyramid was built around 2650 BC. This is the first such structure; other Egyptian pyramids arose much later. The height of the building is 62 meters, and the size of the base is 121*109 meters.

Pyramid of Josser at Saqqara

In Europe the oldest is Skara Brae settlement. This is an amazing architectural monument located on the islands of Scotland. The settlement is very well preserved, and allowed scientists to learn the details of the life of ancient people. There are 10 houses that were built around 2500 BC. The ancient dwellings amazed us with their furnishings. Researchers claim that there were covered passages, heating, bathrooms and water supply.

Skara Brae settlement, Scotland

Stonehenge in England- this is not only a very ancient structure, but also an architectural mystery of all times. The age of the buildings is from 1100 to 3500 BC.

Stonehenge in England

It is a true work of ancient architecture. It was built around 1473 BC. The building was created by an incredibly talented architect. The temple is supported by massive columns, its entire appearance is attractive and harmonious.

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt

Famous Great Sphinx statue appeared around 1400 BC. The huge statue, 20 meters high and 73 meters long, stands on the banks of the Egyptian Nile River. The tombs of the pharaohs are also located here - the Sphinx seems to be guarding their peace.

Great Sphinx statue

In the ancient city Rome preserved Mamertine prison. Its existence dates back to 578 BC. Criminals were kept here, but as it turned out, not all of them were guilty. According to legend, it was here that the apostles Peter and Paul spent their last days. The dungeon is located at the base of Capitol Hill.

Mamertine Prison, Rome

It is the oldest building in Russia. The years of its construction were from 1475 to 1479. The temple was built by Russian craftsmen under the leadership of the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti. The building has been well preserved thanks to numerous restorations. Sometimes services are held here today.

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

Publications in the Architecture section

The oldest buildings in Russia

From Derbent to Vyborg, from Kaliningrad to the Bashkir village of Chishmy. We peer into the depths of history and study, together with Sofia Bagdasarova, which buildings in Russia are breaking age records.

The most ancient buildings

The most ancient buildings erected by man are, undoubtedly, megalithic structures (menhirs, dolmens and cromlechs). The most famous is the British Stonehenge, however, a considerable number of similar structures have been preserved in Russia. It is impossible to choose the oldest of them, the chronological framework is too wide, and there are no exact dates. The most famous are the dolmens of the Kuban and Caucasus, created in the 3rd–2nd millennium BC. e. But you can find them in Northern Russia (for example, on Solovki) and in Siberia.

The oldest Christian churches

The oldest churches in Russia were built in the Byzantine era, even before the Great Schism of Christianity into Orthodoxy and Catholicism in 1054. They are located in the Black Sea basin, the ruler of which was Byzantium. The first of them is the Crimean Church of John the Baptist in Kerch - the ancient city of Panticapaeum, founded in the 7th century BC. e., later - Byzantine possession. This temple, built by the Byzantines, stood at least as early as 757 AD. e.

Younger and more provincial in terms of architecture are the churches of the Alanian state, which adopted Christianity in 916 (now Karachay-Cherkessia). These are the Shoaninsky temple (1st half of the 10th century), the Sentinsky temple (967) and three Zelenchuk temples - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (916–925), Elijah the Prophet (10th century) and the Life-Giving Trinity (10th century). They are included in .

The oldest Islamic buildings

In the same southern region stands the oldest Islamic religious building. The Juma Mosque stands in Derbent, an important fortress of the Armenian Emirate of the Arab Caliphate (modern Dagestan). It was built in 733–734.

Islamic architects also built other types of buildings, but due to their poor state of preservation, researchers sometimes wonder what their purpose was. Such is the mausoleum of Tura Khan, which may have been not a tomb, but a courtroom. It was built in the 14th–15th centuries (and maybe in the 12th century) near the village of Chishmy in Bashkortostan. Near the city of Bolgar in Tatarstan there is the historical and archaeological complex “Bulgar” - the former city of the Bulgar ulus of the Golden Horde. On its territory there are many attractions, including the mysterious Black Chamber (XIV century): either a mausoleum, or a resting place for dervishes. Other buildings of Bulgar also date back to that era.

The oldest ancient Russian church

The most ancient temples of Ancient Rus' remained on the lands of Ukraine and Belarus. Thus, the oldest church of this medieval state on the territory of modern Russia turned out to be the Hagia Sophia in Novgorod, founded in 1045 and completed five years later.

But the oldest church in Moscow dates back to the post-Mongol period - this is the Spassky Cathedral of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery (1420–1425), now the Andrei Rublev Museum.

In St. Petersburg, the oldest church is the Peter and Paul Cathedral, built in stone in 1712.

Oldest Catholic Church

The oldest Catholic cathedral on the territory of the Russian Federation is, apparently, Gothic, built in 1288 in East Prussian Königsberg (modern Kaliningrad). It is also, most likely, the oldest Lutheran church, since it, like other Catholic churches in those lands, was taken over by Protestants in the 16th century. Today, an Orthodox community is located within its walls, and the building bears the name of St. Nicholas Church.

The most ancient defensive structures

The oldest fortified building, perhaps, is the Crimean Tower of Zeno in ancient Chersonesus, which began to be built in the 2nd century BC. e. during the struggle of this policy with the Scythians. It was rebuilt several times - most recently in the 10th century. Although today the tower is almost a ruin, its power still makes an impression.

In the same 10th century, another fortress tower was erected in Volga Bulgaria (now Tatarstan), which can be seen in the Devil's Settlement (Elabuga Museum-Reserve). Its modern appearance is the result of reconstruction; the original masonry is preserved only on one side.

And in the north of the country there are fortresses founded by eternal enemies - the Novgorodians, the Livonian knights and the Swedish military. These are the stone Novgorod Detinets (1333), the Pskov “Persi” Krom (1393), the Koporye Fortress (1237) and