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Silicon valleys of the world. FAQ: Why is Silicon Valley called Silicon Valley? Galloping through Silicon Valley

What's happened

The phrase has long become a common noun; it denotes a zone high technology (High technology) a certain territory on which objects of the electronic and computer industry, research and educational centers, high-class IT-specialists and companies who are not afraid to invest in the field of high technology.

Yandex Dictionary of Modern Geographical Names gives the following definition: “ SILICON VALLEY ( Silicone[must beSilicon V.S.] Valley), a journalistic cliché for the Santa Clara Valley in California (), k. from San Francisco. The name is due to the production of semiconductors and electronic equipment. Once a rural household area, the valley is now built up with cities that stretch in a chain from the hall. San Francisco to San Jose. The core of growth was Stanford University in Palo Alto, where research in the field of electronics had been conducted since the 1940s. The first large plant was opened in 1956 by the company IBM in San Jose. S. d.the personification of high technology. industry (especially radio electronics and rocket science) and a high standard of living. Until the 1950s, the Santa Clara Valley was famous for its orchards (“the prune capital of the world”).”

A bit of etymology

Term Silicon Valley was invented by Californian entrepreneur Verst ( Vaerst) . His friend, journalist Hoefler ( Hoefler), first published this term on January 11, 1971: he used it as the title of a series of his articlesSilicon Valley USA- in the weekly Electronic News. In these articles, Hofler wrote about the town of Santa Clara, south of San Francisco, where the headquarters of the largest IT-companies.

Why silicone? Because Semiconductor industry enterprises are located in the Valley, and silicon is used as the main material in the production of semiconductor elements for integrated circuits ( silicon– silicon).

Silicon Valley or Silicon?

Some Russian interpreters of “digital” terms suggest the name Silicon Valley, considering that the name erroneous: “Russian-language sources often mistakenly use the option “Silicon Valley” (the error is based on the consonance of English terms silicon silicon and silicone silicone, a material used in plastic surgery).

It is obvious that with the word silicone Many people have completely non-digital associations. Formally, these interpreters are right, but in Russia the name has long taken root , it is more familiar. But if someone likes to talk Silicon Valley, well, there is no arguing about tastes, because we are talking about the same thing!..

Where is Silicon Valley

Apparently, everything is interconnected, one organically complements the other!

– Here there is a competition of intellect with intellect, capital with capital!

– Here they are not afraid to seem stupid with their “crazy” ideas!

– People here are not afraid to take risks, inventing something new and investing in it!

– Here there is a struggle between high spirit and inert matter!

– It doesn’t matter what nationality you are here. It matters what kind of specialist you are, and whether you believe in yourself and your strengths!

– People work here 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day!

– Here they are optimistic about everything that can (or cannot!) happen, and firmly believe that High Technologies and ideas about the Bright Digital Future of Humanity are absolutely true!

...One thing is certain: if you concentrate on a relatively small area a large number of highly qualified specialists - scientists, engineers, businessmen (“critical mass of brains”!) - then the results will be stunning!..

If the state of California were a separate country, it would undoubtedly become one of the most prosperous in the world. This is the birthplace of the computer revolution, a symbol of scientific and technological progress in the United States. In recent decades, it has repeatedly turned the world upside down in terms of technological developments. The incredible number of creative minds in a small piece of land makes Silicon Valley a role model for many other countries in the world.

What is Silicon Valley?

Before the region was named, before it became a hub for high-tech companies and corporations, it was a land of dominant gardens. It was called the Valley of the Heart's Delight or the “Prune Capital of the World.” Geographically, this place is called the Santa Clara Valley. The production of semiconductors and electronic equipment, namely silicon (translated from English - silicon) was laid here. The very name "Silicon Valley" was proposed by the California entrepreneur Ralph Wurst, and his friend, Don Hoefler, published a series of articles in 1971 called "Silicon Valley USA", in which he told the world about the largest IT companies in California.

How it all began

The idea to create a zone latest technologies belongs Stanford University. In the post-war years there was no money for the development of the university. There was only land that belonged to the university. And the management of the establishment decided to lease this land for a long-term lease to companies that were engaged in innovative developments in the field of technology. And the university itself opened a research center here. Moreover, this decision also influenced the fact that talented university graduates had jobs without problems, rather than leaving California in search of employment. The brain drain has been stopped. For example, former Stanford University graduates William Hewlett and David Packard remained to work in Silicon Valley, founding a company that later became a giant in the IT industry. The famous Hewlett-Packard was one of the first in Silicon Valley.

What is Silicon Valley

Invest huge amounts of capital in latest developments was a big risk. But it’s not like he justified himself. All expenses paid off a thousandfold! Since 1951, in research centers Silicon Valley More and more corporations were regularly opened that dealt with silicon chips. The so-called “Treacherous Eight” appeared, which revolutionized this industry and on the basis of which Silicon Valley grew. Already in the 70-0s of the last century, companies and factories of the semiconductor industry firmly settled here. And since the 90s, the latest computer developments and software. Discoveries that shook the world made Silicon Valley a real "wonderland".

Who and what is included in Silicon Valley

The territory, which is called, is formed by 30 cities in the state of California. It also includes 5 universities in the region and about seven thousand software and hardware companies. Among those are companies and corporations that are well known to everyone: Adobe Systems, Apple Inc., Google, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Nintendo, Symantec, Yahoo and others. Many IT corporations, although not directly related to Silicon Valley, have their own representative offices there, for example, Microsoft, PayPal, Netscape.

Valley of Millionaires

Did you know that this region of the United States has the largest number of millionaires? Thanks to computer developments and inventions, incredible money is earned here. That's why Silicon Valley is also called Valley of Millionaires. The average annual salary of a simple programmer is about $108,000. Here good specialists and try to get a job in Silicon Valley.

What is success?

So what is the secret of unprecedented success? Why has she become so popular? Maybe money? Or maybe brains? Probably both together. They are not afraid to take risks and invest in innovations. Here they are not afraid to invent and implement something crazy. Here everyone trusts each other, and many rivals cooperate. Here no one pays attention to what color your skin is or what your religion is. There is a constant struggle of intellects going on here. Here everyone has the right to make a mistake and is not afraid to make a mistake, which is the most important thing. Workaholics and, in a good way, crazy people work here. Everyone here believes in high technology and the digital future. Moreover, everything here is done for him.

Sights of Silicon Valley

It is clear that the capital Silicon Valley called San Jose. If you are in this city, visit the city water park and the Winchester House. The city's museums abound with a rich cultural heritage. So, for example, you can go to the National Museum in the Bella Vista Fortress. Not only art objects are located here, but also a number of historical documents and artifacts that will tell about the history and culture of San Jose. Unusual is the Jade Museum, which displays crafts and jewelry made of jade and precious metals, as well as the Gold Museum with a collection of jewelry and precious artifacts.

In general, the region has a lot of attractions that can satisfy the traveler’s taste: parks, gardens, arboretums, wineries and vineyards. Near Silicon Valley are two of the state's famous wine regions - Sonoma and Napa. By visiting wineries, you will not only learn how aromatic sweet wine is produced, but you will also be able to taste it and buy a couple of bottles as a gift to your loved ones. Of course it's worth going to or

Being in Silicon Valley, you can get into the offices of giant companies completely free of charge, meet the same Mark Zuckerberg on the street, visit the favorite cafe of investors and entrepreneurs Coupa Café in Palo Alto or the place where startups like to gather Café Venetia, look into the house-museum of Steve Jobs. Visit the Stanford University campus, the university courtyard, where the names of famous alumni are written on the walls, and, in the end, just take a photo with the famous IT offices in the background. And although there are no ancient heritage, elaborate buildings and monuments here, there are people here, both ordinary and not so ordinary. Also, try to find a job. And never leave Silicon Valley!

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Few people know what Silicon Valley is. Meanwhile, this is a fairly well-known territory in the United States, where half of all US research complexes in the field of computer technology and electronics are located. Silicon Valley is located in California, but the territory under that name does not exist on official maps. This is just a nominal name for the place.

Confusion with translation

As often happens, in Russia we understand this name differently than residents of English-speaking countries. There are rumors that some translator once translated the word “Silicon” as “Silicon”, and since then Silicon Valley in Russia has been called Silicon Valley. Therefore, there is an important clarification on this topic: Silicon Valley and Silicon are one and the same in one case, although in another they are completely different concepts.

The real Silicon Valley in the USA

Note that there is also a Silicon Valley in San Fernando, but they do not conduct scientific and technical research and development there, they make porn films there. But most often in Russia, when they talk about Silicon Valley, they mean Silicon. Therefore, further we will talk about it.

Where is Silicon Valley?

As already mentioned, such a valley does not exist as an official geographical territory. However, any self-respecting investor or businessman can easily say that it is located in California (USA) and is a global center where developers of high-tech projects gather. This is where global innovation is born.

Silicon Valley is understood as a place where there are many platforms for the development of new projects, where knowledge-intensive startups are born and venture investors interact. At first, Silicon Valley in the USA meant a territory that is located 20 miles from San Francisco and occupies 5 small towns:

  1. Mauthen View.
  2. Santa Clara.
  3. Palo Alto.
  4. Sunninvale.
  5. Cupertino.

But today the valley has grown significantly, and now it stretches from San Francisco to San Jose inclusive. It is San Jose that is considered to be the unofficial capital of this territory.


It all started with Stanford University and its industrial and research park. A key role in the creation of Silicon Valley was played by Frederick Terman, who was first a university graduate and then a teacher. He worried that graduates couldn't find jobs in the Valley, which led to most students moving to the East Coast after graduation. As a result, Frederick Terman began to support his students and give them the opportunity to open companies near the educational institution. Among the first such students were David Packard and William Hewlett. It was they who developed the audio frequency generator, and Terman helped them put it into commercial production. This was the beginning famous company Hewlett Packard.

Later, other students began to create their own companies in the valley. The invention of the klystron tube is more or less known, which is associated with the use of microwave radiation. The authors were physics professor William Hansen, Sigurd and Russell Varian - the university lent them space in exchange for a share of the profits. Later, Standford began receiving contacts from the government.

In 1956, William Shockley created Fairchild Semiconductor. It produced transistors based on solid semiconductor material - silicon. Today it is one of the largest in the electronics industry. It was Fairchild Semiconductor that became the basis for the creation of Intel and AMD. Partly thanks to William Shockley, Silicon Valley received its name.

Time passed, new companies appeared, and already in 1975 there were many companies creating software and hardware.


The main valley is the state of California with the following largest cities: Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, Riverside, San Diego. It is California that is considered the largest state in the United States with a gross product of over $2 trillion, which is equal to the GDP of all of Russia in 2014. The largest number of billionaires live here - about 80 people from famous list Forbes. This state is also the third largest in the United States and the most populous.

Silicon Valley itself in this state is one of the three major technology centers in the United States. Stanford University is the intellectual core of the valley. This research educational institution is one of the most prestigious in the world, it is highly rated in university rankings in the United States and around the world. About 7,000 undergraduate and 8,000 graduate students study here annually. After graduating from university, many graduates find their place in one of the companies located in Silicon Valley. Some lead them, others create them own projects(sometimes successful). Less prestigious are the universities of San Jose and Santa Clara (the oldest private university), as well as the University of California.


When talking about what Silicon Valley is, we cannot ignore the companies that were formed here and have their own representative offices, offices and even development centers. There are about three thousand enterprises here, and at the same time their number is growing, just as the conditional territorial boundaries of Silicon Valley are growing. For example, about a thousand companies develop software.

In the history of Silicon Valley, there have been many firms and startups, not many of which were successful: most were liquidated. The most successful companies in Silicon Valley are the following:

  1. Varian Associates, one of the first companies to enter into an agreement with Stanford University, is engaged in microwave technologies.
  2. Hewlett-Packard is a well-known computer equipment manufacturer. It is the first successful global company in the valley and has achieved tremendous success in the global market in the field of creating hardware and software. On Russian market HP is known for its laptops, data storage devices, printers, and scanners.
  3. Eastman Kodak is a company that is better known throughout the world as Kodak. Is the first company to create a digital camera. It was founded in 1881, but went bankrupt in 2013.
  4. General Electric is a global corporation that operates in various industries. Manufactures medical, energy, household and electrical equipment. He is also involved in mechanical engineering, including creating aircraft engines.
  5. Lockheed Corporation, a company that carries out defense-industrial orders, also works in the space industry. The main customer and consumer of the company's products is the US government.
  6. Intel is known all over the world for its microprocessors. Many computers and laptops have been created on their basis, which are actively sold all over the world. Also produces other PC components, network hardware, servers.
  7. Apple is a well-known manufacturer of computer equipment and software for it. Tablets, computers, Cell phones- the main activity of the company. He is also one of the leaders in the field of software creation.
  8. AMD is the leader of Intel, which also develops chipsets, computer components, and microprocessors.
  9. Adobe is a software manufacturer. Known for his famous graphic editor “Photoshop”.
  10. Altera is a successful developer of integrated and logic systems.
  11. eBay - provides online auction and payment services.
  12. EA (Electronic Arts) is a company operating in the gaming industry. Creates and distributes games.
  13. Google is the world's largest search engine. Also engaged in advertising and cloud technologies.
  14. Facebook is the largest social network.
  15. NetApp is a developer and manufacturer of disk systems and storage devices.
  16. Nvidia is a GPU manufacturer.
  17. Tesla Motors is a manufacturer of electric vehicles and a developer of infrastructure for them (charging stations).
  18. Xerox is a manufacturer of office and computer equipment.
  19. Yahoo! - a search network that is inferior to Google, but is the second most popular in the world.

Now you understand what Silicon Valley is. But let's look at it from the other side.

Success Factors

There are quite a few of them, but the main ones include the following:

  1. Innovation and creativity of participants. Many technologies were created precisely due to these factors.
  2. Lack of vertical control.
  3. Availability of scientific technologies, resources and advanced technologies.
  4. Highly motivated and success-oriented for all employees.
  5. Close interaction between different companies and their representatives despite highest level competition between them.
  6. Ideally developed technology for starting and promoting projects from the very beginning stage, as well as their intermediate financing.
  7. Very low government regulation, excellent legislation that does not slow down the process. Here business and capital make the main decisions.
  8. Interest from investors who are pouring millions (or billions) of dollars into new startups and old companies.


It’s worth starting with the fact that here the number of unsuccessful failed projects far exceeds the number of successful ones. According to statistics, 95% of Silicon Valley startups, even if they receive funding, do not achieve success. 19 out of 20 projects cannot take place. Well-known brands like Intel, HP or Google and others are just the tip of the iceberg.

The second disadvantage is the high cost of housing and infrastructure in general. Since wages are high in Silicon Valley, the cost of living here is also rising. If someone starts their career in the valley, then they have to look for inexpensive housing in the suburbs or on the outskirts. This also applies to medical care, schools, public transport, etc.

High competition among participants

A highly competitive environment for participants is the third feature of the valley’s existence. Investors, employees, entrepreneurs, startupers - everyone works under constant stress, since there is a high probability of dismissal or project failure (the statistics were seen above). Many employees of large and small companies here experience constant psychological problems, most of entrepreneurs admit the presence of family problems and depression. The number of citizens in Silicon Valley with psychological problems is much higher than in the rest of the United States.

Russian analogue

Not only in the United States there are similar territories that are the center of information and technological development. There are analogues in other countries. In particular, the Russian silicon valley is located in Skolkovo. 400 hectares of territory are allocated for it, but the project started only in 2010. Its mission is to create a similar American ecosystem and mobilize resources in the field of applied research, as well as to realize an enabling environment for scientific development.

Analogs in other countries

In the UK there is a special technology park located around the University of Cambridge. Denmark and Sweden also have the largest technology parks, which mainly operate in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and food production.

In China (Zhongguancun) there are factories and offices of large companies such as IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, etc. In total, about 20 thousand holdings are registered here, and their revenue is over 400 billion dollars a year.

Taiwan is home to large Asian and global companies working in the field of creating and improving semiconductors and other devices.

India is also not far behind - there are about 200 higher education institutions in Bangalore. The country is one of the centers of world pharmacology, space research and aeronautics.

In Turkey, the Informatics Valley project was launched in 2013. 3,000 hectares were allocated for it. There are plans to build a city for 150 thousand residents, which will serve research institutes and factories for the production of innovative equipment.


Now you understand what Silicon Valley is. This is a conditional territory in which large global companies in the IT industry (and not only) are located, focused on global markets. They successfully master modern technologies and create breakthrough technologies, since ideal conditions have been created here for this. This is the essence of Silicon Valley - to develop old and create new technologies, which many companies are successfully doing. Other countries are trying to follow this example, but today none of them have such a scale.

The most successful high-tech companies in the world have gathered near San Francisco, California, in a place called “Silicon Valley.” Stanford University is located here, where electronics pioneer Lee began his research and many scientists from around the world came to visit him.

Currently, about eight hundred thousand people work in the Valley. It has literally become home to hundreds of key American corporations specializing in the development of modern information and electronic technologies. An average of ten billion dollars are invested in developments every month. New ideas arise constantly, new projects (called start-ups) appear, into which they pour in. This is how Google and Apple once started, constructing their first projects literally in garages.

The name “Silicon (or Silicon) Valley” appeared due to the production of electronic equipment and semiconductors established here. This term was first used by journalist D. Hofler in 1971. The technopark approved the idea, after which the word became the official name.

In Russia, the term “Silicon Valley” is often used, since in the correct translation “silicon” means “silicon”. The word “silicone” is consonant with “silicone”, which is why it began to be used to refer to the Technopark. Despite the formal correctness of the first option, the latter term is perhaps even more common.

Silicon Valley has no administrative boundaries (not marked on maps). There are also no obvious landmarks marking its territory. This is practically the entire economic zone from San Francisco to San Jose. Valley Center - which rents out its vast areas.

The purpose of the long-term lease, which Leland Stanford stipulated in his will, was to create a high-tech center that would include businesses close to cooperation with the university. Thus, in 1946, the Stanford Research Institute began to form, which was necessary to support the economy of the region.

In 1951, construction began on an office park called Stanford Industrial Park. It was the first facility entirely focused on technology. The first IT company to be adopted by Silicon Valley was Hewlett-Packard. To attract talented young scientists, various programs have been launched to provide them with financial support.

Today, Silicon Valley is the largest high-tech center in the United States, and according to some sources, in the whole world. The offices of the largest and most influential electronics and software companies are located here. About three hundred thousand specialists are involved in the work.

US Silicon Valley is not the only project of its kind. This phrase is now a common noun, denoting a high-tech zone. In other countries of the world, in particular in Russia, work is also underway to create an analogue of the Valley (Skolkovo).

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    We arrived at KAIST University... We asked the taxi driver to take us to Chung-mun, he took us right to the middle, to the center, to the heart of KAIST - to its medical center. We seem to feel bad, don't we? Yes?.. Here... so, now let's get to the central gate and start the tour. Korea Institute of Advanced Technology KAIST is a leading teaching and research university in South Korea , located in Daejeon. It was founded by the Korean government in 1971. as the first national scientific, research and technical institute. And after just 40 years, KAIST took 90th position in the ranking of the leading universities in the world. There is a chance to meet your Superman! It is simply impossible to move around campus without a bicycle. I parked right at the entrance to the library... Once you come to KAIST, you need to stock up on its branded paraphernalia. And, of course, play a prank for you. Let's choose... Let's go: the hall, the library... No, we need a store!.. It's so unusual to go to a library or a university bookstore... And, can you imagine, everything is about computers, about computers, about science, about engineering, bioengineering, calculus, economics... And no books about the Korean language! How so? Cool T-shirt! "What's next?" The material is so cool! You know, just right for the summer. So as not to sweat too much and not be too visible. This is such a cool thing. We remove the rubber band. There you can have all sorts of business cards, notes... Write and put a pen... In different colors. And I don’t know who the winner will be, I’ll probably take the brown one. Like a leather one... Various postcards, souvenirs... By the way, who doesn’t know, the goose is a symbol of KAIST The watch is exactly in the KAIST style. You not only see the time, but you can also calculate the time in other cities and countries of the world. I hope you understand how. For some reason, seeing smart scales on sale in the KAIST store is not surprising. This is KAIST! Scientists. Of course, the scales must be smart. My favorite Korean wallets! You know, I have a pink one... It turns out that there is a rivet for money, for business cards... There is no internal compartment here yet. I also have an internal compartment. It is very convenient to use cash. I just recommend. I will also add as a gift (since you already have a notebook) one of the 3 pencil cases. Chiki-briki, throw away your finger. So this one. All. I bought a bunch of KAIST gifts for the winner of a subscriber of my YouTube channel, not necessarily a KAIST fan, although maybe a KAIST fan... I don't know yet. In general, see the conditions of the competition in the description of the video on the YouTube channel. To do this, you will have to go to it, of course, and be subscribed. This is, in general, at least... How else could it be? Here... And I... I will send all this (not to him, not to him), but to myself on the other side of the screen. How I love buying you gifts... I didn’t buy anything for myself. Should we go back? Yes? I would like to introduce you to Masha. Masha is a student at KAIST University and she is studying on a grant or scholarship. - So, after all, is this a grant or a scholarship? - Scholarship. - It's on a scholarship. So, when did you graduate?.. - MSU - MSU! Specialty?.. - Computational mathematics and cybernetics. - Amazing! - You completed your specialty within 5 years. Next, you took your diploma, put an apostille... - Yes. - Yes? Am I calling everything correctly? - Yes, apostille. And I sent the documents here. - Wait a minute. And did you also give them a piece of paper in the form?.. - Yes. In addition to the diploma and report card with grades, you also need a recommendation from at least 2 people. At least 1 of them must be from an academic environment. Plus, you need a motivation letter. It is advisable to already have connections with the professor here: agree in advance that he wants to take you on. This mandatory requirement for foreigners. - And how did you find this professor? - A lot of googling... - Google is a site that will help you. - Yes, I just found a professor that I liked and we wrote to him. We agreed very quickly. - Also, you are a golden fall - 100... - Yes, - I am a golden fall at 104. For KAIST, the minimum score is 95. This can be clarified on the website. - That is, you handed over everything, collected it, sent it. That is, you sent it to them not as a scholarship, but as an application? Right? - Yes, I sent you for admission. All applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship. In general, almost all foreigners receive it. - And you were given a 100% scholarship, just like you work... How is this correct in Russian?... - I work as a research assistant and they pay me money for this according to labor. - Secret? How many? May I know? Secret? - Basically, no, it’s not a secret. I didn't sign any papers. My salary is 900,000 - basic and another 400,000 per month if I participate in projects. - Do I understand correctly that, living in Daejeon, you have enough for housing and food? - Yes, that's enough. I can even afford to live in a room for 1 person. The most expensive housing on campus. - Koreans call these people “puzya”. Like, he’s so rich... That’s right, well done! Living alone is more comfortable. By the way, while KAIST’s video has not yet been released (well, you’re watching it a little late: I need to edit it), I’ll tell you this secret: today in my Instagram story there was also a small competition for gifts from KAIST- A. Therefore, it is probably cool and beneficial for you to subscribe to all my social networks. Right, what should be in a university? This is a shadow that formed like this. Yes, part of the building is hanging above me. Somehow, a little carefull be, carefull place... Fountains!.. Although, even fountains don’t save. Today is just a blast! All the students hid. +38 °C It’s difficult for me to even speak in such strong humidity. I'm just all wet. Frying is terrible! And my shoulders are burned, this backpack is hanging. Such, you know, the masochism of pain. A! Of course, like any prestigious Korean university, it has special interest clubs. - Listen, is it generally difficult to study here at KAIST? When I mean KAIST, these are strange, incomprehensible things for me... It's cool. I mean, right here, in Korea, many people think that it’s not entirely difficult. Tell me, please. I told them about my... Hmm, hmm... Difficulties in learning. I studied in Korea. How do you like to study? They demand and ask a lot from you. .. Is that so?.. - Well, there’s a slightly different approach to learning here. Of course, everything greatly depends on the teacher. Just like in any other place. Here... Something unusual for me: in our faculty, at least, group projects are very respected. Here... This, firstly, is a task from the series “I thought it up myself, I did it myself.” You also need to come up with a task for yourself... And, plus, there are several people. You need to coordinate, communicate... And, unfortunately for me, not all Korean students know English well. Therefore, during work, some difficulties arise in understanding each other. - By the way, Masha still doesn’t know Korean. What is such nonsense for me, as a Korean teacher: “How can you be in Korea, study in Korea and not know Korean?!” - Korean is not required for admission to KAIST. - At KAIST - yes, but to live here... - Well, there are quite a few people here who never learn it after 4 years of study. The Chinese, for example. - Do you plan? - I’m teaching him a little bit... - Come to my course, Anya will show you. - What I will tell you for sure is that you will find a groom here. While I'm filming this video, I've already been approached 3 times... 3 times. There were 2 Koreans and 1 foreigner. They asked if I was lost? I say that no matter how, I’m not lost. One was like, “in short, okay”... smiled and walked away. The other 2 simply said: “You see, you are so beautiful and this is the first time we have seen you here, so we decided that you are new.” How nice!.. Maybe he can stay and find a groom or something? I'm good at mathematics and programming. - Tell me, who studies more at KAIST: men or women? - Of course, men. This is a technological and scientific university. 80% of people here are young. - Is it possible to find a groom? - Well... I think the choice is great. Another thing is that... Koreans of my age are divided into married and “deeply in a relationship.” As I understand it, people here start thinking about serious relationships a little earlier than here. - I'll tell you, Masha, that being "in a relationship" is not scary. Koreans are not not "in a relationship." They are always "in a relationship". This is Korea. This is how it is done here. You can't be alone. You need to be with at least someone. Therefore, if anything... If you haven’t understood yet, the official color of this university is blue or white. Somewhere there was still white... Colors - 2. Animal - goose. Their geese are not just painted, sculpted, etc., they have live geese here. And there are even signs that say: “Beware of geese!” Yes! I wonder if Koryo could do that: “Careful, horani”? This is definitely an advanced institute. Look what's here. Yes Yes! Cars are charging. I found a car that drives itself. KAIST-ovskaya. Oh! How many cameras on it! This is what is distinctive against the backdrop of SKY universities (universities, more precisely, SKY) - there’s just such a scope of territory... Anyuta! The bench is right here! I found an awesome place! I found a rocker! In the shade! Next to the fountains! And a view of the most important building of KAIST. All! I'll have a blast now! A! Oh! A! She's a little hot. And I got a little burned. "A lot" was burned. My God! What a thrill, who's crawling here? Little breeze! Fountain! View, shadow! Wait! They're crawling on me big ants ! Ay! It's itchy! Your blogger today is literally all wounded and exhausted. Yesterday I was bitten by some kind of bug, and now my leg is itching so much! Now I will continue talking about KAIST when I remember where I left off. O.K., I didn’t remember where I left off, so I’ll just tell you. About scholarships. This is, as it were, the coolest and most useful. Yes, as you understand, most of the foreigners who study at KAIST (almost 80%) study on a scholarship or grant. Units are from a grant that is not an EID to the state. As you know, getting there is almost impossible. That's why my more recent videos about grants, they... Use them for now, because EID is not particularly pampered this couple of years. So, when you enter KAIST (as Masha said), everything is simple: collect your documents and submit. You chose a professor there... Then, upon admission, as in most universities in Korea, you will be given a discount. And, most often, this discount ranges from some to 100%. What does the 100% discount at KAIST depend on? From your passing score, from your recommendations (which is very important - this is KAIST) and, of course, from your English language. But, even if, having submitted all this and you were a little short, but you entered and were not given 100%, you can raise it. You can then receive an additional scholarship or coverage. How can I do that? For example, for academic performance here no lower than “B -”... “B -” is when you got somewhere around 3.0 points, when a total of 4.3 is possible. Yes? And what else was there? And subject to a minimum of 12 credits per semester. Credit is a rating system here, not bank loans. Here, I mean in Korea, America, etc... Then you can get an additional scholarship, or raise yours. But remember: if you still want an EID, you are so successful, then one main thing is that you cannot apply for a Korean government scholarship and simply enter a university on its scholarship. These are "crossroads". Therefore, it is only one or the other. The scholarship also includes monthly allowances for food and accommodation. This is approximately 400...500,000 won and above. It depends on your job, part-time job with a professor. There were geese quacking there somewhere. I'm tired of running around, looking for them at the university. I haven't found them yet. But I really want to find them! Here, plus, they also give out various types of financial assistance. Then, for low-income families. Or for... How is this correct?.. Large families, when there are more than 2 children in the family. Also for your services at the university and for your work here, various scientific discoveries or achievements. For all this, you will receive financial assistance. So, if you are really good at all these sciences, nano-technologies, engineering, you like it, you want to be in the laboratory and study, then come and apply here. You will do all this. And they will give you more money. Just a blast! Oh! Geese! With KAIST's geese all over the university, the local lawns are turning into a minefield. For the sake of a good frame, the angle of these geese, you have to run after them. They are cunning and infectious! They're swimming! I just crossed over to them on the other side - they swam across to the one where I was. Smart or what?! They also entered KAIST on a score, probably ... These guys began to look at me. They are already completely Korean - they are also sitting in the shade. Not! I will definitely not study at KAIST. The university may be excellent, but having walked around almost all of it (this entire campus)... There is not a single tennis court here! A bunch of football fields - not a single tennis one! In Yonsei I even have different surfaces: there is a clay surface, there is a hard surface... And that’s it!.. And here... There is a yacht club, Tonori, which is based on interests, But there is not a single tennis club! But football ones - oh! We, in Russia, have fewer football teams than football fields here.

Origin and use of the name

Original English name valleys Silicon Valley comes from the use of silicon as a semiconductor in the production of semiconductor devices (diodes, transistors, microcircuits). It was with this industry that the history of the valley as a technological center began. This name was first used on January 11, 1971 by journalist Don Hoefler (English) Russian, when he began publishing a series of articles called “Silicon Valley USA”.

Modern Russian dictionaries record both the option “Silicon Valley” and the option “Silicon Valley”, and in some of them both options are allowed.

Word silicon translated from English into Russian as silicon, silicic; translating it as silicone, silicone is an error, but in some dictionaries such an erroneous translation is also present.

A well-known researcher of development trends in the IT industry, Grigory Rafailovich Gromov, who lives directly in California and is the author of a number of books, articles and series of lectures on information technology, has been using only the name “Silicon Valley” since the 1980s:

In Russian-language publications (original and translated) either one or the other designation is used, for example: Silicon Valley in books by Werner Rügemer, Elton B. Sheruin, Dean Lane; Silicon Valley in the book by Michael Lewis.


Silicon Valley is a relative concept and, for example, is not mapped.

Originally, Silicon Valley referred to the area located in the southern San Francisco Peninsula in California, extending from Stanford University to the San Francisco Bay in the northeast, the northern ranges of the Santa Cruz Mountains in the west, and the Coast Range in the southeast. Before urbanization, this area was dominated by orchards (due to the mild Mediterranean-type climate), and it was called the Valley of Heart's Delight.

Currently, Silicon Valley geographically includes the urbanized northern Santa Clara Valley (English) and the adjacent areas of the San Francisco Peninsula from the northwest and the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay from the northeast.

However, due to the understanding of Silicon Valley as an area of ​​concentration of high-tech companies, there are geographical exceptions. For example, the corridor through the Santa Cruz Mountains, which carries CA-17 through Scotts Valley to Santa Cruz much further south, is also considered part of Silicon Valley due to the location of some businesses and the University of California. , which trains specialists, including for the NASA Joseph Ames Research Center for the study of the Moon and Mars, located in Mountain View.

The capital of the valley is sometimes informally called the city of San Jose.

History of the valley as a technology center

Emergence of the semiconductor industry

Another “father” of the valley is considered to be physicist William Shockley. While working at Bell Labs, Shockley, along with two other researchers, discovered the transistor effect and created the first germanium bipolar transistor. The researchers received the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. For a number of reasons (personal, career and scientific), Shockley left the company and moved to California. There, in '56, with financial assistance from Arnold Beckman, he founded the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in Mountain View. One of the main tasks of the new company was to develop technology for using silicon in the production of transistors (instead of the more expensive and less resistant high temperature semiconductor material - germanium). Shockley managed to gather young talented researchers, but his authoritarian management style and passion for the 4-layer diode (resembling a modern thyristor) led to the fact that 8 employees (the "Treacherous Eight") left the company and created Fairchild Semiconductor. Shockley's company continued to be unprofitable and was eventually sold. Shockley himself went to work as a teacher at Stanford. The discoverer of the transistor effect and the author of the most important works on the theory of semiconductors - at the end of his life he considered his main achievement to be his contribution to genetics (in fact, to eugenics).

The process of formation from the California technopark of Silicon Valley further developed in this way - by “dividing the cores” of startups - like an avalanche... Among the most famous startups - at one of the first stages of development of the “chain reaction” of their growth discussed here - was the company Intel, which was founded after leaving for this Fairchild Semiconductor, two of the Traitorous Eight team that previously escaped from Shockley... - Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce. It was in this way - in the first 20 years after leaving Shockley - that the aforementioned eight of his “traitors” alone created 65 enterprises, which in turn ... etc.

For several years, the main customer for integrated circuits was the government. In particular, the on-board computers of the Apollo series spacecraft were assembled on the basis of integrated circuits from Fairchild Semiconductor (Texas Instruments developed and produced microcircuits for intercontinental ballistic missiles - Minuteman-2). In the mid-60s, the cost of semiconductor integrated circuits fell sharply. This decline has resulted in significant demand from computer manufacturers and industry. As a result, interest began to show in the industry