Well      07/02/2020

Lands of God 44.6. New cards

Gold # - gives # gold
-lumber # - gives # trees
-int # - gives # intelligence to the hero
-agi # - gives # agility to the hero
-str # - gives # strength to the hero
-lvl # - increases # the level of the hero. You can't reduce the level
-xp # - increases # experience for the hero
-hp # - restores # HP to the hero
-all xx yy makes peace between player xx and yy
-unall xx yy war is declared between player xx and yy
-mp # - restores # mp to the hero
-ms # - changes # movement speed
-additem # - draws # random items
-invul - makes the unit invulnerable
-colors - displays information about colors and players
-giveg YY XXXXXX gives the player YY XXXXXX gold
-givel YY XXXXXX gives the player YY XXXXXX wood
-go - gives the unit the ability to walk over obstacles
-gooff - returns barriers
-setcolor - changes your color. for information write -colors
-owner - Sets owner of selected unit to specified
-nocd - removes delays between skills
-cdon - returns delays
-bindup/down/left/right - binds commands to buttons
-mh removes the fog of war
-unitid Shows seletec units rawcodes
-itemid Shows item of first slot"s rawcode
-destid Shows rawcode of destructable in the region made by -reg
-setname - changes the name
-size # - changes unit size
-food # - changes the amount of food
-nofood - Makes selected units not use food
-heal - restores health
-copy # - makes # copies of units
-fast - instant improvements
-bfast - instant construction of buildings by pressing the ESC key
-ufast - instant training of units by pressing the ESC key
-shareall - makes all units on the map under your control
-share ## - manage # the player. for info write -colors
-unshare ## - reverse command -share #
-ally ## - forms an alliance between enemies. for info write -colors
-unally ## - terminates the union
-soff - cancels the ability to control other players
-spawn #### - Spawns unit/destructable specified
-reg kill/explode/red/blue/teal/green/grey/pink/purple/orange/brown/lb/dg/yellow
-dead - shows death animation, nothing more
-stand - rest animation
-attack - attack animation
-hear - displays all chat
-nohear - Turns -hear off
-noreaply - Disables replay
-kick ## - kicks the player # for information write -colors
-tp - enables teleport to any point on the map. press patrol(P
-notp - Sets patrol to normal
-add #### - Adds specified ability to selected units
-remove #### - Removes specified ablilty of selected units
-time ## - changes the clock
-unlocktrade allows allies to trade, -locktrade
-unlock, -lock
-autoh ### - autoheal 1-100
-disable - Disables reacts made by -reg
-cheaton ## - turns on cheats to the player
-cheatoff ## - cuts off cheats to the player
-unit #### - Creates unit at selected units issused location
-nounit - Disables -unit
-tree adds the ability to eat a tree
-book Adds a spell book
-mdef Adds the magic defense skill
-pdef Adds the magic shield skill
-zvr Adds the skill Rohan's healing wave
-puck Adds the ability to go to the astral plane
-boom Adds suicide skill
-bers1, -bers2,-bers3 Adds the Madness skill
-kisl Adds the acid bomb skill
-noj poisoned knife
-vulk Adds the volcano skill
-zinv Adds the skill of invulnerability of allies
-stay Adds mosquito skill
-glv Adds the Galvanization skill
-tele Mass teleportation skill
-zmei Adds Rohan's snake skill
-mgor Skill Might of the Mountains
-por4 Corruption skill
-demon Adds the ability to transform into Illidan
-dmg1,-dmg2,|cff00ff7f-dmg3 |cff42aaffSkill spiritual flame, rage of the damned
-pod4 Adds the Submission skill
-torn Tornado skill
-abdel Removes all skills
-root Adds the ability to take root
-air Adds the raven skill.
-mosk Makes the unit unclickable. Carefully! Irreversible!
-doff the character cannot attack, -don
-fire Adds the phoenix fire passive
-kr1,-kr2 Adds reincarnation passive
-aura1,-aura2,-aura3 Aura passives
-crit1,-crit2,-crit3,-crit4 Adds a critical attack passive
-sokr Passive contrition
-spl Adds the demonic power passive (splash
-yad1,-yad2 Passive Poison
-hell Adds the passive heat of the underworld
-smp Adds mana burn passive
-3st Adds 3 element skill
-melee Adds a set of skills for a melee warrior
-minz Adds minifactory skill
-zvezd Adds the starfall skill
-skul1,-skul2 Draws the vampirism skill and |cffe97451death mask
-amp Draws 3 mana amulets
-oh1,-oh2,-oh3,-oh4,-alax Summons 8 to 10 heroes.
-rab1,-rab2,-rab3,-rab4,-rab5 summons an alliance worker, horde, elves, undead, Morlocks
-mkl Summons blademaster
-warl Summons warloka (Gul-Dana)
-dirj Summons an airship
-rez Summons a goblin cutter
-monr Summons Monnoroh
-djd Summons Kil-Jaeden
-mina Sets 20 min
-teni Summons a shadow
-blv Draws 20 books +1 to lvl for each
-gem Draws GEM (clairvoyance stone)

Dear friends, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the first version of the ST was released. During this time, the card gained hundreds of fans. Now I have the map and I will try to return it to its former greatness and bring the gameplay closer to the original versions from BizzaroFukuro. After many months of waiting, the map, or rather the Beta version of the map, has been released! Test and write to me about any shortcomings on this email - [email protected] , in that skype - ssrunxx, V icq 602328522, leave posts in project topics! Happy gaming, friends. SSrunX. Co-authors: , Ty3uK. A new version: 42.Beta from 06/10/2012. Size: 256x224. Number of players: 1 - 12. Official site: Not available yet. Description Lands of God- a map in the "UMSMelee" genre. - One of the players acts as God and can do whatever he wants. - Players have access to non-standard races.

1. God+ God must understand that both principles live in harmony in him - both good and evil. + God should not be on the side of any player, but should give the opportunity to win to all players. + God should not have as his goal to defeat all the players himself. + God must give freedom of action to the players. + God must remember that good towards one player can be evil towards another. + God must remember that in every game there is a loser (losers), so it is not always worth saving a player from defeat by just lengthening the game. + God is not obligated to give the players everything they ask for. 2. Empire Race: Allies The Empire has a castle in the center of the map and can maintain peace and order, as well as protect everyone from the King of the Dead. Has the right to collect tribute from clients. 3. King of the Dead Race: Minions of the Lich King The goal of the Lich King is to destroy the Empire and enslave the world. Has the right to terrorize the eastern lands and collect tribute from them. 4. Mortals Race: (optional) Mortals determine their goals at their own discretion, they can simply live peacefully, or behave aggressively towards others. 5. ?????? Race: Burning Legion or Overmind This player has a separate island in the north of the map.

  • Allies
  • Mountain Alliance
  • Blood Elves
  • Skull Crusher Clan
  • Forest trolls
  • Wasteland Gnolls
  • Minions of the Lich King
  • Forsaken
  • Spiders
  • Night elfs
  • Cult of Satyrs, Masters of Fates
  • Flaming Legion
  • Overmind
  • Features of the races 1) Allies - some units from the mountain alliance and blood elves + their own warriors, prevail in attack power, ultimate improvement "Blessing of Blood". 2) Mountain Alliance - race of gnomes, dominated by defense, ultimate improvement "Mountain Steel". 3) Blood Elves - they dominate in the number of magicians and mana, the ultimate improvement is “Source of Power”. 5) Clan of Skull Crusher - horde race, dominated by attack speed, ultimate improvement "Fighting Spirit". 6) Forest trolls - warriors have a unique ability to summon animals (each warrior has his own pet), almost all soldiers attack in ranged combat and can attack flying units, the ultimate improvement is “Animal Instinct”. 7) Wasteland Gnolls - a race with rapid development, ultimate improvement "Flame Totem". 8) Minions of the Lich King - warriors have the unique ability of rebirth or decomposition into a weaker unit, the ultimate improvement “Power of Death”. 9) Forsaken - dominated by mind capture magic (the main type of soldier - banshees, after an inexpensive improvement, can capture other people's warriors), the ultimate improvement is "Plague". 10) Spiders - dominate with a large amount of health, ultimate improvement "Royal Blood". 11) Night Elves - Vions have additional abilities that are activated after nightfall, the improved ultimate is “Gift of Elune”. 12) Cult of Satyrs, Masters of Fates - ?, ultimate improvement "?". 13) Nagas - they dominate movement on water, the ultimate improvement is “The Power of Azara”. 14) Burning Legion - units can be summoned to any place on the map where the Obelisk of Pain is built, ultimate improvement "Armageddon" 15) Overmind - dominated by huge numbers, many different units of troops, ultimate improvement "Overmind".

  • Triggers were completely rewritten from scratch in Jass, which greatly reduces the size of the map and increases its performance!
  • The base of units/decor/abilities (Object Editor, RO) has been redone from scratch, now you won’t see the old unbalanced warriors and abilities! After all, they were replaced with clean and new ones!
  • All imports have been revised. The unnecessary ones were removed or replaced with higher quality models! Card weight reduced from 7 MB to 2mb!
  • The landscape has been redone. The wretched mini-islands in the ocean have been removed, the cliffs blocking the passage have been removed, the island???? and the main island has become much more beautiful! Also, God's base has been redesigned a bit for the better!
  • P.S. Unofficial versions of the map have appeared on the Internet, in which the suffix is ​​added to the end of the name, please be careful. This is the official version of the map, given to me by the previous developer Nikikin, who in turn gave the mapwar map.
    • Map author: BizzaroFukuro
    • Card genre: Melee
    • Version: 40.6 from 28.10.2010
    • Language: Russian
    • Number of players: 4-12
    • Computer support: Semi-automatic
    • Map website: Map Maker Shop/ZemliBoga

    Lands of God is a map in the "Melee" genre, but with some differences.

    - One of the players acts as God and can do whatever he wants.
    - Players have access to non-standard races and heroes.
    - Significantly changed balance.
    - Most units do not consume food.
    - Several boxes are hidden on the map, giving the owner additional abilities.
    - Trees have much higher strength, so they are not cut down.

    1. God

    God must understand that both principles live in harmony in him - both good and evil.
    + God should not be on the side of any player, but should give the opportunity to win to all players.
    + God should not have as his goal to defeat all the players himself.
    + God must give freedom of action to the players.
    + God must remember that good towards one player can be evil towards another.
    + God must remember that in every game there is a loser(s), so it is not always worth saving a player from defeat by just lengthening the game.
    + God is not obligated to give the players everything they ask for.

    2. Empire

    Race: Humans
    The Empire has a castle in the center of the map and can maintain peace and order, as well as protect everyone from the Lich King. Has the right to collect tribute from clients.
    Initially has the hero "Emperor" level 6.

    3. King of the Dead

    Race: Undead
    The goal of the Lich King is to destroy the Empire and enslave the world. Has the right to terrorize the eastern lands and collect tribute from them.
    Initially has the heroes "Artes" and "Kel-Thuzad".

    4. Mortals

    Race: (optional)
    Mortals determine their goals according to their own wishes; they can simply live peacefully, or they can behave aggressively towards others.

    5. ??????

    The game may also have an additional side - the Zombie race or the Burning Legion.
    This player has at his disposal a separate island in the north of the map.

    v40.5 > v40.6

    Changed races of zombies and demons;
    + Added heroes: Varimatas, Deterok, Raivo;
    + Experience is gained faster;
    + Fixed a bug with a message about the player leaving;
    + New heroes for robbers and demons;
    + New Dwarven unit: Viking;
    + The “Force of Nature” ability summons ents without breaking trees;
    + Changed divine protection;
    + Removed the ability to kick players;

    v40.4 > v40.5

    Added Dwarven race;
    + Numerous balance changes within old races;
    + God can hire an unlimited number of heroes;
    + 12 new challenge towers;
    + Naga heroes can swim;
    + You can build a shipyard on the corner islands;
    + Weakened Magma Golem;
    + Zombie bites take much longer to recharge;
    + Many other small changes.

    v40.3 > v40.4

    Added the ability for mortals to choose a race;
    + Added the ability to play music;
    + Changed the Empire castle and the base of the King of the Dead;
    + Flying heroes cannot carry objects;
    + Several new boxes;
    + Passive abilities from boxes no longer take up space, their icons are now hidden;
    + Removed instant resurrection of heroes;
    + Added new heroes;
    + Many other heroes have been changed;
    + Spending on food affects not only the gold received, but also the wood obtained;
    + The process of exchanging gold/wood has been complicated;
    + Transferring resources to allies is more convenient: +100 (normal click), +1000 (CTRL+click);
    + Changed neutral monsters and some buildings;
    + Added "Without" mode air forces";
    + Many other small changes.

    v40.2 > v40.3

    An anti-air building for Zombies has been added, the skeleton archer has been removed, the bull is being built at the factory;
    + Homunculus can attack air units due to his height;
    + Fixed a bug due to which zombies could not be loaded onto vehicles;
    + Fixed a bug where some buildings could be built in one place;
    + Changed the location of one of the boxes;
    + The principle of operation of one of the boxes has been changed;
    + Shipyard can only be built in shallow water;
    + Changed the model of the Castle of the High Elves;
    + Bandit buildings are made darker;
    + Improvement "Spikes" has been fixed for zombies;
    + Changed ability Cenarius;
    + Now when God gives resources to the player, raccoons do not appear;
    + Player circles are now the right colors;
    + Improved Draenei and Centaur races;
    + Added neutral monsters on the corner islands;
    + Many other small changes.

    Please report all suggestions, bugs, and errors to the official map website (link at the beginning of the description)

    Author of the map: mapwar
    Remember: BizzaroFukuro
    Language: Russian
    Size: 224x224
    Genre: Melee
    Number of players: 1-12
    Email: [email protected]

    Changes 41.5 > 41.6

    New race - Gnolls!
    +The spiders were replaced with nerubians
    +Additional damage from improving attack on trolls reduced by 70%
    +Construction of the Troll Altar increased by 10 sec.
    +Troll Barracks construction increased by 15 seconds.
    +Improvement combustible mixture became more expensive and longer.
    +Light catapults can now attack buildings.
    +Ballista high elves can now attack trees.
    +The Spider Queen has been replaced by the Nerubian King.
    +Huge visual changes.
    +The price of Kurgun-Taru has been increased.
    +The amount of eraser mana has been increased from 980 to 1045.
    +Sterate health increased to 1620.
    +Sterates have an increased food requirement to 4.
    +Minor improvements to the landscape.
    +Improvement Trained animals now has 3 levels.
    +Reduced damage when improving the attack of robbers
    +The construction time for a robber barrack has been increased from 60 to 70 seconds.
    +The health of ancestor servants has been reduced from 300 to 185
    +The cooldown of the “Ancestral Help” ability has been increased from 30 to 45 seconds.
    +The food requirement of Shamans of all trolls has been increased from 2 to 3 units.
    +Attack of all troll shamans reduced by 40%
    +Juggernaut food requirement increased from 12 to 17 units.
    +Satyr trickster and satyr shadow dancer now have a magic attack type.
    +The Draenor sorcerer now has a magic attack type.
    +New human unit Paladin Horseman.
    +Balance of neutral monsters.
    +Many other fixes (not recorded during development).

    Lands of God is a map in the "Melee" genre, but with some differences.

    One of the players acts as God and can do whatever he wants.
    - Players have access to non-standard races and heroes.
    - Significantly changed balance.
    - Most units do not consume food.
    - Several boxes are hidden on the map, giving the owner additional abilities.
    - Trees have much higher strength.


    1. God

    God must understand that both principles live in harmony in him - both good and evil.
    + God should not be on the side of any player, but should give the opportunity to win to all players.
    + God should not have as his goal to defeat all the players himself.
    + God must give freedom of action to the players.
    + God must remember that good towards one player can be evil towards another.
    + God must remember that in every game there is a loser(s), so it is not always worth saving a player from defeat by just lengthening the game.
    + God is not obligated to give the players everything they ask for.

    2. Empire

    Race: Humans
    The Empire has a castle in the center of the map and can maintain peace and order, as well as protect everyone from the Lich King. Has the right to collect tribute from clients.
    Initially has the hero "Emperor".

    3. King of the Dead

    Race: Undead
    The goal of the Lich King is to destroy the Empire and enslave the world. Has the right to terrorize the eastern lands and collect tribute from them.
    Initially has the heroes "Artes" and "Kel-Thuzad".

    4. Mortals

    Race: (optional)
    Mortals determine their goals according to their own wishes; they can simply live peacefully, or they can behave aggressively towards others.

    5. ??????

    The game may also have an additional side - the Zombie race or the Burning Legion.
    This player has at his disposal a separate island in the north of the map.

    Author of the map: mapwar
    Map co-author: Nevernight
    Remember: BizzaroFukuro
    Language: Russian
    Size: 224x224
    Genre: Melee
    Number of players: 1-12
    Email: [email protected]

    Changes 41.4 test > 41.5

    The food requirement of draenei units has increased in order to strengthen the RPG side of the race
    +Dreenei defense upgrades have increased in price
    +Draenei attack upgrade increases attack by 50% less
    +Banshams have their “possession” ability returned
    +Defense, health and banshee attack reduced
    +The cost and requirements of Banshee food have increased
    +Horde minotaur level increased to 6
    +The ability “bloodthirstiness” has been removed from the orc general
    +Undead Butcher level increased to 6
    +High elf avenger level increased to 7
    +Dwarven eraser level increased to 10
    +The level of Kurgun-Taru of Draenor orcs has been increased to 10
    +Goliath spider level increased to 10
    +Goliath's health increased
    +Dwarven Juggernaut level increased to 15
    +Tarantula spider level increased to 4
    +Weakened the heroes' ability "Mass teleportation"
    +For the gladiator (draenei hero) “Strength Wave” has been replaced with “Deadly Strike”
    +damage of "Hammer of Storms" reduced 100/225/350/450/550
    +The improvement "Cron's Strength" is cheaper for centaurs
    +Centaur Warrior's health increased from 300 to 380
    +The price of a centaur warrior has been increased
    +The health of the Centaur Messenger has been increased from 550 to 650
    +The price of the centaur messenger has been increased
    +Attack 2 has been removed from the light catapult of trolls and draenei
    +Now all catapults can destroy bridges, except for naga turtles
    +Minor changes to the landscape in tactical terms
    +Forest Troll Chieftain is now more expensive
    +Avengers construction time has been reduced
    +The priest of the forest trolls has the main characteristic of intelligence (was agility)
    +The ice troll healer has the main characteristic of intelligence (was agility)
    +The dark troll sorcerer has the main characteristic of intelligence (was agility)
    +The need for food among satyrs has been reduced or eliminated altogether
    +The health of a common robber has been increased from 240 to 320
    +Resource requirements for building robbers have been increased
    +Added the new kind robber to robbers
    +Food requirements of heretics increased
    +Resource requirements for building heretics have been increased
    +Added a new marauder unit for robbers
    +Added a defense builder for Dwarves
    +The heroes' ability "Magic Shield" has been corrected, now by 1 unit. damage absorbed 2.5/2/1.5/1/0.5 units. mana.
    +Updated descriptions in F9
    +Prices for troll-berserkers in all troll races have been increased
    +In place of "Heat of the Underworld" the spider queen received "Galvanization"
    +Building the Great Turtle now requires building the Holy Azara
    +Minotaur construction time has been reduced
    +The stock of gold in the mines has been increased by 5000 units.
    +Bridge durability increased by 100%

    Lands of God is a map in the "Melee" genre, but with some differences.

    One of the players acts as God and can do whatever he wants.
    - Players have access to non-standard races and heroes.
    - Significantly changed balance.
    - Most units do not consume food.
    - Several boxes are hidden on the map, giving the owner additional abilities.
    - Trees have much higher strength.


    1. God

    God must understand that both principles live in harmony in him - both good and evil.
    + God should not be on the side of any player, but should give the opportunity to win to all players.
    + God should not have as his goal to defeat all the players himself.
    + God must give freedom of action to the players.
    + God must remember that good towards one player can be evil towards another.
    + God must remember that in every game there is a loser (losers), so it is not always worth saving a player from defeat, only lengthening the game.
    + God is not obligated to give the players everything they ask for.

    2. Empire

    Race: Humans
    The empire has a castle in the center of the map and can keep peace and order, as well as protect everyone from the Lich King. Has the right to collect tribute from clients.
    Initially has the hero "Emperor".

    3. King of the Dead

    Race: Undead
    The goal of the Lich King is to destroy the Empire and enslave the world. Has the right to terrorize the eastern lands and collect tribute from them.
    Initially has the heroes "Artes" and "Kel-Thuzad".

    4. Mortals

    Race: (optional)
    Mortals determine their goals on their own, they can simply live peacefully, or behave aggressively towards others.

    5. ??????

    The game may also have an additional side - the Zombie race or the Burning Legion.
    This player has at his disposal a separate island in the north of the map.