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How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground. How to tie tomatoes in open ground - simple ways for a good harvest

Many novice gardeners are interested in why and how to tie up tomatoes. Tomato is a rather capricious and demanding crop that requires increased attention during the growing process. There are several simple ways to get a good harvest of tomatoes.

Carefully tied beds make it easier to care for plants. No matter how strong the stems of the plants are, as the fruits ripen they begin to bend towards the ground, becoming a treat for slugs and worms, and sometimes they can even break. This is especially true for tall tomatoes, which can reach a height of two meters.

A simple procedure for tying up tomatoes will greatly benefit the future harvest and protect them from typical problems. How is tomato garter useful for a beginning gardener?

  1. It is important to water tomato bushes at the root without touching the tops and fruits, so as not to cause burns on them when exposed to sunlight. It is impossible to water seedlings lying on the ground in this way.
  2. Tomato fruits will not be accessible to caterpillars, slugs, mice and other pests, since they will be located above the ground level.
  3. The stem, leaves and fruits will be protected from excessive moisture and rotting.
  4. The stem will not bend or break under the weight of the harvest.
  5. Securely tied tomatoes will not die from heavy rains, which can damage the plant with powerful blows, causing damage to the bushes.
  6. Garter tomato in open ground allows you to make tomato bushes as open as possible to sunlight, which will give them the opportunity to fully develop.
  7. Gartering tomatoes will allow you to effectively carry out the spraying procedure to prevent all kinds of diseases.
  8. Growing tomatoes is impossible without carrying out procedures such as pinching and mulching. Tying the tomatoes will make these processes easier.

How to tie up tomatoes

With the development of vegetable growing, several options have developed and taken root on how to achieve success in growing tomatoes using tying. Here are the main ways to garter tomatoes:

  • pegs;
  • cells;
  • trellises;
  • caps;
  • hooks

Using pegs

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question - how to tie tomatoes to pegs? Using pegs is the most common method. It is important to use it on time. How to use it for garter for tomatoes? It is necessary to select the appropriate height of each peg, corresponding to the dimensions of the bush. Tall seedlings will require pegs 2-2.5 meters high, medium-sized ones - much lower. To properly tie tomatoes, you need to use stakes whose height is 30 cm greater than the height of the tomato bushes.

Each peg must be firmly fixed in the soil, deepening it by 30 cm. It should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the tomato stem so as not to damage the roots (photo 1). The tomato should be tied fairly loosely. First you need to tie the twine to the support, then wrap the stem without effort and tie it. As the plants grow, the tomato garter is repeated several times.

It is worth noting that it is important to pre-burn wooden pegs and slats in a kiln or over a fire before installation. Garter on supports with charred ends can be used long time, otherwise the pegs will rot by the end of the season.

Using "cells"

When gartering, you will need blanks in the shape of circles made of thick wire. They need to be attached to metal supports, thus obtaining a strong cage in the form of a cylinder. The structures will be needed in large quantities- one for each bush. It is necessary to dig each cell to a depth of 15-20 cm and tie a seedling to it (photo 2).

Instead of wire and rebar cages, you can make wooden ones by driving one support near individual tomato bushes to get a square cage. It will be much stronger than pegs.

Such designs will last more than one year, although it will take a little effort to make them. As the tomatoes grow in the open field, the tying must be repeated several times.

On the trellises

Successful cultivation growing tomatoes is also possible by tying the bushes to trellises. The method consists in the fact that in the soil at opposite ends of the beds are driven wooden supports about 3 m high. If the beds are too long, you can drive several supports into one row at a distance of 2-4 m from each other. To their upper part as tightly as possible with the help of nails, you need to nail the slats to get a frame. We stretch the wire horizontally on the supports, the lower one should be located at a height of 25 cm from the ground.

On the resulting frame you need to make garters for tomatoes in the form of a net using soft wire or nylon rope. Trellis will serve as a strong support for growing bushes, especially if you install it on both sides of the bed. Such a wicker structure is not afraid of any winds (photo 3).

Growing tomatoes on trellises allows you to tie up individual clusters with pouring fruits so that they do not bend under their weight.

Supports in the form of caps

You can tie tomatoes in open ground on supports in the form of caps (pyramids). The holes for seedlings need to be prepared by forming a triangle with sides of 35-40 cm. A column about 3 m high is driven into the center of the triangle, from the top of which 3 equal pieces of wire are pulled. They become a support for 3 plants at the same time.

Such “wigwams” can be made from any available means - ropes, twines, vines. To cover 4 bushes, you can use a larger number of guy rods with transverse weaving in the form of a cage (photo 4).

Crocheting tomatoes

It is convenient to use hooks as a garter for tomatoes, which will effectively perform their function all summer. Using hooks, you can create the strongest supports for growing giant plants. This method seems quite complicated for tying tomatoes in open ground, but it is optimal for tying tall tomato bushes.

The arrival of spring marks the beginning summer season, and amateur gardeners rush to the plots to grow a good and rich harvest. Not everyone succeeds in this way, because growing cultivated plants– this is a huge amount of work that requires certain knowledge and skills. need to carry out certain activities that are aimed not only at obtaining a harvest, but also at preserving it.

Why do you need to tie up tomatoes?

Every gardener knows that this plant needs to be tied up. In open ground, early ripening and low-growing varieties They can grow without support, but for growing in greenhouses they choose tall plants that bring a bountiful harvest. As a result, the thin stem may break under its weight. Some gardeners are of the opinion that the plant should take root and develop in natural conditions, without human intervention. The creation of greenhouses is already an intervention, which means that the process must be managed from beginning to end.

Tying tomatoes is necessary for convenient pinching. Numerous stepsons contribute to the growth of the plant, but the fruits in these places will not have time to ripen, but will draw back the concentration of nutrients, which will not have the best effect on the quality and quantity of the harvest. Tomatoes need to be pinched, but it is more convenient to do this when they are tied up. Fruits lying on the ground can be attacked by slugs and other pests. No less dangerous is late blight, a disease caused by a pathogen whose habitat is the soil.

Tying up tomatoes is also necessary because the plants should be watered at the root, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves and fruits. It is clear that this cannot be achieved if the tomatoes spread along the ground. If you do not comply with this condition, you may be left without a harvest, and in this case even a strong root system will not save you. It is more convenient for the owner of the site to care for a tied plant, because there is no need to bend down or work while kneeling.

How to tie tomatoes

The material for this is needed so that it does not damage the thin, fragile stem, does not contribute to the growth of bacteria, and does not rot before the end of the summer season. You should immediately discard harsh thread, thin twine, fishing line and wire. The most the best option is an ordinary cotton fabric from which bed linen is sewn. Having cut it into strips 3-4 cm wide, you can go to the greenhouse.

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Preparing strawberries for winter - when and how to do it

Many gardeners have appreciated knee socks and tights made of nylon: they are soft, do not overtighten and do not cut into the stem as they grow, in addition, they are different long term operation and can be used for more than one season. After harvesting, experienced housewives wash garters laundry soap and scalded with boiling water for better disinfection. But all these devices are yesterday. Today on sale you can find devices for gartering and supporting individual branches with plastic fruits. They are inexpensive and can be used constantly.

Agronomists who grow entire plantations of tomatoes and export them purchase special garters. This device is somewhat similar to a stapler and allows you to wrap the stem and support with a special tape that meets all the requirements for it. Such devices are also used by those who grow grapes.

Garter methods

There are several ways to tie up plants that produce red, juicy fruits. It is necessary to be guided by the power and height of the stem, as well as the variety of tomatoes.

Three ways:

  • Easier to use individual pegs for each stem. Surely every summer resident has scraps of fittings, remnants of plastic pipes, and metal rods. You can plan wood slats. The correct garter involves deepening the stakes 25-30 cm into the ground and they should rise the same distance above each stem. Afterwards, you can begin wrapping the plant trunk with garter material. The ends must be crossed in a figure eight or twisted, and then fixed on the support. Additionally, you can support heavy brushes. This method is recommended to be used for gartering not all varieties, but only medium-sized ones; moreover, such actions will have to be repeated more than once throughout the season.
  • Trellis method considered complex but also reliable. You will need trellises - long stakes that need to be driven into the ground at some distance from each other. Between them in a horizontal plane, it is necessary to pull a cable or cord, maintaining a step of 35-40 cm. As the plant matures, the stems and branches must be tucked into the stretched thread, first on one side, then on the other, guided by the braiding principle. Brushes with a large number fruits can be tied up or hung on hooks. This method is good because it allows you to do without pinching and ensure the growth of branches to increase the number of fruits. This can be achieved in a heated greenhouse, where plant growth will continue even after the onset of cold weather;
  • Trellis garter can also be done in a linear way. All you need to do is drive in the stakes and stretch one row of wire over the top. Attach several long ropes to it, the ends of which must be secured to the stems located opposite. As it grows, all that remains is to twist the stem around the rope.

As soon as the first spring sun warms up, summer cottages it becomes lively - someone is loosening the ground, someone is digging. Everyone wants to reap a rich harvest in the fall. Amateur summer residents do everything possible to grow tomatoes. This works out differently for everyone - some people collect tomatoes in large quantities and don’t know what to do with them, and some people have only a few fruits per bush.

Why is this happening? The opinion of many people is based on the fact that tomatoes are “loved” or not by the place and the person who cares for them. Actually this is not true. To grow this unpretentious garden crop, it is important not only to prepare the soil, but also to feed the plants, water them frequently, because tomatoes are 80% water, and also to plant them in time and tie them up correctly. The future harvest depends on how correctly this part of the work is done.

Why do you need to tie up tomatoes?

Most gardeners theoretically know and even adhere to some rules for growing tomatoes. Most people manage to harvest a good harvest, but you can make an effort, set aside a little time and pay more attention to growing tomatoes. If everything is done correctly, then, starting from the beginning of August and ending late autumn, you can harvest a good harvest of tomatoes.

If we have already become familiar with how to properly grow seedlings and plant tomatoes, then not everyone knows how to properly tie up tomatoes.

Why you need to tie up tomatoes:

  • it is important that the fruits do not fall to the ground or touch it;
  • It is necessary to tie up not only tall, but also low-growing varieties of tomatoes;
  • When tying a plant, it is not advisable to use thin rope, fishing line or wire, as they can damage the delicate stems of the tomatoes. It is better to use nylon tights or cut an old sheet into strips;
  • You cannot leave garter material from last year to tie up tomatoes next year - this can infect the plants.

Why else is it necessary to tie up tomatoes? As they say experienced summer residents, even if you have a low-growing variety of tomatoes and the bushes are not tall, then when you tie them up correctly, you can enhance the growth of the root system. This means that she will become stronger, receive more nutrition, which she will then pass on to the fruits.

An important rule that it is advisable not to miss at the first stage - planting tomato seedlings. As soon as you plant the seedlings, prepare the stakes in advance. They need to be installed at a distance of 10 cm from the future bush, and then immediately make a garter in the form of the number “8”. In addition, when tying, you can use trellises, then there is a chance to save on the consumption of garter material (rope or fabric strips).

And yet, properly tied tomatoes will bear fruit well, the bushes will become stronger, but at the same time they will not break. Those plants that mature and rest on pegs will be protected from slugs. In addition, if the summer turned out to be rainy, then the tomatoes can be saved from decay. The garter is also very important to ensure normal ventilation of the plants - they will be well ventilated and warmed up evenly, and in order to spray them in order to protect against phytophthora, much effort is not needed.

How to properly tie tomatoes can be seen in the photo:

Material for gartering tomatoes

A wooden peg, an ordinary strong stick or a trellis can serve as a support for a garter of plants. You can also use metal reinforcement as a support.

Most often, summer residents prefer tying tomatoes on a trellis. This is a support specially designed for tying climbing horticultural and horticultural crops. The design may differ - it may be vertical supports made of metal or wood, between which a plastic mesh is stretched. By the way, the mesh can be different, metal or woven independently from strong rope. The grid can also be replaced with wooden pegs that are driven into the ground. But the best option there is still a finished structure for growing tomatoes on a trellis.

By the way, you can adapt and grow tomatoes right next to buildings, for example, plant tomatoes near a greenhouse, and use one wall as a support. To do this, you need to stretch a trellis plastic mesh on the wall of the greenhouse on one side, and on the other hand, if you planted tomatoes in several rows, install support pegs and also stretch the mesh.

As a "dressing" for plants, you can adapt old linen, sheets, or use nylon tights. This material will withstand 1 season, and maybe several. If you plan to use the same material for tying tomatoes in the new season, then it must be processed. To do this, the tapes are washed in hot water with laundry soap or just boil for a few minutes. This is necessary in order to prevent pests from infecting young tomato bushes, as they multiply very quickly and the larvae can remain on the tape for a long time.

How to make a simple trellis design yourself

There is nothing complicated about gartering tomatoes. The main thing is desire and some free time.

What materials will be needed:

  • wooden supports;
  • slats;
  • nails;
  • wire.

First you need to prepare 3 supports, this can be a wooden post or a metal one. The height of the support above the ground is 3 m. The posts are installed in 1 row at a distance of 4 m from each other. If you have a large tomato plantation, then you need to prepare more columns.

We will also need wooden slats to connect the top of the supports and nails. We nail the rails to the supports as tightly as possible.

The end of the wire is secured to the outer supports. We do this kind of work further, in increments of 1 m. If we took 3 pieces of supports, then we should get 3 wires, in the lower part it will pass at a distance of 20 cm from the ground.

That's all, we have prepared the frame for the trellises. Now the next stage is installation of the frame. We will need soft wire, rope or nylon thread. The material needs to be cut into equal sections, 4.5 m long. Now let's get to work - you need to secure the free end of the rope to a support and twist it on the wire once so that the rope does not move. Every 20 cm we wind the next rope on the cross wire to the very bottom. Our task is to “weave” a grid that will have identical cells. In total, we will need about 6 such woven “panels”.

This part of the work can be done in the fall, when the harvest has been harvested and the soil needs to be prepared for the new season. Just at this time, you can dig a small trench (approximately 60 cm wide), the depth of the trench is half a meter. Don’t throw the soil we are digging far away, we will need it.

Now our actions are as follows: we take 6 identical parts of manure (preferably horse) and mullein, 3 parts of pure wood ash (without impurities) and goat droppings and 1 part of chicken. We combine all this, mix it and place it in the prepared trench to the edges. Now all we have to do is cover our natural fertilizer with soil. Just over the winter, the trench will squat a little and in the spring you can begin work.

What we do in the spring: prepare a ditch for planting tomato seedlings. The depth of the groove is approximately 15 cm. We plant tall varieties of tomatoes directly through the trellis.

Caring for the plants is simple - as they grow, they are directed upward so that they curl around the rope or wire. In order not to hill up the soil, the beds can be covered with leaves or dry chopped straw.

As a result of such a garter of tomatoes, you can collect a bucket or a little more tomatoes from 1 bush. As a result of growing vegetables on a trellis, you can get rid of many diseases, the bushes will be well ventilated. In addition, harvesting is a pleasure.

Advantages of the trellis method of gartering tomatoes:

  • you can walk between the rows to care for the aisles and harvest;
  • tomatoes will be well ventilated, which means the leaves (especially the lower ones) will not “sweat” and rot;
  • mold spores (late blight) will not multiply because there is no favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria;
  • tomatoes are visible and visible, and harvesting will be much easier, since there is no need to turn and tilt the branches.

How to tie tomatoes on support stakes

Suitable as support pegs metal fittings, plastic pipe or a wooden stick. The height of the support depends on the variety of tomatoes. For tall plants, 2 m of length (sometimes 3) is enough, and for short plants, 1 m will be enough.

The pegs need to be driven into the ground so that they hold firmly and do not become loose, since as the plant grows, the load on the support will increase. Therefore, we dig pegs to a depth of 20 cm. The distance between plants is 5 or 10 cm. The pegs need to be driven in simultaneously with planting the seedlings.

Next, after the supports are installed, you immediately need to tie a clothesline (fabric) to the support or make ribbons from an old sheet the right size. We wind the rope crosswise around the support and the tomato bush, and then fasten it to the support so that it does not come undone.

Garter of tomatoes on linear trellises

Mark the location of the future garden bed. Install supports on both sides (these can be stakes, tubes or thick wooden sticks). The height of the support is 2 or 3 m. Between the supports you need to install a crossbar or pull a rope (not thin so that it does not damage the stems of the plant). We tie a rope to the crossbar so that each plant has its own support, along which the tomatoes will curl as they are pulled out. The lower end of the rope must be tied to the stem of the tomatoes.

How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes need to be tied up in a greenhouse a little differently. For example, you can install metal rods at each edge of the bed once for many years in a row. Then connect them together with wire or other durable material.

Next, a dressing material is tied to each bush on one side and to the wire so that the bush is positioned vertically. When the tomatoes gradually stretch out, the rope is tightened. The purpose of adjusting the rope is to level the bush so that it is positioned vertically.

Hard and thin garters cannot be used, as well as wire, as this material can damage thin, immature stems and young shoots. It is better to take soft and thick dressing material. An old sheet or any thin knitted items (T-shirts, T-shirts, underwear) will do just fine.

You cannot stretch out the time so as not to miss the moment of tying, otherwise the bushes will grow crookedly and then it will be impossible to straighten them.

There is another way of gartering, when a small peg is placed next to the bush, and the seedlings are immediately tied to it. Next, you need to stretch a ribbon or rope from the peg to tie the plant. If the fit is dense, then the loop should be loose when tying. Separate tomato branches are tied into a trellis. Pulling shoots together is strictly prohibited. Tomatoes should grow freely, and to prevent them from breaking or falling over, a garter is exactly what is needed.

If you have chosen the trellis method of gartering tomatoes, then when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse you need to remove the lower leaves. The humidity in the greenhouse is high and plants can become infected with late blight.

In an adult tomato, the lower part (30 cm from the ground) should remain free.

If, nevertheless, the plant has become infected with late blight, then the leaves must be removed from the lower part completely, up to the brush. If everything is in order, then the leaves must be removed sequentially, every 3 days, 1-2 leaves.

It is important that the dressing is free both when growing tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open field. The material should not cut into the stem and literally cut it. So don't skimp on rope or old sheets. And if you have no time to do this, go to a specialized store, where you can buy accessories for tying tomatoes - clothespins, rings or a coarse plastic mesh. This material will serve you for many years.

You can learn how to tie tomatoes from this video:

So, let's try to figure out how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. Tying up tomatoes - a simple procedure that involves attaching stems and branches to the support using ropes, strips of fabric, plastic loops and other materials. Tying is carried out immediately after pinching and formation fruit ovaries. When the plant grows larger, the procedure will have to be repeated. Only some varieties that produce low-growing compact bushes do not require fastening.

It is necessary to tie up not only the stems of the plant, but also the branches with fruits. In some cases, it is worth securing them in two or three places. Do not tie knots tightly or pull plants too close to the support. If necessary, the fastening can be removed and the stem or branch tied in another place.

Benefits of proper garter

Proper staking of tomatoes in a greenhouse brings great benefits to the plants themselves, and also affects the result:

  • Tomatoes do not tolerate moisture on their stems and leaves. Vertical standing plants you can water at the root, which will help avoid rotting and;
  • Hanging tomatoes are easier to collect, they are not affected by late blight and do not become prey for slugs;
  • Heavy branches do not break even with a very large number of fruits;
  • When tied, the plants receive more light and air, which speeds up the ripening of tomatoes;
  • It simplifies the care of tomatoes: weeding, fertilizing, etc.


In the photo below you can see tomatoes in a garter greenhouse:

What to use for fastening

securely fix Tomato bushes can be supported using supports and garter material. The latter can be narrow strips of soft cotton fabric, cut nylon tights or knee socks.

After harvest, the strips can be washed, disinfected and stored for use the following year. For tying, do not use thin twine, threads, fishing line, wire or other thin and hard materials that can cut or break branches.

Special devices with adhesive tape and a cutter, reminiscent of a hybrid of garden pruning shears and a stapler, are very convenient. Using such a device, you can quickly and accurately fix the branches at the desired height. The tape can be easily removed and does not injure plants. The clamp with tape is especially convenient when tying tall tomatoes to trellises.

Simple and inexpensive option- plastic clips, fastened with one movement of the hand.

They do not break, can withstand any weight, are easy to clean and can be used for several years in a row. The clips have different size, they can fix both stems and branches with fruits.

Tying options

So, what are the ways to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse? There are several of them. The choice of fastening depends on the variety, height of the bush, yield, type of greenhouse and other nuances.

You need to think over the attachment scheme even before planting seedlings, this will simplify the care of tomatoes and help avoid damage to the roots and stems.

To choose suitable way tying, you need to try several options. capital structures will cost more, but they will serve for several years without requiring additional devices.

From this article you will learn in what ways you can tie up tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the garden.

To grow vegetables at home, you need to know all the details about each vegetable separately. In this article we will learn how to tie up tomato bushes and whether it is necessary to do so.

What are the modern methods and options for gartering tomatoes, and what can be used for gartering?

Garter of tomatoes to a trellis

We have already planted the tomatoes, and they have taken root; in order to have something to tie the bushes to, we need to drive wooden pegs or metal rods into the ground. Methods for gartering tall tomatoes there are:

  • An individual peg for each plant, the height of the length of the plant, plus 25-30 cm for driving into the ground
  • To the trellises
  • To linear trellis
  • Construction of a cage for each plant
  • Construction of pyramidal or triangular caps for 3 or 4 plants at once
  • Attaching the plant to the wire using hooks and rings

We installed pegs or other devices in the ground, and we will tie the plants to them. Suitable for garter:

  • Strips of fabric, 3-4 cm wide
  • Nylon tights or stockings
  • soft rope
  • Plastic clips

Note. All thin and hard garter materials are not suitable - they can cut into the branches and trunk of the plant and destroy it.

Cannot be used:

  • Fishing line
  • Wire
  • Threads
  • Thin and tough rope

Important. If you take last year's garters, then before using them, you need to wash them with laundry soap to kill bacteria.

How to buy pegs, fiberglass reinforcement, plastic clips, stapler, device for gartering tomatoes in Aliexpress: links to the catalog

If you don’t have pegs or binding material, you can buy them at any time of the day in the Aliexpress online store, and. There is a wide range of products for gardening.

When and why should you tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground?

To get a high yield of tomatoes, you need to learn how to properly care for them, including tying them up. Tall varieties are tied up, and low varieties with a bountiful harvest. They are most often planted in greenhouses, less so in open ground.

Experienced gardeners advise tying up all low-growing varieties, because this way you can get a much larger harvest.

Tomato garter needed:

  • To make it easier for plants to support the weight of the fruit, otherwise they may break.
  • Tall tomatoes with fruits, if not tied up, will lie on the ground and rot or be eaten by pests, and to prevent this from happening they need to be tied up.
  • Tethered plants are easier to pinch (remove additional shoots that may bear fruit).
  • It is not advisable to pour water on the leaves and set fruits, and therefore you need to water the plants closer to the roots, and this is easy to do with tied tomatoes.
  • It is also easier to fluff up the soil around the tomatoes if the plants are tied up.
  • A plant positioned vertically receives more sun and air, and therefore the fruits will ripen faster.

Important. We begin tying up tomatoes 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.

How to properly tie tall tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground: 5 methods, rules, tips for beginners

Tying tall tomatoes

Some varieties of tall tomatoes grow up to 1.5-2 m tall. The stakes should also be of the same height. In open ground, plants of this height are planted at a distance of approximately 1 m. And they need to be tied up as they grow, 3-6 times per season.

There are 5 main ways tying up tall tomatoes:

  1. Tying up to the pegs plants using fabric strips or soft rope.
  2. Construction wire frame, cone-shaped, around the plant. The method is expensive if there are a lot of tomato bushes.
  3. Tying tomatoes to the horizontal trellis. This is done like this: we drive high stakes along the edges of the bed with tomatoes. We stretch the wire between the stakes, starting from the bottom and to the top, every 30 cm. First, we tie the plants to the lower wire, then, when they grow up, higher.
  4. Tying tomatoes to the vertical trellis. This method is only suitable for greenhouses. We stretch a wire along the ceiling of the greenhouse, and the tomatoes are tied to it.
  5. Tying tomatoes to the grid. Between the two pillars we install a metal mesh and tie tomato bushes to it.

In the garden, you can tie tomatoes by all methods except 4, and in the greenhouse you can use 3 and 4 tying methods.

How to properly tie undersized tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: 5 ways, rules, tips for beginners

Low-growing tomatoes in the garden can be tied, or you can leave them to grow without support. Each case has its pros and cons. If the plants grow without support, they will additionally take root, and the fruits on the ground can rot from moisture. So, experienced vegetable growers advise tying up low-growing plants. This can be done as follows ways:

  1. The most popular method for low-growing tomatoes is tying to the posts, about 1 m high. We drive the posts into the ground 5-10 cm from the plant. We wrap the plant and the post with a strip of fabric or a soft rope in the shape of a figure eight, and tie the ends of the rope to the post, like a bow. The rope should be tied loosely and not cut into the plant.
  2. Bush tying to a low trellis. We drive low stakes, about 1 m high, along the edges of the bed with tomatoes. Attach a thick wire to the stakes on top. We tie each bush to the wire with a soft rope.
  3. Devices in the form square cap. Around 4 tomato bushes we hammer 4 low pegs, which we wrap with wire: at the bottom, in the middle and at the top. The wire will support the bushes and then the fruits.
  4. Devices in the form triangular cap. Near each bush we drive pegs into the ground and wrap wire around them in several places. The bushes are obtained in the middle of the triangle.
  5. Net, about 1 m high for tying tomatoes. At the beginning and end of the bed with tomatoes we hammer in 2 columns. We attach a net to them, to which we tie the tomato bushes.

Video: How to tie up tomatoes? An easy way using a plastic bottle

How to properly tie tomatoes to pegs in a greenhouse and open ground: description of the method

In the garden, for gartering tomatoes, we first install pegs to each bush. They can be wooden or metal. We drive the peg into the ground 5-10 cm from the plant. He must stand firm. With a soft strip of cloth or a soft rope, we wrap the peg and the plant in a figure eight several times and tie it to the peg, without pulling the plant to it, but so that there is free space and the plant can grow.

Video: How to tie up tomatoes in open ground

How to properly tie tomatoes on a trellis?

Tall tomatoes are tied to a trellis

We install trellises for tying tall tomatoes in a greenhouse or in a garden. This is done like this:

  1. Along the bed with tomatoes, we drive iron stakes into the ground, about 2 m high, every 1.0-1.5 m.
  2. Between the stakes, from the very bottom to the top, at a distance of 35-40 cm, we stretch a thick wire.
  3. We tie each plant with a soft garter to a wire.
  4. In addition, as they grow, we tuck the branches behind the wire.
  5. When the fruits grow up, we also tie them to the wire, or hook them to the wire.

Using this method, it is possible to leave additional branches at the plant, the support is reliable and will withstand everything, and besides, the harvest will be larger, and it is not scary in the greenhouse if frosts begin.

How to properly tie tomatoes in a linear way?

Tomatoes tied to linear trellises

The linear method is used in the greenhouse and in the garden:

  1. In a straight line along the beds with tall tomatoes, we hammer stakes 2 m high.
  2. We stretch a strong wire at the top between the stakes.
  3. We tie one end of a long soft garter on the plant at the very root, we tie the other end of the garter at the top of the wire.
  4. We tuck the growing branches behind the garter and direct them upward.
  5. We also tie large fruits to the wire.

How to properly tie tomatoes on hooks and chains?

Garter of tomatoes on hooks

The method of tying tall tomatoes on hooks is similar to tying them on trellises. Along the edges of the bed with tomatoes we bury 2 metal stakes, about 2 m high. We stretch the wire between the stakes. We tie a fishing line with a loop to the wire above each bush, and attach hooks to it. We cut the bicycle inner tube into thin rings. We thread the ring under a branch of the plant, bend it in half, and hook it to the fishing line. Hooks can be made from aluminum wire or bought in the online store.

How to properly tie tomatoes in a cage?

Garter of tomatoes in a cage

One way to tie up tall tomatoes is to build a cage for each tomato. We make the cage from 4 pegs; wooden or metal ones are suitable, depending on the height of the plant. We hammer the pegs around the plant and connect them together with wire in 3-5 rows at different heights, to which the plant is attached using a soft rope. We attach the grown plant higher to the wire.

How to properly tie tomatoes without stakes?

Tying tomatoes without stakes

In this method of tying tomatoes, stakes are still needed, but not for every bush. This is done like this:

  1. We plant tomatoes in 1 row.
  2. We hammer in 3 pegs on both sides of the row with tomatoes, the middle peg on each side is higher, and there are low pegs on the edges.
  3. We connect the pegs around with a soft rope, it will act as a limit for the bushes.
  4. In addition, we also connect high pegs with rope or wire at several levels in order to tie tomatoes to it.

How to properly tie tomatoes in a figure eight in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

Tying tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

The polycarbonate greenhouse is tall, it is heated, and in it you can grow tall tomatoes all winter long. You can tie them to trellises in a simple way - in the form of a figure eight or, as people say, with a bow. First you need to tie the rope to the plant loosely so that there is free space near the trunk, and then tie the rope to the wire at the top without pulling it.

A polycarbonate greenhouse is large, and there is a lot of work in it; to simplify the work, you can purchase a special device similar to a stapler from an online store. The device works by tying the plant and wire special tape, and fixing them together. This way you can quickly tie up all the branches in a short time.

What is the easiest method for gartering a tomato?

The easiest way to tie tomatoes is to a peg

The easiest method for staking tomatoes is to stake each tomato. It can be wooden, metal or a piece of pipe. The height of the peg should be no less than the height of the tomato when it is fully grown, and about 30 cm additional for driving into the ground.
We drive the peg 5-10 cm further from the tomato bush. Then we lightly wrap the garter around the plant, twist the ends and attach it to the support. When the tomato grows, we tie it higher with another ribbon, or remove the one that was there and tie it higher.

This peg and garter method is only suitable for medium-sized tomatoes; a plant belonging to tall tomatoes may not be able to withstand such a peg, and the structure along with the plant will collapse.

How the Chinese tie tomatoes: a description of the method

The Chinese have developed many drought-resistant tomato varieties that have proven themselves well in our country. Chinese technology for growing tomatoes also appealed to those gardeners who came across it. The Chinese's tying of tomatoes is also very original and fast. It consists of the following actions:

  1. We plant tomatoes in a row with a distance of about 20-30 cm between them.
  2. We hammer pegs between the tomato bushes.
  3. We place the bobbin with the rope in our backpack.
  4. We take 1 peg and drill a hole at the end of it so large that the rope can move freely.
  5. We pass the rope through the hole in the peg that we have in our hand.
  6. On the first peg, standing at the beginning of the row, 10-20 cm from the bottom, we tie the end of a soft rope.
  7. Then the plants will be tied up automatically: we walk at the usual pace and direct the stick with the rope first to the bush, then to the peg, wrap it around it; We make movements with a stick as if weaving a basket. So we reach the end of the row of tomatoes.
  8. Then we return, but now the rope should lie on the other side of the bush.

Video: Garter of tomatoes. Pro

How to tie up Bull's Heart tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground: features, tips

Bull's Heart tomatoes

Tomatoes "Bull's heart" are tall. As seedlings, in a garden or greenhouse, we plant them at a distance of about 0.5 m, one plant from another. It is good to tie them to trellises with soft rope. Thick wire can be used as a trellis. The wire is attached to two iron stakes. We tie a rope to each bush at one end, and tie the other end of the rope at the top to a wire.

When the plants grow up and fruits begin to set, they also need to be tied to a trellis, otherwise the plants may not be able to withstand the heavy weight of the fruits, because one tomato of this variety sometimes weighs up to 0.5 kg.

How to tie cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground: features, tips

Cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes can be grown in the garden and greenhouse. Cherry bushes are low, medium and high in height, depending on the variety. Low and medium-sized cherry trees do not need to be tied up, but tall cherry varieties can reach 2 m in height.

When cherry seedlings, planted in a greenhouse or garden, reach 30 cm in height, you need to install supports. Metal rods or, if there are a lot of plants, trellises are suitable for supports. Cherries continue to grow and need to be tied higher and higher.

In addition to eating them, you can decorate your balcony with cherry tomatoes if you buy cherry tomatoes decorative variety. We plant these tomatoes on the balcony in a hanging basket; when the fruits set, they will hang down beautifully, and so that the branches do not break off under the weight of the fruits, we will stretch a wire along the balcony and attach the branches to it.

How to make sticks and supports for tomato garters with your own hands?

Pegs for gartering tomatoes can be made from the following materials:

  • Thick tree branches
  • wooden planks
  • Long wooden planks
  • metal bars
  • Long pieces of metal pipes
  • Strong plastic sticks

To make it easier to drive into the ground, we trim the wooden stakes with an ax on one side. Metal rods and pipes are more difficult to install and require skill.

How to treat pegs for gartering tomatoes?

Tall wooden sticks are suitable for pegs. To prevent them from rotting by the end of the season, they need to be slightly burned over a fire or in an oven. Pegs treated in this way will be suitable for tying tomatoes for several years.

Do I need to tie up tomato bunches?

Tied brush tomato

Tomatoes large varieties, such as the “Bull’s Heart”, must be tied with a rope or hooked, otherwise the branch may not hold up and break. Some gardeners make their own hooks from wire and attach them to a branch to a trellis. But you can also order ready-made hooks in the online store, or.

What happens if you don't tie up tomatoes?

Tied tomato bushes bear fruit better

Tomatoes can be left untied in areas with a hot climate, even if they are low-growing. There the fruits lie on the ground, the days and nights in the southern countries are warm, they ripen quickly and do not have time to rot. But tall tomatoes will have to be tied up in subtropical countries.

And in temperate latitudes, where it is often cold for tomatoes at night, lying on the ground, they rot, they are eaten by pests, and so you can lose the entire harvest. Therefore, you need to tie up both low and tall tomatoes.

So, we learned how to tie up low and tall tomatoes, in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Video: We tie tomatoes! How to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse and garter errors