Shower      07/02/2020

Boys' periods. Honey, are you having your period? Menstruation in men: physiological basis

Your beloved, always cheerful, energetic, kind, self-confident husband suddenly became nervous, irritable, and quick-tempered. Now he is not eager to get into bed with you, or vice versa - he has irrepressible sexual desires. He becomes depressed, he clearly shows signs of apathy, and at the same time, for no apparent reason, he suddenly shows aggression... You can rest assured that your husband has begun his “critical” days.

According to candidate of medical sciences Sergei Agarkov, unlike women who have monthly hormonal imbalances, men suffer from them throughout their lives. Conventionally, male cycles are designated as life (biological) annual, monthly and daily.

The biological cycle is determined by age. After 30 years, the level of testosterone in a man’s body decreases by 1–2 percent every year. The man is no longer so sexually active and not so positive. For many, such changes in their own body result in depression, which further reduces the level of the main hormone.

The annual cycle is determined by the seasons. Based on research by scientists from various countries, Sergei Agarkov provides data: in spring and especially in autumn, men’s activity is at its peak. And summer and winter are intermediate phases for them. Based on the symptoms of irritability, aggressiveness, and isolation, it is easy to calculate when the most unfavorable time of the year comes for a particular man.

British scientists have thoroughly studied daily changes in hormonal levels in men. According to their research, it is mainly young men who are susceptible to such frequent changes in the level of the main hormone - within 24 hours their testosterone level can change up to four times. The catalysts for change can be any number of reasons: the defeat of your favorite football team, the disruption of a trip to the bathhouse, or... the arrival of your mother-in-law. External manifestations of such differences can be observed when, in the course of a seemingly insignificant dispute between young people, one suddenly rushes into a fight. For doctors, this behavior is quite understandable.

But not all men are subject to a monthly cycle. It is associated more with psychological stress and is therefore more often recorded in men employed in the business sphere. Dr. Richard Petley from London, after examining a group of men, found that testosterone levels drop sharply after stress.

English scientist Jed Diamond proved that men, like women, also experience premenstrual syndrome. It manifests itself, as the Englishman puts it, in hunger pangs. The man eats everything and at the same time constantly demands something to snack on.

And then the man has day “X” - an analogue of “critical” Women's Day, only without bleeding, of course. On this day, a man experiences a peak of emotional excitability. Smart women on such a day try not to contradict their spouses.

And yet, the most difficult thing for men is age-related hormonal imbalance. Andrologist professor Svetlana Kalinchenko calls this one big “critical” day for men. According to the professor, it can last half a lifetime.

It's all about testosterone again. It is he who makes a man courageous, strong, confident, and attractive to women. Testosterone is a regulator of metabolic processes, the formation of sperm depends on it, and it ensures sexual desire. With age, the main hormone declines and all the functions for which it is responsible gradually fade away. The man understands that his prime is behind him. For some, this period begins immediately after the age of 30, but there are men who do not experience noticeable hormonal changes until the age of 45. This is due to the lifestyle and character of a person. Optimists, as a rule, do not limit themselves to their feelings, lead an active lifestyle and maintain good physical and psychological shape for quite a long period. This helps periodically increase the level of the main hormone so much that some men even after 70 years are able to conceive a child. But the owners beer belly they may not expect an increase in testosterone levels. Andrologists even name a figure: if a man’s waist exceeds 94 centimeters, he is provided with “critical” days until the hormonal attenuation is complete.

Male and female anatomy differs significantly. The female body is subject to monthly cycles, during which the egg matures. This process is preceded by menstrual bleeding. The male body is also subject to cyclical changes. Full menstruation in men is impossible due to the anatomical features of the structure of the body. Such a phenomenon as PMS is common for men when the conversation turns to changes in their emotional state. Do men have periods and how do they manifest themselves? Let’s find out about it.

Myth or truth?

Western scientists have long debated whether men have periods. Just like women, representatives of the stronger sex are susceptible to emotional swings, irritability, and attacks of apathy. What is the reason for this? Women's menstruation is preceded by hormonal changes in the body aimed at preparing the body for conception. Without male sperm this process cannot be carried out.

Let's take a closer look at whether men have periods and what symptoms they have. Women have periods regularly, and men also experience hormonal changes, but without external manifestations in the form of rejection of the mucous lining of the uterus, due to its absence. In fact, men experience monthly hormonal changes that cause changes in their psycho-emotional state due to changes in blood composition.

Is it possible to compare women's menstruation and men's menstruation, as the cyclic hormonal changes of the stronger sex are called? Let's try to figure it out.

Psychological explanation of the concept

The main prerequisite for the onset of menstruation in women is hormonal overtones. Considering the similarity of the structure of both sexes at the embryonic stage, it can be assumed that theoretically cyclic hormonal changes are also possible in men. Men's monthly cycles occur by shifting the balance of hormones in the blood, but this does not mean that you should expect bloody discharge from the genitals. Most of all, the similarity of the processes of hormonal changes is characterized by psychosomatic manifestations.

Physiological factor

In the womb, the sex of the future child is formed in the first 16-19 weeks. Despite the significant differences between both sexes in adulthood, structural similarities are present:

  • genital organs – male penis and female clitoris;
  • maturation of germ cells occurs in men in the testicles, in young ladies in the ovaries;
  • An organ similar to the uterus is located in men near the prostate gland.

Based on indirect anatomical similarities, we can say that the stronger half undergoes processes similar to the menstrual cycle. Menstruation in girls indicates the release of an unfertilized egg and preparation for the maturation of the next one, but such changes cannot occur in men. This action is accompanied by rupture of the follicles, separation of the inner layer of the uterus and cleansing it through bleeding. Such processes do not occur in the male body, which is why men do not have periods in the usual sense. What do men experience instead of menstruation: testosterone imbalance, emotional outbursts, manifestations of weakness or irritability.

Upset young woman sitting with her husband in the background

Is there any difference from women's?

Nature has laid down the need for reproduction; for this, in the body of both sexes, under the influence of hormones, the maturation of germ cells takes place, taking part in the conception of a new life. Women's manifestations and their cyclicality have long been studied and widely known. In the stronger half of humanity, similar hormonal surges also occur. There are differences in symptomatic manifestations and the cyclical nature of these processes. Scientists have proven that it takes from 70 to 75 days for the maturation of male reproductive cells - sperm. During this period, sperm renewal occurs, and this is associated with an interval between spermograms of three months.

When do they first appear?

How can you tell if a man is experiencing monthly hormonal changes? Starting from puberty, when the release of male sex hormones is activated and sperm begin to mature in the body of male adolescents, one can notice obvious manifestations of this process:

  • manifestations of aggression without prerequisites for its development;
  • depressive states;
  • excessive touchiness;
  • lack of desire for any action.

What do men need to know about periods?

Men are not spared the natural manifestation of hormonal changes in the body associated with the maturation of sperm. At a young age, when young men are not able to control emotional swings, one can notice their regular cyclical nature.

The physiology of the male reproductive system is similar to the female reproductive system.

Menstruation in men: physiological basis

The functional and anatomical features of the female and male body influence the life activity of each individual. Representatives of the stronger half of society do not have a vagina, ovaries, or uterus. However, the female and male reproductive organs perform an identical function; they are similar in many ways and differ significantly.

All this proves that, from an anatomical point of view, every man in his infancy has a complete set of female reproductive organs. Therefore, monthly cycles are characteristic not only of the female, but also of the male body.

Men have menstrual periods, but they manifest themselves differently, in a different form and are different from women's menstruation.

There is no bloody discharge in men.

Signs of regular periods in men

The meaning of critical days

Like women, men feel nervous release, a surge of strength, increased performance and increased sexual desire after full-fledged critical days. But women's critical days also contribute to significant improvement of the renewed body.

  1. It is believed that it is thanks to this feature female body the fair sex has a longer life expectancy. This effect after menstruation is not observed in men. But men endure this time much easier.
  2. Like women, men have a biological clock that measures the time until the critical period that brings renewal of the body.
  3. But if in women menstrual biological rhythms are of a physiological nature, then in men, critical days also have a psychological basis. The causes of men's periods are cyclical fluctuations in testosterone levels. These are mental, psychological periods associated not only with physiology, but with the consciousness and psychology of the stronger sex.

There is no danger or risk in such men's critical days. They happen for two to three days every month. This is considered the norm. But if mental periods last longer, this may be due to hormonal changes, an increase in estrogen levels. Such phenomena in a man’s life should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Opposite sex - this is what men say about women and vice versa. These creations of nature bear a lot of differences:

  • body anatomy;
  • physiology of the body;
  • psychology.

But from the first days of conception, the unborn child receives two variants of sexual characteristics, which will ultimately develop more strongly, and that gender will dominate in the baby.

The main sexual organ in men and the rudimentary one in women is the penis and clitoris. The testes in men and the ovaries in women are the maturation sites for the main creators of the zygote. The uterus of women and the uterus of men (hidden near the prostate gland) are analogues of the components of the sexual “constructor”. Do boys have periods and can they have them?

Only for humans, Mother Nature has created conditions for reproduction with the shortest cycle for the maturation of the egg in women. Within 4 weeks the biological clock produces portions essential hormones, change temperature regime, for complete fertilization.

If this does not happen, the body relieves itself of the stress of the preparatory period. Emotional and physiological release occurs at the time of menstruation in the fair sex.

The question has long ceased to carry a certain mystery, they talk about it calmly, they don’t make a secret of it. During menstruation, everything is forgiven for women; they are irritated and easily aroused.

Scientists say that there is an analogy with menstruation among representatives of the stronger sex. The transformations in the body of men during the cycle can be called by analogy with the opposite sex - the menstrual cycle.

But menstruation means bleeding. Men do not have them. Many guys are confused by this circumstance if they hear the phrase “menstruation in boys.” Of course, you won’t be able to see this phenomenon visually. And psychological ups and downs can be noticed. It's more like PMS.

How to explain that the physiological and hormonal cycle and the male population are emotionally dependent on premenstrual syndrome. For men, day “X” comes, when their emotional background is at the peak of excitability, they are unrestrained, they want to send everything to ... “the sky is beyond the asterisk.” This proves that men have periods, only figuratively and not literally.

If you observe the behavior of young men during the period of “critical days,” you can even notice aggression towards comrades, loved ones, and animals. When this happens, they cannot even explain their behavior to themselves. If they saw a photo of themselves taken at such a moment, they would not recognize their face.

For older boys during the “X” period, it can be difficult to control their emotions; they don’t like themselves these days. The desire to play sports disappears, nothing comes of their plans, and they tend to blame everyone. When this behavior is repeated once a month, these are “monthly” emotional days.

Older men on such days of the cycle can be seen:

  • not collected;
  • scattered;
  • gloomy;
  • fatigue sets in;
  • sleepy;
  • they refuse sex.

Not everyone’s sexual desires disappear, but their physical condition may fail during this period. All this is connected with hormonal changes that occur in cycles in the body of men.

Days when everything falls out of hand, the usual and usual work does not work out, chills and runny nose appear out of nowhere, these are “menstruation”. The desire to lie down becomes an obsession. Which is what they usually do. Look at the photo of your husband or son sleeping during the day, pay attention to the dates, they will clearly fall into the cycle of your men’s biorhythms.

This has been noticed for a long time - there is confirmation!

Biographers famous people“menstruation” is described in males, not just females. For example, Napoleon regularly, once a month, fell into hysterics, complained of abdominal pain, and felt unwell.

There is evidence that Adolf Hitler’s office kept a “female” calendar for its boss. They knew it was better to avoid him on days like these. The behavior was depressive, hysterics were repeated monthly, PMS was obvious.

On men's "X" days, you need to beware of cuts; bleeding at this time cannot be stopped for a long time. A small wound can lead to large blood loss.

U wise women There is a rule: on such days it is better not to touch men. Then, a little later, they will do the work faster, with the mood, best quality. However, so do women. When critical days pass, the body is filled with energy and is ready to move mountains:

  • the mood changes for the better;
  • depression goes away;
  • pain disappears.

Are psychological periods dangerous for men?

There is nothing dangerous about “mental periods” for men. A biological individual is characterized by biorhythms or a certain cyclicity, manifested in psychological behavior, which occur in men and women.

Scientists say that the norm is 2-3 days in 30-45 days. If a hormonal imbalance occurs in a man’s body, then emotional outbursts appear much more often. This is how increased levels of female hormones can work. Estrogen predominates over testosterone, suppresses its effect, men feel weakened, gain weight sharply, and vascular problems appear.

The expression “menstruation” for the male part of the population should not be taken literally. It is rather a periodic change in hormonal composition, which affects the emotional background and physical health.

Intellectual work contributes to a greater manifestation of PMS in men and women. Professions associated with physical work are less likely to allow you to notice minor ailments.

It should be noted that no matter what hormonal changes take place in our bodies, a responsible and intelligent person will not allow during any period of the cycle:

  • let your nerves unwind;
  • show changing mood;
  • allow hysterical behavior in public places.

This distinguishes a reasonable and well-mannered person who knows how to keep emotions under control in any situation. In the photos of diplomats we notice constant control over facial expressions; it does not betray internal unrest. Not a single muscle will flinch, no matter what stress you have to endure.

Are “periods” and a man’s sexual activity related?

There is a myth that PMS affects the sexual needs of the male population, is this true? Sexual activity among young people is stable. Hormones work in a 24-hour cycle, and sexual function does not depend on mood.

With age, the connection between sexual biorhythms and the functioning of the endocrine system, nervous and emotional overload becomes more and more noticeable. The endocrine glands influence seasonal and cyclical changes in the level of hormones responsible for sexual desires and capabilities.

A partner’s sexual activity is influenced by physical condition, as well as emotional components. The effect of PMS on attraction to the opposite sex is already being monitored here. For no more than 2–3 days, such a connection works to weaken a man’s sexual function. Then everything returns to normal.

Why don't guys have periods? Today, many men in response to such a question will answer: “Because women suck all the blood out of us, and then their reserves are overflowing and once a month it pours out of them.” But women should not be upset by such injustice. After all, along with menstruation, nature endowed the weaker sex with the opportunity to procreate. And it is thanks to women that humanity exists and will exist.


Male and female genital organs are significantly different. Since representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not have a uterus, ovaries, or vagina, nature does not have a source of bleeding.

But this happened for a reason. It has long been known that women’s pain threshold is much higher and they can endure pain not only during menstruation, while performing usual activities, but also during childbirth. Many doctors believe that if the male half gave birth, many would simply die from painful shock. Apparently, nature ordered it this way for a reason.

The absence of menopause is the reason for the absence of “red days” in the men's calendar

This version has long been considered by scientists and it has been proven that guys do not have menopause, and therefore no menstruation. But this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, so a similar period can occur in representatives of the stronger sex only without visible changes and disturbances in the body.

If in women menopause manifests itself in the end of menstruation, hormonal changes, atrophy of the external genitalia, uterus, mammary glands, changes in the contours of the body and voice, then men may have problems with work nervous system and potency.

Do men have periods?

It turns out that they do, but not in the same form as in women. From the first days, the embryo will equally inherit sex cells from the mother and father.

But both constructors can replace each other. After all, both women and men have the rudiments of a penis. But if in the stronger sex this organ is strongly expressed, developed and formed into a penis, then in women the clitoris can be considered the penis. This undeveloped tubercle is the germ of male “dignity”.

As for men, their prostate gland contains a small formation called the uterus. It can be considered a prototype of the female uterus.

One last thing: women's ovaries are the same as men's testicles. And the skin of the scrotum can be compared with the labia majora of the fairer sex.

A man has a full set of female organs

From an anatomical point of view, this is indeed true. They are simply in their infancy.

Only if menstruation controls the possibility of conception in women, providing several days a month for this, then a man has received a real gift from nature - he can “copulate” at any time and each of his ejaculations has a high probability that conception will occur.

“Critical” days for guys also exist!

Thanks to menstruation, a woman receives nervous relief. Something amazing also happens to our stronger halves once a month, which is quite comparable to the characteristic signs of women’s periods:

  • weakness;
  • low performance;
  • bad feeling;
  • nausea;
  • mood swings;
  • stress;
  • stomach ache;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of sexual desire.

Of course, there is no bleeding as such in men during “menstruation,” but other symptoms are present. This period is needed to shake up the body. And once a month is quite enough. On such days, immunity decreases and the risk of infectious diseases increases.

When menstruation ends, a man, like a woman, feels a surge of strength, improved mood, return of sexual desire and ability to work. But in the case of girls, “critical days” have a strong positive effect on most body functions, while in men there is no improvement during this period. They receive only a slight nervous release. Therefore, they endure menstruation easier than their companions. But most men don’t even realize that they are so similar to women.

Surprising but true

During men's periods, any cut, even a minor one, can bleed heavily and for a long time. During such a period, bleeding is very difficult to stop.