Well      07/02/2020

Name day July for women's and men's names according to the church calendar. Name day July female and male names according to the church calendar Angel Day July 8 female names

The month's book notes that on July 8, the name day is celebrated by those who received female and male names- Livia, Denis, Prokop, Peter, Semyon and Fedor.

In addition, birthday people are also those today who were baptized in honor of the new martyrs Vasily, Nicholas and Nikon, who were only recently canonized. You can also congratulate Isabella, who was baptized according to the Catholic canon, on Angel Day.

For girls and boys born today, among other female and male names, it is advisable to choose one of the above. Then the name will become a talisman and will contribute to the intercession of the heavenly patron.

In the church calendar for 2020, July 8 is marked as the day of remembrance of the noble princes Peter and Feofania of Murom, who, along with their tonsure, took the names David and Euphrosyne.

And for people who are named like that, today is a particularly significant name day, and for newborn babies you can’t find better names than these. Named in honor of the Guardian Angel, they will be under his reliable protection.

In addition, these names also contribute to the formation of a certain character: for example, the Davids who celebrate their name day on this day are distinguished by their enormous willpower and innate sense of justice.

And Euphrosyne’s birthday girls are diligent and hardworking, they know how to find mutual language with any person, they are attractive to everyone.

Prince Peter came from an old princely family, distinguished by its piety and godly lifestyle. The beginning of his reign in Murom occurred at the beginning of the 13th century.

He ruled wisely and fairly, observed Christian laws, but he was struck by terrible leprosy, which he tried to cure to no avail.. Then he saw a prophetic dream in which an Angel pointed him to his savior.

In the morning, the prince ordered the servant to go to one of the Ryazan villages and find the beekeeper’s daughter there. The girl’s incredible beauty and spiritual purity touched the prince’s heart, and after recovery he married her.

Their marriage was an example sincere love and mutual respect: not remembering evil, steadfastly enduring all misfortunes, they retained the warmest and brightest feelings for each other.

The couple won universal love for their numerous good deeds, at the end of their long life they took monastic vows and completed their earthly journey at the same time. Later their relics were recognized as miraculous.

Every year on July 8, our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is symbolic that it was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family. This holiday in Russia...

Name day July 8


Origin of the name. The name Basil comes from the ancient Greek "Basileios", which means "royal, royal". Its origins are sometimes associated with the Persian Wars. At the same time, the meaning of the name Vasily is interpreted as “king”, “prince” or “ruler”. In Great Britain it has the form Basil, in France - Basil, in Spain - Basilio, in Portugal - Basilio.

Short form of the name. Vasya, Vasilyok, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyonya, Vasyunya, Vasyura, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasilyushka, Vasilka, Vasilko, Vasyanya, Vasyakha, Vasyasha


Origin of the name. The translation from the Hebrew language is presented in the following variants: “God is my judge,” “God’s court,” “God is the judge.” The name Daniel (Hebrew - Daniel) consists of two parts: “dan” - “judge” and “el” - “god”, “sacred”.

Short form of the name. Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danechka, Danchik, Danyushechka, Dan, Danka, Dan, Danni, Danil, Neil.


Origin of the name. The name Denis comes from the ancient Greek name Dionysios, which means “belonging to the god Dionysus” - the patron saint of farmers, winegrowers and winemakers, the son of the thunderer Zeus. In Rus', the origin of the name Denis is more associated with church name Dionysius, who Orthodox priests boys were called at baptism.

Short form of the name. Dani, Deniska, Denya, Denusya, Desha, Dan, Denisochka, Denchik.


Origin of the name. The male name Konstantin is of Latin origin. It is derived from the word constans, which translated into Russian means “persistent”, “constant”. Christians associate it with the name of Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of the capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople.

Short form of the name. Kostya, Kosta, Konstantinka, Kosya, Kotya, Kostyukha, Kostyusha, Kostyunya, Kostyakha, Kostyasha, Kotasha, Koka, Kostyanya.


Origin of the name. The male name Peter comes from the ancient Greek Petros and means “stone”, “solid”, “unshakable”, “reliable”. From him the surname Petrov was formed, which is considered one of the most popular in Russia, the nickname of the Russian jester is Petrushka.

Short form of the name. Petya, Petka, Petyunya, Petrukha, Petranya, Petrya, Petrusha, Petyusha, Petyana, Petyai, Petra, Petran, Petrus, Per, Peiro, Pete, Perin, Petruts, Pero, Peya.


Origin of the name. The male name Semyon comes from the Hebrew name Shimon and is translated as “listening,” “heard by God.” The related names Samuel and Simon have the same meaning - “God heard”.

Short form of the name. Syoma, Senya, Senyukhya, Senyusha, Sima, Semyonka, Simanya, Simonya, Sim, Simi, Simon.


Origin of the name. Fedor is a rare, ancient, formerly royal name. It is believed to be a modern form of the Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros) and means “given by God,” “God’s gift.”

Short form of the name. Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyusha, Fedyukha, Fedyasha, Fedulya, Fedunya, Fedusya, Fedyuka, Fedyulya, Fedyusya, Theo, Toda, Ted, Teddy, Dor.

Signs for July 8

  • It's raining - there will be a lot of honey.
  • The north wind blew - clear days. East wind means rain.
  • From this day on, another 40 hot days are expected.
  • The summer heavy rain suddenly changes in strength - leading to improved weather.
  • In calm weather the whirlwind moves in a column towards the bucket.
  • A bright rainbow hangs over expanses of water - a sign of rain.
  • Morning showers are usually short.
  • If the temperature starts to blow and then it rains with a cold wind, there will be hail.
  • A steady east wind (several days in a row) means drought.
  • Cirrus clouds have appeared on the horizon and are located to the left of a person facing the direction of the wind - good weather Most likely, it will continue, and if it rains, it will not last long.
  • The seedlings drink water - dry hay, but do not absorb - wet.
  • It's hot on this day - dry weather will last 40 days.
  • The day is dry and hot - there will be few mushrooms in summer.
  • Pigs eating hay means a poor harvest of fodder grass.
  • There are mice in the hayloft - there won't be enough hay.
  • When watering, water is quickly absorbed into the ground - leading to good haymaking.
  • A lot of clover - for a rainy July.
  • If a lonely girl throws a red ribbon into the water, she will soon have a boyfriend.
  • Love spells made on this day will be the most powerful.
  • On this day it is customary to ask Saints Peter and Fevronia for marital happiness; single people pray for a meeting with their soulmate.
  • If your husband or wife gave you a piece of rock crystal or emerald on this day, never part with it. This is a very powerful talisman!
  • If spouses do the same thing together on this day, they will not know grief for the rest of their lives.
  • If you enter a river or lake on July 8 without crossing yourself, the mermaids may be pulled to the bottom.

Orthodox holidays July 8

  • Venerable Martyr Fevronia the Virgin (c. 304);
  • the faithful Prince Peter (in monasticism David) and Princess Fevronia (in monasticism Euphrosyne), Murom miracle workers (1228);
  • memory of the Venerable Dalmat of Isetsky, Perm, founder of the Dalmatovo Holy Dormition Monastery (1697);
  • memory of the holy martyr Vasily Militsyn, presbyter (1918);
  • memory of the venerable confessor Nikon of Optina (Belyaev), hieromonk (1931);
  • memory of the holy martyr Vasily Protopopov, presbyter (1940).

Men's name day on July 8 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Basileios - “royal, royal.”
  • - from the Hebrew name David - “beloved”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Dionysios - “belonging to the god Dionysus.”
  • - from the Latin word constans - “constant”, “persistent”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos - “conqueror of nations.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Petros - “stone”, “solid”, “reliable”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Shimon - “God heard.”
  • - modern form Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros, Theodoros) - “given by God”, “God’s gift”.

Women's name day on July 8 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Euphrosyune - “fun”, “joy”.
  • - from the Greek name Fevronia, derived from the ancient Greek word “phoibos” - “clear”, “light”, “radiant” or from the Latin “faber” - “craftsman”.

If on the night of July 7-8, David, Denis, Konstantin, Peter, Fedor dreamed of a corn, this is a sign that in real life there is a sore point.

If you dreamed of getting rid of a callus, this is a sign that the issue will be resolved.

Callus on thumb dreams of feet on the night of a name day signify suffering in love, a callus on the second toe signifies a lack of creative self-expression. A callus on the third toe means excessive aggressiveness towards others, a callus on the fourth toe means difficulty in achieving goals. Callus on little finger right leg- to a strong fear of others. A callus on the heel is a sign of intense anger experienced by the owner of the heel. Calluses on the sole of the right foot dream of problems that will appear suddenly.

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As soon as the pregnancy test tells you the good news, you are immediately faced with a certain choice. The first thing is what to name the baby. And then the parents spend a large number of time to think, because it is necessary to approach such a responsible event with all seriousness. If the name is chosen hastily and thoughtlessly, this may lead to inconvenience for the child. Previously, the choice of name depended only on the church calendar. All name days for July church calendar boys and girls are scheduled by month. People simply turned to the priest and he, regarding the date of birth, chose the name of the newborn.

How to choose the right name for your baby

Remember that a child’s name is given once and it will not be possible to change it until the age of 18. There is a certain list of rules that should be followed when choosing a name:

  1. Remember the responsibility in choosing a name to the child.
  2. Be careful if the name is non-standard. Children are very vulnerable and sometimes such a name can cause ridicule among their peers. This can cause psychological trauma to the child.
  3. The chosen name should not cause rejection among others. It's better if it's respectful. If the name is affectionate or too soft, the child may not be taken seriously.
  4. Try to choose a name that is similar to the child’s middle name. It is advisable to initially ask the opinion of someone who is more objective than you. It just happens that the parents are interested and the pronunciation of the name in their performance will not sound the same as it will sound when pronounced by another person.
  5. Be careful when choosing fashionable names. This may cause some difficulties over time. Fashion is a fickle concept. It will change, and the name will not sound so beautiful or ridiculous.
  6. Also, do not forget that the name has a certain influence on a person’s character. Before choosing any one, you should very carefully study the qualities that the baby will have.
  7. Some people don’t want to bother themselves and choose a name according to the name day according to the church calendar in July. Then the child is protected all his life.

Name for a July boy

Since each month has a certain influence on a person’s character, boys’ birthdays in July can also affect their destinies. If you decide to name your baby a name from the list of the church calendar, then the qualities of a saint will be transferred to the baby.

If a child is named after a saint on his memorial day, they believe that the saint will always protect the child and protect him from negative influence. Among such Angel Days for men in July, the following are distinguished:

  • 01.07 – Leonty;
  • 03.07 - Gury, Gleb;
  • 04.07 – Julius, Terenty, Julian;
  • 05.07 – Galaktion, Vasily, Arseny, Tikhon;
  • 06.07 – German, Artem, Svyatoslav;
  • 07.07 – Yakov, Anton, Ivan;
  • 08.07 – Peter, David;
  • 09.07 – Denis, David;
  • 10.07 – Samson, Georgy (Yuri, Egor);
  • 11.07 – Ivan, German, Sergey;
  • 12.07 – Peter, Pavel;
  • 13.07 - Sophron, Peter;
  • 14.07 – Kuzma, Demyan, Nikodim;
  • 16.07 – Vasily, Anatoly, Ivan, Philip, Konstantin;
  • 17.07 – Efim, Andrey;
  • 18.07 – Afanasy, Sergey;
  • 21.07 – Procopius;
  • 22.07 – Pankrat, Kirill, Fedor;
  • 23.07 – Anton;
  • 25.07 – Ivan, Arseny, Mikhail, Fedor, Proclus;
  • 26.07 – Stepan (Stefan), Gabriel;
  • 27.07 – Stepan (Stefan);
  • 28.07 – Vladimir, Vasily;
  • 29.07 – Afinogen, Pavel;
  • 31.07 – Ivan, Emelyan.

Women's name days

According to the church calendar, girls' birthdays for July are not particularly varied. Although even from such a small one you can choose or at least get acquainted with their interpretation. After all, when we name a child after a saint, we try to transfer all his positive qualities to him.

List of girls' birthdays in July to:

  • 03.07 – Inna, Rimma;
  • 05.07 – Ulyana;
  • 07.07 – Agripina;
  • 08.07 – Euphrosyne;
  • 14.07 – Angelina;
  • 17.07 – Marfa;
  • 18.07 – Anna;
  • 19.07 – Ulyana;
  • 20.07- Euphrosyne, Evdokia;
  • 24.07 – Elena, Olga;
  • 29.07 – Alevtina, Valentina, Yulia;
  • 30.07 – Marina, Margarita.

Angel Day of women's names in July is that if a child was named after a saint on the day of her memory, then this saint will always protect the child. Priests often say that it is advisable to go to church on this occasion, light candles and pray to your saint.

Remember that a name is not just a word that people call you. This is also a certain symbolic series that carries a mystical influence on a person’s fate. That is why it is worth approaching its choice quite consciously. After all, it can not only help develop and strengthen certain positive traits character of the baby, but also introduce some negative traits into his behavior.

You need to be especially careful if you name your child after someone. Be sure that negative periods of a person’s fate will not affect the life of your child.

The Lord is always with you!