Shower      08.03.2020

Draenic Pathfinder Acquisition Guide - WoW JP. Choosing an ax for arranging and working in a field camp, sharpening an ax in the field Shadowmoon Valley

“It’s not a fur coat that warms a man, but an ax,” says folk wisdom. An indispensable assistant in the household, right hand» of any carpenter - it's all about a completely unpretentious tool called an ax.

Whether it is an ax for giving or for professional use, the demand for this tool will never disappear.

A conscientious attitude to operation, the ability to properly prepare the tool for work, will help not only to avoid trouble, but also serve as a guarantee of the successful completion of the planned work.

Experienced craftsmen know how to make an axe. Understanding technology and learning practical advice, making an ax with your own hands is not difficult for a non-professional.

Ax piercing attachment

When choosing a piercing metal part for a future ax, special attention deserves the quality of the material. Parts made according to GOST, that's what you need.

Markings MRTU, OST or TU on the nozzle should be avoided, because these designations allow for changes in technology in the process of pouring the part (there may be the addition of third-party substances that affect the quality of the material).

When the blade strikes another, there should be no serifs on both. The curvature of the material, the presence of any kind of dents, the curved axis of the blade are completely excluded.

Significance of the handle

You can choose the optimal length of the ax handle based on the growth parameters of the master and the impact force. The strength, in turn, directly depends on the length, so when working with a large ax, it will be easier to chop logs of firewood.

Before making a choice, it is worth deciding on the desired result:

  • heavy version of the tool (total weight 1kg.-1.4kg., handle length from 55 to 65 cm);
  • lightweight version (weight 0.8 kg-1 kg., with a length of 40 to 60 cm.).

The quality of the wood from which the ax will be made is of great importance. Not every type of wood is suitable for manufacturing. Often, birch is used for this purpose (parts located near the roots or stem growths).

There are also handles made of oak, acacia, maple and others. hardwood. All selected blanks need long-term drying.

After the wooden blank dries well, the contours of the handle are drawn on it, according to a pre-made template. To avoid slipping of the hand during operation and to increase the convenience of the ax, it is necessary to provide a thickening at the end of the handle.

A knife, a chisel, an electric jigsaw will help to cut the contour.

After trying on the ax nozzle and not finding any signs of a loose fit of the parts, you can safely continue to improve the ax handle. Glass will help to cycle the tool, and sandpaper useful for grinding.

Planting a piercing nozzle on the handle

Properly following the instructions for the nozzle will lead to excellent results:

The eye of the piercing part must be adjusted to the upper part of the ax handle, the excess part of the wood can be easily removed with a knife.

Make a mark on the handle where the stabbing part will end. To do this, you need to place the handle lying down, in order to avoid inaccuracies. Divide the resulting segment in half, make an appropriate mark.

Holding the ax handle, standing, it is necessary to make a cut to the second mark. This is done with a hacksaw and used for a wedge.

Plan out a wooden wedge similar to a pre-purchased metal wedge. The width is equal to the size of the eye, the thickness of the product is from 5 to 10 mm, and the length is equal to the depth of cut.

Putting a board on the table, it is necessary to put on it the piercing part, located upside down. Next, put this part on the handle and slowly start tapping it on the board.

Periodically, you need to change the method of tapping from the stabbing part to tapping with an ax handle.

As soon as the piercing part enters the eye, it is necessary to put the ax vertically and insert a wooden wedge. A hacksaw for metal will help to saw off everything the right materials, which as a result of the nozzle will be on top.

At the end, oil is applied to the handle, and the product is thoroughly dried. The correctness of execution can be compared with the photo of an ax to the country house, posted below.

Blade sharpening

In order to avoid the hassle arising at the time of work, it is necessary to responsibly approach the sharpening of the blade. Regulatory indicators of compliance with GOST:

Compliance with the requirements in the amount of sharpening is very important. The mismatch of the degree leads to the fact that when chopping with an ax, the blade gets stuck in the wood.

During the initial sharpening, minor damage, chips and potholes are eliminated. After the secondary sharpening is carried out. The end of the process is the grinding process, performed with a fine-grained bar.

A hand-made tool according to the instructions is always the best ax that can be in the country.

Photos of the best ax options for giving

Flying in Draenor, as we already know, and if you are one of those who want to take off as quickly as possible, then this guide is just for you. However, do not even think that you will get it at an easy price: in order to be able to fly, you will need to earn whole line difficult achievements.

Probably the easiest achievement. To obtain it, you will need to explore all areas of Draenor:

It is worth noting that several characters can work on this achievement at once. For example, by exploring Shadowmoon Valley with one character, other heroes on your account will also receive the achievement. But be careful: only already completed achievements are transferred, and not separately opened areas. While most locations will not cause you any difficulties, some may present a certain difficulty. For your convenience, below are the coordinates of all the areas that are included in the respective achievements.

Shadowmoon Valley

  • Fortress of Suffering - 28.6, 35.6
  • Elodor - 57.8, 26.0
  • Gloomy Grove - 36.1, 27.5
  • Karabor - 79.3, 46.7
  • Shimmering Marsh - 58.0, 59.9
  • Shadow Island - 42.6, 80.2
  • Darktide Nest - 59.9, 80.3
  • Embaari village - 43.2, 35.1
  • Hum "var - 20.5, 13.6
  • Shaz "hum - 41.4, 58.0
  • Socretara Plateau - 44.5, 69.8

Spiers of Arak

  • Admiral Taylor Garrison - 40.0, 49.1
  • Fallen Ax - 39.9, 44.7
  • Bladefist Citadel - 31.2, 28.9
  • Bloodmane Valley - 48.3, 61.4
  • Steamwhistle Workshop - 61.3, 70.3
  • Cape Parosvistov - 56.4, 85.6
  • Howling Bluff - 64.3, 22.0
  • Lost Veil Anzu - 73.1, 34.0
  • Raven's Refuge - 53.7, 51.3
  • Skettis - 52.0, 6.0
  • Southern port - 42.0, 58.7
  • Terrace of Dawn - 50.5, 47.0
  • Marsh of Torment - 36.4, 42.4
  • Wildwind Terrace - 47.4, 52.1
  • Nest Akraz - 41.5, 23.7
  • Nesting Zekk - 62.1, 57.9


  • Ancestral Lands - 38.0, 50.3
  • Gate of Grommashar - 73.1, 68.8
  • Highmaul Harbor - 26.1, 18.8
  • Lok "rat - 58.3, 48.5
  • Guard post Mok "goal - 41.0, 37.6
  • Telaar - 69.0, 64.2
  • Circle of Trials - 80.9, 52.1
  • Zangar Coast - 85.7, 26.9
  • Broken Shore - 42.2, 27.2
  • Gallvalor - 84.9, 50.9
  • Ironfist Harbor - 43.9, 74.9
  • Bastion Mar "goka - 80.4, 67.3
  • Oshu "gun - 47.7, 60.9
  • Ring of Blood - 55.9, 15.2
  • Throne of the Elements - 73.0, 20.6

Frostfire Ridge

  • Bladespire Citadel - 21.2, 42.2
  • Bloodmaul Hold - 41.7,19.8
  • Bones of Agurak - 82.0, 60.0
  • Colossus' Death - 59.1, 23.2
  • Daggermaw Gorge - 36.0, 21.9
  • Frostwind Crag - 28.3, 21.6
  • Brutal Cold Hill - 65.7, 46.9
  • Thunder "gar - 62.6, 57.3
  • Iron Horde Siege Camp - 82.0, 57.4
  • Iron way station - 74.6, 62.7
  • Magnarok - 67.8, 32.3
  • Stonefang Outpost - 46.5, 52.2
  • Costegar - 42.7, 48.3
  • Cracked Plains - 54.4, 42.4
  • Thief "goal - 24.8, 60.1


  • Grin of Death - 37.7, 75.6
  • Beast Outpost - 45.4, 71.1
  • Intricacies - 50.3, 70.7
  • Crimson Marsh - 50.9, 69.9
  • Stonemaul Arena - 43.0, 66.3
  • Bastion Cliff - 48.6,79.3
  • Crimson Marsh - 53.9, 66.0
  • Thicket Iyu - 61.0, 51.7
  • Gronn Canyon - 46.4, 45.2
  • Thickets of Eternal Bloom - 54.4, 44.5
  • Pit - 47.6, 38.7
  • Darkways Depot - 54.4, 33.3
  • Iron Approach - 43.3, 20.9


  • Aruuna - 79.0, 43.8
  • Isle of Deepening Twilight - 70.5, 57.0
  • Fort Wrynn - 68.3, 21.5
  • Hum "rock - 38.0, 79.1
  • Orunai coast - 59.5, 9.8
  • Shattrath - 49.7, 35.1
  • Tomb of Light - 58.0, 65.0
  • Zangarra - 78.5, 27.8
  • Auchindoun - 49.8, 60.2
  • Court of Souls - 41.9, 58.0
  • Gordal Fortress - 69.0, 69.7
  • Path of Glory - 66.7, 9.8
  • Anchorite Shelter - 78.1, 55.3
  • Telmor - 46.6, 89/1
  • Tuurem - 59.6, 32.3

To get this achievement, you need to find 100 Treasures of Draenor. At the moment, as many as 200 treasures are scattered throughout the continent, which makes the search a little easier. Each treasure can be mined by one player only once, after which you simply simply stop seeing it. And this means that you can not "steal" someone's treasure, for each player it is individual. Treasures collected in the Tanaan Jungle will NOT be counted.

treasure maps

If you can't find the rest of the treasure, it might be time to buy a Treasure Map. The map can only be accessed if you have the Loremaster of Wisdom (main quests completed) achievement for the zone you are in. For example, after obtaining Nagrand, you will be able to purchase the Nagrand Treasure Map. The cards themselves can be found on Shrikk in Warspear and on Grakis in Barrier of the Winds. The cost of one piece is 100 gold. After casting, all uncollected treasures in this zone become visible on the map.

It is worth noting that members of the Horde cannot purchase a Shadowmoon Valley card, just like the Alliance cannot purchase a Frostfire Ridge card. They can only be obtained by completing certain Garrison quests related to exploration. A useful item would be the Explorer's Notebook: It gives your followers the opportunity to complete a research-related quest. You can buy a book from Shrikka or Grakis.

Loremaster of Draenor (Horde)

To get this achievement you have to complete a lot of tasks. And by a lot, I mean a lot. Luckily, if you've leveled up on quests, many of them will already be done. However, there are many more tasks left than you can imagine.

This achievement can be worked on by multiple characters. That is, if you fulfill some criteria with one character, and the rest with another, this will be counted and you will receive an achievement. However, you cannot make the first part Nagrandiose (acts as a criterion) with one character, and the second with another.

Quality hand tool is one of the important criteria for its evaluation when choosing. A practical, convenient and reliable tool significantly increases labor productivity, facilitates the process itself and eliminates the possibility of injury. This is especially true for such a tool as an ax.

Its use provides for the presence of an intense dynamic load, which is characterized by a particular injury risk. With inept handling of the tool, the ax often flies off the handle and injures the worker. To prevent this from happening, you must first learn how to plant an ax on an ax handle.

About varieties

Today there are about ten varieties of chopping tools. And before putting an ax on an ax handle, it is necessary to determine what type it belongs to: carpentry, combat, tourist, or is it a woodcutter's tool. Although all axes consist of a handle and a metal part, each type of tool differs in its purpose and structural features. Special recommendations apply to each on how to properly plant an ax on an ax handle. The photo below, for example, presents the features of fastening the metal part to the handle in a carpenter's ax. In other types of weapons, it is somewhat different.

How are the axes attached?

There are several methods for attaching the handle to the metal part:

  • Welding. Provides reliability and durability of the tool.
  • Manufacture of an ax in the form of a solid tool. Characterized by rigidity and strong recoil.
  • Gluing method in special chamber with epoxy materials. For ax handles, polymeric materials are used, which are very difficult to glue at home. Drying chambers are required for such work.
  • Putting the metal part on the handle with further wedging. This connection method is considered the most ideal for doing at home.

To successfully complete the work, you need good qualifications, time and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to plant an ax on an ax handle. Samomus can cope with this if you have the skills and necessary tools. In case of failure, if the metal chopping part is not securely attached to the handle or the structure has loosened over time, the procedure of mounting and wedging should be repeated again.

How to plant an ax on an ax handle?

Despite the seeming simplicity of connecting with the help of pushing and wedging, this work is not easy to do. It has its own nuances that should be taken into account. To facilitate the process, professional carpenters recommend following step by step instructions, which contains the following steps:

  • preparation for work;
  • manufacturing of steel and wooden products for wedging;
  • planting and wedging.

Start. Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you must:

  1. Buy an axe. As a material for its manufacture, according to experienced carpenters, dried birch is ideal. This tree very popular, as it has all the necessary properties for this. When choosing a handle, you need to consider the thickness of the product and its shape.
  2. It is recommended to check the handle for a comfortable grip. Ignoring this aspect will lead to the need to perform unnatural compensatory power movements during felling, and this, in turn, is fraught with rapid fatigue.
  3. Fit the acquired ax to the eye of the ax. The job is to use a knife or other woodworking tool to trim the handle to desired shape(straight or conical). Tapered lugs are considered the best as they provide a very secure fit.
  4. Make a cut at the top of the handle. this work performed at the end. Propyle is longitudinal groove, which is performed using You can make one (along the end) or several cuts (three side and one longitudinal). It depends on how the master decides to plant the ax. According to professionals, the most effective is a longitudinal cut with four side cuts. An important nuance at this stage, the width and depth of the cut are considered. The resulting groove must be hidden in the eye, otherwise, when wedging or during operation of the ax, its handle may split. The width must match the thickness of the wedges. But at the same time, they should not enter the cuts either too easily (the sawing procedure loses its meaning) or tight, since this can lead to splitting of the ax handle.
  5. Before you put the ax on the handle, you need to align the axis of the blade and the axis of the handle in the same plane.

Wedge preparation

Reliable fastening of the chopping element with a handle is possible under the condition of high-quality wedging. To do this, the master will need wooden and metal wedges.

You can buy them at a hardware store or make your own. The shape and dimensions of the wedges must correspond to the type of cut and the material from which the ax handle is made. For a wooden wedge, dried birch wood is suitable. For metal product hard tin (shovel shovel) is suitable.


Often beginner home craftsmen ask questions: how to properly plant an ax on an ax handle, how to hammer wooden and steel wedges?

Hammering is an easy process. This work should be started if the handle and wedges are already fully prepared.

The first to score the longitudinal is performed with light hammer blows. It is undesirable to knock hard, as this can flatten the tree, reducing the stability of the connection. After the wedge fills the cut with itself, the remains must be carefully cut using a hacksaw blade. The work is considered successful if, during the test, the ax mounted on the handle holds firmly and does not stagger.


According to the belief of beginners, wooden wedges should be from the same wood as the ax handle. But it's not.

  • First of all, wood must be durable.
  • The direction of the fibers must also be taken into account. It should be parallel to the narrowing of the wedge. This direction will prevent the latter from breaking when driven into the cut. A broken wedge does not perform high-quality expansion of the ax handle to the sides. Wedging is considered successful when the wedge has completely filled the entire space of the cut and it is impossible to remove it.
  • In the manufacture of wedges, it is important that the dimensions of the transverse products correspond to the size of the eye.
  • In some cases, the lug may have gaps. You can fix them with gauze or bandage soaked in the material protects the wood from getting wet and performs a reinforcing function. To perform reinforcement, it is necessary to wrap several layers of gauze around the upper part of the handle before inserting the ax. The resin is poured into the cuts and fills all the existing voids and cracks. After it hardens, the wedges are clogged. At the same time, wooden wedges are driven first, and after that, iron wedges. The distance between them should be at least 0.3 cm. The iron wedge at the end is bent with one edge so as to cover the wooden one.

Which side to put the ax on the handle?

Features of planting an ax depend on its shape. For standard products Soviet production is characterized by a conical shape of the chopping part. This enhances its wedging qualities and eliminates errors when mounted on the handle.

According to the rules, you need to put on an ax in such a way that the wedge and the end of the handle protrude 0.5 cm beyond the eye. This is possible if the ax is planted with its narrow part towards the wedge, and its wide part towards the ax handle. With this mounting, the worker can, if necessary, put the loose chopping part back into place by tapping the ax on something hard. After that, you need to re-drive the wedge, but deeper.

In carpentry, reverse ax landing is often used. It is necessary in those rare cases, if the ax is used not as the main tool, but as an auxiliary tool to hedge or trim something. The reverse method of the nozzle is mainly used for sledgehammers and splitters. They do not have wedges. The entire load goes to the extreme part of the handle, which holds the metal part of the ax.

In conclusion

Depending on what shape the metal chopping part is chosen, it is decided which side to put the ax on the ax handle. It is important that the tool is comfortable and ergonomic.

Following the step-by-step instructions, you can quickly prepare the ax for work yourself.