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How to start a conversation with your boss. Standards of communication with management. Important nuances in communicating with the head

How not to behave with the boss, tells Dmitry Voedilov, psychologist, author of books on neurolinguistic programming.

2. Too emotional to explain. When it comes to making a decision, "oohs" are best left out. A surge of emotions turns on the right hemisphere of the brain, and the left, which is responsible for logic, slows down. Emotionality says that a person cannot reason logically.

3. Transfer responsibility for decision making to the manager. Asking: “What should I do?”, - you will cause a response like: “But you are an expert, you think!” If you are afraid of making a mistake, try something else: “I would like to ask you for advice…”

4. All the time annoyingly asking the boss questions like “what is the best way to do it”, “did I understand correctly that ...”, etc. R. The question is, for what such a specialist receives a salary? Avoiding communication with the boss is also bad. You may get the impression that you are not working. Indicate your presence - for example, report on the results of work.

5. Hide your mistakes. The secret, as a rule, becomes clear. Yes, and many bosses have their informants.

6. Make friends. For example, taking an interest in the health of children, offering help on non-work issues. Psychological swings can work. If something goes wrong, the rejection will be stronger than the attachment. As the saying goes: "Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love."

7. Humbly be silent and endure when the boss screams. 50% of this behavior is to blame for subordinates. As you allow yourself to be treated, so be it. Work is work, but you can not allow the transition to the individual. You need to interrupt the boss and call to order: “Stop! Yes, I'm guilty, but that doesn't give you the right to insult me. Let's talk further within the framework of labor legislation. You can do something unexpected to switch attention. Drop "accidentally" a cup of tea, grab your heart, feigning an attack, drop the handle and slowly pick it up.

8. Talking about a pay raise just because you think it's too low.. Raise this issue at general meetings. You agreed to exactly this salary. The increase implies a violation of previously reached agreements - the context is already negative. But, if you have turned a successful deal, you can ask about the premium. If successful deals become periodic, you can ask for a salary increase.

The stereotype “The boss is always right!” is firmly ingrained in the Russian mentality, and management is used to communicating with subordinates in a directive manner. At the same time, everyone wants to get the best personnel from the labor market and keep them as long as possible. But it is unlikely that a highly qualified specialist will endure such an attitude for a long time - he will suffer a little, but leave.

It's not about sliding into the American model of behavior: when the boss "knows" the birthdays of the employee's relatives and sends them fruit baskets for the holidays. Still, we are used to separating personal and work, and this approach is more honest. However, changing the angle from "I'm the boss - you're a fool" can be extremely effective.

I have developed a few rules for myself in communicating with subordinates:

Speak the same language with employees

I noticed that many managers love big words that, at best, employees do not understand. At worst, they don't even listen. If right now the sales manager is worried about how customers will perceive the new functionality and how it will affect his bonuses, then the boss’s lofty thoughts about the “mission” and “strategy” of the company will bounce off him like peas off the wall. Therefore, I explain to the whole team very simply and with reference to the current moment what is happening in the company. And not just in person. Once a month, I prepare a letter to employees, where I talk about innovations, the state of affairs in the company, successes and problematic issues. The main thing in such letters is not to slip into clerical language and not to speak down. Employees see that I do not live in a parallel world, but understand them and speak the same language with them.

Distinguish between "doesn't hear" and "doesn't agree"

Is an employee not completing a task because they believe the task or its solution is wrong or simply not the best? This does not mean that he "does not hear" the boss. If I have such a situation, then I am always ready to listen to the arguments. After all, I might be missing something. If the arguments are logical and not based on emotions, I am ready to give the employee freedom of action. But if we have two equally controversial options, I will insist on my own, simply because I believe in it more.

Persuade, not force

If an employee does not agree with my decision, and I see that his proposal is unsuccessful, then I will find time and arguments, I will try to convince. History has shown that even slaves work worse under duress, to say nothing of free people. To convince a subordinate is almost always in the power of the leader. And the work in this case will be done better and, as a rule, faster.

Explain but don't chew

A person must understand what and why he is doing. But this does not mean that he needs to chew everything to the smallest detail. After all, we hire professionals and it makes no sense to tell them in detail how to do their job. I limit myself detailed description the result I want to get. I'm discussing the strategic details. But the specialist chooses the methods of solving the problem himself. A simple example: I asked the secretary to make tea for a guest, but only I know that he is allergic to mint. Therefore, it is my duty, knowing this circumstance, to point to it. Then the result will suit everyone.

Do not demand as "from yourself"

At first, I was very demanding of employees. He asked "how are you?" He spoke in the spirit: “What could be done here for 4 hours, here is work for 20 minutes!” At such moments, I wanted to grab any task and do everything myself. To prove that I can do better and better in 20 minutes than he did in 4 hours. Then I realized that this does not motivate the employee, but turns away from work.

Avoid being overly emotional

Excessive emotions in a conversation with employees make it difficult to hear. I'm not talking about the transition to the cry. At such moments, no one hears anyone. There is no dialogue. Does the leader act from a position of strength? It is clear that the employee will endure so as not to lose his job. But I don't think it will last long. And even more so, it will hardly motivate you to work better.

In a dispute, do not press, but ask

Getting into conflict with superiors is stressful for most employees. This is the risk of losing a job or just ruining a good relationship with the leader. Therefore, I respect specialists who are ready to defend their point of view with arguments. I noticed that if at such moments you do not press, but try to understand, ask questions, then the argument ceases to be heated. The opponent sees that I am trying to understand his position. And I see the return - in the form of a greater attachment of the employee to the common cause: he is more willing to seek best options to solve business problems.

Accept that the goals of the manager and employees are different

Perhaps this thought for the leader is one of the most difficult and unpleasant. They don't come to her right away. People in the company are not motivated by your global goals: to create the most successful company in the world or to create the coolest product on the market. They are motivated to work by their personal needs. Money is the main motivator. And I convey to my team what exactly will improve in their situation if they are implemented specific tasks business. Such a binding: “the success of the company is the success of the employee” works more efficiently than simply: “Go and do what I said!”

And finally, a few more phrases that, when communicating with employees, will lead to a negative effect. I think that most of them are related to the fact that the leader is trying to prove that he is smarter and stronger. Although in fact he is obliged to help his people grow, and not show them who is in charge here. So, here are these phrases: “There is a task - do it!”, “Something does not suit you? - Get out the door! ”,“ Prove to me that you are capable of more! ”,“ No need to make excuses, just go and do it! ”,“ I don’t have to chew on the task for you, I don’t understand - your problems ”,“ opinion. Do what I say! ”,“ These are not my problems ”and a lot of the like. Perhaps, for these expressions, it would not hurt to make a dictionary of a bad boss.

I will not give templates and scripts to replace these phrases. Someone uses humor, someone uses a partner approach, someone finds it easier to write a letter to a subordinate, and someone drives a task into a task tracker with a deadline and a clear description. Everyone has their own style, the main thing is to pull yourself up in time if phrases from those listed above begin to fly out.

The behavior of the manager affects the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. In some teams, specialists idolize their leaders, while in others they experience fear when they enter the office for the next meeting. Some divisions work like a good clockwork, even when the head is absent from the workplace. While employees of other departments drink coffee and discuss personal news. Let's figure out which managerial skills of the heads of departments and services influence the organization of effective work teams, and which actively ruin them.

Rules for communication between a leader and subordinates

Communication with subordinates is an art that needs to be learned. By managing an organization's most valuable resource, its people, you can either achieve outstanding results or fail to perform well in simple work tasks.

The most effective leaders are able to build communication with subordinates in such a way that employees are enthusiastic and interested in their work and appreciate the achievements of the entire team.

The basic rules of communication of such leaders are based on several basic principles:

  • Self respect and respect for subordinates.
  • Targeted impact on employees.
  • Assessment of achievements.
  • Providing feedback.
  • The regularity of monitoring the implementation of tasks.

Both managers and subordinates, gaining work experience, acquire a lot of stereotypes with it:

  • bosses believe that their employees are not much different from everyone else;
  • employees are more likely to expect criticism rather than praise.

It is bad that the leader can afford to tell the subordinate that he did not justify his trust and is not much different from others. Such phrases greatly reduce employee motivation.

It is important to carefully study the results achieved, and use constructive criticism aimed solely at incorrectly performed work or tasks, and not at one's attitude towards mistakes in general.

It should be remembered that any unreasonable generalization leads to a deterioration in mutual understanding between the boss and the subordinate.

Getting into the situation

One of the mistakes of leaders is to consider the work situation as a typical one, which was once already in his experience. From here comes a large number of stereotyped decisions, instructions and orders that are given to subordinates.

As a result, there is not a single leader who would not say even once in his career: “How did I miss ... Why didn’t you tell me ...”. This happens because the situation is assessed inattentively, without taking into account the nuances and influence of new conditions.

Therefore, in order to form effective to study the situation before proceeding to actions or motivate employees to perform them.

Weigh decisions

Solving a problem quickly is often considered a necessary skill. But in fact, high speed does not always guarantee the most positive effect. This is especially true of decisions related to the punishment of subordinates for non-fulfillment or poor-quality performance of assigned tasks.

If emotions are running high, then there is a high probability that the chosen punishment will be unnecessarily harsh.

Therefore, before making a decision, it is necessary to calm down and check oneself to what extent what is supposed as a punishment is adequate to the misconduct.

We give feedback

Feedback and the ability to provide it is one of the most important skills of any leader. A responsible employee is interested in receiving an assessment of his actions - both correct and erroneous. Understand how satisfied the company is with his work.

Feedback allows

  • analyze the results of work together with a subordinate;
  • understand the reasons for failure;
  • praise for high performance;
  • create motivation for change and development;
  • correct the actions of the employee.

Basic principles of feedback

  1. Timeliness. Evaluation should be provided as soon as possible after the event or task, not a week or a month later.
  2. Concreteness. It is necessary to discuss specific actions, and not the entire experience of a specialist.
  3. Feedback is a dialogue between a subordinate and a manager, not a monologue of a boss. It is necessary to ask the opinion of the subordinate about what happened, his vision of the situation, the solutions that he himself could offer to correct it.
  4. The prohibition on discussing the personality of a subordinate. Only a specific action, a fact, but not the person himself and his professionalism in general, can be discussed.
  5. Focus on obtaining a specific result, and not on the process of discussing the situation.
  6. At closed doors. Communication should be strictly individual, without the presence of third parties. If criticism is voiced during the feedback, the presence of outsiders will dramatically reduce the motivation of the subordinate to change behavior.

Clear leadership position

The inability of the manager to adhere to his point of view, the constant change of attitude to work situations worsen relationships with subordinates.

Employees consider such a boss to be inconsistent, unsure of himself and his decisions.

If the manager, for some reason, has not yet formed an opinion, then it is better to first understand the situation, and only then voice your point of view to employees.

Team management is not only setting goals and monitoring their implementation. Not all employees have enough experience to perform the task well. Given this, you need to be ready to help the employee with advice, give extra time. In some cases - to attach a more experienced employee for a while.

We set specific goals

A clear statement of the goal is the key to obtaining a quality result. Aimless work gives rise to a feeling of useless work without end and beginning, going to work for the sake of the process, not the result.

To increase the motivation of employees, it is important that goals helped the professional development of specialists. Showed how employees work allows the company to solve ambitious tasks.

If the performance of the task involves the achievement several goals, it is necessary to prioritize showing which ones are the most important.

Assessing the consequences

When making any managerial decision, the manager is obliged to evaluate how it will affect not only the overall production process, but also the further interaction of subordinates with each other. This is especially true of rewards and punishments for employees, resolving situations and internal contradictions in the team.

It is also important to evaluate the influence of the behavior of the leader himself, his management style on the overall climate in the unit: whether the boss adds enthusiasm and motivation to work, or discourages the desire to complete tasks.

We control the results

Lack of control over the execution of tasks breeds irresponsibility. Each employee must know that the task assigned to him will be checked. Any result, even the most ineffective, can be regarded as satisfactory if there is no control.

But even if the deadlines for completing the task are set, and as a result there is no control from the boss, then the employees get used to the fact that their work is not checked. In the future, the department will show poor performance.

Assess yourself soberly

At some point in time, individual leaders have the illusion of permissiveness, since only the result is important, and the people performing the tasks are a variable.

There is only one cure in this situation - healthy self-criticism. Yes, and subordinates will quickly signal to such a leader that he is going beyond what is permitted: there are more complaints from employees against the boss, refusals to obey orders appear, specialists openly declare that they deserve respect, and not constant goading and criticism in their address.

Effective leaders always determine their development horizons, strive to learn new technologies for managing personnel and production processes.

Following the basic principles of business communication, the manager will be able to achieve high results in the work of the unit, and employees will be happy to come to work and complete the tasks.

There are many reasons to initiate an appeal to your superiors: a request for a salary increase or promotion career ladder, dissatisfaction with working conditions, a message about pregnancy or a decision to quit the company for any reason. This conversation is serious because it can significantly affect your life - both negatively and positively - sometimes turning it into an unpredictable course. In order for it to be constructive and you be heard, think over the strategy of your behavior in advance. It can be described by the formula: a clear goal + the right time + a positive attitude.

The purpose of a serious conversation with superiors

It is very important to correctly formulate the goal of the upcoming conversation - the result that you want to achieve. "Think about your goal - both before and during negotiations with those on whom decision-making depends. It is she who programs your behavior. Ask yourself the main question all the time before you stand up in a fighting stance, start courageously defending yourself or be ready to throw white flag as a sign of their defeat.

Ask yourself: what do I intend to gain from this conversation? How should it end for me?" - says psychologist Evgenia Shestakova. A person who knows exactly what he wants almost magically influences other people, regardless of their status - due to his confidence and consistency in the implementation of his plan.

Planning a serious conversation with superiors

Decide also what will be the most optimal solution for the problem for you, and what is unacceptable under any circumstances. This will allow you to be flexible when discussing issues with your boss. The fact is that both of you can have a diametrically opposite vision of the same situation. For example, due to insufficient information about the real state of affairs in the company, when there really are no opportunities for immediate satisfaction of your request. Of course, you can be stubborn and not agree to any increase in salary by only 15% instead of the coveted 30%. But is the game worth the candle, do you run the risk of being left with nothing at all? Besides, no one likes to be openly blackmailed like: "If you don't ... then I..." This can turn into a fat cross on your reputation.

Make a plan, structure the conversation, write down its most important points and arguments, so as not to lose sight of them. "lose various options how the conversation might develop. Think over your answers to unpleasant and tricky questions or what to do if the interlocutor begins to evade and evade the topic in every possible way.

Thus, you will reduce the level of surprise and avoid inadequate reactions on your part, which will betray your confusion and self-doubt. In moments of emotional excitement, we are sometimes unable to remember elementary things," advises business coach Tatyana Saikhanova.

Timing for a serious conversation with superiors

Over time, each of us, like a sensitive barometer, begins to recognize when the "great and terrible" ruler and tamer of office plankton is in a good mood and open for dialogue. Some even specifically choose a lunch break for this - they say, a person is kinder on a full stomach. “We are ready to communicate if we are rested and full of energy. In other words, our brain is literally saturated with glucose and oxygen. When to ask the boss for an audience in the morning or in the evening, it depends on his biorhythms and other characteristics. You never know, maybe he is under stress from "for the missed deadlines for the delivery of a project, and therefore it does not need to be distracted yet. In general, it is better to talk after a snack, but not too tight," explains Tatyana Saikhanova.

Consider not only someone else's mood, but also your own well-being - both physical and mental. It is dangerous if you call for a conversation, as they say, on emotions, like the "last drop": "Enough, how much you can plow for yourself and that brother! Tired!" First, give yourself a break, cool down so as not to break firewood. Spontaneity is acceptable, but not in this case.

It would be good to agree in advance with the manager on the most suitable time for both of you to negotiate. Then both of you can tune in and prepare for them. It is desirable that they take place in a tete-a-tete format - just the two of you. You should not allow strangers to be present at this, and indeed share details with anyone.

Get rid of the fear of a serious conversation with superiors

You firmly decided for yourself that a meeting with the boss is necessary. She formulated her goal and expected result, thought out a strategy of behavior and emergency maneuvers in case something went wrong. Yes, that's bad luck: your laudable intention is something in no hurry to translate into reality. The reason for this is a feeling of fear, which is stronger than any arguments of reason. It is perfectly normal for human nature to put off important things for later, preferring to stay in the familiar comfort zone. Even if it’s not comfortable there for a long time, oddly enough. Instincts tell you: "Do not look for trouble, you can get burned painfully", "Initiative is punishable" ... To overcome fear and finally do what you think is necessary, you need a certain psychological attitude.

One of the obstacles that prevent us from deciding to talk, as well as skillfully pursuing our line in order to achieve what we want, is our attitude that we are somehow worse than those in power and do not have the right to our own needs and boundaries. "Such stereotypes as 'the boss is always right', 'there is only one employer, but there are many of us who are hungry for work' create a deliberate position. Not only the company chooses employees, but they also choose where and with whom they work. Keep this thought in mind in This will help you balance your positions and make yourself less dependent on your boss, "says Evgenia Shestakova.

It's great when you have a friendly and trusting relationship with your boss, you know that you will be listened to and understood. But what if this is not so and you are even afraid of him? "The simplest and most effective technique for changing your attitude towards a person is to search for in him such a quality that you sincerely like and that you do not possess. For example, this" despot and tyrant "does business very carefully or he has a well-developed intuition.

Perhaps, thanks to him, you will learn this too. Look at the leader with different eyes - not full of anxiety and prejudice, but interested. Mentally give him a compliment, "advises Evgenia Shestakova.

It happens that the fear is so strong that your teeth literally chatter, you catch your breath, you are beaten by a small, nasty shiver. And no self-hypnosis from the series "I am the most charming and attractive" does not help. First you need to calm down and normalize your physiological state in order to regain the ability to think rationally. "When you feel that you are really shaking, do the exercise" Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! lets go - repeat, "recommends Tatyana Saykhanova. Various breathing techniques are also good. Tatyana Saikhanova draws attention to one of them, codenamed “Grapefruit”: “Imagine that you have a grapefruit-sized ball inside your navel. You need to inflate it with your breath. then exhale slowly through your mouth. Take a few breaths like this."

How to start a serious conversation with superiors

So, you are already in the office, the boss is looking at you expectantly. How to start a conversation? The so-called "hamburger strategy" will help you. Everyone remembers that it consists of two halves of a roll, between which a filling of cutlets, tomatoes and much more is laid, richly flavored with ketchup or mustard. So it is here: the halves of the roll are the introduction and end of the conversation, and the core is its main content.

The course of the conversation as a whole depends on what the beginning will be. Therefore, it is important to first create a friendly atmosphere, establish contact with the interlocutor, and not fall upon him with your troubles or requests. For example, thank him for the opportunity to speak out, note some of his qualities that impress you or the working conditions that you like. This stage will take very little time, but its impact is great. “There are magic phrases that help to establish contact and significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the case: “I want to consult with you” or “I will be grateful to you for your help.” Agree, any boss, authoritarian, democratic, whatever, is flattering if subordinates emphasize the importance of his authority for them,” adds Evgenia Shestakova.

Then go to the "stuffing" - the essence of your appeal. Explain the reasons that prompted you to do this. If possible, refer to facts and figures, do not be unfounded. Try to focus not on accusations against anyone and your dissatisfaction, but on specific proposals to change the current situation. It is important to take care not only of your own interests, but also to take into account the interests of the organization. For example, you decided to leave it, but you are ready to wait until a suitable candidate is found in your place, to prepare and transfer all cases to him so that he quickly adapts. And of course, you swear an oath that until the dismissal you will work with the same quality as before. Thus, you show yourself as a loyal and responsible employee, which cannot but cause reciprocal sympathy.

How to End a Serious Conversation with Your Boss

At the end of the conversation, regardless of whether you are satisfied with it or not, sum up and mention the agreements reached, if any. Leave a pleasant aftertaste - be sure to sincerely thank your boss again for the attention paid to you and note the positive and useful moments of your conversation. According to Tatyana Saikhanova, if our expectations do not come true, it is worth applying the technique of cognitive reassessment of what is happening. It allows you to expand the picture of the world and your perception of others. Take other people's remarks and comments not as criticism, but as help and tips from the teacher for your professional development.

Career growth depends not only on your abilities, but also on a well-established relationship with management.

In the army, any order is answered with “I obey, commander!”, But the main part of our professions does not imply such peremptory execution of the order. Therefore, often after the next meeting with the boss, a number of questions arise: “Did the boss understand me correctly?”, “Maybe I said something wrong?”. Indeed, what can you say to the boss, what is not? And under what circumstances?

So, you want to get a promotion at work or a pay raise? What to talk about at a corporate party if management is nearby? Addressing these issues requires carefully thought-out tactics.

Every boss has his own leadership style.

How many bosses - so many leadership styles, “correct” forms of behavior and business etiquette! That's why main advice in order to get along with the boss and work effectively under his leadership. - be flexible and considerate. Watch the boss's reaction to your actions. Every boss (like every person) has his own fears. Tyrant" is afraid of losing authority. “Caring mommy” - to be unnecessary. Familiar" - to be perceived as a tyrant.

Knowing your boss's vulnerabilities, try to work around them. In addition, when communicating with the boss, we subconsciously rely on the model and script of relationships with important adults from our childhood. And inevitably we are faced with the need to overcome those fears, complexes and difficulties that have remained since those times. By changing your attitude, you will be able to communicate much more calmly and cooperate more effectively with almost any boss.

How to ask for a pay raise

You work hard, the company is doing well, the business is developing, and, of course, this is your contribution, but for some reason the long-awaited promotion or salary increase has not been received. What to do? The laws of justice are clearly violated. Gotta go to the boss! But just tell him how to influence his decision?

Defend your opinion, assure that you are the best, enlist the support of colleagues, or maybe draw up a detailed plan of the tasks you completed - what to choose? Here in each case it is necessary to act differently. Here are a few general recommendations, which will help you develop a model for persuading superiors.

Don't be afraid to go to your boss for a raise

Action plan. You need to understand that any salary increase or career growth is, first of all, an assessment of your performance, to some extent encouraging a promising employee. Therefore, before going to the boss, think over and clearly formulate all the tasks and responsibilities for which you are responsible, analyze what your contribution to the development of the common cause is, think about what you can offer for the future of your company!

Try to assess your abilities adequately so as not to get into an awkward position. You need to specifically understand for what merits you want a promotion or what salary increase you expect to receive. With this attitude, it will be much easier for you to convince your boss.

Place and time. Well, if the plan has already matured in your head and the last doubts have left you, then it's time to act. To begin with, however, it is tedious to decide at what hour and with what words it is best to come with a request. Psychologists say that the most ideal time is Friday afternoon.

Select right time and a place to visit the chef

Then the person is usually in a rosy mood, hoping for a happy weekend. And if you are a really valuable employee, then the boss is unlikely to want to worry for two whole days about the fate of such a person necessary for the company.

What to say? The conversation should be structured in such a way that the boss is sure that the idea of ​​a raise or an increase in salary has been in his head for a long time, you just voiced it first. Your speech should be reasoned and a little emotional.

Argument your conversation about salary

You can start like this: “As you know, I have been working here for half a year, and my authority has expanded significantly over Lately, so I think it's possible to revise the previous salary arrangement. I understand that this issue is not resolved so immediately, I myself came to you after much thought. I think that your decision will be correct in any case. "Thank you in advance".

Turn your boss into your ally, infect him with your zeal - then he will have no choice but to satisfy your request, and do it easily and with joy.

How to ask your boss for help

“Ask for advice or help from the boss? Yes, never in my life! What if he thinks that I am an incompetent worker” - we often become hostages of our stereotypes. Of course, it is not worth asking for help from the boss on any petty issue, but if it comes to the prospects for the development of the company or the introduction of a new idea, you should definitely consult with the manager. Firstly, in this way you recognize the unconditional authority of your boss, and secondly, you will remove some of the responsibility from yourself for decision. And in the end, you will get a better product of your activity. Actually, for the sake of such a result you are working!

Place and time. It is best to turn to the boss for advice in the midst of the working day. When a person is already included in the work process, but at the same time is not tired yet. Then he is able to react quickly and generate new ideas, find correct and effective solutions to problems.

Consult with the boss at the height of the working day for a quick and correct answer

Psychologists advise not to go to the boss with important questions in the morning, when you usually need to solve a huge number of urgent matters and the management simply does not have time for you. And also late in the evening, when everyone is already set to rest and want to go home.

What to say? The main rule is not to be afraid of the boss, to cast aside all doubts. A confident voice, good diction, a direct look will be your best assistants at the reception of the boss. It is not necessary to delay the introduction for a long time or start from afar, it is better to get down to business right away - ask a question that concerns you or offer an idea. Pay close attention to his reaction. If the boss does not understand what is at stake, then briefly state the essence of the problem. And even if your proposal or initiative turns out to be unnecessary, the boss will at least point out mistakes and. probably will tell you in which direction it is worth developing.

Be always confident in yourself in relation to the boss

By the way, the ability to admit your mistakes and ask for help is sometimes valued no less than your professional skills. Specialists of recruiting firms say with one voice that the leadership of almost any company in the summary in the column “Personal qualities” most appreciates the desire for development, the desire to develop and learn, and the ability to ask for help and advice from superiors in time.

Defeat fear, because it is better to prevent a problem than to look for ways to overcome the consequences of your rash act later.

How to behave at a corporate party

If the rules for communicating with the boss in a formal setting are more or less defined, then how to behave at office parties, corporate holidays and business lunches? What to talk about, what to wear, what to eat and drink - questions of this nature often cause bewilderment and require special preparation. We should not forget that we are all, first of all, just people, and then “bosses and subordinates”, and we cannot do without personal sympathies. Indeed, recent sociological studies show that most promotions and salary increases occur precisely after informal events.

Time and place. It is very important to come to the corporate party on time, without delays and enchanting appearances - any boss will appreciate the knowledge of business etiquette.

Always be on time for corporate events

It is known that management, as a rule, does not stay long at such events, therefore, if you are late, you risk being on the list of those who did not come. and this is at least disrespect towards colleagues and the company in which you work.

What to say? Casual conversation on distant topics is a win-win option. This is what will help erase the boundaries of formality between us. Psychologists do not recommend touching on work issues, put them off until you come to work. Also, do not be too frank or provoke the boss himself to be frank.

Speak a toast on behalf of the team, saying that you are part of the whole group

If the boss is a man, it is not recommended to flirt with him. this is unlikely to help you gain a good reputation. Keeping a distance is necessary even during a casual conversation. If it is not possible to communicate with the authorities, then you can make a short speech or a toast. It should be spoken on behalf of the team, relying on the fact that you are part of the team. The boss will definitely approve of your enthusiasm for the common cause. You definitely won't go unnoticed!

And remember, you can find an approach to any person. And your boss is no exception to the rule!

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