In a private house      06/23/2020

Oven cabinet formula. It turns out that the drawer under the oven is not needed for storing pans. What is the drawer under the stove for?

What is stored in the drawer under the oven? Pots, pans or baking sheets? Unnecessary caps?

This box seems to many housewives to be a great place to store various kitchen items, but there is a possibility that this is not correct. Depending on the design of the stove, such a box may have a completely different purpose.

What is the drawer under the oven really for?

It's hard to believe, but it may be intended for heating cooked dishes. This box is convenient to use when food has already been prepared, but it is too early to serve. This device is useful in every kitchen, because it allows you to keep the dish warm until the right moment.

Such a box is especially convenient during a big holiday, when it is impossible to cook all the dishes in the oven at once.

How do you know which drawer is under the oven?

The easiest way to find out what the drawer is for on a particular stove is to look at the instruction manual. If the design involves heating food in a niche under the oven, it is important not to forget a few important rules.

First of all, the drawer under the oven is not intended for cooking. Only ready-made hot dishes can be placed here. It should not be used to heat cold food or cook raw food.

Secondly, it is prohibited to store any items in such a box, as this may lead to a fire. Unfortunately, you will have to give up using this extra kitchen storage space.

There is also a second option. IN gas stoves a frying compartment may be located below. It is easily distinguished by the presence of an open heating element. These boxes allow you to create the perfect crispy crust or melty cheese filling.

Don't be upset if drawer serves only for storing things and does not have any additional functions. This means that it was used for its intended purpose at all times.

Currently, the vast majority kitchen sets are designed with, therefore, understanding the design of such modules is very important.

The box we are considering has two unchanged sizes:

  • This is its width, which is 600mm
  • And, which is also equal to 600mm (sometimes the opening is designed with a height of 595mm).

Only the size of the lower drawer with the front depends on the total height of the box.

The dimensions of the niche for installing the equipment we are considering can always be found in the instructions for it.

Let's calculate the module details:

Horizon – 600 by 460 (mm) – 1 pc.

Side – 870-28-100-16=726 (mm), where 28mm is the thickness of the tabletop, 100mm is the distance from the box to the floor (height of the supports), 16mm is the thickness of the lower horizon.

  • Side – 726 by 460 – 2 pcs.
  • Horizon 2 – 600-32=568 (mm), where 32mm is the thickness of the two sides of the box.
  • Horizon 2 – 568 by 460 – 1 pc.
  • Cabinet strip – 568 by 100 – 1 pc.

It’s also worth saying a few words about the body strip.

In this case, it is designed alone, and is located 10mm below the upper edge of the side ().

This is done so that when using a tabletop with a thickness of 28mm, it is normally attached to the tabletop and does not rest against the bar itself (sometimes the dimensions of this equipment may exceed the height dimensions of the tabletop).

By the way, I have often come across training materials online where the casing strip is not designed at all in the box we are considering.

I think this approach is not correct, since this bar maintains the distance between the sides of the module, and it is necessary in any case.

Let's calculate the front for the drawer below

The height dimension that it covers is:

870-28-100-600=142 (mm), where 100mm is the height of the adjustable supports, 600mm is the internal opening of the box.

You also need to know that the depth of the oven is such that when the back “overlap” of the countertop onto the box is 100 mm (namely, this (and more) size should be given for kitchens that include similar modules), in the projection oven(on the wall) there should not be anything (sockets, pipes, etc.), since the cabinet may simply not “fit” into the box.

The photo shows an option when there are sockets on the part of the wall visible through the opening, which then had to be removed. Therefore, these problems need to be solved at the kitchen design stage, and not when it is almost installed. You also need to take into account the evenness of the floors. If they are not level, then the lower modules will be adjusted, and accordingly, the position of the projection of the opening of our box on the wall will change.

This all needs to be taken into account.

Such modules can also be designed in such a way that they are located not at the bottom, but at the top, but we’ll talk about that.

That's all.

See you in the next articles.

Almost no one uses the bottom drawer under the oven for its intended purpose. Most people store baking sheets, lids, etc. kitchen utensils.

It turns out that 99% of people do not use it for its intended purpose.

Hot dishes on the table

The kitchen range bottom compartment with drawer has been designed to support optimal temperature serving for already prepared dishes. This means that food can remain warm in this drawer for an extended period of time. It’s called a “warming box”.
You may have already noticed that after using the oven, the items you store in the bottom drawer remain warm for some time. This happens precisely because the compartment absorbs heat. In most cases, these drawers have a humidity controller that helps keep constantly reheated food from drying out.

But the cooked food in it does not burn, does not cool down and does not lose its taste.
Due to the fact that the drawer is located under the oven, it uses the heat from the oven when it is operating and can be used to heat dishes.

After all, there are a number of dishes that simply need a warm plate. And culinary connoisseurs won’t appreciate it if you suddenly “plop” a fresh omelette into a cold plate. And for those who were still unaware, the dishes are heated specifically so that the lush omelette does not fall off.
And then there are hot salads... They also require dishes with a temperature above room temperature.
The easiest way to reheat plates before serving is to keep them in the oven at 80-90 degrees for a few minutes (or in a drawer under the oven).

Imagine this: you prepared soup, you and the children ate it, but your husband has not yet come home from work. Instead of leaving the pot on the stove or putting it in the refrigerator and then reheating the soup, you can simply place the pot on this shelf and the soup will stay warm!

Or your son just doesn’t want to tear himself away from computer game, and lunch is already on the plate. Don't yell at him. Let him finish playing for these treasured 15-20 minutes, and put the plate of food in this box under the stove. This way you will maintain the temperature of the dish and save your and your child’s nerves.
In addition, this compartment is perfect for heating bread, especially in cases where the bread has become a little stale.

The most amazing thing is that all the instructions for the stoves say what this box is for, but no one uses it for its intended purpose!
Unfortunately, we were unable to find confirmation of this theory in the manuals for kitchen stoves in Russian. In each of them it is designated as a “drawer”, and in each of the manuals it is silent on what it is even needed for.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that rags, paper and other flammable items cannot be stored in this box.

If you, like the vast majority of people, store frying pans and other kitchen utensils in a drawer under the oven, know that all this time you have been using it incorrectly.

Many people put frying pans in the drawer, but that is not what it is intended for.

Although it copes with this function perfectly and it is worth noting that it is very convenient.

We've been using it wrong our whole lives!

In some manuals for kitchen stoves it is called a “warming drawer” and this is not at all accidental.

This drawer is actually used to heat food. It is for heating, not cooking.

If you don't have a microwave or you're saving on electricity, this might be helpful for you. a worthy alternative. However, it is much more convenient to use the box when preparing for feasts, when there is only one oven, but there are many dishes. Therefore, to prevent pre-prepared dishes from getting cold, it is advisable to place them in this drawer, and continue to cook the remaining dishes in the oven.

An example of using a drawer from one of the manuals for a kitchen stove

Unfortunately, we were unable to find confirmation of this theory in the manuals for kitchen stoves in Russian. In each of them it is simply labeled as a “drawer”, and in each of the manuals it is silent on what it is even used for.

Be that as it may, we hasten to warn you that this manual may not be relevant for some types of slabs.

The drawer under the oven in the stove often raises questions even among experienced housewives who think about its purpose. Most often, frying pans and other kitchen utensils live in it. However, the purpose of the additional compartment is determined by the type of stove and the functions included in it by the manufacturer, and may differ for different models.

Purpose of the drawer under the oven: truth and speculation

The presence of an additional compartment depends on the model of the household appliance. Built-in or pull-out compartments are typical for gas and combined types. In electric or induction versions, such designs are provided less frequently and depend on functional features selected stove or oven.

One common misconception is that the purpose of the additional compartment is to create thermal insulation between the bottom of the slab and the floor. However, for this purpose, a special box is installed, and thermal insulation bases are used for installing equipment. The built-in drawer does not affect this parameter in any way.

The drawer under the oven is convenient for storing molds and baking sheets.

When answering the question whether it is possible to store kitchen utensils in such drawers, refer to the instructions included with each stove. In most cases, this compartment is labeled as an additional storage compartment. However, consumers themselves are more inclined to consider it an additional compartment for pans, trays and baking sheets.

The instructions for the Lysva GP 400 M2C stove clearly indicate the purpose of the additional drawer

Does it heat up or not?

The situation is different with the theory of heating food in a drawer. Consumers greet this option coldly, justifying their distrust with the following factors:

  • this compartment gets dirty quickly and is not protected from dust;
  • in the instructions, manufacturers designate this compartment as auxiliary for storing dishes and other utensils;
  • the compartment has too large gaps to retain the heat necessary for heating.

Some manufacturers install special compartments that allow you to keep food warm for a long time.

Such doubts are understandable, but this function is still present in some models, which is also noted in the instructions for the corresponding stove. In such cases, the compartment is called a heating cabinet or oven compartment.

The manufacturer of the Ardo C 640 G6 stove provides a heating compartment function

The main caution when using an additional drawer under the oven is not to place flammable objects or substances in it, as well as plastic dishes and containers. This rule applies to any type of slab. It is not recommended to store foods that spoil at elevated air temperatures here.