Toilet      03/24/2019

What is the quality of the gas stove. Types and types of gas stoves

Modern gas stoves have become much more functional, leaving outdated models far behind. Today it is stylish, convenient and safe household devices. different price categories. But you should not show excessive haste when buying, as a rule, such equipment is purchased on long term so even the little things matter. Before you go to the store to choose a gas stove, you need to prioritize all the main points.

So, choose the best gas stove. Large household appliances require a serious approach, before buying it is necessary to evaluate all the nuances. Types of gas stoves are divided into groups according to various parameters. First of all, in order to understand how to choose a gas stove for the kitchen, it is most logical to distinguish between built-in and freestanding models.


Classic gas stoves are equipped with an electric or gas oven with a hinged door, which is quite convenient: two devices are included. Some models have hob cover from tempered glass, which, when open, protects the wall or apron from dirt, and when closed, it makes it possible to use the stove as a table. The advantage of such devices is that they do not require special installation, as opposed to embedded technology. The user does not have to change kitchen set, it suffices to replace / .

Modern freestanding gas stoves are functional, but slightly inferior to built-in appliances in ease of use. Most often they have mechanical control with rotary knobs. A freestanding modern gas stove has its drawbacks. First of all, we can note the fact that some devices must be installed at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the furniture. If the “technical” gap is not closed in front and above, dirt and debris will accumulate there, which are difficult to remove without moving the stove itself. By the way, even the “close” installation will not get rid of such a drawback, but it can be corrected.

The second disadvantage is dimensions- a free-standing stove is always large, and if the width can be different, then the height and depth are standard. The minus can be considered not critical, due to the fact that the movement of such equipment is required quite rarely.


Built-in cookers are compact and are produced in a variety of shapes and colors - if little space in the kitchen, or the purchased furniture is designed for built-in appliances, then you should take a closer look at this option. The hob can have a different number of burners and a set of options. There are two types of such panels: gas on glass and gas under glass. The first type is the usual design, like classic plates. The second option is safer, but uneven burning of the flame can be observed. This is done on purpose to reduce the impact of fire on the gratings. However, some users leave reviews that it is not very aesthetically pleasing.

The undeniable advantage of a built-in stove is that such a model does not require a separate place, and it can be fully integrated into the furniture. , if needed, can be installed next to or in another part of the kitchen. Thus, two people can cook and bake at the same time without interfering with each other.

Which gas stove is better to buy is, of course, up to the user to decide. If we analyze customer reviews, then in terms of demand, built-in appliances are somewhat ahead of classic freestanding models. The interest of buyers is due to the presentable and modern appearance of the “built-in”.

Cooktop coating

Cooking surface - main work zone any stove, both built-in and stand-alone. It is the most polluted mechanical damage and at the same time always in sight. Given the fact that gas or electric cookers are bought for a long time, this criterion should not be neglected.

Choice gas stove according to the type of surface is possible from several options.

Dimensions and number of burners

These two parameters are interdependent: the more burners, the more sizes gas stoves. Classic variant- 4 burners, where 1 large, 1 small and 2 medium. The entire range contains modifications with a different number of heating zones: from 2 to 6.

Burners can be either conventional or two or three-circuit - they are designed for languishing or extinguishing.

Three-circuit burner

The dimensions of the gas stove are very different. Standard built-in surfaces designed for kitchen furniture 50x60 cm, but the shape may be non-standard. Standalone devices 85 cm high, depth can vary from 49 to 63 cm, and width from 30 cm to 1 meter. It can be argued that the market is saturated with a wide variety of modifications of gas stoves: from the most modest sizes to large ones. Regardless of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, choosing the right option is quite realistic.

Which oven to choose

Before choosing a good gas stove, you need to decide on the type of oven. The oven can be either gas or electric. The most budget option is a conventional gas oven with a burner at the bottom. Models of the middle price segment have a grill - an additional burner in the upper part. Here important point: grill spit rotation, it should be automatic, it is convenient, so the food will be fried evenly on all sides. The most expensive - gas ovens with cooler(fan), which evenly distributes hot air in the chamber.

The number of levels for installing a rack or baking sheet is usually standard, but you should pay attention to this as well. Useful if the stove has good backlight and a compartment for dishes - there you can put various kitchen utensils: baking sheets, grids, skewer, frying pans, hazelnuts, etc.

Electric ignition and quite rarely apply to a gas oven in a gas stove, but the device itself initially requires careful handling in accordance with the operating rules.

Convection oven

Features of electric ovens in gas stoves

Considering which gas stove to buy, some choose because it is more familiar to them. Conventional electric ovens are equipped two heating elements: top and bottom. These are the simplest budget models that many are already accustomed to. More efficient ovens in the middle price category, they have four heating elements. For the best cooking quality, you will need a model with a fan (the function is called “convection”), which, by mixing air, eliminates the formation of cold zones.

Outdated electric ovens had metal heating elements as a heater. Today the technology has changed, now quartz elements are used. New development consumes less electricity and takes up less space.

The obvious disadvantages of this type of oven are energy consumption and a large one. Before buying a stove, you should check with the employees of special services whether the wires are designed for such power consumption, what additional devices will be needed (for example, a voltage stabilizer). If there is a difficulty which model to choose, it is worth stopping at a stove with a gas oven. Such devices are practically independent of electricity and do not need to be replaced by electrical wiring.

Functionality of gas stoves and ovens

The functional characteristics of gas stoves determine the safety of use to a greater extent than convenience. If electric stoves there are options such as electronic heating control, automatic change in heating intensity, then in gas appliances everything is somewhat different. Before choosing cooker, it is worth determining which options will be prioritized.

  1. Flame adjustment is carried out by mechanical rotary knobs.
  2. Burner ignition can be automatic, when the fire is ignited when the handle is turned, or manual, when the ignition button is displayed separately and acts on all burners at once. It can also be noted separately that the spark can be from a piezoelectric element or electric. The first option is independent of the presence of light, but has a limited service life. Electric is more profitable, as it is durable - it is better to choose just such a gas stove.
  3. Gas control- this is an automatic shutdown of the gas supply when blowing out or filling the burner. The sensor will detect the change in temperature and close the pipe.
  4. Complete shutdown of the gas supply - when access to the valve is blocked, this option will be extremely useful. The button can completely shut off the gas supply to the device.
  5. Timer with a sound signal - of course, useful feature, the user does not need to time himself.

Additional functionality of ovens may include:

  • separate timer with automatic shutdown;
  • option (when high temperatures food remains turn into ash and are easily removed);
  • automatically retractable baking sheet (when tearing off the door).

Due to the fact that gas cooking is cheap and most homes are connected to a centralized gas supply, many people opt for gas stoves. Faced with the question of how to choose a gas stove for the kitchen, buyers come to the conclusion that this is not as easy as it seems. In fact, the choice on the market is very large, it is often difficult to immediately decide on a model. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main parameters that matter when choosing.

When choosing a stove, first of all, you should find out what model of configuration you need, what kind of hob and oven will be. Only after finally deciding on the main parameters, you can proceed to a further choice. suitable option.

Nice addition - grill

Some gas ovens the economy segment has to be lit with a match. Electric ignition is a very handy feature. There are models with electric ignition, which must be turned on separately by pressing a button. More expensive gas stoves have a built in handle electrical element. All you have to do is turn the knob and the automatic ignition will do everything for you.

A very useful feature is the timer. It signals that the time has elapsed with an audible signal. In advanced models with electronic control the timer automatically turns off the hob.

Ovens also have a number of modifications that will certainly come in handy. To see how ready the dish is without opening the oven door, manufacturers equip the plates with lighting. The retractable mechanism for a hot pan will help you get a red-hot dish.

What else is worth paying attention to

Apart from external characteristics household appliances and its functional content, there are several more important aspects which must be taken into account when choosing. These primarily include the safety of the operation of the stove. In addition, when choosing, pay attention to the name of the manufacturer.

Instrument safety

With inaccurate use, a gas stove is enough dangerous object in the kitchen. A possible gas leak can have serious consequences. It is to protect consumers from such situations that manufacturers have developed a “gas control” system.

This little detail is responsible for safety

The principle of the system is very simple. A special sensor detects the leak and stops the gas supply. Thus, if milk escapes from the pan and extinguishes the flame, the system will immediately work and turn off the stove. There are stoves with selective leak control: oven-only or hob-only, but there are models with full protection - the safest.

Gas control in action:

Important! The installation of a gas stove should only be carried out by a professional. Incorrect connection is fraught with gas leakage.

Another danger that a gas stove poses is excessive heating of the outer part of the oven. In high-quality models, thermal insulation of the door is provided. This is very important, especially for families with small children.

The reputation of the manufacturer

Very often, in stores, stoves with the same functionality and even similar ones in appearance can differ in price by several times. Such a big difference mostly depends on the plate manufacturer.

The task of a rational buyer is to choose an option with an ideal price-quality ratio. We know that the most expensive is not always the best. Today, many domestic and foreign companies produce gas stoves of different price categories.

Inexpensive brands include Nord, which has been producing household appliances for over 50 years, and Belarusian Gefest. These companies produce gas stoves of a budget class. This is what explains their popularity among the population.

The brand name plays important role

European Zanussi, Gorenije and Electrolux produce a line of economy-class gas stoves and more expensive series with advanced functionality. Kaiser, Hansa, Bosch premium plates are famous for their quality. You will have to pay a round sum for them, but the reputation of the brand speaks for itself.

Slab guide:

Hob guide for hobs:

The choice of a gas stove for the kitchen depends primarily on the budget of the buyer and the set additional features that he needs. Any, even the most primitive gas stove will cope with its main task - heating and cooking. But, since the service life of this device is calculated in tens of years, the choice should be approached responsibly, looking several years ahead.

The kitchen is the main place in the house, not only for women. Held here most of free time, the whole family gathers for joint breakfasts or dinners. And the central place is given to the stove! It is she who deserves special attention.

In the modern market of household appliances and equipment, gas stoves are widely used. They are very popular among buyers. And not in vain. Gas stoves have a lot of advantages. And so about everything in more detail.

Characteristics of gas stoves

To undeniable merit should include:

  1. Price. Gas stoves are often much cheaper than electrical equipment. Even from the same manufacturer, a gas stove and an electric stove cost completely different money. With the same type of quality and similar characteristics and functions.
  2. Economy– gas prices are much lower than for electricity. In addition, you must turn it on in advance in order to heat up the hob, with gas, you can start cooking instantly.
  3. Convenience. This applies to cooking, as it is much easier to change the temperature by increasing or decreasing the gas supply in the burner. Temperature change is instantaneous, which cannot be achieved from electric stoves.
  4. Cooking speed. This is achieved by cooking on fire, which is equivalent to an open fire, the temperature of which is noticeably higher than that of an electrical appliance.
  5. Aesthetics. Food cooked on a gas stove is much tastier and looks prettier.
  6. Quick device shutdown.
  7. Opportunity use various utensils for cooking.

Gas stove, the most frequent guest in our house

To be fair, it should be noted shortcomings that still exist:

  • level of safety, due to open flames in the burners the safety of the gas stove is inferior to its electronic counterpart. There is also the possibility of a gas leak, which can lead to negative consequences;
  • the oven has limited capacity compared to electric. This is evident even in the accuracy of temperature control.

However, many manufacturers of gas stoves coped with the problem of the danger of gas leakage by endowing many models with a control system - with a sharp and spontaneous attenuation of the flame, the sensor is triggered and the gas supply stops.

How to choose

How to choose a gas stove, read consumer reviews and manufacturer ratings

How to decide on the choice of model, functionality and design when such a wide range is presented.

Firstly, it is necessary to immediately determine the price maximum, which you can count on.

Secondly, decide on the style of the plate, based on the design the interior of the kitchen for which the stove is selected.

Third, select functionality. There are stoves with two or four gas burners. The choice is based on the amount of food being cooked. It is also worth paying attention to the functionality oven. Familiarize yourself with the cooking modes, the number of baking sheets, as well as the presence of a box for baking sheets on the stove.

When choosing a stove, it is necessary to check its safety for children. For example, an oven equipped with a "children's mode" - that is, a blockage during cooking, or a non-heating glass of the oven lid!


Blue fuel is the cheapest option

Modern gas stoves can be equipped with a different number and shape of burners. It depends on the manufacturer and brand of the stove. Burners became popular not in standard round shapes, but triangular or in the form of a spiral or two rings (one inside the other). This, of course, is more a tribute to design, and does not affect the quality of cooking. Although it is worth considering the fact that small burners will not work if you use large dishes.

Choose the number of burners according to personal experience cooking. How many dishes can you cook at the same time.

The dimensions of the burners are also selected individually, based on the size of the dishes used.


The hob is the upper part of the stove with an oven or a separate, independent hob that needs to be built into the kitchen furniture.

Hobs are made from a variety of materials.:

  • aluminum alloy– high quality, scratch-resistant, the surface is treated with a special solution that prevents tarnishing. This panel is quite easy to maintain.
  • stainless steel– resistance to mechanical damage, scratches. More expensive than the previous version, but also easy to care for.
  • glass ceramics- aesthetically pleasing, easy to clean. This type hob not adapted to the effects of sugar. The latter, when heated, changes the properties of glass ceramics. If even slight drops of sweet get in, you must immediately clean the surface. To prevent damage to the panel, special films are used, which must be periodically replaced with new ones.
  • enamelled steel- the most common and familiar option for housewives. The enamel is quite warm and impact resistant. It is characterized on the positive side by ease of maintenance and care. Can choose suitable color for kitchen. Possesses high hygienic indicators.


Ovens are dependent (in a stationary stove) and independent. Each of them is divided into gas, combined and electric. The first two are the most practical and economically viable. They provide uniform and fast heating.

Gas ovens are safer - they have double or triple thermal insulation of the door.

Electric ovens are:

  • Classic- simple. Have not a large number of types of heating (upper, simultaneously upper, and lower, lower, grill).
  • Multifunctional have about 8 heating modes (combinations of upper, lower, rear and convector), 3D heating (all heating elements are activated).

Ovens have different volumes. For large families, you need to take a large volume. Average volumes from 42 to 56 liters.

Each cabinet has trays that allow you to safely monitor the readiness of the dish.

You can watch the cooking process with the help of the backlight.

Many ovens now have a self-cleaning function that makes it much easier to care for the stove.

Timer. Capable at the right time for you, they are able to independently turn off the burner and at the same time emit a sound signal.

Required Functions

What required features might be useful

Auto ignition system.

Electric ignition burners are widely used by manufacturers. It is very comfortable. Electric ignition can be conventional or automatic. Eat different variants auto ignition. On some models there is a special button that must be pressed after gas supply. It creates a spark, thereby igniting the gas. Another option is to equip the gas supply handle itself with a mechanism for closing the spark plug circuit.

Gas control.

Designed to reduce emergencies when working with gas. This system prevents gas leaks by automatically blocking the gas supply when the flame goes out. Only the burners, only the oven, or both can be equipped with the system. It is indispensable in the presence of children in the house.


  • auto ignition- allows you to easily turn on the flame in the burner without additional devices;
  • timer. It will allow you not to miss the moment when the dish is ready.
  • Converter air in the oven. Creates an even distribution of hot air;
  • self-cleaning system ovens. Significantly saves cleaning time;
  • grill. Increases the culinary possibilities of cooking.

These features are quite useful, but their presence significantly increases the price of the product. In addition, if they break down, the cost of repair is set by the manufacturer. Therefore, before buying, it is worth evaluating their feasibility and the ability to use the stove without them.

Manufacturer rating

At the moment, there are a large number of manufacturers offering the buyer various variations of plates.

We can choose from budget options, then it is worth considering the plates of the company "DE LUXE", "Gazmash", "Lysva", "Darina". They make slabs good quality but no additional features. Also have classic design and limited color variations.

Plates are more expensive. INDESIT, ELECTROLUX, GORENIE. The elite category includes plates of brands AEG, MIELE.

Manufacturers KAISER And ARDO tried to adapt the equipment of European standards to our conditions. So in many homes, the voltage in the network is constantly jumping. These manufacturers have taken this factor into account.

Answering the question “what kind of stove to buy?”, It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. So one to one's liking exclusively import manufacturers, others choose domestic ones, which are not inferior in quality. In any case, the choice is up to the buyer.

Which company gas stove, expert advice:

Accommodation, safety standards

Since the gas stove is a potentially dangerous item, some rules should be followed when installing it. There are basic rules for placing household appliances in the kitchen. They are associated with ease of use, as well as with the safety of their use.

As for convenience and comfort, the gas stove should not be installed near the sink, as there is a risk of burns when washing dishes. Also, the location of the plate near doorways for the same reason - you can catch something hot from the stove, passing by.

Regarding safety standards:

  • The stove should be far from the window- to prevent curtain fires,
  • Must be close proximity to gas shut-off valves. This norm is set in order to urgently shut off the gas supply in the event of a stove malfunction.
  • All other items (refrigerator, microwave, cupboard) should be at least 15 centimeters away.
  • The installation must be carried out in such a way that distance no more than 4 meters from the hard cable.

Be sure to lay the distance between the gas cock and the hose with a dielectric insert.

The sleeve for installing the plate must be at least 10 millimeters in diameter.

It is better to entrust the installation of the stove to an experienced professional, and not to do it yourself. Your health or even life may depend on the correctness of the work performed.

Before starting work, you should make sure that the appliance is turned off and the burners have cooled down. Cleaning agents should be selected depending on the material of the hob. Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners to avoid scratches. Also pay attention to the softness of the sponge or rag for washing the stove.

To prevent the appearance of deep dirt and stubborn stains, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • During cooking make sure that the fire does not spread beyond the bottom of the dish;
  • Keep liquid contaminants out on the burners at the boil;
  • When baking use foil and baking paper;
  • Spend cleaning after each use;
  • When washing the stove, remove the burners to clean the surface underneath them. This is where most of the pollution accumulates.

How to clean a gas stove, see:

Whichever stove you choose, the gas stove will become your reliable and faithful assistant when preparing dishes of any complexity. And when proper care behind it, will serve faithfully for a long time!

And finally, print out the recipe for borscht for your husband, if you suddenly want to take a day off:

More and more models are offered to us by manufacturers to fulfill all our desires, manufacturers are adding new features and gadgets! Equipping gas stoves allows you to create culinary masterpieces even for an inexperienced beginner. What can a real chef do? We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you.

Modern kitchens equipped with the most different types plates. Electric stoves are quite common, more and more induction devices are appearing, but gas stoves are still the most common cooking devices.

They don't change often. As a rule, the gas stove works for a long time and rarely fails. Few people have rich experience in acquiring large durable household appliances. Therefore, when it comes time to renovate their kitchen, most people have to figure out again how to choose a better and more practical gas stove.

Choosing the right main kitchen assistant is not too difficult if you choose consistently, according to the main parameters. Manufacturers offer such a rich assortment range that almost every buyer has the opportunity to choose a model that suits him in terms of price, functionality and design.

Choose according to the main parameters

The first thing to decide: which of the offered plates you fit better built-in or freestanding. Typically, companies producing kitchen furniture cooperate with the most popular manufacturers of household appliances and offer their customers a range of built-in appliances.

From what kind of kitchen you have in terms of area, it largely depends on how to choose a gas stove correctly and rationally. IN spacious kitchen, where food will be prepared for a large family, a huge stove with 4-6 burners, a spacious oven will fit perfectly. For an ordinary family of 4, it is better to choose a standard gas stove with 4 burners, with a width and depth of about 60 cm. In a small kitchen where a young family or a single bachelor cooks for themselves, a small model with two burners, modest and compact size is sufficient.

The standard dimensions of gas stoves are: height is usually 80-85 cm, width is from 30 cm to 1 m, and depth is usually 50 or 60 cm.

In addition, you can choose a separate hob, and a separate oven from it. This separation will allow you to better place these appliances in the kitchen space.

Built-in appliances are designed for optimal combination with kitchen furniture. Since it is mostly hidden from view, the finish of the side surfaces does not matter much, which has a positive and pleasant effect on the cost.

But a stand-alone model can survive any furniture. It is an independent element of the interior, and therefore it is better to pay attention to design. Special attention. Despite not being too wide choose colors of gas stoves, for almost any kitchen you can choose a technique that fits perfectly into the design of the room. Of course, if you figure out in advance how to choose a good gas stove.

Burners, as a rule, come in different diameters. On a conventional 4-burner stove, 2 burners are medium in size, one is small, and one is large diameter and increased power.

In addition, the stove can have several gas burners, and 1-2 electric ones. It is right to choose such a plate in the case when the gas supply is carried out irregularly or you use gas from a cylinder.

If you want to choose the most modern models, you will be able to offer devices with multi-circuit burners. On them, dishes are cooked the fastest, as conditions are created for the most intense heating of the dishes. In addition, manufacturers also offer stoves with burners in the shape of an oval or polygon.


The body is usually made of durable, corrosion-resistant steel. Most often, the walls are protected by a layer of enamel, which is quite easy to care for. In more expensive and stylish models matte or polished stainless steel is used. It looks beautiful, but caring for such surfaces is quite tedious. Every fingerprint, every drop of fat or water is visible on the surface of the steel. And for cleaning it is better to buy special means household chemicals, intended for specific care behind metal surfaces.

For the hob, materials are used that are resistant to temperature, aggressive detergents and mechanical impact. Most often it is metal coated with enamel. Inexpensive traditional coating serves well, subject to certain rules of care. True, enameled surfaces must be washed carefully, otherwise they will be covered with scratches and lose their beauty.

More rack surface out of stainless steel, but the difficulties of caring for them have already been mentioned above.

Increasingly gaining popularity is a beautiful and durable coating of the hob, made of tempered glass with high heat resistance or glass ceramics. Usually these surfaces are dark or black, but you can also find white glass-ceramic surfaces on some models of the elite range. Glass-ceramic and heat-resistant glass are perfectly washable, withstand temperature effects and look very attractive.

Your willingness to invest effort, money and time in the care of your kitchen appliances largely determines how to choose a gas stove that is right for you, with your habits and inclinations.


Manufacturers equip their products with a mass of additional functions. Some of them are important and necessary, such as the leak control function or electric ignition. Others are in demand only among a certain category of consumers. To know how to choose the right gas stove, you need to understand this variety.

Electric ignition

It allows you to get rid of unsafe matches and ever-breaking lighters. The gas can be ignited by turning the burner valve, or the ignition is controlled by a separate button. Cookers equipped with an electric ignition function will also have to be connected to the mains.

Leak control, or "gas-control" system

An excellent, very useful feature that significantly increases the safety of using gas stoves. If for some reason the flame goes out, the gas supply is automatically cut off. Only the oven, only the burners, or the entire stove can be equipped with a leak monitoring system. With full control, safety is paramount. As single people, as families with children, as well as citizens of advanced age, it is worth choosing just such models. Neither escaping milk nor an oven extinguished due to a decrease in gas pressure will cause a gas leak and a fire.


You can choose any type of grill in the stove. There are models with a gas grill, with a built-in skewer. You can choose an electric grill, which allows you to more precisely regulate the process and temperature. Some models have gas burners, and the entire oven, including the grill, is electric.

The electric oven and grill are easier to operate, but much less economical. In order to save money, it is more practical to choose gas option, which is cheaper to operate and does not cost as much.


For most models, the timer is a simple mechanical device that more or less accurately measures the length of time and, after its expiration, beeps. In more modern and complex models, the timer allows you to program the stove to turn on or off after a certain time, as well as program the change in operating modes.

Other nice little things

  • It is convenient when the oven is equipped with a thermometer and a light.
  • For safety, it is important that the oven door is made to meet the requirements of thermal insulation. The outer panel must not get too hot when the oven is on.

Manufacturers in the popularity rating

The Russians have traditionally stable demand for Hephaestus and Carpathian slabs. But European manufacturers with their more expensive equipment are also not offended: Gorenje plates combine reasonable prices and decent quality, like German BOSCH equipment. Italian built-in appliances are also in great demand.

Hello dear readers!

Previously, in Russian huts, the stove was considered the soul and heart of the house. She helped to heat the house and cook food. With the advent of centralized gas supply, there were almost no stoves left in the houses. And even where the gas has not yet reached, they still prefer to use stoves for cooking.

Today we will learn how to choose a gas stove so that it adequately takes its central place in the kitchen.

Depending on the placement in the kitchen space, stoves are built-in and freestanding.

  • Embedded

This type is extremely popular today. It is understandable, because such a device has many advantages. And the main one is maintaining uniform style kitchen design. It is not always possible to find a suitable design, and embedding solves this problem: most of the device is covered furniture facade, and nothing breaks the ensemble.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the complexity of installation. This type of equipment requires thoughtfulness at the stage of project development. kitchen furniture. And you can't install the equipment yourself. Usually this is done by the same craftsmen who assemble the headset. Another disadvantage is that it is very difficult to dismantle it, for example, when moving.

There are separate built-in stoves when the hob and oven are not connected in any way and are installed autonomously (independently of each other). The design allows you to realize non-standard ideas and use every centimeter, which is incredibly important for small kitchens.

  • Freestanding

Standard devices that are installed regardless of the presence of other furniture. This one is simpler and much easier to move.

There are standard units consisting of a hob and oven, as well as desktop stoves that do not have a baking oven. They are also called hikers. Some of these models have a small oven. Outwardly, they look like a microwave oven. Such a portable option is suitable for giving.


There are the following types of ovens:

  • Gas

Gas stoves cook quickly but are difficult to adjust temperature regime. So, setting the temperature to 50 ℃ (it is useful for drying vegetables) is very difficult. However, low energy costs (especially if a gas meter is installed) and ease of operation often compensate for these features.

They differ from each other in the location and number of heaters. In inexpensive models, the burner is located only at the bottom, while in more expensive ones there is also an upper grill. Some devices are equipped with a fan that mixes the air and prevents the formation of “cold” zones, which means that the dish is baked evenly.

  • Electrical

Using this option is much more convenient due to more accurate oven settings. These units should be especially carefully looked at by those who like to bake. Disadvantages - energy costs, long heating and cooling.

Devices of the simplest modifications have two heating elements - at the top and bottom. More complex models already have four heaters: more side heaters are added. Convection allows you to maintain the same temperature throughout the oven and is present in appliances of medium and high price levels.

Each housewife should decide which one is better, focusing on her feelings: someone is more accustomed to cooking in a gas stove, and someone is more comfortable in an electrical cabinet.


Dimensions are perhaps one of the most important parameters, especially for a tiny kitchen. The value of the indicators may vary:

  1. Width - standard devices have a width of 50 - 60 cm, and individual models can be especially narrow from 30 cm, or vice versa, increased to 1 meter.
  2. Depth - the most common plates are from 55 to 60 cm in size, although there are devices with a depth of 50 - 55 cm, as well as more than 60 cm.
  3. Height - almost the same for all freestanding units - about 85 cm.


The number of burners is closely related to the size of the equipment. There are small single-burner or, more commonly, two-burner devices. In enlarged appliances, there are five and even six burners. But usually there are four of them: two medium ones, one with more power and one with less power.

The structure of the burners also differs. In addition to the usual round ones, oval, triangular and square burners are produced.

There are two- and three-circuit burners. They have not one, but two or three rings of flame on the burner. They are the same, or they can have different heights, for example, for wok pans with a rounded bottom.

On professional models, special burners with a thick cast-iron platform are installed. They are designed to evenly heat cooked food.


The base and walls are usually made of enamelled metal or stainless steel.

For the buyer, it is much more important what it is made of. hob. After all, this not only determines the appearance, but also how difficult it will be to get rid of stains.

  • Enamel

Most popular cover. It looks harmonious, many color options are available: white, gray, brown, beige, red and others. If you do not allow dirt and grease to dry out and burn, then it is easy to care for it.

The use of abrasive cleaners and hard sponges leads to scratches and thinning of the enamel. A piece of the coating may break off from the impact or a crack may appear, so you should be more careful in handling.

  • Stainless steel

It looks very impressive, more resistant to mechanical damage, and dirt is easier to remove from it. At the same time, more laborious to maintain appearance: all stains, drops and prints are clearly visible on it. To make the unit look decent, you will have to make a lot of effort and buy special household chemicals.

  • glass ceramics

Appeared relatively recently, but is rapidly winning the love of hostesses. It is connected with wide opportunities design solutions: colors, drawings, form. And also with relative ease of care - it is easier to wash off dirt from glass than from other coatings. It is difficult to break it, but still possible, so you should be careful. Of the shortcomings, it is still worth mentioning the high cost.

Additional functions

  • Gas control - a special sensor monitors the temperature of the burner on. If it decreases, which happens when the flame is extinguished by escaping liquid, then the gas supply is automatically stopped.
  • Automatic ignition - eliminates matches and lighters. There are two varieties: electric and piezo ignition. In the first case, when the button is pressed, a spark is supplied to all burners, and only the one into which gas is supplied in this moment. Piezo ignition ignites a fire pointwise and, unlike the previous version, it does not require an electrical connection.
  • Grill - allows you to get a crispy crust or bake food, like on coals. There are options with a built-in skewer that automatically spins: with its help, you get a delicious chicken or barbecue.

  • Convection - fans installed in the oven mix the air. This is necessary so that the air temperature in the chamber is the same and the dish is baked evenly.
  • Self-cleaning - greatly facilitates the maintenance of equipment and cleaning the oven from grease and carbon deposits.
  • Timer - at the beginning of cooking, a period is set after which the stove will beep. In some models, it is possible to program the start time for cooking.

Manufacturers and examples of stove models

The production of stoves, like any common household appliances, is carried out by a huge number of manufacturers. But still it is better to choose proven well-known companies. So it’s less likely to stumble upon defective products, and in which case it’s easier to repair and return money.


In the budget segment up to 15 thousand rubles, the most famous brands are Flama, Darina, Gefest.

This also includes the well-known Ukrainian brand Greta. However, due to the current political situation, Greta products, unfortunately, have practically disappeared from the Russian market.

An interesting combined solution, where two burners are gas and two more are electric. Best suited for settlements with interruptions in the supply of resources. The oven is electric, with 4 operating modes.

The cost is 9,700 rubles.

A narrow stove 50 cm wide, with four familiar burners, without any bells and whistles, but with a spacious oven. Special attention deserves the possibility of connecting to a cylinder with liquefied gas A: Everything you need is included. This makes her ideal option for a house without gas supply or for a summer residence.

The price for it is 11,400 rubles.

A reliable device from the city of Brest from a trusted manufacturer. The oven has a temperature indicator and double-layer glass. Gas control will protect against leakage. But you should be prepared for the fact that it is not equipped with electric ignition and lighting. Although in some cases this is only a plus: you do not need to connect it to a power outlet.

The cost is 14,000 rubles.

more expensive

Up to 35 thousand rubles, you can buy brands: Hansa, Zanussi, Vestel, Gorenje, Indesit, Beko, Hotpoint-Ariston. Here there are expensive models from budget manufacturers and affordable simple devices from higher class firms.

Combined stove with four gas burners and an electric oven, which is equipped with double heat-resistant glass, 8 operating modes, grill and lighting.

Buying Zanussi will cost 23,500 rubles.

Stylish black technique, made in retro style. At the same time, its functionality is quite modern: electric oven, 7 baking modes, timer, convection, grill, ignition. In general, everything you need for culinary creativity.

Price - 33 thousand rubles.

Stainless steel device. The inside of the stove is coated with a special low-porous enamel, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the cleaning process. If the flame suddenly goes out due to escaped water or wind, then the gas supply will stop. Double-layer glass on the door will protect from burns.

The cost of the Indesit unit is 20 thousand rubles.


Devices more expensive than 30 thousand rubles are produced by companies: Electrolux, Bosch, Kaiser.

Be careful: a high price does not always mean that the stove will serve you well. Many consumers note, for example, that the German Kaiser units are not entirely thought out design features which makes cleaning difficult.

Of course, these are subjective impressions, but they only confirm that you need to choose a technique “for yourself”, and not blindly trust a big name and cost.

Full gas appliance. The kit comes with a fitting and jets for connecting to the cylinder. Built-in gas leakage control system, electric ignition and burner shutdown timer. The spacious Bosch oven has a built-in grill and a three-layer protective glass to protect against burns.

You will have to pay 35 thousand rubles for it.

High-tech stainless steel unit with many options. The electric oven is supplemented not only with the usual grill and convection, but also with modes: defrosting, drying, steaming, canning. The digital display makes it easy to set the desired programs and control the cooking time.

It is required to spend 41,500 rubles on such an assistant.

Numerous positive reviews have the Ardo technique from Italian manufacturer. But it is not in this review, since now it is almost impossible to find devices of this brand on sale. For a number of reasons, the supply of Ardo equipment to Russia has been suspended.

Of course, the same companies produce both cheap and expensive models aimed at different consumers.

Where can I buy?

First of all, you should decide whether to buy a new device or from it. Moreover, the second option is highly undesirable. No one can guarantee you that a used stove bought on Avito or from an ad in a newspaper is not a fake, that it was installed according to the standards, it was correctly turned off and transported.

Jokes are bad with gas, so think carefully: maybe buy the simplest, but still new one?