In a private house      02/24/2019

How to waterproof a septic tank from concrete rings

It's hardly possible country cottage area or imagine a house without a well-thought-out sewer system. To achieve the right efficient work system, you need to build a special septic tank from concrete rings. There are no difficulties in construction, so you can make everything yourself without resorting to the help of specialists.

A septic tank is a structure that provides purification and clarification of wastewater. Previously, for such processes it was erected cesspool, but the service life and features of the septic tank are much superior to the old options. The most common, although not the only materials, are concrete rings. Waterproofing a septic tank is carried out using various materials.

Features of a concrete septic tank

The installation scheme is such that the rings are placed one on top of the other, which means that the resistance to the movement of groundwater or the soil itself remains minimal. You can use a monolithic septic tank, or connect the rings with ties (metal rings). The main disadvantage of a septic tank is the inevitable release of a small amount of waste into the ground. Bleeding occurs because it is impossible to perfectly seal the ring joints.

Construction elements are quite heavy, so inserting elements using a crane will greatly facilitate the work, although their cost will increase.

Basic scheme

The ring septic tank diagram represents a certain number of wells connected to each other. The meaning of each of them:

  • the first of the sections is a well with a concrete bottom. There should be a pipe leading to it that drains all waste. The pipe is inserted with a slight slope so that the waste is removed independently. The angle of the installed bend is normal if there is 2 cm of inclination for every meter of length.
    The section serves to allow hardened waste to decompose well. The action is carried out because the waste contains anaerobic bacteria that can quickly decompose all the masses. When a thick sediment occurs, liquid fractions begin to flow into the second tank section;
  • the second tank is made the same size as the first. Their devices are also identical. This compartment is used for filtration. Here are the materials that are responsible for its natural course (not a large number of gravel, expanded clay and similar substances);
  • the next tank contains the filtered fraction. The liquids that enter from this compartment can be discharged into the ground naturally, or, for more thorough removal, use forced discharge using a pump. When removing liquids with a sewer truck, the third tank should be located in close proximity to the access routes.
Photo: location of well rings

Rubble cushion

The main problem when installing septic tanks is soil heaving, that is, an increase in the size of the soil under the influence of various external factors. When installing a septic tank in places where the soil is very heaving, you need to construct a belt of soil. Experts give recommendations on the choice of materials. Expanded clay pillow or materials with a similar composition are considered the best for bedding.

The material is not so important, the main thing is to make a cushion before installing the concrete rings. The thickness of the pillow should be at least 30 cm. The rings should be fastened with metal bolts or staples. Seals are inserted so that due to heaving there is no shifting of the rings, and sealed areas do not leak contents into the ground. Each section should have a hatch to make access to the contents easy.

Photo: crushed stone cushion should be poured only if there is no bottom in the well

Waterproofing seams

An important factor when carrying out work is insertion insulating materials both inside and outside. Waterproofing is often insufficient because faecal water is not completely isolated. So special insulation is done with compounds that are intended for this. All surfaces should be insulated, because waste will destroy even such durable materials. The process is called "concrete corrosion". If such processes begin, the septic tank will significantly reduce its service life.

Photo: using bitumen in conjunction with a clay castle

Penetrating waterproofing

Waterproofing a septic tank will be done as reliably as possible when using penetrating waterproofing. When treating the ring on both sides, the concrete is better protected, since the composition penetrates the entire thickness of the wall. There are now a great variety of mixtures for insulating surfaces, for example Penetron. It is produced specifically for this type of work.

Even if the seams are well processed, the rings should be fixed as efficiently as possible so that there is no displacement. The seams are being processed. Work is carried out when the rings are installed. You can use sealing gaskets, but the elements are inserted into a cement solution. Further, the manufacturer’s instructions will tell you how to properly apply the composition to the surface, so you should use it.

Photo: insulating seams with sealant

Bitumen insulation

Waterproofing a septic tank made of concrete rings is done using bitumen, which when hot is an excellent insulator. The service life of the material is not very long, so soon it will begin to crack or peel off and will not tolerate frost and thaw well. It's better to use bitumen mastics, which contain many additives to improve properties. Such materials will serve much longer. The mastic should be applied cold. This kind of work does not cause any difficulties; it is important to do it without skipping sections.

Polymer cement insulation

You can replace other types of insulation with cheaper ones. The main thing is that all places are sealed. One of these cheap types is polymer-cement or coating cement. This material will last quite a long time compared to bitumen. It is easy to apply using a brush in two layers. The second layer must be applied immediately after the first, as soon as curing has begun. The “wet on wet” principle. Seam joints are treated with sealants.

Clay castles

To carry out insulation from the outside, you can use a clay castle. With this method, the well is filled with a clean clay composition, sand is not added. Then everything is compacted. It turns out that the access of groundwater to the bottom of the well is blocked. But using this method alone will not be enough; it is better to use it in conjunction with others. The thickness of the clay layer should not be less than 25 cm.

Plastic pipes

Alternatively, you can take rare measures - use plastic rings for the septic tank. You can use plastic barrels or pipes for such purposes. But there is little point in such insulation, since it is easier to construct wells using these materials at once. The insulation will be strong and most durable.


Whatever method of insulation of concrete structures is chosen, it is important to select it taking into account the environment and the purpose of the tanks. The work is carried out only to the highest possible quality, since if the work is unsatisfactory, it will soon be necessary to do everything again.

The concrete septic tank is one of the most common sewer structures currently used. In order for it to function effectively and for a long time, and also not to contribute to the emergence of serious problems associated with the penetration of wastewater into the ground or groundwater into the sewer system, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing and waterproofing correctly and in a timely manner. sealing the septic tank.

Waterproofing a septic tank made of concrete is that through the use of special insulating materials, the structure is protected from the penetration of groundwater and the harmful effects contained in aggressive wastewater chemical substances(acids, alkalis, etc.) on the material from which the structure is made.

The purpose of sealing a septic tank is to prevent the penetration of wastewater into groundwater. Sealing is carried out through the use of special materials - sealants. They are designed to ensure complete sealing of the structure. Usually for sealing concrete septic tank a material such as silicone is used, which has sufficient density and is able to completely close the existing holes.

How to waterproof a concrete septic tank?

In the case of low groundwater and due to poor waterproofing, it may happen that wastewater will begin to seep through existing cracks directly into the ground. And this can cause various problems, since such waters contain a large number of microorganisms, many of which are harmful to the environment. In the case when groundwater is located high, it will become infected with microorganisms found in wastewater instantly. To completely seal a concrete septic tank, a special plastic insert in the form of a cylinder is used, which is inserted into a concrete ring. Using a jigsaw or a crown, an inlet and an outlet are cut into the body of this cylinder at the required height, and then it is sealed with silicone. If the groundwater is located high, then the cylinder should be strengthened using ring stiffeners. In this case, the water should not be pumped out completely.

The above cylinders are made of polyethylene, the wall thickness is eight millimeters. The cylinder is sealed. Diameter it can be 900, 1400 and 1900 mm. As for the height of the insert, it ranges from one to four and a half meters.

It should be noted that waterproofing may begin to deteriorate after the winter period ends. Due to seasonal displacement of the soil, as well as its partial freezing, some displacement of the concrete rings is possible. This may contribute to the failure of the waterproofing.

When installing a concrete septic tank, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the living space it will be located. This is determined by sanitary and building standards, and so that when cleaning the septic tank, an unpleasant odor does not penetrate into the house.

A concrete septic tank is just one of many types of septic tanks. Its main advantage over other septic tanks is that its installation is very simple. In order to meet the needs of a family of four, installing one concrete septic tank of three rings will be quite sufficient. To place septic tank rings in a specially equipped pit, you only need one lifting device or tap.

The disadvantages of a concrete septic tank include the fact that concrete can absorb moisture. This can lead to groundwater simply squeezing it out of the ground when it freezes. So a concrete septic tank needs to be located so that it is located as far as possible from groundwater. In addition, on concrete

In any water supply and wastewater disposal system, it is extremely important to ensure proper waterproofing of the structure, so as to prevent leaks and groundwater from entering the tanks. This issue is also relevant when protecting special structures - wells made on the basis of concrete rings, since they are often used as containers for drinking water or autonomous sewage systems.

It is advisable to build wells built using prefabricated components to serve as a storage tank for technical, drinking water or to organize a sewerage system. The first two options above are especially demanding in preventing underground sources from leaking inside, since this can adversely affect water quality.

Note that improper design and treatment of such a system can lead to deterioration of the condition of the soil and groundwater where the corresponding reservoir is located. For this reason, waterproofing sewer wells made on the basis of concrete rings, is carried out already at the stage of construction of the structure.

Septic tanks

Wells for sewerage require mandatory waterproofing to ensure reliable protection environment from the ingress of sewage. Note that they can contain not only a huge amount of organic substances, but also many pathogenic organisms. Of course, contaminated soil can have a negative impact on plants and human health.

Drinking wells

Drinking wells are sought to be isolated from the penetration of ground surface water into them. This is explained by the fact that they contain all kinds of bacteria and large suspensions. If even a small part of such a solution enters the tank, it can cause significant damage to the human body.

Figure No. 1. Waterproofing seams

When should you renew your waterproofing?

Concrete rings on the outside and inside are usually processed at the initial stage of well construction, since the material from which they are made easily absorbs moisture. During operation, the structure may require restoration protective coating, indirect signs which could be the following factors:

  • — the appearance of a displacement of the rings relative to each other;
  • — too rapid and excessive filling of the sewer system;
  • - mechanical and chemical destruction of well components, with the formation of cracks, which will inevitably cause leakage of contents;
  • — identification of pockets of corrosion of reinforcement elements, which leads to the seepage of ground moisture through the waterproofing of the septic tank.

In each given case, it is necessary to immediately restore the protective coating and seal the seams. Lack of proper attention can lead to unpleasant odor, in the case of sewerage, or deterioration in the quality of drinking water in the corresponding wells.

Reliable installation of concrete elements, taking into account the influence of aggressive environments and substances on them, is only possible with waterproofing of the septic tank.

Video No. 1. Well waterproofing

Protection with plaster

Often in the construction of containers, finishing is used on the outside and inside using a special component, cement, which has a low percentage of shrinkage and water permeability. It is applied to the surface using compressed air under significant pressure. The result is a compacted and even layer over the entire working area of ​​the structure.

Processing is carried out using a “cement gun”. It is recommended to lay the solution in two layers, and the thickness of each should be within the range of 5..10mm, with minimum temperature air is not less than +5 degrees. The next layers are applied when the previous one is completely dry, which may require a total of about 10 days.

Due to high evaporation, in hot weather, the applied coating must be watered after 4..5 hours. Under moderate conditions, this interval can be increased by 2-3 times.

Bitumen waterproofing

The simplest and most reliable method of sealing is the use of hot bitumen. The material is an excellent insulator, but does not tolerate temperature changes well and is prone to delamination over time. In view of this, mastics and additional components are added to the bitumen mixture.

Before starting work, you will need to thoroughly clean the exterior and internal parts each ring. Then the first bitumen layer is applied, prepared using gasoline in a ratio of 1 to 3. Further applications of the material are provided with a solution in a 1:1 ratio. It is advisable to keep all layers until completely dry. Each subsequent layer based on hot bitumen is distributed with a roller or brush.

Figure No. 2. Bitumen waterproofing of concrete rings

Mastic is laid on top of the frozen bitumen in a layer within 2..3 mm. On the outside of the concrete rings, on top of the mastic, roofing felt or any other insulating element is fixed.

Dignity bitumen waterproofing septic tanks are considered to be easy to carry out work and their relative accessibility. At the same time, it is impossible to obtain a 100% guarantee of protection here; moreover, the method is not recommended for use in drinking tanks.

Penetrating protection

Penetrating waterproofing has proven itself to be quite reliable, proven and effective way protection of concrete rings. Excellent parameters are shown by innovative and progressive compositions, including Penetron, Lakhta, Hydro S and others, capable of maintaining their characteristics throughout the entire operation of the wells.

Each of these components is able to easily penetrate the pores of concrete, fill all cavities and crystallize in them. The resulting structure retains its breathable base, while acquiring unique waterproofing qualities. As a result of processing the base of each ring, outside and inside, a surface with a uniform and sealed composition is provided. This allows it to withstand for a long time high pressure and the pressure of aggressive environments.

Depending on the temperature conditions, humidity, porosity and density of the material, the time of crystallization of the composition, as well as the depth of its penetration, may vary. Note that an increase in moisture affects the acceleration of the process of creating crystals. This behavior of the material allows concrete rings to impart a special “self-healing” property.

It should be understood that penetrating waterproofing of a septic tank is performed exclusively on a properly prepared surface. For this purpose, concrete is grinded mechanically or chemically until a homogeneous rough surface appears.

Figure No. 3. Well waterproofing

Polymer cement protection

The most advantageous in terms of availability and ease of application is considered to be polymer-cement or coating waterproofing. It is performed by distributing a special mixture made from cement, liquid glass and polymers. This protection is as effective as bitumen protection, but can last a much longer period.


As you can see, it is not easy to waterproof septic tanks and wells based on concrete rings, but it is impossible to do without it. It is important to take this issue responsibly and carefully. If you do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to choose waterproofing, it is advisable to entrust this matter to professionals.

One of the indispensable conditions for achieving comfortable living in a country house or in country house– this is the presence of all plumbing fixtures and their normal functioning, which cannot be achieved without good sewerage. The thought immediately comes to installing a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings on the territory of your estate. It is not at all difficult to carry out such a construction at home. To do this, you need to dig a hole with an excavator or manually, and install reinforced concrete rings using a truck crane (or manually).

After completing the installation work, it is necessary to seal the septic tank for its proper operation. In this article, let's look at all the details of the sealing job. Using these recommendations, you will not be a lot of work do the work on your own.

Purpose of sealing

Currently, the use of a septic tank made of concrete rings is popular among owners summer cottages and private houses. But it’s no secret that for the septic tank to work properly, it is necessary to waterproof it - this will make it airtight. This work must be completed without fail. If these rules are neglected, the septic tank can become a source of infection. personal plot. Sewage will seep through the leaky walls of the septic tank, thereby contaminating groundwater. And if groundwater itself gets inside the septic tank, it will overfill it and lead to improper operation. This is why sealing a concrete septic tank is so necessary and represents protection for the entire concrete structure.

Mainly used for sealing:

  • bitumen waterproofing;
  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • polymer cement waterproofing;
  • plastic inserts;
  • silicone

In its structure, silicone has a high degree of density. By treating the entire surface of the concrete rings, silicone gets into all holes and cracks. Thereby preventing both groundwater from entering the septic tank and the release of sewage into the ground. Of course, other sealing agents are also used, but silicone has the highest degree of protection.

Sealing process

So, you installed concrete rings into the dug hole using a truck crane. If the edge of the ring has a special lock for installation, then its connection will be tight. Rings with a flat edge do not have good tightness, so the joints must be sealed with a cement-based sealant.

Must have special tightness bottom ring with the bottom of the pit. When the ring design has a poured bottom, the question of additional sealing disappears. But if you installed a simple ring, then the bottom of the hole must be concreted before installation. The bottom of the pit is concreted using reinforcing mesh. From pieces of reinforcement according to the size of the bottom of the pit, a mesh is laid out on the brick. The rods are tied together with wire and filled with concrete with the addition of crushed stone. After installing the ring on the makeshift bottom, seal well all the cracks formed between the bottom and the flat edge of the ring. Sealing is also performed with a cement-based sealant. Further, sealing is performed depending on the location of groundwater. After all, this whole process is intended to prevent contact of sewage with soil and water.

A septic tank made of concrete rings is sealed in two ways:

  1. If the groundwater is low, enhanced sealing is performed on the lower part of the septic tank. This prevents germs from entering the soil and water through the cracks.
  2. When groundwater levels are high, immediate contamination occurs due to contact with sewage. Therefore, enhanced sealing of the upper part of the septic tank is performed.

The best option is to completely seal the concrete septic tank. It is performed by installing plastic cylinders. The cylinder is made of polyethylene with a wall thickness of 8 mm. Its height can be from 1 to 4.5 meters. The material from which the cylinder is made has high tightness. It is more profitable to install a solid cylinder to reduce the consumption of silicone for sealing seams.

The polyethylene cylinder is cut with a jigsaw to the right size and is inserted into concrete rings. All joints and seams are filled with silicone for complete sealing. To prevent rain and melt water from flooding the septic tank, the top of the cylinder is additionally strengthened. To perform this work, ring stiffeners are used.

After all the sealing work has been completed, the pit with concrete rings is filled with earth and the septic tank is ready for use.

After the first winter, it is necessary to check the structure for leaks. Due to frost and thaw, soil shifts, and concrete rings can move out of place, thereby breaking the insulation of the septic tank. To avoid disaster, you must immediately begin restoring the septic tank and its tightness.

Insulating a septic tank from concrete rings is not difficult and can be done with your own hands. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the technology of the work being carried out, collect some information and purchase necessary materials. For a better understanding, you can watch the video at the end of the article. And if everything is clear, feel free to get to work.


This video demonstrates how to eliminate water leaks between concrete rings:

This video shows how the Raberit waterproofing test was carried out on a concrete ring:

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For proper operation of the sewer system, it is necessary to build a septic tank from concrete rings, and this task does not require experience or special skills.

Basics of waterproofing a septic tank

Today, the use of a concrete septic tank is the most common method when creating a sewer system. For effective operation, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of sealing and waterproofing the concrete septic tank. This is done primarily to prevent the penetration of sewage waste into groundwater and, conversely, groundwater into the sewer system. It is recommended to carry out waterproofing immediately after constructing a sewer system on the site, without wasting precious time.

In essence, waterproofing consists of carrying out work to protect the structure using a variety of insulating materials from the penetration of groundwater and adverse chemical compositions, which may compromise the integrity of the structural material.

It is imperative to do everything to prevent wastewater from getting into the ground and spreading throughout the area through groundwater.

Waterproofing scheme for a single-chamber septic tank.

The entire process is carried out using special high-quality sealants, such as silicone.

Silicone has high level density and is capable of closing all openings through which wastewater may escape. Waterproofing septic tanks using a similar hermetic material is the best solution in a situation where protection is needed for many years. It is used in a wide variety of industries, including the construction segment. Other insulating agents are also used, but silicones are still the most popular.

How to waterproof a concrete septic tank?

Depending on the groundwater level, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing work in one or another way. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is that wastewater should not seep into the ground, because it contains a lot of unfavorable microorganisms. They multiply quickly and clog environment. If the groundwater is low, then microbes can enter it through cracks, and if it is high, then infection occurs instantly. To make a complete and high-quality sealing of a reinforced concrete septic tank, it is necessary to install a special plastic cylinder.

Scheme of a two-chamber septic tank.

It will need to be cut with a jigsaw to the desired height, and then inserted inside the concrete rings. After this, you can seal the seams using silicone. If the groundwater is high, it is necessary to additionally strengthen the cylinder using special ring stiffeners. The concrete cylinder itself is a sealed device made of 8 mm thick polyethylene. The height of the plastic insert can vary in factory form from 1 to 4.5 m. The cylinder can be cut to any level as necessary.

It is imperative to check the structure for functionality after winter, since due to soil displacement (first everything around freezes, and then suddenly melts, changing consistency), problems with insulation may arise. Displacement of the concrete rings in this case is quite possible, and therefore work to restore the tightness of the sewer system must be carried out immediately. It is necessary that each ring fits tightly to the next one, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.

Another question that is worth thinking about before carrying out is at what distance from the house the concrete structure will be located. It is advisable to dig a hole away from the residential building, as the smell from the drains can penetrate into the room and constantly spoil your mood. Waterproofing a septic tank prevents the penetration of an unpleasant odor under normal operating conditions of the structure, but even this cannot save you when cleaning the system.

It is quite possible to carry out waterproofing yourself. To do this, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the information, prepare materials and tools, and get to work.

So, to build and waterproof concrete rings you will need the following tools and materials:

  • a shovel to dig a well;
  • cement (for the bottom of the structure);
  • sand (to create a soft pillow);
  • crane (for diving);
  • several concrete rings;
  • silicone as a sealant;
  • jigsaw for cutting the cylinder;
  • a special plastic cylinder approximately 8 mm thick;
  • metal brackets for fastening.

What else do you need to know about septic tanks?

It is worth saying that in addition to concrete septic tanks, there are many others. But this particular type is popular due to its advantages, the main one of which is ease of installation. The second advantage that concrete has is that it is easy to insulate and you can do it yourself. It is also very important that one septic tank with three wells can fully meet the needs of the average family. Additional assistance (eg cranes) will be required at a minimum.

Waterproofing septic tanks is also a relatively simple process, but each step must be done carefully. It is very important that after winter, when the concrete absorbs all the moisture (after freezing), the tightness of the structure is not compromised. This is the disadvantage of a concrete septic tank - the ability to deform after absorbing moisture. Over the many years of using this type of septic tank, no other shortcomings have been noticed.

It is necessary to monitor carefully, and at the first depressurization it is necessary to carry out additional work for insulating concrete rings. You can carry out all the work yourself, or alternatively, you can entrust the construction and waterproofing of a concrete septic tank to professionals.