Toilet      06/23/2020

The minimum temperature of the batteries in the apartment. What temperature should be in central heating batteries - norms and standards. Other measurement methods

Are the apartments cold? We talk about how to determine that you can be accused of providing a poor-quality service, what to do and how to fix the situation.

The heating season has come, the amounts in the receipts are growing, and the batteries are getting warmer. But it is still cold in many apartments. This is one of the most painful topics - the service is expensive, and the tenants are ready to act at the slightest doubt. Special documents clearly define the temperature of the radiators in the apartment and the norms of air temperatures in different rooms.

Temperature of batteries in the apartment: norms according to GOST

heating season period

Only residents of houses with autonomous system heating. All others connected to centralized system heating, must rely on the decision of the local government.

Of course, they can't set this up as precisely as the residents of the same house - it's not for nothing that every spring and autumn all news sites are filled with articles "When will the heating be turned on / off at last?"

Specific dates in each region depend on weather conditions: according to the regulations, during the heating period of 2018-2019, it is necessary that the average daily street temperature be below 8 ° C for 5 days in a row. Heating can be turned off again if the temperature is above 8°C, also for 5 days.

In addition, there is also a small “emergency reserve” according to the norms for turning off heating in winter. It can be turned off, remaining within the current regulations, for a period not exceeding 24 hours in total, within one month. At the same time, heating can be turned off for a period of 4 to 16 hours, depending on the air temperature in residential premises - if the apartment is + 12 ° C, for a period of no more than 16 hours, and if + 8 - up to 4 hours.

How to measure the temperature in the apartment during the heating season

Residents can measure their own temperature with a household thermometer. It is necessary to comply with simple requirements: check for drafts, whether the windows are well closed and interior doors. The temperature should be measured in a meter from the radiators, standing on the "street" wall, at a height of one meter from the floor.

It is better to do this in the evening or in the morning - during the day the sun, which warmed up the room, can greatly blur the picture.

The optimum temperature that should be in the apartment is 20-22 °C.

  • Type of room Optimal, °C Acceptable, °C
  • Living room 20-22 / 18
  • Kitchen 22-23 / 20
  • Toilet 19-21/18
  • Bathroom and combined bathroom 24-26 / 18
  • Premises for rest and study 20-22 / 18
  • Inter-apartment corridor 18-20 / 16
  • Vestibule, stairwell 16-18 / 12
  • Storerooms 16-18 / 14

And in corner rooms the temperature must be higher - at least 20°C.

Where to go if the temperature is below normal

If the tenants independently fixes “underheating”, that is, the temperature drops below 18 ° C in living rooms- they have the right to apply to the management company to draw up an act. Moreover, they have the right to apply both in writing (write a statement) and orally (call). The duty officer must register the appeal and set the time for the inspection. According to the rules, an inspection is scheduled no later than 2 hours from the moment of the appeal about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless another time is agreed with the applicant.

The check must be carried out with a special thermometer. The requirements for it are explained in GOST 30494-2011. The device must necessarily be with technical documentation - have a special certificate, which the inspectors are required to present upon request. If there is no such certificate, then the owner of the apartment may refuse to check and require the use of proper equipment. The temperature is measured in several rooms.

After verification, an act is drawn up, which contains:

  • date;
  • housing parameters;
  • list of commission members;
  • instrument indicators;
  • temperature;
  • signatures of committee members.

The act is drawn up in several copies: one remains with the applicant, the others - with the specialists who conducted the check.

This act is evidence of violations in the provision of public services. With it, the tenant can file complaints and demand from the management company compliance with the conditions for providing utilities.

A complaint to a utility service provider may contain a demand for recalculation of heating fees, compensation for harm, or even a requirement to install additional heating radiators - there are such cases, recently a resident of Tver managed to install additional batteries in an apartment.

When filing a complaint in two copies, accompanied by an act, the incoming number and date are affixed to one, the second is transferred to the secretary of the organization.

If the applicant does not have heating in the apartment and after the complaint, he has the right to redirect it to higher authorities:

  • Regional Housing Inspectorate;
  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

It is important to remember that appeal to higher authorities can be carried out not only after consideration of the claim in the primary instance. At this point, the document can be sent to multiple addresses in parallel.

In addition, having an act, the tenant can apply to the court with a claim for reimbursement of the costs incurred and compensation for damage.

How comfortable it will be in a residential building depends largely on whether it is warm or not. The air temperature in a city apartment is one of critical factors formation of an optimal microclimate. But for different rooms temperatures are different. Therefore, this article will consider the norms for heating residential premises and the main reasons for insufficient heating.

The norm is understood as the temperature range at which the compensation mechanisms of warming or cooling are not activated. It should be noted that most people feel comfortable when the temperature is in the range from +21 to +25 degrees.

For different groups of the population, this indicator is slightly different. For example, according to research, optimum temperature air in the apartment for children and women is + 23-25 ​​degrees. And for men, these values ​​​​are slightly lower and are in the range of + 21-23 degrees. Psychologists and hygienists have identified the heating standards in the apartment, at which a person feels best - this is 18-24 degrees above zero. Therefore, the minimum possible temperature in the room is +18 degrees.

It is at this value that a person can stay in a house for a long time without outerwear and without compromising your health. The norms of heating in the apartment are regulated by law. During the cold season in residential buildings and apartments must be maintained certain climatic parameters. All this is detailed in the documentation. According to the norms, the payment for heating is also calculated. IN different occasions standards are set differently.

Since the heating parameters in the apartment depend on three factors:

When does the heating season start?

Considering the norms for turning on heating, it becomes clear that the heating season begins from the moment when the average daily temperature outside the window for 5 days does not exceed +8 degrees. The supply of heat is stopped if the outside temperature is above +8 degrees, and this situation lasts for more than five days.

As a rule, the heating season lasts from mid-October to early April.

But it is worth noting that social facilities, educational institutions can apply for the start of heating ahead of time. Usually, 1.5-2 months before the start of the heating period, a test run of heating in city houses is carried out. Announcements about the timing of the test launch are posted at all entrances. This is done in order to check the health of the system.

It is better for tenants to stay at home during the specified time. Indeed, during a test run, a system leak may occur. It is mandatory to carry out commissioning of the heating system and after the installation of the heat supply system or its repair and modernization. This allows you to check the readiness engineering systems. And also bring them to the desired operating parameters.

Apartment heating standards

The normative temperature in residential premises is + 20-22 degrees. Of course, some deviations are possible. Temperature from +18 to +24 degrees is considered acceptable. But, if the room is corner, it is most exposed to wind and frost. Therefore, for such apartments, the temperature should not fall below +20 degrees.

Depending on the type of premises, the following standards are established:

During sleep, the need for heat decreases somewhat. Therefore, according to GOST, in the period from 24:00 to 5:00 in residential premises, the temperature can be lowered by 3 degrees. If the start of heating in an apartment building has occurred, and the batteries do not provide adequate heat and the temperature in the apartment is below the standard mark, residents have the right to apply for a recalculation of payment for heating services and not pay for the heat that they do not receive.

What are the features of heating systems for urban apartments?

Sometimes, the room temperature with the onset heating season is at a level below standard. There can be many reasons for this. Knowing how the heating system in an apartment building works makes it much easier to identify problems and fix them.

Briefly, the functioning of the system can be represented as follows. From the central boiler room, the coolant main pipelines is fed to the heating unit of the house and distributed to individual apartments. If the heating systems do not heat the room enough, then additional adjustment of the flow rate is carried out hot water. It is produced on heating point. For such purposes, special circular pumps are used. The given method of water supply is called independent.

There is also dependent system heating in an apartment building, in which the coolant enters the batteries of apartments directly from the CHP without additional distribution. Also, heat supply systems, depending on the wiring diagram, can be single-pipe and two-pipe. Competent and correct wiring of heating in the house is the key to efficient and high-quality heating.

When apartment building has a number of disadvantages. The big disadvantage is that hot water loses a lot of heat during transportation. The coolant is supplied from the bottom up. Therefore, on the upper floors, the batteries are often barely warm.

With this wiring diagram, it is impossible to adjust the radiators. It is also not possible to replace the batteries without draining the water from the entire circuit. But the situation is solved by installing jumpers. Similar heating system high-rise building on the one hand, it differs in economy, but on the other hand, it contributes to uneven distribution of heat in apartments. Residents of the upper apartments are very cold in winter.

But it allows you to more evenly heat all apartments on all floors of the house. The two-pipe type circuit is different in that the water cooled in the battery does not flow back into the same pipe, but into the return channel.

Why is the temperature in the apartment below normal and what to do?

If the heating system of a multi-storey building has started, and the batteries remain cold or barely warm, you should contact the utility office to determine the reasons for inefficient heating. Service workers must come, record in the act the temperature deviation from the established standard. The issue should be resolved within a week. Otherwise, residents have the right to apply to higher authorities.

A common cause of cold batteries is an air pocket that has formed in the system.

If there was a shutdown of heating during the heating season, then most likely this is temporary, and is associated with repair work. Or, perhaps, one of the neighbors decided to change the battery or add new sections, which led to the need to turn off the heating.

In rooms with a central type of heating, they are most often installed. Sometimes in an apartment building, the heating risers become clogged and they need to be flushed. Only professionals should do this. After all, this requires special knowledge, skills, experience. You will need special hydropneumatic equipment, a mixture of water and compressed air. Cleaning of heating systems can be carried out without flushing the risers. The owner of the apartment can carry out this procedure independently. True, the work takes a lot of time and requires the dismantling of batteries. All this improves the efficiency of the system.

Poor heating may also be due to the fact that the heating battery power is low. This situation may be caused by the peculiarities of the installation of equipment. For example, if you install a radiator in a niche, then it thermal power will become much smaller. If there are not enough battery sections, then the system will also not be able to heat the entire room as required. Therefore, it is so important to install heating units of the required power. According to the norms, the radiator power should be 1 kW per 10 sq.m.

Some residents use electricity for heating. Of course, the price for such heating at home is quite high. But this method of heating is the easiest to operate, as well as the most reliable. Electric heating can be purely electric, water and combined. Consider how many kilowatts are needed to heat a house using electric type heating. This value depends on what the owner of the apartment plans to use for heating: an electric boiler, a convector or a “warm floor” system.

It is better to choose a three-phase electric boiler. Equipment power varies. To determine the required power of the boiler, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house by 10. So, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is 140 sq.m., a boiler with a power of 14 kW is required. To save money, you can set a two-tariff mode of use electrical energy. For convectors, the calculation is carried out according to a similar scheme.

The "warm floor" system is the most convenient option heating. Since for each room you can set a certain temperature. For a house with a total area of ​​90 sq.m. electricity consumption will be from 5.5 to 9 kW.

Thus, there are statutory temperature standards in apartments. And if these norms are not observed, the heating systems of an apartment building do not heat the room enough, the residents of the house have the right to contact the Housing Office to identify the cause of the situation and demand an improvement in the quality of heat supply.

Many people complain about the low temperature of the batteries in winter. central heating. As a result, the apartment is cold, uncomfortable, children often get sick. Meanwhile, there are norms approved by the relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 354 of May 6, 2011), which regulate the procedure for the provision of public services.

It describes in sufficient detail when the heating supply to apartment buildings should begin, and how utilities should be provided. The document contains requirements for air temperature in living rooms, as well as the procedure for paying for the services provided.

Start of the heating season

In autumn, when the outdoor temperature fluctuates quite widely, the heating season begins if the average value remains below 8 ° C for five days. On the sixth day, heat will begin to flow into the apartments. If after four cold days it gets warmer on the fifth day, the start of the heating period will be postponed. In spring, the season ends at an average daily temperature above 8 ° C, again for five days.

This general requirement for all multi-storey buildings. However, the latest version of the resolution contains certain changes. So, if all the necessary measures for warming the premises have been taken, hot water should be supplied to the batteries immediately after the air temperature in the street approaches the calculated value adopted when designing the heating system of a particular house. In other words, the regulation provides for the possibility individual approach to a particular house.

Are interruptions in the heat supply allowed?

The Decree provides for round-the-clock uninterrupted heat supply. However, in the event of an unforeseen situation, a break in the supply of heat supply is still possible. At the same time, for each month, the total norm of breaks is set equal to 24 hours.

Duration of each shutdown period heating system strictly regulated. It directly depends on the air temperature inside the apartment. Scheduled work must be completed in maximum:

  • 16 hours at temperatures above +12 °C;
  • 8 hours at +10 °C – +12 °C;
  • 4 hours at +8 °C – +10 °C.

For the utility to comply repair work as soon as possible, there is an opportunity to reduce the amount of payment. If, for any reason, the emergency needs to take longer to resolve, the service company's bill must be reduced by 0.15% for each hour that exceeds the statutory requirement.

Temperature indicators

The air temperature in the apartment must be within the specified limits. The normative document establishes not only the minimum, but also the maximum value.

What can be the minimum?

The minimum value depends on the location of the room in the apartment. As a rule, for residential premises, this figure is +18 ° C. However, if we are talking about a corner apartment, then the minimum value rises to +20 ° C. Obviously, a corner room will be a little colder than others, so even at the design stage of a residential building, additional batteries are provided to ensure regulatory requirements when the season begins.

For those who live in rather cold regions or if it is -31 ° C or lower for five days outside, the minimum value of the norm increases. The minimum value becomes +20 °C, for corner rooms + 22 °C.

At night, a slight decrease in the degree of water heating in the batteries is permissible. From midnight to five in the morning, the air can be up to three degrees colder. A larger deviation is unacceptable, as well as a decrease in temperature from five in the morning until midnight.

Other requirements apply to non-residential premises. What temperature will be here depends on its purpose. In the bathroom, it should be about +25 °C, on the landing +16 °C, in the elevator +10 °C, but in the attic it is only + 4 °C.

Is there a maximum?

Most often, residents of high-rise buildings complain about the cold. However, the limit on the maximum level of water heating in the batteries is also set. So, the air temperature in living rooms should not be more than four degrees above the norm. In other words, existing norm on maximum temperature air is + 21°C.

Therefore, the air in the living rooms of a multi-storey building should warm up to 18 ° C - 21 ° C, in the corner rooms up to 20 ° C - 23 ° C.

Possible sanctions

If the service organization does not provide the norms established by law, the size of the utility bill must be reviewed. The legislation provides for a reduction in the charge for each hour when the temperature did not meet the regulatory requirements.

For the calculation, a rate of 0.15% is taken for each hour when the level of water heating in the batteries was below the corresponding value or, conversely, above it. At the same time, it was noted that the amount of the discount cannot be more than the amount of the full payment for the period when there was a cold coolant in the batteries. The regulation provides for the possibility full release from payment.

How to attract a service organization?

The Decree requires the contractor to independently register the fact of deterioration in the quality of the services provided with the obligatory informing the consumer. This means that in the event of interruptions in heating, utilities must promptly notify residents of the reasons, indicating the estimated duration of repair work.

Filing an application

Residents of the apartment should also notify the emergency dispatch service that it is cold in their apartment. The message can be transmitted orally or in writing, indicating contact information.

The employee, having accepted the information and introduced himself, is obliged to register a message indicating the exact time the application was received. It directly depends on what the amount of payment will be after the recalculation.

Verification and appointment of expertise

Upon receipt of the information, verification is carried out. The regulation prescribes to come to the consumer within two hours, unless the owner of the apartment indicated a different time.

After the check, an appropriate act on the presence of violations or their absence must be drawn up, which must be signed by all interested parties. If there is disagreement, an expert opinion may be ordered.

Even if the examination is initiated by the consumer, the contractor pays for it. However, if the heating service complies with the normative indicators, the consumer will be obliged to reimburse the amount spent by the service organization.

What to do if there is no result?

If the contractor has not invested within the time limits allotted by law or has not organized round-the-clock work of the emergency service, the act is drawn up independently and signed by at least two consumers and the chairman of the council at home. At the same time, it has the same legal force as an act drawn up in the presence of a representative of the performer. From the moment of its signing, the countdown for the provision of low-quality services will begin.

Autonomous heating provides the consumer with the opportunity to regulate the temperature of the water in the batteries and the air temperature in the room. You can regulate the operation of the heating system, and save on costs.

District heating in an apartment building is controlled by the management company, utilities serving the area. And therefore, the residents of the house do not even always know what the temperature in the apartments should be, they can rarely influence the supply of heat to the housing.

Heating norms have been developed and approved, they must be followed by those companies that are responsible for supplying heat to residential premises.

Standards are based on the needs of a living organism at a certain temperature environment for a normal life. If you know exactly what the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment should be normal, you can safely demand maintenance comfortable conditions from responsible persons.

Standard temperature standards for the heating system

The apartment standards regarding the temperature of the coolant in radiators and pipes indicate a specific indicator for a dwelling. Wherein only small deviations are allowed.

Indicators are most often developed for apartments, less often for work premises. This is due to the fact that residents apartment buildings often want to know what temperature the batteries should be. The data is indicated in special SNiPs, you can also find them from other resources.

ATTENTION! In the rooms of an apartment with central heating, a temperature of 20 to 22 two degrees Celsius must be observed. Allowed in apartment buildings a slight deviation from the norm in the range from 18 to 24 degrees.

For some rooms, other standard options have been developed.

  • If the room is angular, the temperature norm during the heating season is 20 degrees Celsius. The walls in the corner rooms are cooled by outside air more than others.
  • Indoor kitchen a large number of time the cooking appliances are working. Here the temperature must be from 19 to 21 degrees Celsius, and the permitted deviations are 19-26.
  • What is the standard bathroom temperature? Standards indicate an indicator in the range of 18-24 degrees. It is recommended to keep the same temperature from 20 degrees, with a lower value in the bathroom, with high level humidity, will not be comfortable and warm enough.
  • Norms have also been developed for non-residential premises. These include corridors, storage rooms, and other areas of the apartment.

When calculating, which is carried out by professional specialists, the frequency of operation of the rooms is taken into account. In some cases, it is enough to comply temperature regime central heating water such that it gives even 16-18 degrees (for example, in a pantry where food is often stored). The permissible minimum limit is 12 degrees, the maximum is 22 degrees.

ATTENTION! The temperature in the apartments of the heat supply radiators of an apartment building may decrease slightly at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 am). According to GOST, such a decrease in heat in pipes is permissible (no more than 3 degrees), it is not considered a violation.


The norms for the temperature of pipes and air in residential and non-residential premises of apartments are compiled on the basis of many calculations, but it is not always possible to strictly observe them. Difficulties may be related to distribution of pipes and heat in them by room, on how efficiently the heating devices work, on the condition of the risers of apartment buildings.

If the residents of the house independently reinstalled the radiators, changed their location, installed new heating branches, all this can affect the level of heat in the pipes and air in the living quarters. Sometimes in some rooms there is a lack of heat, in others its excess.

IMPORTANT! So that the heating system can comply with the calculation standards comfortable temperature, it is not recommended to change batteries, pipes, their location without consulting specialists.

Safety requirements in the preparation of temperature standards in the premises of the apartment

  • Norms fire safety set a boundary limit for the temperatures of the materials involved in the decoration of the house. Highly heated materials can ignite spontaneously, it is dangerous for people's lives. The coolant temperature must be 20 degrees below the ignition level. According to the standards, the coolant must be heated in the range from 65 to 115 degrees.
  • If the water in the pipes is heated to 105 degrees, it will boil, so measures should be taken to lower the temperature.
  • How many degrees can a battery have in a residential building? Not higher than 75 degrees. In case of violation of this indicator, restrictive structures should be installed near the radiator to prevent close proximity.

ATTENTION! There are standard dates at which the heating season begins and ends. But even outside of them, heating can be carried out if the temperature outside stays below 8 degrees for more than five days.

What to do if the temperature regime is not respected

If you know what temperature limits are set for the air in apartments during the heating season, you can monitor compliance with the regime and complain if it is violated.

Within the house, after the start of the heating season, heat supply is established quickly. But in some apartments, heating may be disrupted due to plugs in the batteries. In order to correct the situation, you need to bleed a little air using the Mayevsky crane.

But perhaps the problem is not with the batteries, in which case you need to call the wizard. He check the operation of the riser, the integrity of the pipes. Also, the specialist knows how to check the temperature in the apartment correctly and record its decrease in the act.

ATTENTION! Upon detection of cold or slightly warm batteries after the start of the heating season, you need to contact the housing and communal services administration or the management company.

You can check the temperature of the batteries yourself, for this you will need a special device called pyrometer.

It is necessary to measure the temperature in the apartment in the presence of witnesses, for example, neighbors. With them, data is recorded in an act drawn up in an arbitrary form. Witnesses must sign a document, which will then have probative value.

How to measure the temperature of the batteries yourself?

A pyrometer is usually used for measurement, but a conventional thermometer will also work. When registering the temperature of the thermometer, you need to add 1-2 degrees to its indicators.

To fix the level of heat from the battery, you can tie an alcohol thermometer to it. You need to tie it very tightly, covering the device with heat-insulating material.

ATTENTION! All devices that independently measure the level of heat must have a quality certificate. It is recommended to choose a device with a range of 5 to 40 degrees.

Contacting the management company

  • If a specialist called from the Criminal Code or Housing and Public Utilities did not arrive to measure the temperature in the house, the indicators are recorded independently in the presence of neighbors.
  • The next step is to compare the obtained temperature data with the standards specified in the SNiP. This is followed by a second appeal to the management company to draw up a written claim.
  • This claim must be in two copies, one remains with the one who submits the application. Documents must have a registration stamp in the Criminal Code.
  • If the service authority does not take any action to solve the heating problem, the consumer has the right to proceed further. You can apply to the Prosecutor's Office by attaching previously drawn up claims. It also supervises heat suppliers to residential buildings and the Housing Inspectorate.

Rospotrebnadzor also provides effective assistance in such situations, indicating violations of the work of the Criminal Code or housing and communal services organizations. He has hotline for consumers, which is worth calling.

If you find a lack of heat in a house, apartment with central heating, you need to act decisively. The problem may be related to the batteries in the apartment or the condition of the heating system throughout the house. Management Company must fix the problem. At the same time, residents must record violations, measure deviations on their own (if a specialist from the Criminal Code does not come to the call).

The real temperature in residential premises, recorded by accurate and certified devices, will serve as the basis for recalculating the payment for heating. If the apartment temperature was below 18 degrees, payment must decrease by 0.15% for every hour of violation of the regime.

Useful video

This video talks about optimal parameters temperature and humidity in the children's room.