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When is Vera Brezhnev's birthday? Vera Brezhnev arranged a fabulous birthday for her youngest daughter. Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

On December 14, the youngest daughter of the singer turned eight years old. In honor of such an event, she gathered numerous friends and relatives. The ex-soloist of VIA Gra shared several photos from the celebration with subscribers on social networks.

Vera Brezhneva with her daughter Sarah / Photo:

35-year-old Vera Brezhneva has two daughters from different fathers. The singer gave birth to the elder Sonya being in a relationship with businessman Vitaly Voichenko, and the younger Sarah was born when Brezhnev was married to Mikhail Kiperman. Yesterday, December 14, Brezhnev's youngest heiress turned eight years old. From the very morning, the young birthday girl accepted congratulations. First of all, the star mother congratulated her daughter on social networks. Vera has a touching post on her Instagram page, where she told how important and responsible it is for her to be a mother, and in the evening she arranged a fabulous holiday for Sarah in one of the restaurants in Kyiv.

This image was chosen by the birthday girl for her mother / Photo: Instagram Stories

In photographs from the celebration, Brezhnev appeared in an unusual way: in a black tutu skirt and with artificial braids. It turned out that her daughter insisted on such an outfit. “Sarah chose me an outfit and kanekolons. The birthday girl decides, Brezhnev told subscribers. The singer's heiress appeared before the guests in an identical outfit and with almost the same hairstyle as her mother.

But the eldest daughter of Vera could not attend the family holiday, but congratulated her sister on her birthday in in social networks. “Eight years ago, our family was blessed - you were born, our little angel. Ever since you were born, every day has been special. Watching you grow and being able to teach you something is the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life. Happy birthday, Sarah,” Sonya wrote in the microblog.

And this is what Sarah herself looked like / Photo: Instagram Stories

Recall that in the fall of 2015, Vera Brezhneva married composer Konstantin Meladze. The couple's wedding took place in Italy. The spouses do not yet have common children, although rumors about the singer's pregnancy appear almost every month.

Bright, stylish, sophisticated and infinitely sexy singer and artist Vera Brezhneva is not only a talented performer, actress and TV presenter, but also a UN Goodwill Ambassador to combat discrimination against women with AIDS.


Biography of Vera Brezhneva

The star blonde was born under the zodiac sign Aquarius in the year of the water dog. Such people can be described as creative and purposeful soldier-diplomats, who always and in everything achieve their goals.

The artist's height is 171 cm.

The singer's Instagram has 8.6 million followers.

1. Through thorns to the stars

In 1982, Vera Viktorovna Galushka was born in the Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk on February 3 in the family of an engineer and a physician who worked at a chemical plant. In addition to Vera, their large friendly family had three more daughters.

The childhood of the future singer was the most ordinary. Among her classmates, she stood out for her amazing artistry and often performed in school productions. Best of all the girl was given negative roles grandma Yozhka and other reckless characters.

After school future star entered the railway institute at the faculty of economics. To help the family financially, Vera worked very hard, she did not hesitate to do any work and for some time even worked as a dishwasher in a small cafe, cleaned pools and weeded roses.

Even now, having become a famous singer, Brezhnev is constantly developing and trying herself in new directions.

Career of Vera Brezhneva

2. In right time in the right place

At the age of twenty, the girl got to the performance of the fashionable group "Via Gra", touring in her hometown, dreaming of getting on stage, the future vocalist asked to sing the popular song "Attempt No. 5" with the members of the trio.

At that time, the young student could not even imagine that a few months later she would be invited to the casting of this group. The producer of the vocal trio really liked the young, cheerful and purposeful blonde, who sang not badly and kept herself in the frame perfectly.

The only nuance was the completely silent surname of the young singer, which did not fit into the sexual format of the project. It was Dmitry Kostyuk who came up with such a loud and memorable pseudonym "Brezhnev" for the girl, in honor of the former Secretary General, who was born in the same city.

Vera got on the big stage in 2003 as part of the Via Gra group. The blond soloist immediately liked the public. To this day, the composition of Vera, Nadia Granovskaya and Anya Sedokova is considered the sexiest.

3. Faith is not up to sleep

Popularity is a huge job! The viewer has always seen a beautiful, happy and talented artist on stage, but few people thought about how hard it was for the young singer to get fame. Daily sports and vocal training, many hours of concerts, studio recordings and corporate parties.

The singer herself recalls that at that time she practically did not sleep, because she had no time to sleep. Due to the crazy workload, she dozed off on planes and buses, but she always went on stage with a smile and gave herself to the public.

4. Here it is - glory

The band's first album Stop! Taken!” sold 500 thousand copies. The project became so successful that the girls were offered to record it even on English language. In the same year, the team performed for the first time at the Olympic, after which the country's sexiest trio became famous throughout the post-Soviet space.

5. "Maxim" and Vera

In 2007, according to the popular men's magazine Maxim, Vera was recognized as the sexiest woman in the Russian Federation. Since 2012, the blonde beauty has become the owner of such a prestigious title every year. Photos of the singer in lingerie and nude are the hallmark of this publication.

6. Farewell, "VIA Gra"

A year later, the already mega-popular Brezhnev decides to leave the team and start a solo career. After leaving the trio, the girl is invited to the Magic of Ten program as a host. At the same time, she is recording her first solo album, filming her debut video for the song "I don't play", and taking part in the TV show "Ice Age".

7. Actress? Easily!

The film career of the charming actress began with the Love in the City trilogy, where Vera played one of the main roles. This film brought her even greater popularity.

Tickets for her concerts are sold out in a few months, magazines with photographs are the key to large-scale sales, clips occupy the top of the charts for months, and films with the participation of a multifaceted star always collect full cinema halls.

In 2012, showman and producer Sergei Svetlakov shoots the film "The Jungle", in which Brezhnev plays the main role. After the release of the film, the cine husband and wife were credited with a stormy romance, but neither Sergei nor Vera confirmed these gossip.

8. Solo

In 2015, the second studio album of the sexy vocalist was released, written by Konstantin Meladze. A year later, solo concerts took place in Kyiv and Moscow.

9. Collaboration with other performers

Vera Brezhneva recorded many songs with the likes of Dan Balan, Svetlana, Revva and others.

Social activity

10. Beautiful and merciful

In addition to her creative career, the charming beauty Vera is very active in social activities. She opened a charitable foundation in which she helps children with cancer.

In addition, he is an ardent fighter against HIV discrimination. infected women Europe and Central Asia. Stands for healthy lifestyle life and calls society to mercy and tolerance.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

11. Money or feelings?

The first civil husband of the TV presenter was a politician and businessman Vitaly Voichenko. Vera rarely talks about her first marriage, but Vitaly sometimes gives spicy interviews to the media.

One of these revelations, the politician told after a divorce from his ex-wife. According to him, Vera never loved him, but used him as a monetary springboard to a brighter future. And when money became scarce, the TV star left her husband, taking their common daughter Sonechka with her and leaving a farewell note on the bedside table.

The second spouse of the celebrity was the Ukrainian oligarch, multimillionaire engaged in construction and oil business Mikhail Kiperman. The couple began dating in 2006, although at that time Mikhail was legally married and raised two daughters. Their romance lasted several years, in this relationship a daughter, Sarah, was born.

Only in 2010, the businessman formalized the marriage with the singer, at that time little Sarah was a year old. Kiperman fanatically loved his wife and was very negative about her candid nude photos and sex scenes on the screen. Perhaps this was the reason for the separation of the radiant couple.

Another version of the divorce is the financial problems of the oligarch. His property was sealed, and huge debts were withdrawn not only from him, but also from his wife. Perhaps it was the financial debate that became the stumbling block for the star couple.

12. My attempt number 3

They are in love! They are happy! They are married! The third (current) husband of the star blonde is a talented composer and famous producer Konstantin Meladze.

In his interviews, he frankly talks about the affair with the singer. According to him, in the shortest possible time, the girl turned from a Ukrainian simpleton into a megastar of modern pop music. He admired the determination, perseverance and hard work of a fragile blonde.

Their romance began when Vera already had two children, and then grew into a full-fledged marriage. To the provocative question of journalists: “Did Vera get married grandly?”, He answered with a smile: “Rather, I got married grandly!” In 2015 in the Italian town of Forte Dai Marmi, the couple signed.

Facts from the next article.

13. Third from the third?

IN Lately The media is increasingly crediting Vera with a third pregnancy, she herself periodically warms up these gossip, putting on loose outfits or demonstrating her bare tummy, carefully covered with her hands. Not so long ago, the artist announced that she was not pregnant and so far this issue is not relevant for her. But numerous fans still expect replenishment from the star couple, either in the family or in creativity!

The biography of Vera Brezhneva deserves respect, since the fate of this wonderful singer was not always favorable to her.

The childhood of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhnev is today recognized as one of the most successful and sexy women Russia and Ukraine. She captivated millions of viewers with her beauty and spontaneity.

She was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The future star was born on February 3, 1982 in a family of workers of the Prydniprovsky chemical plant. It was in the suburbs of Dnepropetrovsk that Vera Brezhneva spent her childhood. At that time, she was known as Vera Viktorovna Galushka. He will take Brezhnev's pseudonym, already participating in the VIA Gra group.

Vera's childhood passed in a simple working-class family. She was not an only child. In addition to her, there were three more sisters. In her youth, Vera was a comprehensively developed child, attended a choreographic studio and was actively involved in sports.

After leaving school, she completed the courses of a secretary-assistant. At the same time, I went to a driving course in parallel. Vera Brezhneva received her higher education at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics.

Singer's family

Vera considers her parents and sisters her closest and dearest people. The middle child in the family is Vera Brezhneva. The biography, photo and personal life of the singer have now become public. She does not hide her family and the details of a difficult childhood. The older sister's name is Galina, and the younger twins are Victoria and Anastasia.

Even at an early age, Vera realized that it was necessary to help her parents. The mother of the star worked as a cleaner, while his father was on the disabled group after a car accident. The family did not live well and was forced to deny themselves in many ways. So school age Vera worked as a dishwasher at a local cafe. She also gained experience as a nanny from an early age. Often, in order to earn money, she had to skip school, but this in no way affected the girl’s academic performance.

Today, Vera's older sister lives abroad. And one of the twins became the wife of the famous Russian TV presenter and comedian Alexander Tsekalo. The singer moved her parents to the Kyiv region, to the city of Boryspil.

Implementation in "VIA Gro"

The biography of Vera Brezhneva is full of all kinds of gifts of fate. One of them can be considered a visit to the casting of the group "VIA Gra". The spectacular blonde was immediately noticed by the producers of the group and offered to participate in it. It happened in 2003, in the middle of winter. The new member was taken instead of Alena Vinnitskaya, who, of her own free will, left the group.

The producers of the project decided to increase the number of participants from two to three people. The new composition, which includes three young beautiful girls, began to operate in 2003.

Since the real name of Vera did not quite fit the canons of show business, the producers decided to give her the pseudonym Vera Brezhnev. The star received this name due to its place of birth. After all, it was Leonid Brezhnev who was born and raised in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The main initiator of the change of pop name was Dmitry Kostyuk.

Group life

With the entry into the group, she acquired not only the new pseudonym Vera Brezhneva. Biography, her personal life has changed dramatically in general. Vera became popular in just a few months, she got into the so-called golden composition of the group: Anna Sedokova, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva. Until now, many believe that it was this composition of the participants that led the team to incredible popularity.

The project quickly gained momentum and was soon known in Europe and Asia. Thanks to the English-language clip "Stop", the Land of the Rising Sun learned about the girls.

In 2004, Anna was replaced by Svetlana Loboda, who has an unusually beautiful and unusual jazz voice. Due to misunderstanding within the team, the new member is removed. In her place, they take Albina Dzhanabaeva, the former backing vocalist of Valery Meladze.

It was in this composition that the group lasted until 2006. Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva informed the people about their departure for free swimming. Each of them wanted to pursue a solo career, the start of which was laid precisely in the VIA Gra group.

Career after leaving the project

The biography of the singer Vera Brezhneva is filled with a lot of surprises and sharp twists of fate. In 2007, she began a new stage in her life. Her individual career started very well with the song "I don't play." The first solo creation of the star was the album "Love will save the world", which was released in 2010.

Immediately after leaving the project, Vera was recognized as the sexiest woman in Russia according to the Maxim magazine. In 2008, she realizes herself as a TV presenter in the Mania of Ten program. The program airs on the first national channel.

Since 2007, more than 50 songs of the star have been recorded, which are of great popularity. And also filmed about 25 clips. In 2011, Brezhneva was awarded the title of the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. She is awarded this award by VIVA magazine.

The singer is also actively involved in charity work. She is president of the all-Ukrainian charitable foundation "Ray of Faith". He helps children with blood diseases.

In 2015, the star was appointed the official UN Ambassador for HIV/AIDS. She is actively involved in various campaigns to combat and prevent the disease, helping people with a positive HIV status. This is how it helps people difficult situations Vera Brezhneva. Biography, personal life, the career of the singer were not cloudless. She achieved everything she achieved only thanks to her diligence and determination. She went to her goal, not paying attention to the difficulties encountered in her life. With this in mind, Vera tries to help and support people in difficult moments of their lives.

Singer's personal life

The biography of Vera Brezhneva has always interested the press. The star carefully hides his personal life from the media.

Her first husband was Vitaly Voichenko, with whom the singer lived for only a few years. Then the official registration of the marriage did not happen, the spouses lived in civil. From this union, Brezhnev at the age of 19 gave birth to a daughter, Sofia. In the family, the girl is simply called Sonya.

The second husband of the singer was businessman Mikhail Kiperman. The wedding was celebrated in 2006, and in 2009 Brezhneva's second daughter, Sarah, was born. But already 3 years after the birth of the baby, the couple announced the breakup of the marriage. The reason was the too tight tour schedule of the singer and the constant jealousy of her husband. The couple divorced amicably, agreeing that the joint child would live with the mother.

After the dissolution of the marriage, she is in no hurry to advertise her next lover to show business. It is known that Vera has been in a relationship for about a year, but has not yet announced the name of the lucky one.

Vera Brezhneva is not only a singer with a wonderful voice. She successfully realized herself as a TV presenter and actress, stubbornly does charity work and attends various events. She considers the birth of her two daughters the greatest achievement in her life.

The people have always been interested in the biography of Vera Brezhneva. Her children, former spouses and relatives are not so public figures. She protects them from the media in every possible way.

The biography of Vera Brezhneva confirms that with the desire and desire, you can reach any heights.

Vera Galushko was born in a suburb of Dnepropetrovsk - a small town of Dneprodzerzhinsk in a working-class family. Dad worked at the Pridnestrovian chemical plant, mom worked at a metallurgical plant.

Little Vera had an older sister, Galya, and three years after her birth, twins Vika and Nastya appeared in the family. Parents devoted a lot of time to work, so at first the large family did not need anything and could even save up for vacation for all six.

It was on the sea coast, where Galushko rested in the summer, that the artistic Vera had the opportunity to perform for the first time in front of vacationers. Dad, who knows how beautifully his daughter sings and dances, put her on the barrel and asked her to perform the number.

She was only four years old, but the singer does not hide the fact that even then she felt that it was very pleasant for her to be in the spotlight. And when she saw that the dancers liked the dance, and dad was overwhelmed with pride, Verochka for the first time had thoughts that she wanted to do this all her life.

But it was a pink dream of a very little girl, carelessly relaxing on the sea coast with her parents. Before her appearance on the big stage, she will have to overcome many difficulties.


At school, Vera made special progress in the exact sciences. She enjoyed learning and, even more so, being involved in extracurricular activities. She sang, played in the children's theater and went in for sports. She could not choose the type of the latter, trying a lot different directions from feminine rhythmic gymnastics to brutal handball that requires strength and endurance.

But hobbies had to be abandoned when the girl was 11 years old. This year, her father was hit by a car and was taken to the hospital in a serious condition. family in literally pretty long term lost a breadwinner.

Mom with four children barely made ends meet. The older girls started working after school. Vera agreed to any job: as a waitress, a seller in the market, a nanny for kids ...

Now the singer recalls that those difficulties helped to develop her strong and strong-willed character.

The girl quickly matured physically. Tall and slender, accustomed to holding her back and not being offended, Vera became the object of envy and mockery from her classmates. Only in the pioneer camps, where she went in the summer, did the girl feel free, because there it did not seem to her that she was the tallest and ugliest of her peers.


School years were coming to an end. Vera, who grew up and went through difficulties, did not even think about the stage. She needed to get a good education that would always allow her to feed herself and her future children.

She successfully passed the exams at the Dnipropetrovsk University of Railway Transport at the Faculty of Economics. I was going to study in absentia: it was very expensive for the family to rent housing in a neighboring city, as well as to spend money on the road.

Meanwhile, the personal life of the future star developed rapidly. At the age of 18, she fell in love for the first time and soon agreed to move in with Vitaliy Voichenko, a Ukrainian politician. From him, Vera had a daughter, Sonechka.

We must pay tribute to the girl's dad, he helped with the child, allowing Vera to study more and more in parallel: she became interested in languages. Vitaly spent a lot of time with the child, while the young common-law wife received an education.

But, as is often the case, couples created at a young age quickly break up. So it happened with Vera and Vitaly.

VIA "Gra"

The finest hour for Vera came in 2002. Then, on the day of the city, the already famous group VIA “Gra” arrived in Dnepropetrovsk with their producer. Everyone who wished was given the opportunity to sing along with the girls. Among the speakers was Vera. Dmitry Kostyuk noted that slender and beautiful girl he also moves confidently in the dance and shows good vocal abilities.

After some time, it became known that Alena Vinnitskaya was leaving the group. They began to look for a replacement for her, casting auditions in several capitals. Then Kostyuk remembered the talented Ukrainian girl. Vera was invited to a casting in Kyiv.

She did not take this seriously and did not even consider it necessary to inform her relatives - why she was going to the capital. But, to her surprise, Vera, a young girl from a small town, was chosen to replace Vinnitskaya. Upon learning that the girl was born in the hometown of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Kostyuk advised her to take his last name as a pseudonym.


The big world of show business, colossal work on voice, image, figure, busy schedule of tours and performances - all this lasted for four years, during which Vera was recognized as one of the sexiest women in the country.

Of course, many men were ready to throw bouquets at her feet. And in 2006, she married one of them - Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. It is known that she even changed her maiden name Galushko to her husband's surname.

A year later, Vera left the group, commenting on her decision that she was simply tired. The singer notes that against the background constant fatigue I got more and more colds. Yes, and Sonya was going to first grade, and Vera wanted to be close to the child during such crucial moments.

But the girl did not remain without work. She was immediately invited to various shows, including as a host, and also to act in films.

Three years after the official marriage, the girl became pregnant. Today, in her interviews, Vera says that she then took a break and interrupted her career, but she immediately admits that she starred in the famous romantic comedy Love in the City until the seventh month.

However, the birth of a common daughter, Sarah, did not keep Vera and Mikhail together. In 2012, show business was shocked by the news that one of the most beautiful couples in Ukraine broke up.

A month later, gossip whispered: the divorce took place because of the beauty’s romance with director Marius Weisberg, but none of the “lovers” confirmed the rumor. Then the media came up with a new version: Vera filed for divorce because her husband's business had ceased to generate income. However, nothing is known about the true causes of discord between the spouses.

Quiet happiness

Fotodom/Lomokhov Anatoly

Four years ago, Brezhneva glowed with happiness in an interview with a well-known magazine, and, answering a question from a journalist, she did not hide that she was in love, and that there really was a reliable and loving person. Then she did not reveal the name of the man.

The more powerful in 2015, the news thundered that Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze played a small wedding - in Italy, in the narrowest circle.

The media recalls: gossip about a celebrity romance began to circulate a few years ago, but neither Vera nor Konstantin commented on them. Only after a divorce from his wife, Meladze announced that he had broken off relations not at all because of Vera. Allegedly, only friendly relations connect him with Brezhnev.

Today, a creative couple rarely talks about their relationship, reminding them that happiness loves silence.

Name: Vera Brezhneva

Date of Birth: 03.02.1982

Age: 37 years

Place of Birth: Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine

Weight: 53 kg

Height: 1.71 m

Activity: singer, actress, TV presenter

Family status: Married

Vera Brezhneva is recognized as one of the most beautiful and successful women in Russia. She has come a long and hard way both in her creative career and in her personal life. The singer's biography includes several unsuccessful marriages that gave the blonde beauty two wonderful children. Over the years, the popularity of the singer does not fade, and the tabloids are full of bright photos with the charming ex-soloist of the VIA Gra ensemble.

The large family

Vera Brezhneva, or rather, Vera Galushka - this is exactly what the real name of the singer sounds like, she was born in Ukraine in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. Four children were brought up in a family of two ordinary workers. Like many in those difficult times, the Galushka family lived modestly, but still the parents tried not to deny their children anything.

Vera's love for music and dancing woke up in preschool age. And having entered the first class, the girl began an active creative life: she took part in all concerts and competitions. Classmates were surprised at the fuse of their peers, among them she was a real "star", the ringleader in the class.

In her youth, Vera Brezhneva looked completely different

After school, the future singer entered the institute to get a degree in economics. The parents had other plans for the girl: the father dreamed that their Vera would make a good lawyer. But the family did not have enough money for education, so I had to go to study where my wallet allowed.

Cinderella story

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name. A similar life situation happened with Vera Galushka. Once, in a quiet and small Dnepropetrovsk, the group "VIA Gra" came to a concert. Vera manages to get to the performance of the girls. From this day on, the life of a provincial blonde will completely change. Vera, along with several of her friends, is invited to the stage to sing with the group together.

Vera passed the casting, the producer liked her almost from the first time. This becomes clear when, in a few years, Vera nevertheless marries Konstantin Miladze, who conducted this casting. Vera was soon called back from the producer and invited the girl to Kyiv.

The future singer was engaged in dancing and vocals

The happiness of a young beauty cannot be described in words: in Kyiv, Vera was advised to take vocal and dance courses. Every day the girl turned into a future star, from which the entire male half of humanity was delighted.

The producer Dmitry Kostyuk advised the girl to change her last name. In his opinion, Brezhnev sounds more harmonious, and Galushka spoils the whole impression of the group as a whole.

First steps and leaving the group

Brezhnev first appeared on stage in 2003. Vera's companions were the incomparable Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedakova. Vera took the place of Alena Vinnitskaya, who left the VIA Gra group. The group performed the song "My attempt number five" in a new line-up, which the audience really liked.

Constant tours, filming, fame - all this was to Brezhneva's liking. But four years later, Vera left the group. As the singer herself said, she began to get sick often. It happened that VIA Gra went on tour as a duet, without Brezhneva. The girl was depressed a lot, the schedule knocked her down. Moreover, there was another reason for leaving.

Vera Brezhneva as part of the VIA-Gra group

According to the blonde, her daughter was going to first grade at that time, and Vera just wanted to be a normal mother for a child. But he left the team, Vera always spoke well of her partners, and now she does an excellent job solo. Perhaps, having taken a step back, the singer opened the way to new life filled with solo projects.

Brezhnev's personal life

To date, the beautiful Vera Brezhneva has two unsuccessful marriages behind her. They left their definite mark in the biography of the singer: the girl had children (see photo below).

While still a student, Vera met Vitaly Voichenko. The man saw a blond young lady in a cafe. Fascinated Vitaly did not dare to approach the 17-year-old girl, and a few days later, realizing that the lady had sunk into his soul, he sought her out.

Voichenko was a successful businessman, he lived in Energodar, where he took Vera. At that time, the future star wore a short haircut. Long hair- this is Voichenko's idea. For a successful change of image, Brezhnev owes her first husband.

After leaving the group, Vera built her solo career

Vera left her husband along with her joint daughter Sonya. She just left a note and ran away. According to Voichenko, he could not find a place for himself - he was worried. That the daughter will never see again. Fortunately, everything worked out. Now Vitaly communicates with his daughter and speaks well of his ex-wife.

Voichenko only hints at the reason for the breakup. It is recognized that he always had many women. Even at the moment when Brezhnev appeared - "bespectacled", Voichenko affectionately called his chosen one. Yes, the blue-eyed blonde used to wear glasses.

Millionaire - second husband

She met Mikhail Kiperman, Brezhnev's second husband, after she left the VIA Gra ensemble. This period was not easy in the biography of Vera Brezhneva, things did not go well in her personal life, there was a pause in her career, and children needed to be raised and fed. Therefore, a strong male shoulder for a fragile girl was necessary. In addition, someone had to pay for the solo projects of the star. In the photo below, the once happy Kiperman and Brezhnev.

The singer with her second husband, a businessman

Relations quickly turned around. Faith was not embarrassed by the fact that Mikhail already had a family. Destroying the marriage union for Brezhneva turned out to be an easy task. Kiperman divorced his first wife, with whom they have two children, and registered a relationship with a soloist from a famous ensemble.

Money from Kiperman's wallet flowed like a river: he embodied all the ideas of Brezhneva, if only she would shine. But only shone for him. The Ukrainian oligarch was very jealous. And to be jealous of the soloist of VIA Gra, albeit a former one, was a justified action. After all, fans circled around the blonde.

In addition, Vera began filming a movie, where she was seen more than once in explicit scenes. What can we say about photo shoots in magazines, where the star posed almost naked. All this happened regularly, and Kiperman's hot blood boiled with jealousy.

Who knows how it would have ended if Konstantin Meladze, Brezhneva's secret love, had not reappeared in Vera's life. Suspecting something was wrong, Mikhail organized surveillance of his wife. When the fact of betrayal was captured, the deceived Kiperman filed for divorce. Even the birth of their daughter Sarah did not save the family.

The actress with her daughter Sarah

Rumor has it that Brezhnev herself abandoned Kiperman for his multimillion-dollar debts to creditors. Indeed, according to the law of Ukraine, the legal wife had to pay for her husband's debts, as for her own. And Vera then had something to give. The star owned a Hammer brand car and an apartment.

Vitaliy Voichenko, on the other hand, defends his ex-wife in front of journalists and asks not to slander an honest woman. He claims that there is not a drop of commercialism in Vera, and she left Kiperman because she did not love him.

Another marriage

The third husband of Brezhnev was Konstantin Meladze. In Vera's biography he plays important role, earlier it concerned only a career - after all, he is the producer of the VIA Gra ensemble. Now the personal life of the soloist is connected with Meladze, he is raising her children. Pictured below is the happy couple.

The young people played a wedding in Italy. A long-term romance finally came to an end in the form of marriage. Meladze worked on Vera for many years as a soloist of his ensemble. We can say that he himself created what he has now. Konstantin made a real star out of a provincial child, a standard female beauty and then took her as his wife.

Romantic relationship with producer Konstantin Meladze ended in marriage

Daughters of Vera Brezhneva

The turbulent personal life of the singer Vera Brezhneva gave her two daughters. In the biography of the star, there is practically no place for a family, but the girl still manages to spend at least a little time with her children. (see photo)

The first daughter Sophia was born from Vitaliy Voichenko in 2001. At this time, Vera still bore her real name, and did not even imagine what a dizzying career lay ahead of her. Rumor has it that when Vitaly found out about the pregnancy of his common-law wife, he was not particularly happy. But Vera's mother was against abortion and supported her daughter during a difficult period of her life.

Sonya bears the name of Brezhneva's second husband, Kiperman. But the girl does not advertise her either. She came up with a sonorous pseudonym for herself - Sonya Kiper. The girl dreams of becoming a successful model and has already achieved a lot in her young years. She studied at a modeling school, performed at New York fashion shows and even became the face of one of the famous Russian brands. In the treasury of the achievements of the child Brezhneva can be attributed shooting in the youth series and admission to the prestigious British school.

Singer with her children