In a private house      06/12/2019

Make a tattoo machine at home. Homemade device for tattoos (tattoo machine)

The concept of "tattoo" appeared at the beginning of the last century, and they began to make them long before that. It has now become an art. People paint their body, turning it into a canvas. They treat it differently: someone likes it, and someone does not. Some of us dream of getting a tattoo, but do not have the opportunity to go to a tattoo parlor due to its absence, or for some other reason. And then the question arises: "How to make a tattoo machine yourself?" In this article you will find tips for its manufacture.

DIY tattoo machine

In terms of quality, of course, it will be much inferior to the factory one, but nevertheless, you can do without the services of a tattoo parlor. So, how to make a tattoo machine and what is needed for this? And you need simple tools that can be found in any home: a gel pen, a guitar string, a motor from a toy or an old tape recorder and a power supply (quite fit from mobile phone). The paste is removed from the pen, its tip is removed. With a regular needle, remove the ball from the tip (by normal pressure). After that, we remove the remaining gel from the paste (by blowing) and proceed to the second stage. An ordinary guitar string is used as a needle, which only needs to be sharpened. To do this, you need a solution made from water and two teaspoons of table salt, a nail (rod) and a nine-volt power supply. A negative wire is screwed to the rod, and a positive wire to the string. But it is worth remembering that the string must not be completely immersed in the solution, but a maximum of three millimeters, and at the same time it should not come into contact with the rod. After fifteen minutes of chemical reaction, the string is ready for use. Before you make a tattoo machine yourself, you need to prepare its body. To do this, you need to take an already prepared motor and attach an L-shaped holder made of sheet steel or a bent nail to it, in a word, whatever comes to hand. Put a cut out circle (from a wine bottle cork) on the motor shaft, which will be responsible for the movement of the needle. After that, it is necessary to attach the assembled handle to the holder with an insulating tape, having previously adjusted the exit of the needle from the handle. But at the same time, fix it on the mug, bend and stick the needle. Further adjustment is made by moving the knob on the holder. It remains only to attach the wires to the power supply, and you're done. You can use gel as a paint, but it's better to spend money and buy real paints: they hold better. So you got the answer to the question of how to make a tattoo machine with your own hands. The matter remains for a small one - to pick up a drawing and apply a tattoo!

DIY induction machine

The option considered above involves the manufacture of a rotary machine, but there is also an induction machine. It differs in the way it works. It can also be made at home, but you will need iron skills. Only the body is made, and the rest of the details: induction coil, needles, mouthpieces, must be purchased at the store. I hope this article answered the question: "How to make a tattoo machine?"

In 1999, a few months before my demobilization, I was called to my company by the guys of the senior draft. Since I was a full-time artist in my company, I was asked to draw a blank for a tattoo, and then fill it. They said the car was made out of a pen, so it's pretty much the same. They gave us a barbaric battery-operated unit and said: "Come on." So I "learned" how to make "tattoo".

Already in civilian life, I made my own typewriter, and to be honest, it earned me many times more money than its components cost. At first he worked for friends - for ink and gaining experience. And I already did it for "friends of friends" for "grandmothers". I won’t tell anything new here, I’ll just try to describe everything in detail, with a description of some subtle points that have been developed over the course of several years, or collected bit by bit from different sources.


So, the type of machine is rotary. The scheme, as far as I know, is the most common among do-it-yourselfers. With all components assembled in 15 minutes. Required Parts: gel pen with paste, motor from the player, wires, string, power supply (preferably with variable voltage), motor holder (to be described below).

Spare parts requirements. The main thing is the motor. It is really most convenient to take it from a player or tape recorder: small size has a significant impact on ease of use. I once held in my hands the same razor with a mechanical winding (!), Mentioned in various sources, from which cars were often made in Soviet times. It is hard and uncomfortable to work - too much load on the brush. However, the most important requirement for the motor is that its roller be plastic, not metal. Otherwise, you will have to glue all sorts of plastic discs on this roller, which complicates the design, and, accordingly, reduces reliability (it is very inconvenient to repair the machine in the middle of the stuffing process).

Power unit. As practice has shown, variable voltage is sometimes very useful, because it allows you to fill faster. If a person is in too much pain, the speed can be slowed down - sometimes this also helps. The main thing here is to determine the maximum voltage that your motor can withstand, and make sure that the string does not fly out.

The strings are taken guitar and the thinnest. However, there are moments when you work with what you got. You can also use thick strings. The winding is removed from them, and the base is processed in the same way as for the thin one.

It is better to take soft wires so that they hang freely, and not "stand like a stake". In addition, hard wires (which are bent, and they remain in this position) have a stronger effect on the place of their soldering with the wires of the motor. The fragility of these wires leads to frequent breaks. If they break off under the very motor, it will have to be changed completely.

Motor holder can be made from tin can. However, I was lucky enough to buy an automatic pencil, which had a handy metal clip for clinging to a pocket, etc. I just removed it and used it as a bracket. Then the illustration will be shown in more detail.

Case assembly

We take a gel pen, spin it and remove the paint from it. Squeeze out the ball from the metal nose of the rod with a needle from the inside. It turns out a hole, but it is too narrow for the string (the thickness of the strings can sometimes vary), so it needs to be widened. We take a small file or needle file and grind it down a little so that the string can freely move back and forth (otherwise, when high speed she can get stuck in the motor, which will arrive at her departure and the frightened sidelong glances of the experimental person).

The body of the pen itself will have to be shortened by about half in order to reduce the consumption of the string. A simple calculation: a whole handle - you have to make a string in its entire length, half a handle - a string half as small. Thus, saving the consumption of the string, besides, the subsequently fixed motor will lie on the bend of the brush, and not balance in the air.

A tube from the rod is also needed. Its approximate length is half the size of the pen body. The meaning here is this: the string vibrates strongly during the rotation of the motor, such a mechanism allows you to gently correct it in the right direction. In addition, sometimes the ink rises up the handle (capillary effect, etc.). If there is no such limiter, it can stain the handle from the inside, which is ugly, and can interfere with changing paint - you will have to wash it more thoroughly.

Another important detail: a small hole is made in the plastic nose of the pen, where ink will accumulate. As a result, you will have to dip the machine less often in a jar of paint, which is very convenient.

The result of working with a gel pen in the picture. The rod is presented in two possible versions.

motor assembly

There can be a lot of options for mounting a motor - as far as imagination is enough. I used a pencil holder and taped it with tape. The convenience here lies in the fact that no matter how much you calculate the length of the string, you will still make a mistake. And the string must come out very accurately from the nose of the rod. Due to the fact that I do not have the motor bracket tightly fixed, I can adjust the position of the string by moving the motor back and forth along the handle body.

In addition to fastening, it is necessary to make a small hole in the roller. This is done with a hot needle. The hole should not be too large so that the string does not fall out. In case of an error (like mine), you can make a couple more holes. Just make sure you don't forget which one fits best.

String processing

After a little searching on the Web, I did not find a coherent description of how to process the string of a homemade typewriter. Meanwhile, this is one of the important and painful (for the experimental) moments. An incorrectly made string beats worse, spoils the clarity of fine lines, and causes more pain. That's why I describe it step by step:

We take a string, approximately outlining how much length we need. For example, we fix one end of the string with a hand with pliers. With the other hand, lightly stretch the other end of the string. In the place where we want to make a sharp nose for the future needle (usually we choose a place closer to the pliers to save material consumption), we bring the lighter with the third hand and heat it up (what, not enough hands?). In this case, the string must be pulled. In a heated place, it will first glow red hot, then become thinner, and then burst.

Initially, the string is elastic and does not want to take a straight shape. It is necessary to "persuade" her to become more even - to ignite red-hot once. Having verified the required length of the string, we bite with pliers from the main skein. We bend the back end, which will be attached to the motor, with the letter "g". Do not overdo it with its size so that it does not cling when the engine is running.

In harsh army (or zone) conditions, the string is sharpened, what will happen: first about zero, then about Matchbox, then on the glass (which is not there - you can throw it out of the list, just the process will take longer). I always sharpened the needle on a smooth knife sharpening stone, pressing the tip with my finger. Any shape can be given to the string: both cone-shaped (like a sewing needle) and flat ones are used (it looks like a "spatula" - a thin line beats in one plane, and a wider one in the perpendicular direction).

Another subtle point: the needle should be slightly bent at the end. Thanks to this, it will spring and hit at one point. If you make it straight, then when it exits the tip of the pen, it will hit anywhere, which will complicate the drawing of straight lines.
It is advisable to wash the finished string with soap (advice of an experienced surgeon), since soap dissolves biological substances (infection), while alcohol "burns" it to the metal surface. Certainly, the best option- combine both. If the conditions do not allow to have several strings, its tip must be ignited with a lighter. But over time, this can degrade the properties of the metal, making it completely brittle.
Ready-made version of the processed string. It looks too dirty, but it is the color of calcined metal and there is no infection on it. Although the sanitary and epidemiological station would probably swear ...

Debugging work

Oddly enough, but to assemble the machine is not enough. It is also necessary to adjust its mechanisms so that they work without failures. In the course of practical activities, some regularities were discovered. The elimination of minor inconsistencies greatly simplified my work, and for the test subjects - reduced the "BDSM pleasure."

At first, the work itself big problem strings were out. From the inside, it stuck into the nose of the pen and popped out of the mount on the roller. The solution was this: it is necessary to adjust it so that with the extreme back position of the string on the roller, the sharpened end of the needle comes out of the handle by only half a millimeter. It was here that the ability to adjust the position of the motor on the handle came in handy, since it is quite difficult to adjust the size of the string with an accuracy of half a millimeter.

However, it is not enough to adjust the position of the motor along the length. The height of its landing relative to the centerline of the handle is also important. That is why I used a piece of tubing from a regular ball-and-stick. Its function was to bend the string closer to the motor shaft. It looks like a nipple system, but this has significantly reduced the number of overhangs due to the weak attachment of the string to the shaft.

Also, when you first dipped the tip of the pen into the container with ink, all the air did not come out of it. It led to the formation of a foam droplet on the nose - in appearance there is a supply of paint, but nothing remains on the skin. It was necessary to simply blot the hole on the nose of the pen with a cloth (an air bubble formed there) and re-dip it in the paint.


"Cleanliness is the key to health." For all my modest practice (about 6-8 years I was tattooing quite tightly) I had only two unpleasant overlays, when a stuffed tattoo caused complications. First, I made a pattern for a friend of mine who was a road builder at the time. Literally on the second day, he was already waving his pick at some object - in the very sun, without a bandage, without protection from dirt, sweat, etc. The result - she instantly faded, burned out in the sun (in our Crimea in the summer it is quite hot and sunny), and went pimples. Naturally, the paint "fell out" in places and had to be interrupted.

The second case - the girl wanted a pattern of flowers on the coccyx, and immediately after that she tore off my bandage (she has jeans, you see, "on her hips") and went to twist her ass in a disco. Moreover, she had some kind of special skin - any infection caused wild scars on it. When I saw that bumpy ugliness, located under the tattoo and a little nearby, I almost felt bad. After all, I was so concerned about the sterility of my equipment. And when I found out why and under what circumstances this happened, I wanted to kill her in a sophisticated way. Repeatedly. It was so embarrassing for their painstaking work. The scars had to be disguised as new rosebuds. It looked normal, but "the sediment remained."

Thus, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the machine: ideally, everything homemade parts that come into contact with the subject's skin (string, pen body, used ink in the cap, the cap itself) must be disposable. Do not save on this - these things cost a penny. Especially compared to the prospect of infecting your friend with AIDS from a previous unfamiliar friend. My former classmate told me about such a case, when in their military school, in a similar situation, five guys became infected with syphilis. He was carried away, but to be substituted like that is not pleasant enough.

When applying a tattoo, certain rules must be observed:

A person should be tightly fed - the blood goes to the stomach, bleeding is reduced, respectively, it is easier to beat, the paint is not washed out of the skin.

The body must be sober (preferably both) - blood vessels dilate from alcohol, and pressure rises, which leads to increased bleeding.

The patient's skin and the executor's hands must be thoroughly washed (it is not very convenient to work with gloves - it is worse to "feel the skin"). In general, gloves are a "wrinkle" for shy clients, since, in addition to everything, they must also be sterilized. And the mere presence of gloves (in which other people could be stuffed) is not an unequivocal guarantee of the purity of the process.

It is necessary to wipe the skin, removing excess paint and blood, with a clean cloth (bandage, cotton) dipped in boiled water (this significantly reduces the "crust" on a stuffed tattoo, and the healing time is reduced), and not with alcohol. Alcohol leads to burns, disrupts the healing process of the skin. Alcohol can be used for additional sterilization of already clean equipment (only do not pour it into the power supply - it is very offended).

After tattooing, it is advisable to wash the skin in this place. warm water with soap, apply a healing ointment (I always used "Rescuer", and in the army they used aftershave cream) and apply a bandage for a day so that it does not rub against clothes.
If you worked at home and after everything you take out dirty bloody bandages, do not show them to your mother. The reaction is much stronger than those bandages. Say it's red ink.

In the end, it is necessary to instruct the patient "to tears":

so that he does not remove the bandage for a day;

did not comb the "crust", no matter how it itched;

after a day has passed, you can wash, but do not become limp;

do not sunbathe until complete healing, and then use sunscreen - otherwise the paint may fade a few years earlier;

if you smear 4 times with "Rescuer" for a day, then it can heal in just a couple of days (although this is an individual indicator - in practice it healed in a day, and in two, and sometimes a week).

Just in case, hint that if he does not obey and forgets about these recommendations, you will come to him at night in a dream and with an ax - sometimes this helps. Yes, in most cases he will come after some time and ask to fill more. Tattoos are like a drug - addictive.


An abstruse word, but it cannot be ignored. For all the time I have been working, I have heard a lot of scary stories about how some mentally weak people can be affected by the image on the skin. If some "major" wants to fill himself with a pattern, "yin-yang-crap" or "dragon for 30 bucks", then this, most likely, does not mean anything to him - he just wants to "show off". Explain especially to girls that this is not makeup, and not earrings - this is for life and is very difficult to remove. Although sometimes girls do not come for a tattoo. :)

Another thing is when a tattoo means something important for a person: some kind of psychological image, a combination of emotions after an experience, a memory of an event or another person. Such an image on the skin, backed up by internal motives, becomes for a person as a thinking algorithm or even an element of zombification. A couple of real life examples. One comrade asked me to score an army tattoo on him. He served under the Union, in the rocket unit, and the grandfathers forcibly filled all the young with the "unit symbol" - a laughing devil with a bottle and a cigarette, sitting on a rocket. The main problem, in addition to the ugly performance, is that even when it was bad at heart, the man did not stop smiling: "He laughs, and I have to. I'm already sick of myself, but I can't stop."

Another case was with my friend, when his father was framed and imprisoned. The guy walked loaded, with a dead look and a cloudy look. It is clear that his heart was dark. He asked me to fill him with a wolf and an inscription on foreign language"Man is a wolf to man." Elle answered. It is clear that for him this could become a demeanor for life. After much squabbling, the inscription was replaced with an abstract pattern background. And dad came out a couple of years later, and life got better.

One friend asked me to fill her with a panther with a crown. A large girl of medium height, with hefty boobs (she once did bodybuilding and ate a lot, then she abandoned the sport, but her appetite remained) and a lively disposition in appearance - she was a downtrodden child, stuffed by her authoritarian mother. Mom was also a frame. Even a roommate ran away from her (a karateka, winner of the competition) - she threw herself at him during quarrels with everyone in a row: from frying pans to bricks. Through the tattoo, the girl wanted either to express her "protest" to her mother, or to rise in the eyes of others, but did not know how to do it correctly. Many such acquaintances "with complexes" addressed me. After the tattoo, they almost immediately changed in their behavior - they began to associate themselves with the menacing images depicted on the body. Jokes aside, and that mother almost set a hefty dog ​​on me ...

There were also quite mystical stories. You can believe or not believe in any parapsychology or energy, but sometimes it matters - who, what and with what thoughts fills a person. I heard how some guy painted a beautiful, meaningless picture on the body of one girl. Either his “eye” was “heavy”, or he was fond of Satanism, only that girlfriend began to feel sick until the drawing was washed away. Now think about it: either something was wrong with the guy, or the girl "made a movie" for herself. I know one thing - you can’t wish evil to the person for whom you are stuffing something. And, if possible, it is necessary to dissuade him from doing any kind of "necrophilia" on the skin - it attracts bad thoughts, negative energy and sidelong glances of others.

Thieves tattoos

I’ll say “little, but tasty”: I heard a couple of stories about how ignorant people stuffed themselves with beautiful tattoos with a Zon value. One stuffed himself with a woman tempted by a snake ("cock"). Comrades came up, asked to "serve". The boy began to excuse himself that this was a misunderstanding. With the words "you have to answer for the suit," they broke his skull.

The second fool filled himself with something from the suits of "thieves in law." Maybe an epaulette or something. People came up, respectfully spoke over the hair dryer. They see that the comrade does not understand - they were offended by the deception and also hit the head. Hence the conclusion: before hitting, check carefully whether the picture has thieves overtones. You can save a man's life.


Assembling a tattoo machine from improvised materials is really simple. If you have all the components, the assembly process will not take long. And it will cost a penny compared to the prices of factory products. The main thing is that a person can draw. I have seen the work of the so-called "professionals" several times. They were made on factory equipment, with "real" paints, for a lot of money, but with crooked hands. And they looked much worse than my works - on a self-made typewriter, sharpened string and Rotring drawing ink - which I filled my friends with in fact for free. After all, it is not a matter of technique, but in the hands and artistic taste.

I can remind skeptics that the most unique works were made in ancient times by Japanese and Chinese craftsmen - with an ordinary needle (and sometimes a fish bone) stuck in a bamboo stick. At the same time, they achieved stunning effects and smooth color transitions. Using only a few natural dyes, they mixed many shades from them. Today, many of the secrets of that time are irretrievably lost.

I am not ashamed to admit that I never became a real master. I can only fill in what I can draw. But it's nice to hear when, after five or six years, they still like the tattoos of friends and continue to attract someone's attention.

This article tells how to make a simple tattoo machine with your own hands. There are a lot of similar articles on the Internet, but this one is even too detailed. Most importantly, it describes all the jambs that I encountered in the process (and there were a lot of them).


In this brain article, I raise the topic ancient art tattoo. In such an artisanal way, our friends, fathers and grandfathers beat their first army "partaks". For those who believe that a tattoo made in such conditions is unsanitary and ugly, I advise you to look. here (Yes, yes, you are right, there are connoisseurs of this style of tattoos, which I am).

To all those who want to repeat:

Let's analyze everything in order: 1. The motor may not necessarily be 9V, but this is the most best option. The motor can be bought at the radio market, for example, I got it from an old tape recorder.

2. The handle is the most important element of our machine, it must meet certain requirements. I have tried many types of pens in order to creating a rotary tattoo machine and finally found the best option. The pen must be necessarily capillary, now a little more ...

This is how a capillary pen looks like, as you noticed, it has a metal tip through which the string passes perfectly, which means that this is what we need! The price of such a “tool” is not as high as it might seem to you, for example, I bought such a pen for 32 rubles.

We take any power supply for 9 volts 1 ampere (you can use a transformer from a game console such as SEGA or the like) and a nail. We connect the transformer to the socket and wind the plus from the transformer onto the string, and the minus onto the nail. Then we stir the nail and the string into the water, but make sure that they do not touch each other. We do not completely immerse the string in water, but only by 2 - 3 millimeters. Subsequently chemical reaction the metal of the string will break down and sharpen. The reaction must be continued for 15 minutes, then the string must be washed and as a result we get the sharpest stake for a tattoo machine.

You can use normal ballpoint pen Bic type. Blow out the rod from the paste, remove the ball and, if necessary, widen the hole a little so that the needle passes freely through it.


Before the actual procedure of applying a day or two, it is best to clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the tattoo will be located with a scrub. This will clear the skin and keep your drawing visible. long time. More experienced craftsmen recommended to remove hair from the surface skin, this will help to make the drawing more accurate and even.

How to make a tattoo at home?

can take quite a long time. Therefore, it will be better if you leave a few hours in reserve. henna tattoos at home The application process itself

Elastic band

Contact screw

What about paint?

Regarding the preparation of tattoo ink at home, it should be noted that it is better not to prepare it yourself. You can fork out for special mascara. It will be safer than using gel from pens or brilliant green. You understand, such materials are not very good for such an event.

It doesn't matter what color you end up choosing. You should immerse the tip of the needle of the included machine for ten seconds into it, and then inject it under the skin. This principle is used throughout the entire workflow.

Connect the power supply.

You can use any charger that is rated for at least as much voltage as the motor you are using. For greater convenience, you can install a switch or button.

After you have finished working with the tattoo machine, throw away the needle and tube (pencil or pen).

If these instructions are neglected, you risk infecting the wounds, and a beautiful tattoo will not work. The skin must also be treated with special antiseptics before applying the paint.

What other options are there?

  • First you need to assemble the handle. Insert the handle shaft into the shell (base).
  • Now you need to take the motor, attach it to a curved metal plate, and then use electrical tape to firmly fix the plate on the handle shaft.
  • Then you need to take a piece of cork in the form of a circle, combine it with a mini-engine (put directly on the shaft).
  • The prepared string must be attached to the motor. The string must be placed in the shaft of the pen, and then attached to the motor. The free end of the string must be bent and then inserted into the cork on the shaft. For your tattoo machine to work perfectly, you need the string to come out of the rod no more than 1.5-2 mm. Therefore, you need to get rid of the excess part of the string.
  • The device will be ready for use as soon as you wrap the motor with electrical tape. It is best to make several layers of winding for the sake of safety.
  • You can see how to make a tattoo machine in the video, which is located just below on the page. It shows in detail and clearly how to make a tattoo machine yourself.
  • Now you know how to make a tattoo machine at home. If you want a more voluminous tattoo machine, you should choose a larger engine. Before using the machine for its intended purpose, you must thoroughly disinfect it with alcohol, and then with an antiseptic. After disinfection, turn on the machine, dip it in special ink and you can start creating your masterpieces.
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  • 2 year old child has dehydration

This article tells how to make a simple tattoo machine with your own hands. There are a lot of similar articles on the Internet, but this one is even too detailed. Most importantly, it describes all the jambs that I encountered in the process (and there were a lot of them).


In this brain article, I take up the topic of the ancient art of tattooing. In such an artisanal way, our friends, fathers and grandfathers beat their first army "partaks". For those who believe that a tattoo made in such conditions is unsanitary and ugly, I advise you to look. (Yes, yes, you are right, there are connoisseurs of this style of tattoos, which I am).

To all those who want to repeat:

  • All responsibility for what you have done lies with you.
  • Carefully observe all hygiene rules during the session
  • Sterilize (do not disinfect, namely sterilize) equipment before starting work
  • Even better, use your machine to tattoo only yourself (or one person)

Well, let's start.

Collection of materials

For robots, we need a very meager inventory (you can use even more meager than I used).


  • Soldering iron, rosin and solder
  • dummy knife
  • Scissors
  • Side cutters
  • Lighter or matches (you can use any heat source, but a blow dryer is best)
  • Metal shears
  • Sharpening stone or fine sandpaper


  • Electric motor (you know where to get it yourself, brains after all)
  • USB male plug
  • Capacitor ((optional) you can use any, although I may be wrong, I have 4.7 µF 50 V, I think if only the voltage passed)
  • Part of the staple for fixing drywall (replaced by whatever suits you)
  • helium pen
  • A piece of guitar string about 20 cm long (any)
  • A piece of a two-core cable long convenient for future work
  • Heat shrink tubes (hereinafter heat shrink) of different diameters (I have 20 mm, 4 mm and 3 mm, in fact, I also needed about 7 mm) (can be replaced with electrical tape)
  • Button with a hole diameter matching the diameter of the motor shaft

Getting Started

This is where the fun begins. We turn on the soldering iron, make tea, inhale the wonderful smell of rosin and do not forget about Pink Floyd, otherwise the whole robot will go awry.

From the pen, we need everything except the back cap.

We cut off the part that will serve us as a guide for a clearer stroke of the needle and grind the ball on the bar.

We take a sip of tea and shrink our design with heat shrink.

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control…

The soldering iron is hot, we can make the first soldering. We solder the capacitor (here I decided to solder it without thinking about polarity, I decided what I would think about later, I don’t know if I should pay attention to polarity at all?). Why do we need a capacitor? Our device is powered by USB, in order to reduce the power interference created by the electric motor, we use a capacitor. By the way, I have never seen such a design anywhere.

We cultivate the ends of our cable (yes, I did not find a two-core one and used the one that was at hand). We shrink them with heat shrink and tin them.

We pull the electric motor to our body. (And after this step, I realized that electrical tape is much more practical, since it is very difficult to achieve normal tension with heat shrink, and the engine dangles slightly)

It's time to work on the string. Cut off the desired part and remove part of the braid at the beginning (if any). The string should protrude from the hole somewhere by 3-4 mm in the extended position (the crank is closer to the body of the handle).

By the way, during testing on this stage The button broke and had to be replaced.

We also solder our cable to the motor and the USB plug, there is one detail, since I used a capacitor, you need to observe the polarity of the desoldering. The capacitor has a minus symbol. (Again, I don't know if this was something to worry about). If you do not use a capacitor, then you can solder as you like.

We isolate well. This is where we would need 7mm heat shrink.

I tightened the part of the string near the ring to reduce the backlash in our crank assembly. But this step also turned out to be unnecessary and useless. Why? Find out at the end of the brain article.

We disinfect the needle with alcohol and thereby remove contamination. This is not sterilization, but disinfection. Before use, it is best to autoclave or dry fry (read about this in Google).

My tea had already cooled down, Pink Floyd finished playing their songs, and I proceeded to the main step, the step in which I will remake one very important detail. After the previous step, the button burst again, and I remove the axis from the nose of the pen from the structure, instead I simply bend the string and insert the bent end into the free hole of the new button.

It would seem that the robot is finished, and I am already filming a video with a demonstration of the robot, but the button treacherously bursts.

And all because I decided to grind off part of the button in order to reduce vibrations. I am replacing it with a new one.

Video demonstration of work


Our robot is over, we have assembled the simplest tattoo machine. It wasn't an easy road. Thank you, my friends, for being with me all this time. By the way, this is not just a machine, but universal tool, read about it.


  • Thanks to everyone who has read up to this point.
  • This is my first brain article, I hope everything turned out well for me.
  • Sorry for the grammatical errors, I think I made them in the end.
  • Writing brain articles is fun but very tiring.
  • There is no way to print a branded backing.

Roman Dmitrievich especially for


We make a tattoo machine with our own hands. The very concept of tattoos was formulated back in the 20s of the 20th century. To this day, people glow anything on their bodies and pay big money for them, but not many people know that the tattoo itself was born in the zone 100 years ago. And today we will consider a device that will allow you to make tattoos in a professional way. To create such a device, you need only a couple of little things - a helium pen, a guitar string, a motor from a DVD player drive or from toy car and a mobile phone charger.

We take out the paste from the helium pen and remove the tip of the paste, where the ball is. Next, take a needle and insert the needle from the back of the tip and press until the ball falls out. Then we take the paste and blow it into the washbasin until all the gel comes out of it. Now it's time to make the stake. To do this, take a guitar string and remove the spiral from it in advance. we need a piece of string with a length of 20 centimeters. Next, you need to sharpen one end of the string and for this we prepare an electrolyte. We take a coffee glass and pour water into it, then we need to pour two teaspoons of edible salt into the water and mix the solution.

We take any power supply for 9 volts 1 ampere (you can use a transformer from a game console such as SEGA or the like) and a nail. We connect the transformer to the socket and wind the plus from the transformer onto the string, and the minus onto the nail. Then we stir the nail and the string into the water, but make sure that they do not touch each other. We immerse the string in water not completely, but only by 2 - 3 millimeters. As a result of a chemical reaction, the metal of the string will break down and sharpen. The reaction must be continued for 15 minutes, then the string must be washed and as a result we get the sharpest stake for a tattoo machine.

After all this, we take the head for the belt drive and insert it into the motor shaft (the head can be found in any cassette recorder, it is put on the motor shaft in the mechanism), you can also use a gear, like mine. We take an ordinary needle and go to gas stove. We heat the needle and make one hole on the head, which we previously inserted on the axis of the motor.

The hole must be made 1-2 mm from the center. We take the glue moment and attach the motor to the body of the gel pen. After the glue dries, you need to grease the place of the fastener with silicone, and then wrap it with tape for durability. Then the sharpened tip of the string must be passed through the hole where we used to have a ball, the string must be in the paste, and its second end must be bent in the form of a hook and inserted into the hole that we made with a needle on the motor head.

Now we assemble the pen, connect the mobile phone charger to the motor and you're done. Tattoos are made with black gel from the same gel pen. To prepare, we take several gel pens, take out the pastes and the tip, take the cork from vodka and gently and slowly blow into the paste. Subsequently, the gel will be in the cork. Then we turn on the machine and within 10 seconds we immerse the sharpened tip into the cork with the gel. Then we take out and make a tattoo, and so we continue until the end of the tattoo.

The device has been tried many times and with its help you can get tattoos no worse than on a factory tattoo machine created only for such purposes. Be careful, because the tattoo is one of the ways to transmit the infection! Before each tattoo, you need to wash the tip of the device with alcohol.