In a private house      06/26/2024

Pork kebab in onion marinade. Marinade for pork shish kebab with onions. Soaking meat in beer

A recipe for a delicious and unique kebab that everyone will be happy with. The secret is in onion juice, which will fill the meat with extraordinary taste, aroma and softness.

The best rest for soul and body is a family holiday in nature or at the dacha, with family or friends and always with delicious dishes. And what could be better than barbecue for such a holiday? And preparing the dish is not tiring, and everyone can cook together. You just need to pay special attention to the marinating process in this matter. Each “kebab maker” has his own secrets of delicious kebab. You should consider one of the fairly simple recipes, which results in incredibly tasty and magnificent kebab.

You can start marinating a day in advance, preferably in the evening, on the eve of gatherings. The purchased meat, at the discretion of the cook and his guests, is cut into squares 3 or 4 cm thick. Many people like lamb kebab, some like veal, others prefer pork. It is pork that is best suited for making barbecue. And you should choose either the neck or the adrenal part, where there is little fat and the meat is juicy and soft. Once the meat is sliced, you can start preparing the marinade.

For the marinade you will need 1 kg of onion, which will need to be ground in a meat grinder or grated with a grater. Onion juice is poured into a saucepan with pieces of chopped meat. It is very important that the juice is poured into the meat without pulp. The meat should be left in this form for at least a couple of hours, and at best overnight. And, it should be noted that salting meat is not recommended. After soaking the meat in onion juice, squeeze out the pieces and transfer them to a bowl, add half a glass of vegetable oil. After this, a seasoning packet will follow into the bowl, which can consist of various components, at the discretion of the chef. Basically, it is coarsely ground black pepper, 10-15 peas of coriander or also ground, half a teaspoon of dry basil, a little thyme and cumin, a couple of bay leaves and a little paprika. For those who like spiciness, you can add a pod of red hot pepper. It should be said that it is better to immediately buy a complete set of barbecue seasonings in a specialized store or in a special department at the market than to run around to different places in search of, for example, thyme or basil. But, if you have all this at home, then, of course, you can add everything yourself. After collecting the meat, oil and seasonings in a bowl, mix everything thoroughly for 15 minutes. After the process of diligent mixing, you can add a little salt to taste and send the meat to the skewer.

The task before him was almost impossible - he had to ensure that the barbecue was prepared at the highest level, without knowing exactly when and in what quantity the distinguished guests would arrive. (We are talking about the presidential dacha in Crimea).

This is how the recipe for this kebab came about. I don’t know if everything in the story with the president is true; I can only vouch for the quality of the barbecue marinade itself. It turned out to be so successful and versatile that, having tried quite a few options in my time, I believe today that this is the fastest and best marinade for barbecue.

How to cook barbecue the presidential way?

Firstly, the selection and preparation of meat is the same as for any decent kebab. The meat must be of appropriate quality.

We clean it of all excess and cut it into equal cubes weighing 35-50 g.


Pass 1 kg of onion through a meat grinder or grate it on a fine grater, or

Pass it through a juicer. It is very important that no onion pulp gets into the kebab - we marinate only with juice. To do this I do this:

In general, I came to the conclusion that if you marinate shashlik and at the same time cut onions into large rings, your actions will be primarily decorative in nature; such onions in the marinade are of little use. (Alternating onion rings with meat on a skewer, however, will be possible)

If you just add grated onion, you run the risk of getting a skewer with meat on the grill or grill, getting a kebab with burnt spots of onion, like in the photo of the kebab below.

Unsuccessful attempt at marinating in onion juice with pulp

(tested by bitter experience, believe me, it was very disappointing for the picnic to be ruined...). And only, pouring pure onion juice over the pieces of meat for shish kebab,

you give it an excellent opportunity to marinate as it should and have a decent appearance.

So, our kebab rests in the onion marinade (without salt!!!) for about an hour (of course, if possible, and you don’t need to immediately feed the president, leave it for several hours or overnight).

add 0.5 tbsp. refined vegetable oil and seasonings for barbecue. We use proven ready-made seasoning or a mixture of spices that you prefer.

I usually, without fail, add a mixture of different peppers - black, white or red, allspice, a little chili pepper for a spicy kick, basil and mint leaves and thinly cut half a lemon.

But coriander, curry, paprika - very carefully, rarely and in minimal quantities. If the combination of these spices is unsuccessful, sometimes they give the opposite effect to the expected one.

But now the most important thing - and a man’s help will not be superfluous here - is to forcefully knead our pieces of meat with butter, according to the principle of kneading dough.

We do this for 10-15 minutes. The “kneading” time depends on the time the meat remains in the onion juice.

Moreover, the relationship is the opposite - the less the meat is marinated, the longer it needs to be “kneaded”.

Immediately after this, you can start frying. Once again about salt - there should not be any in the marinade, otherwise the meat will be tough. You need to salt the meat 5-10 minutes before placing the skewers with shish kebab on the grill.

Agree, it is completely possible, in case of unexpected guests and the availability of decent meat, to do express marinating with onion juice and kneading with butter while the fire is lit on the grill.

You can marinate different types of meat in this way - pork, beef (preferably veal), and lamb. Poultry interacts well with onion juice, the time spent in the marinade is minimal, and the results are wonderfully juicy legs, wings and steaks.

Try to cook shish kebab marinated according to this recipe from the President's chef once - you will definitely like it.

I am absolutely sure: you rightly believe that this is the one you and your family use. I think so too, so I won’t argue. I just ask you to pay attention to the calendar: spring is outside! And when else to try something new and unusual, if not in the spring - during the period of total and unconditional renewal, during the period of bright and inevitable revival? Nature itself says - go for it! Easter is coming, and with it the first picnics, family outings in the forest, gatherings on the river bank, bonfires and songs with a guitar. Well, and, of course, meat on the fire. Let yours remain the best, no one will encroach on its merits, but still... for the sake of variety, for the sake of interest, for the sake of renewal and the start of something fresh and simply different, think about trying it this season barbecue marinade recipe, which you haven't tried yet. I'm not saying that he will become a favorite in your family and among your friends, no. I'm saying that it will undoubtedly bring new emotions, impressions and sensations. But this is interesting!

- What is the most important thing in our business?
- Mutton?
- Wai, wai, wai. Give me five young lambs, right? I'll take three hundred grams of meat from each lamb, right? You can't get more from lamb for a good barbecue! I'll soak the meat in white grape wine, right? And I’ll give it to you - here you go, beautiful woman, make a barbecue...
film "Resident's Mistake"

The best marinade for barbecue you already know. Let's talk about new marinade recipes?

The best marinade for shish kebab - 10 ideas from Izyuminka:

The turkey was thinking too, until he got to the barbecue.

film "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels"

1. My best marinade for shish kebab is minimalist to the extreme: salt, black pepper and onions rings. Nothing superfluous, nothing unnecessary, nothing distracting. In the end - only meat. All other flavor notes that one is drawn to at one time or another in life can be easily obtained from the sauces that are served with barbecue.

Shashlik does not tolerate women's hands.

film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears"

2. Do you want Spanish-style kebab? Then marinate the meat in large quantities lemon juice mixed with garlic and herbs- parsley, rosemary, thyme. It turns out very fresh and aromatic and it seems as if a sea breeze is blowing, gentle and salty.

- Would you be so kind as to...

It will be, it will be. You'll be a shish kebab!

m/f "The Adventures of Munchausen"

3. And it will easily add oriental notes to barbecue soy sauce mixed with ginger and garlic. Spicy meat comes out! Slightly salty, very bright not only in appearance, but also in taste.

If you're going to grill shish kebab from this bride, call me!

film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures"

4. For thrill-seekers, I recommend marinating the meat in the mixture chili pepper and mustard, lemon juice and olive oil. Chili will give the kebab a special “hot” note, and the remaining ingredients will slightly soften its harshness, without depriving the meat of its bright character.

A woman should raise children, be beautiful and not get in the way of a man when he is preparing barbecue.

film "A Man with a Guarantee"

5. Fans of quick solutions marinate meat in mineral water- it is believed that its formula ensures accelerated “delivery” of the remaining components of the marinade directly to all parts of the meat pieces. Add salt, pepper and your favorite spices - the kebab will be ready in record time.

Communication in Russia is so important that external circumstances cease to matter. Several times I happened to barbecue in the cold and in the rain - if we decide to go to the park for barbecue, we do so, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.

Anna-Lena Lauren, “They have something wrong with their heads, these Russians”

6. Ketchup- a very interesting basis for a barbecue marinade. It will add not only flavor to the meat, but also a characteristic tomato sourness mixed with the taste of summer and sun. Don't forget to add marjoram, oregano and a little ground pepper to the bowl - it will be bright, juicy and rich.

There is a difference between shish kebab and kebab.

Armenian proverb

7. It is unspoken that honey and mustard marinade Suitable for chicken (turkey), however, it goes well with other types of meat. Pork kebab is amazing, veal kebab is original, lamb kebab is very interesting. For variety, you can add a little more orange zest at the marinating stage, in addition to honey, mustard and salt.

If you don't want to suffer from smoke, don't cook barbecue.

Turkish proverb

8. Vinegar- one of the most controversial additives to barbecue marinade, however, in order to form your own personal opinion about it, you should try marinating meat in it at least once. Combine it with onions, pepper, salt, add herbs - and you can safely mix it with meat. After a few hours, cook the kebab - it will be soft and juicy.

Let neither the spit nor the kebab burn.

Tajik proverb

9. Red wine, like white, will add a subtle fruity aroma to the kebab. Grape notes, depending on the type of wine, are transformed into a rich flavor “basket” - you can catch the taste of currants, apples, pears, prunes, and even strawberries. Don’t skimp on wine, buy quality, not cheap, and the barbecue will be excellent.

Not everything is barbecue that smells good.

Folk art

10. Kefir gives the meat a characteristic creamy aroma. Of course, this option is very much for everyone, however, if you like the combination of dairy products and meat, be sure to try it - the kebab turns out interesting, juicy and original.

Step 1. Thoroughly wash the meat from which you plan to prepare shish kebab and remove unnecessary films and fat (despite the fact that the chicken fillet is quite dry, using onions in the marinade will soften the fibers and it will turn out tender and juicy).

Step 2. And now the highlight of the dish is the marinade. We clean and grate all the onions.

Yes, it would be much easier to cut it, but then the amount of juice that we need to obtain tender meat would not be released.

If you like to alternate onions on a skewer, you can leave a few onions cut into rings, but since this “side dish” often burns, I recommend using tomatoes or eggplants instead.

Step 3. Pour the chopped meat with onion juice and season to taste with salt and black pepper.

Onions give the meat quite a rich aroma, so I don’t recommend adding too many spices to this recipe.

Step 4: Before skewering the meat or placing it on the grill, scrape off the onion marinade with your hands or a brush to prevent it from burning.

Step 5. Fry the kebab until golden brown.

The most ideal option for pork kebab there will be a neck . It perfectly combines juicy meat and fatty layers. What pieces should I cut the meat into? Someone will say: “A big piece makes your mouth happy” . This expression is not entirely correct in this case. If you make the pieces too large, then most likely your meat will burn on the outside but will be quite raw on the inside. Please note that when frying, pieces of meat will decrease by 15 - 30% . This happens due to the melting of fat and moisture. The point of the grill is that the meat is cooked at a decent temperature in a short time and a piece of meat should quickly reach readiness. It is easier to undercook a large piece of meat than a small one. Make the pieces so that it is convenient to chew them whole. Let's say it's about half your fist . It is also advisable to cut off large pieces of fat, because few people want to chew fried lard. We will look at 6 marinade options, but we won’t talk about spices. People have different tastes and everyone is free to add what he likes. By the way, if you are a little tired of kitchen chores, and you are thinking about where to relax inexpensively, then welcome to the site using the link and you will learn everything about where a housewife can really relax for a reasonable price - I advise.

Onion marinade

  1. For the marinade we will need:
  • 1. 3-4 heads of onions per 1 kg of meat.
  • 2. 1-2 teaspoons of salt.
  • 3. Ground black pepper.
  • 4. If desired, any fragrant herbs and spices at your discretion.
Onion itself is added to almost every marinade. . It perfectly softens the meat and gives it a unique “Shashlik” taste. You can cut it into large pieces or rings, but not too small so that it doesn’t end up on the fire. For marinade onions you only need onion juice so that there is no point in laying layers of rings . The chopped onion should hide our meat in the basin. We cut the onion, squeeze it so that it gives juice and thoroughly roll our meat in this juice. In addition to onions, salt and black pepper are standard. You can add any spices to your taste; this marinade can only be spoiled by spices with a very strong taste, for example cinnamon. Mix our marinade with meat and leave in a cool place for 2 hours.