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What tests to take before cataract surgery. Tests before cataract surgery. What, how does the replacement of the lens proceed, the postoperative period. Why is it important to get tested

Doctor's recommendations for cataract removal: before and after surgery

Ultrasonic cataract phacoemulsification followed by implantation of an artificial lens is the best modern method of surgical treatment this disease.
Cataract surgery performed at the Clinic of Professor Eskina E.N. "Sphere" is an excellent result and safety. In this case, the patient should carefully consider the doctor's recommendations before and after cataract surgery.

Preoperative preparation

Before the operation, you will need to make and submit to the Clinic the results of examinations by medical specialists, including the necessary tests (with the specified validity period):

  • Complete blood count with ESR (14 days).
  • Blood test coagulogram (14 days).
  • Urinalysis (14 days).
  • Blood glucose test (1 month). If the level is elevated, you must have the conclusion of an endocrinologist.
  • ECG tape with decoding (1 month).
  • Blood test for syphilis (RW) (3 months).
  • Blood test for hepatitis (Hbs and HCV antigens) (3 months).
  • Blood test for HIV (3 months).
  • Dentist (sanation of the oral cavity) (1 year).
  • Fluorography (1 year).
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses and the conclusion of the ENT.
  • Therapist - the conclusion should reflect the diagnosis, as well as the patient's working blood pressure. It should contain the phrase: "There are no contraindications for eye operations."

On the day of the operation

  • take a shower;
  • wash your hair;
  • put on clean linen (preferably cotton);
  • take sunglasses with you;
  • do not experience increased physical activity.
  • light breakfast.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and, moreover, take drugs before the operation on the eyes, the doctor will also recommend to refrain from smoking and taking a number of medications - their list is determined after the examination.

Do not cancel the appointments of the attending physician (therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.), other than antithrombotic drugs(Aspirin, Thrombo-ASS, Cardiomagnyl, etc.). Their acceptance is necessary stop in 7 days before surgery.

You must have with you for the operation: a change of clothes, shoes, a passport and an insurance policy (for glaucoma patients, anti-glaucoma drops, if used).

Procedure for cataract surgery

  • Cataract removal is performed under local anesthesia, most often with drops. The patient is conscious, but does not experience any pain.
  • During the operation on the eyes, the patient himself lies in a surgical chair, in which it is convenient for him to remain motionless.
  • Caring medical staff in the beautiful operating room of the Sfera clinic will tell the patient which direction to look, and the doctor who performs the eye surgery will help you stay calm and not blink. After anesthesia, it will be easy.
  • The first direct surgical action: the doctor makes approximately one and a half millimeter (1.2-1.8 mm) incision with a self-sealing profile at the very edge of the cornea (limb zone).
  • After providing access to the lens, the phacoemulsifier begins to act on it with ultrasound, it grinds the lens so that cataract removal does not require a larger incision.
  • The lens, crushed by ultrasound, is sucked up by a micropump, and a folded intraocular lens is placed in its place (they are various types, including multifocal, the type of lens is determined together with the patient before cataract surgery). The lens expands already in the capsular bag of the eye and begins to replace the patient's lens.
  • The self-sealing profile allows you to do without seams - the micro-cut overgrows itself.
  • This operation on the eyes lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, after which a bandage is applied to the operated eye - it is needed only on the patient's way home, it can be removed at home. There are no restrictions on visual loads (watching TV, reading, etc.) from the very first day.

The cataract surgery at the Sfera Clinic is carried out on a one-day basis, that is, you do not need to stay in the hospital. The intervention itself lasts an average of 10-15 minutes.

After cataract surgery

The operated patient will be examined by the attending physician, necessary recommendations- and you can go home. You can watch TV, read, write, eat any food.

The operation requires dilatation of the pupil. Therefore, so that the light does not cause discomfort during the first time after the intervention, it is recommended to wear sunglasses.

Cataract surgery allows the patient to see with his own eyes after returning home from the clinic, all the positive effects will become apparent after one or two days. In rare cases, when the patient has glaucoma or retinal disease in addition to cataracts, the maximum vision may take a little longer to adjust, but usually early postoperative period takes no more than one week.

For a faster recovery period, the attending physician will determine the order of application of eye drops.

The first weeks after cataract surgery, the patient will need to attend follow-up examinations at the surgeon of the Sphere Clinic according to an individual schedule.

Patients are usually seen the next day after the operation, then after a week, one month, three months, and more often if necessary. It all depends on individual features visual system.

  • sleep on your back or on your side so that the side of the operated eye is on top;
  • protect eyes from excessive stress;
  • avoid sharp bends and heavy lifting, incl. give up fitness, yoga, running for a couple of months
  • do not expose your eyes to sudden temperature changes;
  • do not rub the operated eyes;
  • do not abuse alcohol for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.
  • do not use cosmetics, varnish, aerosols for 2 weeks.
  • when going outside, use a bandage for the first 7 days after cataract surgery.

In the presence of cataracts, doctors will recommend surgery, because this is the only way to cope with the disease. Of course, certain medications will be initially prescribed to slow down the progression of the disease. But later, you will still need surgical removal - cataract surgery. Analyzes are an integral part of the general examination in order for the patient to be operated on. Without fulfilling specific requirements, the patient may be denied an operation.

For the operation to be successful, certain recommendations must be followed without fail.

What are the requirements for patients who are scheduled for cataract removal?

  • If the patient uses contact lenses, they must be removed 7 days before the operation. Although sometimes this period can be longer.
  • On the day when the surgery will be carried out, it is forbidden to eat any food and liquid.
  • For 3 days you should give up alcoholic beverages. They are not recommended for 2 weeks after treatment.
  • Be sure to take a shower. Hair and face must be clean.
  • On the day of surgery, wear comfortable and loose clothing, preferably not woolen or synthetic. Patients are advised to choose trousers. Before the procedure, a sterile disposable suit is issued.
  • Cosmetics for women are prohibited. You can not use perfume, cologne, deodorants. Remove all makeup from the eye area.

In addition, the patient must pass important tests for the upcoming treatment.

This is about:

  • general blood test;
  • general analysis of urine;
  • biochemical analysis of blood;
  • blood on RW;
  • blood for antibodies to hepatitis B and C;
  • blood for HIV;
  • fluorography chest;
  • electrocardiography.

The patient also undergoes a dentist, ENT, endocrinologist, allergist, cardiologist and therapist. The latter must confirm that there are no contraindications for cataract removal.

When all the tests are completed, and each of the doctors gives permission for the operation, then the day of hospitalization is appointed.

Characteristic features of the phacoemulsification method

Modern surgery is developing at a rapid pace. And thanks to a wide variety of artificial lenses that replace the affected lens, vision in most patients is restored completely. The rehabilitation period itself was reduced in terms to a minimum. Sometimes the patient is allowed to go home two hours after the end of the operation. Phacoemulsification is the most modern and safe method.

The positive aspects of the operation include:

  1. Painlessness.
  2. No seams.
  3. Rapid recovery of visual functions (2-3 days).

If the doctor detects a developing cataract, he will advise surgery. But the patient himself decides whether to agree to the implantation of an artificial lens or not. It is important to remember that such a disease progresses, and the longer the removal of the lens is delayed, the greater the likelihood of complications.

According to ophthalmologists, best time for surgery - when the cataract is immature. IN this moment the lens is not yet so dense, so ultrasound will be used less.

This will positively affect the condition of the eyes as a whole.

A dense lens is more difficult to grind, which can provoke complications. As a result, additional treatment will be needed, and vision will clear much more slowly.

An overripe cataract is more likely to cause consequences. This usually results in secondary glaucoma, leading to permanent blindness.

Reminder for patients

The recovery of the patient, by and large, will depend on him. Although phacoemulsification allows you to quickly return to your previous activities, you still need to follow some medical advice.

  • During the first day, it is undesirable to touch the eyes, put pressure on them and squint. You can wipe the tear with a clean handkerchief or napkin. Before doing this, be sure to wash your hands. Do not use tap water for washing.
  • If your eye feels itchy at first, don't worry.
  • For elimination pain The ophthalmologist may prescribe pain medications.
  • The increase in visual acuity occurs gradually. Usually, at first, the patient sees a “fog” before his eyes.

  • It is advisable not to drink alcohol in the first month, to give up excessive physical exertion, not to go to the bathhouse, swimming pool, not to use cosmetics and watch TV as little as possible.
  • Sleeping on the side where the operated eye is located is not allowed.
  • When going outside, it is better to use a bandage. It won't be needed indoors. Sunglasses are recommended.
  • Drops should be used until the doctor decides to refuse them.
  • Do not panic if red spots appear on the eye protein. They will disappear over time.
  • If a sharp pain appeared in the eye, vision suddenly deteriorated, a strong discharge began from the eyes or foreign body should seek help immediately.

If you have vision problems, you should not delay treatment. The sooner a person passes the examination, the less consequences will arise.

1. Diagnostic eye examination and list of tests for surgery

When vision begins to deteriorate, and especially if it happens abruptly, we go to an ophthalmologist for a diagnostic examination. In any modern eye clinic, you will first get an outpatient card, ask if you have allergic reactions, including to various medications, ask questions about the available chronic diseases in organism.

Then you will be given a set of examinations on various devices, which will allow you to determine your visual acuity, intraocular pressure level, visual field width, etc.
Finally, having all the diagnostic data, the ophthalmologist will examine your eyes on a slit lamp (biomicroscope), examine the fundus and make a final diagnosis.

If your disease requires surgical treatment, and you decide to be operated on in this eye clinic, then you must be given the necessary list of tests and a list of specialists for a diagnostic examination before a planned operation. This is a mandatory requirement of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
For such surgical diseases as cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment, keratoconus, hemophthalmia, the list of tests will be identical and include the following items:

  • Blood sugar test
  • Coagulogram
  • Complete urinalysis and complete blood count
  • Blood test for hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis B (Hbs-ag), syphilis (RW), AIDS (HIV)
  • Fluorography
  • Therapist's Conclusion
  • Dentist's opinion
  • If a person has had serious sinus problems in the past, an x-ray of the sinuses may be needed to rule out acute inflammatory problems.

    2. The importance of general tests before elective eye surgery

    Passing the above list of tests and consulting a number of specialists are by no means useless requirements that complicate the path to elective eye surgery, such as cataract removal (phacoemulsification). On the contrary, it is done in the interests of the patient and his future surgeon.

    For example, according to a general analysis of blood and urine, one can understand whether a person has acute inflammatory diseases in the body. In this case, in the first place, you need to treat them, not the eyes.
    The ophthalmologist will determine whether or not you have diabetes by a blood sugar test. And in case of high glucose levels, they will urgently refer you to an endocrinologist
    When viewing the conclusion on fluorography, it is important that there were no inflammations of the lungs and active forms of tuberculosis at the time of the operation. Immunity in these diseases is reduced and this will lead to a sharp slowdown in the healing of the eye and the risk of infectious complications.
    The dentist will verify the presence or absence of pronounced carious processes of the teeth or serious inflammation of the oral cavity, especially in the upper jaw.
    An electrocardiogram will show the state of your cardiac activity, the absence of painless forms of myocardial infarction by the time of a planned eye operation.
    If suddenly you have hepatitis B or C, HIV or syphilis in your blood, the clinic staff will take maximum precautions to operate on you, but at the same time not to transmit these infections to other patients and clinic staff. This refers to a special level of sterilization of instruments and cleaning of the operating room.
    Finally, a consultation and examination by a general practitioner is very important in order to give you final approval for elective ophthalmic surgery. The therapist must evaluate all the above test results and examinations of other specialists and understand how your body is ready for surgery.

    3. It is dangerous to operate on the eyes without general tests.

    The point is that our eyes are integral part of the whole organism and if at the time of eye surgery there are serious inflammatory problems or decompensation of diabetes mellitus, then all this can lead to serious inflammatory complications in the eyes in the postoperative period, up to the loss of the eyeball.
    During the operation itself, various medications are injected into the patient's eye and vein, which can affect the entire body. Therefore, if the general state of the patient's health is not known, the occurrence of various kinds of unforeseen situations with the general state can confuse both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. They will not be able to adequately and promptly help you, because they do not know what is happening to you.
    The health of your eyes, your overall health and safety should come first for any professional doctor and eye clinic. We hope you understand that you should be wary if the clinic tells you before a planned operation that tests are not needed!

    4. Requirements of the ophthalmological clinic "Lege Artis"

    In the Moscow eye clinic "Lege Artis" they take seriously the issue of preparing the patient for the upcoming operation. Submission of analyzes and provision of their results - mandatory requirement our clinic, as we are truly interested in reliable results and in your health.

    In some cases, with a potential threat of complications from general condition(pronounced allergic reactions, decompensation of such diseases as: diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma etc.), we give recommendations to be operated on in a multidisciplinary hospital, which are given solely in the interests of the patient.

    All materials on the site are prepared by specialists in the field of surgery, anatomy and specialized disciplines.
    All recommendations are indicative and are not applicable without consulting the attending physician.

    Cataract is a disease associated with clouding of the lens of the eye. This is a kind of lens through which all the rays of the visible spectrum are refracted and fall on the sensitive cells of the retina. By changing the curvature of the lens, a person has the ability to focus on objects at different distances. He can read, sew, watch theater performances, view landscapes from a mountainside.

    With a cataract, the proteins that make up the lens begin to denature, i.e., break down. As a result, the person loses the ability to see clearly. To slow down this process for some time, special preparations produced in the form of drops can. But only cataract surgery - replacing the lens with an artificial one - allows you to radically solve the problem and restore vision to a person.

    Cataract symptoms, indications for surgery

    Among doctors there is no unanimity at the moment about the stage at which it is better to carry out the operation. A few years ago, ophthalmologists believed that cataracts should be allowed to “ripen”, in the early stages of the disease they preferred not to take risks and did not offer lens replacement. Today, most experts say that best solution there will be an operation in the early stages of the disease.

    At the moment, the following stages of eye cataract are distinguished:

    Preparing for the operation

    All necessary tests must be submitted within 10 to 30 days before the operation (different organizations have their own restrictions). The direction is issued for the following types of research:

    1. General blood analysis.
    2. General urine analysis.
    3. Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
    4. Study on blood clotting, blood circulation speed.
    5. Blood sugar test.
    6. Urinalysis for sugar.
    7. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
    8. Fluorography.
    9. Visit to ENT.
    10. A visit to the dentist and treatment of all inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
    11. Visiting a therapist and obtaining a conclusion about the patient's health.
    12. Visiting a specialist doctor in the presence of chronic diseases and obtaining an opinion authorizing cataract surgery.

    Some medical centers offer to undergo a series of tests directly with them. It is possible to present additional requirements, as well as a shortened list, depending on the policy of the clinic, hospital, and the presence of epidemics in the locality. All data must be provided during the examination by an ophthalmologist before the operation.

    Hospitalization, prosthetic lens

    You usually need to go to the clinic or hospital the day before your cataract surgery. On this day, the patient is examined again by an ophthalmologist who will carry out the procedure, studies all his tests. In some private clinics, blood is taken from the patient to separate the plasma. It is administered to the patient after surgery for his speedy rehabilitation.

    The patient is introduced to the stages of the operation, they explain how important it is not to worry and follow all the doctor's commands- look straight ahead, without blinking, lower your eyes down, focus on a point. In the evening, you must refuse dinner. In older people, blood pressure may increase, the heartbeat accelerates. These symptoms should be reported to the doctor, try to calm down.

    For 1-2 hours, the patient is instilled with drops to dilate the pupils. When they begin to act, the doctor invites you to go to the operating room. The patient should be dressed in a T-shirt with a short sleeve for constant pressure control. In addition, he will be asked to put on a sterile set of clothes. Prosthetics is performed on the operating table. The total procedure time rarely exceeds 30 minutes. The patient is given drops with an anesthetic, in rare cases an injection is given.

    Modern procedures are based on the principle of ultrasonic or laser phacoemulsification. The essence of the operation consists of into grinding the lens and sucking it out of the chamber.

    phacoemulsification: stages of operation

    Through a micro-incision (2 mm), a special liquid is first introduced into the anterior chamber of the eye. It should protect tissues from radiation, especially the cornea. The surgeon then goes through a process called capsulorhexis– opening of the lens chamber and its partial removal.

    After that, a device with a tip that emits ultrasound, or a laser, is inserted into the lens. The crushing process begins. The lens turns into a liquid emulsion. The patient does not feel any pain. He can see flashes of light, red laser lights, etc.

    Destroyed lens tissue is removed with an aspirator. After that, a tube is inserted into the incision, in which there is a folded artificial lens. She straightens herself, the doctor can only slightly adjust the process. The patient will feel this as a slight pressure, stroking the eye. There is no need to stitch the incision.

    After the operation, the patient goes to the ward. In some private clinics, patients are immediately sent home. Such an outcome is undesirable, since close supervision by a specialist doctor is necessary for at least a day.

    Video: laser cataract surgery

    Taking medication after surgery

    Depending on the patient's condition and the success of the operation, the following drugs may be prescribed:

    Rules for instillation of eye drops

    The total period of taking drugs in the absence of complications and infection is up to 4 weeks with a gradual decrease in dosage. It is desirable that the instillation is carried out by a second person. To do this, you need to wash your hands, the patient is laid on the couch or sits down and tilts his head back. In this case, the gaze should be directed upwards.

    The assistant pulls the lower eyelid and drips the drug between it and the eyeball.

    Important! Avoid touching the tip of the pipette with the patient's mucosa!

    If several drops are prescribed, then a five-minute break should be taken between them. For maximum effect, the lower eyelid can be pressed against the eyeball for a few seconds through a sterile napkin.

    Complications after surgery

    After lens prosthetics, the following unpleasant consequences may occur:

    Recovery period

    It is extremely important in the first month to follow all the prescriptions of the doctor and to visit the ophthalmologist in a timely manner for periodic checks.

    In the memo, the patient is usually advised to follow the following rules for speedy rehabilitation after surgery:

    • Wearing sunglasses.
    • Sleep on the back or on the side opposite the operated eye.
    • Avoid bending, strenuous exercise, lifting heavy weights.
    • Refusal of eye makeup.
    • Avoid hypothermia or, conversely, overheating.
    • You need to touch the eye only with clean hands, without pressing on the apple.
    • Do not wash the eye with soap, wipe it with clean water using a sterile cotton swab.

    Operation cost, private clinics

    In case of cataract, the operation to replace the lens can be carried out free of charge according to the quota. First of all, such an opportunity is provided to certain social categories of citizens - in particular, pensioners and the disabled. The number of free operations depends on the region, funding, availability of specialists in the field and necessary equipment. If you want to use a foreign-made prosthesis, patients will have to pay for it themselves, but part of the money spent can be returned.

    You can carry out an operation for money without waiting for your turn. In this case, the cost of the lens is included in the payment for the procedure. Sometimes you will have to pay separately for some tests or medicines. The cost can range from 40,000 to 120,000 rubles. It is influenced by the chosen lens, the complexity of the operation (treatment of mature and overripe cataracts is more expensive), the presence of additional eye diseases, the status of the clinic. Many private medical centers have reviews on the Internet, according to which you can study the quality of the services they provide and make a choice.

    In Moscow, the following clinics can be distinguished, which are chosen by patients:

    For cataracts, surgery is a must. It can be delayed for a while, but cannot be excluded, since only it gives a chance to save vision.

    Video: cataract, operation progress, rehabilitation

    But later, you will still need surgical removal - cataract surgery. Analyzes are an integral part of the general examination in order for the patient to be operated on. Without fulfilling specific requirements, the patient may be denied an operation.

    The essence of preoperative preparation

    What are the requirements for patients who are scheduled for cataract removal?

    • If the patient uses contact lenses, they must be removed 7 days before the operation. Although sometimes this period can be longer.
    • On the day when the surgery will be carried out, it is forbidden to eat any food and liquid.
    • For 3 days you should give up alcoholic beverages. They are not recommended for 2 weeks after treatment.
    • Be sure to take a shower. Hair and face must be clean.
    • On the day of surgery, wear comfortable and loose clothing, preferably not woolen or synthetic. Patients are advised to choose trousers. Before the procedure, a sterile disposable suit is issued.
    • Cosmetics for women are prohibited. You can not use perfume, cologne, deodorants. Remove all makeup from the eye area.

    In addition, the patient must pass important tests for the upcoming treatment.

    • general blood test;
    • general analysis of urine;
    • biochemical analysis of blood;
    • blood on RW;
    • blood for antibodies to hepatitis B and C;
    • blood for HIV;
    • chest fluorography;
    • electrocardiography.

    The patient also undergoes a dentist, ENT, endocrinologist, allergist, cardiologist and therapist. The latter must confirm that there are no contraindications for cataract removal.

    Characteristic features of the phacoemulsification method

    Modern surgery is developing at a rapid pace. And thanks to a wide variety of artificial lenses that replace the affected lens, vision in most patients is restored completely. The rehabilitation period itself was reduced in terms to a minimum. Sometimes the patient is allowed to go home two hours after the end of the operation. Phacoemulsification is the most modern and safe method.

    The positive aspects of the operation include:

    1. Painlessness.
    2. No seams.
    3. Rapid recovery of visual functions (2-3 days).

    If the doctor detects a developing cataract, he will advise surgery. But the patient himself decides whether to agree to the implantation of an artificial lens or not. It is important to remember that such a disease progresses, and the longer the removal of the lens is delayed, the greater the likelihood of complications.

    According to ophthalmologists, the best time for surgery is when the cataract is immature. At the moment, the lens is not yet so dense, so ultrasound will be used less.

    This will positively affect the condition of the eyes as a whole.

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    A dense lens is more difficult to grind, which can provoke complications. As a result, additional treatment will be needed, and vision will clear much more slowly.

    An overripe cataract is more likely to cause consequences. This usually results in secondary glaucoma, leading to permanent blindness.

    Reminder for patients

    The recovery of the patient, by and large, will depend on him. Although phacoemulsification allows you to quickly return to your previous activities, you still need to follow some medical advice.

    • During the first day, it is undesirable to touch the eyes, put pressure on them and squint. You can wipe the tear with a clean handkerchief or napkin. Before doing this, be sure to wash your hands. Do not use tap water for washing.
    • If your eye feels itchy at first, don't worry.
    • An ophthalmologist may prescribe medications to relieve pain.
    • The increase in visual acuity occurs gradually. Usually, at first, the patient sees a “fog” before his eyes.
    • It is advisable not to drink alcohol in the first month, to give up excessive physical exertion, not to go to the bathhouse, swimming pool, not to use cosmetics and watch TV as little as possible.
    • Sleeping on the side where the operated eye is located is not allowed.
    • When going outside, it is better to use a bandage. It won't be needed indoors. Sunglasses are recommended.
    • Drops should be used until the doctor decides to refuse them.
    • Do not panic if red spots appear on the eye protein. They will disappear over time.
    • If there is a sharp pain in the eye, vision suddenly deteriorated, a strong discharge began from the eyes, or a foreign body got in, you should immediately seek help.

    Cataract tests for surgery

    Question answer

    Hello! I was diagnosed with keratoconus, my vision is -11, a year ago I had collagenoplasty, now the doctors advised me to do the operation in three stages, the first is the formation of a cap on the cornea, the second is the insertion of an artificial lens and the third laser correction, I would like to know in more detail what keratoconus can lead to and what can be done, what operation! Thank you in advance

    Free legal advice:

    To make an appointment for an operation, you must first consult a surgeon.

    In addition, you will be asked to collect the necessary tests and undergo specialist consultations allowing surgical treatment:

    1. Clinical blood test (formula, bleeding time, clotting).

    2. Blood sugar, prothrombin.

    3. General urine analysis.

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    4. Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, urea, creatinine).

    5. Blood for RV, HIV, Hbs Ag, HCV.

    6. Dental consultation with permission for surgery.

    7. Consultation with an otolaryngologist with permission for surgery.

    8. Electrocardiogram (record and conclusion).

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    9. Chest X-ray or fluorography.

    10. Conclusion of the therapist about the possibility of surgery.

    11. X-ray of the sinuses.

    Consultations of specialists are certified by the personal seal of the doctor and the seal of the medical institution.

    In the absence of one of the tests or consultation of the named specialists, you will be denied hospitalization.

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    All analyzes are valid for 30 days, radiography and fluorography are valid for 1 year.

    If it is difficult to collect tests and undergo consultations at the place of residence, we will help you by issuing a referral to our clinic.

    You can coordinate the date of hospitalization by phone: i.

    On the day of hospitalization, you need to arrive at the Central Department of Eye Microsurgery in the morning from 8-30 to 10-00.

    Results of analyzes and consultations,

    Outpatient cards or other documents containing records of an ophthalmologist about existing eye diseases,

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    Clothing, shoes, toiletries for hospital stays,

    Consumables for the operation.

    You will be asked to pay the cost of the operation, the necessary consultations and the days of hospital stay in the department paid services(Building 3, 1st floor, office No. 9). After that. with a referral for hospitalization, after passing through the admissions department (building 4, 1st floor), you will be hospitalized in a hospital.

    Non-surgical cataract treatment

    Medication treatment for cataracts

    In most cases, pharmacological preparations in the form of topical drops are prescribed to slow down the process of lens clouding, but oral medications are also recommended to enhance the therapeutic effect.

    Among the most common drops that are used to treat cataracts, the following should be mentioned:

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    • "Vicein" is a combination drug, which includes cysteine, glutamic acid, sodium salt of adenosine triphosphoric acid, thiamine bromide, potassium iodide, as well as nicotinic acid, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride. It should be used daily for a year, two drops.
    • Quinax - has an antioxidant effect and protects the eyes from the harmful effects of free radicals. In addition, these drops activate proteolytic enzymes, which promotes the resorption of opaque protein compounds in the lens and makes it more transparent.
    • "Taufon" - drops, the active substance of which is taurine. This compound stimulates the regeneration and repair of eye tissues, improves metabolic processes, stabilizes cell membranes, helps to restore the normal electrolyte composition of the cytoplasm of eye cells, and also normalizes metabolism, therefore it is effectively used for dystrophic eye pathologies, including cataracts.
    • "Oftan Katahrom" is an ophthalmic solution containing cytochrome C, adenosine and nicotinamide, as well as a number of other compounds that exhibit a complex antioxidant effect and stimulate metabolic reactions in the lens cells, which improves its trophism. In addition, this drug inhibits clouding of the transparent structures of the eyes, promotes the restoration of lens cells, improves blood circulation in the tissues of the eye, and reduces inflammatory changes.
    • "Vitaiodurol" - drops that improve metabolism in the lens and prevent the accumulation of protein deposits in it, and also activate cellular nutrition.

    In ophthalmic practice, the treatment of cataracts without surgery also involves the use of medicines, the main components of which are riboflavin, methyluracil, insulin and adenosine triphosphoric acid solution, calcium, magnesium, potassium. To restore lens epithelial cells, an aqueous solution of zinc is often used for instillation into cataract-affected eyes.

    If we talk about oral preparations, the most commonly prescribed is the highly effective "Lutein-complex", which contains blueberry extract, lutein and taurine, as well as a number of vitamins and microelements that improve microcirculation in the tissues of the eye and can slow them down age-related changes. In addition, "Lutein-complex" has a high antioxidant effect. Vitalux Plus and Okuvayt Lutein have a similar pharmacological effect, therefore they are also prescribed for cataracts to slow down the processes of clouding of the lens.

    Physiotherapy for cataracts

    Non-surgical treatment of this ophthalmic disease involves the use of special ophthalmic devices that improve the functional state of the organs of vision. Among them, Sidorenko's glasses should be noted. At the heart of them therapeutic action lies soft vacuum massage.

    What are these glasses? This is an innovative device that looks like goggles for swimmers, but instead of the usual glass, it is equipped with special mini-pressure chambers that allow you to act on the eyes with low-intensity vacuum pressure with a frequency of 3-4 Hz and a range of 0.05 to 0.1 atm.

    The therapeutic effect with the regular use of such glasses is to activate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and reduce venous congestion. In addition, their use stimulates the synthesis of nucleoproteins and proteins, activates enzymes and improves the utilization of glucose, and contributes to the saturation of eye tissues with oxygen. Given this effect on the organs of vision, Sidorenko glasses are recommended for use in the initial stages of cataracts to slow down dystrophic processes.

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    It should be noted that such treatment should be carried out with caution if the patient has hypotension, tuberculosis, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Absolute contraindications to the use of Sidorenko glasses are eye cancer, retinal detachment, severe neurological and mental disorders, pregnancy.

    What is the treatment for cataract? In the initial stages of this pathology, Pankow's points are also used. This is a device that generates light pulses using special LED emitters. When using these glasses, the muscles of the eyes contract rhythmically, as the pupils contract and expand reflexively under the influence of light waves. This activates blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and outflow of intraocular fluid, which improves the nutrition of the lens and other structures of the eye. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, the device is recommended to be used with simultaneous instillation of special vitamin-mineral complexes into the eyes.

    It is worth remembering that in order to obtain positive results, you should not take breaks between sessions for more than 3 days. The first use of Pankow's glasses should only last 3 minutes, and the maximum duration of the session should not exceed 15 minutes per day. As a rule, the course of treatment is 15 sessions. If necessary, the course of such therapy can be repeated in a month.

    Despite the certain effectiveness of the aforementioned pharmacological agents or therapeutic methods, lens opacity is a pathological process that is irreversible.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely cure cataracts with their help. Such treatment can only slow down the development of this disease. To get rid of cataracts forever, it is advisable to carry out surgical treatment. To date, there are several types of operations, but they all come down to the fact that the clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial one, which allows you to fully restore vision.

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    It is worth remembering that if symptoms such as blurred vision, double vision, worsening visual acuity at night, distortion of visible objects and impaired color perception appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these may be the first signs of cataracts. With timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, surgery can be avoided and the progression of the disease can be prevented.

    Cataract: Drops or surgery?

    In the early stages of the disease, conservative treatment may be appropriate. When visual acuity is still high enough, you need to instill special drops to maintain the nutrition of the lens and prevent its further clouding. But at a time when the drugs are no longer able to help, the only way out is surgery. Until recently, it was believed that the removal of a cloudy lens can be shown only when the cataract is fully mature. But this dooms the patient to complete dependence on the disease, because this very maturation can last for years. No glasses help, the lens continues to become cloudy, life turns into hard labor ... In a word, such an approach to the treatment of cataracts has long been outdated. Modern medicine allows intervention at any stage of a cataract, and the earlier the operation is performed, the less the risk of complications and the greater the chance of success.

    When diagnosing before surgery, methods used in all leading ophthalmological clinics in the world are used. These diagnostic methods allow not only to make a diagnosis, but also to reject a previously diagnosed diagnosis in other institutions, which practically eliminates the error in determining the indications for surgical treatment of initial cataract.

    If desired, surgical treatment is possible on the day of the request for diagnostics, provided that the patient brings with him the tests necessary for being in the operating room.

    List necessary analyzes during surgery without hospitalization:

    Free legal advice:

    • Blood for ARS, MR
    • General blood analysis
    • General urine analysis.

    Shelf life 1 month.

  • blood for sugar

    Operations are performed according to the technology "surgery of one day" generally accepted all over the world. This allows patients to be operated on an outpatient basis and go home 2 hours after the operation. The next visit is in the morning.

    The center has a day hospital, where, if necessary, patients stay and receive the prescribed treatment in the wards of increased comfort.

    For hospitalization in the Department of Eye Microsurgery, doctors' conclusions and functional tests are required, which can be done at our hospital:

    • Blood for ARS, MR
    • Australian antigen (HBs+HCV)
    • General blood analysis
    • General urine analysis
    • Blood for clotting
    • blood for sugar
    • ECG with conclusion
    • Shelf life 14 days
  • Fluorogram of the chest organs
    • Dentist 1 month
    • ENT 1 month
    • Gynecologist 6 months
    • Endocrinologist (for diabetes mellitus - diagnosis, correction and the possibility of surgical intervention)
    • Conclusion of the therapist on the possibility of surgical intervention

    1. The Zeiss IOL-Master diagnostic complex allows extremely accurate calculation of the strength of the required lens.

    In the clinic, the calculation of the strength of the artificial lens is based on interference laser beam on the IOL MASTER device, which provides the most predictable vision. There is no analogue of such a device. This technology- the most accurate.

    The operating unit is equipped modern system ventilation with bactericidal filters. Work in the operating room is carried out under overpressure, which excludes the ingress of non-sterile air. This reduces the risk of postoperative complications.

    We use only imported artificial lenses from leading companies: USA, England.

    During the operation, special protectors are used that protect the eye as much as possible during the operation, and, therefore, make the surgical injury minimal.

    we use a temporal section during the operation. which is the least traumatic (i.e. quickly self-sealing and does not change the curvature of the cornea in the postoperative period).

    Surgical experience multiplied by the best equipment, Consumables, modern artificial lenses, innovative methods of diagnostics and surgery, individual approach for each patient - this is the high-quality treatment of the modern level at the Eye Microsurgery Center.

    2. A modern surgical machine from Alcon-Accurus in combination with a xenon illuminator and a Zeiss laser makes it possible to perform all types of eye surgeries using a seamless method.

    3. Operations are broadcast on the monitor and recorded on video.

    During the operation, local anesthesia is used (no painful injections). This type of anesthesia allows you to minimally influence the general condition of the patient, and, therefore, expands the indications for surgical intervention. Therefore, every day we operate on several patients who are refused in other medical institutions due to the risk of general anesthesia due to the serious condition of the body.

    Cataract. Preparing for the operation

    Today we will talk about preparing a patient for cataract surgery.

    What you need to remember the patient going to the operation

    Proper preparation for surgery, as well as subsequent strict adherence to the rules of the postoperative regimen, is essential for the health of the patient preparing for surgical treatment.

    Preparation for the operation begins long before the patient is hospitalized in a medical institution.

    It includes not only a number of important measures to improve the state of health, the preparation of the necessary clothing, personal hygiene products, as well as items that allow you to fill your free time from treatment, but also the development of a certain psychological attitude, which consists in a calm, balanced, correct and sober attitude. for the upcoming surgery.

    Before entering the Eye Microsurgery Center for cataract surgery. you need to pass a certain list of examinations and get advice from related specialists.

    The list of tests that are necessary for hospitalization:

    • general blood analysis
    • blood sugar test
    • blood test for RW
    • blood test for HBs antigen
    • general urine analysis
    • urinalysis for sugar
    • fluorogram
    • electrocardiogram
    • bakposev from the conjunctival cavity for microflora

    List of consultations of related specialists:

    1. Dental consultation - the dentist must make sure that there are no foci of chronic inflammation in the oral cavity, which can lead to infection in the postoperative period.

    2. ENT consultation - the doctor must make sure that you do not have chronic foci of inflammation that can lead to infection in the postoperative period. In the presence of chronic diseases of the ENT organs, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment until a stable remission is achieved.

    3. Consultation with a urologist - required only for men

    4. Consultation with a gynecologist

    5. Physician's consultation - your physician, after all the necessary research, will issue you a permit for the operation.

    After all the tests have been passed and consultations have been received, direct preparation for hospitalization begins.

    A few days before your surgery, your ophthalmologist will give you eye drops to put in both eyes to reduce the risk of infection during and after your surgery.

    What to bring with you to the operation:

    1. Passport and others Required documents(certificate of benefits, etc.)

    2. Results of analyzes and examinations

    3. Clinic card or hospitalization order

    4. Lightweight change of clothes and shoes

    5.Personal hygiene items

    In the Eye Microsurgery Center cataract surgery is performed both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital. The choice of hospitalization mode depends on the general condition of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathology, as well as on the wishes of the patient himself.

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    What tests are needed for eye surgery

    in eye surgery

    The importance of general tests for eye surgery.

    1. Diagnostic eye examination and list of tests for surgery

    When vision begins to deteriorate, and especially if it happens abruptly, we go to an ophthalmologist for a diagnostic examination. In any modern eye clinic, you will first get an outpatient card, ask if you have allergic reactions, including to various medications, and ask questions about existing chronic diseases in the body.

    Then you will be given a set of examinations on various devices, which will allow you to determine your visual acuity, intraocular pressure level, visual field width, etc.

    Finally, having all the diagnostic data, the ophthalmologist will examine your eyes on a slit lamp (biomicroscope), examine the fundus and make a final diagnosis.

    If your disease requires surgical treatment, and you decide to be operated on in this eye clinic, then you must be given the necessary list of tests and a list of specialists for a diagnostic examination before a planned operation. This is a mandatory requirement of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    For surgical diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment, keratoconus, hemophthalmia, the list of tests will be identical and include the following items:

  • Blood sugar test
  • Coagulogram
  • Complete urinalysis and complete blood count
  • Blood test for hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis B (Hbs-ag), syphilis (RW), AIDS (HIV)
  • Fluorography
  • Therapist's Conclusion
  • Dentist's opinion

    If a person has had serious sinus problems in the past, an x-ray of the sinuses may be needed to rule out acute inflammatory problems.

    2. The importance of general tests before elective eye surgery

    Passing the above list of tests and consulting a number of specialists are by no means useless requirements that complicate the path to elective eye surgery, such as cataract removal (phacoemulsification). On the contrary, it is done in the interests of the patient and his future surgeon.

    For example, according to a general analysis of blood and urine, one can understand whether a person has acute inflammatory diseases in the body. In this case, in the first place, you need to treat them, not the eyes.

    The ophthalmologist will determine whether or not you have diabetes by a blood sugar test. And in case of high glucose levels, they will urgently refer you to an endocrinologist

    When viewing the conclusion on fluorography, it is important that there were no inflammations of the lungs and active forms of tuberculosis at the time of the operation. Immunity in these diseases is reduced and this will lead to a sharp slowdown in the healing of the eye and the risk of infectious complications.

    The dentist will verify the presence or absence of pronounced carious processes of the teeth or serious inflammation of the oral cavity, especially in the upper jaw.

    An electrocardiogram will show the state of your cardiac activity, the absence of painless forms of myocardial infarction by the time of a planned eye operation.

    If suddenly you have hepatitis B or C, HIV or syphilis in your blood, the clinic staff will take maximum precautions to operate on you, but at the same time not to transmit these infections to other patients and clinic staff. This refers to a special level of sterilization of instruments and cleaning of the operating room.

    Finally, a consultation and examination by a general practitioner is very important in order to give you final approval for elective ophthalmic surgery. The therapist must evaluate all the above test results and examinations of other specialists and understand how your body is ready for surgery.

    3. It is dangerous to operate on the eyes without general tests.

    The thing is that our eyes are an integral part of the whole organism, and if at the time of eye surgery there are serious inflammatory problems or decompensation of diabetes mellitus, then all this can lead to serious inflammatory complications in the postoperative period in the eyes, up to the loss of the eyeball.

    During the operation itself, various medications are injected into the patient's eye and vein, which can affect the entire body. Therefore, if the general state of the patient's health is not known, the occurrence of various kinds of unforeseen situations with the general state can confuse both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. They will not be able to adequately and promptly help you, because they do not know what is happening to you.

    The health of your eyes, your overall health and safety should come first for any professional doctor and eye clinic. We hope you understand that you should be wary if the clinic tells you before a planned operation that tests are not needed!

    4. Requirements of the ophthalmological clinic "Lege Artis"

    In the Moscow eye clinic "Lege Artis" they take seriously the issue of preparing the patient for the upcoming operation. Taking tests and providing results is a mandatory requirement of our clinic, as we are really interested in reliable results and in your health.

    In some cases, with a potential threat of complications from the general condition (pronounced allergic reactions, decompensation of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, etc.), we give recommendations to be operated on in a multidisciplinary hospital, which are given solely in the interests of the patient.

    Hospitalization rules

    After a diagnostic examination, verification of the diagnosis and a decision on the need for surgical treatment, you are assigned the day of the operation, but you need to check how ready your body is for surgical intervention. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and pass a list of tests. The validity of the examination results and the duration of the analyzes differ depending on the type of examination. The list of tests and examinations recommended for delivery before the operation is presented below.

    List of tests for surgery at the Center for Diagnostics and Eye Surgery:

    1. General clinical analysis of blood, duration of bleeding, clotting time, platelets (test period - 14 days).
    2. General clinical analysis of urine (shelf life of analyzes - 14 days).
    3. Blood test for blood type, Rh factor (validity of tests - 14 days).
    4. Blood test for RW, blood test for HIV, hepatitis markers (HCV, HbsAg) (validity of tests - 90 days).
    5. Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, blood electrolytes, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (for patients with diabetes), prothrombin index (test period - 1 month).
    6. Electrocardiogram with interpretation (valid for 14 days).
    7. Conclusion of chest radiography (valid for 6 months).
    8. Conclusion on the absence of contraindications for eye surgery:
    • therapist;
    • Endocrinologist - for patients with diabetes;
    • Nephrologist - for patients with chronic renal failure;
    • Cardiologist - for patients with cardiovascular pathology;
    • Other specialists in whom the patient is constantly monitored for concomitant diseases.

    The modern level of ophthalmosurgery allows performing eye operations on an outpatient basis, in the "one-day hospital" mode. So, for example, in many European countries and the USA, patients who are scheduled for surgery arrive at the clinic in the morning before the operation, in the preoperative ward they undergo a little preparation for the operation, and medical staff forwards them to the operating room. Being at home before the operation among people close to him allows you to reduce the stress associated with the need for a surgical operation.

    Preoperative preparation for surgery (preparation of the patient for surgery):

    • In the morning before the operation, a light breakfast is allowed, but not less than 4 hours before the surgical treatment (except for patients with diabetes mellitus).
    • Taking medications that are constantly taken by the patient for concomitant pathology should be continued on the day of surgery.
    • On the day of surgery, wash your face thoroughly, wash your hair and do not use cosmetics.
    • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before the operation, it is advisable to refrain from smoking.
    • On the day of the operation, you must arrive at the Clinic by the appointed time, the presence of accompanying persons is mandatory. You must have with you: an identity document, a medical history, test results, a set of cotton underwear, a change of shoes (slippers).
    • After completing the documents for hospitalization, the attending physician informs you in detail before the operation about the course and scope of the upcoming operation, the possible risks of the operation and the complications in case of refusing it.

    Table. Validity of analyzes and surveys.

    Examinations and list of analyzes

    General clinical blood test

    General clinical analysis of urine

    Blood test for clotting time, duration of bleeding

    Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, blood electrolytes, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, prothrombin index

    Conclusion of specialists (therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc.)

    Blood test for RW, HIV, hepatitis markers (HCV, HbsAg)

    Radiography (fluorography) of the chest, paranasal sinuses, Holter monitoring, echocardiography