In a private house      04.03.2021

Age-related changes in a woman's body: what is important to know. How we age: Age-related changes in human organs, tissues and cells General characteristics of age-related changes in the human body

Changes in the musculoskeletal system. With age, the mineralization of the musculoskeletal system decreases: the mineralization of bone tissue decreases with the development of osteoporosis. This leads to the development of various fractures. Changes occur not only in the bone, but also in the cartilaginous tissue, contributing to the curvature of the spine and shortening of human growth. Not only the posture is disturbed, but also the gait, becoming more shaky and unstable.

Changes in the hematopoiesis, cardiovascular system. First of all, the changes relate to the formation of uniform elements. In the process of aging, fat and connective tissue replace the bone marrow with a decrease in the number of active cells. There is a decrease in erythropoiesis. Changes in the ratio of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems lead to the formation of thrombosis, embolism and increase the likelihood of ischemic strokes. Thickening of the endocardium begins, the development of coronary atherosclerosis with an increased risk of developing a heart attack. Changes occur in the vascular wall, accompanied by a decrease in the elasticity of the arteries due to the replacement of smooth muscles with collagen. This may explain the increase in blood pressure in the elderly.

Respiratory changes. With age, first of all, there is an increase in the size of the alveoli, the disappearance of the partitions between them, and the development of emphysema. A decrease in the number of elastic fibers leads to a limitation in the extensibility and elasticity of the lung tissue. All this leads to a decrease in ventilation of the alveoli and a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs. The number of pulmonary capillaries decreases. This leads to a decrease in the load carrying capacity.

Changes in the digestive system. There is a significant decrease in the tone of the intestinal wall and an increase in the length of the small intestine. In this regard, the intensity of parietal digestion decreases, the regeneration of the mucous membrane slows down, and the absorption of certain nutrients decreases. Changes concern the liver (decline in enzyme activity) and pancreas (decrease in proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic activity). IN gallbladder there is stagnation of bile with an increase in the tendency to stone formation. Starting from middle age, esophageal peristalsis disorders occur, which can lead to atrophic gastritis. The motor and secretory function of the stomach is also weakened, which often leads to constipation. Due to the less efficient utilization of fats, an increase in the level of blood lipids occurs, the level of cholesterol increases and the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaques increases.

Changes in the excretory system. The mass of the kidneys, renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate are reduced. Men develop prostate adenoma. Due to the loss of elasticity of the walls of the urinary tract, the risk of urine reflux and the upward spread of infection increases. Urinary incontinence becomes common with age.

Changes in the skin and its appendages. Skin changes are the most visible signs of old age. Obliteration of arterioles and dilatation of veins occur. In places exposed to the sun, pigmentary changes appear - dermatoheliosis. Wrinkling, sagging, dry skin appears. There is a progressive loss of hair pigment, loss. Nails become more brittle, lose transparency and become thicker.

Reproduction. In the reproductive system of men after 50 years, spermatogenesis weakens, the concentration of testosterone in the blood decreases. The main cause of impotence in old age is atherosclerosis of the arteries and changes in the venous system of the genital organs. In women around the age of 50, menopause occurs, atrophy of the vulva, vagina and urethra develops. Menopause is often accompanied by mood instability, irritability, often depression.

Endocrine system. Numerous disorders associated with changes in the structure of hormones and their activity begin in the endocrine system. Changes as you age molecular mass and reduced TSH activity. There are changes in the regulation of glucose metabolism. The number of P-cells in the pancreas decreases. In response to an increase in glucose concentration, they release less insulin into the blood. Insulin activity drops and glucose uptake by the muscles is impaired, which may be accompanied by the development of diabetes mellitus.

Changes in sensory systems. With age, hearing is significantly reduced due to an increase in the rigidity of the basilar membrane, atrophy of the organ of Corti and metabolic insufficiency due to degeneration of the vascular stria. The gradual death of neurons reduces the ability to process sound information.

Visual impairment is associated with a decrease in the elasticity of the lens. The transparency of the lens deteriorates, and in pathological conditions (cataract) it becomes cloudy. In the cornea, due to changes in lipids, the development of the senile arc may occur. Sometimes there are changes in the Schlemm's canal with a violation of the circulation of the aqueous humor of the eye. After 75 years, the pigment epithelium gradually degenerates. These structural changes are accompanied by a decrease in the visual acuity of distant objects. Weaken light, color and contrast sensitivity. Often develops glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure) and atrophy of the optic nerve.

The number of taste buds decreases, especially in the anterior part of the tongue, which leads to a weakening of sensations: first - sweet, then - sour and bitter. Saliva production is reduced. In advanced cases, taste sensitivity is lost to such an extent that food loses its taste, appetite disappears, and the nutrition process is disturbed. Due to the ongoing atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the degeneration of olfactory neurons, the perception of odors is weakened. Pain, temperature, tactile, vibration and somatic sensitivity also decrease.

Mental functioning in old age. Changes occurring in the nervous system are also associated with cell atrophy and death. Already after 50 years, changes begin in the cerebral cortex and in the basal ganglia. Cell loss leads to the development of diseases (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's). A decrease in cerebral blood flow leads to the death of many neurons. There is a deterioration of the memory process: memorization, storage and reproduction of information. The process of learning and assimilation becomes practically impossible. new information and skills. The experience gained largely compensates for the decline logical abilities. Significant changes occur in the character: resentment, tearfulness, anxiety and egocentrism increase. The main manifestation of the senile psyche is a decrease in the ability to adapt to changing social conditions. Often there is an increased tendency to take various drugs and the need to discuss in detail the state of one's health. Deteriorating health increases depression and causes suicidal thoughts. Lack of understanding of what is happening and reduced adaptive capacity lead to a distance from the world, which is manifested by disapproval of the new order for moral reasons.

With the development of senile diseases, intellectual abilities can be destroyed up to the loss of the ability to count; destruction of speech, writing, reading, memory.


Almost throughout the history of mankind, death occurred in much more early age than in our time. No more than 10% of the population survived the age of more than 40 years, and only 50% reached the age of 20. Out of 40 Neanderthals known to science, only 1 was over 50 years old, out of 76 Homo sapiens of the Upper Paleolithic, only 2 died over the age of 50, etc. These figures, apparently, are also characteristic of all modern or recent communities of gatherers, hunters, and primitive farmers. In the pre-agricultural group of Indians, mortality under the age of 21 reached 57% - about the same as in Ancient Greece. Among the Indians of the Great Plains, mortality in childhood and adolescence was also very high - from 44 to 97%! Similar figures can be given for African peoples.

In ancient Greece, with the growth of culture, improved nutrition and advances in medicine, life expectancy steadily, albeit slowly, increased. In Egypt during the Roman Empire, life expectancy was about 22 years.

Life expectancy in ancient times was 20-30 years, for the English of the XIII century. - 35 years.

In the Middle Ages, based on Halley's records, and over the next almost 500 years (until the 18th century), the average life expectancy changed very little and amounted to 33.5-35.5 years.

The gradual increase in the standard of living in the next 2 centuries led to an increase in the average life expectancy to 40.9 years. in the middle of the 19th century, until 49.2. at the beginning of the twentieth century. in the USA in 1945. reached 65.8 years. In economically developed countries The average life expectancy has now reached 70 years.

Average duration life in Russia in 1896-97 was 32 years, in the USSR in 1926-27 - 44 years, in 1958-59 - 69 years, in 1970-71 - 70 years. This is the result of improving the welfare of the population, improving working conditions, living conditions, recreation and nutrition, the development of medical science and health care, as well as reducing the level of infant mortality. However, the gap in life expectancy between Russia and European countries widened to 7-10 years for women and 14-17 years for men between 1986 and 1994. By the mid-90s, Russia occupies 133-134th place in the world in terms of life expectancy for men, and 90-100th place in terms of life expectancy for women.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the average life expectancy at birth, which is calculated according to demography and scientific forecasting, according to statistics, is:

Table 11

Life expectancy of the population of some countries (according to the geographical directory

Place A country Average life expectancy, years husband. female
Andorra 82,75 80.4 85.1
Japan 82,15 78.7 85.6
3-4 San Marino, Singapore
France 77.7 84.3
6-13 Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Iceland, Canada, Italy, Monaco, Norway
Israel 79,9 76.5 83.3
15-23 Spain, Liechtenstein, Greece, Austria, Malta, Luxembourg, South Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand
Germany 79,05 82.1
25-29 Belgium, UK, Finland, Jordan, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
USA 78,1 75.2
31-78 Cyprus, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, Albania, Kuwait, Costa Rica, Chile, Libya, Slovenia, Poland, Ecuador, Georgia, Czech Republic, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, United United Arab Emirates, Trinidad and Tobago, Paraguay, Tunisia, Brunei, Serbia, Dominica, Croatia, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Panama, Bahrain, Montenegro, Lithuania, Macedonia, Saint Lucia, Qatar, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Oman, Algeria, Venezuela , Suriname, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Solomon Islands, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Barbados
China 72,95 71.1 74.8
80-116 Turkey, Mauritius, Malaysia, Brazil, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Thailand, Estonia, Seychelles, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Colombia, Romania, North Korea, El Salvador, Latvia, Egypt, Samoa, Morocco, Vietnam, Cape Verde, Nicaragua , Palau, Syria, Marshall Islands, Iran, Philippines, Federated States of Micronesia, Moldova, Indonesia, Tonga, Fiji, Belarus, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan,
India 68,75 66.3 71.2
118-128 Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, Belize, Ukraine, Sao Tome and Principe, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, East Timor, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Guyana
Russia 66,05 59.1
130-191 Bahamas, Papua New Guinea, Grenada, Uzbekistan, Maldives, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Nauru, Vanuatu, Bangladesh, Comoros, Yemen, Kiribati, Myanmar, Madagascar, Cambodia, Nepal, Eritrea, Ghana, Togo, Congo, Democratic Republic, Haiti, Senegal, Laos, Kenya, Bhutan, Gambia, Gabon, Benin, Mauritania, Congo, Republic, Cameroon, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Botswana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Rwanda, Côte d' Ivoire, Somalia, Nigeria, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola
Swaziland 32,2 31.8 32.6

It is worth noting that the smallest gap in life expectancy between men and women is observed in China, it is the only one of all countries in which men and women are approximately balanced and live the same long.

Aging becomes an unpleasant event in the life of any woman. With age, the condition of the skin will only get worse. Many mistakenly believe that the reason lies in insufficient care, exposure to external factors, natural stretching of the skin. Indirectly, these factors Negative influence on appearance, But main reason age-related skin changes lie deeper.

Each type of appearance has its own aging scenario, however, certain periods of life are characterized by similar age-related changes in the skin of the face.

From the age of 14 to 21, the appearance loses its childlike softness. Skin covering gradually becomes denser, and facial features lose their roundness, become clear.

The face is finally formed between the ages of 21 and 30. The main influence on the process is the character, facial expressions. The outlines become clearer, more pronounced. There are practically no signs of aging.

Average age characterizes the accumulation obvious signs aging. The forehead, corners of the mouth, eyelids are covered with wrinkles. The features soften, the oval begins to float, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. Gray hair appears.

Aging at the age of 60 on the face is displayed by confident wrinkles, thin saggy skin or swollen features. The eyes become deeply set, they are framed by protruding brow ridges. The lines are blurred. Gray hair becomes thinner, it becomes much less.

In deep senile age, the face is completely covered with deep wrinkles. The lips become thinner, they are also covered with wrinkles. The cheeks fall, the skin on them sags even more. The elongated nose looks sharp, and the eyes are small due to drooping eyelids.

Why does the face age?

Outwardly, the effort of the face is expressed by the appearance of wrinkles and the distortion of its features. With a global study of the issue, it becomes clear that the main cause is the deformation of the muscles under the skin. They are of two types: mimic and chewing. In various situations (sleep, work, manifestation of emotions), the behavior of these muscles is quite individual, which serves as the basis for age-related skin changes.

The struggle for youth is doomed to failure if you approach the problem superficially or with insufficient knowledge. Having studied in detail, you can aim to work with a specific problem. The main difference is the mounting methods. Mimic with one side are attached to the bone, and with the other they fall directly into the skin, chewing with two ends come into contact with the bones of the skull. The appearance of the skin depends on their condition.

Face change with age

Diagnosis of age-related changes

You can check the presence of muscle blocks that affect facial aging using self-diagnosis in the following video:

Types of aging and their characteristics

All people age at their own pace. Someone at an early age has gray hair and a network of wrinkles covers the face. And someone's face significantly loses its shape, but there are only timid hints of wrinkles. It is possible to have a significant impact, to slow down the process only by taking into account customized type face aging. Below are Various types aging and their characteristics.


Photo from

The tired or pasty type of aging is characterized by a fresh, rested, toned appearance in the morning and tired, with noticeable signs of fatigue, by the evening. The reason for this condition is fluid stagnation in soft tissues- puffiness. Provocateurs are venous congestion, as well as a violation of the outflow of lymph.

On aging skin, venostasis is manifested by edema in the frontal and parietal areas. Very noticeable when touched with a finger. In addition to private zonal edema, it can manifest itself as a general swelling of the forehead. In this case, the absence of wrinkles is not an indicator of health, on the contrary, due to the volumetric layer between the skin and the skull, they cannot break. The presence of any of these symptoms indicates a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the skull.

Lymphostasis causes a violation of the outflow of lymph and its stagnation in the tissues. The presence of a problem is indicated either by general swelling of the face, or by the presence of unpleasant phenomena in the form of bags under the eyes, a double chin, swelling of the eyelids, and nasolabial folds.

Baked apple - finely wrinkled

Photo from the website

This type of aging is characterized by the appearance a large number small wrinkles. Their appearance is due to a violation of the outflow of tissue fluids caused by destructive changes in the facial muscles. The function of the tissue fluid is to remove the metabolic products of the skin, in violation of which it is displaced by toxins. This leads to the formation of a network of small wrinkles. A similar phenomenon is most often observed on the upper and lower eyelids.

bulldog cheeks

Photo from the website

Sagging of the skin in the area of ​​the buccal muscle is formed due to general violations of the biomechanics of the skull. The muscles of the cheeks are attached to the upper and lower jaws. In the normal position of the jaw, their condition is static. When deformed, they can sag. The appearance of sagging cheeks in old age can be predicted even in youth by the presence of pronounced "nodules" in the corners of the mouth.


Photo from the website

The combined type of facial changes with age can combine different types of aging. A feature is their manifestation in any proportions, as well as the replacement of one for another over time. Measures aimed at improving the condition of the skin should take into account the severity and localization of changes.


Photo from the website

With the muscular type of aging, changes in the face with age occur in a slower rhythm; by old age, it remains young and fresh longer. This condition is due to the presence of well-developed facial muscles and a thin layer of adipose tissue under the skin. Over time, the fat layer becomes thinner, and the skin tightens the muscles more tightly. The shape of the face practically does not change, wrinkles can appear quite clearly.

Old exhausted face

The last stage of aging is the senile exhausted face. This type manifests itself in old age and indicates general destructive changes in the skin. It becomes transparent and changes color to yellowish. The number of wrinkles noticeably increases, they become deeper. The chin protrudes forward, and the cheeks sink. Dark circles under the eyes are constantly present.

Is it possible to prolong youth

To prolong youth and stop age-related skin changes on a woman's face is a rather long and laborious process, but it is quite feasible. corresponding to the type of appearance, maintaining healthy lifestyle life, regular, doing the right thing

In contact with


The human body is an extremely strong and stable system. Why do some people live up to 80-90 years, while others die at 30-40? It is believed that the peak of maturity falls on 25-30 years. It is at this point in time that the body reaches the maximum of its physical abilities, and then the processes of natural decline follow. One can partly agree with this, but only partly.

When we say that problems come with age, we mean that we have less and less desire and energy to take care of our health. Think of retirees who can run a marathon and immediately think of 25-year-olds struggling to climb the stairs to the 5th floor. For most people, age-related changes initially affect the most “weak spots”, while what has not been used to the maximum may go unnoticed. For example, if you are not a professional musician, then the decrease in the discrimination of high sound tones will go unnoticed for you initially. Over time, of course, as you grow, you will notice changes, but this will not be the worst thing.

Affects all organs and tissues. The ability of the body to retain water decreases, which leads to deterioration of the skin, dry mouth, and a decrease in the amount of saliva. The strength decreases and the amount of adipose tissue increases. The quality of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal system decreases.

The endocrine system undergoes serious changes - women experience menopause, and men will decrease the amount of male hormones. This means that the quality of sexual life drops noticeably.

Changes affect the cardiovascular and nervous system. Vessels become fragile, the heart and brain are less supplied with oxygen and nutrients, the ability to maintain concentration decreases, reflexes slow down, memory deteriorates, etc.

Age-related changes do not bypass vision, smell and touch. Metabolism worsens, vitamins and minerals are absorbed worse. Bones become more fragile.

Is it so bad? On the one hand, there are quite a few really negative changes. On the other hand, each person has a real opportunity to fight age-related changes - for this you need to take care of your health.

There are different theories regarding the causes of aging:

  • It is assumed that there is a "biological clock", according to which cells can divide a certain number of times.
  • According to another theory, after each cell division, errors occur, which accumulate over the years and at a certain point become fatal. These errors are provoked, including viruses and bacteria.
  • It is also assumed that the “strength limit” of cells is genetically laid, reaching which they begin to collapse.
  • A popular theory is about free radicals, which are produced in cells as a result of chemical reactions, gradually accumulate and then kill the cells.

No scientist today can give a simple and clear answer about the causes of aging, so you should not think about it. Much more important is what each of us can do today in order to keep our body in good shape for as long as possible. Even if you are a fan of fatalism and believe that each person will live as long as it is written in his family, this does not negate the fact that it is you who can influence how he will live the years allotted to him. I repeat once again - you can run marathons at 60, or you can barely drag your feet at 30.

Over the years, many people take more and more drugs - they drink painkillers, diuretics, sedatives, hormonal, heart and many other drugs. In the fight against age-related changes, it is not complete without vitamins, minerals and various dietary supplements (biologically active additives). This is not always dictated by necessity. Drinking pills is easier than following the daily routine, proper nutrition, playing sports, and thanks to this, you can regain your former enthusiasm. Physical exercise helps to manage stress as it contribute to the production of hormones of pleasure. Following positive changes will affect all organs and systems, which will make you feel cheerful. And behind the vivacity of the body will come the cheerfulness of the spirit, and age-related changes will not be so terrible.

Hearing. Age-related weakening of the function of the vestibular apparatus is manifested by hearing loss, dizziness (a sense of balance decreases).

Hearing loss begins after age 40. For example, a person feels discomfort when talking in a noisy environment, as the sharpness of his hearing is dulled.

Older people are at increased risk of bone fractures as a result of thinning of the bone
weight and reduced bone strength (osteoporosis).

Endocrine system. Elderly people develop atrophic and sclerotic changes in the endocrine glands. The secretory function of the thyroid, pancreas, gonads, adrenal cortex decreases, their hypothalamic-pituitary regulation is disturbed, as well as the relationship in the pituitary-adrenal system. So the old people
unstable to stress, easily excited, upset over trifles.

- use antioxidants in the diet (vitamin A C, E, etc.);

- move actively at any age;

- periodically clean the gastrointestinal tract;

- positive and optimistic thinking;

- observe moderation in everything: food, work, personal life, physical activity

Success in slowing down aging depends, first of all, on our level of culture and organization, consciousness of responsibility for our health.

In conclusion, I will quote the famous professor Christo Mermersky, a geneticist and doctor, who believes that 70% of people in the world die because of their criminal attitude to nutrition:

- Enough to follow simple rules food. Basic diet - no frills and little by little.
Eat an apple every day. Drink frozen water and herbal teas. Work actively.
Daily shower. Sleep in a cool room. Walk or bike 10-15 km during the weekend. Surround yourself with friends, party, laugh, don't turn down sex. Don't think or say you're old.

Eat right, enjoy every moment of life and BE HEALTHY!

With a careful attitude to one's health, a person by the age of 70-80 can retain up to 80% of functionally active cells. With such a margin, it is quite possible to live another 40-50 years.

Protect yourself from excesses and diseases! Live long!

1. Age classifications

2. Anatomical and physiological features of the elderly.

3. Communication

Age classifications

Age classification of Pythagoras

Pythagoras considered human life in terms of the change of seasons and divided it into 4 seasons, each of 20 years. Spring - childhood (20 years), summer - youth (20-40 years), autumn - maturity (40-60 years), winter - old age (60 - 80 years).

Periodization D. Bromley

Human life is considered as a set of five cycles: uterine, childhood, youth, adulthood and aging.

1. Cycle of uterine development: zygote, embryo, fetus, moment of birth.

2. Cycle of childhood: infancy, preschool childhood, early school childhood and 11-13 years of age.

3. Cycle of adolescence: adolescence (11-13-15 years old) and late adolescence (16-21 years old).

4. Cycle of adulthood: early adulthood (21-25 years old); middle adulthood (26-40 years0; late adulthood (41-55 years); pre-retirement age (56-65 years).

5. Aging: removal from business (66-70 years); old age (71-90); decrepitude - after 90 years.

Classification of age assessment (E.I. Kholostova, textbook)

1. Pre-productive age (0-17 years).

2. Productive age (men: 18 - 64 years, women: 18 - 59 years).

3.Post-productive age (men: over 65 years old, women: over 60 years old).

4. Old age men: 65 -79 years old, women: 60 - 79 years old).

5.Deep old age - over 80 years old.

Classification of age assessment (N.F. Basov, textbook)

Old age - 61 - 74 (men); 56 - 74 (women)

Senile age 75 - 90 years (men and women)

Long-livers - 90 years and older (men and women)

Elderly age- precedes old age, denoting the transition period from maturity to old age. According to the classification of the World Health Organization, old age covers the chronological framework from 61 to 75 years for men and from 55 to 75 years for women.

Late adulthood is often referred to as gerontogenesis, or a period of aging. Gerontogenesis begins after 60 years. The main feature of this age is the aging process, which is a genetically programmed process, accompanied by certain age-related changes in the body.

  1. Anatomical and physiological features of the elderly

Skin and subcutaneous tissue Due to the reduction of perspiration and sebum secretion, loss of elasticity, the skin becomes dry, wrinkled and folded. The amount of subcutaneous fat decreases. Because of this, the skin is easily displaced, becomes flabby. It is easily injured, cracked, torn, ulcerated, does not heal well.

Hair changes. Hair loses pigment, thins out, becomes brittle. Most often, older women are concerned about hirsutism - increased growth of coarse hair on the face in menopause. This growth increases when trying to shave, pull out hair. The formation of bald patches on the temples, on the crown, baldness (mainly in men) is often hereditary. Stress, hormonal disorders, vitamin and microelement deficiencies, occupational hazards and intoxications lead to baldness. The experience of geriatricians shows that it is not uncommon for elderly patients to become very worried about hair loss on their heads, fall into depression or anxiety. It is necessary to offer in such cases the use of a suitable wig. Hair care for the elderly frequent washing, neat combing, haircut, everyday combing create a good mood, increase self-esteem, prevent depression.

Musculoskeletal apparatus. Due to osteoporosis - rarefaction of bone tissue - the bones become brittle. Easily broken even with minor bruises. The articular cartilage, including intervertebral discs, becomes thinner, which leads to the development of pain, changes in posture, and curvature of the spine. The elderly are often tormented severe pain in the area of ​​the spine, hip, knee, shoulder joints during any movement. Pain is accompanied by severe deformity and limited mobility. This leads to a decrease in the motor activity of the elderly, his isolation, depression, and the desire to stay in bed all the time.

Physical exercise not only stops the loss muscle mass, but also contribute to an increase in strength even in very elderly people, an increase in their motor activity. It is known that after persistent physical education for 1-2 months, many elderly people refused canes and walkers. That's why physical activity despite the pain syndrome, physical exercises with a metered load help to maintain mobility and physical strength any age. For patients with articular pain syndrome, isometric exercises.

Respiratory system. Shortness of breath develops. Poor ventilation contributes to the development of pneumonia. In the elderly, the cough reflex is reduced. Hypoxia develops - a condition accompanied by a low content of oxygen in the blood, which leads to rapid fatigue, drowsiness. Hypoxia causes sleep disturbances. Therefore, the elderly need to be in the fresh air more often, do breathing exercises.

The cardiovascular system. The work of the heart muscle deteriorates. The tissues are not provided with adequate oxygen, because of this, fatigue quickly sets in. The body is poorly prepared for the upcoming physical work, it is poorly worked out and then poorly restored. If old man forced to spend a lot of time sitting or standing, he develops swelling of the legs, varicose veins of the lower extremities.

During physical work, blood pressure rises sharply. In older people, in sudden situations, such as fear, stress, blood pressure can rise sharply or, conversely, fall sharply. This happens, for example, with orthostatic collapse, when, with a rapid transition from a horizontal to a vertical position, blood pressure drops sharply, which may be accompanied by loss of consciousness. Therefore, older people should not stand up abruptly.

Digestive system. Elderly people often suffer from poor appetite. This is due to the loss of smell, taste, a decrease in the amount of saliva and digestive juices secreted. At the same time, nutrients are poorly absorbed. Even in the presence of their own teeth in the elderly, the function of biting and chewing is often impaired, the mechanical processing of food in the mouth worsens. Older people have trouble chewing due to poor oral health. As a result, they may refuse to eat and lose weight. In old age, the liver needs more time to decompose toxic substances and drugs, the production of proteins - albumins decreases, which leads to poor wound healing.

Older people always eat badly alone and much better - in the company. With difficulty and often reluctantly, they cook their own food and at the same time eat well if the food is prepared by someone who is nearby and who, having set the table, can share a meal with them.

Urinary system. As people age, it becomes difficult to tolerate when the bladder is filled with urine. When the urge to urinate occurs, they feel the need to urinate immediately.

Dream. It takes longer to fall asleep and reach the deep sleep stage. The period of superficial sleep, which does not give rest, increases. If such people are accidentally awakened, they may not fall asleep for a long time. The frequency of random awakenings increases with age, but the total duration of sleep does not change. This often leads to fatigue and apathy. Drowsiness, fatigue and apathy can be associated not only with sleep disturbance, but also with mental disorders. Sleep disorders contribute to: stress, worries, depression, disruption of the daily routine, prolonged bed rest, dehydration, environmental factors.


The attention of old people is easily distracted by external causes, and then they lose the thread of the conversation, often forget what was just discussed. Therefore, it is important when communicating to create such conditions that nothing distracts them from the conversation. Fast speech with short intervals between words is poorly perceived. It is necessary to speak slowly enough, with breaks between words. You can not "swallow" the endings of words and say "excitedly". Facial expression should be welcoming and friendly.

Elderly people hardly participate in a group conversation, if several people speak at the same time, they do not understand the meaning of ongoing conversations, do not immediately join the conversation, respond to question asked. Attempts to avoid situations that require intense thinking are characteristic, to replace intellectual efforts with various motor techniques - shaking the head, scratching the head, stretching out speech. If an older person speaks to you with irritation, in no case do not answer him in the same way. In a difficult conversation, do not think that the rough truth is good. Answer gently, try to divert the conversation from a topic that causes irritation or an unpleasant feeling in an elderly person.

Asking older people about their past is very beneficial for them. Ask the elderly person to tell about his relatives, childhood, places where he lived in his youth, about past work, interests. It is very good to look together at old photographs of the places where he was born, lived, worked, especially those in which he is depicted in strength, while performing socially. meaningful work. This always helps to increase the self-esteem of an elderly person. However, older people should feel a real interest in the events being told, a desire to experience what they once experienced and felt. If he does not believe the interest, then, most likely, he will withdraw into himself, and you will lose his trust for a long time.

Older people willingly play games: mosaics, lotto, dominoes, puzzles. If they organize workplace, they willingly sew, weave, knit, carve, draw, etc. They love to play together, with each other, communicate with animals, collect flowers, weave wreaths.