Mixer      04/02/2019

First aid for electric shock. First aid for electric shock

If a person receives an electric shock, he should be provided with emergency first aid in case of injury electric shock according to a special algorithm. The appliances that people use at home can become faulty and lead to trouble. When first aid for electric shock is performed correctly, it is possible to resuscitate the patient before doctors arrive.

What is Electric Shock?

The effect of current on a person leads to pathological disturbances in the functioning of the body and death. Domestic electrical injuries and lightning damage have different sources and require the right approach to treatment. They often get damaged due to non-compliance with safety rules, when the wiring insulation is broken. Electrical injury due to natural weather conditions is rare.

In specialized premises at the enterprise there must be instructions on electrical safety with the order of first nursing aid in case of electric shock to an employee with pictures and diagrams.


If the victim has lost consciousness without witnesses, then the cause of the condition can be determined by the main signs of electric shock:

  1. There are exposed electrical wires nearby.
  2. Wounds remain from the entrance hole.
  3. Pulse and breathing are intermittent.
  4. The skin and lips have a bluish tint.

The negative impact of electricity manifests itself in dysfunction internal organs. Due to the electric shock, tissues are heated and all muscle groups contract. The electric arc leaves marks at the entrance and exit, affecting the deep layers of the skin. The input is the point of contact with the cable. The consequences are:

  • dizziness;
  • spasm of the vocal cords;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • convulsions;
  • heart failure;
  • loss of consciousness.

Actions in case of electric shock

Voltage up to 50 V is safe for humans, and at high humidity indoors, even 12 V poses a threat to life, so at home you need to provide timely first aid. Actions in case of electric shock to a person:

  1. Unplug the damaged device from the network, cut the wire with pliers, cut it with an ax without touching it. You can use dry rubber gloves, a cloth, or a wooden object.
  2. If it is not possible to cut off the source of damage, you need to pull the person several meters by the edge of his clothing. You cannot touch his skin with your bare hands.
  3. Assess the emotional and physical condition of the patient. Electrical shock causes severe shock accompanied by hallucinations.

First aid for electric shock

The brain and heart are most affected; there is a rhythm disturbance that leads to cessation of breathing, so it is important to begin providing assistance for electric shock in the first minutes after the incident. The actions of a person who finds himself near an electric current depend on the degree of the patient’s condition and the complexity of his injuries, and are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. If consciousness is present, you need to place it on a hard surface, ensure rest, lubricate the skin around the burns with 5% iodine or potassium permanganate, apply a clean, dry bandage over the burns. You need to give the painkiller Analgin or Aspirin, a few (25-30) drops of valerian diluted in water.
  2. If a person faints, but the pulse is palpable in the area of ​​the carotid artery, then first aid for electrical injury is performed before doctors arrive. It is necessary to free oneself from constrictive clothing and bring one to consciousness. ammonia, warm up.
  3. During loss of consciousness and clinical death, it is necessary to resuscitate by performing indirect cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose artificial respiration if the mouth muscles are spasmed.

Here short description first measures in case of electric shock. Indirect massage of the heart muscle is performed alternately with inhalation of air. The head is thrown back, the mouth is freed from foreign objects. An individual attachment for the procedure is placed on the lips, the nose is pinched and 5 strong breaths are taken. Then perform 10 pushes with straight hands placed on top of each other in the solar plexus area.

First aid for electric shock

After the arrival of specialists, an additional assessment of the patient’s condition is carried out. this moment and quality of pre-medical manipulation. If the first honey assistance in case of electric shock did not produce results - actions continue using special means. Instead of artificial respiration they connect portable apparatus for ventilation of the lungs, through which oxygen is supplied.

Resuscitation of electric shock

When resuscitation for electric shock does not produce results after 4-5 minutes, an intracardiac, intravenous or intramuscular injection of adrenaline 0.1%, a solution of strophanthin 0.05% mixed with 20 ml of glucose 40% will help enhance the effect. If consciousness is restored, the person is placed on his side and the nurse gives him anti-shock and painkillers to ensure normal heart function. In this condition, when first aid for electric shock has been provided, he is ready for transportation to the hospital.

Video: first aid for electric shock

Electrical injury is the damage to the body by electric current, regardless of its strength. In case of electric shock, there is a concept of imaginary death. This means that visually a person does not show signs of life, but this condition is only for the period of direct exposure to stress. Therefore, you need to start by stopping the flow of current.

If a person has succumbed to the effects of an electric current, under no circumstances should you touch him with bare hands; it is necessary to stop the supply of voltage.

  1. Ensure your own safety. If you need to remove the wire, wear any dry gloves (preferably rubber). To protect yourself from the transmission of current on the floor, shoes are suitable. Almost any one has a rubber sole, so this is an easy task. Although the ground does not transmit current flow, when exposed to a high-voltage wire at a close distance, it can spread due to great strength voltage.
  2. Remove the wire from the victim if necessary. Then drag the person by the clothes (not by the arm or leg) to a distance of at least 10 meters from the point of impact. This is the right moment to call an ambulance.
  3. Now you need to find the pulse in the neck on the carotid artery. It’s uncomfortable on the hand due to the fact that the vessel is smaller in diameter and you can’t hear it through gloves. If the victim is unconscious, check whether the pupils react to light (when the upper eyelid is raised, the diameter of the pupil changes).
  4. If the above signs are absent, urgent cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures (artificial respiration and chest compressions) are needed. When the person is conscious, the victim is placed in a position lying on his side, covered with a blanket or jacket on top to keep warm. You cannot leave such a victim for a minute, but constantly monitor his condition until the doctor arrives. There are cases when, after successful resuscitation, cardiac arrest occurs again.

Electric shock is an unexpected shock to the responder. In order not to get confused, it is necessary to note under what conditions it is possible for the body to be exposed to great stress.

First aid in one picture:

Freeing the victim from the action of the current

  1. If live parts, which are under great tension, are in the hands of a person, an uncontrolled maximum contraction of the muscles of the hands occurs. As a result, it is not always possible to pull the wire out of your hands.
  2. When a simple touch happens, you must immediately remove the source or turn off the device. If the above self-defense measures are not observed, the impact will spread to the helping person to an even greater extent. Nothing should be done until the voltage has been eliminated.
  3. More secure is to turn off the current, rather than simply physically eliminating contact of voltage with the body

A special situation is working at height. When the current is turned off, it may drop, adding mechanical stress to the electrical injury. It is necessary to ensure maximum safety not only for yourself in such a situation, but also for the victim.

Carrying out the necessary rescue measures

The help algorithm has already been indicated at the beginning.

Now we need to understand the resuscitation processes in more detail:

  1. The victim should be laid on his side. You need to put something under your feet to stimulate blood flow and not stop blood circulation. Next release chest from clothes.
  2. Open the person's mouth and check, whether the tongue has sunk if it was previously lying on its back. With loss of consciousness, the position of the tongue is not controlled, so there may be asphyxia of the respiratory tract due to its retraction into the pharynx. If necessary, you need to pull it forward by hand and fix it with your finger. You will still have to turn over on your back for resuscitation.
  3. If 1 person performs resuscitation, then a constant alternation of chest compressions and artificial respiration (through the nose or mouth) is required. If several people help, then resuscitation will be easier, but you cannot move away from taking turns. For every 2 breathing stimuli, there are 3-5 powerful pressures (not blows!) in the area where the heart is located.
  4. Even if vital body functions have not been restored, you can’t stop stimulating the body. Thus, the body is pumped passively, tissue nutrition does not stop. You also need to monitor the reaction of the pupil to light. If she was not there, but appeared, this is very good sign. This means that the events are being carried out successfully.

Maintenance of vital functions

Resuscitation measures without signs of spontaneous breathing are the maintenance of vital functions.

In addition, you need to ensure general maintenance of the body:

  1. If a person feels cold to the touch, it needs to be covered.
  2. Burnt areas must remain open, otherwise the painful effect will only be stronger.
  3. Give a comfortable position.
  4. For secondary injuries with bleeding, take emergency measures to stop it. It is important to remember that arterial bleeding is a stream of blood under pressure that is scarlet or bright red. Venous bleeding is pulsating, i.e. the blood comes out in spurts and the color is dark. To stop, you need to apply 2 tourniquets. One directly to the cut site, if possible. The second tourniquet is tied for arterial bleeding some distance above the source, and for venous bleeding - below the site of injury.
  5. For signs of limb fracture, you need to secure the tire. Any solid, flat object to which an arm or leg is tied will do. It is recommended to move the person less if there is a possibility of a spinal fracture.
  6. You don’t need to adjust dislocations yourself without knowledge how to do it correctly. This condition will be tolerated until a specialist arrives. Because if you adjust bones and joints incorrectly, you can only aggravate the situation and provoke ligament ruptures or even fractures.

Assessing the victim's condition

Only a doctor can determine an accurate assessment of the condition.

But first, by general signs, you can distinguish a mild lesion from a severe one:

  1. First of all whether the victim is conscious.
  2. Presence of pulse and its frequency.
  3. Signs of spontaneous breathing and its severity (often superficial, normal, rare deep, with pathological noise)
  4. Severity of pain syndrome depending on the degree of burn. After all, loss of consciousness can be due to painful shock.
  5. Presence of secondary injuries(fractures from a fall, bruises, bleeding, etc.)

All data on these criteria must be reported to the ambulance crew. Also record the time of exposure to current and resuscitation.

What can't you do?

When providing first aid for an electrical injury, you must not:

  1. Touch with bare hands source of current and its conductors, the person himself.
  2. Forbidden give the victim a sitting or standing position in a relatively normal state of consciousness.
  3. Forbidden treat thermal burns. Do not apply ointments under any circumstances, folk remedies medicine and ice.
  4. Reception medicines at your own discretion is also prohibited. Specialists will provide assistance, and if it suddenly turns out that they repeated taking a similar group of drugs, an overdose may occur. And this is an additional burden on the body. Moreover, you need to clearly understand what pharmacological agents can be used in each individual case.
  5. If there are no signs of life, The victim must not be abandoned. He needs constant resuscitation measures, even in the absence of consciousness, to maintain blood supply and passive breathing.

Where can a person get an electrical injury?

The location and circumstances of the emergency determine the classification of electrical injuries.

Therefore, where a person may encounter this, it is more convenient to parse it:

  1. Production. The largest share among other types belongs to such injuries. At any enterprise, workers are faced with currents, so there are many options for injury.
  2. Natural. A lightning strike during a thunderstorm is a powerful electrical injury. Most often, defeat is incompatible with life. However, resuscitation measures remain the same.
  3. Household. When a person is in a private home and is exposed to electric current, this is a domestic injury. But if a specialized electrician received an electrical injury in the same house, then this already applies to production.

You need to be prepared for the fact that in the event of a domestic electric shock in the dark, you will have to urgently turn off the electric switch to eliminate the effects of the current. Therefore, it is worth considering a flashlight so as not to provide assistance in the dark.

Regardless of the method of injury, the same pathological processes occur in the body.

What happens in the body during an electrical injury?

man's hand after electric shock

Firstly, there is the concept of lightning death, when the strength of the current and the time of its exposure turned out to be greater than it was bearable.

If a person managed to escape, the following processes occur in his body:

  1. The first thing that is visible is thermal burns. At the site of current exposure, a huge amount of heat is released, which destroys healthy tissue. It can be superficial or deep down to the bone. The very first to be affected are the nerves, the walls of small body cavities (for example, the nose), the lens, etc. Burns tend not to spread over large areas of the body, but deep into the tissue.
  2. A distinctive feature of the lesion It is the current that causes the appearance of a dense scab, which accurately repeats the outlines of the cable or wire with which there was direct contact.
  3. If the victim's clothing catches fire, typical fire burns occur.
  4. To pathological conditions by organ systems include: central nervous system disorder, convulsive seizures, loss of consciousness and speech, failure of blood circulation and breathing.

Now we need to look at some first aid points in more detail.

What should you not do to avoid being injured by electric current?

A person's health is in his own hands. You need to not only follow all the instructions yourself, but also convey them to the people around you.

The widespread use of electricity not only makes life more comfortable, but also often causes electrical injuries. Electric shock can lead to health hazards and sometimes death. The risk of electrical injury is especially high when carrying out repair work electrical network, improper operation of electrical appliances, non-compliance with safety requirements, the presence of malfunctions.

Premises with increased risk of electric shock

According to the regulatory provisions of the PUE, all premises, regardless of their purpose, are classified according to the degree of electrical hazard. The first class includes premises that are not particularly dangerous. The humidity level in them usually does not exceed 45%, they are equipped with a ventilation and heating system that maintains a temperature of 18-20°C, and dielectric floors. The filling of the space with metal objects does not exceed a coefficient of 0.2, there is no dust. This category includes residential and public premises.
The second class includes premises characterized by an increased threat - the kitchen, staircases, laundries, basements and warehouses.

They are divided into several groups:

  • with high humidity (up to 100%);
  • with high temperature conditions (above t° - 30°C). Elevated temperature regime indoors, leads to accelerated aging of insulation, increasing the likelihood of an emergency;
  • with high dust content. Dust collecting on electrical installations leads to the formation of conductive paths, causing overheating and fire of electrical appliances;
  • with poor ventilation, creating conditions for dust accumulation and increased temperature;
  • equipped with conductive floors and walls;
  • having conditions under which contact with grounded structures is possible.

The third class includes premises that pose a particular danger - a swimming pool, sauna, bathroom, garage, workshop. They are characterized by the presence of 2 or more hazardous conditions. A separate category of especially dangerous objects consists of territories equipped with open electrical installations.
The voltage in the network is set taking into account the type of room. For the first class, -220 V is recommended, for the second class – up to 50 V, for the third – 12 V.

Protective measures against electric shock

Compliance with the protective measures established by regulatory documentation reduces the risk of electrical injuries.

According to electrical safety rules:

  • the insulation used must be of high quality, and the current-carrying elements must be reliably protected, have double insulation, automatic protective interlocking, RCD;
  • the electrical equipment used and components of electrical installations must be grounded and fenced;
  • isolation of workplaces;
  • checking the condition of insulation, as well as repairing electrical wiring and electrical equipment should be carried out as planned;
  • use of warning signs and inscriptions, sound or light alarms;
  • use of devices that reduce voltage to acceptable values;
  • use of personal protection.

An additional factor that reduces the likelihood of electrical injuries is systematic safety training.
Compliance with the protective measures established by regulatory documentation helps to avoid the risk of electric shock.

Indirect protection from defeat electric shock

As a method of protection against electrical injury, it is recommended to use auxiliary protective equipment. These include rubber mats, dielectric gloves, assembly belts, assembly claws, tools with insulating handles, workwear, shoes, ladders, ropes.
Using similar tools at runtime various works related to electricity will reduce the number emergency situations and feel more confident.

Factors influencing electric shock to a person

The danger of electric current lies in the fact that it is hidden, that is, the presence of electrical voltage impossible through the senses. Some factors can increase the risk of electric shock. These include moisture and sweating, low body resistance, the presence of heart disease, and lack of special protection. The combination of these factors with the current passing through the human body leads to more severe consequences.

The first steps when a person is struck by an electric shock, what needs to be done?

Eliminating the source of injury and immediately providing first aid are the main actions that must be taken to save the victim.

  1. De-energize the source of damage without touching it. To do this, use dry rubber gloves, a wooden stick or cloth to pull it out of the net. If it is impossible to perform this action, cut the wire or bite with pliers.
  2. If it is not possible to de-energize the source of the injury, it is necessary, without touching the victim’s skin with bare hands, to pull him away by grabbing the edge of his clothing for several meters.
  3. Assess the physical and emotional state of the victim, and regardless of his condition, call a doctor, and be sure to provide first aid.

How to separate the victim from the power source?

There are several ways to free the victim from the effects of electric current. The simplest is to turn off the source of electric current using a switch, switch, plug connector, or unscrewing the plugs. IN as a last resort, electrical circuit can be interrupted by cutting the electrical wires one by one using wire cutters or pliers with insulated handles.
You can touch the victim’s body, which is not covered by clothing, only with insulating gloves or by wrapping the hand in a rag, scarf, or stretched sleeve, while standing on a non-conductive bedding - a rubber mat, dry rag or board. Using a dry stick or other non-conductive object, push away the electrical wire if it touches the victim. If the victim squeezes it in his hand, release his fingers. This can be done while standing on a rubber mat or wearing dielectric overshoes that protect against possible step voltage, and dielectric gloves on your hands.

Providing first aid in case of electric shock:

Assistance to the victim must be provided immediately, provided that there is no danger to the person providing assistance. A doctor is called by a person who is not providing first aid.
Electrical trauma causes heating and contraction of muscle tissue, negatively affecting the functioning of internal organs. Leaving marks at the entrance and exit, the electric arc deeply affects the skin tissue.

As a result of the injury, the victim may experience:

  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • heart attack;
  • fainting.

The brain and heart suffer the most from electric shock. By disrupting the heart rhythm, electric shock can cause cardiac and respiratory arrest. Correctly provided first aid in the first minutes will save the life of the victim. What action to take depends on the condition of the victim and the complexity of the damage caused to him.

The severity of an electrical injury is influenced by the following factors:

  • how does electric current pass through the body?
  • electrical appliance voltage parameters;
  • physical condition of a person;
  • quality and timeliness of first aid.

Even a minor electrical injury is dangerous, since its consequences on the lungs, central nervous system, and heart may not appear immediately, but only after some time.

the victim is conscious

The measures taken depend on the condition of the victim. If he is conscious, first aid consists of the following actions.

  1. Lay the victim on a blanket, clothes, or other soft bedding. It should not be allowed to move, even if there is no damage, until a doctor arrives and conducts a professional examination.
  2. Treat the skin around the burn with iodine or potassium permanganate and apply a bandage. In case of a fracture, bruise or other injuries, provide first aid.
  3. You can give the victim a painkiller - analgin or aspirin and up to 30 drops. valerian diluted in water to relieve nervous tension.
  4. Call or take the victim yourself to a doctor.

unconscious victim

If a victim of an electrical injury faints and at the same time a pulse is palpated in the area of ​​the carotid artery and there is breathing, then providing first aid involves:

  • liberation from clothing that restricts the body;
  • laying on a soft, even bedding;
  • bringing the victim to consciousness using ammonia or spraying with water;
  • in warmth, wrapping the victim.

the victim is at altitude

If the victim is at a height at the time of electric shock, it is necessary to free him from the influence of electric current. It should be taken into account that as a result of a power outage, the victim may simply fall from a height, so steps should be taken to prevent injury, for example, pulling up a tarpaulin. Only after the victim has been lowered to the ground can inspection and first aid begin.

the victim has no signs of life

The absence of signs of life during electric shock may indicate clinical death (imaginary), therefore, even in the absence of heartbeat and pulse, dilated pupils or intermittent breathing, the victim must be given first aid. Resuscitation of the victim is carried out using artificial respiration techniques, as well as practicing chest compressions. Before doing this, you should unbutton his clothes and clean his mouth. If the muscles of the mouth are in spasm and mouth-to-mouth breathing is difficult, artificial mouth-to-nose ventilation should be performed.

Outcome of electric shock

Outcome of electric shock
Several factors influence the severity of an electrical injury:

  • current value. If you have dry hands, a voltage of 30 V is considered safe, in the case of wet hands - 20 V, if the whole body is wet - 10 V. The danger of injury increases with increasing current value;
  • duration of action. The severity of the electrical injury increases depending on how long the victim was exposed to the electric current;
  • the path of current has a significant impact on the outcome of the injury, since most of it passes through the flow of tissue fluids, blood vessels, nerve trunks, touching the brain, heart and other organs. In addition, some areas of the body are hypersensitive to electric current, provoking increased pain reactions;
  • its frequency. Permanent and alternating current affects the human body differently. The least noticeable current is 0.5 - 0.15 mA, the current value at which it is no longer possible to free yourself from the electrical circuit is 10-15 mA. A current of 50-80 mA provokes chaotic compression of the heart (fibrillation), in which it does not perform its main function, which leads to cessation of blood circulation. A current of 90-100 mA, acting for more than 3 seconds, causes respiratory spasm and cardiac dysfunction;
  • individual characteristics of the human body. Persons suffering from pathologies of the central nervous system, heart and lungs are more susceptible to damage.

Types and types of human electric shock

Exposure to electric current causes various disruptions to life - electrical injury and electric shock. The most common types of electrical injuries include:

  • electrical burns that occur when strong electric currents flow through the skin. An area exposed to such a burn usually does not heal for a long time;
  • mechanical injuries in the form of ruptures of tendons, muscles, blood vessels, bone fractures. Such injuries are formed by convulsive contraction of muscles caused by the action of an electric current passing through the victim’s body;
  • metallization of the skin occurs as a result of particles of metal melted by a short circuit entering the epidermis;
  • Electroophthalmia develops as a result of damage to UV rays from an electric arc in the eyes.

Electric shock nervous system called an electric shock.

According to the severity of the impact, electric shock is classified:

  • 1st degree is characterized by convulsive muscle spasms, while the victim remains conscious;
  • 2nd degree is manifested by convulsive muscle contraction and loss of consciousness;
  • Grade 3 is characterized by respiratory and cardiac dysfunction;
  • Stage 4 is manifested by the onset of clinical death, lasting 6 minutes. in adults and 8-10 min. in children.

Consequences of electric shock

The effect of electric current causes severe electric shock, accompanied by coma, cardiac and respiratory dysfunction. The victim may experience seizures, aggression, and disorientation. Electrical damage to the kidneys can cause acute renal dysfunction.
The development of neurological pathologies is one of the consequences of electrical trauma. The victim may develop peripheral neuropathy, visual acuity and ability to work will decrease. Survivors of severe electrical trauma may suffer from amnesia, depression, and mental disorders.

How to do artificial respiration and cardiac massage

If a person exposed to electrical trauma is not breathing and has no heartbeat, he must be given first aid by performing artificial ventilation of the lungs and massage of the heart muscle.

  1. To carry out resuscitation procedures, care should be taken to ensure that the victim is lying on a hard surface.
  2. Tilt the victim's head back and secure this position with a rolled-up rag placed under the shoulders. The above action cannot be performed if the victim has signs of a neck fracture.
  3. Check to see if the victim's airways are blocked. If there is sand or other foreign objects in his mouth, clean it with a finger wrapped in a scarf.
  4. To perform mouth-to-mouth breathing, it is necessary to hold the victim’s jaw with one hand so that it is open, and tightly close the nose with the other. Taking a deep breath, smoothly and at the same time strongly blow air into the victim’s mouth, pressing your lips tightly against it. The duration of air injection is up to 1.5 seconds, then open the victim’s nose for 4 seconds. Repeat the action 10-12 times per minute. The rise of the chest during inhalation indicates that air is entering the lungs.
  5. To perform chest compressions, sit on your knees to the left or right of the victim, then correctly determine the point of impact. It is located in the center of the chest at a distance of 2 longitudinal fingers from the edge of the sternum.
  6. Place your palm on the victim’s chest so that its base rests on the point of impact, and thumb was aimed at the stomach or head, place the second palm crosswise on top.
  7. Press down on the chest with your weight, without bending your elbows, so that it drops approximately 4 cm. Perform 30 strong pushes, then continue artificial respiration. After performing 2 exhalations, return to massaging the heart muscle again, making 30 pushes. Repeat these steps until the ambulance arrives. Carrying out resuscitation actions, you should check every minute for breathing, light reaction of the pupils, and pulse.

This video demonstrates in detail how to properly assist a victim of an electrical injury by performing a cardiac muscle massage.

First aid for electric shock consists of two stages: liberation victim of electric current and rendering him first pre-medical aid.

It is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current as soon as possible, since the severity of the electrical injury depends on the duration of this action. Touching live parts that are energized in most cases causes involuntary muscle contractions and general agitation, which can lead to disruption and even complete cessation of the respiratory and circulatory system. The first action when providing assistance should be to immediately turn off that part of the electrical installation that the victim touches. Disconnection is carried out using switches, a switch or other disconnecting device, as well as by removing or unscrewing fuses and a plug connection. If the victim is at a height, then turning off the installation and thereby releasing the current can cause him to fall. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the victim from falling or to ensure his safety.

If it is impossible to turn off the installation quickly enough, it is necessary to take other measures to free the victim from the action of the current. In all cases, when providing assistance, you should not touch the victim without proper precautions, as this is life-threatening. To separate the victim from live parts or wires with voltage up to 1000 V, you should use a rope, stick, board or any other dry object that does not conduct electric current. You can also pull him by the clothes if they are dry and are falling away from the body, while avoiding touching surrounding metal objects and parts of the victim’s body. To isolate the hands, the person providing assistance, especially if he needs to touch the body of the victim who is not covered by clothing, must wear insulating gloves or wrap his hand in a scarf, put a cloth cap on it, pull the sleeve of a jacket or coat over his hand, throw a rubber mat or a rubberized raincoat over the victim. You can also insulate yourself by standing on a rubber mat, dry board, or some non-conductive bedding or clothing. When separating a victim from live parts, it is recommended to use your right hand, holding the other in your pocket or behind your back. If an electric current passes into the ground through the victim, it is easier to slip a dry board under it. You can also cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or cut it with wire cutters with insulated handles in stages, while it is recommended to stand on dry boards.

To separate the victim from live parts energized above 1000 V, you should wear dielectric gloves and boots and use a rod or insulating pliers designed for the appropriate voltage. At the same time, we must remember the danger of step voltage if the wire lies on the ground. On power lines, when it is impossible to quickly disconnect them from power points, to free the victim if he touches the wires, the wires should be short-circuited by throwing a flexible, uninsulated wire over them. If the victim touches one wire, it is often sufficient to ground only that wire.

After being released from the current, the victim must be taken out of the danger zone and his condition assessed by the presence of consciousness, the color of the skin and visible mucous membranes, breathing, pulse, and pupils. If the victim has no consciousness, breathing, pulse, skin covering cyanotic, and the pupils are wide (0.5 cm in diameter), we can assume that he is in a state of clinical death. In this case, you should immediately begin resuscitation using artificial respiration and chest compressions. If resuscitation measures are ineffective (the skin is bluish-violet, the pupils are wide, the pulse in the arteries is not detected during the massage), revival is stopped after 30 minutes. If it is impossible to call a doctor to the scene of the incident, it is necessary to ensure that the victim is transported to the nearest medical facility. The victim can be transported only if breathing is satisfactory and the pulse is stable. If the condition of the victim does not allow him to be transported, it is necessary to continue to provide assistance.

The main condition for the success of first aid is speed of action, since 5 minutes after cardiac paralysis a person cannot be saved. If the victim is at a height, then before turning off the voltage, you should ensure that the victim falls.

After eliminating the effect of the current, the condition of the victim should be determined. If the victim is conscious, he must be laid down or seated in a comfortable position and ensure complete rest until the doctor arrives, always monitoring his breathing and pulse. If the victim is unconscious, but is breathing normally and his pulse is palpable, he should be placed comfortably, unfasten the collar and belt, bring a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to his nose, spray him with water and ensure complete rest. For eye burns caused by exposure to an electric arc, apply lotions of 2% boric acid solution.

Respiratory and cardiac arrest - the most severe consequences of electric current. If there is no breathing, but the victim has a pulse, you need to start artificial respiration. If there is no heartbeat, then along with artificial respiration, external (indirect) heart massage should be performed. When the victim comes to his senses, as well as with mild injuries, he must be given painkillers, given plenty of fluids to drink, a bandage applied to the burn area and urgently taken to a medical facility.

Electric shock can occur at home and at work. This can result in very dangerous injury, possibly even death. Typically, such injuries are suffered by representatives of professions related to electrical work. But there are cases of exposure to current in everyday life. It is very important to know what first aid is needed in case of electric shock. This will be discussed in the article.

Accidents most often occur due to:

  • Ignorance or non-compliance with safety requirements when using electrical appliances.
  • Faulty household appliances.
  • Broken wires of high-voltage lines.

The degree of damage to a person is influenced by:

  • The way electric current passes through the body.
  • Force and tension in the system.
  • Exposure time.
  • The age of the person.
  • The state of his health.
  • Timely provision of first aid in case of electric shock.

Types of electrical injuries

To provide first aid in case of electric shock, you should know its effect on the human body in a specific situation.

The classification of electric shocks and their features are presented in the table:

Type of lesion Peculiarities

Electrical burns are the most common injury. There are several options for such injuries:
  • Contact form. In this case, upon contact with the source, the electric current flows through the human body.
  • Arc damage. In this case, the current itself does not directly flow through the body, but is affected by an electric arc.
  • Mixed defeat. Characterized by a combination of two forms.

An electric arc is a source of UV rays that can cause irradiation and eye burns. This exposure causes inflammation of the conjunctiva.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use special protection against electric shock and follow the rules for working with its sources.

When the skin is damaged, metal particles penetrate into it and melt under the influence of electric current. These are the smallest elements that penetrate the outer layers of the skin epithelium, open areas bodies.

Note! This is not fatal, soon the clinical manifestations will disappear, the skin will become normal in color, and the pain will stop.

Chemical and thermal effects lead to the formation of peculiar signs with sharp contours and color from gray to yellowish. Signs can be oval or round, lines and dots.

Necrosis appears on the skin in this area. It hardens due to the necrosis of the outer layers. The lesions disappear after some time due to skin regeneration, and it acquires normal color and elasticity.

Such damage occurs from prolonged exposure to electric current, which leads to rupture of muscles and ligaments due to muscle tension.

In addition, the neurovascular bundle may be damaged, and severe injuries such as complete dislocations and fractures may occur.

If assistance in case of electric shock is untimely, or exposure to the current is too long, even death is possible.

What to do after a defeat

Providing first aid in case of electric shock cannot be carried out on a person without taking basic precautions to avoid exposure of the rescuer to the current.

The instructions are as follows:

  • The electrical installation or part of it that is in contact with the victim is switched off.