Well      06/17/2019

Ammonium chloride in the garden and vegetable garden for seedlings. Ammonia for the garden and vegetable garden. Ammonia from pests in the garden and in the garden

Ammonia, or an aqueous solution of ammonia is not only medicine. It is indispensable in gardening, because it is a nitrogenous fertilizer. This is especially important for strawberries. Three times treatment with a specially prepared aqueous solution of ammonia is getting rid of several problems at once. At the same time, it is an important feeding and prevention of most infectious diseases.

Ammonia in horticulture and gardening

Ammonia, or 10% ammonia solution, is widely used in horticulture. This is because at high content nitrogen, it does not contain ballast substances. A simple pharmacy product turns into an effective fertilizer. Its use allows you to get an environmentally friendly crop without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Reference! Another name for ammonia is ammonium nitrate or aqueous ammonia.

An aqueous solution of ammonia has 2 functions in horticulture:

  • liquid nitrogen fertilizer for any seedlings and adult plants;
  • prophylactic to control pests and infectious diseases.

Easily digestible nitrogenous nutrition is extremely important for most plants. Regular top dressing with an aqueous solution of ammonia is most important for such horticultural crops:

  • Strawberries (garden strawberries);
  • cucumbers;
  • Clematis;
  • Hydrangeas;
  • Lilies;
  • Geranium;
  • Onion.

For others garden plants and vegetables, treatment with aqueous ammonia is a last resort.

Peculiarities! Ammonia fertilizer is practically not absorbed into plant tissues. This allows it to be used for spraying vegetables and fruit plants after the end of flowering.

The use of ammonia for strawberries

Nitrogen is one of the most important trace elements for garden strawberries.

It is included in regular top dressing carried out at the initial stage of the growing season.

Spraying with an aqueous solution of ammonia is more effective than root fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.

Reference! Nitrogenous fertilizers can lead to an excess of this trace element in the soil. A good alternative is spraying the bushes with aqueous ammonia. At the same time, it is impossible to “overfeed” the plants.

Beneficial features

Regular feeding with aqueous ammonia provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced growth of green mass;
  • Active flowering plants;
  • Reliable prevention of pests such as aphids, bears, ants and wasps;
  • After such processing, top dressing with others mineral fertilizers not required.

Another important advantage This is plant safety. With such top dressing, nitrates do not accumulate in the roots, leaves and berries.

Ammonium chloride as fertilizer for strawberries

Treatment with ammonia throughout the growing season allows you to completely do without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. An active nitrogenous compound allows you to get rid of such a problem as yellowing of the leaves. It is enough to repeat this procedure only 2 - 3 times over the summer.

Carefully! With regular fertilizing with ammonia, the use of other nitrogenous fertilizers is not necessary.

Pest control

Ammonia is a very caustic and volatile substance with a pungent odor.

This allows it to be used to repel insects. Aphids, ants, slugs, nematodes and other pests will not settle on the beds treated by him.

Regular processing allows you to get rid of insects living in the ground: bears, larvae of the May beetle, and root.

Peculiarities! Unlike chemical insecticides, ammonia can be used during the formation of the ovary. It does not accumulate in the fruits, which is why it is enough just to wash them.

This is a good prevention of the occurrence of infectious diseases, such as gray rot, brown spot and others. A combination of this method and preventive mulching works well. Used for mulch pine needles or straw.

How to dilute the solution

The base solution is easy to prepare. For this you will need:

  • 10% ammonia;
  • Water.

To prevent volatilization of ammonia, fatty acids are needed.

To do this, add 72% washing soap to the solution. It is a natural antiseptic that creates the finest protective film on the leaves. Air and water pass through it, but it creates reliable protection from diseases. To prepare such a solution, you need:

Grate the soap and dissolve in hot water. mix soap solution and 10 liters cold water. Then pour in the ammonia and mix. Garden strawberries respond well to irrigation with aqueous ammonia in combination with iodine.

Attention! The prepared solution must be used immediately so that the ammonia does not evaporate.

Ammonium chloride is poisonous substance, when using it, you must comply with the necessary precautionary measures:

  • When watering, you need to use personal protective equipment: a respirator and gloves;
  • Do not add other substances or preparations to the solution, except for soap or iodine;
  • If the prepared solution comes into contact with open areas body, wash immediately with soap and water. After that, it is recommended to consult a doctor;
  • In case of poisoning with a solution, you need to drink a glass of milk and immediately seek medical help.

After this treatment, the berries must be thoroughly washed. Be sure to warn everyone who will eat them.

Carefully! An aqueous solution of ammonia is prepared only on the street. It must not be stored or used indoors.

Dosage and stages of watering garden strawberries

To prepare the solution, a 10% aqueous ammonia solution is used.

In order for the treatment with its solution to bring only benefit, it is important to observe the dosage and frequency of use.

The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. Most often, three times watering with an ammonia solution is repeated.

Attention! For each stage of irrigation, a freshly prepared solution of various concentrations is used.

For watering use a watering can with wide jets. The liquid quickly pours out, because of which the ammonia does not have time to evaporate. When spraying large areas of beds, the sprayer should be in the "jet" position. This is more efficient than fog mode. Drops of the solution also fall on the ground, repelling pests inside it.

The first stage, top dressing in the spring

The first watering is carried out in March - early April. It is important to carry out immediately after the appearance of young leaves. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 1 vial of 10% ammonia (40 milliliters);
  • 10 liters of water;
  • Soap solution.

The resulting mixture is poured into a watering can with a large nozzle and the bushes are generously watered. This allows the solution to hit the stems, leaves and ground at the same time. To avoid chemical burns, after the plants are watered with clean water.

Peculiarities! The solution for the first watering is the most concentrated. It allows you to destroy pests that have overwintered in the soil and fungal infections.

Second phase

The second irrigation is already carried out after flowering. For this, a less concentrated solution is used. For him you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 10 liters of water.

The bushes are pre-watered with plain water, and then with aqueous ammonia. This will protect the ovary from pests that survived after the first treatment. A lower concentration allows you to get the lowest possible concentration of nitrates in the fruit.

Third stage of spraying

The third time the strawberry bushes are watered with an aqueous solution of ammonia already after harvest.

This is the preparation of bushes for wintering and the ability to provide bountiful harvest next year.

This is a good support for plants that have exhausted their strength after fruiting.

As in the first stage, the most concentrated solution is used for this:

  • 1 vial of ammonia;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 5 drops of iodine.

Pour the bushes abundantly from a watering can with a nozzle - a sprinkler.

Contraindications for the use of ammonia

Do not use an aqueous solution of ammonia if there are medical contraindications. Among them:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Do not use aqueous ammonia to treat garden strawberry bushes in greenhouses or greenhouses. In a closed room, such a procedure can lead to poisoning.

Useful video

Learn more about fertilizing strawberries with ammonia from the video below:


An aqueous solution of ammonia is a good alternative to expensive nitrogenous fertilizers. It is well absorbed by plants, and at the same time repels many pests with its pungent odor. Ammonia gives the foliage a beautiful color, as it stimulates the production of chlorophyll. With timely feeding, it simulates abundant flowering and increases the yield of garden strawberries.

In contact with

Ammonia is ammonium hydroxide dissolved in water. This Chemical substance It has the appearance of a colorless liquid, but with a sharp unpleasant odor. Some call it ammonia for short, but it's a different substance. One of the areas of application of ammonia is work on personal plot.

One of the areas of application of an aqueous solution of ammonium (ammonia) on a personal plot is as a fertilizer.

Plants use nitrogen to synthesize chlorophyll in their cells. It is this chemical element that stimulates the formation of chlorophyll, as well as the growth of the green mass of foliage and shoots. Therefore, in order to accelerate the growth of plants (both flowers and fruits and vegetables), they are fed with minerals that contain nitrogen in their composition. As such top dressing, ammonia can also be used.

Nitrogen is also found in organic. Rather, it is released in the process of their decomposition. But such transformations of a natural kind take a long time. It is easier and more profitable to use mineral supplements. To use ammonia as a fertilizer, you need quite a bit, and it costs quite cheaply in pharmacies, which saves money.

In addition to fertilizing with nitrogen, which is carried out by the gardener at his own request or according to the recommendations of growing plants, the latter themselves will make it clear when they lack nitrogen:

  • the lower leaves turn pale and acquire a yellowish color;
  • rapid fall of flowers or lack of ovaries;
  • brittle weak stems;
  • slow pace of development.

The largest amount of nitrogen is consumed by:

  • Zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, rhubarb.
  • Raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, currant, plum,.
  • Dahlias, lilies, clematis, peonies.

First aid for ants - ammonia

It should be remembered that undiluted ammonia is poisonous, it can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes in humans and the surface tissues of plants when drops of a saturated solution of the substance come into contact with them. Therefore, when preparing nitrogen top dressing, it is necessary to work with gloves and avoid getting ammonia vapor into the eyes and respiratory tract.

When calculating the saturation of the ammonia solution for fertilizing plants, the established dosages must be observed. Otherwise, you may not get the desired result. When plant cells are oversaturated with nitrogen, the following is observed:

  • excessive development of deciduous mass;
  • late and weak flowering;
  • increased risk of fungal diseases;
  • accumulation of nitrates (nitrogen salts) in edible tubers.

Different plants need different dosages of nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Onion. To obtain juicy and large feathers, half a tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in one liter of water. For good harvest plantings are watered with a solution of one tablespoon of ammonia in 10 liters of water.
  • - one tablespoon of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers - 3 salt spoons of ammonia are diluted in 10 liters of water.

If necessary, you can slightly increase the dosage.

The use of ammonia in the fight against insect pests

Ammonia solution can also be used to protect plants from harmful insects. To do this, prepare a solution and spray it with ground parts of plants from a spray bottle.

For pest control use the following concentrations of ammonia:

  • From aphids - 20 ml of solution and 100 g of crushed laundry soap, mixed and diluted in 8 liters of water.
  • From ants - 40 ml dissolves in one liter of water. An anthill is watered with this solution.
  • From the wireworm - 10 ml per 8 liters of water. The solution spills the soil in the planting holes.
  • From the weevil - 25 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • From the bear - 10 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • From an onion fly - 5 ml of alcohol per 10 liters of water.
  • From cabbage whites - 100 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • From a secretive hunter - 25 ml per 9 liters of water.

Ripening fruits and berries can be sprayed with a weak aqueous solution of ammonium in order to scare birds away from them.

How to work with ammonia

When ingested into the human body, ammonia causes severe poisoning. If the dosage is exceeded in 10 g, a fatal outcome occurs.

The ingress of ammonia vapors into the respiratory tract leads to their spasmodic contractions and respiratory arrest.

Ammonia causes burns on contact with human skin.

In this regard, working with ammonia requires great care.

Ammonia should not be mixed with active chemical compounds. Preparation of the solution should be carried out with a good supply of fresh air. You need to work in rubber gloves and, preferably, in a respirator.

Clothing should cover all parts of the body as much as possible.

While watching the video, you will learn about ammonia in the country.

Ammonia is an effective and budgetary remedy suitable for use in horticultural work. Its solution can be used both in the fight against and as plant nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of dosage and work with the substance.

Attention, super FLY!

Indoor flowers especially need nitrogen fertilizing during the period of intensive growth and flowering. Over time, the soil in pots loses its supply of essential substances, which are absorbed by the roots of plants and washed out by irrigation water through drainage holes.

The use of ammonia for indoor flowers as a nitrogen fertilizer is simple and effective method provide plants with this nutrient.

Characteristics of the drug

Ammonia is ammonium hydroxide dissolved in water with an ammonia concentration of 10%. An aqueous solution of ammonia is a colorless liquid with an unpleasant and pungent odor.

Ammonia is ammonia

Available in every home first aid kit:

  • with fainting - evaporation of ammonia (a few drops on a cotton swab) excites breathing and cardiac activity;
  • in case of alcohol poisoning - a weak solution (10-15 drops per glass of water) causes vomiting;
  • as an antiseptic - a 0.5% solution is used for washing hands and treating wounds.

At home, with an aqueous solution of ammonia, some flower growers recommend feeding indoor flowers, eliminating nitrogen deficiency, and destroying pests.

Ammonia is often mistaken for ammonia. These two different substances are designated by different chemical formulas: ammonia, or an aqueous solution of ammonia, - NH₄OH, ammonia, or ammonium chloride, - NH₄Cl.

Beneficial features

Ammonia is an effective and inexpensive liquid nitrogen fertilizer. The ammonia dissolved in it is easily absorbed by small soil particles, as a result of which nitrogen becomes available for plant nutrition.

Prerequisites for use

In the flower substrate, the supply of nutrients after transplantation is enough for plants for 2 months. Ornamental and flowering plants, if they do not enter a dormant period, require regular top dressing during growth and flowering.

Nitrogen, which is especially necessary for leaves, is an important element in the root nutrition of indoor flowers. With its lack, growth slows down and the color of the leaves changes, low resistance to diseases and pests appears.

Signs of nitrogen starvation:

  • old leaves lose their rich green color;
  • on young ones, orange and red dots first appear, then the leaves die off;
  • budding stops in flowering plants;
  • tillering weakens.

Most of all, green pets suffer from a lack of nitrogen in early spring, when they begin active growth and prepare for flowering. Winter-flowering plants should be fed with nitrogen before flowering - in November-December.

Plant nutrition with nitrogen

Ammonia is used not only for top dressing, but also for the destruction of pests. For example, small midges, which appear in pots with indoor flowers as a result of waterlogging and a large amount of unrotted organic residues in the soil.

To prevent fungal diseases, flower containers are washed in a solution of ammonia.

Preparation and application of the solution

Ammonia dissolved in hot water is used to disinfect containers for flowers, prepare insecticidal solutions and nitrogen fertilizers.

Preparation of a solution for disinfection

Watering and top dressing are done at the same time to avoid an overdose of fertilizer.

Disinfectant solution for processing flower pots:

  • grate 100 g of laundry soap;
  • dissolve soap chips in 5 liters of hot water;
  • add 60 ml of ammonia (10%).

Wash the pots with a hot solution, rinse in running water and dry.

Recipe for fighting aphids:

  • ammonia - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 l.

The soil in the pot is watered once a week until the midges completely disappear.

Houseplants are often annoyed fruit fly Drosophila. A solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp will help get rid of it. l. a drug that needs to be watered the soil 1 time per week.

Watering the soil with a solution of water and ammonia

The use of ammonia for indoor flowers as a nitrogen fertilizer:

  1. Top dressing with ammonia when signs of nitrogen starvation appear. It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. ammonia tinctures. Houseplants are watered with a solution once a week. Before you feed the plants, the earth ball must be well moistened. These solutions are also watered plants after transplantation.
  2. A solution for feeding flowering houseplants is diluted from 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. flowering plants they begin to feed once a week after the appearance of buds and continue the entire flowering period.

Fast-growing indoor flowers are fed more often than slow-growing ones. The amount of dressing also depends on the size of the pot and the size of the plant.


When working with ammonia, it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory tract - volatile ammonia vapors cause irritation of the mucous membranes. A large amount of vapors can cause reflex respiratory arrest.

Solutions are prepared on the balcony with open windows. If this is not possible, open the window and turn on the hood.

Contact with ammonia solution on flowers and leaves can cause burns in indoor plants. Indoor flowers are watered with a weak stream from a watering can from a low height, trying to prevent splashing of the solution. After treatment with ammonia, the leaves are washed from a spray bottle with clean, settled water.

Spray rinsing with clean water

Feeding the plant with dry soil leads to a burn of the root hairs, so the soil should be moistened first.

During the dormant period, the feeding of indoor flowers is reduced or stopped altogether.

During the period of growth, flowering and formation of ovaries, plants especially need support and protection. Such a popular and proven tool as ammonia in the garden is used to solve several problems at the same time. It helps to saturate the soil with nitrogen, promotes the set of green mass by plants, repels pests. An aqueous solution prepared from this universal preparation is used throughout warm season. To use fertilizer effectively, you need to know how to properly apply ammonia in horticulture and horticulture.

Description and chemical composition

Ammonia, or aqueous ammonia solution at a concentration of 10%, is available as a liquid in vials. The active substance, ammonia (NH3), is a colorless gas. Its feature is sharp, caustic, bad smell resembling urine. The aqueous form of the solution is used both in horticulture (as part of fertilizers and protective equipment) and for medical purposes.

In everyday life, people call this drug ammonia, ammonia, ammonia water. In fact, the name "ammonia" belongs to ammonium nitrate (NH4Cl). This chemical is of limited use in large agricultural machinery, for the treatment of large areas. In small private farms, it does not find application at all. Thus, ammonia and ammonia are one and the same, and ammonia itself, or ammonium nitrate, is a separate chemical compound.

The use of ammonia in horticulture

The use of ammonia solution for plants has two main directions. It is used as a powerful nitrogen fertilizer and a handy tool in the fight against common pests. In practice, this means that both functions are performed at the same time, which facilitates the process of growing fruits and vegetables. Top dressing with ammonia can be carried out both in the form of watering plants under the root, and by wetting their green parts.

Nitrogen in the preparation is contained in a form available to plants, so it is easily and quickly absorbed without going through long stages of transformation in the soil. Why ammonia is used in the garden: almost all vegetables and many trees are watered with it. Flowers and decorative leafy crops are especially responsive to this drug. It is also used as a universal foliar top dressing, which easily penetrates into plant cells through the surface of leaf blades. This is especially true for those flowers, trees and shrubs that require a long period of time to transport fertilizer through the root system to the ground parts.

It is convenient to use ammonia to kill and repel such common pests as different types aphids, secretive proboscis, caterpillars, slugs and snails. In the garden, it is used to get rid of ground pests in the form of spraying, and with the help of root irrigation, underground insect species, such as bear, wireworm, larvae and soil flies, can be destroyed.

As a fertilizer

The main reason for fertilizing vegetable and garden plants with ammonia is the lack of nitrogen in the soil. This can have an extremely negative impact on the state of plantings. Nitrogen is involved in photosynthesis and affects the production of chlorophyll in plant cells. With a lack of it, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and fruit ovaries are not formed. Crops that do not have enough nitrogen during the period of active growth stop their development and may die.

Watering the beds will give noticeable results in 4-5 days. Spraying allows you to speed up this process and support plants that are experiencing acute nitrogen starvation. Ammonia solution - suitable fertilizer for such emergencies. The specimens processed by him come to life and are transformed before our eyes.

Ammonia solution in the country will be useful in the following situations:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes need nitrogen during the entire period of growth and development. They need to be fed with the drug in small and medium dosages.
  • Ammonia solution can be watered with root crops: potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes. For these vegetables, it makes sense to apply root dressings during the growing season and flowering, and later, during the growth of underground parts, they will no longer be so effective.
  • For cabbage, peppers, pumpkins, zucchini, nitrogen fertilizer is always a welcome top dressing, to which these plants react very positively. The drug can be applied both by root and air methods, as well as alternate these types of treatment.
  • top dressing ornamental plants ammonia is carried out during the growing season and flowering. You can process them by root method and spraying. It is better to water beautifully flowering and especially decorative leafy species with ammonia water regularly, they are very responsive to all types of procedures with nitrogen preparations. But at first, the dosage should be small, otherwise the flowers will zazhiruyut, that is, they will use all their strength for the growing season and slow down the formation of buds.
  • For growing seedlings, ammonia is used in the form of watering under the root and spraying with a weak solution. The dosage should be increased gradually, observing the reaction of the seedlings. They show it very quickly and clearly.
  • For reclamation of mineral-poor or tired soil, preventive treatments are carried out throughout the summer season, as well as in the fall, after harvesting.

Pest Control

To protect plants and preserve the crop, ammonia is used both in the form of spraying and watering. Measures suitable for pest control also help to support plantings with nitrogen fertilizer. In the case of extensive damage to the beds by insects, a combination of treatment is needed different methods: applying the solution to the soil and spraying alternately.

Watering is done under the root of the plant, as well as at a distance of half a meter around it. It is better to cultivate slightly moist soil, rather than completely dry. Watering should be plentiful, until the soil near the plants is completely wetted. For air treatment, plantings are sprayed from a spray bottle.

Summer residents often water the green mass from above using a watering can with a small divider. So you can reduce the amount of ammonia that gets on the skin and in the respiratory tract of the gardener.

Some large specimens, for example, cabbage, should not be sprayed, but washed with a solution to ensure that the entire surface of the green mass is covered with the preparation. High pressure garden sprayer the best option, it forms a cloud of fine water dust, from which the drug quickly evaporates. In addition, you can accidentally inhale toxic ammonia.

You need to know what pests ammonia water helps against:

  1. Flying and crawling insects: ants, wasps, Colorado potato beetle larvae are afraid of the smell of ammonia. They are easy to scare away by spraying the green mass, but the effect will be temporary. As soon as the smell dissipates, annoying pests can return. The problem is solved by regular procedures.
  2. Colonies of voracious aphids, which love to settle on the youngest and most tender shoots of garden and horticultural crops, completely die as a result of processing. It is reliable and safe way get rid of insects.
  3. Snails, slugs and caterpillars, which are dangerous for tender young plants at the stage of active vegetation, do not tolerate the smell of ammonia, even in small concentrations. But after a single treatment, they quickly return, so it is important to repeat the procedure.
  4. Underground pests: bear, wireworm, soil fly, including onion and carrot, are also sensitive to the drug. Ammonia is able to destroy both adult flying flies and larvae located in top layer soil.

Start work on fertilizing garden and garden plantings nitrogen in the form of ammonia water is needed already at the stage of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. The dosage for the first treatments is taken as low as possible so that the plants do not experience shock. Gradually, the concentration should be increased, but taking into account the frequency of treatments and the reaction of plants. A single excess of the maximum dosage of the drug can cause a burn of the root system.

Too much high level nitrogen content in the soil leads to the so-called fattening: violent growth of leaves, late and weak formation of ovaries. The maximum allowable concentration of ammonia in the working solution: 120-150 ml per 10 liters of water.

For a small garden and vegetable garden, it is convenient to dilute ammonia in a bucket of water. The drug does not tolerate compounds with chlorine, so the water should be soft, better than natural. If you have to use tap water, it should be boiled, and then defended for several days. It is necessary to use the prepared product immediately, the working solution cannot be stored, ammonia will begin to evaporate.

  • In the case of obvious nitrogen starvation of plants, a strong solution should be prepared at the rate of 80-85 ml per 10 liters of water. At the same time, the most fast results gives foliar processing.
  • For preventive regular treatment, a low concentration is suitable, 45-50 ml of ammonia solution per 10 liters of water. With this composition, you can water and spray any garden and garden crops with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks. You can not be afraid of excess nitrogen, and insects will not have time to damage plantings with such a frequency of application of the drug.
  • Even a weak solution of ammonia helps to get rid of soil pests. For 10 liters of water take 20 ml of ammonia. You can water the earth not only under plantings, but also around the beds, at a distance of 50-70 cm from them.
  • To protect against flying and crawling pests, a foliar method is used to prepare a solution of 50 ml of ammonia, 50 ml of any liquid soap and 10 liters of water. The active substance is needed in order for the drug to linger on the surface of the stems and leaves. It also helps to evenly distribute the product.

Feeding seedlings and young plants does not require a large amount of working solution. For the first treatment, use half the dosage of the drug, and then carefully monitor the reaction of young shoots. If they look healthy and strong, then nitrogen fertilization can be continued.

General instruction by application:

  1. Add 6 ml (1.5-2 teaspoons) of ammonia solution per liter of water, stir.
  2. It is necessary to water the seedlings not on dry ground, but after slightly moistening the substrate in pots with plain water.
  3. You can repeat this procedure 1 time in 10-14 days, depending on the condition of the plants.
  4. When planting seedlings in open ground under each plant, pour 0.5 l of the solution into the prepared hole. This will help protect plantings from pests and create favorable conditions for growth and nutrition.

Precautionary measures

It is no coincidence that ammonia has such a repulsive smell. This remedy is toxic to humans, it can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin and especially in the bronchi. When introducing ammonia into the soil, rubber gloves and closed clothing should be used. The respirator during work with the drug will reliably protect the respiratory tract. If the substance is accidentally swallowed, drink plenty of clean water and induce vomiting. After finishing work, change clothes, take a shower and wash your hair.

It is desirable to carry out the processing of plants in warm, dry and calm weather. Evening time is ideal for such procedures, in this case the risk of sunburn on the leaves from liquid drops is excluded.

It should be noted that ammonia damages some objects and surfaces, especially paintwork.

Affordable and universal remedy, which combines a series useful features, can be found in pharmacies, garden stores. Subject to the precautionary rules and permissible concentrations, ammonia is safe for humans and plants, it does not contribute to accumulation in fruits harmful substances. This drug is considered a panacea for the health of most horticultural and horticultural crops.

Many gardeners have heard how useful ammonia is, the use of this remedy in the garden will help not only restore soil fertility, but also protect plants from many pests. We will tell you why the use of ammonia is necessary, how it affects crops and in what proportions to use it.

The benefits and uses of ammonia in the garden

What is the function of ammonia in the cultivation of the land? Let's think logically. Again, it is known from the school curriculum that for good growth and favorable development, all plants without exception need nitrogen. Despite the fact that the air contains 78% of free nitrogen, plants are able to absorb this component from the soil only as part of chemical compounds. Therefore, the use of ammonia in horticulture for irrigation of various cultivated plants and flowers saturates them with a substance so necessary for the growth of development. In addition, ammonia is used to spray plants: garden crops, shrubs, flowers and trees as a pest control. onion fly, ants, bear, aphids, secretive proboscis do not tolerate a sharp ammonia smell and leave their favorite habitats.

What plants can be fertilized with ammonia

The life cycle of any plant is associated with the process of increasing green mass, flowering, and the formation of fruits. Nitrogen types of fertilizers help him make development efficient. The need for nitrogen in all plants is different.

Among them there are great lovers of nitrogen, feeding with ammonia is most useful for them:

  • Cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Pumpkins, zucchini.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Peppers, potatoes.
  • Perennial bulbous flowers.
  • Peonies, dahlias, clematis.
  • Raspberry, cherry, plum, strawberry, blackberry.

It is useful to feed any seedlings with an alcohol solution during the growth of the house, when transplanting to a permanent place.

Feeding cucumbers with ammonia

Ammonia, the use of which in the garden is known not only for pest control, can serve as an excellent top dressing for cucumbers. This is the plant that needs in large numbers nitrogen. To do this, three tablespoons of ammonia are taken per ten liters of water. Cucumbers are poured with the resulting solution immediately after the start of shoot growth.

Processing cabbage with ammonia

Ammonia is known to have beneficial effects on many plants. So, ammonia, the use of which in the garden no longer causes any controversy among summer residents, is also useful for cabbage. It not only saturates it with essential trace elements, but also effectively fights pests. For example, this drug is a malicious enemy of slugs, snails, fleas, caterpillars and the well-known cabbage fly. In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed with plants every few days. But if the slugs are already wound up, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. Pests should leave your garden soon.

Processing onions with ammonia

The benefits of this drug for onions have been noticed for a long time, so ammonia is actively used to improve crop growth and increase its yield.

The use of nitrogenous fertilizers stimulates the rapid growth of green mass. For onions grown on greens, this will be an excellent top dressing. The feather of such plants becomes juicy, green, beautiful.

The introduction of certain norms of nitrogen significantly affects the development of the underground part of the onion, the main thing at the same time is to prevent an excess of nitrogen, and also not to forget about other elements (potassium, phosphorus).

If everything is done on time and in the right proportions, then the onion heads will be juicy, large. Along with onions, it absorbs such nitrogenous compounds and garlic very well, it is no coincidence that these crops are most often fed with this pharmaceutical preparation.

Feeding garlic with ammonia

Top dressing with ammonia is carried out if the tips of the garlic leaves become thinner, begin to twist and turn yellow. To do this, prepare a low concentrated solution: 2 tablespoons of ammonia water per 10 liters of water.

They use ammonia from pests in the garden, namely, they carry out foliar treatment from weevils. To combat them, 25 ml of ammonia is added to a bucket of water, the beds are watered with a ready-made solution every few days.

Processing a tomato with ammonia

Tomatoes, the culture is widespread. Each summer resident plants his favorite varieties to pamper with homemade salads, tomato juice and preparations. The crop ripens on the aerial part of the plant, so a strong bush - necessary condition. Tomatoes need nitrogen to grow properly. You can feed tomatoes with a useful element using ordinary ammonia from the pharmacy chain.

The effect of the use of ammonia in the form of top dressing for tomatoes is very noticeable. The substance in ammonia is in a form that is easily digestible for plants and does not require additional processing by bacteria. After proper feeding with ammonia, tomatoes in the beds:

  • increase the green mass;
  • bloom actively;
  • are not subject to pest invasions;
  • do not suffer from fungal diseases.

Ammonia for indoor flowers

In winter, our indoor flowers, which grow on window sills, where it can be cold or drafty, or vice versa too hot due to heating, the flowers feel pretty bad. Therefore, they need to be fed, especially in the second half of winter. In addition, whiteflies can start in indoor flowers, spider mite or other pests. Therefore, for disinfection and fertilizing with nitrogen, you need to make a soft, delicate solution using ammonia.

Excess nitrogen can burn the roots of plants, so you need to water with such solutions stepping back from the roots of indoor flowers, and other plants, especially shrubs.

For indoor flowers, we breed 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia in a bucket of water. The solution is very weak and gentle. But this is quite enough for watering, fertilizing and disinfection. Then we water the flowers with ammonia with this solution so that pests do not multiply there, and at the same time disinfection from pests is obtained.

Nitrogenous fertilizers quickly reach the roots of indoor plants, they start growing faster.

Also make the solution stronger and wash the windows with this solution, where there are indoor flowers. Pests may be there. Indoor flowers respond well to such top dressing.

Safety measures when treating plants with ammonia

The pungent smell of ammonia and its vapor, if elementary protective measures are not followed, can be dangerous:

  • sudden inhalation can cause respiratory arrest, so it is better to mix the solutions in well-ventilated areas;
  • in people suffering from hypertension, it can cause a sharp increase in pressure;
  • ammonia - medicinal product and in no case should it be mixed with chlorine-containing substances;
  • in order to avoid burns, be careful not to get the product on the skin and mucous membranes.

At correct use, observing proportions and rules, ammonia will become your indispensable assistant and another for plants. They will certainly thank you healthy appearance and a rich harvest.