Mixer      06/29/2020

Top safe countries in the world. The safest countries in the world. Safe Country: Portugal

Life is scary, and traveling is even scarier: planes are shot down, bombs explode at the airport, people are shot at in hotels... Sometimes it seems that it’s better to lock yourself at home, close all the windows and doors and watch pictures with landscapes and city views on Tumblr.

But despite the turbulent situation, there are still countries in the world where you can simply enjoy traveling without worrying about your life. But, of course, there are also such dangerous places that it is better to trust your inner paranoid and not tempt fate.

Map of dangerous and safe countries according to the Global Peace Index

Dark green color – very high level of security. Green – high level. Yellow – medium level. Orange – low level. Red – very low.

5. Dangerous Country: Somalia, Africa

Somalia has been shaken for 20 years in a row Civil War: on the one hand, the Transitional Federal Government, supported by the United States of America, on the other hand, the Islamist rebels. In addition, the country is torn apart by endless conflicts between opposing tribes. Criminal gangs operate on land, and pirates operate on sea. Behind last years About 20% of the population fled from the African state. Tourists have nothing to do here either - medicine is extremely undeveloped, there are problems with telephone communications, and traveling by car can easily become a real disaster– there are few gas stations, so there is every chance of getting stuck in the middle of the desert.

Somali children queue for food and water

4. Dangerous Country: Afghanistan

Tourists should forget about Afghanistan: the Central Asian state was recognized as the worst place for women. The statistics are frightening: for example, in 2014, 2,026 cases of violence against women were registered, including 162 women in the country who were beaten to death. Moreover, compared to the previous year, the figure increased by 15%. But the place is not safe for men either. The situation in the country is very turbulent, especially for foreigners - they can become victims of the Taliban. Thus, in 2007, the Taliban kidnapped 23 tourists from Korea from a regular city bus, killing two in the process.

Afghan women celebrate New Year in Kabul. Author: Ahmad Masood/Reuters.

3. Dangerous Country: Iraq

The Islamist terrorist organization Daesh operates in Iraq - the northern, western and central parts of the country, including the second largest Iraqi city of Mosul, are under its control. It is dangerous to approach Iraq's borders with Turkey, Syria and Iran. The terrorists spare no one: representatives of the Red Cross, the UN, journalists and ordinary tourists come under attack. Hotels, restaurants, cafes and other places where guests of the country gather are being targeted. Desperate travelers claim that the southern regions of the country are relatively safe, you just need to avoid “hot” spots, don’t get involved in conflicts, don’t stand out from the crowd... But maybe it’s still not worth it?

2. Dangerous Country: South Sudan, Africa

Children, don’t go for a walk in Africa... And definitely avoid South Sudan. The southern part of Sudan became a separate independent state after a referendum in 2011. Before the popular vote, Sudan promised to support any decision of the southerners, but since independence, conflicts between the northern and southern states have not stopped. The danger also comes from the Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan nationalist cult group whose bases and strongholds are believed to be located in South Sudan. The Lord's army has become notorious for its repeated cases of child abduction. The tourist will have to carefully think through the route: there are many minefields here. In addition, in case of accidents, a traveler should not rely on local medicine - it is of no different quality in the country.

A man with the South Sudan flag marches on Independence Day

1. Dangerous country: Syria

It is difficult to even imagine who would think of voluntarily going to Syria. As of 2016, the Global Peace Security Index ranks Syria as the most dangerous country in the world. Since the beginning of the conflict between the government of Bashar al-Assad and the opposition in 2011, more than 300 thousand people have been killed here. A fifth of Syria's population (3.9 out of 21.9 million) fled to other countries, and another 7.6 million people were displaced internally from their homes. The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch called the militants' actions a crime against humanity. Governments are advising their citizens in Syria to leave the country immediately. At any moment, airports, roads and other means of communication may be blocked, and there will be no turning back.

Syrian woman with a child in a military conflict zone

1. Safe country: Iceland

Since 2007, Iceland has time and again proven to be the safest country in the world. The small island nation in northern Europe has no army and police officers don't even carry weapons. American student International Law Faculty Andrew Clark traveled to Iceland twice to collect information for a project on the Nordic country's low crime rate. There are 0.3 murders for every 100,000 people, and the rate has remained between 0-1.5 for more than ten years. Why is it so safe here? Andrew believes that Iceland's secret is equality: 97% of Icelanders consider themselves middle class, the country is considered the first in the world in women's rights, minority rights are protected here, and there is an almost complete absence of religious conflicts.

Residents of Iceland at a city festival

2. Safe country: Denmark

Crimes of particular gravity are very rare here - the murder rate reaches only 0.8 per 100,000 people. Denmark is safe for tourists - for example, in the capital of the country, Copenhagen, there are no “dangerous” areas. Rates of sexual violence are also low, putting Denmark on the list of countries suitable for women traveling alone. Visitors to the country should only observe reasonable safety measures: for example, keep an eye on things on famous music festivals in Aarhus. In the countryside, everything is also quiet and calm, but it is worth remembering that the majority of rural residents of Denmark do not speak English, so if something happens, it can be difficult to ask for help.

Spectators at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival

3. Safe country: Austria

Austria is one of the safest countries in the world. The capital of Austria, Vienna ranks sixth in terms of safety out of 215 cities. The murder rate is one per 100,000 people. Tourists can feel safe in both small towns and rural areas, including in nature. You should be wary of pickpocketing here (as, indeed, everywhere else) and theft of bicycles. The latter can be explained quite simply: the difference between bicycle paths is not visible everywhere. Some tourists note unfriendly attitudes towards dark-skinned people, especially in small towns.

4. Safe Country: New Zealand

In the Global Peace ranking for 2016 New Zealand ended up fourth. The country did not lose its leading position in previous years. The island nation also holds the title of being the least corrupt in the world - New Zealanders pride themselves on their relaxed lifestyle, for which they can thank an efficient legal system and a police force they can always turn to. New Zealand is equally safe for traveling around cities and for forays into the wild. True, sometimes you should be careful with the latter: although, unlike neighboring Australia, there are few dangerous and poisonous animals here, parrots love to gnaw plastic from windshield wipers, side mirrors and car doors and can significantly spoil the appearance of the vehicle.

5. Safe Country: Portugal

In a frighteningly short time, several popular tourist destinations have become extremely unsafe: a suicide bombing at Istanbul airport, the shooting of tourists in a Tunisian hotel, and a plane crash in Egypt have turned many travelers away from these countries. Warm European countries appeared on the scene, including Portugal, the fifth safest country in the Global Peace ranking. In Portugal, you can forget about terrorism and crime for a while (1.2 murders per 100 thousand people per year). The most common complaints from tourists are dishonest, rude taxi drivers, pickpockets on public transport and broken, chipped tiles on the main streets of cities.

BOOM Festival in the village of Idanha a Nova


10th place - Slovenia

Slovenia opens the top ten safest countries in the world. The country has received very high UN security ratings. These estimates took into account the number of internal conflicts, public attitudes towards crime in general, and the number of police and security personnel per capita.


9th place - Japan

Japan is famous for its culture, but few people can imagine that in this country the murder rate is 0.44 per 100,000 people, while in Russia the murder rate is 8.6. In addition, in Japan, thefts and robberies are a very rare occurrence; on the contrary, there is a developed network of lost and found bureaus, where they will also help you find lost things.


8th place - Canada

In this country the government is much more concerned topical issues security than even the US government. This country received the best scores in terms of arms exports and availability, and the perception of crime in society.


7th place - Switzerland

Switzerland is a country with many nations, it has 4 official languages. And this country is good example for other multinational countries, because they have peace and order around them. The murder rate is 2.2 per 100 thousand inhabitants, and the cities of Zurich and Geneva are among the safest cities in the world.


6th place - Czech Republic

The country that became home to the bloody Velvet Revolution is now considered one of the most peaceful in the world. The country ranks sixth thanks to low military spending and low levels of violent crime.


5th place - Portugal

In Portugal you can forget about terrorism and crime for a while (1.2 murders per 100 thousand people per year). She ranks fifth in the ranking.


4th place - New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country with beautiful landscapes of mountains, lakes and sea coasts. Due to isolation from other states, harmony and tranquility reign in the country, even despite the constant influx of tourists. The murder rate in the country is about 1.8 per 100,000 people and this is the only negative indicator; nothing else threatens the lives of citizens.


3rd place - Austria

Austria is one of the safest countries in the world. The capital of Austria, Vienna ranks sixth in terms of safety out of 215 cities. The murder rate is one per 100,000 people. Tourists can feel safe in both small towns and rural areas, including in nature.


2nd place - Denmark

Denmark regularly ranks at the top of the list of the happiest countries in the world, and now experts have rated it as the second safest. Last year, this country did not stain itself with anything other than a conflict with Canada over an uninhabited island.


1st place - Iceland

She has held this position for the sixth year. This Scandinavian nation scored low on homicides, crime rates and terrorist incidents. In addition, the country's island position gives it a bonus in terms of conflicts with neighbors. No neighbors - no conflicts.

The ranking of the most dangerous and safest countries in the world and accurate crime rate statistics will help you understand many pressing issues that are increasingly arising in the modern world. Is there a country in the world that is safe to live in? Many people are probably thinking about this. After all, every day we are driven into stress by news about how people are robbed, killed, kidnapped, terrorized, raped. Many countries are torn to shreds by civil wars. There are corners of the globe where people don’t leave home without a helmet, a knife, or even a firearm. Where do states take care of the safety of their citizens, and where do they not fulfill their responsibilities? Which countries should you avoid, and where can you go without fear? After all, we all want to live in a world in which our rights and dignity are respected in practice, not on paper, and in which our lives are not threatened.

Security indices and ratings

UN Index

The potential danger to the life of a particular country is determined by the special Office for Combating Drugs and Crime operating under the UN. It has existed since 1997 and has many regional branches. The department compiles a country safety rating, the main criterion of which is the number of intentional murders per 100 thousand people in each country. This indicator is sometimes confused with the criterion of violence in society. But experts believe that these indices do not always coincide. Different countries have their own crime rating system. Sometimes states include all crime-related deaths in their statistics. It happens that this includes attempts on someone’s life or incitement to suicide.

But be that as it may, the UN Premeditated Killing Index always determines the level of security of individuals in a particular country, as well as the attitude towards human life in the society in question.

Global Peace Index

The Institute of Economics and Peace (together with the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney) also has its own rating. This is the Security Index or the Global Peace Index. This rating takes into account three indicators:

  1. Level of safety in society.
  2. The presence of internal conflicts or participation in international wars.
  3. How militarized is the country and is its foreign policy aggressive?

In total, 22 indicators are taken into account when compiling the rating. This Index is published every year and covers more than 160 countries. This also takes into account UN data on the murder rate. For each group of indicators, a score from 1 to 5 points is given. The lower the score, the more peaceful and safe the country is considered. The assessment is carried out annually.

Other indexes

The ValuePenguin agency also compiles its own rating of safe countries to live in. Their data is based on the number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, car accidents, thefts, assaults, life expectancy and police officers relative to population density in each state. However, their statistical study is divided into three categories - large countries (with a population of 20 million or more), medium (5 to 20) and small (up to 5 million). True, this statistic is true for relatively developed countries, as well as those states where the population size is more or less accurately known. It is advisable, based on all this data, to get a summary idea of ​​which countries are the safest and where it is actually scary to live.

Rating of the most dangerous countries according to the UN

The most dangerous countries according to the UN are Honduras, Venezuela, the US Virgin Islands, Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Lesotho, Swaziland, Saint Kitts and Nevis.


The homicide rate, including intentional homicides, in this country at the end of 2018 was more than 90 people per 100 thousand population. It is the tallest in the world. Not just accommodation, but simply an individual trip there for a foreigner is equivalent to suicide. In this state, military coups occur approximately every four years. But no government has been able to deal with drug cartels and street gangs. The military patrols the streets instead of the police. By evening, the city streets are empty, and residents do not even go out to the store - they could get killed along the way.

In Honduras, only military personnel dare to go out on the streets in the evenings.


The rate of violent deaths at the hands of criminals per capita in Venezuela according to 2018 data was already significantly lower (about 53 people per 100 thousand). There are many reasons why security in this country is lower than in neighboring states where there are wars and civil conflicts. But the main one is that the Venezuelan government does not have a policy aimed at reducing crime. The country's police and security forces are mired in corruption and do not fulfill their duties. In addition, there is no control over the proliferation of firearms, which flood the city streets. Venezuela is the main transit country for cocaine from Colombia, and drug trafficking is often controlled by high-ranking military officials.

Corruption and poverty are the main reasons for the high crime rate in Venezuela

US Virgin Islands

The US Virgin Islands are not too far behind Venezuela. The murder rate is 52 people per 100 thousand. It is an autonomous US territory, but the crime rate is 10 times higher than the average for the United States. There is a lot of theft of personal property here, and violent crimes are typical for the outskirts, deserted shores. When exchanging money on the street, you may be attacked in broad daylight. Criminal violence, however, is largely directed at local residents, but the level of security in the country is constantly decreasing. There have been several high-profile cases of tourist murders in recent years. The population on the islands is predominantly poor, with a low level of education. The police are doing their jobs poorly. At the same time, the US Virgin Islands remain a popular cruise destination, and travel companies try to hide real crime statistics from their clients.

Even in broad daylight, you should not exchange currency on the streets of the US Virgin Islands


The homicide rate here in 2018 was more than 44 people per 100 thousand). If the villages here are relatively safe to live in, and order is maintained by the residents themselves, then in the cities the situation is diametrically opposite. Armed robbery, theft, fraud and corruption that has permeated the entire state system are far from a complete picture of crime in the tourist “paradise”. Belize also plays a role in drug trafficking from south to north. Although the police are trying to combat this phenomenon, it is a leading cause of the rise in violent crime. Downshifters from different countries who had the imprudence to settle here.

Belize is considered a tourist paradise, but has the fourth highest murder rate in the world.


El Salvador constantly appears in the ranking of the most dangerous countries in the world according to the UN rating (murder rate 41 people per 100 thousand). An extremely unfriendly state. The police department of this state's capital records the same number of violent crimes on the streets leading to death in three days as is recorded in the UK in a year. There are so many murders in San Salvador that unidentified corpses are dumped in mass graves in the city cemetery. The government of the country has declared war on banditry, but in this battle the victory is so far on the side of the criminals. The latter themselves organize raids on police officers and kill them. People are kidnapped and killed for various reasons - for political views, for money, for cooperation with the police. In terms of the number of murders of their own citizens, the bandits of San Salvador have surpassed even the Islamic State group banned in the Russian Federation.

Police in El Salvador wear masks because criminals also raid and kill them.

The most dangerous countries according to the Global Peace Index

Among the ten most terrible countries to live in, the Global Peace Index ranked Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Somalia, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, and North Korea at the top of the list. All of them are torn apart by civil conflicts, which sometimes become international.


According to the Global Peace Index, at the beginning of 2019, Syria is considered the most dangerous country in the world (3.65). It is engulfed in a civil war that began after protests against President Bashar al-Assad were violently suppressed by force in 2011. During this conflict, government troops and various opposition groups kill, arrest, and torture people, including women and children. Many civilians are killed by bombing and artillery shelling. The death toll in this conflict is approaching 200 thousand.

Syria is the most dangerous country in the world, according to the Global Peace Index.


This country's Global Peace Index score is 3.45. Iraq suffered first from conflict with the United States and then from a civil war that lasted nine years. Although the war is considered officially over in 2011, in reality it continues in a different phase. The terrorist organization “Islamic State,” banned in the Russian Federation, is aggravating this conflict, seizing more and more territory in northern Iraq (the cities of Tirkit, Mosul, Biji and others) and forcing thousands of people to abandon everything and flee from their homes in order to save their own lives. After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, the country turned into a real hell for women.

No one feels safe in Iraq


In the Global Index ranking, Afghanistan has a score of 3.43. The war in this country has been going on for 15 years. This is a civil conflict involving NATO countries and their allies. Although the goal of this war was destruction terrorist organization Al-Qaeda and the overthrow of the Taliban group, the official government of Afghanistan still controls only the capital of the country and some adjacent territories. The Taliban intimidate the local population and carry out terrorist attacks. Tens of thousands of people died during this conflict and continue to die violent deaths to this day. Afghanistan is also considered the most dangerous country in the world for women. 90% of them are illiterate, and the Taliban kill girls who want to go to school. 80% of women are forced into marriage.

War is part Everyday life majority of Afghans, especially in the province

South Sudan

The country, which has a peacefulness score of 3.38, became independent in 2011. The region, inhabited by black Africans, has long been subject to forced Islamization by Sudanese Arabs. In connection with this, endless civil wars raged here, which in a few years claimed the lives of 2 million people. However, even independence from Sudan did not resolve the situation, since the region is inhabited by different ethnic groups, including nomadic tribes. Conflict broke out again between them in 2013, and the country continues to suffer from ethnic wars.

Despite gaining independence, South Sudan continues to suffer from tribal conflicts

Central African Republic

The history of the CAR is sad. This is a former French colony, whose rating today is 3.33 points. Since independence, it has been ruled by authoritarian regimes, military juntas and adventurers. Democratic elections and the establishment of a republic did not overcome terrible corruption and political instability, and in 2004 a civil war began between the government and Muslim and Christian movements. The government was overthrown by Muslim rebels in 2013, and both sides have been killing civilians ever since. There was even a danger of genocide on religious grounds in the country. The election of a female president, whose candidacy was approved by both sides of the conflict, somewhat eased the tension. But peace is still very far away.

Interreligious conflicts in the Central African Republic almost led to genocide

Which countries has the UN recognized as the safest?

According to the UN Premeditated Homicide Index, the safest countries in the world are Liechtenstein, Monaco, Singapore, Japan, Iceland, Hong Kong, Kuwait, French Polynesia, Bahrain and Indonesia.


Liechtenstein, an Alpine principality, is one of the smallest and richest countries in the world. The intentional homicide rate in 2018 was zero. Liechtenstein's sources of income are the sale of unique postage stamps and tourism. It is considered to have the most beautiful scenery in the world. Economically, Liechtenstein is closely connected with Switzerland. The atmosphere in the country is very calm and relaxed. The people are friendly, polite, welcoming. You don’t feel the tension that grips you in almost all the world’s capitals.

The atmosphere in Liechtenstein is very calm and relaxed


The Principality of Monaco also boasts a zero intentional homicide rate. This country is very small - only two square kilometers, surrounded by French territory. You could say that it is just a rock in the sea, where houses are huddled on ledges. But the influx of tourists here is huge. In addition, Monaco owes its prosperity to the gambling business. Therefore, the government has taken unprecedented security measures. Every ten people are protected by at least one policeman. The country has the most advanced 24-hour video surveillance system. All roads in the principality can be closed in a matter of minutes, and very severe sentences are imposed for the most minor crimes.

Monaco has zero intentional homicide rate


The small Asian state of Singapore ranks third in the world in the Intentional Homicide Index (0.2 per 100,000 people). Experts believe that the whole point is a perfect police system, strict living rules and large fines. For example, throwing out garbage in the wrong place will cost you 500 US dollars, and smoking or chewing gum in places not intended for this will cost you a thousand. Moreover, in Singapore, the laws are not only strict, but also strictly enforced.

In addition to the fine system, corporal punishment in the form of blows with reed sticks can be used in Singapore (for example, for attempted murder). The country has the death penalty by hanging, which is used for the most serious crimes: brutal murder, drug trafficking, etc.

Singapore owes its security to professional work police and strict laws and regulations


Although we are used to detective stories and thrillers about the Japanese mafia (Yakuza), in reality it is a very calm country. The rate of intentional homicide here is slightly higher than in Singapore (0.3 per 100 thousand), and the size and population are much larger. In Japan, not only is there little violent crime, but also there is little robbery and theft. The population takes lost items to the lost and found office, where they wait for their owners. This is a country where people can safely walk the streets at any time of the day, without fear for their lives or property. Here the doors are often not locked at night, and cars are left in the parking lot without hiding expensive gadgets. The reasons for this are the professionalism of the police, which the population trusts greatly, as well as their hostile attitude towards criminals. The latter are not surrounded by any romantic flair, but become outcasts in society and family.

Japan is a calm country where you can walk the streets at any time of the day.


The “Island of Vikings and Geysers” is on par with Japan in terms of safety and level of violent deaths. Although the country suffered from an economic crisis, this did not in any way affect the peace and hospitality of its inhabitants. There are about 2-3 hundred prisoners in Iceland, who are allowed to go home on weekends to see relatives, and the police do not carry weapons. Icelanders are trying to solve all political problems through “electronic democracy” (online voting). Maybe this reduces the degree of tension in society. Conservatism and modernism coexist in this country, and there is enough room for everyone.

In Iceland, the police do not carry weapons, and many problems are solved through “electronic democracy”

Safest countries in the world according to the Global Peace Index

The Global Peace Index has its own rating of safe countries. It does not exactly match the UN rankings, although countries such as Iceland and Japan are in the top ten of both Indexes. The safest states according to the Global Peace Index are Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the Czech Republic. Since Iceland (Peace Index 1.15) has already been described above, it is advisable to pay attention to four more countries from the top five leaders of peaceful life in the Global Peace Index category in 2019.


Denmark's peace index is approximately 1.15. Like Iceland, this country is one of the calmest in the world. Local residents often learn about murders and violence only from the news. In Denmark it is customary to be friendly to others. There are so few political upheavals or even major events that Denmark is almost never in the news.

Residents of the “Danish kingdom” often learn about murders and violence only from the news


Austria ranks third in the Peace Index (1.2). This country has one of the most effective police forces in the world, a high level of income, a disciplined, law-abiding and educated population. Violent crime is very rare here.

Austria ranks third on the Peace Index

New Zealand

New Zealand falls into third place. The island state, where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed, is popular among tourists because of its fabulously beautiful landscapes and excellent ecology. Experts believe that the reason for the low crime and murder rates is the absence of political conflicts, the religiosity of the population, the stability of the economy and a kind of isolation from the rest of the world. New Zealand was one of the first countries to establish equality - it gave women the right to vote back in the nineteenth century. Living here is beautiful and comfortable.

Living in New Zealand is not only beautiful, but comfortable and safe


The level of peacefulness of the Swiss for 2019 is 1.28. Although in the old days this country supplied mercenaries to its warring neighbors, now it is an oasis of peace and tranquility. Many nationalities live harmoniously here, there are four official languages. Its most populous cities - Geneva and Zurich - can become examples for other capitals of the world, it is so pleasant to live here. Workers law enforcement professional, polite and punctual.

Geneva and Zurich, despite being crowded, are the safest major cities in Europe

Safe countries according to ValuePenguin

As already mentioned, this agency has its own system for rating the safest countries to live in. According to the agency, among large countries the safest are Spain, Japan, Italy, France and Australia. Among the middle ones are Switzerland, Singapore, Greece, the Netherlands and Hong Kong. And the safest small countries are Cyprus, Ireland, Iceland, Costa Rica and Luxembourg.

TOP 10 countries where it is better to be born a man

When we talk about choosing a safe country of residence, we also have in mind the criteria for maintaining gender equality.

Although most people believe that women's rights are not under threat in our time, in fact there are countries where representatives of the fair sex constantly and systematically become victims of violence and discrimination.

Sometimes the law does not even consider them as equal to men. Many expert organizations around the world regularly identify leaders in gender inequality, that is, countries where it is better to be born a man.


Afghanistan ranks first in terms of danger for women. But it is not only killings by paramilitary groups that threaten women in this country. Pregnant women receive virtually no medical care, and therefore deaths during childbirth occur every 30 minutes. Afghan women have the highest suicide rate. More than 1 million widows are forced to make a living through underground prostitution. 87% of women suffer from severe forms of domestic violence - they are beaten, their noses and lips are cut off.

Other countries with terrible conditions for women

The Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than 3 million people have already been killed in civil war, has not spared women. Rape, including mass rape, is such a systematic phenomenon there that UN experts called it unprecedented. Many women die and get AIDS. They are forced to get food and water for their children literally under bullets.

Millions of women in Iraq are forced to stay at home because it is dangerous for them to work. The Islamic State forces those living in occupied areas to provide sexual services to militants, and if they refuse, they kill them along with their children.

Nepal is characterized by early marriages and the “selling of daughters.” As a result, many girls die from early childbirth. Widows are victims of discrimination and accusations of witchcraft. Maoist militant groups force girls to join their ranks.

The ongoing conflict in Sudan is claiming the lives of many thousands of women. Others are kidnapped, raped, and denied access to justice.

Indeed, in some countries it is not worth being born a woman, no matter how unfair it may sound.

Poor and rich

But it is not only countries with civil conflicts and underdeveloped economies that are dangerous and difficult for women to live in.

Guatemala is a poor country. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has one of the highest rates of domestic violence, rape and HIV/AIDS in the world. Women are often killed by bandits who leave taunting messages on their dead bodies.

Mali and Somalia are poor countries, rocked by civil wars and with virtually no security systems. In addition, the cruel practice of “female circumcision”, which involves mutilation of the genitals, is widespread there. Between 80 and 90 percent of women become its victims.

So-called honor killings are common in Pakistan. A woman or girl can be “executed” by relatives on the mere suspicion of tarnishing the family’s honor. In addition, in rural areas it is still common to rape women as punishment for the crimes of their husbands and brothers.

But even in such a rich country as Saudi Arabia, women are looked at as inferior creatures, absolutely dependent on male relatives. They are prohibited from driving a car or communicating with other men. Their lives are limited by harsh laws, the violation of which is punishable.

Level of homophobic attitudes

IN Lately Research is being conducted on where the level of homophobia is lowest, and which states are dangerous for people with non-traditional sexual orientation. It is no secret that they often become victims of attacks, discrimination and even murder.

The public organization ILGA-Europe conducted such a study in Europe and found that the people who are most friendly towards such a group of people as LGBT are:

  • Great Britain,
  • Belgium,
  • Norway,
  • Sweden,
  • Portugal,
  • Spain,
  • France,
  • Netherlands,
  • Denmark,
  • Germany.

But in the countries of the former socialist camp, especially in Bulgaria, there is a high level of homophobic sentiment among citizens.

In most Muslim countries, homosexuality is a criminal offense and is punishable by death, and in Iraq, since 2013, a real hunt has been organized for such people. Dozens of them were brutally killed.

Crime Score

States' rankings on levels of violence, murder, discrimination and civil conflict do not always coincide with their rankings on crime rates. After all, the latter is not always associated with a threat to life. Such statistics are collected and published annually in the Numbeo website database, based on user data. A rating below 20 points is considered a very low level of crime, and a rating above 80 is considered a very high level of crime. According to the Numbeo database, the most criminal countries in the world at the beginning of 2019 are:

  • Venezuela (84.5 points),
  • South Sudan (81.3),
  • South Africa (78.4),
  • Papua New Guinea (77.6),
  • Honduras (76.4),
  • Nigeria (74.1),
  • Trinidad and Tobago (72.6),
  • El Salvador (72),
  • Brazil (71.2),
  • Kenya (69.5).

And the lowest crime rate is observed today in:

  • South Korea (14.3),
  • Singapore (15.8),
  • Japan (19.3),
  • Hong Kong (20.8),
  • Taiwan (21.2),
  • Georgia (22.2),
  • Qatar (22.3),
  • UAE (23.1),
  • Austria (24),
  • Estonia (24.7).

Despite the many approaches of international organizations and experts to assessing the level of violence and crime in countries around the world, it is easy to see that security directly depends on the development of the economy, employment and education of residents, the level of corruption, and the professionalism of law enforcement agencies. Civil conflict plays a huge role in the country. After all, it often threatens the collapse of the entire system of management and control over crime. Some states are unsafe, but at the same time they are popular tourist destinations. There, the degree of risk for living is seriously reduced depending on the region where you are. Safe countries are also similar to each other. As a rule, these are not very large states in terms of territory and population. Although there are such giants as Japan. They have harsh laws, and local traditions do not encourage criminals and their way of life. These countries can be conservative and religious, or, conversely, open and free. The death penalty, as practice shows, does not play a deterrent role. But well-being and law-abiding, as well as trust in the actions of the police, are mandatory signs of a safe country.

The general level of security is the main criterion taken into account by potential immigrants and ordinary tourists when choosing a country for residence or just a tourist trip to any state. Recently, in the world, due to armed conflicts, terrorist attacks and rising crime rates, the general safety of citizens has suffered greatly.

These factors are taken into account by international organizations that from time to time evaluate countries to compile ratings of the safest countries. The proposed material examines the safest countries in the world in 2017 for living and visiting tourists, and provides a comparative assessment of the states that are the least prosperous on this issue.

Criterias of choice

  • crime rate;
  • participation in military clashes;
  • the ratio of the number of law enforcement officers to the total number of residents;
  • the size of the state budget for military needs with the determination of the global peace index and other statistical indicators on this issue;
  • stability of the political system;
  • the state of the environment, including the impact of the industrial sector on it, the frequency and scale of natural disasters;
  • life expectancy of citizens and mortality rates;
  • economic situation, degree of economic development;
  • the nature of social protection of the least protected segments of the population;
  • attitude towards visitors and migrants;
  • development of the provision of medical services;
  • standard of living of citizens;
  • unemployment rates and other criteria.


The list of TOP safest countries in the world is dominated by the following powers:

  • Iceland rightfully leads the list. This small island power is not associated with resolving issues on disputed territories, and is characterized by political stability, a developed economy and social cohesion of the population. All of the above and many other advantages bring Iceland to a leading position in the ranking of countries where it is comfortable to live, work and relax;

  • New Zealand is another island country where many foreigners dream of moving to. In addition to the ideal infrastructure, high social standards and standard of living, the main reasons include amazing nature, diversity of wildlife, a very low crime rate and high overall safety;
  • Portugal is a colorful European country, safe for living and traveling, except for the possibility of occasional pickpocketing in crowded places. Visitors to obtain a residence permit are provided with assistance due to the adoption of the government program “Golden Visa”, which provides benefits to immigrants investing in the local economy or purchasing real estate;

  • Austria is a prosperous European state with all the advantages of democracy and a developed society. A great place for tourism and recreation in winter time years in the pristine nature of the Alps;
  • Denmark is a stable, calm country where civil conflict or civil unrest is unimaginable. It is characterized by a high-tech economy, a stable political situation and a reliable system of social protection for citizens. Many reputable publications note not only the high level of safety, but also the satisfaction of local residents with the general standard of living;
  • The Czech Republic is a former post-socialist country whose industry is on the rise. Tourists are attracted here by the developed infrastructure, a large number of historical attractions for tourists to visit. There is virtually no unemployment, the country is characterized by a low level of militarization;
  • Slovenia is another attractive country that has significantly improved its economic performance after joining the EU. Characterized by efficient work law enforcement agencies;
  • Canada is a more preferable country for living and working compared to the neighboring United States, which is significantly inferior in terms of security. Pristine nature and beautiful cities attract numerous tourists and immigrants;
  • Switzerland traditionally maintains neutrality in confrontations between the world's leading powers. Features stable economic growth and a high safety record with a low homicide rate;

  • Ireland - the stability of the political system and involvement in the work of international structures that ensure general security in the world, guarantees visitors comfortable conditions for stay in the country;
  • Finland - the only drawback of this power is its harsh climate with cold and long winters. But this is compensated by Finland’s many advantages compared to other countries in the world. The Finns are rightfully proud of one of the best education and healthcare systems in the world, and magnificent nature. Finland is a wonderful place to live or travel;
  • Japan - the ranking of the safest countries in the world would not be complete without this state. High standards for maintaining order, friendliness towards visitors, an excellent transport system are important factors in the positive assessment of Japan by international experts in terms of security, which allows local residents and numerous tourists to feel comfortable.

The above list may be changed due to different evaluation criteria of one or another organization, but these states rightfully occupy the first places in the world, as representing the greatest attractiveness for living and visiting by tourists. This is evidenced not only by high statistical indicators, but also by the results of a survey of local residents, comments from specialists and experts in areas related to assessing the stability of the main criteria affecting overall security and stability.


There may be individual discrepancies in the final location of a state in the ranking, depending on the criteria taken into account by a particular expert organization.

This assessment is carried out annually, considering indicators for a total number of states of about one hundred and sixty. Based on the results, a global rating is compiled that takes into account all the above factors, so the safest country in the world to live, as well as the TOP list of rating leaders, may change periodically, taking into account the changes that have taken place during the specified period.

Where not to go

However, at the same time as high rates, some countries pose an extreme degree of danger to visit. These countries are characterized by very low indicators according to the above criteria, and any tourist should think twice about it when planning to visit here for tourism and other purposes, not to mention the decision to move on a permanent basis.

Such states in the world include:

  • Syria - civil confrontation led to the intervention of leading world powers, and therefore there were a large number of casualties during shelling and fighting. This and many other reasons explain the last place in the ranking;
  • Iraq - Although the civil war has officially ended, there are still isolated conflicts. As a result of the fighting, a very unfavorable situation was created in the country. economic situation, which does not add attractiveness to visitors;
  • Afghanistan is a country with one of the lowest rates of literacy and social security of the population, which is not favored by the completed civil war. Characterized by a high degree of terrorist danger;
  • South Sudan - gaining independence has not ensured political stability; military clashes still occur regularly, claiming the lives of citizens;
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo is an African country with high level corruption and unfavorable gender conditions, instability of the political system and other negative factors contributing to a low place in the ranking of attractive powers in the world.


As we can see from the presented material, the assessment of countries in the world based on safety indicators must be taken into account by tourists or immigrants when choosing a place of vacation or residence. Before traveling, you need to carefully weigh all the circumstances, considering the advantages and disadvantages of a particular country.

Those planning to immigrate in search of a better life should take into account the availability of programs that provide advantages to visitors who are ready to invest in the economy or purchase real estate, especially since many attractive states from this point of view offer corresponding benefits to certain categories of immigrants. This is a good opportunity to improve living conditions by reducing the time it takes to obtain the necessary documentation allowing you to reside in a particular state.