Toilet      07/02/2020

What role does water play in human life? What is water, the importance of water in human life. The role of water in everyday life


Water in our life is the most common and most common substance. However, from a scientific point of view, this is the most unusual, most mysterious liquid. water mineral chemical

All living things, including humans, consist of water, so its quality greatly affects the state of all living things and, in particular, human health.

A person encounters water in its various forms: drinking water, a bathing pond, a pond near the place of residence, places of frequent stay, and many others.

Importance of water in human life

Water is the most important component of our habitat. After air, water is the second most important component necessary for human life. How important water is is evidenced by the fact that its content in various organs is 70 - 90%. With age, the amount of water in the body changes. A three-month-old fetus contains 90% water, a newborn 80%, an adult - 70%. Water is present in all tissues of our body, although the distribution is uneven:

  • The brain contains - 75%
  • Heart - 75%
  • Lungs - 85%
  • Liver - 86%
  • Kidneys - 83%
  • Muscles - 75%
  • Blood - 83%

Today, more than ever, it is very important for our body to receive clean water with a balanced mineral composition. It carries our body's waste, delivers lubrication to our joints, stabilizes our temperature, and is the lifeblood of the cell.

Water is necessary to maintain all metabolic processes, it takes part in the absorption of nutrients by cells. Digestion becomes possible only when food becomes water-soluble. Crushed tiny food particles gain the ability to penetrate through the intestinal tissue into the blood and intracellular fluid. More than 85% of all metabolic processes in our body occur in the aquatic environment, so the lack of clean water inevitably leads to the formation of free radicals in human blood, which leads to premature skin aging and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles.

Consumption of clean water ensures the normal functioning of internal organs. It keeps your body flexible, lubricates your joints and aids in the absorption of nutrients. Good body supply clean water helps fight overweight. This is expressed not only in a decrease in excessive appetite, but also in the fact that a sufficient amount of pure water contributes to the processing of already accumulated fat. These fat cells, with the help of a good water balance, become able to leave your body.

Water is a heat carrier and thermostat. It absorbs excess heat and removes it by evaporating through the skin and respiratory tract. Water moisturizes the mucous membranes and the eyeball. In the heat and during physical exercises, intensive evaporation of water from the surface of the body occurs. Consumption of cool clean water, which is absorbed into the blood from the stomach, provides timely cooling of your body, protecting it from overheating. During training, for the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink in small portions of about 1 liter per hour.

Even if you do not bother yourself with physical exercises, you still need to constantly replenish the lack of water. The atmosphere in modern buildings is often overheated and air-conditioned. This dries the air and dehydrates the body. The same thing happens when traveling by train, plane and car. Coffee, tea, alcohol - all these joys of life contribute to the removal of water from the body. An adult is able to live without food for more than a month, without water for several days. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental incapacity. Loss of 20% of water leads to death. During the day, from 3 to 6% of the water contained in the body is exchanged. Half of the water contained in the body is exchanged within 10 days.


We begin our life as a fetus, which is 99% water. When we are born, 90% of our body is water, and by the time we reach adulthood, the water content drops to 70%. If we die in extreme old age, then our body consists of about 50% water. In other words, throughout our lives, we exist mainly in the form of water. (Emoto Masaru)

The quality of drinking water is one of the main global problems of the XXI century. At the same time, each continent, country, region, city and even district is a unique place, with its own unique climate, soil, population, ecology, and the state of the water supply system. Water, like nothing else, is a very accurate indicator that reflects all the territorial features that affect its chemical composition, taste, color, smell.

For almost all countries of the world, the problem of drinking water purification is becoming more and more urgent every year.

According to current standards, drinking water must be safe in epidemiological and radiation terms, harmless in chemical composition. The ecological state of the region, the soil, the quality of communications - all these problems affect the quality of our water. Environmentally friendly drinking water is the most important food product. What water we drink is very important.

Since water directly affects human health, we were interested in the following questions: What kind of water flows from our tap? What substances are contained in it? How safe is it to drink? What diseases are caused by contaminated water? In our village, water is supplied to the water supply from underground sources (wells), or from surface sources - rivers, lakes, reservoirs?

From the above, the goal of our work follows: to investigate the quality of drinking water in the village of Ut.

1. Find out what role water plays in human life.

2. Determine the quality of tap water in the village of Ut.

3. To study how water quality affects human health.

4. Identify sources of contamination of tap water and determine the level of contamination.

5. Outline ways to solve this environmental problem.


Is the tap water in Ut village suitable for drinking and cooking?

Research methods:

questioning students, laboratory experiments, visual observations, comparison, photographing objects, working with scientific literature and Internet resources

Place of study:

Ut village, Dobrush district, Gomel region.

The role of water in human life

Nothing living can exist without water. Man, plants, animals - all need water. People have long settled where there was water. She plays a huge role in our Everyday life: we drink it, cook food on it, wash ourselves and brush our teeth, wash clothes and wash dishes. We swim in the water and water the garden with it, wash the cars. In industry, water is used in many manufacturing processes, and the food industry is all based on water. Agriculture is a large consumer of water. But even more important is the water contained in ourselves. Up to 65% of the human body consists of water. Without water, our hair will become dry, our nails will become brittle, and we ourselves will become old and wrinkled. Muscles will lose strength, skin - tone. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental incapacity, the loss of 20% of water leads to death. A person can live without food for four weeks, but without water - no more than five days.

Water is called the "mineral of life" because life itself, according to scientists, originated many millions of years ago in the ancient oceans. Over the years, living beings have populated the land, but their connection with water continues to this day. Every living being has its own "ocean" inside. Signs of dehydration of the human body - dizziness, headache, peeling of the skin, swelling of the legs. If you purify 35 tons of water drunk by the average person in a lifetime, the result will be 420 glasses of salts and pollutants. This water "garbage" remains in the human body: it settles in the joints, blood vessels.

Every day a person needs to drink 6-8 glasses of pure water. Drinking enough water plays an important role in a person's ability to resist colds, runny nose, headaches, and stress. Scientists have come to this conclusion. They found that people who drink not eight, but only three glasses of water a day, 5 times increase the risk of living with a constantly stuffy nose and sore throat. And if the rate of water consumption is only 2.5 cups, then the risk of catching a cold increases 3 times. Water helps the human body to cope with stress faster, avoid headaches and skin diseases.

Water resources of the Republic of Belarus

In terms of water resources, the Republic of Belarus is in relatively favorable conditions. Resources of surface and ground waters are sufficient to meet the needs of the population and sectors of the economy. More than 20 thousand rivers and streams flow through the territory of Belarus, there are more than 10 thousand lakes, 143 active reservoirs, about 1500 ponds in the country.

Due to the peculiarities of the hydrogeological structure in Belarus, there are significant reserves of groundwater, which are the best sources for domestic and drinking water supply. Among the underground waters for humans, groundwater is important, which occurs at a depth of 25-30 m. Groundwater in river valleys and ravines sometimes comes to the surface and forms springs and springs. Ground water is water that accumulates above the first layer of waterproof rocks from the surface of the earth - clay, granite, solid limestone. Depending on the area, the depth of groundwater is from one or two to several tens of meters. Ground water is usually clear. The amount of dissolved salts is small.

Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

South Ural State University

Department of Control Systems


on the topic "The role of water in nature and in human life"

Water is a special solvent

Water is a structural component of living

Fractal drinking water

Water is the basis of the human body

Continuous learning is the key to the development of the human brain

bottled water

Sparkling water

Low alcohol drinks - poisoning the body

Water and human consciousness

What kind of drinking water is needed (useful) for a person?

Bibliographic list

Water is a special component of the Earth

Water is the most abundant and important substance on Earth. The total water reserves on the planet are 133,800 cubic kilometers. Of this amount, 96.5% is accounted for by the oceans, 17% is groundwater, 1.74% is glaciers and permanent snow. However, the total fresh water supply is only 2.53% of the total water supply.

Fresh water resources exist due to the constant circulation of water in nature. Water exchange in nature is the process of evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean and land, the transfer of water vapor, their condensation with the following precipitation, redistribution, all kinds of conditions, which ultimately leads to the return of water to the ocean, to Earth.

Annually, an average of 485 mm of water evaporates from the land surface, and a layer with a thickness of about 1250-1400 mm from the water surface. Some of this water returns with precipitation to the ocean, and some is carried by winds to land. This feeds rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers and other water resources. This “natural distillation” of water consumes about 20% of the energy of the Sun, which reaches the Earth.

Fresh water reserves on the planet are limited, but they are constantly updated. The rate of water renewal determines the water resources available to man. In the patriarchal era on Earth, the water cycle, which included plums, rains, snowfalls, floods, and so on, was, despite the cataclysms of nature, beneficial to humans. Rains, melt waters irrigated the earth, brought substances useful for plants, enlivened the very environment of nature.

With the development of civilization, when chemical fertilizers, detergents, internal combustion engines appeared, when human activity became nature-transforming, when a person separated himself from nature and stood above it, human waste began to pollute everything and, first of all, reservoirs. In ancient times, when man lived in harmony with nature, any fresh water, with the exception of marsh water, was drinkable. There was sea water and just water, without any further definitions. It was believed that water is a mineral that a person should consume naturally. Now a person is talking about a separate type of water - drinking water. In addition, there are waters of rivers, lakes, where a person can and cannot swim. There is sewage, there is acid rain, there are emissions from the reservoir of waste from enterprises, from which all life in the water dies. Today, the water cycle in nature is closely connected with the man-made environment.

The H2O water molecule has the spatial shape of an obtuse triangle with an angle between two oxygen-hydrogen chemical bonds equal to about 104 0 . The electrons of hydrogen atoms are drawn to oxygen, so that the "hydrogen corners" of the triangle carry an excess of positive charge, and the "oxygen corner" negative. Water is a liquid whose molecules form a kind of cluster structure due to a specific hydrogen bond between water molecules.

Due to the special cluster structure, water has a high heat capacity, i.e. it is able to absorb a large number of heat, primarily solar energy, and remain liquid at the same time. Water, due to its structure, is the main climate-forming factor of nature.

Due to the large dielectric constant - (for water - 80, for air - 1) water is a universal solvent of nature. This means that opposite electric charges are attracted to each other in water 80 times weaker than in air. Accordingly, the forces of the interatomic compound in molecules are weakened by 80 times and their dissociation into ions (cations, anions) occurs.

Many substances thus dissociate and dissolve in water. This is a special property of water, which is used everywhere in our life. For example, today it is hard to imagine our life, from personal hygiene to household hygiene, if there was no water. Water enables a person to take away negative energy from her and restore his natural bioenergetics.

Due to its ability to weaken the interatomic and intermolecular properties of substances, water is a great destroyer, capable of dissolving anything: homogeneous substances - salt, sugar; various gases - at high speed; others - metal, solid rocks - more slowly, imperceptibly to the eye, but irreversibly. This means that there can be no ideal distilled water. Once in the dish, the water immediately begins to dissolve its walls, as a result, impurities of the molecules of the material of the vessel appear in the water.

And one more very important property of water. When water cools and freezes, its volume increases and its density decreases - that is, ice floats in water, and does not sink. If the ice sank, then our reservoirs in winter would freeze to the bottom and become dead to the living. This means that water is not only a liquid that preserves life, but is also its main component.

The basis of any living structure is organic molecules and water as a solvent. Organic molecules in relation to water are amphiphilic molecules (they have a non-polar, neutral part and a part that has the corresponding charge, positive or negative, depending on the chemical structure). If amphiphilic molecules are dissolved in water, then, depending on the concentration, they form different ordered structures - natural lyotropic crystals. It is lyotropic liquid crystals that are the basis of all living structures.

Almost all biological media of living structures, to one degree or another, can be represented in the form of lyotropic liquid crystals, and their structure is of great diagnostic importance for the organ or system whose properties are represented by the lyotropic system. For a person, this is the structure of all fluids that the glands of the human body secrete (saliva, tear, blood plasma, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, bile, and others) are of particular diagnostic importance. For normal (normal) functional activity, the structure of internal water, which forms the corresponding biological structure, is of particular importance.

Often in the literature, drinking water is called a liquid crystal, which emphasizes that natural drinking water is not a set of water molecules that form a network structure of H2O molecules in the liquid state, which is also called a cluster structure, a structure that can change over time. It is the cluster structure of water molecules that determines the basic chemical and physical properties of water. This is true when it comes to so-called pure water or distillate. Natural water, in addition to H2O molecules, contains various organic and inorganic impurities, which together are natural drinking water. It would be more correct to say that natural drinking water is a solution of various organic and inorganic substances in a solvent matrix - water. From the point of view of physics, chemistry of such aqueous solutions, depending on the composition of the solution, the concentration of certain organic or inorganic molecules, their characteristics, two limiting cases of the structure of aqueous solutions are possible. It can be a heterophasic solution, when all organic and inorganic molecules are dissolved in water. However, they interact very weakly with each other in solution; introduce themselves into the solution individually. Such water does not have any self-organized, ordered structural systems in its structure. If for such a heterophase solution the phase transition - heterophase solution - solid phase, then as a result the solid phase will be a set of various microcrystals formed from dissolved impurities in a heterogeneous solution.

Another limiting case of a solution is a homogeneous solution - all dissolved impurities and the solvent itself, the water matrix - is a single, self-organized system in which, as a result of natural self-organization, an ordered environment (micellar or lipoprotein) is realized, which is typical for living structures, i.e. a lyotropic liquid crystal structure is formed. In this case, as a result of the same phase transition as in the first case, liquid phase– solid phase, a clear ordered structure of the solid phase is formed. Such a structure of the solid phase is called fractal, and fractals exhibit optical activity. A number of important physical conclusions follow from this.

The fractal structure means a special symmetrical structural order, the main element of symmetry appears, repeats itself on any geometric dimensions. It turns out that all living structures are built according to the fractal principle, and not according to the principle of dense packing of molecules or atoms from which the structure is built.

The fractality of the structure is the principle of optimal structural ordering or loose ordered structure. The presence of optical activity or structural dissymmetry is a very important natural phenomenon. If the structure of a living system has dissymmetry, this means that it corresponds to the law of V. Vernadsky, according to which the main difference between a living structure and an inanimate one is the presence of dissymmetry in a living one. In turn, the presence of water structure dissymmetry means that water is a living biogenic structure. Thus, natural, structurally balanced and ordered drinking water is a fractal, dissymmetric structure, and it is this water that most closely matches the properties of the intracellular water of the human body.

In any source of literature on the physiology of living organisms, a person is indicated as a percentage of the entire organism, how much water is contained in which organs, structures of the living.

The main part of the water inside the body, bound water, is concentrated inside the cells (about 70%), and the rest (30%) of the water is extracellular water. Of this extracellular water - 7% is the blood and lymph (filtrate) of the blood, and the rest washes the cells. This is interstitial or free water of the body.

A number of organs of the human body contain quite a lot of water in their composition. These are the brain, germ cells, skin, liver, etc. The human embryo is 97% water, and in a newborn, its amount is 77% of the mass, and over the years the amount of water in the body is constantly decreasing.

The water of the human brain is a special structure of bound water. If the slightest substance that is not characteristic of the human body enters this water, a breakdown occurs, a violation of the mental state of a person. Examples of such substances are alcohol, nicotine, drugs, toxic and other harmful substances stimulants, including doping drugs. The human body quickly feels a violation of the water balance. So the loss of moisture of the order of 6-8% of body weight causes severe conditions close to fainting. If water loss becomes 10-12%, cardiac arrest may occur.

At the birth of a person, his body contains a certain ratio of bound, intracellular water to free, intercellular water. This ratio of two body waters in the process of human life must be maintained constantly. Human health and longevity depend on the constant maintenance of the balance of water homeostasis of the body. In turn, in order for the body to maintain the ratio between bound, intracellular water and extracellular, free water, a person must drink high-quality drinking water, which, in terms of its structural and biophysical characteristics, should maximally correspond to the properties of the intracellular water of the body. In nature, such drinking water is becoming less and less today. It follows that for human life, not just clean, purified or alpine drinking water is needed, we need drinking water that has a certain structural order and that has natural bioenergetics, the so-called "living water". Only such structured drinking water, when systematically consumed by a person, is able to maintain a constant ratio of bound water to free water in the body.

The most important human organ and the most complex in structure and functional activity is the brain. Judging by the latest research by scientists, the human brain is involved in 2-3%. A person has a big brain to develop, to use it to the maximum for the development of his biofield, spiritual capabilities, harmonization of his field structure with the cosmos. Who manages to expand the percentage use of the brain achieves incredible success. This circumstance is of fundamental importance for the development of the noosphere. According to researchers, just 10 percent use of the brain allowed Einstein to make so many discoveries.

When a person is born, his brain is pure. To continue its existence, the child begins to explore everything around - to crawl, touch, listen, speak. In childhood, the brain is really actively used. In just 2-3 years, children, starting from scratch, are already walking, talking, and some are multiplying three-digit numbers. Further, a person falls under the pressure of the education system - kindergarten, school, college, work. Here everything has already been invented: study the subjects - and no problems. Just at this stage, the activation of the brain stops. It is used only to study what others have to offer, not for one's own development. Thus, a person ceases to think in the real sense of the word.

Many people who engage in intense mental work live to a ripe old age, maintaining their mind, health and good spirits. The reasons for this are in the highest activity of their brain, since the state of the whole organism depends on its vital activity. For most people, brain activity declines with age. The result of this is manifested as premature aging of the whole organism, disease. Some scientists claim that only 3-4% of brain cells are involved in human mental activity. The Russian scientist S. Verbin refutes such a statement. A person cannot think with only part of the brain. It uses all 100% of the brain cells, it is another matter how many active brain cells are present or left. According to the same scientist, if a person does not drink, does not smoke, does not take any drugs, then 1% of kidney cells, the same amount of liver, 1% of retinal cells, 1% of brain cells, etc. die in a year. Each organ loses 1% of its cells. Also, scientists have found that the brain of a healthy person operates at a frequency of 300 million vibrations per second. Any disease reduces brain activity man a thousand times.

But how to stop the aging of brain cells, stop the decline mental capacity organism? Many effective methods of cleansing the body have been developed - daily, permanent, which support the functional activity of body cells, including brain cells, within certain normal limits. In this case, respiratory and motor techniques are important. Gradual degenerative processes can be prevented by drinking the highest quality drinking water, water that, according to all bioenergy-informational characteristics, corresponds to the intracellular water of the brain.

An additional benefit of preventing brain disease by keeping the brain optimally hydrated is that water increases the brain's ability to process information. The brain is extremely sensitive to water loss. It is believed that the brain is not able to withstand the loss of even 1% of water.

It is important to remember that nerve cells in the brain only live once. Brain cells do not reproduce like all other cells in the body. Therefore, dehydration (drinking or not drinking enough water) affects the brain cells so much that it harms them, leaving an indelible mark. Yet nature is wiser than we think. To obtain all the necessary substances, including water, the brain, which makes up approximately 2% of the total body weight, is allocated up to 20% of the circulating blood. In addition, the brain is constantly bathed in a fluid other than blood. This specific and strictly defined liquid substrate is produced by the capillaries of the brain, the main part of which is located inside the cerebral hemispheres.

Water is not just a liquid, but a nutrient medium for cells. With dehydration of the body, the volume of cellular fluid first decreases (66%), then extracellular (26%), and then water is extracted from the bloodstream (8%). This is done to provide water, first of all, to the brain.

The role of water for the brain is great even for a child in the womb. Probably, many do not even think about why a normal child is always upside down in the womb. It turns out that in this position blood supply improves, the whole subsequent life of a person depends on the blood supply to the brain during this period. That is why, for any disorders associated with a disorder of the nervous system, especially the head structures, it is necessary to remember this and more often do at least a “half-birch”, and then a “birch”, or, in other words, a headstand.

Water is also responsible for the generation of hydroelectricity, which is necessary mainly to ensure the functions of the brain. The energy of this type is "clean" because it leaves almost no waste and slag. Excess water is excreted in the form of urine. It does not stagnate in the body, unlike excess food, which forms mountains of fat. Hydroelectric energy best meets the needs of the subtle metabolic processes in the brain. On the membranes of each cell there is a large number of specific proteins, in the structure of which there is a place for attaching certain minerals contained in the circulating blood and the solution surrounding the cell.

Obesity, depression, and cancer are three medical terms used to describe the process of sustained, unintentional dehydration. The concept of "dehydration" refers not only to the lack of water in the brain cells, but also the lack of raw materials, which can bring the body to illness.

In Europe in the early 70s, they found a solution to the problem of "dirty" water. Drinking water from under the ground is lifted up, cleaned by artificial means and bottled. Eating only bottled water has become the norm. Bottled water is supplied to preschool and educational institutions, industries, firms, various institutions and sports complexes. In terms of popularity, bottled water is unmatched among soft drinks.

The International Bottled Water Association defines bottled drinking water as follows: “Water is considered bottled when it meets government drinking water hygiene standards, is placed in a hygienic container, and is sold for human consumption. However, it should not contain sweeteners or additives of artificial origin: flavors, extracts and essences of natural origin can be added to bottled water in an amount that does not exceed one weight percent. If water contains a higher percentage of components, then it belongs to soft drinks.

Today, two main types of bottled water are offered for sale: mineral and drinking (purified drinking) water.

According to existing state standards for drinking water, it is believed that table drinking water should have a mineralization of not more than one gram per liter, in the absence of specific biologically active components. If such water also has natural bioenergy, which is very important for the human body, then such water can be drunk without restrictions.

Many experts who deal with the problem of high-quality drinking water believe that when natural water is placed in a polymer container, such water differs significantly from the so-called free water from a natural source. Recent studies of the physical properties of natural drinking waters, in particular, structural studies of drinking waters, indicate the following.

To characterize the quality of natural packaged waters, in addition to chemical and microbiological characteristics, it is imperative to control the structural, and with it the bioenergetic quality of natural drinking water. The study of the structure of natural drinking water shows that behind the structure, natural water is structurally ordered or fractal water, and in addition, high-quality natural drinking water must be alive.

According to the definition of V. I. Vernadsky, living matter differs from lifeless matter by the presence of natural dissymmetry or asymmetry in it. In this case, the structure of water is such that it has left-oriented and right-oriented structural orders in relation to the direction of light propagation in water. The introduction of physical methods for monitoring the quality of drinking water, in particular bottled water, is very important, since only physical, in particular structural studies, can reveal not only the bioenergetic properties of water, the so-called information memory, the impact of environmental factors on water, but also the main thing behind physical criteria quality of packaged drinking water, it is possible to find out the conformity of drinking water with the properties of intracellular water, the highest criterion for the quality of drinking water. The Institute of Human Ecology conducts constant physical studies of the properties of bottled drinking waters, which are on the market today, both domestic and foreign drinking waters. Unfortunately, there are very few bottled waters of such the highest quality, which have a high natural bioenergy, are structurally ordered (fractal) and are as close as possible to the properties of the bound water of the human body.

There is another direction in the classification of drinking water, for which the correct name should be “purified drinking water”. For such drinking waters, the requirements are significantly relaxed, namely, for such drinking waters, the characteristics of structural order and bioenergetic value are not used. For drinking water, its origin is not important. The main thing is that the water responds sanitary standards and rules. Drinking water includes any bottled drinking water that meets the quality standards for “potable drinking water” that has undergone, in addition to mechanical treatment, additional degrees of purification (distillation, demineralization, softening, enrichment with additional salts or minerals) that have led to change in their primary chemical composition. After such purification, the water is artificially enriched with minerals and salts, the concentration of which should not exceed 1 gram per liter. At the same time, the contents of individual elements - sodium, chlorides, sulfates, etc. - should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations for drinking water.

For the production of purified drinking water, tap water, water from artesian boreholes, or water from a certain surface source (lake, river) is used. This water is suitable for everyday use, not only for drinking, but also for cooking. Such water is safe and harmless, however, this water, figuratively speaking, is “empty”, since in the production of such water, it is cleaned practically “to zero”, and then it is chemically mineralized to physiologically optimal values. Usually, there is no need to talk about the structural orderliness and bioenergetics of such water. On the label of bottled water, the manufacturer must indicate the main data on the origin of the characteristics of drinking water. Unfortunately, there is very little such information on the labels of most domestic bottled drinking waters.

To maintain water homeostasis or balance, we drink every day. Who drinks water, who drinks coffee or tea, and who drinks beer, juices, carbonated water, low-alcohol drinks are even worse. The basis of an expensive drink is water, and the drink itself is not pure drinking water, and the corresponding solution is not perceived by the body as pure water. Various substances that are in drinks affect our body through the same water homeostasis.

Carbonated drinking water is canned drinking water, due to carbon dioxide as a preservative, it has a disfigured structure and bioenergetics relative to natural water and cannot be considered as drinking water, especially now, when due to the environmental impact of the environment on a person, the internal state of the human body is very polluted and significantly different from the natural one, and carbonated drinking water worsens this picture even more.

A small amount of sparkling water will not harm an adult, healthy person, but very often drinking sparkling water, especially constantly, especially sweet sparkling water, leads to a health problem.

All carbonated water contains carbon dioxide. By itself, it is harmless and in fact it is used primarily as a water preservative. The presence of carbon dioxide in the human body stimulates gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice and provokes flatulence, increased gas production. People with peptic ulcer, with high acidity and a number of other diseases of the stomach and intestines, before drinking any carbonated water, the gas from the bottle should be released by shaking, although the properties of drinking water are not restored to natural. The same applies to mineral water.

Children under the age of 3 years are generally not recommended to give carbonated water. Carbonated water is not as absorbed by the growing body of a child as natural water, and this leads to a violation of the natural metabolic processes in the body, in particular to body obesity, to the appearance of allergic processes, to dental caries. There is evidence from foreign authors that carbonated drinks can cause cancer. In the United States, in connection with the epidemic of obesity among young people, it is forbidden to drink sparkling water in schools.

Why was a low-alcohol drink invented by man? This is so that in the first place, a person is constantly under a "small" degree. As if not alcohol, as if not water. But for the human body, this is a terrible poison, because constantly in the body in the homeopathic plan there is a constant violation of water homeostasis. First of all, these changes become noticeable for those organs that contain the most bound water: this is the human brain, these are germ cells, the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Violation of water homeostasis is for the brain, for the genital organs, this is the reason, first of all, in the violation of the mental abilities of a person, as well as the reproductive function of the body.

There is a fundamental difference if you use any drinks that differ from drinking water: alcoholic, low-alcohol or any non-alcoholic drinks made from concentrates, and even carbonated water. If a person rarely uses such drinks, as they say only on holidays, then the harm from them is not so tangible. When a person consumes a low-alcohol drink daily, then through a rapid change in water homeostasis, for a person this is one road to various diseases, primarily to the psycho-emotional and reproductive systems of the body, and then to a reduction in the very age of life. What is alcoholism, we seem to know how much trouble it causes today to a person, state, society. What is mild alcoholism?

Be that as it may, but the composition of a low-alcohol drink includes ethyl alcohol even in a homeopathic concentration. It is fairly well known that ethyl alcohol has a narcotic effect on the human body and is toxic. It is worth recalling today the words of the classic of Russian medicine, the outstanding Russian hygienist F. Yerisman: "Alcohol belongs to the drugs that have a strong narcotic effect and in this respect it is close to chloroform." Low alcohol drinks are far from drinking water, and their long-term or systematic use leads to a change in water homeostasis and not only to a disease of the body, but is a serious danger to the human genetic apparatus itself.

Recall how the molecules of ethyl alcohol behave in the human body. The activity of the cerebral cortex is paralyzed, lower centers are freed from its dominant influence, unconditioned reflexes are disinhibited, and the threshold for the emergence of positive emotions is reduced. The content of neurotransmitters in different areas of the brain changes. The balance of mediator systems is maintained through the process of their synthesis and decay, which is determined by the state of permeability of the vesicle membranes and is regulated by the nerve impulses that come.

Thus, alcohol molecules start a chain of increased production, release from vesicle stores and utilization of a number of neurotransmitters. All this leads to profound irreversible changes in the human brain, and not only in the brain, but in all organs of the body.

Water has a very important message for us. Water invites us to look deeper into ourselves. When we look into ourselves through the mirror of water, the message is wonderfully revealed and crystal clear. We know that human life is directly related to the quality of our water, whether inside or outside of us.

Recently, photographs of Masaru Emoto, a creative and dreamy explorer from Japan, have become popular. Mr. Emoto published an important book: The Message of Water, based on his research. Emoto proved in practice that human energy vibrations, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of water, the very water that makes up 70% of the human body and covers the same amount of the surface of our planet. Water is the source of all life on our planet, its quality and integrity and is vital to all life forms. The human body is like a sponge, made up of trillions of chambers called cells that store fluid. The quality of our life directly depends on the quality of our water.

Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to any environment where it is located. But her physical appearance isn't the only thing that changes; its molecular structure also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment can change the molecular structure of water. In this sense, water reacts not only physically to its environment, but also molecularly.

Emoto visually captured these molecular changes in water. His work clearly demonstrated the differences in the molecular structure of water and its interaction with the environment.

Emoto discovered many surprising differences in the crystal structure of water taken from various sources and conditions from all over our planet. Water from ancient mountain streams and springs was beautifully shaped geometrically. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and polluted areas and stagnant water from aqueducts and reservoirs had a clearly disturbed and randomly formed structure.

With increasing popularity music therapy, Emoto decided to see what effect music has on the structure of water. He placed distilled water between two columns for several hours, and then photographed the crystals that formed after freezing.

After Emoto saw how water reacts to different environments, pollution and music, he and his colleagues decided to look at how thoughts and words affect the formation of crystals. He used words typed in a word processor, printed out, and pasted onto glassware overnight. The same procedure was done with the names of dead people. The water was then frozen and photographed.

These photographs showed the changes in water as alive, responsible for our every emotion and thought. It is quite clear that water changes easily under the influence of vibrations and energies in the environment, despite the fact that this is a toxic and polluted or completely clean environment.

Today, to formulate the basic chemical, microbiological and physical criteria that drinking water must satisfy, which is necessary for a person to maintain the health of his body.

1. Drinking water must contain in its composition all the necessary micro and macro elements that a person needs for the normal functioning of his body and which a person comes with drinking water. It should be natural, surface, flowing water, which has its own, natural bioenergetics, set by it. natural property. It should have the highest criterion of structural order - it is fractal, dissymmetric drinking water.

2. Water must be natural, biologically available, easily digestible, must have maximum permeability through the body's cell membranes, and have basic physical and physiological characteristics comparable to intracellular water. For example, tap water has a surface tension of up to 73 dynes/cm and intracellular water has a surface tension of about 43 dynes/cm. The cell requires a large amount of energy to overcome the surface tension of water.

3. Drinking water should be of medium hardness. Very hard or soft water is equally not optimal for the normal functioning of body cells. Due to the constant contamination of the human body with various environmental toxins, structured, alkaline water (pH 8.0 - 9.0) is more acceptable for our body. It is alkaline, but structurally ordered drinking water that will better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, most of which have a slightly alkaline reaction.

5. Such an important characteristic of drinking water as the redox potential of water must correspond to the redox potential of the interstitial fluid. This value is in the range -100 to -200 mV (millivolts). In this case, the body does not need to spend additional energy to equalize the redox potential.

6. Drinking water should not contain any negative, negative information for the human body.

A person can make his own, high-quality drinking water from natural sources, or from tap water that meets the “Drinking Water” standard, and make melted drinking water from such water. Melt water, which is first born in the apartment of the one who receives it, gives him a structured, ice-like structure of drinking water, which corresponds well to the structure of intracellular water. At room temperature, melt water retains the structure of ice for 6-8 hours.

A person must constantly remember that only high-quality, structurally ordered natural drinking water is necessary for his health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of all human health problems are determined by the quality of drinking water. A person cannot be healthy if he drinks poor-quality drinking water.

Bibliographic list

1. Website of the Ukrainian Institute of Human Ecology. –

2. Emoto M. The message of water. Sofia. 2006. - 97 p.

Water is the most common substance on Earth in its near-surface layer. According to various sources, even a person himself consists of 70 to 80% of water, and, nevertheless, we can say that water is an unexplored substance.

Space chose water as the basis of life. Billions of years ago, the cold gas and dust cloud that formed the Earth already contained water in the form of ice dust. This is confirmed by the studies of the Universe. Academician Vernadsky wrote: “There is no such compound that could be compared with water in terms of its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose geological processes. There is no terrestrial substance, mineral, rock, living body that would not include it.

The role of water in the life of the planet is decisive, because all climate changes, all conditions for the existence of life are created by the aquatic environment and the circulation that we observe is aimed specifically at the existence and development of living beings. Warmed by the sun at the equator, water carries heat to the polar regions with giant sea currents, thus regulating the temperature throughout the planet. The sun evaporates about a billion tons of water from the surface of the ocean in just one minute. Every minute, this steam, absorbing a colossal amount of solar energy, gives it to the Earth's atmosphere. Due to this energy, winds blow, it rains, storms arise, storms and hurricanes are born.

Only water is found in earth conditions in all three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. However, most of its properties do not fit into the general physical principles. Absolutely pure water has such properties that it is difficult to believe in it. It is its anomaly that water has always attracted scientists. But only at the turn of the 21st century, the main mystery of water was unraveled. It turned out that water consists of super-molecules, the so-called clusters or cells, that is, it has a special molecular hexagonal structure. This structure changes if the water is affected different ways- chemical, electromagnetic, mechanical, and informational. Under these influences, its molecules are able to rebuild, and thus remember any information. The phenomenon of structural memory allows water to absorb, store and exchange data with the environment that is carried by light, thought, music, prayers or a simple word. Just as every living cell stores information about the entire organism, each cell of water is able to store information about our entire planetary system.

Legends and myths brought to us the eternal dream of people about "living" water, capable of curing diseases, defeating death, giving a person unfading youth and immortality. This dream was born as an echo of those ancient times, when fresh water on Earth was crystal clear, contained little deuterium and tritium, and had the structure of ice and melt water. Giant plants grew on it, huge pangolins, dinosaurs and saber-toothed tigers developed. This ancient (relict) water has been preserved in nature only in the form of ancient ice.

Centuries and millennia have passed, but even to this day it remains a mystery in many respects: why one water - "dead", brings destruction and death to all living things, the other - "living" water - is the founder and creator of blooming life? (5)

The relevance of addressing this topic is due to the fact that no one has yet been able to reveal this secret to the end. Mankind stubbornly in a long struggle for the truth, uniting the knowledge of generations, gradually discovered more and more specific features of this mysterious liquid.

Object of study: unique features of water.

Subject of research: specific features of water and their role in human life.

Hypothesis: if a person studies all the features of water and understands that water manifests itself as a thinking substance that exchanges information with the whole universe and it has very important messages for humanity, then a person will be able to look deeper into himself and make him think a lot, rethink a lot, and only then will spiritual rebirth begin. After all, sooner or later, water will return to us what we have invested in its memory.

The purpose of the study: to study the specific features of water and their role in human life.

Research objectives:

To study the specific features of water in the literature.

Consider the features of the use of specific properties of water.

Conduct an experiment confirming the unique features of water. Draw conclusions.

Chapter 1. Specific features of water and their role in human life.

1. 1. History of the study of water

The great thinkers of all times have attached exceptional importance to water. Thales of Miletus (c. 625 - c. 322 BC) assigned water a fundamental role in the system of the universe. Alchemists laid the foundation for the study of the properties of water, but did not go further than their outstanding predecessors. Water did not pass by the attention of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519), who wrote: "Water is given the magical power to become the juice of Life on Earth." The outstanding English chemist Joseph Black (1728 - 1799), after conducting a series of experiments, discovered the latent heat of ice melting and the heat of vaporization. These parameters, according to academician V. I. Vernadsky, should be considered as constants of planetary significance. They play an extremely important role in the atmosphere-hydrosphere-lithosphere system, primarily because the anomalous nature of these water constants determines many physicochemical and biological processes on Earth.

However, the first to lay down scientific ideas about the nature of water were the outstanding experimenters Henry Cavendish (1731 - 1810) and Antoine Lavoisier (1743 - 1794), who in 1783 proved that water is not a simple element, as ancient philosophers and subsequent philosophers believed. generations of scientists, but a complex substance consisting of 2 gases - hydrogen and oxygen. In 1805, Louis Gay-Lusac and Alexander Humboldt clearly established that 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen are needed to form water. They proposed the final chemical formula for water.

One of the first who came close to understanding the structure of water and its solutions was M. V. Lomonosov (1711 - 1765). In his scientific work on chemistry, which he called "Thesis on the action of chemical solvents", Lomonosov wrote: "salt particles are separated from the bulk and, adhering to water particles, begin to move together and spread through the solvent."

100 years before the discovery of electrical dissociation, thanks to his deep scientific foresight, Lomonosov "saw" the process of spontaneous disintegration of substances in water into ions, followed by their hydration.

In 1748, in Paris, abbe J. Nollet discovered and investigated osmosis. A great contribution to the development of the theory of osmotic processes was made by the Dutch scientist Jan Van't Hoff (1852 - 1911). In his work Chemical Equilibrium in Systems of Gases and Diluted Solutions (1886), Van't Hoff made an attempt to find the laws of chemical equilibrium in solutions. S. Arrhenius (1859 - 1927), while analyzing the phenomena of osmosis, guessed about the spontaneous decomposition of substances in water solutions into positively and negatively charged particles, which he called ions.

The theory of electrolytic dissociation allowed van't Hoff and Arrhenius to understand what was the reason for the abnormal increase in osmotic pressure in solutions of various salts, acids and bases: when a molecule decomposed into ions, the action of each ion was equivalent to the action of the molecule itself. For his theory of electrolytic dissociation, S. Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903.

After conducting a series of experiments and having deeply understood the physical theory of electrolytic dissociation, in 1889 Mendeleev published Notes on the Dissociation of Solutes, where he reasonably criticized the authors of the physical theory of solutions.

Thus, in a double-edged, sometimes conflicting struggle of ideas, theories were born, where specific anomalous properties of water and aqueous solutions were established.

In 1920, W. Latimer and W. Rodebush discovered the hydrogen bonds of water.

In 1933, G. Urey discovered deuterium, and 18 years later, tritium. The rapid study of the properties of these elements and their compounds was associated with military priorities.

One of the first who summarized the research on the effect of deuterium in water on living organisms was V. M. Mukhachev. In his book "Water of Life" he showed that deuterium is not only a heavy element, but also extremely harmful to living organisms. The question arose of a comprehensive reduction in the content of deuterium and tritium in water and other waste products, including in the human body.

In 1938, J. Bernal and R. Fowler, summarizing the experimental data, built a model of the water molecule and, on its basis, created the first theory of the structure of water. Using the most powerful methods of physics and chemistry, researchers have made rapid progress in researching the molecular properties of water.

The H2O water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O). All the variety of properties of water and the unusual nature of their manifestation is ultimately determined by the physical nature of these atoms and the way they are combined into a water molecule. Due to the asymmetry of the distribution electric charges in molecules, water has pronounced polar properties; it is a dipole with a high dipole moment of 1.87 debals. Due to this, water molecules tend to neutralize electric field substances dissolved in it. Under the influence of water dipoles on the surface of substances immersed in it, interatomic and intermolecular forces weaken by 80 times. Such a high dielectric constant of all known substances is inherent only in water. This explains its ability to be a universal solvent. The dielectric constant of ice is 20 times lower.

By "helping" the molecules in contact with it decompose into ions (for example, acid salts), water itself exhibits greater stability. Of 1 billion water molecules, only two are dissociated at ordinary temperature, while their protons are not preserved in a free state, but are part of hydronium ions. Water does not chemically change under the action of most of the compounds that it dissolves, and does not change them. This characterizes it as an inert solvent, which is important for living organisms on our planet, due to which the nutrients necessary for their tissues come in aqueous solutions in a relatively unchanged form.

Water molecules approach each other with opposite charges - intermolecular hydrogen bonds arise between hydrogen nuclei and unshared electrons of oxygen, saturating the electron deficiency of hydrogen of one water molecule and fixing it with respect to the oxygen of another molecule. The tetrahedral orientation of the hydrogen cloud allows the formation of four hydrogen bonds for each water molecule, which due to this can associate with four neighboring ones. In addition to such tetramers, water molecules form tri-, di-, and monomers. Water also forms more complex combinations of molecules - the so-called fractals and clathrates, which characterize a higher degree of water structure. They are the structural basis of water memory.

Hydrogen bonds are several times weaker than covalent bonds that unite hydrogen and oxygen atoms. In liquid water, the most stable associates consist of two water molecules.

Comparing water - oxygen hydride with hydrides of elements included in the same subgroup of D. I. Mendeleev's Periodic Table as oxygen, one would expect that water should boil at -70 ° C and freeze at -90 ° C. But under normal conditions, water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C. In the range from 0 to 37°C, the heat capacity of water decreases and only after 37°C does it begin to increase. The minimum heat capacity of water corresponds to a temperature of 36.79 ° C, the normal temperature of the human body.

Among the unusual properties of water, one should note its exceptionally high surface tension - 72.7 erg/cm2 (at 20°C). In this respect, among liquids, water is second only to mercury. Surface tension manifests itself in wetting. Wetting and surface tension underlie the phenomenon called capillarity. It consists in the fact that in narrow channels water is able to rise to a height much greater than that allowed by gravity for a column of a given section. Capillarity is of great importance for the evolution of life on our planet. Thanks to this phenomenon, water wets the earth layer, which lies much higher than groundwater, and delivers nutrient salt solutions to plant roots from a depth of tens of meters. Capillarity is largely due to the movement of blood and tissue fluids.

Water, when cooled under normal conditions below 0°C, crystallizes, forming ice, the density of which is less, and the volume is almost 10% greater than the volume of the original water. Cooling, water behaves like many other compounds: it gradually condenses, reduces its specific volume. But at 3.98 °C, a crisis occurs: with a further decrease in temperature, the volume of water no longer decreases, but increases. Due to the peculiarities of the "ice - water" transitions, carried out in the range of 0-4 °C, with seasonal changes in temperature, rivers and lakes do not freeze to the bottom, which contributes to the survival of hydrobionts in them.

All these important characteristics of water that affect human health, its isotopic composition, due to various isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen. Of the 36 stable and radioactive isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water, 9 are the most common (deuterium, tritium, protium, oxygen isotopes). Entering into various combinations, they form more than 50 varieties of water.

The concept of aquabiotics. The discovery of the chemical composition of the water molecule, its isotopic composition, the wide variety of its molecules, and the structure of water, served as the beginning of the rapid growth of the science of the biological role of water, of its therapeutic and prophylactic use. A new field of knowledge was born, which we called aquabiotics. In general, water often acted as a catalyst for the development of fundamental scientific disciplines. At present, the era of studying the role of water in normal and pathological processes of life has come, which we called the era of aquabiotics, the era of aquatic biology and medicine.

Aquabiotics is an emerging field of knowledge about the role of water in life processes. Without water, active life processes and metabolism are impossible. All biochemical reactions studied so far take place in water. Aquabiotics studies specific biochemical reactions involving water. Given the combination of various isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, more than 50 varieties of water molecules are already known. One set of water varieties enters the cell, and another one comes out - an isotope shift of an unexplored nature occurs, which plays an important role in physiological processes.

Aquabiotics is actively studying the role of water structure in life processes, the system of water-structural regulation of life processes, the basics of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of various waters, and many other processes.

Water is the most unexplored chemical compound in the world. Many other aspects remain unknown, including the role of water structure.

1. 2. Biological feature of water

The results of numerous studies of the structure of electrolyte solutions indicate that in the hydration of ions in aqueous solutions, the main role is played by close hydration - the interaction of ions with the nearest water molecules. Of great interest is the elucidation individual characteristics short-range hydration of various ions, both the degree of binding of water molecules in hydration shells, and the degree of distortion in these shells of the tetrahedral ice-like structure of pure water - the bonds in the molecule change by an incomplete angle. The angle depends on the ion.

When a substance dissolves, its molecules or ions are allowed to move more freely and, accordingly, its reactivity increases. For this reason, most of the chemical reactions in the cell take place in aqueous solutions. Non-polar substances, such as lipids, do not mix with water and therefore can separate aqueous solutions into separate compartments, just as membranes separate them. The non-polar parts of the molecules are repelled by water and are attracted to each other in its presence, as happens, for example, when oil droplets merge into larger drops; in other words, non-polar molecules are hydrophobic. Such hydrophobic interactions play an important role in ensuring the stability of membranes, as well as many protein molecules, nucleic acids, and other subcellular structures.

The properties of a solvent inherent in water also mean that water serves as a medium for the transport of various substances. It performs this role in the blood, in the lymphatic and excretory systems, in the digestive tract and in the phloem and xylem of plants.

Large heat capacity. The specific heat capacity of water is the amount of heat in joules that is necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 ° C. Water has a large heat capacity (4.184 J / g). This means that a significant increase in thermal energy causes only a relatively small increase in its temperature. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that a significant part of this energy is spent on breaking hydrogen bonds that limit the mobility of water molecules.

The high heat capacity of water minimizes the temperature changes that occur in it. Due to this, biochemical processes proceed in a smaller temperature range, at a more constant rate, and the danger of disrupting these processes from sharp temperature deviations does not threaten them so much. Water serves as a habitat for many cells and organisms, which is characterized by a rather significant constancy of conditions.

Great heat of vaporization. The latent heat of vaporization is a measure of the amount of thermal energy that must be imparted to a liquid in order to transform it into vapor, that is, to overcome the forces of molecular cohesion in the liquid. Evaporation of water requires quite significant amounts of energy (2494 J/g). This is due to the existence of hydrogen bonds between water molecules. It is precisely because of this that the boiling point of water - a substance with such small molecules - is unusually high.

The energy needed for water molecules to evaporate is drawn from their environment. Thus, evaporation is accompanied by cooling. This phenomenon is used in animals with sweating, with heat shortness of breath in mammals, or in some reptiles (for example, in crocodiles), which sit with their mouths open in the sun; it may also play a significant role in the cooling of transpiring leaves.

Great heat of fusion. Latent heat of fusion is a measure of the heat energy required to melt a solid (ice). Water for melting (melting) requires a relatively large amount of energy. The reverse is also true: when freezing, water must give off a large amount of thermal energy. This reduces the likelihood of freezing of the contents of the cells and the fluid surrounding them. Ice crystals are especially detrimental to living things when they form inside cells.

Density and behavior of water near the freezing point. The density of water (maximum at +4°C) decreases from +4 to 0°C, so ice is lighter than water and does not sink in water. Water is the only substance that has a higher density in the liquid state than in the solid state, since the structure of ice is looser than the structure of liquid water.

Since ice floats in water, it forms when it freezes, first on its surface and only finally in the bottom layers. If the freezing of ponds went in the reverse order, from bottom to top, then in areas with a temperate or cold climate, life in freshwater reservoirs could not exist at all. The fact that the layers of water, the temperature of which has fallen below 4 ° C, rise up, causes the mixing of water in large reservoirs. Along with the water, the nutrients in it also circulate, due to which the reservoirs are inhabited by living organisms to a great depth.

After a series of experiments, it was found that bound water at a temperature below the freezing point does not pass into the crystal lattice of ice. This is energetically unfavorable, since water is quite strongly bound to the hydrophilic regions of dissolved molecules. It finds application in cryomedicine.

High surface tension and cohesion. Cohesion is the adhesion of molecules physical body each other under the influence of attractive forces. On the surface of a liquid, there is surface tension - the result of inward cohesive forces acting between molecules. Due to surface tension, the liquid tends to take such a shape that its surface area is minimal (ideally, the shape of a ball). Of all liquids, water has the highest surface tension (7.6 10-4 N/m). Significant cohesion, characteristic of water molecules, plays an important role in living cells, as well as in the movement of water through xylem vessels in plants. Many small organisms benefit from surface tension: it allows them to float or slide on the surface of the water.

Features of melt water. Already a slight heating (up to 50-60 ° C) leads to protein denaturation and stops the functioning of living systems. Meanwhile, cooling to complete freezing and even to absolute zero does not lead to denaturation and does not disturb the configuration of the system of biomolecules, so that the vital function is preserved after thawing. This position is very important for the conservation of organs and tissues intended for transplantation. As mentioned above, water in the solid state has a different order of molecules than in the liquid state, and after freezing and thawing, it acquires slightly different biological properties, which was the reason for the use of melt water with therapeutic purpose. After thawing, water has a more ordered structure, with nuclei of ice clathrates, which allows it to interact with biological components and solutes, for example, at a different speed. When melted water is used, small centers of an ice-like structure enter the body, which can later grow and transform the water into an ice-like state and thereby produce a healing effect.

1. 3. Isotopic of water

An important area of ​​aquabiotics, which laid the foundation for this section of water sciences, is the study of the action of protium, deuterium, tritium, oxygen isotopes in a living organism (let's call this area of ​​aquabiotics the isotope of water). Research in this area of ​​aquabiotics began in the late fifties of the 20th century in Tomsk.

Until 1932, no one had any idea that in nature there could also be heavy water, which could include heavy isotopes of hydrogen - deuterium and tritium, even in scanty quantities.

It was this circumstance that was the reason that these elements were "hiding" from scientists, disguising themselves as experimental errors and insufficient measurement accuracy.

Heavy hydrogen - deuterium was discovered by the American physical chemist Harold Urey (1893-1981) in 1931. G. Urey ordered one of his assistants to evaporate six liters of liquid hydrogen, and in the last fraction with a volume of 3 cm, a heavy isotope of hydrogen, with an atomic mass twice the known protium, was discovered by spectral analysis for the first time.

This discovery made a stunning impression, first of all, on atomic scientists all over the world, and a little later on scientists in various fields of science. True even earlier, in the same 1931. Verger and Mendel found that the atomic weight of hydrogen measured chemically differed from the results obtained using mass spectrometers. Although this difference turned out to be small, it was repeated from experience to experience.

Scientists came to the conclusion that, apparently, there is a heavy isotope of hydrogen with an atomic weight of 2. In 1932, G. Urey and E. F. Osborne first discovered heavy water in natural water. Two years later, Harold Urey was awarded the Nobel Prize. The discovery of the third superheavy hydrogen isotope of tritium with an atomic weight of 3 was kept secret for strategic reasons during the first years. In 1951, tritium water was obtained and studied. If deuterium water has already been well studied in almost all branches of science and technology, then the "star" hour of tritium water has not yet come.

And the reason is that there is a vanishingly small amount of tritium on Earth. In total, it is about 25-30 kg on Earth and it is found mainly in world waters (about 20 kg). But its quantity in the waters of the Earth is constantly increasing, since it is formed during the bombardment of nitrogen and oxygen nuclei of the atmosphere by cosmic rays. As a result, the content of tritium in the original (juvenile) waters is continuously increasing.

Unlike protium and deuterium, tritium is a radioactive element with a half-life of nine years. In terms of its properties, superheavy tritium water differs from protium (light) water more than deuterium water.

Deuterated water D2O forms stronger hydrogen bonds, which complicates those biochemical reactions in which water is involved. Therefore, D2O, like sand in gears, makes it difficult for the life machine to move.

In terms of its properties, T2O differs even more noticeably from H2O than heavy water: it boils at 104°C, has a density of 1.33, and ice from it melts at 9°C.

Tritium is generated in the ultrahigh layers of the atmosphere mainly when nitrogen and oxygen nuclei are bombarded by cosmic radiation neutrons.

In natural water, the content of tritium is negligible - only 10-18 atomic percent. Nevertheless, it is in the water that we drink, and over the long years of life it causes significant harm to our genes, causing aging and disease.

Heavy deuterium water is obtained with a scanty presence of tritium water concentrated in the electrolyte residue after the electrolytic decomposition of natural water, as well as during fractional distillation of liquid hydrogen. The industrial production of heavy water is increasing every year in almost all countries, and especially in countries with nuclear weapons. Heavy water is mainly used as a moderator of fast neutrons in the fission of radioactive elements in nuclear reactors. The prospect of using heavy water for the needs of mankind is grandiose. Heavy water can become an inexhaustible source of energy: 1 gram of deuterium can provide 10 million times more energy than the combustion of 1 gram of coal. And the reserves of deuterium in the World Ocean are truly enormous - about 1015 tons!

Tritium water is still of limited use and is currently used mainly in thermonuclear reactions, as well. also in physicochemical and biological research as labeled radioactive HTO molecules.

Oxygen has six isotopes: O14, O15, O16, O17, O18 and O19. Three of them: O16, O17 and O18 are stable, and O14, O15 and O19 are radioactive isotopes. Stable oxygen isotopes are found in all natural waters: their ratio is as follows: for 10,000 parts of O16 there are 4 parts of O17 and 20 parts of O18.

Heavy oxygen water is obtained from natural water by fractional distillation and is used mainly for research purposes. In terms of physicochemical properties, heavy oxygen water differs much less from ordinary water than heavy hydrogen water.

Heavy and radioactive water (less than 1% in natural waters) has a strong damaging effect on the gene pool of all living beings and is the main cause of spontaneous mutations and other disturbances in the structure and functions of the genome. It reduces the rate of biochemical reactions, the intensity of tissue respiration, increases the viscosity of the cytoplasm, induces mutations and genomodulation, inhibits cell division, their growth, accelerates cell aging, causes cancer and death of higher organisms. At the same time, light protium water optimizes the rate of biochemical reactions, cell division and growth, the growth of organisms, has an antimutagenic, radioprotective, rejuvenating effect. It has a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

The beginning of water isotopes was laid by an employee of the rector of the Tomsk Medical Institute, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor I. V. Toroptseva, associate professor V. I. Strelyaev, teacher G. D. Berdysheva. He made the following calculation.

A ton of river water contains 150 g of heavy water (D2O). For 70 years of consumption of 3 liters of drinking water per day, 80 tons of water containing 1.2 kg of deuterium and a significant amount of radioactive isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen correlating with it, more than 50 varieties of water molecules (only 9 varieties of water molecules do not contain radioactive hydrogen) will pass through the human body. and oxygen). Such a significant amount of heavy and radioactive isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen of water, which is the matrix of life, already by the onset of puberty damages its genes, causes various diseases, cancer, and initiates the aging of the body. Massive damage to the gene pool by radioactive and heavy isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water causes the extinction of plant, animal and human species. According to the calculations of V. I. Strelyaev, the species Homo sapiens is also threatened with extinction if it does not switch to the use of water depleted in radioactive and heavy isotopes O2 and H.

This concept of V. I. Strelyaev made his scientific supervisor, the rector of the Tomsk Medical Institute, Academician I. V. Toroptsev, turn to nuclear physicists of the atomic association being created in Tomsk-7 with a proposal to start studying the medical and biological effects of heavy and light water. Heavy and light water was provided by Tomsk nuclear physicist Professor B. N. Rodimov. One of the authors of the article (Professor G.D. Berdyshev), at that time a student and postgraduate student of the department headed by Academician I.V. V. Toroptsev. Under the leadership of Rector I. V. Toroptsev and Professor B. N. Rodimov, for the first time in science, extensive research was begun to study the medical and biological effects of heavy (deuterated), radioactive (tritiated) water and water with a reduced content of deuterium. If deuterated and tritiated water was obtained at the Tomsk Nuclear Center (Tomsk-7, Beryozka), then water with a reduced content of deuterium and tritium was made from Yakut relict ice, and then from pure Siberian snow at the latitude of Tomsk (not far from the Arctic Circle). Snow at high latitudes contains less deuterium and tritium than precipitation near the equator.

Melt water was prepared from freshly fallen Siberian snow by incomplete melting. 25% of the melted snow was thrown away (then 5% of the deuterium was removed). Nevertheless, this melt water had an exceptionally favorable positive effect on all living things used in experiments, as evidenced by the data obtained by physicians and biologists.

In experiments with various biological objects (from cultures of different cells to mice, pigs, as well as wheat and vegetables), carried out by us, the damaging effect of heavy and tritiated water and the exceptionally high positive effect of water with a reduced content of harmful hydrogen and oxygen isotopes were recorded everywhere. the activity of mice, for example, increased, and the females had pronounced multiple pregnancy, newborn mice weighed 20% more than their counterparts, whose parents drank plain water. From chickens that were fed with melt water, 2 times more eggs were obtained in three and a half months. The yield of wheat increased by 56%, and that of cucumbers and radishes by 250%.

Twenty-five patients of different ages used only melt water for drinking and cooking for three months. The results exceeded all expectations: everyone improved their general health, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreased, and their metabolism improved. And this is all in three months.

Then the team of pioneers in Tomsk broke up. Academician I. V. Toroptsev died, G. D. Berdyshev was invited to work at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok by its director Academician N. P. Dubinin, associate professor V. I. Strelyaev emigrated to Brazil, where he accepted rank of priest. Professor B. N. Rodimov remained in Tomsk, continuing to test the biological effect of water on agricultural plants and animals. Studies of water with a low content of deuterium and tritium continued, V. I. Strelyaev in Brazil created an international program to save mankind from fatal diseases and birth death through water with a low content of deuterium and tritium. Before moving to Kyiv, GD Berdyshev developed the concept of a universal system of water-structural regulation of life processes that he created. In 1968, G. D. Berdyshev moved to Kyiv, which in those years was a generally recognized center for the study of water, and joined the work of Kyiv scientists developing various problems of water.

The Kiev School of Theoretical Foundations of Physics and Chemistry of Water represented by Academicians L. A. Kulsky, A. S. Davydov, I. R. Yukhnovsky, V. V. Goncharuk, professors V. Ya. Antonchenko, V. V. Ilyin and others has great international prestige.

The water isotopic torch, lit in Tomsk, was picked up by a student of Academician L. A. Kulsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences I. N. Varnavsky in Kyiv and Professor Yu. E. Sinyak in Moscow. Through the combined efforts of I. N. Varnavsky, G. D. Berdyshev and Yu. water hydrogen. This water was called relict

Russian scientists Yu. E. Sinyak, A. I. Grigoriev, V. B. Gaidadymov and others made a great contribution to the very important issue obtaining deuterium-free water. It is now clear that space biology and aerospace medicine are unthinkable without the use of drinking water with a reduced content of heavy isotopes, which has an exceptionally beneficial effect on immunity and metabolic processes in living organisms.

1. 4. Information feature of water.

Stanislav Zenin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the problem laboratory of the Ministry of Health of Russia, believes that water exists in a form that is completely unexpected for us, which is called a differential-phase state. It is this state that determines the ability of water to process information, which makes it very similar to a conventional computer. That is, a person, who, as you know, consists mainly of water, is a programmable system: any external factors, including communication between people, change the structure and biochemical composition of body fluids. This happens at the cellular level, even the DNA molecule itself is programmed, up to its complete destruction. This means that violations in the individual program, incorporated in any organism at the molecular level in water, are the true cause and source of diseases that will manifest themselves in the future. It turns out that such a thing as a conspiracy to water and a love spell is not superstition, but reality?

When water molecules interact with the structural components of the cell, not only the five-, six-, etc. component structures described above can be formed, but also three-dimensional formations can form dodecahedral forms, which can have the ability to form chain structures connected by common pentagonal sides. Such chains can also exist in the form of spirals, which makes it possible to implement the mechanism of proton conduction along this universal conductor. It should also take into account the data of S. V. Zenin (1997) that water molecules in such formations can interact with each other according to the principle of charge complementarity, that is, through long-range Coulomb interaction without the formation of hydrogen bonds between the faces of the elements, which allows us to consider the structured state of water in the form of an initial information matrix. Such a three-dimensional structure has the ability to reorient itself, resulting in the phenomenon of "memory of water", since the coding effect of the introduced substances or other disturbing factors is reflected in the new state. It is known that such structures exist for a short time, but in the case of oxygen or radicals inside the dodecahedron, stabilization of such structures occurs.

In the applied aspect, the possibilities of "memory of water" and the transfer of information through structured water explain the effect of homeopathic remedies and acupuncture effects.

As already mentioned, all substances, when dissolved in water, form hydration shells, and therefore, each particle of the dissolved substance corresponds to a specific structure of the hydration shell. Shaking such a solution leads to the collapse of microbubbles with the dissociation of water molecules and the formation of protons that stabilize such water, which acquires the radiative and memory properties inherent in a dissolved substance. With further dilution of this solution and shaking, ever longer chains are formed - spirals, and in a 12-hundredth dilution, the substance itself is no longer there, but the memory of it is preserved. The introduction of this water into the body transmits this information to the structured components of the water of biological fluids, which is transmitted to the structural components of the cells. Thus, the homeopathic remedy acts primarily informationally. The addition of alcohol during the preparation of a homeopathic remedy prolongs the stability of structured water over time.

It is possible that spiral-shaped chains of structured water are possible components of the transfer of information from biologically active points (acupuncture points) to the structural components of cells of certain organs.

In the laboratory of Stanislav Zenin, direct experiments were carried out on the remote influence of psychics on the state of the aquatic environment. As an example, one of the healers influenced pure water, in which there was nothing, as if transferring the disease of a real person to the structure of this water. After that, infusoria - sperostones (a genus of ciliates) were introduced into the container with this water, and they were paralyzed. This experiment was carried out many times, and this is a completely reliable fact. And now this property of water continues to be used in various parapsychological and magical sessions. Everyone remembers how they charged water from TV screens. Blind faith in the power of the influence of Kashpirovsky and Chumak became a mass psychosis. But the effect of mass charging of water is very doubtful, because, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the program invested in the liquid can bring both benefit and harm. Well, how about ordinary people? Not psychics and sorcerers. Do we influence each other through the aquatic environment with our thoughts, words, feelings such as envy or love? Can we program ourselves and those around us? Undoubtedly. Scientists have confirmed this. Feelings such as extreme fatigue, unreasonable aggression, bad mood and even many illnesses can become the consequences of a negative energy-information impact. Moreover, through a common energy-informational field, water maintains a connection with the person who influenced it, no matter how far away he is. And if something happens to it, then changes also occur in the structure of this water. But another fact is striking - if you act on water, which has remembered the influence of a particular person, then changes will also occur in his behavior and health. This explains some of the secrets of black magic, when manipulations were made with the fluids of the human body - lymph, blood, saliva. From other studies it is known that blood, for example, really feels the source from which it was taken. What to do with the blood, which, if necessary, is taken from a person. Any action with this blood can have a reverse effect on the body. Maybe that's why some religions forbid blood transfusions? After all, it is still not completely known how the donor and the patient can be interconnected.

Human activities have led to the fact that in 80% of cases, water is considered the cause of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, we are too often careless about what nature gives us for free. The general pollution of the energy-information environment is also capable of changing its structure and influencing our lives. There are well-known cases when whales and dolphins were washed ashore, although the composition of the water did not change in any way in relation to the one that was before. The whole point is that if, under the influence of some external factors, the structure of water changes - not the composition, not chemical additives, but the structure of water, then this has a sharp effect on living organisms.

A person with his negative thoughts, words and actions is able to poison not only himself, but everything around that has at least a meager water content. What size does it take on a planetary scale? The influence on the structure of water with the help of the matrix of the biofield is fixed and quite clearly. As soon as the mental attitude changes, the state of the water also changes. It may turn out to be more useful or less useful for the body, depending on what kind of mental installation you have made. It is not difficult to imagine how constant scenes of violence, criminal acts and military conflicts pollute the general energy-information environment. And water remembers it all. Even if it is done “for fun”, as it is done in the cinema, it still generates those thoughts that are remembered by the aquatic information environment. This means that, while existing, they will then have an impact on our lives, on our spirituality. This information pollution is perhaps worse than any other. There is an opinion among scientists that many storms, hurricanes, floods are the reaction of water to the general pollution of the energy-information environment. So water returns to us the information invested in it. In a certain sense, the action of the ocean in Alexander Lemm's science fiction novel Solaris is no longer science fiction. But is water capable of clearing its own memory, burdened with human thoughts and actions? The memory of water is erased if the water is first evaporated and then condensed, or if it is frozen and then melted. Falling out as rain, or going down when glaciers melt, water frees itself from information dirt, giving humanity a new and new chance to realize its role on Earth. Will the water be so benevolent indefinitely? The answer to this question lies in the sphere of human spiritual development.

The spiritual world manifests itself in the material quite concretely: it is inextricably linked with it, constantly influences it, and this is no longer an abstraction. Water helps us see this clearly. By the purity of his own thoughts, a person is able to improve his own health and cleanse the environment. Thus the wisdom of the ancients finds its scientific explanation in today's world. It is known that holy water does not deteriorate and has healing properties. According to ancient recipes, the most difficult diseases are treated with holy three-ringing water. This holy water, taken from three churches, located so that the ringing of one was not heard from the other. She is recruited in complete silence, and then merged together. A person carrying such water should not talk to anyone they meet, otherwise the healing power may leave. In the laboratory of Pavel Goskov, physical and biological analyzes of holy and plain tap water were carried out. Then holy water was added to ordinary water in vessels of different capacities in the ratio of 10 g per 60 liters. The final analysis showed that ordinary water turned into holy water in its structure and biological properties. Absolutely pure water does not exist in nature. And even in laboratory conditions, no one managed to get it. Russian scientists were able to obtain only a column of highly purified water, only 2.5 cm in diameter. The result amazed them. It turned out that the adhesion of the molecules of such water is so strong that a force of 900 kg was required to break this column. On the surface of the lake of such water one could walk, even skate. Maybe Jesus Christ could walk on water because, under the influence of his spiritual forces, the water changed its properties so much that it was able to hold him? Perhaps someday we will be able to scientifically explain how the biblical Moses could push the waters of the sea apart.

Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto Masaru froze water droplets and then studied them under a powerful microscope with a built-in camera. His work clearly demonstrated the difference in the molecular structure of water when it interacts with the environment. This method made it clear how the energy vibrations of a person - thoughts, words, music affect its molecular structure. Emoto Masaru discovered many surprising differences in the crystal structure of water taken from various sources on our planet. The polluted water had a broken structure, the water from the mountain streams was perfectly formed geometrically. Next, the scientist decided to see what effect music has on the structure of water. He put distilled water between 2 columns for several hours and then photographed it after freezing. He also used words printed on paper and pasted overnight on glassware filled with water. These photographs prove the incredible changes in water as a living substance that reacts to our every emotion or thought. It is quite clear that water changes easily under the influence of energy vibrations, regardless of whether it is a polluted or clean environment. The amazing generality and peacefulness of water, on the one hand, and its violence and formidable militancy, on the other, place it in the category of special phenomena that have both enormous creative and destructive power.

The discovery of the chemical composition of the water molecule, its isotopic composition, the wide variety of its molecules, and the structure of water, served as the beginning of the rapid growth of the science of the biological role of water, of its therapeutic and prophylactic use. A new field of knowledge was born, which we called aquabiotics. Aquabiotics studies specific biochemical reactions involving water. Given the combination of various isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, more than 50 varieties of water molecules are already known. One set of water varieties enters the cell, and another comes out - an isotopic shift of an unexplored nature occurs, which plays an important role in physiological processes, the role of water structure in life processes, the system of water-structural regulation of life processes, the basics of the therapeutic and preventive action of various waters, and many others processes.

Water as a solvent. Water is an excellent solvent for polar substances. These include ionic compounds, such as salts, in which charged particles (ions) dissociate in water when the substance is dissolved, as well as some non-ionic compounds, such as sugars and simple alcohols, in which charged (polar) groups (-OH) are present in the molecule. .

Water as a reagent. The biological significance of water is also determined by the fact that it is one of the necessary metabolites, that is, it participates in metabolic reactions. Water is used, for example, as a source of hydrogen in the process of photosynthesis, and also participates in hydrolysis reactions.

Water manifests itself as a thinking substance that exchanges information with the entire universe. And she has very important messages for humanity, she invites us to look deeper into ourselves. And when we look into ourselves through the mirror of water, the message will manifest itself in an amazing way and make us think about a lot, rethink a lot, and only then will spiritual rebirth begin. Sooner or later the water will give back to us what we put into its memory.

Features of the use of specific properties of water.

Energy properties of water and their application

Water is an element that ensures the functioning of our body. Our body is 70% water. Water balance is extremely important for the whole organism as a whole. Water is necessary for the normal course of all biological processes in the body, in particular, for the functioning of the heart, circulatory system, kidneys, and regulation of body temperature. Water is an essential part of our diet. To feel good, you need to drink enough water, at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day. However, the quality of water can be very different. How to improve its quality? - Just place our magnetic wand in a glass of water. The magnetic wand is a new product of the ENERGETIX company, which, immediately after its appearance on the market, was called by its customers the “Magic Wand”. The magnetic stick contains a magnet with a force of 1600 gauss (Gauss is a unit of measurement of magnetic induction). The wand is made of hematite (a magnetic ore) and has a rhodium plating, making it also a table decoration. How to use the Magnetic Stick: in order to prepare a magnetized drink, it is enough to put the Magnetic Stick in a glass with a drink (water, juice, milk) for 15 minutes. You can speed up this process by stirring the liquid with a stick for 2-3 minutes, after which the drink will become magnetized (~ 800 gauss). The process of water magnetization: when magnetized in water (drink), clusters of water molecules (molecular complexes) are created. Magnetized (with the acquired properties of a bipolar magnet) water molecules are arranged in an orderly manner in the liquid, this is important for the metabolism in cells in contact with water. What happens in the tissues: magnetized water molecules transfer their magnetic energy to the surrounding tissues of the body. There is a replenishment of the magnetic energy that usually enters the body from magnetic field Earth. In cell membranes, the properties of large molecules that perform the functions of ion channels change, as a result of which the processes of ion transition through the membrane are accelerated. Thanks to changes at the molecular level, many biochemical processes are optimized, including the neutralization of toxins. Practical use: The wand can be used like all magnetic jewelry, and there is another way to introduce magnetic energy - through the gastrointestinal tract. You can achieve the maximum result by simultaneously using magnetic decorations that act locally on the places of their placement, which you determine yourself.

2. 2. The cult of water and related rituals

Mankind has long appreciated the importance of water for maintaining human strength and health. It is hardly possible to overestimate the laudatory ode to water delivered by Antoine de Saint-Exupery: Water! You have no color, no taste, no smell! You cannot be described! They enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life, you are life itself!

The cult of water is characteristic of many peoples of the world. Our ancestors, like other ancient peoples, preferred to settle near the water, along the banks of lakes and rivers. Water, as a source of life, was worshiped by nomads, farmers and hunters-fishermen (the cult of reservoirs, springs and wells, the cult of rivers and rain). Many primitive religions were characterized by ritual ablutions. In fact, there is not a single religion that does not use the element of water ritual.

As we know from the Bible, Jesus Christ gained spiritual strength after bathing in the Jordan River at the age of thirty. He was baptized by John the Baptist, who prepared the people for the acceptance of the Savior with his preaching. The Feast of Epiphany has another name - Epiphany, because at the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ, God the Father testified from heaven and God the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove.

On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Great Blessing of Water is performed in churches in memory of the fact that the waters of the Jordan were sanctified when Christ was baptized in them. Orthodox Christians bring home holy epiphany water and keep it for a year. This water is drunk and sprinkled on the dwellings.

The cult of water is characteristic of many peoples of the world. Our ancestors, like other ancient peoples, preferred to settle near the water, along the banks of lakes and rivers. Water, as a source of life, was worshiped by nomads, farmers and hunters-fishermen (the cult of reservoirs, springs and wells, the cult of rivers and rain). Many primitive religions were characterized by ritual ablutions.

Ritual cleansing ablutions existed among most Slavic peoples. Honoring the water, the Slavs endowed it with a special life-giving, cleansing and healing power. Many folk holidays were associated with the cult of water, accompanied by bathing or dousing. These holidays, starting with Maslenitsa - seeing off winter, continue until the Trinity - seeing off spring and meeting summer. The Trinity and the Spirits Day following it crown a chain of holidays: Shrovetide, the Annunciation (April 7, according to a new style), Easter and the Trinity.

On the Feast of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God The Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that: The Holy Spirit will find you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, that is, that she will be the mother of the savior of the world. At this time, the energy of the Sun is at its maximum. Since ancient times, all peoples believed that the Sun-Spirit excels in the Universe. And therefore, the flow of energy coming these days from the Sun has a powerful life-giving force that can give rise to new life. From the spring-summer pagan rites, green magic has been preserved - curling birch trees, decorating houses and temples with birch branches, divination on wreaths of birch branches. A young curly birch is curled as a whole, bending and weaving its branches, decorate with flowers, ribbons and arrange dances and games around it.

Parishioners go to mass with bouquets of meadow flowers and birch branches. Then they are dried and stored behind the icons behind the stove, under the roof - to get rid of all sorts of troubles. According to signs, Trinity greenery protects the house during a thunderstorm. (Preference is given to birch, as a tree that is the first to be covered with green leaves.) Rituals related to water are common on the Trinity: playfully pouring water on each other (an echo of the magical ritual of making rain), riding boats decorated with greenery and flowers.

The custom of consecrating water is known in France, the Scandinavian countries, and the Netherlands. At the same time, the Trinity water, like the Easter one, is credited with healing properties. Such water is sprinkled with crops, irrigated gardens, vineyards - in the name of the future harvest.

Among the southern and western Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs and some others), the week preceding the Trinity is called Rusal or Rusal. Rusalia are ancient Slavic holidays associated primarily with cults of vegetation, land and dead ancestors. In the Orthodox calendar, Saturday on the eve of the Trinity (Parental Saturday) is the traditional day of commemoration of the dead.

The hymn to the cult of water ends (July 7) on the feast of the Nativity of the Forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord John, known among the Slavs as the feast of Ivan Kupala. The Kupala holiday was common among many peoples of Europe. As in Rus', it was dedicated to the summer solstice. The chronicles emphasize the mass nature of this holiday: the whole people went to the games. Boys and girls led round dances around the fires, jumped over them. In these games, the ritual of purification by fire is traced, closely associated with the cults of the earth and ancestors. Many features of this holiday are reflected in the story of N.V. Gogol Evenings on the Eve of Ivan Kupala.

Mankind has long noticed the ability of water to support the strength and life of a person. Due to its healing and energy properties, water is used as a means of worship, used in healing and magical procedures. Back in the 30s of the last century, an Italian researcher discovered a connection between the activity of the sun and some properties of water. It turned out that water remembers not only the influence of electromagnetic radiation, but also the action of ultrasound, vibrations, and weak electric current.

Water is the ideal carrier of information. Apparently, this property of water was used in healing and magic, which were performed by slandering water. Water, according to the teachings of yoga, contains a fairly significant amount of prana (spatial or cosmic energy). When bathing or drinking, part of the prana is absorbed by the body, especially if it needs it. The feeling of thirst, apparently, is due not only to the need for water as a liquid, but also to the need for prana - the energy component that water contains. A well-timed glass of natural or specially treated water can give new strength to the body and stimulate efficiency.

2. 3. Practice of healing and magic

In the practice of healing, the activating properties of water are used when it is necessary to urgently increase the level of energy. Based on everyday possibilities and personal preferences, a bioenergy practitioner can use the following techniques.

1. Sit comfortably with your body muscles relaxed and your eyes closed. Imagine yourself standing under a cold shower. Duration - 3-4 minutes.

2. Fill the glass three-quarters full with cold water. Imagine yourself standing naked in this water (in a reduced form). With the left hand, take cosmic energy - prana. Send prana into a glass of water with a pinch right hand. At the same time, mentally fill the water with the required qualities. Duration - 5-7 minutes.

3. Water charged with the required properties is drunk slowly, in small sips, and kept in the mouth for some time. The effect of water charged in this way (with sufficient bioenergy strength) appears immediately.

Water is able to transmit information, "remember" words and thoughts, turn on the mechanism of healing in the human body. Water cleanses not only from physical, material dirt, but also from energy dirt. Water is as strange and unusual a creature as fire. It can be in liquid, solid and gaseous state. It takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured. Water is the source and symbol of life. She is the most fertile of the elements, the basis of creation.

If you need to clean any object from energy dirt, it is kept in water for three days, the water is changed every day. The result will be for sure.

You can hold the item in running water for about an hour to cleanse.

To remove negative energy programs yourself, you need to take a contrast shower: cool - hot - cool - hot - cool - in this sequence.

You can take a bath. Imagine sitting (lying) in the bathroom that all the energy dirt descends from you into the water. Can enhance the cleansing effect by dissolving in the bath sea ​​salt She collects negative energy.

Water has a powerful protective potential. If you have troubles, bad mood, poor health (associated not with a physical illness, but with depression), take a shower or bath.

When you swim in the water (river), you can not spit in it. Water will punish with diseases.

Water hears and understands human speech. You can’t send curses to the river even during a disaster - it will remember and punish even more.

If you hide your crimes in water, that is, clog it, water will surely punish a person with diseases.

Energy-very strong water for Agrafena-bathing (July 6), Ivan Kupala (July 7), Epiphany (January 19) and Pure (Great) Thursday (Thursday before Easter).

If you had a bad dream, you need to hold your hands under running water (an open tap will do) and remember the dream. The water will take him away.

When circumstances are unsuccessful, step over the flowing water (stream, river - over the bridge, ditch).

If your relationship with your loved one goes wrong, go to the pond together. Be sure to make peace and, bad, after such visits, it will definitely go to the water.

If you sincerely love a person, but are afraid or embarrassed to admit it, say a confession to the water. It is necessary to slander the water in such a way that the water oscillates from your breath. Give water to drink to the object of love. Drinking water will definitely convey your feelings to a person.

Since water tends to take away not only bad sleep, it is not recommended to sing in the bathroom. When you sing, you are not just in a good mood, but in a state of happiness (usually). Water will carry away absolutely any of your sensations and states, including the feeling of happiness. And in ancient times, they never sang cheerful, soulful songs over the river. The river was recited. Listed their pain, which the water carried away. It has always been so.

Probably, thanks to the observation and wisdom of our ancestors, a person who feels bad is trying to bring a glass of water as an ambulance. In addition, the good attitude and compassion of the person providing assistance will certainly charge the water and activate it. Therefore, anyone whose heart is filled with goodness and love, and whose soul is filled with pure thoughts, can become a healer.

We can no longer imagine our life without water, and our life would not exist at all if it were not for it. Water is as strange and unusual a creature as fire. It fascinates us with its dimensional flow, its inner magic. We can look at the flowing water for hours, subconsciously feeling the calmness and greatness of power emanating from it. Water is the source and symbol of life. She is the most fertile of the elements, the basis of creation.

2. 4. Magic and water in other countries

Medieval doctors diligently studied the conditions under which water acquires healing power and "washes away" the disease. In many cases, it was required that the water be running. They scooped it from the river (necessarily silently) and poured it over the patient's body three times.

It was believed that the effect of the spell stops if water flows between the one who has been subjected to the evil eye and the sorcerer.

In the Scandinavian countries, the victim of the evil eye was supposed to walk for three days to the river and drink water collected under the bridge, on which evil and evil people walk. good people. In the north-east of Scotland, if no butter was being churned, the churn was carried to the river, lowered three times into the water, and, without uttering a sound, returned to its place. In the highlands of Scotland, "silver water", that is, water into which a silver coin was thrown, served as a favorite remedy for the evil eye. However, in order to give healing properties to the water, gold coins were also used, as well as wedding rings, iron tools and stones, which were attributed to magical properties. Water was recommended to be taken from a stream through which a busy road passes, between sunset and sunrise. Water was given to the patient three times to drink and was suddenly poured on him. When, under the influence of general education, superstitious ideas began to dissipate, enlightened people stopped wasting their time going to streams and taking water from the tap. In the west of Scotland, vessels for storing milk were freed from the effects of the evil eye in this way: they were kept for some time in running water, then they were thoroughly washed, wiped, taken home and filled with boiling water, after which they were dried. The benefits of these procedures were undoubted - the dishes were thoroughly disinfected. In Normandy, newlyweds who thought they had been bewitched dipped the clothes they wore at the wedding into boiling water.

In Romagna, diapers, clothes and a blanket of a child were boiled in a cauldron at night. This operation was supposed to force the sorcerer to immediately stop his harmful actions. In ancient times, the victim of the evil eye was cleansed of spoilage with water, in which the dry roots of wild asparagus were placed.

Among the Slovaks, the mother, who believed that her child was bewitched, went to the cemetery, pulled out some grass from nine graves and, returning home, immediately threw the grass into boiling water. The child was bathed in the resulting broth.

In Switzerland, in order to cure a child from the evil eye, they washed the bell hanging over the front door.

In Albania, they put three sprigs of nettle into the water and sprayed the patient. For the treatment of seriously ill animals from the evil eye, water from three sources was mixed.

In Bohemia, girls, in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, stood under the cherry tree before sunrise and shook it so that dew fell on them.

In Rus', diseases attributed to the evil eye were treated as follows: at dawn they went to the key, scooped up water along the river, closed the dishes and silently returned home. Then they put three hot coals, a piece of oven clay and a pinch of salt into the brought water, sprinkled the patient with it or doused him twice a day at evening and morning dawn with a sentence: “Water from a goose, water from a swan - thinness from you!”. Sometimes the patient was given a drink of this water, the chest was moistened against the heart, and then everything that remained in the cup was poured under the lintel.

2. 5. Experiment "Influence of melt water on the egg production of chickens in January 2008"

We conducted the experiment "Influence of melt water on the egg production of chickens in January 2008". To do this, the chickens were divided into 2 groups of 10 pieces each. One group was given melted water to drink, and the other - well water. Feeding and maintenance were carried out in the same way. The results of egg production were recorded daily in the table. Analyzing the data obtained, I came to the conclusion: the egg production of a group of chickens that were fed with melt water is indeed higher than that of a group of chickens that were fed from a well. So the use of melt water increases the egg production of chickens. Melt water contains more protium water than well water, so it has an exceptional beneficial positive effect on the body of chickens and on all living organisms. I proved the high positive effect of water with a reduced content of harmful isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen.

Conclusions to chapter 2

Water has the acquired properties of a bipolar magnet. Magnetized water molecules are arranged in a liquid in an orderly manner, which is important for the metabolism in cells that come into contact with water. What happens in the tissues: magnetized water molecules transfer their magnetic energy to the surrounding tissues of the body. There is a replenishment of magnetic energy, which usually enters the body from the Earth's magnetic field. Thanks to changes at the molecular level, many biochemical processes are optimized, including the neutralization of toxins.

Water is able to transmit information, "remember" words and thoughts, turn on the mechanism of healing in the human body. Water cleanses not only from physical, material dirt, but also from energy dirt.

In our experiment "Influence of melt water on the egg production of chickens in January 2008", we proved the high positive effect of water with a reduced content of harmful isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen.

Water is the source and symbol of life. She is the most fertile of the elements, the basis of creation.


T. Kuhn, the author of the book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1975) showed that each knowledge goes through a long pluralistic phase, the phase of testing hypotheses, mutually exclusive concepts, theories, until a generally recognized paradigm is formulated that includes all previous knowledge and guides the subsequent development of science. Aquabiotics is in a pluralistic phase of scientific knowledge. It has not yet formed into a generally recognized science, has not acquired the status of a paradigm. However, given the rapid pace of development of aquabiotics, this time is not far off.

The hypothesis put forward by us during the study is confirmed.

Water manifests itself as a thinking substance that exchanges information with the entire universe. And she has very important messages for humanity, she invites us to look deeper into ourselves. And when we look into ourselves through the mirror of water, the message will manifest itself in an amazing way and make us think about a lot, rethink a lot, and only then will spiritual rebirth begin. Sooner or later the water will give back to us what we put into its memory.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of water in our life, it is a real natural wealth. More than half of our planet is occupied by various water bodies. Water around us can be in three states: liquid - oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, solid - ice and snow, as well as a gaseous state - fog, clouds.

And man himself is not made up of water. Water is part of the blood and is involved in cleansing the body. Insufficient fluid intake can adversely affect the health of a person, animal or bird. And if we can do without food for up to 40 days, then without water for no more than three days.

Since ancient times, people have built cities and villages along the banks of reservoirs, because water is a great helper for humans. Rivers, seas and oceans can be used as a large and convenient road. At any time of the year, day and night, cargo and passenger ships carry passengers and various cargoes. The heat from hot springs is used in hydroelectric power plants. It is impossible to cook dinner, dilute concrete for a construction site, make paper, fabrics, medicines without water. Plants and factories, agricultural enterprises also cannot do without it. natural helper. No wonder they say - where there is water, there is life.

There is a lot of water around us, but not all of it is suitable for life. Fresh water is needed for food, industry, and agriculture, but its reserves on the planet are small, and due to regular pollution and uneconomical consumption, they are constantly declining.

Water must be conserved. Each of us must remember that natural water resources are limited. It is necessary to control pollution from factories and factories, use wastewater treatment plants everywhere, prevent waste from livestock farms from entering water bodies, and also economically use water in everyday life. And then for many more centuries life will develop on our planet, people will travel the seas and oceans, rejoice blooming gardens and variety of animals and birds.

I wonder if people could live on our planet if there was no water on it? What would our body be made of? Maybe from air or some other liquid. However, this is all just guesswork. Let's try to understand the real facts.

Water is life. A very wise saying. Water is not only one of the chemical elements. Everything that surrounds us consists of water. The house is built of brick, which rests on cement mixed with water. A puddle on the road left after the rain. The snow we look forward to every winter. Tears and saliva that our body needs to function properly.

Water provides life for all living beings. Animals and plants use it to quench their thirst. This allows them to grow well. People use it to cook food, clean and wash, wash, service cars and other equipment. Water is a necessary habitat for many living beings. For example, fish, octopuses, crabs, jellyfish, water strider beetles - could not live without it. It is their home for them.

Ships and boats sail on the water. They transport people and goods to countries and islands that cannot be reached by plane, car or train. Thanks to water, our homes have electricity. After all, it is from it that hydroelectric power plants work.

The operation of many of the largest factories and factories depends on water. Somewhere it is used for washing equipment, and somewhere it is the main element in the manufacture of some goods.

Returning to the question posed above, we can confidently answer that without water we would not be able to live on this planet. This is probably why no one has yet moved to Mars or the Moon. After all, water has not yet been discovered on other planets, namely, life originated in the aquatic environment. And only then did living organisms adapt to land and began to live, as they do today.

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