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General history of architecture 12 volumes read

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Name: General history of architecture in 12 volumes
N.V. Baranov, A.V. Bunin, V.V. Bolshakov and others.
Publisher: Stroyizdat
Year: 1973
Pages: 690
Format: JPEG
Size: 205 MB
Quality: Photographed pages
Language: Russian

From the publisher

Twelve-volume "General history of architecture"- one of the most significant publications in terms of scale in the existing specialized literature. The patterns of development of architecture in different eras and among different peoples are analyzed. Architecture is considered as a diverse sphere of human activity, historically determined by socio-economic and cultural processes and at the same time acting as a great art that materially and spiritually influences people's lives.

The publication is intended not only for specialists: architects, engineers, historians, art critics, but also for a wide range of readers interested in the history of world culture.


Chapter 1. The Early Christian Church as a New Architectural Type

I. Roman basilicas
II. Early architecture of Ravenna

Chapter 2. Gaul and the Carolingian state
I. Architecture of the Merovingian time
II. Architecture of the Carolingian time
1. Civil engineering
2. Church construction

Chapter 3. The Iberian Peninsula and Lombardy
I. Architecture of the Visigoths and Mozarabs
II. Architecture of Lombardy
III. Architecture of Catalonia


Chapter 1. Architecture of France
I. Civil engineering
1. Dwellings
2. Settlements
3. Monastery courtyards
4. Bridges
II. Fortification construction (castles)
III. Church construction
1. The period of quest (980-1080)
2. Heyday (1080-1150)
3. Cistercian architecture

Chapter 2. Fortification construction of the Crusaders

Chapter 3. Architecture of England.
I. Legacy of the Early Middle Ages
II. Romanesque era
1. Dwellings and settlements
2. Norman castles
3. Church construction

Chapter 4. Architecture of Germany.
I. Dwellings and settlements
II. Palatinate and Burg

II. Church construction
1. The period of dominance of Saxony architecture (950-1050)
2. The period of struggle of currents (1050-1150)
3. Late Romanesque period (1150-1250)
4. Cistercian architecture

Chapter 5. Architecture of the Iberian Peninsula.
I. Spain
II. Portugal

Chapter 6. Architecture of Italy.
I. Features of Romanesque architecture in Italy
II. Northern Italy
III. Central Italy
IV. Southern Italy and Sicily

Part three. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE (XII-XV centuries)

Chapter 1. Architecture of France
I. Urban planning
II. Church construction
1. Early Gothic (XII century)
2. Mature Gothic (XIII-XIV centuries)
3. Late Gothic (late XIV-XV centuries)

1. Castles and palaces
2. Town halls
3. Residential buildings
4. Buildings for economic and industrial purposes, markets, hospitals
thali, etc.
IV. Architecture of Alsace and Lorraine
V. Architecture of Flanders and Brabant

Chapter 2. Architecture of England.
I. Urban planning
II. Fortification construction
III. Civil Engineering
1. Residential and outbuildings
2. Public buildings.
IV. Church construction

Chapter 3. Architecture of Germany.
I. Urban planning
II. Fortresses and castles
III. Civil Engineering.
1. Dwellings
2. Public buildings
IV. Church construction

Chapter 4. Architecture of the Iberian Peninsula
I. Spain.
II. Portugal.
Chapter 5. Architecture of Italy.
I. Features of the development of Gothic in Italy
II. City. Public buildings
III. Church construction
IV. Palazzo and row houses


Chapter 1. Architecture of Czechoslovakia.
1. Urban planning
2. Residential buildings
3. Public buildings
4. Locks
5. Religious buildings

Chapter 2. Architecture of Austria.

Chapter 3. Architecture of Hungary.

Chapter 4. Architecture of Transylvania.

Chapter 5. Architecture of Wormwood.
1. Urban planning
2. Residential buildings
3. Public buildings
4. Castles and city fortifications
5. Religious buildings

Chapter 6. Architecture of the western territories of Yugoslavia.
I. Architecture of Slovenia. .
1. Urban planning.
2. Residential buildings.
3. Religious buildings
II. Architecture of Croatia.
1. Urban planning
2. Residential and public buildings.
3. Religious buildings.
III. Architecture of Dukljansko-Zeta Montenegrin Littoral.
IV. Architecture of Vojvodina.

Chapter 7. Architecture of the Scandinavian countries.
I. Denmark
II. Norway
III. Sweden.
IV. Finland

Chapter 8. Architecture of the Baltic countries
I. Estonia. .
II. Latvia.
III. Lithuania.

1. Technical heritage
2. Architectural and construction encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
3. Rules for determining the dimensions of structures
4. Construction materials
5. Designs
6. Organization of construction work

General history of architecture (in 12 volumes)
Year: 1966-1977
Author: Baranov N.V. (editor-in-chief)
Genre: Architecture
Publisher: Construction Literature Publishing House
ISBN: none
Russian language
Format: DjVu
Quality: Photographed pages
Interactive table of contents: No
Description: The twelve-volume “General History of Architecture” is one of the most significant publications in terms of scale in the existing specialized literature. The patterns of development of architecture in different eras and among different peoples are analyzed. Architecture is considered as a diverse sphere of human activity, historically determined by socio-economic and cultural processes and at the same time acting as a great art that materially and spiritually influences people's lives.
The publication is intended not only for specialists: architects, engineers, historians, art critics, but also for a wide range of readers interested in the history of world culture.

Total size: 1.45 GB

Primitive communal period
Architecture of a slave society
1.Architecture of Egypt
2.Architecture of Ethiopia
3.Architecture of the Aegean (Creto-Mycenaean world)
4.Architecture of the countries of Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia
5.Architecture of the countries of Western Asia
6.Architecture of the Transcaucasian countries
7.Architecture of Iran
8.Architecture of Central Asia
9.Architecture of Afghanistan
10.Architecture of Southeast Asian countries
11.Architecture of the Far East countries
12.Architecture of America 2 VOLUME
Architecture of Ancient Greece
1.Architecture of the ancient era (12th-8th centuries BC)
2.Architecture of the archaic era (750-480 BC)
3.Architecture of the heyday (480-400 BC)
4.Architecture 4th century BC e. (400-323 BC)
5.Architecture of the Hellenistic era (323 BC - 1st century AD)
Architecture of Ancient Rome
1.Etruscan architecture
2.Architecture of the Roman Republic
3.Architecture of the Roman Empire
4.Early Christian architectureVOLUME 3
I. Early Byzantine architecture
1. Formation of Byzantine architecture
2. Constantinople School of Architecture
3. Architecture in the provinces of the empire
II. Middle Byzantine architecture
1. Main features of Middle Byzantine architecture
2. Constantinople architectural school in Middle Byzantine times
3. Eastern Byzantine architectural school in Middle Byzantine times
4. Greek school of Middle Byzantine architecture
III. Late Byzantine architecture
1. Technical legacy of the Roman Empire
2. Architectural and construction encyclopedia of the Byzantine era
3. Possible calculation methods
4. Construction materials
5. Building structures
6. Design and execution of construction work
7. Technical heritage of the building art of the Byzantines
I. Architecture of the IV-VII centuries.
II. Architecture of the 9th-11th centuries.
III. Architecture of the XII-XIV centuries.
IV. Architecture of Cilician Armenia (1080-1375)
V. Architecture of the XV-XIX centuries.
Chapter 4
I. Architecture of ancient times (IV-VII centuries)
1. Socio-economic and political conditions of development
2. Level of construction technology
3. Building types
4. Monuments of the IV-VII centuries.
5. Basic urban planning techniques in the early feudal period
II. Architecture of the 8th and 9th centuries.
III. Architecture of the 10th and 11th centuries.
V. Architecture of the XIII-XV centuries.
VI. Architecture of the 16th-18th centuries.
Chapter 5
I. Pre-Bulgarian architecture on the territory of Bulgaria.
II. Architecture of the era of the First Bulgarian Kingdom.
1. Capitals Pliska and Preslav. Fortresses in Madara and Ohrid
2. Iconic architecture
3. Home architecture
III. Architecture of the era of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom.
1. Fortress and palace architecture
2. Iconic architecture
IV. Architecture of the XV-XVIII centuries.
1. Home architecture
2. Iconic architecture
Conclusion. K-M and I t e in
I. Urban planning, fortress and civil architecture
II. Iconic architecture
1. Architecture of the early feudal period
2. The period of Byzantine dominance
3. Russian architectural school
4. Macedonian and Kosovo-Metohija school
5. Moravian school
6. Frescoes of Serbian churches
I. Architecture of the period of early feudalism (X-XIII centuries)
II. Architecture of the period of strengthening and development of feudalism (XIV - per-
half of the 15th century)
III. Architecture of the heyday of feudalism (second half of the 15th century.
and XVI century)
I. Architecture of Crimea V-IX centuries.
II. Architecture of Crimea X-XIII centuries
I. Urban planning
II. Defensive architecture
III. Wooden churches
IV. Stone architecture of the late X - first half of the XI centuries.
V. Stone architecture of the second half of the 11th - early 12th centuries.
1. Kiev architecture of the second half of the 11th - early 12th centuries.
2. Pereyaslav architecture of the late 11th century.
I. Architecture of the Dnieper region in the XII - early XIII centuries.
1. Construction equipment
2. Urban planning
3. Defensive construction
4. Monumental architecture of the Dnieper region of the 30-80s of the 12th century.
5. Monumental architecture of the Dnieper region at the end of the 12th - beginning
XIII centuries
II. Architecture of the Western Regions ancient Rus' in the 12th century
III. Architecture of the southwestern regions of ancient Rus' in the XII-XIII centuries.
1. Construction of the time of Vladimir Monomakh
II. Construction of Yuri Dolgoruky's time
III. Construction of the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky
IV. Construction of the time of Vsevolod III
V. Construction of the heirs of Vsevolod III
I. Urban planning and residential buildings
II. Religious architecture before 1136
III. Religious architecture of the second half of the 12th - early 13th centuries. VOLUME 4
Chapter 1. The Early Christian Church as a New Architectural Type
I. Roman basilicas
II. Early architecture of Ravenna
Chapter 2. Gaul and the Carolingian state
I. Architecture of the Merovingian time
II. Architecture of the Carolingian time
1. Civil engineering
2. Church construction
Chapter 3. The Iberian Peninsula and Lombardy
I. Architecture of the Visigoths and Mozarabs
II. Architecture of Lombardy
III. Architecture of Catalonia
Chapter 1. Architecture of France
I. Civil engineering
1. Dwellings
2. Settlements
3. Monastery courtyards
4. Bridges
II. Fortification construction (castles)
III. Church construction
1. The period of quest (980-1080)
2. Heyday (1080-1150)
3. Cistercian architecture
Chapter 2. Fortification construction of the Crusaders
Chapter 3. Architecture of England.
I. Legacy of the Early Middle Ages
II. Romanesque era
1. Dwellings and settlements
2. Norman castles
3. Church construction
Chapter 4. Architecture of Germany.
I. Dwellings and settlements
II. Palatinate and Burg
II. Church construction
1. The period of dominance of Saxony architecture (950-1050)
2. The period of struggle of currents (1050-1150)
3. Late Romanesque period (1150-1250)
4. Cistercian architecture
Chapter 5. Architecture of the Iberian Peninsula.
I. Spain
II. Portugal
Chapter 6. Architecture of Italy.
I. Features of Romanesque architecture in Italy
II. Northern Italy
III. Central Italy
IV. Southern Italy and Sicily
Part three. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE (XII-XV centuries)
Chapter 1. Architecture of France
I. Urban planning
II. Church construction
1. Early Gothic (XII century)
2. Mature Gothic (XIII-XIV centuries)
3. Late Gothic (late XIV-XV centuries)

1. Castles and palaces
2. Town halls
3. Residential buildings
4. Buildings for economic and industrial purposes, markets, hospitals
thali, etc.
IV. Architecture of Alsace and Lorraine
V. Architecture of Flanders and Brabant
Chapter 2. Architecture of England.
I. Urban planning
II. Fortification construction
III. Civil Engineering
1. Residential and outbuildings
2. Public buildings.
IV. Church construction
Chapter 3. Architecture of Germany.
I. Urban planning
II. Fortresses and castles
III. Civil Engineering.
1. Dwellings
2. Public buildings
IV. Church construction
Chapter 4. Architecture of the Iberian Peninsula
I. Spain.
II. Portugal.
Chapter 5. Architecture of Italy.
I. Features of the development of Gothic in Italy
II. City. Public buildings
III. Church construction
IV. Palazzo and row houses
Chapter 1. Architecture of Czechoslovakia.
1. Urban planning
2. Residential buildings
3. Public buildings
4. Locks
5. Religious buildings
Chapter 2. Architecture of Austria.
Chapter 3. Architecture of Hungary.
Chapter 4. Architecture of Transylvania.
Chapter 5. Architecture of Wormwood.
1. Urban planning
2. Residential buildings
3. Public buildings
4. Castles and city fortifications
5. Religious buildings
Chapter 6. Architecture of the western territories of Yugoslavia.
I. Architecture of Slovenia. .
1. Urban planning.
2. Residential buildings.
3. Religious buildings
II. Architecture of Croatia.
1. Urban planning
2. Residential and public buildings.
3. Religious buildings.
III. Architecture of Dukljansko-Zeta Montenegrin Littoral.
IV. Architecture of Vojvodina.
Chapter 7. Architecture of the Scandinavian countries.
I. Denmark
II. Norway
III. Sweden.
IV. Finland
Chapter 8. Architecture of the Baltic countries
I. Estonia. .
II. Latvia.
III. Lithuania.
1. Technical legacy
2. Architectural and construction encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
3. Rules for determining the dimensions of structures
4. Construction materials
5. Designs
6. Organization of construction workVOL. 5
Part 1
Renaissance architecture in Italy
Chapter 1 Paths of development of Italian architecture of the 15-16th centuries.
Chapter 2 Architecture of Italy 1420-1520
Chapter 3 Architecture of Italy 1520-1580
Chapter 4 Construction equipment.
Chapter 5 Results of the development of Italian architecture in the 15-16th centuries.
Part 2
Renaissance architecture in Western European countries (outside Italy)
Chapter 1 Architecture of France
Chapter 2 Architecture of Spain
Chapter 3 Architecture of Portugal
Chapter 4 Architecture of Great Britain
Chapter 5 Architecture of the Netherlands
Chapter 6 Architecture of Germany
Chapter 7 Architecture of Austria
Chapter 8 Architecture of Hungary
Chapter 9 Architecture of Transylvania
Chapter 10 Architecture of Yugoslavia
Chapter 11 Architecture of Czechoslovakia
Chapter 12 Architecture of Poland
Chapter 13 Architecture of the Scandinavian countriesVOLUME 6
Part 1
Architecture of Russia
Chapter 1 Architecture of Novgorod and Pskov at the end of the 13th - beginning of the 15th century.
Chapter 2 Moscow architecture of the 14th - first half of the 15th century.
Chapter 3 Architecture of the second half of the 15th and early 17th centuries.
Chapter 4 Architecture of the second quarter - late 17th century.
Chapter 5 Architecture of the 1700s - 1750s.
Chapter 6 Architecture of the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Chapter 7 Architecture 1810-1830s
Chapter 8 Architecture of the 1840-1850s.
Part 2
Architecture of Ukraine
Chapter 1 Architecture of the 14th - first half of the 16th century.
Chapter 2 Architecture of the second half of the 16th - first half of the 17th century.
Chapter 3 Architecture of the second half of the 17th century. -20s 18th century
Chapter 4 Architecture of the 20s - 80s.
Chapter 5 Architecture of the last third of the 18th - first half of the 19th century.
Part 3
Architecture of Belarus
Chapter 1 Architecture 14th - 16th centuries.
Chapter 2 Architecture of the 17th century.
Chapter 3 Architecture of the 18th century.
Chapter 4 Architecture of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. VOLUME 7
Part 1 Europe
Chapter 1 Architecture of Itlia at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 19th centuries.
Chapter 2 Architecture of France
Chapter 3 Architecture of Spain and Portugal
Chapter 4 Architecture of Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary
Chapter 5 Architecture of Wallachia, Moldavia, Transylvania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece
Chapter 6 Architecture of Germany and Switzerland
Chapter 7 Architecture of Poland and Lithuania
Chapter 8 Architecture of England
Chapter 9 Architecture of the Netherlands
Chapter 10 Scandinavian Architecture
Chapter 11 Architecture of Finland
Chapter 12 Architecture of Estonia and Latvia
Part 2 America
Chapter 1 Architecture of Latin America 16th-early 19th centuries.
Chapter 2 Architecture of North AmericaVOLUME 8
Chapter 1 Architecture of Arab countries
Chapter 2 Architecture of Tropical and Southern Africa
Chapter 3 Architecture of medieval Iran
Chapter 4 Architecture of Central Asia
Chapter 5 Architecture of Medieval Afghanistan
Chapter 6 Architecture of Azerbaijan
Chapter 7 Architecture of TurkeyVOLUME 9
Part I
Chapter 1. Architecture of India
Chapter 2. Architecture of Ceylon
Chapter 3. Architecture of Indonesia
Chapter 4. Architecture of Nepal
Chapter 5. Architecture of Cambodia
Chapter 6. Architecture of Burma
Chapter 7. Architecture of Thailand
Chapter 8. Architecture of Laos
Chapter 9. Architecture of Vietnam
Part II.
Chapter 1. Architecture of China
Chapter 2. Architecture of Korea
Chapter 3. Architecture of Japan
Chapter 4. Architecture of MongoliaVOL. 10
Part I. Europe
Chapter 1. Architecture of Russia
Chapter 2. Architecture of Great Britain
Chapter 3. Architecture of France
Chapter 4. Architecture of Germany
Chapter 5. Architecture of Austria-Hungary
Chapter 6. Architecture of the Scandinavian countries
Chapter 7. Architecture of Finland
Chapter 8. Architecture of Belgium
Chapter 9. Architecture of the Netherlands
Chapter 10. Architecture of Switzerland
Chapter 11. Architecture of Italy
Chapter 12. Architecture of Spain
Part II. America
Chapter 13. US Architecture
Chapter 14. Architecture of Latin America
Chapter 15. Architecture of Canada
Part III. Asia
Chapter 16. Architecture of India
Chapter 17. Architecture of China
Chapter 18. Architecture of Japan
Chapter 19. Architecture of Southeast Asia
Part IV. Africa
Chapter 20. Architecture of Egypt
Chapter 21. Architecture of North Africa
Chapter 22. Architecture of Ethiopia
Chapter 23. Architecture of West and East Africa
Chapter 24. Architecture of South Africa
Part V. Australia
Chapter 25. Architecture of Australia
Development of civil engineering science (historical essay) VOLUME 11
Architecture of European countries.
Chapter I. Architecture of Great Britain
Chapter II. Architecture of France
Chapter III. Architecture of Germany. 1918-1945
Chapter IV. Architecture of Germany
Chapter V. Architecture of West Berlin
Chapter VI. Architecture of Italy
Chapter VII. Architecture of Sweden
Chapter VIII. Architecture of Norway
Chapter IX. Architecture of Denmark
Chapter X. Architecture of Finland
Chapter XI. Architecture of the Netherlands
Chapter XII. Architecture of Belgium
Chapter XIII. Architecture of Austria
Chapter XIV. Architecture of Switzerland
Chapter XV. Architecture of Greece
Chapter XVI. Architecture of Spain
Chapter XVII. Architecture of Poland 1918-1944
Chapter XVIII. Architecture of Czechoslovakia 1918-1945.
Chapter XIX. Architecture of Hungary 1918-1944
Chapter XX. Architecture. Romania 1918-1944
Chapter XXI. Architecture of Bulgaria 1918-1944
Chapter XXII. Architecture of Yugoslavia 1918-1945.
Architecture of North America.
Chapter XXIII. US architecture
Chapter XXIV. Architecture of Canada
Architecture of Latin American countries.
Chapter XXV. Architecture of Cuba 1918-1945
Chapter XXVI. Architecture of Mexico
Chapter XXVII. Architecture of Venezuela
Chapter XXVIII. Architecture of Brazil
Chapter XXIX. Architecture of Argentina
Chapter XXX. Architecture of Chile
Architecture of African countries.
Chapter XXXI. Architecture of tropical Africa
Chapter XXXII. Architecture of Ethiopia
Chapter XXXIII. Architecture of the Republic of South Africa
Chapter XXXIV. Architecture of North African countries
Chapter XXXV. Architecture of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Architecture of Asian countries.
Chapter XXXVI. Architecture of the Arab countries of the Middle East
Chapter XXXVII. Architecture of Turkey
Chapter XXXVIII. Architecture of the Middle East
Chapter XXXIX. Architecture of India
Chapter XL. Architecture of Pakistan
Chapter XLI. Architecture of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Chapter XLII. Architecture of Southeast Asian countries
Chapter XLIII. Architecture of China 1918-1949
Chapter XLIV. Architecture of Japan
Architecture of Australia
Development of construction equipmentVOLUME 12 (book 1)
Chapter I. 1917-1932
Chapter II. 1933-1941
Chapter III. 1941-1954
Chapter IV. 1955-1970 VOLUME 12 (book 2)
Part 1. Architecture of the socialist countries of Europe
Part 2. Architecture of the socialist countries of Asia
Part 3. Architecture of the socialist countries of Latin America