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Latest Assassin's Creed Rogue news. Assassin's Creed Rogue is the other side of the coin. Review When assassin creed outcast comes out

The release date is the point in time after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tested if you purchase a licensed copy. For example, the release date for Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered (Assassin's Creed: Rogue - Updated Version) is March 20, 2018.

IN Lately Increasingly, developers allow you to buy the game in advance - make a pre-order. In response to the support from potential buyers, who believe so much in the success of the project that they give money for it even before the release, the developers share various bonuses and exclusive materials. It can be a soundtrack, an artbook, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, a pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before its official release, but this does not mean that the announced release date loses its meaning, since you can fully play only after the release.

Why do you need to know release dates for games?

If only because it is more convenient to plan your time and finances. If you know, for example, when Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered (Assassin's Creed: Rogue - Updated Version) will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money in advance to buy it, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as she comes out.

A lot of gamers keep track of game release dates with special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. You can find both on our game portal site.

How do developers choose when to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. Firstly, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the game process, so games are less likely to come out during the holiday season, as well as in those months when work is usually all hands on deck, and students have a session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers are trying to compare their plans with the announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date indicates the so-called deadline - the very line after which the game is already ready. This means that it must be completed within the stated time. Alas, this does not always work out, and therefore the release date of the game can be shifted one or even several times.

In addition to this, the output of Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered (Assassin's Creed: Rogue - Updated Version) on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.

Assassin's Creed Rogue - the eighth key part of the series Assassin " s Creed , sequel to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag(2013). The game also has connections with Assassin's Creed III(2012) and Assassin's Creed Unity(2014). Its plot takes place in the middle of the XVIII century, during the Seven Years' War. The action takes place in various locations in North America. Shay Cormac was once an Assassin, and then became a Templar. Gameplay is similar to BlackFlag: Combination of ship-based sea exploration and land-based exploration from a 3rd person perspective.


The hero controls the ship "Morrigan". The Morrigan has a smaller draft than the Jackdaw from Assassin" sCreedIV: BlackFlag so he can swim in rivers. Introduced new ship weapons like flammable oil and the Pakla gun. Enemies can now board the Morrigan. The marine gameplay also features arctic environments. There are no diving missions in the North Atlantic Ocean, because when sailing in cold water the protagonist's health is rapidly declining.

An air gun has been introduced, allowing you to silently and remotely eliminate enemies. The air gun can be equipped with various flying objects like firecrackers. There is a grenade launcher that shoots shrapnel and other charges. The types of enemy assassins are similar to previous games, in particular, assassins use the skills of the protagonists of these games; they can hide in the bushes, blend in with the crowd and carry out attacks in the air.


The protagonist of the game is Shay Patrick Cormac, a 21-year-old mercenary of the Brotherhood of Assassins. Cormac gradually becomes disillusioned with his guild's methods. Finally, he betrays and abandons the Assassins after a job leading to disaster. Freed, Cormac goes to the Knights Templar and accepts the service of an Assassin hunter. With virtually unlimited resources, Cormac sets out on revenge. His actions will have dire consequences for the future of the Brotherhood. Cormac connected with events Assassin" sCreedUnity.

Several characters from previous games in the series are introduced. This is Haytham Kenway, formerly both a playable character and a secondary antagonist; Achilles Davenport, tutor to Radunhageidu; Adewale, quartermaster of Kenway from BlackFlag and protagonist FreedomCry.


In March 2014, it became known about the development of the Assassin's Creed game under the PS3 and X360, codenamed "Comet". By the end of the month, additional information appeared: the game will unfold in 1758 in New York, and will include sailing in the Atlantic Ocean. was intended as a direct sequel to Assassin" sCreedIV: BlackFlag.

The game was officially announced on August 5, 2014, after the game's title was leaked. Game director Martin Capel called it the conclusion of the "North American saga". The game took into account the requests of the fans, for example, the desire to play as a Templar. Assassin's Creed: Rogue, filling in the plot gaps between Assassin" sCreedIII And Assassin" sCreedIV: BlackFlag, has a "critical connection" with the events of previous games. The main developer of the game is Ubisoft Sofia, but contributed to the development whole line Ubisoft studios. At the time of release, the game will not have multiplayer, but Ubisoft does not exclude the addition of any modes.

It can easily seem like a serious work, and not just another chapter in an alternative history of America in the 18th century. The story of a man disillusioned with the ideals of brotherhood can easily pass for the debunking of a great myth. The image of the assassin, the subject of a serious cult for millions of fans, this time was supplemented with gloomy colors. According to Rogue, the working methods of organizing hooded killers can be disgusting and uncomfortable questions.

In the third part, we already played for the Templar - but the experience of Haytham Kenway cannot be compared with what is in store for Shay Cormac, a former assassin who turned against the brotherhood after a series of bloody events. The last straw for him was the earthquake in Lisbon, which the scriptwriters unequivocally sum up in the game with Voltaire's words about God. A difficult fate, a moral choice, a paradigm shift - a real, in general, tragedy, and not just a broadcast of events from the other side of the barricades.

In all this, let's say right away, I really want to believe during the passage Rogue. It is all the more sad to realize that a significant part of the fresh emotions here is caused by firing from an air gun with an underbarrel grenade launcher, and the whole “tragedy” often comes down to receiving stab wounds from mercenaries hiding in hay bales.

Digital Fortress

The authors shift the accents quite timidly, which is why tectonic shifts in the monolith Assassin's Creed you don't notice right away. Only within a few hours after the turning point in Portugal (one of best moments Rogue, before which one has yet to wade through the traditionally lush plot with a separate dramaturgy) several new variables fit into the familiar formula.

The same blowgun in Cormac's hands slightly simplifies stealth: getting rid of enemies at a distance of Rogue possible without any noise. The grenade launcher, on the other hand, is ideal for ceremonially destroying entire squads and is aimed at pulling the player out of their comfort zone. You need to use it carefully: even as a Templar, attracting everyone's attention here is still more expensive for yourself.

Surviving in an open battle is not always easy, besides, now former colleagues in the shop, killers in the service of the Brotherhood, are also attempting to kill the hero. Assassins are carefully disguised (on benches, in the bushes, among civilians), and they need to be declassified with the help of eagle vision. Apply professional skills Rogue happens more often than ever before in the series, so you quickly start to feel naturally paranoid. Otherwise, the killers will easily deal with Cormac - firearms, hidden blades and smoke bombs are used. If Shay misses a fatal blow, any further damage is guaranteed to be fatal.

Shay will devote a significant part of the game to the fight against those who were still in the tie with us in the same team.

In other words, getting used to the role of a Templar takes place at the level small parts mechanics, point gameplay innovations - but it is these minor changes that I want to describe first. Because the space to show these innovations in Rogue almost the same as in previous games. Describe the world for the hundredth time Assassin's Creed and the laws by which it functions hardly make sense.

Yes, it's still a huge three-zone ecosystem: River Valley, New York, and the North Atlantic. And with its awkward layering, it can win you over for a couple of weeks of real time. Here you are fighting with bandits in the Lower Manhattan area, in next moment- you are trying to take the fort, and in an hour you are already harpooning humpback whales and crushing ice floes in the waters of the Atlantic (during breaks you can look for Indian totems or fragments of a Viking sword).

Unlike some, where everything, including off-plot entertainment, had approximately the same tone (remember saloon poker, hunting, skirmishes near the rocks - style elements of the same genre), Assassin's Creed habitually hits the user on the head with a collection of colorful situations and opportunities. It's confusing, but also enchanting in its own way.

The fight choreography is still great, but the melee combat itself hasn't changed in any way.

Closer to the finale, the game gives out one really spectacular mission at sea. Fuel barrels allow you to leave a trail of fire on the water.

The system has long been debugged by Ubisoft, but still contains strange nuances. Protracted sea voyages, which cannot be avoided, at some point are terribly tiring - a mechanic that seemed curious back in Black Flag, tragically fizzled out in a year. And this despite the fact that the ship's Rogue has become noticeably more maneuverable and full-fledged boardings have appeared in the game: now opponents can claim your ship. Fuel barrels and the Pakla gun, a rapid-fire airborne death weapon, have appeared in the arsenal, but this does not change the situation too much.

The first ten battles pass as one, it seems that the whole Rogue and started for the sake of the fleet. Then skirmishes at sea turn into a routine with a benefit that is not entirely obvious to you: there is no need to use the conquered resources, the whole game can be completed without problems with the initial equipment of the ship. So isn't it easier to avoid new battles?

Therefore, much more than anything else in Rogue I care about the opportunity to dig into a haystack, wait for a patrol company to appear from the alley, jump out of the soldiers in front of their noses and in an instant put a detachment with an explosive shell - this is one of the few "Templar" entertainments. Otherwise, Shay Cormac is in fact still the same assassin, only with a couple of types of original weapons and a very different outlook on solving global problems. No more.

Rip off the hood

The fact that the Seven Years' War, a colonial conflict involving several European countries, serves as the backdrop for Cormac's emotional conflicts, not so much emphasizes the drama as inflates the already obscene scale of the action. In the course of the scenario, we now and then find ourselves in the battlefields, and the course of the main mission (without unnecessary details: in the case, as usual, an ancient manuscript appears) here sometimes intersects with stories like the liberation of the Indians from the French army.

Attempts to pass off Shay as a tragic character with a difficult character lead to nothing (he is devoid of hints of self-irony, always frowns and desperately saves someone), the rest of the characters also perform rather purely mechanical functions. Benjamin Franklin, for example, most screen time somewhere funny minces and serves as a target for mercenaries, giving Cormac an extra reason to commit a new selfless feat.

In at least one thing, the writers definitely succeeded: historical figures and events are built into the plot quite elegantly.

An uneven plot, balancing between scenes from non-existent novels by Dan Brown and almost documentary tediousness (several times missions sound like this: kill all enemies; however, when we are asked, for example, to accompany a detachment of British, nothing exciting happens either), partly redeems touching postmodernism.

Assess the scale of the event: the series no longer refers so much to real history as to its own. For the most part, this happens in the sterile environment of the Abstergo corporation, where we find out about heroes already forgotten, like Al Mualim, but even being in the Animus we come across interesting things - for example, about the life of the assassin Achilles, familiar from the third part.

Follow all of the above is obtained with varying interest. In one bright scene (in addition to the already mentioned Lisbon events, these are, say, events at a luxurious reception with the participation of the terminally ill Lawrence Washington), there are five of the same type and secondary missions, during which you just want to do something out of the ordinary, dilute the insipid , the long-satisfied work of a mercenary is a heady adventure.

On the other side, Rogue got rid of nightmarish errands with eavesdropping, and you are almost never asked to monitor the victims. Most often, Cormac has to infiltrate another large camp and eliminate targets. The deck of situations, of course, has to be shuffled personally - however, with a grenade launcher at the ready, it sometimes even works out well.

In terms of the picture, this is, of course, not Unity for new generation consoles, but the level is quite decent.

* * *

In a certain sense Assassin's Creed today in a win-win situation. This complex structure, a virtual world of undoubted entertainment qualities, which, regardless of the scenario, is able to captivate many at least for a few days. Staying here without classes is almost impossible - especially if in the process you rarely ask yourself the question “why am I doing this?”.

Action Assassin's Creed Rogue takes place in the middle of the 18th century during the Seven Years' War. You will play for Shay Patrick Cormac (Shay Patrick Cormac) - a Templar, an assassin hunter, who himself was one of them. The process of converting into scary killer Assassins is represented in the game. IN Assassin's Creed Rogue there will be new locations in North America: the ice-covered North Atlantic, the Appalachian River Valley and New York.

The marine component, which appeared in previous projects, in Assassin's Creed Rogue has been improved. Enemies have a new tactic - they can board. You will have a ship called Morrigan. Shay will be able to use new weapons for land (air rifle, special grenades) and sea (burning oil, puckle gun - cannons with drums). You can shoot icebergs. With the help of eagle vision, you will need to detect assassins hiding in the crowds and on the roofs.

The action of Assassin's Creed Rogue takes place in the middle of the 18th century during the Seven Years' War. You have to play for Shay Patrick Cormac - a Templar, an Assassin hunter, who himself was one of them. The process of transforming into the most terrible assassin of the Assassins is presented in game. Assassin's Creed Rogue will have new locations in North America: the ice-covered North Atlantic, the Appalachian River Valley and New York. Marine...


Latest Assassin's Creed Rogue news

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    Ubisoft continues to talk about the previous parts of the series ahead of the release Assassin's Creed Syndicate . This video is about Assassin's Creed Rogue.

    From the financial report of Ubisoft for the third quarter of the 2014-15 financial year, fresh data on the shipments of its most popular games became known. Far Cry 4 sold 7 million copies.

    Ubisoft announced that the PC version Assassin's Creed Rogue will go on sale in Europe on March 10, 2015. The game was adapted for PC by Ubisoft Kiev.

    Pre-holiday discounts on new items from the series appeared in the Russian PlayStation Store Assassin's Creed.

    Project Assassin's Creed: Rouge almost from the moment of the announcement, he received the nickname (as a real swindler) "assassin for the poor." Its obvious purpose was to fill the vacuum that occurs in the hearts of gamers when it is impossible to play a real new part of the series - Assassin's Creed Unity. Nevertheless, Rouge prophesied the appearance of several pretty interesting elements, and the hope for the best in the fans of the series is difficult to exterminate, despite all the efforts of the workers of the assassin assembly line.

Assassin's Creed Rogue is a third-person action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Studios. Assassin's Creed Rogue the darkest part ever Assassin's Creed. For the first time, we are transforming from an assassin into a hunter for them.

The action takes place in the 18th century. North America during the 7 year war. After a dangerous mission that ended in tragedy, the young assassin Shai Patrick Cormac reconsidered his views and ideas, and no longer wants to be a member of the Brotherhood. To restore justice, we have to become the most dangerous assassin hunters in order to destroy all the traitors.

The game features include the following changes and additions:

  • As already mentioned, for the first time we open the hunt for assassins
  • Added a new arsenal of weapons
  • A dark path of vengeance awaits us, turning the main character from a devoted ideological assassin into a dangerous Templar
  • The developers have updated the naval gameplay, added new tactics and weapons for battles
  • An open huge world that includes the North Atlantic Ocean, the River Valley and New York, recreated according to the descriptions of the 18th century