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What is ecstasy definition. Mysterious ecstasy. What does this condition bring to a person’s life? How does a vaginal orgasm occur?

, The Book of the Prophet Zechariah, as well as in the books of the New Testament: the Gospel of Mark, the Acts of the Holy Apostles, to designate a special state of consciousness in which the boundaries between the external and the internal are lost. This state is accompanied by a feeling of enthusiasm.

Mantegazzi's approach

Affective ecstasies.

  1. The ecstasy of love is sexual.
  2. Ecstasies of family affection, friendship, love of one's neighbor, self-sacrifice (altruistic ecstasies)
  3. Religious ecstasies.
Aesthetic ecstasies.
  1. Visual ecstasies (shapes, symmetry, colors).
  2. Auditory (musical) ecstasies.
  3. Ecstasies of the infinite (sea, sky).
Mental ecstasies.
  1. Ecstasies of creativity (eloquence, power).
  2. Ecstasies of knowledge of truth (intellectual feeling).

Religious ecstasy

The classic of English spiritualist literature, Frederick Myers, wrote that “ecstasy is a very common religious manifestation.” Among all subjective religious experiences, ecstasy is relatively universal and psychologically the most reliable. Almost all religions talk about ecstasy. “From the shaman of the savage tribes to Buddha, Mohammed and the mystic apostles - John, Peter and Paul - we meet with similar psychological evidence, no matter how significant the psychological, intellectual and moral differences between these people.” Through religious contemplation one can achieve that state of intimate communication with God in which “the soul abides in God and God in the soul,” however, contemplation is not the final stage of unity with the Absolute. Many great contemplatives describe separately and consider more sublime than the prayer of unity, a group of definitely ecstatic states, when the concentration of mental energy on the Transcendent is so complete and the ebullience of life at this point is so intense that the person is plunged into a trance and for some time ceases to be aware of the external world . In ordinary contemplation, a person does not follow the external world, but he does not completely abstract himself. In ecstasy, a person cannot be aware of the outside world. No signals from this world reach him, including even the most persistent ones - the sensations of physical suffering.

For example, the Apostle Peter was in ecstasy (in a frenzy) when, according to the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, while in prayer in the city of Joppa, in a vision he received a revelation from God that it was necessary to accept into the church not only Jews, but also pagans:

The Apostles and brothers who were in Judea heard that the pagans also accepted the word of God. And when Peter came to Jerusalem, the circumcision rebuked him, saying, “You went to uncircumcised men and ate with them.” Peter began to retell it to them in order, saying: I was praying in the city of Joppa, and in a frenzy (ἐκστάσει) I saw a vision: a certain vessel came down, like a large sheet, lowered from heaven by four corners, and came down to me. I looked into it and, examining it, saw four-legged earthly animals, reptiles and birds of the air. And I heard a voice saying to me: “Rise, Peter, kill and eat.” I said, “No, Lord, nothing foul or unclean has ever come into my mouth.” And a voice answered me a second time from heaven: “What God has cleansed, do not consider unclean.” This happened three times, and again everything rose to heaven.


The ancient idealist philosopher, founder of Neoplatonism, Plotinus, speaks of ecstasy as “coming out of oneself,” as the last step on the path to achieving the One, which, according to Plotinus, is the beginning of all things, that is, the absolute Good. In ecstasy, a person touches the Divine, the Perfect First Principle, the source of all that is most perfect, the power that produces existing things.

We call Him one, on the one hand, out of necessity, in order to at least somehow call Him, so that we can indicate to each other what we are talking about, and on the other hand, in order to bring our soul into unity and achieve one undivided concepts.

Perfect unity is unlimited, absolute Good is not self-contained, it is abundant. Human nature is limited, and the only way to rise above one’s limitations, to approach the divine, i.e., the supersensible, superimaginable, is to experience ecstasy, through “coming out of oneself to God.”

According to Plotinus, the highest task in life is exhausted by returning to the highest, divine, true; ascension above the earthly dimension of life. Deification requires a person to detach himself from his own sensuality, a disinterested attitude towards the world, abstract thinking (arithmetic, geometric), love for the Beautiful (the One), pure speculation (contemplation in silence - hesychia) and, finally, admiration, ecstasy in which the human spirit becomes one with the Divine, merges with it.

Plotinus describes the ecstasy of merging as follows: “Then the soul sees nothing and does not distinguish anything either in front of itself or in itself. It’s as if she becomes something else, stops being herself and belonging to herself. She belongs to God and is one with Him, as in concentric circles one within the other. ...Since in this union with the Divine there can be no separation, and the perceiver must be the same as the perceived [pure contemplation], a person retains the idea of ​​God only if he is able to retain in himself the memory of the achievement of this unity and abiding in it... For at the same time, nothing moves in it, neither anger, nor desire, nor reason, nor even intellectual perception [including dialectical consideration!] - nothing can set it in motion, yes we will be allowed to express ourselves this way. Being in ecstasy, being in detached solitude alone with God, a person tastes true serenity.” . The ecstasy of Plotinus is characterized by a feeling of purification, eternity, divine delight, to which everything earthly is alien. According to Plotinus, ecstasy is the highest spiritual state.

Ecstasy in Christianity

In Christianity, the highest spiritual state is deification, that is, what in patristic literature is called “adoption of God,” “likeness to God,” “change into God,” “transformation into God,” “deification.” The idea of ​​"deification" (theosis) was central point religious life of the East, around which all questions of dogma, ethics and mysticism revolved.

The greatest Russian patrolologist, Archimandrite Cyprian Kern, believed that the Christian doctrine of deification was strongly influenced by Neoplatonism. Plotinus, the ancient idealist philosopher, founder of Neoplatonism, also in his teachings speaks of achieving a higher spiritual state, of union with the Divine, of unity with Him in ecstasy. However, Plotinian ecstasy and Christian deification are not the same thing. Plotinian ecstasy is the result of mental activity, intellectual euphoria, a process in which no participation of the body is assumed. The body is an echo of the earthly, material, a shell from which one must get out in order to merge with the purest Absolute Spirit. Also, the philosopher does not talk about prayer as a path to vision of God. For Christian thinkers, the achievement of God is the fruit of prayerful work, and the body also joins the Divine energy, which enters “all the parts, the womb (insides), the heart.” In Christianity, it is Christ who is the only Person who reveals the Divine reality to man; Plotinus does not know God, who has become bread, food, nourishment for soul and body.

Plotinus' deification, or ecstasy, is dissolution in the One until the complete loss of one's own individuality, while Christian prayer ecstasy means the highest communion with the Divine light without loss of one's personality, the interpenetration of God and man as two personalities becoming “equal.”

According to the Russian historian and theologian K. E. Skurat, the result of constant prayerful communication with God is a closer union with Him - contemplation and ecstasy. Ecstasy is the highest form of prayerful state and moral perfection. If contemplation is the name given to activity consisting of divine contemplation and constant prayer, then at the highest level of contemplation a special spiritual state occurs, which holy ascetics call “smart contemplation”, “spiritual vision”, “knowledge”, “smart vision”, “amazement” " and "higher vision". That is, not prayer, but being in “admiration” or “ecstasy.”

The highest state achieved by prayer is understandable only to those who own experience achieved and experienced it. For a carnal person, that is, who knows only earthly “bliss,” it is completely impossible to even imagine it in his mind.

Through religious ecstasy, moral perfection is achieved, “the renewal of human nature corrupted by sin is accomplished, spiritual feelings become subtler, and our nature again acquires an angelic quality; it becomes a new creature and is again united with God, becomes a participant in Divine perfections, and acquires God-likeness.”

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  • Andreeva L. “Ecstatic rituals in the practices of some Russian confessions or altered forms of consciousness” // Social sciences and modernity. 2005. No. 3.
  • Kostetsky V.V., “Man in ecstasy. An experience of philosophical understanding." Ekaterinburg, 2000.
  • Dorofeev D. “Man in Ecstasy”,
  • Orshansky I. G. ,.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • // Subject in the time of social existence. M.: Nauka, 2006, p. 568-586.
  • William James, "Varieties of Religious Experience", 1902.
  • Marghanita Laski, “Ecstasy. A study of some Secular and Religious Experiences", London, Cresset Press, 1961. See review
  • Marghanita Laski, "Everyday Ecstasy", Thames and Hudson, 1980. ISBN 0-500-01234-2.
  • Evelyn Underhill, "Mysticism", 1911. ch. 8
  • Spoerri Th. (Hrsg.) Beitrage zur Extase. Basel: Karger, 1968;
  • Josuttis H, Leuner H. (Hrsg.) Religion und die Droge. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1972.
  • Mantegazza P. Human ecstasies. M. 1890.

Excerpt describing Ecstasy

You, without whom happiness would be impossible for me,
Tender melancholy, oh, come and comfort me,
Come, soothe the torment of my dark solitude
And add secret sweetness
To these tears that I feel flowing.]
Julie played Boris the saddest nocturnes on the harp. Boris read Poor Liza aloud to her and more than once interrupted his reading from the excitement that took his breath away. Meeting in a large society, Julie and Boris looked at each other as the only indifferent people in the world who understood each other.
Anna Mikhailovna, who often went to the Karagins, making up her mother’s party, meanwhile made correct inquiries about what was given for Julie (both Penza estates and Nizhny Novgorod forests were given). Anna Mikhailovna, with devotion to the will of Providence and tenderness, looked at the refined sadness that connected her son with the rich Julie.
“Toujours charmante et melancolique, cette chere Julieie,” she said to her daughter. - Boris says that he rests his soul in your house. “He has suffered so many disappointments and is so sensitive,” she told her mother.
“Oh, my friend, how attached I have become to Julie lately,” she said to her son, “I can’t describe to you!” And who can not love her? This is such an unearthly creature! Ah, Boris, Boris! “She fell silent for a minute. “And how I feel sorry for her maman,” she continued, “today she showed me reports and letters from Penza (they have a huge estate) and she is poor, all alone: ​​she is so deceived!
Boris smiled slightly as he listened to his mother. He meekly laughed at her simple-minded cunning, but listened and sometimes asked her carefully about the Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates.
Julie had long been expecting a proposal from her melancholic admirer and was ready to accept it; but some secret feeling of disgust for her, for her passionate desire to get married, for her unnaturalness, and a feeling of horror at renouncing the possibility of true love still stopped Boris. His vacation was already over. He spent whole days and every single day with the Karagins, and every day, reasoning with himself, Boris told himself that he would propose tomorrow. But in the presence of Julie, looking at her red face and chin, almost always covered with powder, at her moist eyes and at the expression of her face, which always expressed a readiness to immediately move from melancholy to the unnatural delight of marital happiness, Boris could not utter a decisive word: despite the fact that for a long time in his imagination he considered himself the owner of Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates and distributed the use of income from them. Julie saw Boris's indecisiveness and sometimes the thought occurred to her that she was disgusting to him; but immediately the woman’s self-delusion came to her as a consolation, and she told herself that he was shy only out of love. Her melancholy, however, began to turn into irritability, and not long before Boris left, she undertook a decisive plan. At the same time that Boris’s vacation was ending, Anatol Kuragin appeared in Moscow and, of course, in the Karagins’ living room, and Julie, unexpectedly leaving her melancholy, became very cheerful and attentive to Kuragin.
“Mon cher,” Anna Mikhailovna said to her son, “je sais de bonne source que le Prince Basile envoie son fils a Moscou pour lui faire epouser Julieie.” [My dear, I know from reliable sources that Prince Vasily sends his son to Moscow in order to marry him to Julie.] I love Julie so much that I would feel sorry for her. What do you think, my friend? - said Anna Mikhailovna.
The thought of being a fool and wasting this whole month of difficult melancholy service under Julie and seeing all the income from the Penza estates already allocated and properly used in his imagination in the hands of another - especially in the hands of the stupid Anatole, offended Boris. He went to the Karagins with the firm intention of proposing. Julie greeted him with a cheerful and carefree look, casually talked about how much fun she had at yesterday's ball, and asked when he was leaving. Despite the fact that Boris came with the intention of talking about his love and therefore intended to be gentle, he irritably began to talk about women's inconstancy: how women can easily move from sadness to joy and that their mood depends only on who looks after them. Julie was offended and said that it was true that a woman needs variety, that everyone will get tired of the same thing.
“For this, I would advise you...” Boris began, wanting to tell her a caustic word; but at that very moment the offensive thought came to him that he could leave Moscow without achieving his goal and losing his work for nothing (which had never happened to him). He stopped in the middle of his speech, lowered his eyes so as not to see her unpleasantly irritated and indecisive face and said: “I didn’t come here at all to quarrel with you.” On the contrary...” He glanced at her to make sure he could continue. All her irritation suddenly disappeared, and her restless, pleading eyes were fixed on him with greedy expectation. “I can always arrange it so that I rarely see her,” thought Boris. “And the work has begun and must be done!” He blushed, looked up at her and told her: “You know my feelings for you!” There was no need to say any more: Julie’s face shone with triumph and self-satisfaction; but she forced Boris to tell her everything that is said in such cases, to say that he loves her, and has never loved any woman more than her. She knew that she could demand this for the Penza estates and Nizhny Novgorod forests and she received what she demanded.
The bride and groom, no longer remembering the trees that showered them with darkness and melancholy, made plans for the future arrangement of a brilliant house in St. Petersburg, made visits and prepared everything for a brilliant wedding.

Count Ilya Andreich arrived in Moscow at the end of January with Natasha and Sonya. The Countess was still unwell and could not travel, but it was impossible to wait for her recovery: Prince Andrei was expected to go to Moscow every day; in addition, it was necessary to purchase a dowry, it was necessary to sell the property near Moscow, and it was necessary to take advantage of the presence of the old prince in Moscow to introduce him to his future daughter-in-law. The Rostovs' house in Moscow was not heated; in addition, they arrived for a short time, the countess was not with them, and therefore Ilya Andreich decided to stay in Moscow with Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, who had long offered her hospitality to the count.
Late in the evening, four of the Rostovs' carts drove into Marya Dmitrievna's yard in the old Konyushennaya. Marya Dmitrievna lived alone. She has already married off her daughter. Her sons were all in the service.
She still held herself straight, she also spoke directly, loudly and decisively to everyone her opinion, and with her whole being she seemed to reproach other people for all sorts of weaknesses, passions and hobbies, which she did not recognize as possible. From early morning in the kutsaveyka, she did housework, then went: on holidays to mass and from mass to prisons and prisons, where she had business that she did not tell anyone about, and on weekdays, after getting dressed, she received petitioners of different classes at home who came to her every day, and then had lunch; There were always about three or four guests at the hearty and tasty dinner; after dinner I made a round of Boston; At night she forced herself to read newspapers and new books, and she knitted. She rarely made exceptions for trips, and if she did, she went only to the most important people in the city.
She had not yet gone to bed when the Rostovs arrived, and the door on the block in the hall squealed, letting in the Rostovs and their servants who were coming in from the cold. Marya Dmitrievna, with glasses down on her nose, throwing her head back, stood in the doorway of the hall and looked at those entering with a stern, angry look. One would have thought that she was embittered against the visitors and would now throw them out, if at this time she had not given careful orders to people on how to accommodate the guests and their things.
- Counts? “Bring it here,” she said, pointing to the suitcases and not greeting anyone. - Young ladies, this way to the left. Well, why are you fawning! – she shouted at the girls. - Samovar to warm you up! “She’s plumper and prettier,” she said, pulling Natasha, flushed from the cold, by her hood. - Ugh, cold! “Undress quickly,” she shouted at the count, who wanted to approach her hand. - Cold, I guess. Serve some rum for tea! Sonyushka, bonjour,” she said to Sonya, highlighting her slightly contemptuous and affectionate attitude towards Sonya with this French greeting.
When everyone, having undressed and recovered from the road, came to tea, Marya Dmitrievna kissed everyone in order.
“I’m glad with my soul that they came and that they stopped with me,” she said. “It’s high time,” she said, looking significantly at Natasha... “the old man is here and they are expecting their son any day now.” We must, we must meet him. Well, we’ll talk about that later,” she added, looking at Sonya with a look that showed that she didn’t want to talk about it in front of her. “Now listen,” she turned to the count, “what do you need tomorrow?” Who will you send for? Shinshina? – she bent one finger; - crybaby Anna Mikhailovna? - two. She's here with her son. My son is getting married! Then Bezukhova? And he's here with his wife. He ran away from her, and she ran after him. He dined with me on Wednesday. Well, and - she pointed to the young ladies - tomorrow I’ll take them to Iverskaya, and then we’ll go to Ober Shelme. After all, you will probably do everything new? Don't take it from me, these days it's sleeves, that's what! The other day, the young Princess Irina Vasilievna came to see me: I was afraid to look, as if she had put two barrels on her hands. After all, today is a day - new fashion. So what are you doing? – she turned sternly to the count.
“Everything suddenly came together,” answered the count. - To buy rags, and then there is a buyer for the Moscow region and for the house. If you're so kind, I'll find some time, go to Marinskoye for a day, and show you my girls.
- Okay, okay, I’ll be intact. It’s like in the Board of Trustees. “I’ll take them where they need to go, and scold them, and caress them,” said Marya Dmitrievna, touching big hand to the cheek of his favorite and goddaughter Natasha.
The next day, in the morning, Marya Dmitrievna took the young ladies to Iverskaya and to m me Ober Shalma, who was so afraid of Marya Dmitrievna that she always gave her outfits at a loss, just to get her out of her hands as quickly as possible. Marya Dmitrievna ordered almost the entire dowry. When she returned, she kicked everyone except Natasha out of the room and called her favorite to her chair.
- Well, now let's talk. Congratulations on your fiance. Got the guy! I'm happy for you; and I’ve known him since those years (she pointed to an arshin from the ground). – Natasha blushed joyfully. – I love him and his whole family. Now listen. You know, old Prince Nikolai really did not want his son to get married. Good old man! It is, of course, Prince Andrei is not a child, and he will manage without him, but it is not good to enter the family against his will. It must be peaceful, loving. You're smart, you can do it right. Treat yourself kindly and wisely. Everything will be fine.
Natasha was silent, as Marya Dmitrievna thought, out of shyness, but in essence Natasha was unpleasant that they were interfering in her love affair with Prince Andrei, which seemed to her so special from all human affairs that no one, according to her concepts, could understand it. She loved and knew one Prince Andrei, he loved her and was supposed to come one of these days and take her. She didn't need anything else.
“You see, I’ve known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law.” Sisters-in-law are beaters, but this one won’t hurt a fly. She asked me to set her up with you. Tomorrow you and your father will go to her, and give her a good hug: you are younger than her. Somehow yours will arrive, and you already know your sister and father, and they love you. Yes or no? Surely it will be better?
“Better,” Natasha answered reluctantly.

The next day, on the advice of Marya Dmitrievna, Count Ilya Andreich went with Natasha to Prince Nikolai Andreich. The count prepared for this visit with a gloomy spirit: in his heart he was afraid. The last meeting during the militia, when the count, in response to his invitation to dinner, listened to a heated reprimand for not delivering people, was memorable for Count Ilya Andreich. Natasha, dressed in her best dress, was on the contrary in the most cheerful mood. “It’s impossible that they wouldn’t love me,” she thought: everyone has always loved me. And I’m so ready to do for them whatever they want, I’m so ready to love him - because he’s a father, and she’s because she’s a sister, that there’s no reason why they wouldn’t love me!”

It is difficult to describe that state of euphoria and happiness on the verge of frenzy, which is understood by the word “ecstasy”. What an ecstatic state is, only people who have experienced it at least once know. Somerset Maugham said about this feeling: “The beautiful is ecstasy: it is as simple as hunger. In essence, you can’t tell anything about him. It’s like the scent of a rose: you can smell it, that’s all.”

Ecstasy. What is an ecstatic state

Translated from Greek, ekstasis means “frenzy, admiration.” This is the highest delight, a change in human consciousness, a loss of the sense of reality and time. In a sense, it's like a trance. There are several interpretations of this word. Thus, religious ecstasy is mentioned very often in literature. What is frenzy and euphoria from long prayers, however, few people know today. Another similar emotional state is attributed to boundless inspiration and delight from visual pleasure, that is, the intoxication of beauty.

Modern people, as a rule, perceive the word “ecstasy” in only one meaning - the highest point of a sensual surge at the moment of sexual intimacy with a partner.

Ecstasy and orgasm are not the same thing

Some sources mistakenly use orgasm and ecstasy as synonyms. What is an orgasm really? This is a purely physiological, although very strong, pleasure, which is accompanied by involuntary spasms of some pelvic muscles. Orgasm is characterized by a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Most often this state is achieved by stimulation erogenous zones, it is much less common for orgasm to occur spontaneously, for example in a dream.

Ecstatic pleasure is beyond the limits of physical excitement, at the level of psycho-emotional perception. Simply put, ecstasy occurs in the head. This is a kind of explosion of accumulated positive emotions, happiness flowing like an uncontrollable fountain. Orgasm is not necessarily accompanied by ecstasy; moreover, this is a rather rare occurrence. At the same time, a person is able to experience an ecstatic surge even without sexual intercourse itself. Simply the proximity or touch of a loved one can cause such a feeling.

Female ecstasy

It is a well-known fact that for the fair sex the path to orgasm is much longer and more difficult than for men. If male satisfaction is the usual logical outcome of sexual intimacy, then for a girl it is more like a game of roulette, where luck is not always present. Moreover, a huge number of women are not at all familiar with these wonderful sensations. Such ladies most often imitate orgasm, and even ecstasy, in order to stroke the ego of their loved one.

By the way, if you ask women who receive real, genuine physical pleasure from sex about what ecstasy is, they will talk about it much more than men. The fact is that the psycho-emotional perception of the weaker sex is much subtler and more sensitive. Ladies are capable of receiving true delight even simply from the presence of a loved one, and intimacy with him can lift them above reality. Thus, ecstasy can be familiar even to women who have not known orgasm.

The Sure Path to Ecstasy

For love pleasures to bring real pleasure and delight, it is very important that both partners strive for this. There can be no question of any kind of joint work; this path should be based on a mutual desire to make the partner and, of course, yourself happy. There is no strict instruction on “What is ecstasy and how to get it.” Moreover, usually such moments come completely unexpectedly, without any preparation. However, some reasonable recommendations can still be found.

A woman should try to master the art of sensory concentration. Completely abstracting from external fuss and the desire to please your partner, you need to be only here and now, listening to your feelings. Using this tactic, over and over again the girl gets more and more pleasure, gradually approaching her cherished goal.

The stronger sex should not forget how important the environment in which the love affair takes place is for the partner. A bedroom decorated with flowers and candles will certainly create a positive effect and help the lady get maximum emotions. It is also important for a woman to realize that she is beautiful and desirable. A passionate look from her partner and a gentle whisper of compliments - this is what she is waiting for at this moment.

Tantric yoga

It also wouldn't hurt to use literature. Tantric yoga is a direction that studies sexual ecstasy and helps to achieve it. You can find a lot in the manuals interesting information: what is ecstasy, photos of special poses, ways of psychological attitude. According to this teaching, by using certain techniques, male and female sexual energies can be released beyond the limits of physiology and reunite, leading to supreme bliss.

Despite all sorts of scientific theories, only real love can create those unique energy vibrations that simultaneously embrace the body and soul.

Most sex therapists currently identify several forms of female orgasm. According to the localization of orgasm: four physiological forms - clitoral, vaginal, uterine(cervical or cervical orgasm), perineal and several pathological ones - oral, rectal(anal), nipple.

Orgasm- a complex psychophysiological process, the basis of which lies in the corresponding processes in the brain. Excitation of specific pleasure zones of the brain leads to the objective manifestation of orgasm. The inclusion of these zones occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the woman’s genital organs.

The motor activity of a woman’s body and its individual parts resembles convulsions. In some cases, the body tenses and stretches, perhaps raising the pelvis and arching the body in an arc-like manner (supporting the back of the head and heels), the arms are tense and extended, the jaw is clenched, the eyes are tightly closed. In other cases, the body bends, twists, beats, makes throwing movements, arms and legs are scattered, makes sharp chaotic movements, the head turns in different directions. All this is accompanied by sound phenomena (screams, screams, sobs, groans, grinding of teeth, as well as sounds muffled by volitional effort or spasm of the speech muscles, groans, sighs, etc.).

Sometimes individual words and incoherent phrases come out. A spasm is observed, that is, a rather sharp contraction of the muscles of the vagina, uterus, perineum and other muscles of the small pelvis. Typically, a young woman who has not given birth with well-developed muscles experiences 2-3 strong spasms and several weak ones that gradually fade. In women with weaker muscles, older in age, who have given birth, only one strong spasm and 1-2 weak ones are possible. All these spasms can be felt by the man's penis.

The increase in vaginal discharge is sometimes so sharp that the penis loses the sensation of the vaginal walls, as if “floating up” in it. In rare cases a large number of liquid even pours out.

During a true orgasm, a woman's breast nipples increase in volume and harden (nipple erection).

The totality of all the signs constitutes an external, objective picture of the physiological orgasm of women. The subjective internal picture can be described based on their stories. Many women note a feeling of intense heat in the lower abdomen, in the genitals and in the depths of the vagina, a kind of heat wave in these areas, a feeling of a blow in the depths of the small pelvis or a painfully sweet spasm, a tightening inside, in the depths of the genital organs.

Everything described concerns relatively simple type female orgasm, namely physiological orgasm. Such an orgasm occurs more or less regularly in three-quarters of sexually active women. The most common is the so-called clitoral type of orgasm.

How important is the so-called “anatomical correspondence” of the genital organs of a man and a woman for a woman to achieve orgasm?

The size of the genital organs has always been given great importance in sexology and in society. In reality, the situation is much more prosaic. First of all, for a sexual life that is fully valuable in all respects, a particularly large penis is not required.

As you know, women have four types of orgasm, and with three of them (clitoral, vaginal and perineal), the size of the penis does not matter at all. With the fourth type of orgasm - cervical (uterine) - a certain length of the penis is required, but even then very moderate, since the cervix in most women is located relatively shallow.

There is no relationship between the overall body size, in particular the height and size of the penis, in a man and the volume of the vagina in a woman. Anatomical discrepancy can only occur in cases of gross pathology of the vagina (its underdevelopment, cicatricial narrowing after injuries, burns). In other cases, the genital organs of a man and a woman represent a functional system in which the vagina can stretch significantly with a large penis and, conversely, shrink and tightly fit a small penis.

What is a clitoral orgasm?

It used to be a common belief that this type of orgasm was characteristic of very young women, and as they grew older, the orgasm moved to the vagina. However, it is not. Clitoral orgasm can be characteristic of any woman, regardless of her age, physique, etc.

To achieve a clitoral orgasm, stimulation of the clitoris is necessary. Women who are characterized by a clitoral orgasm are almost unable to achieve it in the usual position, the most common in Europe. In this case, the clitoris remains outside the field of irritation during frictions.

During normal sexual intercourse, the necessary irritation of the clitoris is achieved by its contact with the back of the penis, for which it is necessary to insert the penis at a certain angle (from top to bottom). This is possible with a normal distance of the clitoris from the entrance to the vagina (about 2.5 cm). If the clitoris is located higher, then the penis does not reach it. In this case, it is necessary to either change the position of sexual intercourse, or use titillation (small, monotonous irritating movements) of the clitoris with a finger, both in the preparatory period and during sexual intercourse.

The head of the clitoris is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, so irritation with his hand should be very light and gentle. Sometimes it is useful to lubricate your fingers with Vaseline or moisten your finger by inserting it into the vagina. If the clitoral head is overly sensitive, the irritating effects of the finger can be transferred higher, to the body or tail. These parts of the clitoris are deeper, and therefore a harsher impact is acceptable.

Women with a clitoral type of orgasm are not suitable for coitus from behind. The following position is more acceptable: after the start of coitus, move your legs in a classic position, then the penis irritates the clitoris with each friction. In this case, the husband and wife can change places - the husband is on the bottom, and the wife is on top. An objective sign of clitoral orgasm is a significant increase in the size of the clitoris (erection) and an increase in its temperature.

How does a vaginal orgasm occur?

The second type of female orgasm is vaginal. The erogenous field in this case is the lower third of the anterior wall of the vagina, which requires a special technique of sexual intercourse, which consists of closely pressing the head of the penis to the anterior wall of the vagina during frictions.

In addition, special “small” frictions are practiced, i.e. shallow, involving only the lower part of the vagina. In this case, the effect on the lower third of the anterior vaginal wall is enhanced (“Spanish” sexual intercourse). There are also cases of combined orgasm, that is, clitoral-vaginal. In the preliminary period of caresses in women, irritation with the hand simultaneously of the clitoris and the anterior wall of the vagina is effective, and during sexual intercourse - simultaneous impact on both erogenous zones with the penis or hand.

For any form of orgasm, maximum blood overflow of the cavernous bodies is necessary, and the lower part of the vagina is precisely covered by muscles closely connected with the cavernous bodies. By contracting these muscles, a woman not only increases the filling of her own cavernous bodies - squeezing the base of the man's genital organ during sexual intercourse, but also impedes the outflow of blood from his cavernous bodies, sharply increasing her husband's erection and creating additional pleasant sensations for him.

Unfortunately, the work of these muscles, which are important for orgasm, is not always complete. On the one hand, some women have them of little power, and on the other hand, there are women who do not know how to use them properly. The task of the sexologist in both cases is to teach the woman how to use these muscles.

The power of any striated muscle increases with exercise, so we give some frigid women homework - special sexological gymnastics: daily, repeatedly squeeze the main muscle - the constrictor of the vagina, and if a woman does not know how to do this, we advise you to retract the anus.

The lower third of the vagina and the muscles of the perineum play a critical role in the formation of orgasm. These muscle parts, when tense, form an orgasmic cuff. Objectively, vaginal orgasm is expressed in 5-12 contractions of this cuff with an interval of 0.8 seconds. After orgasm, the cuff and vaginal walls quickly relax. With the vaginal form of orgasm, a woman can receive sexual satisfaction in any position.

What is special about uterine orgasm?

During this type of orgasm, contractions of the uterus begin from its bottom and move to the body and lower segment. The strength of uterine contractions is equal to the strength of orgasm. This orgasm is characterized by the so-called “suction effect”, in which the cervix seems to be sucked to the upper part of the vagina. Then the uterus returns to its original position.

With the uterine form of orgasm, a woman needs irritation of the cervix with the penis. The penis may not reach the cervix if it is short or, conversely, if the vagina is too large. In these cases, it is necessary for sexual intercourse to take place in a position where the woman lies on her back and pulls her legs towards her stomach, which significantly shortens the vagina. It is also possible for the man to lie on his back and the woman to squat on top.

At various types deviations, the cervix is ​​not in the posterior fornix, but “looks” forward. In order to “put the uterus in place,” you can again change the position, use gynecological massage and knee-elbow breathing exercises. In this case, it is also better to recommend sexual intercourse in a position where the woman lies on her stomach or side. In this position, the penis does not fall into the posterior fornix, but into the anterior one, as with the woman’s knee-elbow position.

If a woman is excessively obese, coitus is possible only in the rear position on the side with the legs strongly bent at the hip joints or in the woman’s knee-elbow position. The same situation is almost the only one possible in case of excessive obesity in men.

The technique of sexual intercourse with this type of orgasm is for the man to produce deep frictions, rhythmically acting on the cervix and posterior fornix. And in this case you should avoid strong blows along the neck.

What is a perineal orgasm? The fourth type of orgasm is perineal. It occurs much less frequently. The corresponding nerve impulses come from the perineum when it comes into a state of vibration. For women with this type of orgasm, it sometimes occurs while riding a horse, riding a bicycle, or riding a motorcycle. The technique of sexual intercourse in this case involves the impact of the head of the penis on the posterior wall of the vagina in its lower segment.

How do you feel about women faking orgasm?

The widespread phenomenon of imitation is especially often observed in women instead of an orgasmic period. A woman imitates an orgasm using the means available to her, thereby solving some socio-psychological problems. She wants to prove her sexual worth to her partner (in the event that she is inclined to regard herself as a “cold” woman). She wants to convince her partner that he is a full-fledged man, if this is important to her. She wants to prevent his aggression (reproaches, reprimands) if she thinks that her partner will blame her for not engaging in sexual intercourse. She wants to prevent her partner from reacting with self-blame and despair if she assumes that such a reaction will interfere with their future relationship. In short, imitation of orgasm is a complex and responsible action of a woman, to which she attaches great importance. However, this widespread action by women is wrong.

Most of the listed problems and tasks facing a woman can be solved in another, “open”, but tactful way, namely, a joint friendly search for the shortcomings of technology and psychological communication, a friendly construction of a true orgasm that binds both partners. As already mentioned, only that part of the manifestations of orgasm that is amenable to voluntary or conscious regulation is available for imitation.

Is it possible to achieve simultaneous orgasm between a man and a woman?

For sexual harmony, it is desirable for the orgasm of a man and a woman to coincide in time, and if she has an orgasmic series, for the man’s orgasm to coincide with the woman’s last orgasm. A complete match is not always necessary. If a woman is already in the pre-orgastic period, then after ejaculation the man should not remove the penis from the vagina for a few more seconds without making friction, and the woman will automatically have an orgasm after the pre-orgastic period. If simply waiting is still not enough for a woman to have an orgasm, a man can stimulate the woman in some other way immediately after ejaculation, for example, with his hand, etc.

What is psycho-emotional orgasm?

Psycho-emotional orgasm occurs much less frequently in both men and women. In essence, this is a complex psychophysiological experience that unfolds on the basis of a simpler, more elementary, physiological orgasm. The likelihood of a psycho-emotional orgasm depends on the emotional makeup of a person, his general culture, the ability to express emotional experiences in general: delight, ecstatic states. We can say that the frequency and quality of psycho-emotional orgasm have a significant social conditionality by the general way of life of people. In the era of sentimentalism or romanticism, psycho-emotional orgasm was probably more common.

The occurrence of psycho-emotional orgasm in both a man and a woman depends on the type of attitude of a man to the image of a woman in general, on his assessment of this image, the meaning of a woman in life. During a period when a woman is an object of man’s worship, an ideal of beauty, moral perfection, a complex of emotions arises that contributes to the onset of psycho-emotional orgasm in both partners. It has long been noted that the emotional state of a man during sexual intercourse contributes to both the woman’s arousal and her inhibition, depending on the nature of these emotions.

Psycho-emotional orgasm can be psychologically interpreted as a significant narrowing of the field of consciousness of both partners. Against this background, an emotional upsurge occurs, similar to an ecstatic state, with the emergence of brightly colored fantasies and even disturbances of perception (a feeling of flight, weightlessness, any changes in one’s body, etc.). The leading emotion at this time is the experience of happiness, joy, and liberation. At the same time, the content of emotional experiences is different for men and women. Thus, a man has a “motive of mastery,” up to and including “devouring a woman.”

The man seems to completely merge with the woman, absorbing her into the depths of his soul. This corresponds to the most frequently occurring words in this situation that a man utters, for example: “I’ll eat you up without a trace,” “you’re mine,” etc. The content of a woman’s emotional experiences during a psycho-emotional orgasm is “giving,” the woman seems to completely surrender a man, dissolves in him. This state corresponds to such words as “take me all”, “I’m yours”, “do with me what you want”, etc. The emotion of bestowal is manifested not only in words, but also in gestures, as if belittling, giving oneself to a man.

How many orgasms can a woman experience in one sexual act?

Approximately 20% of women experience a need to have not one, but three or four orgasms in a row during the same sexual intercourse. This means that for them the concepts of satisfaction and saturation are different. Each orgasm brings satisfaction, but only their combination leads to saturation, that is, to the disappearance of further need for orgasm. This phenomenon is called the “orgastic series.” It's absolutely normal. This must be emphasized because some men, and sometimes women, consider it a manifestation of some disease, and men, in addition, consider it a manifestation of a woman’s promiscuity or depravity. Of course, a woman’s husband or regular partner should know about her orgasmic series and, taking this into account, build his sexual relationship with her.

What happens to a woman’s body after sexual intercourse? A woman’s sexual arousal decreases gradually even after complete saturation. In this regard, she reacts painfully to a man’s sexual indifference, which occurs after the end of sexual intercourse.

There are a lot of complaints that men quickly move on to everyday prosaic conversations or fall asleep. In essence, these complaints express a woman’s need for so-called post-coital caresses, that is, caresses from a man after sexual intercourse. These caresses should not be of an exciting nature, therefore they do not amount to irritation of erogenous zones, but, on the contrary, consist of influencing non-erogenous parts of the woman’s body.

The psychological content of these caresses is an expression of gratitude, tenderness, and emotional relaxation. At the same time, during the period of postcoital caresses, the woman expresses gratitude and appreciation to the man as a sexual partner. Indeed, every man during and after sexual intercourse has a hidden need to receive a tactful assessment of his actions from a woman.

It contributes to his self-affirmation, but at the same time he becomes especially vulnerable to reproaches and generally disapproving statements. That is why, when we recommend that a woman make the necessary adjustments to her man’s actions in the preparatory period and during sexual intercourse, we always emphasize that this should be done at another time, but not immediately after sexual intercourse. During this period, the woman’s assessment should certainly be positive in any case. We must remember that this is not only a final assessment of this closeness, but also an incentive for the future. A man will always want to justify a woman’s assessment in the future, especially if it was slightly higher than the objective assessment.

This is an extremely important psychological moment, and, of course, it is difficult to describe how a woman should do this. For example, one woman said briefly: “It was a fairy tale,” another did not say anything, but raised thumb, and the third whispered: “I forgot the whole world, except you.” Although, due to living conditions, partners, including husband and wife, sometimes have to get up after this and engage in household activities, psychologically the most perfect state of partners after the described period is sleep. A woman should fall asleep before a man, resting in his arms, and not vice versa (except for a woman of the “woman-mother” type).

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Greek ekstasis - being outside, displacement, being outside oneself) - a state of altered consciousness, accompanied by: a person’s loss of the sense of time, delight, extreme positive emotional rapture, often visual and auditory hallucinations; a type of trance associated with anesthesia, decreased respiratory activity and blood circulation (physiological E.). E.'s states in people's everyday lives are usually short-lived and are traditionally associated with love or heroic (performing a sacrificial deed) experiences. A special kind of ecstatic states (which can sometimes be long-term - from 0.5 hours to 35 years with interruptions - according to legends, legends and chronicles) are religious and mystical E. It was generally accepted that the states of the latter serve to enable people to comprehend new knowledge that is impossible to think in a traditional way (revelation), the individual’s identification of himself with the entire Universe, with God (Plotinus, Bernard of Clairvaux). Acting in a psychological context as the ultimate form of contemplation of any object or phenomenon, as absolute absorption in any one single idea, E. can also be interpreted as a perfect procedure of contemplation (living sensation and, following this, perception) of the transcendental. 20th century with its widespread methods of narcotic acquisition of states of E., widespread in European and North American culture, on the one hand, and the theoretical delights of a number of philosophers and scientists (E. - being in “nothing” by the existentialists, ecstatic experiments described by Castaneda, etc.) etc.), on the other hand, - transferred the problem of a person acquiring the state of E. from a personal-individual, deeply intimate, sacrificial-mystical hypostasis - into the category of social and medical problems of a mass order.

In S. Eisenstein’s interpretation, ecstasy turns into an aesthetic principle for constructing a film. Exploring the manifestations of pathos as a unique compositional structure in various forms of art (painting, literature, cinema, etc.), as well as the mystical techniques of Ignatius of Loyola, Eisenstein fixes his attention on the ugly state of consciousness, when, free from any concepts, images and ideas , it is immersed in the sphere of “pure” affect. The new cinema must correspond to this state of consciousness, which, like the etchings of the late Piranesi, frame by frame and as a whole consists of collisions of spaces of “different qualitative intensity and depth.” In fact, we are talking about completely capturing the audience's attention, which is based on a formalized scheme of “ec-stasis”. By achieving such a release of the viewer from himself, in other words, “out of the state,” Eisenstein seeks to capture the resulting “emptiness,” attacking it with a series of film images increasing in intensity. Consequently, ecstasy also turns out to be a kind of project for the formation of the viewing audience itself, ready to perceive films shot in a new way. For Eisenstein as a director, the theory of pathos is tightly connected with his cinematic experiment.

The “theater of cruelty” of Antonin-Artaud is also close to this understanding of ecstasy, which tries to restore the rights of the “material meaning” of affectivity (“magical trances”) as opposed to the total dominance in the European theater of words.

Lit.: ArtoA. Theater and its double. M., 1993; BataiJ. Inner experience. St. Petersburg, 1997; Eisenstein S. Caring nature. - In the book: Izbr. works in b t., vol. 3. M., 1964; Bataille G. LErotisme. P., 1957.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

). Frenzy, an enthusiastic state of spirit, as if separated from the body, so that the subject, in this state, does not notice anything around him; type of effect.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N..,



a painfully enthusiastic state, strong excitement, causing a person to forget even physical exercise. flour.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F.,



extreme degree of enthusiastic excitement, reaching the point of frenzy, to self-forgetfulness.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M.,

. Synonyms:

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