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French balcony made of plastic. French glazing of the balcony. Type of simple glazing in Khrushchev

The use of French glazing on balconies allows the owner of an apartment or private house to have a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding area. A balcony glazed using this technology is not only practical, but also aesthetically attractive. We’ll talk further about the features of balcony glazing in French.

Advantages and disadvantages of French balcony glazing

When planning the glazing of a private house or apartment, French glazing is becoming quite popular, with the help of which it not only improves the aesthetic appearance of the entire structure, but also increases its comfortable conditions.

The French window appears in the form of window-doors, which are based on an aluminum or metal-plastic window frame. It is this type of window that gives the room the maximum degree of illumination, visually expands it and allows you to admire a panoramic view of the area.

Most often, the installation of French windows is relevant in private housing construction or in country cottages, although there are options for installing French windows on balconies of apartments located on the upper floors. At the same time, the integral structure of the entire building is not disturbed in any way, and the window fits quite harmoniously into the overall atmosphere.

After installing a French window on the balcony, it turns into cozy place for relaxation in the form of a small terrace.

French glazing loggia and balcony refers to modern methods equipment of these premises. During this procedure, old enclosing structures are dismantled and replaced with new windows that occupy the entire area of ​​the balcony. Some options for French glazing involve the installation of a solid frame window, while others are based on the installation of transparent glass in the upper part of the balcony or loggia, and the lower part of the structure is made in the following options:

  • frosted glazing;
  • clear glass;
  • applying tinting;
  • installation of sandwich panels.

By installing French glazing on the balcony, it is possible to achieve increased attractiveness appearance balcony structure both from the inside and from the outside.

In addition, this type of glazing has many advantages, which we will discuss further:

  • installing French windows on the balcony allows you to achieve maximum illumination of the room, which is located next to the balcony, thus, during the daytime, there is no need to spend material resources to illuminate it;
  • windows and light allow you to visually expand the space of the balcony, thereby making it comfortable;
  • in addition, the useful area of ​​the balcony increases, since neither thermal insulation nor upholstery is used in the process of finishing it;
  • it turns out to save on carrying out finishing works on the balcony.

By installing high-quality French windows from trusted manufacturers, the owner of the balcony also receives good heat and sound insulation. But, despite the large number of advantages of French glazing, this procedure also has its disadvantages, namely:

  • the cost of installing French windows is quite high, this is explained primarily by the difficulty of installing installation work, as well as the price of the material used in the manufacture of windows, for example, the presence of heat-reflective film, laminated PVC profile, various kinds colored glasses, etc.;
  • since a balcony is a small room, a large number of windows lead to its overheating, especially in hot weather, at the same time, in winter - from large quantity windows it gets supercooled, so when choosing window systems, you should rely on trusted manufacturers whose windows are able to retain heat well and not allow ultraviolet radiation to pass through;

  • caring for such windows requires special care and caution, especially from the outside; windows require washing almost weekly;
  • Another disadvantage of French glazing is the limitation of the installation of windows, since they are quite heavy; on some balconies that are not able to withstand heavy loads or weakened floor slabs, their installation is impossible.

French glazing of balconies from floor to ceiling - features

Balcony glazing using French technology is used both in multi-storey cottages or private houses, and in multi-storey buildings. During the work, there is no need to violate the integrity of the entire structure, but the result is an aesthetically attractive panoramic view.

Work begins with partial or complete removal of the enclosing structure. Next, window frames are installed along the entire perimeter of the balcony; there are two options for installing them:

  • as a complete structure;
  • sectional, which are separated by bindings.

The lower part of the frame is filled with frosted, regular, tinted types of glass or using sandwich panels.

The material from which the support frame consists is made of metal or aluminum, its type depends on the total cost of the structure. For example, for light glazing of a balcony, an aluminum profile is sufficient, but to protect the balcony from the cold, it is necessary to install a metal-plastic bag.

For thermal insulation and sound insulation balcony windows the technical and operational characteristics of the materials used in the window installation process significantly influence.

French balcony glazing photo:

The main feature of French glazing is that the balcony consists of glass along its entire perimeter, that is, from floor to ceiling. Window design mounted directly on the surface of the concrete floor. In this case, there is no concrete or metal type paraper.

There are two main types of French glazing:

  • solid frame;
  • group.

With the help of French balcony glazing it is possible to realize various types of design solutions and ideas.

When choosing French glazing for a balcony, you should take into account both its positive and negative characteristics.

Firstly, with the help of French glazing it is possible to preserve maximum amount light both on the balcony and in the room adjacent to it. Secondly, there is a three-stage saving in material costs on the internal upholstery of the balcony, its external finishing and on the electricity that is spent on its lighting. Thirdly, there is a significant increase in the area of ​​the balcony structure due to the lack of a soundproofing and heat-insulating layer.

But, at the same time, such a balcony requires a lot of time to maintain and wash the glass. The cost of installing French glazing is quite high. After installing a French balcony, care should be taken to install a good ventilation system that will prevent the balcony from overheating in the summer, and a good heating system, which will prevent him from hypothermia.

A French balcony combines sophistication and style; in addition, among a large number of different colors, designs and glass, there is a choice of designing an individual balcony that will decorate your home.

French glazing of a balcony in a Khrushchev or apartment: legal aspects

Before installing a French balcony in an apartment multi-storey building, you should contact certain authorities that will give approval for this type of work.

For example, if the balcony is located with front side, then permission is mandatory, since without confirmation, it is prohibited to change the facade of a multi-story building.

If this is not done, then a trial is possible, as a result of which it will be necessary to return the balcony to its original appearance. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, you should first take care of collecting documentation.

In addition, you should take into account the material from which the balcony itself is made. Since the buildings that were erected in the seventies have certain concrete barriers, the dismantling of which seems impossible.

Another factor is the load on the balcony from the glass structure. The power of the balcony should be compared with the total weight of the glass structure.

Glasses and accessories for the manufacture of French glazing and their features

There are various design solutions for arranging a balcony or loggia with French windows. There are three main variations of panoramic glazing:

  • lack of frames;
  • use of aluminum profile;
  • plastic fittings.

When choosing one type or another, determine the purpose of the balcony; if the loggia is connected to a common room, you should install plastic double glazed windows, which perform the function of heat and sound insulation.

If, however, a balcony or loggia is located separately from the entire building, then it is enough to frameless glazing or installing an aluminum profile on which the glass will be mounted.

Please note that all glass must have increased strength to avoid breaking and for the safety of people living in the building.

In addition, arranging a balcony using French technology implies a lack of privacy, since through the glass all passing people will be able to observe everything that happens on the balcony.

A stained glass glazing option for a balcony is possible, on which a reflective film or tinting is installed, through which the balcony will not be visible.

Installing French glazing will significantly improve the aesthetic appeal of the balcony. In order to ensure the safety of people on the balcony, only impact-resistant glass with a minimum thickness of six millimeters is used to make windows.

In addition, it is possible to use glass panes, tinting, various types of shading, electric chrome plating, which, using remote control changes the amount of light transmitted, low-e glass that can transmit infrared radiation.

When choosing French sliding glazing, you should pay attention to the material from which its roller parts are made. It must be high quality, resistant to external influences. It is better to give preference to a window seal that is made of transparent polymers, since its service life significantly exceeds traditional types of seals.

In addition, it is possible to install blinds or curtains, which will provide both privacy and reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation. With the help of French glazing of a balcony, the building will acquire a certain status look, and at the same time, the amount of light that enters the house or apartment through the balcony will increase.

In order to reduce the cost of heating a balcony or loggia, you should choose the option of installing multi-chamber double-glazed windows. Thus, the amount of heat loss will be reduced by at least three times.

To equip warm French glazing, use windows based on a polyvinyl chloride profile, the minimum thickness of which is 7 cm. In addition, pay attention to the quality of the fittings, since the service life of the entire window structure depends on it.

The installation of multi-chamber glass panels should be carried out exclusively by specialists, since this process requires extensive experience. Moreover, the installation is carried out at height. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the double-glazed window, which can significantly load the balcony, and if the calculations are carried out incorrectly, lead to its destruction.

If the power of the balcony does not allow the installation of a multi-chamber double-glazed window, then it is better to give preference to a single-chamber one, but at the same time, it must be equipped with energy saving film which will reduce heat loss. And the material used to make the frame is a special insulated profile. Inside, between the two glasses there is an inert gas in the form of argon.

In addition, in order to keep the balcony warm in winter, care should be taken to insulate its floor base. The most popular option is installing cable-type heated floors. Before installing the cable, foam plastic is laid, and a tie is made on top of the cable, the thickness of which does not exceed 6 cm.

It is possible to insulate the balcony with foil penofol, although it has lower thermal insulation properties than penoplex.

Another option for insulating a balcony is winter time is the installation of an additional radiator or electric convector, which will heat the room. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of condensation on the balcony.

With the help of properly organized interior design you can achieve good combination glass walls of a balcony with an internal type of interior.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the GK Expert company, the very responsive manager Marina and the highly qualified specialist in his field Stas. Special thanks to him! I decided to specifically insulate the loggia and only in this company I found the service of foam insulation at a very reasonable price. At first I was very surprised that different teams came for each operation. They dismantled the old balcony, then put in windows, then covered it, insulated it, sheathed it... They took out all the garbage from the old balcony, it became even cleaner than it was :))). And all this was done by different people. It’s unusual, and I didn’t expect everything to work out so well. People are different, but the professionalism is the same. High!

Our house is a unique phenomenon in the bad sense of the word. When it was built, they completely forgot about insulation. And as soon as the autumn rains begin, the walls become covered with stains and stains, and mold appears in the corners. The wife insisted on glazing and repairs, fearing for the health of her elderly parents. We decided to turn to the experts of Expert Group because the neighbors on the floor above, thanks to them, turned the loggia into a real oasis. A turnkey finishing complex with insulation and wall covering is an expensive proposition, but the result exceeded our expectations. Now we relax on the balcony, and store potatoes and jars of jam in the garage. Very pleased and grateful!

Six months ago we glazed a large balcony, contacted the company "GK Expert", our neighbors advised us. The work was done well and competently, and everything was done on time, and most importantly, very carefully, they didn’t leave any traces anywhere. And their manager is pleasant, smiling and happy with life, he always communicated politely. They also gave us a good discount and gave us insulation as a gift, it’s nice when they care so much about you and give you more gifts! In general, both the service and quality are excellent, what more could you ask for?

The balcony was glazed by the Expert Group company. I liked the quality work, good service. We doubted it, so I spent a long time looking for someone to order from. We chose Expert Group because our friends recommended this company to us, and they gave us a good discount. We were flattered by this! We chose warm glazing Rehau profile, we received i-glass as a gift, now it won’t be cold in winter and not hot in summer. A very nice gift! Thank you for such a warm meeting with clients! Success and prosperity in your future career!

Great company! I ordered decoration for a balcony in Leningrad. At first I was pleased with the guarantee that the company provided, thereby instilling confidence =) The finishing was done quickly, on time. I was very pleased with the work done, the workers did everything the way I wanted. We installed a wardrobe on the balcony, replaced the windows, made beautiful ceiling. In general, everything is great. But the best part is the discount I received :) I managed to save almost half of my money. And finally they gave us some insulation. Only positive emotions! Thank you, GK Expert!

Before the New Year, my wife and I decided to glaze our balcony. We looked for a suitable organization for a long time, and after much deliberation we settled on the company "GK Expert". The next day after filling out the application, a measuring specialist came. We discussed all the interesting nuances with him, and made a project using an iPad. We decided to insulate it a little more, with such a discount, and chose laminate flooring as a gift. After 5 days, the installers arrived and carried out the installation process very carefully, removing all construction debris after themselves. Now we are thinking about changing the windows in the apartment, we will now turn only to you. Thank you!

The French balcony is increasingly found on the facades of houses and hotels, here you will learn about what it is, how it differs from the usual one, and see photos of examples beautiful design design. This is a very impressive architectural detail and at the same time cheaper than the usual balcony. There are many different styles French balconies, the most traditional ones are made of wrought iron, and the modern ones are made of energy-saving glass.

What is a French balcony?

French balcony is unusual design balcony, which consists only of large window(from floor to ceiling) and its fence, protruding minimally from the facade. He does not have a platform to go out there or it is very small and narrow, less than a step outside the apartment. You can just open the balcony door and admire the view of the street from your living room.

This type was common in French cities (hence the name), where building regulations did not allow ordinary balconies to fit into narrow streets.

A French balcony on the streets of our cities can be unmistakably identified. Its railings are installed directly in the opening. It turns out that I opened the door and immediately there was a fence, which is often made in the Roman style in the form of balusters or made of forged metal.

Based on its appearance, such a balcony is a window large sizes, which does not carry any functional load. The “plus” here is the originality of the fence, or more precisely, its decorativeness. It helps create a unique look. The structures protruding behind the wall give the façade an original design.

French glazing of balconies is especially popular in office buildings, where it complements the strict and stylish appearance of the building.

Due to their smaller size, the price of a French balcony is usually much lower than a regular one.

French balcony design ideas with flowers - exterior decoration

If your French balcony has a small exit, you can install it there potted plants or even a small herb garden. Nasturtiums are especially suitable for the lower part.

Forged trellises are often decorated with devices for flower pots. Hanging plants such as geraniums, petunias and ivy look good in it. In any case, be sure to secure the flower boxes well so that they do not fall even in bad weather and pose a threat to others.

You can also use the French balcony as a small vegetable garden. Spices, tomatoes or beans do well in a small space with good lighting.

A modern French balcony adorns the building from the outside, and interior design rooms will emphasize the individual taste of the apartment’s inhabitant.

Stylish interior of a French balcony from the inside - photo

The French balcony is not a full-fledged balcony in the usual sense, but it has its own charm.

The area in front of the French balcony can be designed as if it were a large balcony - with cute chairs, a bench and folding table, and perhaps an atmospheric light fixture.

One of the ideas for decorating a French balcony from the inside: lay out seat cushions in front of the exit or right on the threshold - it will be very pleasant to sit on them and sit with open door and a cup of coffee.

Light curtains, Roman blinds or blinds, candlesticks and lanterns, stylish chairs, armchairs and a table will complete the decor of a French balcony.

French wrought iron balcony – photo ideas

Most French balconies and their railings and installation are custom made. And this is understandable, because openwork metal weaving can only be done by specialists. Therefore, it is ordered from master blacksmiths, with whom all the details of the design are carefully thought out - from the size of the site to the places where flower pots are attached.

Despite their minimum dimensions, a French balcony gives the owner of a unique architectural composition enormous scope for imagination. Here minimalism and classics come together - a combination that Lately especially popular.

The pretentious appearance of the building, decorated with a French balcony, should not at all alarm those who like to do everything with their own hands. “French” is quite within the capabilities of home craftsmen. They easily cope with work on expanding the window opening to field level. Who knows how to hold a simple construction tool, he can handle installing an ordinary door.

French balcony in Khrushchev - photo of ideas

When installing a French balcony in a Khrushchev apartment, there are many nuances. Which option to apply to a particular home depends on your home, so here it is better to immediately seek advice from specialists.

Huge glass door with an external fence, and in some cases, directly into doorway– the simplest type of “Frenchman”.

In old houses, the balcony is made with a small concrete ledge. A supporting decorative cornice is fixed at the bottom: classic in the Roman style. This option is very useful in case of complete wear and tear and the need to replace the old balcony.

You also need to worry about reliable insulation doors, especially at the junction with the floor.

French balcony in a private house - photo

Classic and modern version s balconies are different. The first one does not have a platform extending beyond the room, and the railings are located directly in the doorway: it’s like a large window-door with a fence.

Owners of private houses often prefer the modern “French” version. The masters offer something between “classics” and typical option balcony:

  • Old fencing is removed.
  • The balcony platform is reinforced, on which a structure made of PVC or aluminum is later mounted.
  • Glass structures are usually energy-saving, which ensures appropriate temperature inside the room.
  • Less commonly used is combined glazing, in which sandwich slabs are installed underneath.
  • Number of packages and their optimal area carefully calculated for windage.

Attractive colors, original accents, convenient and compact design are the three main elements of unique and beautiful French balconies.

The further we move away from the Soviet past, the more we begin to be like Europe. This applies to clothing, furniture, and repairs. The balconies were not left without attention. Today they cease to be storage rooms, turning after renovation into an extension of the room or a small terrace. This is achieved thanks to modern glazing of balconies and loggias, especially the French variety that recently came into fashion.

What it is?

In the classical sense, a French balcony is a floor-to-ceiling window (window-door), decorated on the outside with a wrought-iron lattice. If there is a platform on such structures, it is no more than 40-50 cm, just enough to place your foot. The French balcony looks very attractive, but the functionality is minimal: place flowers in pots or, standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee, admire the surroundings.

But the Russian soul rarely accepts small forms, and Russian reality includes our interpretation of the French window.

Initially, French windows (window-doors) were installed in private houses and cottages for free access to the garden or terrace. Nowadays such windows often appear in apartments, where they are installed instead of a balcony block, since they fit perfectly into the style of the most different rooms, expand the space and let in much more light.

But recently, more and more often, balconies in french style can be seen on the facades of modern multi-storey buildings and even Khrushchev. The Russian balcony with French glazing is window blocks made of aluminum or metal-plastic structures up to the floor, installed in place of dismantled fences. This transforms an ordinary balcony or loggia beyond recognition.

Thanks to French glazing, there is more light in the room, the space visually increases and a wonderful view of the surrounding area opens up.

By decorating your balcony in this way, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with your own version of glazing.

To make it easier to care for a large area of ​​glazed surface, you can install transoms in the lower part, and in the upper part you can alternate hinged windows with blind frames.

Since French glazing not only gives a panoramic view from your balcony, but also opens it up to passers-by interior decoration, it is possible to install any type of blinds you like.

When the blinds are lowered, the glass does not get dirty, collects less dust and hides the owners from prying eyes.

French glazing of balconies is becoming more and more popular not only due to its excellent aesthetic qualities, since it looks great on any facade, but also to its very significant advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a balcony with French type glazing include:

  • An increase in the amount of natural light, since light enters the room all day through panoramic windows.
  • Expansion of the closed area of ​​the room due to the dismantled parapet and lack of interior decoration.
  • No need for exterior decoration, because French glazing itself will become a decoration of the house.
  • Increased viewing angle due to panoramic glazing. The dream of how pleasant it is to go out onto the balcony in the morning or evening with a cup of your favorite drink and admire the view becomes a reality.
  • Heat and sound insulation during use quality materials. This is an important quality in a big city. Can be arranged extra room and use it all year round.
  • Durability and safety. Glass and aluminum profiles do not burn. To increase security, additional forged fencing is installed outside. It also serves as decor for a French balcony.
  • Wide choose combinations of glazing, which allows you to satisfy the tastes and desires of the homeowner and designer. And choose the most comfortable window frames to use.
  • The installation work is short and does not require welding of structures.

The balcony of the French type of glazing is not without some unpleasant sides:

  • It is not recommended to install continuous glazing in a house where there are small children. Although you can install special locks (so-called child protection) on the frames and additional forged fencing on the outside.
  • Glass will not hide everything that happens on the balcony from prying eyes. Cleaning will have to be done more often. Although frosted glass and blinds can improve the situation.
  • A very big disadvantage of glass is that it gets dirty quickly, and you can’t hide fingerprints, dust, or various stains on it. Therefore, a French balcony requires constant maintenance.
  • Quite a high cost of installation, especially if there are additional components in addition to the basic kit (laminated PVC profiles, tinted coating, colored or stained glass, etc.).
  • Since the glazing dimensions are large, overheating in hot weather and severe cooling in winter cannot be avoided. Care should be taken to ensure ventilation and a heated floor system.
  • The large mass of the structure does not allow installing this type of glazing on weak balcony slabs, especially in old houses.

Features and subtleties

The main difference between balconies with French glazing is the absence of the usual parapet barrier (metal, brick or concrete) and its replacement with double-glazed windows. They are installed directly on inside balcony platform, retreating inward by a few centimeters, or along its very edge, if expansion and strengthening of the balcony slab is provided. This is done along the entire perimeter of the balcony and its entire height.

The most common types of French glazing are:

  • Full frame(frameless). This type of glazing is especially suitable where you want to create maximum visibility while maintaining the visual effect of the absence of glass. Anyone can handle cleaning such glasses, since they fold like book sheets. This makes it possible to fold all the glass, completely opening the room, for example, for ventilation. This type of glazing seems very light and elegant. From the facade it looks very elegant.

  • Group(sectional). When choosing a sectional type of glazing, you can choose the location to your taste window frames and their size. Possible various options: in the middle - doors, at the edges - two-section windows, alternating hinged frames with blind ones, on top - opening windows, on the bottom - blind ones. Frames can be swinging, sliding, or reclining. There is room for the customer's imagination to run wild.

Which one to choose: warm or cold?

A balcony with French glazing can be either warm or cold, depending on its purpose.

For cold glazing use aluminum profile, which is able to protect the balcony from bad weather and pollution. It will look chic, but it will be cold in winter. Such glazing is cheaper, since you do not have to spend money on insulation and heating devices.

Cold balcony suitable for homeowners in the southern regions of the country, for old houses with weak load-bearing balcony slabs or for houses where it is not adjacent to the living space.

For warm balcony PVC profiles are used. Installation of such structures is more difficult; it is necessary to calculate the ability of the load-bearing slab to support a heavy structure.

If you plan to turn the balcony into an additional room: an office, a gym, a relaxation area, you need to insulate the floors and façade wall Houses.

Often, warm French glazing involves moving the structure some distance away so as not to lose precious centimeters of balcony space.

Plastic windows They retain heat much better and protect from excess noise.

If the load-bearing support allows, it is recommended to install multi-chamber double-glazed windows with a thickness of at least 7 cm, which will save on heating costs. An option with single-chamber double-glazed windows is possible, then you need to make sure that there is a special film covering the glass to retain heat.

The fittings for double-glazed windows require particularly careful selection; their service life largely depends on their quality. Rollers for sliding windows or doors must be made of a material that can withstand heavy loads and negative impacts environment. It is preferable to choose a seal for frames from transparent polymer materials, since its service life is longer.

Among various types glazing French windows on the balcony are becoming increasingly popular. A design, the peculiarity of which is the installation of a translucent material - glass, transparent PVC– from ceiling to floor, becomes an expressive accent of both the interior and the facade of the building. This glazing creates the feeling of a large free space filled with light.

French glazing of the balcony

Surely many city residents have noticed the unusual glazing of the balconies of high-rise buildings, which seem to serve as a huge window for one of the rooms. They seem to be its continuation or the original veranda adjacent to the apartment. Behind the high glass you can see flowing curtains from the ceiling to the floor, and the side of the balcony is decorated with a beautiful lattice. This design is called French balcony.

The French balcony has a long history. Previously, it consisted of doors surrounded by metal forged railings in the opening of the outer wall.

To a greater extent they:

  1. Performed the function of windows;
  2. Served for ventilation and lighting of rooms.

This type architectural solutions It was mostly distributed in France, Italy, and Spain. Having opened the door, only one person could go out onto such a balcony, not to mention placing furniture or arranging shelves there. The maximum that could fit on them was a few flower pots and containers.

In modern construction, the decorative function of the French balcony has given way to practice, and it already has its own platform protruding from the facade of the building, usually glazed panoramic windows. Its main feature is that French balcony glazing, instead of standard reinforced concrete or metal fences, uses double-glazed windows in PVC, aluminum or wooden structures.

As a rule, this type of glazing is performed on separately located balconies. The loggia is an unsuitable place for this, since the blank walls on the sides do not allow achieving the desired effect of a full panoramic view.

French windows in the interior of a balcony (video)

Pros and cons of a French balcony

When deciding whether it is really rational to install French windows on your balcony in your case, you need to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons.

Among the advantages:

  • A visual effect of expanding space is created;
  • Due to panoramic glazing there is good lighting;
  • The use of energy-saving materials allows you to save on insulation and cladding;
  • During the installation process, you do not have to resort to expensive welding work;
  • Provides good sound insulation;
  • Guaranteed durability of the structure;
  • Provides ample opportunities for exclusive elegant design interior

Some features of French glazing are considered disadvantages:

  • Sometimes it is not easy to get used to a completely transparent balcony, especially in an apartment on a high floor - then it is recommended to cover the lower part with matte sandwich panels;
  • In summer, in regions with a hot climate, on sunny days such rooms can create a greenhouse effect - in this case, shading will help thick curtains and frequent ventilation;
  • On frosty winter days, additional heating will be needed to avoid hypothermia;
  • The design features the absence of a window sill;
  • The frame must be further strengthened with reinforcing elements;
  • Glass surface requires special means care to maintain crystal cleanliness;
  • Glass is a relatively fragile material, and it is not advisable to allow small children to play near it.

You can protect your privacy from prying prying eyes by installing blinds on your balcony. An alternative is to order tinted glass, which will open up a wide panorama of the street, but the apartment’s residents will not be visible from the yard.

Features of a French door on a balcony

Doors are an important part of the design of not only the balcony, but also the interior of the room to which it adjoins. Therefore, it is important that this detail fits into the styles of both rooms. It is immediately necessary to take into account that a standard narrow balcony door will distort the entire effect of the panoramic expanse of French glazing. And this will not brighten up even a completely glass door.

You should pay attention not only to form, but also to functionality:

  1. Double swing optionperfect solution, only if the doors open into the room, so as not to take away the already small area of ​​the balcony;
  2. Sliding doors– chosen when the width of the room and the furniture allow the use of part of the wall on both sides for the movement of the product;
  3. Accordion door– convenient in that it is easy to mount to any opening width, but small areas It is recommended to choose narrow sections.

In the process of installing a French door, as a rule, a part of the wall with a window opening in the room is demolished. This is allowed to be done only if the balcony structure itself allows it in its own way. technical specifications. This partition is not only load-bearing, but also supports the balcony slab.

Installation procedure for a French balcony

The process of installing a French balcony consists of several stages, but is much faster than installing a traditional one, since there is no need to welding work, insulation and finishing.

The work order is as follows:

  • The required measurements are taken.
  • If necessary and with permission, the window opening and partition of the balcony block are dismantled.
  • Concrete and metal fences are being dismantled.
  • The concrete slab is being strengthened.
  • Double-glazed windows made of aluminum and plastic are installed, which can also be combined with sandwich panels if desired.
  • A frame and doors are installed in the doorway.
  • The cracks and voids are filled polyurethane foam. The excess is cut off before it hardens. The joints are treated with plaster.

Which curtains to choose for French windows (video)

French glazing can transform not only the balcony, but also the interior design of the adjacent room. To remain satisfied with the installation work performed, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the right one suitable door. Trust the specialists, and the process will not take much time.

Examples of French windows on the balcony (photo)

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