Mixer      06/29/2020

Interesting information about oak. Interesting facts about forest plants. Oak bark for diarrhea

Interesting Facts about forest plants will be useful when teaching children and in lessons when studying the forest.

Maple and spruce are considered and called musical trees because many musical instruments are made from their wood.

Birch and aspen are affectionately called the nannies of spruce. Spruce seedlings under the canopy of birch and aspen trees do not die from frost and scorching sun rays.

Pine is considered a tree of health, as it cleanses the air well from various pathogenic microbes, makes it dry, healing and fills it with a pleasant aroma.

Our ancestors considered the oak to be a sacred tree, dedicated to the god of thunder and lightning - Perun. But not only us it was sacred. This was the case in Ancient Greece. Here it was dedicated to the god of the sun, science and arts - Apollo. An oak branch meant great power. Therefore, a wreath made of tree leaves was awarded to brave men and heroes for saving lives and military exploits. And how many fairy tales are dedicated to this mighty giant! For example: the folk tale “The Prophetic Oak”, Andersen’s fairy tale “The Last Dream of the Old Oak”, etc. The lines “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” immediately come to mind.

A strong tree, but it also has weaknesses. Young oak leaves are afraid of spring frosts, so leaves on oak appear later than leaves on other trees. In winter, frost often kills its fruits. A tree in the forest blooms only at 35-40 years of age, after which its fruits, so tasty for many animals, are formed - acorns. That is why these forest heroes require special treatment.

The wood of the oak plant is valued for its strength and hardness. It is used to build ships because it does not rot in water. It is also used to make beautiful and durable furniture, parquet, boats, and sleepers.

Low blueberry bushes growing nearby and even at a distance of several meters from one another are not different plants, but shoots of one plant. One plant can have 20 or even more bushes. In such a thicket, the bushes themselves grow of different ages who have different responsibilities. Young blueberry bushes do not bear fruit; they accumulate nutrients for the plant. Flowers and berries form on the bushes only when they reach the age of 15-20 years. That's why you need to protect these plants and treat them with respect when picking blueberries.

Hazel is notable for being the first to bloom in the forest. It is by its flowering that the onset of spring is celebrated in nature. The snow has not yet melted, but the hanging, long, yellowish-green catkins of the plants are already gathering dust.

Fireweed or fireweed is considered a “combine” plant because it can be used for many purposes. For example, its young root shoots are eaten instead of asparagus and cabbage. The rhizomes themselves are sweet and are eaten raw or boiled.

A delicious tea is brewed from dried fireweed leaves (hence the name of the plant itself - Ivan-tea), and salads are made from young leaves and shoots.

Previously, seeds with fireweed fluff were used to stuff pillows.

You can twist the stems into real ropes.

Ivan tea is a honey-bearing and medicinal plant.

Very interesting plant- wood sorrel, especially its leaves. They are very sensitive to weather changes: before bad weather they fold lengthwise and droop; They also fold up for the night. They also don’t like leaves and a lot of sun, so they also fold up in bright light. The leaves may fall if someone disturbs them: a person or an animal. Oxalis leaves remain green even in winter; under the snow they are as fresh as in summer! It is amazing! In May, the grass oxalis blooms quite large for its size. small sizes white-pinkish flowers with five petals. The seeds ripen in a box. Then, when the seeds ripen, the box sharply cracks and as a result the seeds are thrown out with force over a fairly long distance - up to 2 meters. Oxalis seeds have tiny natural springs, so the seeds themselves can jump. In nature, they jump when they swell from moist air.

On average, a tree lives about 400 years (sometimes their age reaches 1000 years) and can reach a height of up to 20 meters. We present interesting facts about oak.

Interesting information

There are more than 500 types of oak. Petiolate is resistant to sudden temperature changes. The Mongolian species has beautiful leaves and is often grown in alleys and squares.

There are about 450 species of oak growing in the Northern Hemisphere, and about 50 species in the Southern Hemisphere. This plant loves light and warmth; it grows on plains or low mountains. This tree is very rare in the taiga.

These trees can be deciduous (lose their leaves in winter) or evergreen ( all year round keep the leaves.)

They grow from acorns. Wild pigs love to eat acorns (domestic pigs can eat acorns too). By tearing up the ground with their hooves, they encourage the growth of these trees.

On oak trees, acorns appear on a tree at the age of 2 - 3 years, in the forest - after 4 - 8 years.

In Russia and Ukraine, the most common type of oak is pedunculate oak. It has two types – summer look blooms in mid-spring, winter oak blooms in late spring.

In the village of Stelmuzh (Zarasai region of Lithuania) the Stelmuzh oak grows, which is from 1000 to 2000 years old.


A coffee drink is made from acorns. This product is harvested from mid-August to early October. If collected later, they may be spoiled by insect pests. If harvested early, the fruits may rot.

The coffee drink made from acorns contains beta-carotene, starch, essential oils. This drink is beneficial for the human cardiovascular system, indigestion and chronic diseases digestive system.

Oak fruits have a bactericidal effect. They are used for cough, pancreatitis, ulcers (you need to consult a doctor, self-medication is unacceptable).

Some scientists believe that people began to eat acorns about 5 thousand years ago; they were used to prepare a product similar to bread.

Acorns are a kind of nut. They can be eaten and even cooked into wonderful dishes. They are rich in B vitamins and carbohydrates. They are low in fat, mostly just vegetable proteins. But you can’t eat them raw because of the bitter taste. In addition, some varieties can be poisonous when raw. Before use it is necessary to carry out heat treatment.

The fruits of the holm oak tree, which grows on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, are edible and have a sweet taste. Oak trees with sweet acorns also grow in America; they were eaten by the American Indians.

Acorn oil is as popular in Algeria and Morocco as olive oil in our country.

Truffles and porcini mushrooms often grow in oak groves.


Certain types of oak are cork trees. They are used to make bottle caps.

Bog oak is one of the most expensive and durable woods. It is made from wood that has lain underwater for tens or hundreds of years. A delicate creamy shade is acquired over 400 years of being under water, a darker, almost black shade - over 1000 years of being under water.

In Normandy (France), in the small village of Alouville-Belefosse there is a chapel built inside an 800-year-old oak tree. The height of the tree is 18 meters, the diameter of the trunk is 10 meters.

Oak is on the coats of arms of Tatarstan and Azerbaijan. The image of this tree is on the coats of arms of the cities - Tsivilsk (Chuvashia), Loft (Germany), Langen (Germany), Dubno (Moscow region, Russia), Kandava (Latvia), on the coats of arms of the villages - Semes (Latvia), Medumu (Latvia), Mazozolu (Latvia), also on the coats of arms of the regions - the province of Vizcaya (Spain), the commune of Aichwalde (Brandenburg, Germany).

In one day, oak can absorb about two hundred liters of water.

Barrels are made from oak in which vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage) and mushrooms (for example, milk mushrooms) are salted.

Oak is considered one of the most beautiful trees, he is treated with respect and love. Common oak, or pedunculate oak, grows in the European part of Russia.

Oak is a huge tree, up to 40 m tall, with a thick trunk and winding strong branches forming a wide canopy of foliage. Oaks love light very much, and their shoots change direction of growth several times a season - depending on the lighting. The branches of old oaks have bizarre bends.

Oak can live for a very long time. They will cut it down, and from the stump young shoots will stretch towards the light - thick shoots with very large leaves. They are large because all the moisture that the powerful roots pump out of the ground now feeds only them.

Oak is afraid of frost. Young leaves and stems are killed by frost in the spring. To protect itself from this disaster, the oak begins to turn green late, almost later than all the trees. You can expect everything from spring, including late frosts.

A mighty oak tree needs careful care at a young age. Oak seedlings cannot tolerate cold, bright rays of the sun, or strong wind. On open place they die. But they survive and grow in the thickets.

A grown oak tree with strong branches pushes the crowns of its neighbors apart. From above, as if through a window, the sun's rays and rain pour in. When a young oak grows stronger under these conditions, it quickly outgrows the rest of the trees. Neither the sun, nor the frost, nor the storm are scary for him anymore.

Acorns, like any fruits, appear in place of flowers, grow and form in early August. The acorn is amazing in appearance: oblong shape, “polished”, protective brownish color - that’s distinctive characteristics this fruit. Acorns are very nutritious, but tannins give them an astringent, bitter taste. If you remove these substances, then the acorns will turn into a nutritious product from which you can make porridge, flatbreads and even cakes.

Oak wood is especially strong, and oak logs, once in water, do not rot, but become black and even stronger.

Mainly growing in the Northern Hemisphere, a popular tree of the beech family is oak.

1. There are about 600 species of this tree.
2. In Russia, for example, only one species is widespread up to the Urals - English oak. In the Amur region and Far East grows Mongolian oak. But in the Caucasus - sessile oak.

3. Oak is also known for its longevity. The “age” of a tree is determined by its “growth” rings.

Depending on the “age”, wood is used for different purposes.

4. An oak tree can reach a height of 30 meters with a trunk diameter of up to 1.8 m.

5. Wood density is about 700 kg/m3.

6. Various natural conditions for the growth of oak trees significantly affect the properties of the wood. For example, the worse the soil, the better the wood.

7. Oak wood is valuable. So in 1719, cutting oak was prohibited throughout Rus'.

8. The most valuable wood is located closer to the core, because it does not warp or crack.

9. Oak acorns contain proteins, starch, sugar and vegetable fat.

10. In ancient times, light-resistant black ink was made from oak galls.

Oak wood is famous for its strength and hardness, it is dense and heavy. Naturally endowed with beautiful color and texture, it does not need painting.

It is widely used in the construction of both houses and floating craft, since oak wood is quite moisture resistant. Highly resistant to wear.
The wood of young oak trees is used to make furniture, wooden sculptures, souvenirs and crafts.


In a white sundress
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
(A. Prokofiev)
The birch tree is considered the symbol of our country. Since ancient times, songs and poems have been written about this tree:
There was a birch tree in the field,
There was a curly girl standing in the field.
* * *
White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver,
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
(S. Yesenin)
Birch is unpretentious and grows on dry sands and marshy soils. It can be found in the forest, in the field, and in parks.
In early spring When the buds swell on the trees, flowers appear on the birch - inconspicuous earrings. In summer they noticeably increase in size and turn brown. Each ripe earring contains several hundred small seeds. And on a whole adult tree, in fruitful years, up to several million of them can ripen. The smallest fruits, similar to a very small butterfly with open wings, are carried by the wind over long distances and germinate next spring suitable soils. That is why birch is one of the first to occupy vacant plots of land.
The white bark of birch - birch bark - reflects the sun's rays and protects the tree from overheating. Since ancient times, birch bark has been used to make household products. Raw materials were harvested in the spring. At this time, the birch bark sheds, that is, it freely separates from the wood. The raw materials were dried in the shade and smoothed under a press. Tueskas, mugs, bread bins, boxes and other household items were made from birch bark. Bast shoes, baskets, trunks were woven from the inner part of birch bark - bast.
When people did not yet know how to make paper, they wrote on birch bark. Birch bark letters, which are 700–800 years old, have survived to this day.
Birch is still beneficial today. Furniture is made from its wood. Birch buds have healing properties, they are used to prepare medicines.
Sticky buds
green leaves,
With white bark
Stands above the mountain.


Oak of rain and wind
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?
After all, until late autumn
I'm standing green.
So I'm resilient
So, hardened.
Oak is a powerful, majestic tree. The trunk is thick, covered with brown-gray bark with sinuous cracks. The older the tree, the deeper the cracks. The oak is considered the personification of heroic strength. In Greece, an oak branch was a symbol of strength, power and nobility. The oak was dedicated to the patron of the arts - the god Apollo. IN Ancient Rome acorns were considered divine fruits. The ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder wrote about oak trees: “Untouched by centuries, of the same age as the universe, they amaze with their immortal destiny, as the greatest miracle of the world.”
The oak was also considered a sacred tree by the Slavs; it was dedicated to the god of lightning and thunder - Perun.
Oak is the king of all trees,
He has a big role.
(I. Goryunova)
IN middle lane there are no trees that are larger than oaks. Oak trees live 400–500 years. Single specimens reach an age of about one and a half thousand years. The oldest oak grows in Germany. Its age is about 1400 years.
Oak is a light-loving tree. Have you noticed the oak branches? They are repeatedly curved, as if twisted; in old oaks they have bizarre bends. The fact is that the branches are constantly reaching towards the sun, towards the light. So they change the direction of growth depending on the lighting.
Oak trees bloom in May. The fruits - acorns - ripen in the fall. Many forest dwellers like to eat acorns: wild boars, deer, field mice, jays.
Oak has valuable wood: dense, hard, durable with a beautiful texture. It is used in shipbuilding, furniture, and carpentry.
I crawled out of the little barrel,
Sent roots and grew up,
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small.
* * *
In this smooth box
Bronze color
A small oak tree is hidden
Next summer.


The sun rose early
Looked into the house.
Chestnuts have bloomed
Behind my window.
The bird sings
Close, somewhere close
So it's coming
Golden summer.
(G. Boyko)
Horse chestnut is a majestic tree with a spreading, dense, uniform, highly vaulted crown. The trunk of mature trees is very powerful, usually straight. This tree reaches a height of 25–30 meters.
Horse chestnut deservedly enjoys the reputation of one of the most beautiful park trees. It is often planted in parks and gardens, near houses and cottages. In early spring, large sticky greenish-pink buds appear on the chestnut tree. After a few days, original large leaves appear, divided into 5–7 leaflets.
In early May, the chestnut tree blooms. Its flowers are very beautiful - pyramidal panicles up to 30 centimeters high, consisting of large white flowers with yellowish or reddish droplets of juice. Flowers that resemble candles on a Christmas tree give the tree a unique look. Chestnut fruits also look attractive: green, spherical capsules with numerous thorns, each containing 1–3 shiny, dark brown seeds.
Noble chestnut grows in the southern regions. It is so different from horse chestnut that scientists place them in different families. They are similar only in appearance, in both types they are shiny, brown, like polished nuts, enclosed in almost identical shells, only in the edible one it is brown with spikes, and in the horse chestnut– bright green with tubercles. It is difficult to say exactly why the chestnut began to be called horse chestnut. There are two versions. According to one of them, after the leaf falls, a scar resembling the mark of a horse’s shoe remains at the place where the petiole is attached to the branch. According to the second, there is a gray spot on the dark brown surface of the fruit, similar to the imprint of a horse's hoof. Horse chestnut wood is used in furniture production for the production of high quality barrels. An extract prepared from the bark is used to tan leather and dye cotton, wool and silk fabrics dark brown and olive green. Baskets are woven from young branches.