Shower      07/02/2020

How to draw a bird with a simple pencil. Learn to draw birds step by step. How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil step by step

Drawing birds for children is quite exciting. Kids are great dreamers, so along with the usual crows and doves, you may be asked to draw a fabulous bird or firebird.

It may seem that a certain amount of artistic skill is indispensable for the depiction of such complex objects.

But if you draw a bird for children in stages, the task will be within the power of even those parents who are “not friends” with paints and a pencil.

There is nothing difficult in drawing a bird of any species in stages. If your child is small, it will definitely be interesting for him to see how familiar birds come to life on a sheet of paper, which he is used to seeing on the street or in children's books: a dove, a crow, a sparrow, a rooster, a goose. Older children can be invited to draw birds of prey with a pencil: an owl, an eagle, a hawk.

Today we will draw a sparrow - an inconspicuous bird that will help you master the basic skills of depicting feathered friends.

The drawing will be done with a simple pencil. Children will have a choice: leave the sparrow as it is, in gray color, or paint in a natural color with crayons or pencils. So get ready essential tool and go!

From this article you will learn

Step 1

It doesn’t matter what kind of object you will draw in stages, you should always start with marking the sheet and sketching the main elements of the figure. For birds, these are the contours of the tail, head, body, and wings.

We will omit the last element - you need to sketch the wings if they are straightened for flight, but our sparrow will walk with folded wings. Observing all proportions, mark on a piece of paper where the body (oval), tail (triangle) and head (circle) will be located.

Step 2

The task of the second stage is to turn the heap geometric shapes into a recognizable bird figure. Let's start with a simple one: you need to draw a small segment - the tip of the tail, downy "pants" - paws will grow from here. After that, capture the oval and the circle with one line so that the outlines of the bird's body are obtained.

Step 3

Continue tracing the geometric lines with the pencil to create the finished sparrow. Draw a line that defines the border of the wings. At the very end, outline the foot.

Step 4

Step by step draw the paws in detail: mark the fingers, add the claws. After that, it's time to start detailing the head. Draw a beak and an eye, outline lines with a few lines that will delimit areas of different colors. At this stage, the already unnecessary lines of the initial sketch are removed.

Step 5

The fifth stage is devoted to drawing feathers. This is the hardest part of the job. There are no rules regarding the detailing of bird feathers, it all depends on the type of bird you are drawing for children.

In our case, the “clothing” of a sparrow is relatively easy to depict: there are so many of these feathered robbers on the streets that, with a share of attentiveness, it will not be difficult for you to transfer the main plumage lines to the drawing. If you are having difficulty with this, you can arm yourself with a photograph of a sparrow.

The fifth stage will be the last for you if in the future the bird will be painted with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. Well, if you want to finish the drawing with a simple pencil, then you need to spend a little more time on the picture.

Step 6

The final detailing of the sparrow and the overlay of shadows. With the help of hatching, darkened areas are highlighted, volume is given to the eye (all that is needed for this is to create a white highlight).

Add additional details to the drawing: plant a sparrow on a tree branch or on a windowsill; you can draw a bird on a park bench. Any background will make the picture more lively and distract the viewer's attention from the possible imperfection of the lines of the sparrow's body.

Today we will tell you how to draw a bird with a pencil step by step. Having obtained such skills, you can easily and quickly depict any feathered bird on paper and teach your child this.

Draw a bird easily and quickly

This master class will tell you how to draw a flying bird with a pencil step by step for beginners. The technique, of course, is far from perfect, but it allows you to understand the basics of creating a drawing. So, stock up on two pencils - soft and hard, we begin.

Necessary materials:

  • eraser;
  • pencils;
  • paper.

Process description:

Let's revive the cartoon

Every child just loves to watch colorful and exciting cartoons about animals. So why don't you help your little one draw their favorite cartoon character on paper? For example, a wonderful feathered friend from Disney films. The process will become much easier if you learn in advance the basic aspects of how to draw a bird with a pencil in stages for children, using this example.

Necessary materials:

  • album sheet;
  • pencil;
  • eraser.

Process description:

Visiting a fairy tale

The prototype of the famous character of many Russian fairy tales, the firebird, can also be found in the real world - this is a peacock. Therefore, setting out to figure out how to draw a firebird with a pencil in stages, take this particular representative of the feathered world as a basis. In order to depict this fantastic natural wonder as realistically as possible, you do not need to arm yourself to the teeth, as they did in fairy tales, but simply prepare pencils and paper in advance.

Necessary materials:

  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • paper.

Process description:

Read also:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the creation of any initial sketch almost always begins with the drawing of simple geometric shapes: a circle, a semicircle, arcs and triangles. Based on this, you can create everything that your imagination suggests. Just imagine what a bird looks like if it could be broken down into ordinary symbols, and then draw what you see on paper. Everything is very easy, isn't it?

Drawing a bird is a task that often confronts children and their parents. Sparrows, crows, jackdaws, nightingales, bullfinches, eagles, tits and other birds are common objects in children's albums. There is also a place for unusual characters - firebirds and Angry Birds. However, everything is not as difficult as it sometimes seems for novice artists. Using visual lessons and acting step by step, step by step, you can make a high-quality and clear drawing. After several trainings in drawing a bird, the child will get better and better.

Bird Drawing Tutorials Step by Step

Bird drawing lessons with step by step photos for beginners will help artists master the art of creating birds on paper.

Wintering Bird: Draw a Sparrow

Sparrows are the most popular among wintering birds. Creating a drawing of such a bird is quite simple if you act in stages.

  1. You need to draw an elongated oval. This is the base of the body of the bird.
  2. At the top of the workpiece, you need to draw a figure with rounded contours. This will be the head. Several straight lines are drawn below. This is the tail of a wintering bird.
  3. Further, the beak is clearly drawn.
  4. Then you need to create the outlines of the breast, wing with smooth contours and complete the eye.
  5. You need to draw a sparrow's paws with a pencil.
  6. It remains only to color the drawing using colored pencils or felt-tip pens. You can use paint if you wish.

Bird in flight: draw a seagull

  1. The process of drawing a bird in flight is much easier than it looks. Even a child can cope with the task. First you need to draw a circle, which in the future will become the head, and the body of the bird. The bottom and top of the body should be a little sharp. Rounds are not needed. Then the eye and beak are drawn, after which the contours of the circle must be erased with an eraser.
  2. Now we need to draw the wingspan and tail. The wing, which is located closer to the right edge of the paper sheet, should be much larger and longer than the second and the body. No need to grind!
  3. Next, you need to finish the paws and wings. The first need to be depicted folded tightly to each other.
  4. Then you need to draw lines from which the thigh will turn out. To do this, the contour is drawn from the paw of the seagull down. Next, depict the feathers on the tail and wings of the bird.
  5. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary contours.
  6. It remains to draw shadows. The wings of a bird in flight should be made almost black and the bottom of the seagull should be very dark. Plus, a shadow also falls on the body from the wing. On the second wing, located closer to the left edge of the sheet, you should slightly outline the outlines of feathers along the entire length. Similar contours need to be done on the body and near the head.

Angry Birds (Angry Birds)


This master class is designed to help you draw a titmouse.

  1. We draw a circle: this is the future head. With straight lines we sketch the torso of the titmouse.
  2. We give the necessary outlines to the head of the bird. We make a beak of a titmouse and draw an eye in the upper right part of the head.
  3. We make the contours of the torso of the titmouse more distinct. The head should flow very smoothly into the body. Draw the abdomen rounded. We remove auxiliary lines.
  4. Now we draw a branch. We depict the wing of the tit and the upper part of the legs of the bird.
  5. We complete the image of the paws. We draw fingers and a tail.
  6. With small, jerky lines we outline the borders of the color transitions. Draw feathers on the wing and tail.
  7. We finish the work: we shade the head and tail of the titmouse. We draw small feathers where necessary.


Thanks to this master class, you can gradually draw a completely cute and realistic woodpecker. MK will help adults and children who decide to master the technique of drawing birds.

  1. We schematically create the contours of the head and torso of the future woodpecker. In this case, a sheet of paper should first be divided into barely noticeable four parts.
  2. Further, a sketch of the tail and beak of the bird is also sketched.
  3. Now we need to draw the general outline of the torso of the depicted object and its head.
  4. We are engaged in the creation of details and their distinct drawing: eyes, beak, feathers, wings, etc.
  5. We complete the work on the nuances and erase all the auxiliary elements.
  6. We shade with a simple pencil all the necessary areas according to the natural coloring of the woodpecker's plumage.


The proposed detailed MK will help beginners draw on their own very attractive bullfinch.

  1. Before starting work, we divide the sheet into four segments. This will help you draw correctly. Draw, as in the picture below, 3 circles. This is the basis of the future bullfinch.
  2. Next, a general contour of the image is created with smooth lines.
  3. Outline the previously created silhouette of the bullfinch.
  4. We draw paws of a bird and a tail. We create recognizable details of the bullfinch. Let's not forget the eyes. Erase all unnecessary lines.
  5. Adding small parts paws and plumage of a bullfinch.
  6. We shade all the necessary areas.


With the help of the below step by step instructions you can easily portray a magpie. Following the recommendations and using drawings as hints, even novice artists will certainly succeed with a bird.

  1. First, draw a circle. From it we form the head of the future magpie, drawing a beak and an eye.
  2. We make a sketch of the silhouette of a magpie. At this stage, it is important not to forget about observing the proportions of the picture.
  3. We direct the shape of the body of the magpie.
  4. We draw a tail, paws, wings.
  5. Showing other details. We form the contour of the separation of the shades of the magpie.
  6. We make the plumage of the bird along the lower contour. We depict feathers and erase all unnecessary.
  7. We shade all areas in accordance with the plumage of the magpie.

As you can see, drawing a bird with a pencil in stages is nothing particularly difficult. Tips for beginners will help to cope with the task in a few steps. Such drawing lessons will appeal to both a child and an adult. After all, the image will certainly turn out to be clear, realistic and original.

Everyone can learn how to draw birds with our step by step lessons. The most detailed illustrations will help you master the drawing of birds very quickly.

Using step by step lessons drawing, you can easily learn all the features of the image of birds different types. Most people are worried that they will fail, but we offer a very simple circuits, describing each step in detail, so you can easily understand the main points, regardless of age. You will learn about the features of the proportions and outlines of bird figures, which will make the drawing naturalistic. Such subtleties are very important, their non-observance is immediately evident even to a person who cannot draw, and makes the bird look awkward, angular.

Learning from step-by-step lessons, you will not have such a problem - a little training and you can always sketch a bird in a notebook, decorate a gift or a postcard with a picture. The image is easy to design in both black and white and color, but before that, a beginner should do a few trial sketches.

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