Well      03/05/2020

Crib for a newborn made of plywood. DIY crib: step-by-step instructions with photos. Step-by-step instructions for designing and installing runners

The birth of a child is a significant and joyful event in almost every family. However, at the same time there are various hassles associated with preparing the necessary space for a newborn baby. This primarily concerns the sleeping area. Few people can afford to buy a bed for newborns, given the prices today.

It must be remembered that the crib must be stable and safe for the child.

But there is Alternative option, which will allow you to save money, is a do-it-yourself crib for a newborn. And if you approach this matter very responsibly and with knowledge of the process itself, you will end up with a bed no worse than one purchased in a store.

Where to start the creation process

Everyone knows that children never sit still. Therefore, the children's room should be the safest place in the house. Those. It is necessary to exclude objects that could injure the baby (for example, a nail or an ordinary screw that is not driven in completely).

Must be stable and safe for your child.

Diagram of crib sizes for a newborn.

In addition, it is advisable to equip it with a removable sidewall (the so-called decorative side). This will help the child climb into his bed on his own, without the help of adults.

What is required during the construction process? This:

  • electric drill and drills;
  • milling cutter (can be manual);
  • plane;
  • rasp;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • hacksaw;
  • pencil or marker;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • vayma (glue blanks);
  • brush;
  • screwdriver

From building materials:

  • nails and screws;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • furniture plugs;
  • plywood sheets;
  • corners for connecting crib parts;
  • children's mattress;
  • stain, varnish;
  • edged board (4 cm) and bars (3x5 cm).

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The construction process of constructing a crib for a newborn

Drawing of a crib for a newborn.

Before proceeding with installation, you need to purchase a children's mattress. After all, it will depend on him what size the bed itself will have.

  • for proper rest of the child, it is advisable to build in dimensions of 120x60 cm (not cramped, and very comfortable). As for the height of the sides from the floor itself, it is 8-10 cm, the height of the back of the crib is 110 cm. The lower position of the berth of the crib from the base of the floor is determined taking into account the safe height. Since the bed, originally intended for newborns, will be used in the future (up to about 4 summer age), then the height should be about 30-35 cm;
  • the distance between the bars of a crib for a newborn should be 10-12 cm. This is necessary to prevent the child from being able to stick his head between them (no need to explain to anyone what can happen later).

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Manufacturing of parts

The binding for the backs and transverse sides is made of coniferous boards.
The material itself must be processed with a plane or using a woodworking machine. In this case, the thickness will be 3.5 cm and the width 7 cm.

To make the frame, you need to take bars (section 3x5 cm) in the amount of 6 transverse and 2 longitudinal.

Using a tape measure, points are marked with equal intervals between them on long bars.

Then this frame is assembled, a drill is taken and the joints are made through holes, into which you need to insert tenons (you can use ordinary wooden wedges). In this case, for more reliable fastening, you can use glue that is applied to the joints. Don't forget to check the design with a square.

Baby bed headboard frames for newborns.

Here you need to take 4 long bars and 4 short ones. Moreover, each of them must be the same size (110 cm and 60 cm, respectively).

  • 2 pairs of structures are compiled. Those. 2 long by 2 short products (in the form of a “P”). In this case, all the bases of the bars must be in the same plane. The height to the bottom crossbar is 30-35 cm. Fastening occurs using nails or spikes;
  • then take 10 bars (length from bottom to top crossbar). These elements will serve as a “grid”. Markings are made along the upper and lower crossbars, 5 points for each. The bars are inserted at these points (5 for each backrest).

Using a drill, through holes are made into which the spikes are driven. The backs are ready.

Manufacturing of rods

For these purposes, slats with a cross section of 2x2 cm (oak or beech) are used. Number of products – 22 pieces (11 for each side panel).

  • Using the same drill, holes are made at each of the ends of all slats. Using a tape measure, identical sections are measured on the prepared frame and also drilled;
  • then 2 more beams are taken (along the length of the crib for a newborn) and holes identical to the previous ones are made in them in the same way. The ends also require notches for tenons.

Preparing for the arrival of a baby, future parents will have to incur considerable expenses. Children's clothing, diapers and nappies, discharge envelope, blanket - the list goes on for a long time. Perhaps one of the most expensive purchases is a crib, which is difficult to live without. But sometimes money is really tight, and you have to look for a cheaper option, but of high quality.

Trying to stay within the minimum amount, you can use two methods: choose a new model from inexpensive cribs or look for a used, high-quality crib.

Inexpensive cribs

In this case, it is worth thinking about products Russian companies– it often costs an order of magnitude cheaper than imported ones. And we will select a simpler model - without any bells and whistles. The usual classic version of an inexpensive crib for a newborn is quite suitable - the main thing is that the product is made well, using safe materials.

Note that the cheapest cribs are usually pine. Their disadvantage is the softness of the wood, which a child can chew. But this breed contains extremely useful phytoncides.

Experienced parents identify three leaders among domestic manufacturers of budget cribs:

  • Company Kubanlesstroy (Lel), producing very durable and beautiful products, and made from beech wood, which is considered the strongest. The cribs from this company have delicate floral names: “Cornflower”, “Buttercup”, “Lily of the Valley”. The price of their cribs for newborns starts from six thousand rubles.
  • Company Mozhga (Red Star) is a well-known manufacturer of furniture for little ones, engaged in this business for more than a hundred years. Inexpensive cribs in Mozhga are mostly birch, they cost from five thousand rubles.
  • Brand products Gandylyan They are distinguished by their attractive and varied design, streamlined shapes, and reliable assembly. They, like the previous ones, are able to withstand not one baby, but several. The cheapest products will cost from six thousand rubles.

Budget cribs from manufacturers (photo)

Mozhga crib

But in Lately new manufacturers of cribs for newborns with good reviews. For example, an enterprise Vedruss from the city of Sergiev Posad. It makes cribs for just over 4 thousand rubles. And near Arkhangelsk there is a company SKV-Company, which produces even cheaper products - a little more expensive than two thousand rubles.

And the leader at the lowest price can be called a crib made in Sweden. Most simple model"SNIGLAR" from IKEA will cost two thousand rubles.

Buying second hand

You should not lose sight of such an option as buying a used crib for newborns. Moreover, sometimes it allows you to buy an excellent foreign children’s bed inexpensively: for mere pennies. This may be a product from a well-known brand (for example, Italian, Spanish, French), characterized by excellent quality and excellent design. And the fact that it has stood the test of time will even be beneficial. This way you will know for sure that the crib is strong and reliable enough. In addition, for a minimal cost you can manage to buy, for example, a practical transformer or a high-quality crib for newborns.

Crib for newborn

It is especially successful if such a purchase is made from good friends - you can be confident in the seller. However, no one is stopping you from checking the quality of the item being sold by shaking the sides, pressing on the bottom, and seeing how well it looks appearance after use. And if none of your friends and neighbors offers to buy a crib for a newborn, you can try your luck on sites with free advertisements. Many mothers have purchased cribs this way and are very pleased.

For example, there are resources such as Avito, “From hand to hand”, where you can inexpensively buy a crib for newborns. Each of them has convenient sorting by city, product type and other parameters. It is also worth noting the site “ Babyblog". On it you can not only find used children's things, but also learn a lot useful information. As for the price, you can buy an old crib for a thousand to one and a half rubles, and even cheaper. How do you agree?

Dads who love to make things will love to dive into exciting process making a bed for your future son or daughter. This process cannot be called incredibly difficult, especially for classic version. First, let's select everything you need.

Materials and tools

If you want round slats like those on a store-bought crib, look at a gardening store - you can often find them there. Or you can take rectangular blocks for this purpose (1.5x2.5, 2x2, 2x3 cm). The frame - the basis of the sleeping bed - is assembled from bars 5x5 or 7x3.5 cm. The same bars are used to create each of the walls, the continuation of which will be the legs of the crib. 5x3 cm bars will be needed for the slatted bed. If you plan to make solid backs, then stock up on a 1.8-2 cm sheet of plywood.

In addition, you will need fasteners (bolts, screws), and you will also need metal corners for reinforcement. Be sure to buy plugs (plastic) too - they will cover the fasteners, which must be recessed into the wood. Also stock up on epoxy glue, as well as a large amount emery cloth– after all, a child’s product must be absolutely smooth and strong.

The tools we will use are:

  • drill (preferably electric);
  • file;
  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • rasp;
  • woodworking tool (ideally);
  • wood sander;
  • level and tape measure;
  • milling machine;
  • a mechanism that clamps glued parts.


There won’t be any special problems here either - the standard size of children’s mattresses is 1.2 by 0.6 m. This is what you need to focus on. It would be very nice if you already have a mattress for the future crib, then you can easily make a bottom using it. As for the height of the sides, then optimal size(if you count from the floor level) - 0.9 m. The backs should be slightly higher - 20 centimeters. And the bed should be 30-35 cm from the floor. Leave 10 cm between the individual crossbars.

The drawing for a crib with your own hands is very simple. But if you want to build a more sophisticated design, you can turn to specialized magazines or books where you can find drawings of cribs for newborns with dimensions. Otherwise, someone might want to make a transforming crib for their child, for example.

Technology and manufacturing process

First you need to make frames for the sides and backs (if they are lattice). In the case of solid backs, we cut them out of plywood. It is advisable to fasten the bars with through-type tenons, providing them at the end of each bar. But connection with glue and screws is also possible. For the bottom of the crib, we take six 5x3 cm bars. To attach the fencing rods to the crossbars, we drill holes with a 16 mm drill.

How to make a baby crib with your own hands (video):

We glue all the parts to be connected using a clamp. When fastening the backs and sides of the crib together, we use self-tapping screws (from 8 to 10 cm). The legs of the crib can be either separate parts (by the way, you can take them from an old bedside table, for example), or a continuation of the frame structure. In the latter case, this must be provided for. If desired, the crib can be equipped with furniture wheels. But then don't forget about the clamps! And one more thing: when making the front wall, you can provide for its tilting or a door in it. A moving auto-wall is a little complicated for a home craftsman.

Having made this simple product, pay due attention to processing.

Sand and rub thoroughly sandpaper all the details so that not the slightest roughness or nick remains anywhere. Close the fasteners with plugs. Finish with safe varnishes and paints (those suitable for children's toys are suitable), for example, on water based. Or you can do without them altogether by rubbing the crib with wax (ready-made for sale) or special oil for wood.

DIY crib (photo)

Always is DIY crib the production of which we will consider today. This is an important part of not only saving on materials, but also showing your parental concern for the welfare of the child. Choosing interesting project and by customizing it to the parameters of both your child and the room in which such furniture will stand, you will be completely confident in its reliability and safety for children's health. In addition, it will also be necessary to focus on at least important aspects comfortable and safe sleep for your baby - a weightless canopy and comfortable soft sides that can be mounted under any bed model.

DIY crib: photo

Thanks to its compact dimensions, DIY crib, photo which you will see in most cases in this article, is a product of low complexity. And relatively few materials will be needed for it, and assembly will take a minimum of time, especially if you have the skill to use tools. The motives that motivate you to make can be different, for example, it may be the desire to combine both the desired material and the required shape in one model.

A lot of parents face this problem, because now on the market there are mainly models using MDF and chipboard, which can only conditionally be classified as suitable for children's furniture. But models that use solid wood often cost exorbitant amounts of money, and they are designed as if for palaces, they are so huge and non-functional. Therefore for dads perfect solution- study the manufacturing instructions DIY baby crib step by step, photo which are available on the Internet, and begin self-assembly.

Another category of parents who fully develop and want to see inside, of course, exclusive furniture, ideally matching the style of the bedroom design. The fantasy shapes that you can see in the photo above should not confuse you, because in this case you have everything you need for sleep, first of all, a correct and comfortable mattress. And kids who love fairy tales and everything unusual will certainly like this solution in their room. Therefore, to individually develop the design of the frame (in the form of a car, carriage, boat, elephant) and ensure that sew a canopy for a baby crib with your own hands, and then decorate it with appliqués and patterns, they will be completely delighted.

DIY crib - drawing

The beginning of all beginnings for the formation of the project DIY crib - drawing. You can find a few examples in the photo below, or you can come up with them and use your imagination. It would be useful to use special online programs, which are intended for furniture design, there you can find standard models and understand how parts are cut and assembled.

Any model, from the simplest to the most, must meet several criteria. This is safety, which includes a wide range of criteria, from environmentally friendly materials to resistance of the legs to swinging. This is also a criterion for ease of use, that is, not only should it be comfortable for the child to sleep inside, but it should also be convenient for you to put him in and take him out. The structure must provide a bracket or other fasteners for the future canopy, toys and mobiles that develop and entertain babies.

For both babies and older children, the issue of storage always remains relevant. large quantity things, therefore ideal solution becomes . Independently, using accessories that are available in construction stores, you can do everything a professional furniture maker can do. That is, form drawers, screw guides onto the bed bases and special rollers onto the bottoms of the drawers themselves. You should immediately make the bottom of the box reinforced so that it can withstand a fairly large weight of things; in any case, there will be quite a lot of them.

In addition to the classic model, which is a rectangular bed with sides, you can make other varieties that also have a special functional purpose. For example, make not a bed, but a cradle that stands on round legs and can rock, rocking the baby. This option can be called traditional and even folk, but today it is used only as an aid for rocking babies, and not for their proper sleep. And a ready-made cradle costs so much money that parents often refuse such an extra expense. That's why self-production will be 100% justified from an economic point of view. Another one utility model– an attached module that allows you to go through an intermediate stage in weaning your baby from the parent’s bed. He seems to sleep with his parents, but on his own territory. You don’t need deep drawers for this one, because you won’t be using it for a very long time. All the more reasonable it would be to make such a furniture element yourself.

DIY baby canopy crib

But even if manufacturing seems to you an impossible task, complicated and too responsible, then there is still an opportunity to make your baby’s sleep more comfortable and create this comfort with your own hands. It's about sewing DIY baby canopy for crib. This useful device helps protect the child from flying dust, annoying insects in the summer, and simply give him a greater sense of privacy, shade, and therefore a more restful sleep.

There are several types of canopies, at least the main ones, and you can see these types in the photo above. Mainly for do-it-yourself canopy for a crib, photo This is shown by using light, lightweight fabrics that will fit perfectly into the nursery’s decor and will perfectly cope with their main responsibilities - not letting in dust, but letting in a sufficient amount of air and light. The choice of fabric generally depends on your personal preferences in terms of color, but from a functionality point of view, it is better to choose natural fabrics that do not cause allergies and are easy to wash (and you will need to wash this children's household item quite often).

You should also make the choice of the model itself based on the generated design. In some places, a canopy that is mounted on a high bracket and formed on the basis of a hoop would be appropriate, and in others, a fastener that is mounted directly into the wall and from it the fabric spreads down in two panels, forming something like a tent or marquee, will look beautiful.

DIY canopy for a crib

Step-by-step execution do-it-yourself canopy for a crib You can find each of the proposed methods in the public domain; this is a simple science that anyone who has ever held a needle and thread in their hands can do. We will look at a multifunctional option, which, in addition to the head of the bed, can also decorate the summer cottage or in kindergarten.

The basis of the work will be a round hoop on which you need to collect the fabric. You can buy such a hoop ready-made at a hardware store or use unnecessary hoops that are lying around your house. The diameter in this case does not really matter, but for a beautiful drapery, the larger the hoop, the more fabric you will need to use. You can see an example of the first stages of creation do-it-yourself canopy for a crib step by step. First of all, the fabric itself is processed, the sections are hemmed and trimmed with an overlocker if they are thin and fray well. We do this so that even with active use, our canopy will last as long as possible. You need to form a pocket in the upper part of the fabric, where you will either thread the hoop wire, or which you will need to clamp between the circles of the hoop. There is also the option of fastening using metal eyelet rings, then you will have greater mobility of the panel at your disposal. But you need to understand that the system on the eyelets will not be silent, so you need to choose either ease of use, or silence, the inviolability of sleep for the baby.

Try to decorate the canopy fabric using artificial flowers, fabric flags and other decor. In addition to the fact that such a product will give you great pleasure in an elegant room, it will also be interesting for your baby to lie down and look at the bright fragments on the fabric.

DIY bumpers for a baby crib

AND final stage hand-made creation of an ideal bed for a child - DIY crib bumpers. They have a very specific purpose - the safety of the baby, softening the hard walls, which he will certainly want to study over time. From this curiosity, another function of the sides grew, which no one thought about at the beginning - they become an excellent educational toy, with the help of which a little person begins to study the world around him.

And to this day, in models of homemade sides, two can be distinguished: large groups– some are aimed at softening the walls, creating additional barriers and obstacles so that the baby does not roll or fall out of the bed, and the second group represents a huge variety of bright, funny, soft, ringing, rustling elements that can replace a real educational mat.

The sides, of course, are always made removable so that they can be washed and cleaned on time. But also the ability to move allows the same elements of the sides to be used on the changing table during physical education and massage, and in the crib and playpen. Looking at bright pictures will help the child to be distracted and it will be much easier for the mother to cope with the tasks of baby hygiene.

How younger child, the simpler the images on the side can be, the main thing is that they are bright and contrasting, which will attract his attention. It is during this period that it is better not to be led by your ideas about beauty (pastel colors, blurry, muted colors), but to be guided by the physiological aspects of newborn vision. But later, when the baby begins to show increased interest in the world around him, it is worth sewing bumpers with built-in elements that will crunch, squeak, ring, use different degrees of filling and texture of fabrics, and so on.

For children, parents always try to choose the best, including furniture, but looking at the completely non-childish prices for wooden beds, or for car beds, boats, etc. You will inevitably wonder whether it is worth buying such a thing for several years... Maybe not, but you can make it yourself. A do-it-yourself children's bed can be assembled from several boards and bars in a few days. Especially complex work or special tools are required. Mostly you need hands and desire.

Wooden bed

This regular bed without any tricks. In the presented version it is suitable for average school age and teenagers, but further it can be completed for children from 3 years old (second photo report). Collected from wooden parts(boards and bars). The project can be used as a basis, then adding design ideas.

You can argue about the color, but as a base it’s an excellent option

Materials and tools

No special tools are required for manufacturing. All that is needed:

The materials needed are:

  • timber - 50*100 mm;
  • board 25*100 mm and 25*75 mm;
  • wood glue;
  • wood putty;
  • sandpaper.

Calculate the number of boards based on the planned dimensions. Requirements for wood are low humidity (not higher than 16%) and the absence of knots or a small number of them.

Making legs

A DIY children's bed begins with making the legs. We cut blanks from 50*100 mm timber - longer for the headboard, shorter for the footboard. You need 4 pieces of each length. We glue the blanks in pairs. We take one, coat it with wood glue, lay the second one, check whether they are aligned evenly, and twist it with self-tapping screws. In principle, you can use 100*100 mm timber and not bother with glue, but the price for it is very high.

We recess the screw heads into the wood, then seal them with wood putty. After drying, sand until smooth (with medium or fine sandpaper).

We also use sandpaper to bring the joint to perfect condition - everything should be even and smooth.

For the backs you will need boards with a groove 25 mm wide. If you have a router, you can make it yourself or turn it in a carpentry shop. You can also buy dowels ready-made; select a drill according to their diameter.

We drill holes for dowels at the ends of the planks with grooves. Determine exactly their distance from the edge - they must be strictly at the same level on all planks.

Also, the holes should be the same depth - half the length of this piece of wood. In order to be able to navigate when drilling, a marker is attached to the drill - a strip of masking tape. It is used to control the depth of the hole.

Assembling the headboard and footboard

From a 25*50 mm board, planks of the same length are cut to fill the headboard and footboard. They are inserted into a groove coated with glue in advance.

We also drill a hole in the leg for dowels. First, we find the middle and draw a line along it (with a pencil). Place the assembled back, align it along the top edge, align the dowels on a line and mark the places where you need to drill holes for them (two at the top, two at the bottom). Pour a little glue into the holes and place the back. It must be planted tightly, without gaps. You can tap with your fist or mallet (do not damage the wood).

We repeat the same operation with the other leg. The not very beautiful joint at the top can be covered with a board, placing it on screws and covering the holes. As a result, this is what happens.

One important point, which concerns gluing parts. While the glue has not hardened, the joints are movable and the parts may become warped. Therefore, having set the angles to 90°, the part is fixed (with clamps or some other way) and left until the glue dries. The work continues after drying, and, as a rule, it begins with sanding the joint that has just been glued.

Making the base for the mattress

We take two boards 50*100 mm long, equal to the length of the mattress (or a couple of centimeters longer to make tucking more convenient). We install a 25*50 mm plank along the edge using glue and screws. It is 10 cm shorter in length - leave 5 cm on each edge. When screwing the bar, we make sure that the edges are aligned accurately. We drill a hole for each self-tapping screw - close to the edge so that the wood does not burst. In addition, we make a hole in the cap larger diameter- they must be hidden.

Because adhesive connection in this case it is fastened tightly, you don’t have to wait for the glue to dry.

From a 25*100 mm board we cut slats to fit the width of the mattress (you can again add 1-2 cm). They are attached to the just made planks with an emphasis. The installation step is 10 cm, for each plank there are 2 screws on each side. A hole is pre-drilled for each self-tapping screw (the diameter of the drill is 1-2 cm less than the diameter of the self-tapping screw), the head should go into the wood.

The holes for fasteners are covered with putty and sanded after drying. Cutouts are made in the outer planks for installing legs.

DIY children's bed: assembly

We finally seal all chips and defects on the visible parts of the bed with putty, and after drying, sand it until smooth. Then we prime and paint it in the chosen color. After painting, all that remains is to connect the backrests and the base for the mattress and we can consider that the children's bed with their own hands is ready.

You can connect the parts using special fittings - staples and curtains, or simply - by nailing a corner or a block on which to rest the assembled mattress shield.

DIY children's bed assembled

Video on the topic

November 2016

The baby's cradle should be chosen with special care, since this is the first secluded corner in the baby's life. Cribs for newborns are presented here in different variations. New parents will be helped to make a choice in favor of their favorite model by 100 photos posted below.

Cribs for newborns: 8 best ideas

Roman blinds: 14 photo ideas

Wallpaper for walls (18 ideas to choose from)

Corner wardrobe: 10 options

Transformable table: 9 ideas

As soon as a newborn baby appears in the family, parents take care of the comfort and convenience of the new family member. First of all, you should think about a place to sleep, so the question of a crib for a newborn immediately arises.

How to choose the right sleeping place for a child: general recommendations for choosing

Parents should consider taking her rightful place in the room as early as possible. When choosing furniture for children, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • It is best to purchase a children's bed made from natural materials.
  • The optimal solution would be to purchase furniture made from solid wood, because this material does not cause allergies, which allows you to protect the baby. Perfect option- this is sanded wood, since the varnished or painted surface of the bed can later serve as a place for the baby to sharpen his teeth when teething.
  • Rooms for children should be as safe as possible, so you need to exclude sharp corners. In addition, it is best to purchase a crib that has slatted sides; this device will allow the child to explore the world without allowing him to fall out.
  • To ensure additional safety for the child's bed, bedding is often equipped with soft bumpers along the edges of the crib.
  • Stability of the cribs. Children's sleeping area should be as stable as possible; if parents choose a bed with a pendulum mechanism, then it should have reliable structural fasteners.
  • Today, long before birth, parents can find out the gender of the unborn child, so when choosing a crib, you can also take into account color variations in accordance with the gender of the newborn. Eg, modern room for boys it is distinguished by restraint and laconicism, while at the same time all kinds of ruffles, bows and frills are suitable for girls’ bedrooms.
  • Cradles for babies

    Modern strollers for newborns are equipped with bassinets, so many parents try not to buy a separate cradle for their newborn. However, if a child has difficulty falling asleep, his sleep is restless and short, you should think about purchasing a separate cradle for the baby.

    There are several types of cradles for infants.

    Types of cradles
    Wicker cradles Currently, cradles woven from wicker or rattan are coming back into fashion. They are environmentally friendly and safe. Basket cradles can stand on special legs or be hung on special mounts to the ceiling. Manufacturers lay a soft bedding inside such a cradle - a cozy sleeping place is ready.
    Electronically controlled cradles The cradle consists of metal structure with natural fabric stretched over it. These bassinets are equipped with the latest mechanisms that help rock the baby to sleep without the slightest effort. Most often, the kit includes: a mobile for a crib for newborns, a rocking mechanism, lighting and music volume control.
    Cradle 2 in 1 The transformer is a regular crib, which is complemented by a small cradle. The cradle is securely fixed in the crib. As the child grows, it can be detached and the baby will sleep in a regular size crib.

    The choice of cradles is quite wide, but young parents should remember that cradles are only suitable for very young children. If the baby begins to sit up on his own, and this will definitely happen from about 5 months of age, then you will have to purchase another crib.

    Classic is classic, or Classic beds for newborns

    Looking through the catalog of products for newborns, you can find numerous photos of classic cribs for babies. Classic models are suitable for children from birth to 3 years of age. Their size usually reaches 60 cm in width and 120 cm in length. Classical wooden bed most often equipped with:

    • height-adjustable bottom;
    • wheels;
    • lattice sides;
    • downward side wall.

    The price of various models directly depends on the equipment of the crib and on additional elements decor. The slats of the side walls should be at a distance of 4-7 cm, otherwise the baby may injure himself or get stuck between them, trying to crawl out.

    For mom's convenience, it is best to purchase a crib with an adjustable bottom and a lowering side wall. The bottom of the crib can be either solid or made of separate slats. A durable bottom made of wooden slats is considered the most acceptable option, since the free space provides good ventilation mattress. It is worth taking care of additional accessories, for example, a music mobile for a newborn crib, which will help calm a capricious baby, and a four-poster bed can reliably hide the child from prying eyes.

    How to choose a transformable crib for a baby?

    When choosing a crib for your baby, you should pay attention to models that are equipped with additional accessories. An example would be a bed with a changing table, chest of drawers or an additional cradle. Also, transformation can occur due to an increase in the length or width of the sleeping place.

    Most often, stores offer transformable beds that have a small bedside table or changing chest included. These models are very popular, because clothes for newborns can easily fit in the drawer of the included chest of drawers, and in the future, in these drawers you can, for example, place standard children's bedding.

    By purchasing such a model, parents immediately receive a bed for their child for many years to come, because in the process of growing up, many have to purchase the following types of furniture: first a cradle, then teenage furniture, and finally youth furniture. While the child is small, the crib is used assembled; as the baby grows up, the bedside table can be removed and the small sleeping place becomes standard sizes. Typically, teenage beds have bed sizes in the range of widths from 60 to 80 cm, and lengths from 120 to 180 cm. When transformed, the chest of drawers turns into two bedside tables, which fit perfectly into the interior of a children's bedroom.

    Read the article about transformable tables!

    Playpen beds for children: what do you need to know when purchasing?

    A children's playpen bed is a kind of transformer that allows you to easily convert a sleeping area into a child's play area. Such models usually consist of metal frame and breathable walls, which are made of mesh and fabric, they can be easily washed and disinfected.

    Playpen beds are most often purchased for their mobility, functionality and to save space. If the family lives in small apartment, then placing a crib and a playpen at the same time will be very problematic, and the 2 in 1 model will solve this problem. An important advantage of such structures is their mobility. There are models that can be folded into a regular bag and taken with you.

    Modern models are equipped with additional accessories, their list includes:

    • baby changing table;
    • developmental mat;
    • mosquito net;
    • music devices;
    • devices for motion sickness.

    These accessories allow you to use the playpen bed also on the street, in the country, at a party or at home. Playpens-cribs are designed for babies with Weight Limit 13-15 kg, that is, when the child reaches the age of 3-4 years, you will have to abandon this model.

    Is a baby bed with a changing table really necessary?

    After the birth of the baby, a lot of furniture immediately appears in the children's room:

    • dresser;
    • baby changing table;
    • linen locker;
    • baby bed;
    • playpen and much more.

    However, all the furniture needs to be arranged very compactly so that everything you need is at hand. To save space, parents try to purchase furniture that can perform several functions at the same time, for example, cribs with a changing table are quite popular. There are models on sale where a special board for changing a baby is attached to the sides, and there are also additional drawers for storing toys or clothes. Such furniture options are much more expensive than classic cribs for newborns, but they help to significantly save space in the room and are quite convenient to use.

    There are also cribs for newborns with a separate portable changing table; such structures can be used either assembled or separately.

    To rock or not? How to choose a crib with a pendulum mechanism?

    The principle of operation of the pendulum is quite simple - you need to lightly push the crib with a pendulum mechanism, and it will swing on its own for a long time, gradually rocking the baby to sleep. It is important to remember that the crib should not be located close to walls or other pieces of furniture, because for movement pendulum mechanism free space is needed.

    There are 3 types of pendulum mechanism:

  • Longitudinal pendulum. The movements of such a pendulum are reminiscent of rocking in a mother’s arms, so the child falls asleep faster and sleeps more soundly.
  • Transverse mechanism. A crib with a transverse pendulum is most convenient for rocking a baby at night, because in order to start the mechanism, the mother only needs to swing the bed to the side.
  • Universal crib. This mechanism can be swung both back and forth and from side to side. For example, during the day a longitudinal swing mechanism will be most convenient, and at night it is better to use a transverse pendulum.
  • Nice additions that you should pay attention to when choosing a crib

    For the convenience of young parents, crib manufacturers offer various additions that will help make caring for the baby as comfortable as possible.

    Changing the bottom level

    In almost all modern models It is possible to adjust the height of the crib bottom; there are cradles with two and three bottom levels. If the child is very small, it is more convenient for parents to have the bottom in the highest position. As the baby grows, the bottom of the crib should be gradually lowered, since the child tries to get up and if the depth of the crib is insignificant, it may fall out.

    Availability of a “car wall”

    The so-called “auto-wall” mechanism means that one of the side walls of the crib can be raised and lowered, and is also securely fixed in this position; in some cribs the side wall can be completely removed. This device is ideal for sleeping together; in this case, the crib is moved close to adult bed and the baby sleeps on the same level as his mother. Children's models, which are completely removable side wall, can later be used as a sofa in a children's room.


    Many parents opt for cribs with wheels on legs, since mom needs to clean up the room quite often, and moving the crib on her own is not so easy. It is important to note that the wheels must be either removable or securely fixed. As the baby grows up, he becomes more and more active, and while in the crib he will no longer lie quietly, so at about 6 months you will have to fix the wheels or remove them completely.

    Silicone linings for slats

    These pads are designed to protect the gums and teething of an older baby. During the period of teething, the child scratches his gums and small teeth on everything that surrounds him and the crib is no exception. To prevent the child from getting hurt on the bed slats, it is worth installing special silicone pads. Overlays are sold both as a set and separately.

    Built-in drawers

    Models of cribs equipped with special built-in drawers can be a pleasant find for parents. Such models allow you to store bedding in close proximity to the crib, and can later be used as a toy box.

    The manifestation of parental care in the first years of the baby’s life is achieved by surrounding the child with care and creating his own cozy place in the house.

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