Shower      06/14/2019

How to make a homemade kayak? Manual, tips, links. Experience tells me - Maxim Lipatov. Building a homemade fishing kayak from plywood Do-it-yourself fiberglass canoe

First of all I want to express special gratitude to Alexander (Barakuda) and Andrey Kalachinsky. Alexander for giving a powerful impetus to the production of the kayak, and Andrey for the moral and remote technical support of the process.

Since the article is technical, I will try without any lyrics, like “I don’t like seal-type holidays on public beaches, etc.” I’ll simply say - I wanted a kayak. I searched through a lot of information, typing combinations of words in Yandex: How to make a kayak, Homemade kayak, Do-it-yourself kayak, etc. I followed various links to some foreign sites, where I discovered something that especially touched my heart - Wood Duck 12 (www.clcboats .com). But it seemed unrealistic to me, and I threw thoughts away from myself until I came across an article by Alexander (Barakuda) “Sea kayak made of plywood.” I looked at the photo, read, did the math and realized that all this is REAL, and not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

TTD Wooden Duck:

1. Length - 3.65m

2. Width - 0.76m

3. I don’t know the exact weight, but probably no more than 20 kg


1. Jigsaw

2. Belt sander

3. Drill or screwdriver.

4. Fan (or hairdryer, I don’t know which is correct)

5. Scissors

7. Pliers

8. Wire cutters


1. 4 sheets of plywood (4mm)

2. 20 sq.m. fiberglass t-23

3. Epoxy about 4-5 kg ​​(I can’t say for sure)

4. Knitting wire

Also needed:

1. Disposable glasses

2. Brushes (I used 5 pieces)

3. Sticks (you can use ice cream)

4. Rubber gloves

5. Solvent (650)

6. Rubber spatula(they had to work with epoxy the most)

7. Paper tape.

I think that the manufacturing process is also in the article “Sea kayak made of plywood”, and there is no need to describe it in detail. The difference is only in a few details:

1. Alexander (Barakuda) has a fender, the Wooden Duckling does not have it, but frames are used.

2. Alexander taped only the seams with fiberglass, but the Duckling was taped both inside and outside.

We started doing this with our son on April 26th. The first launch is on June 6, although it is not yet completed. It doesn’t take that much time, the epoxy just takes a long time to dry. I sanded down the plywood in 15 minutes, glued it for 5 minutes and it took 24 hours to dry. And so on. But it’s convenient because you can study in the evenings. You can always find a couple of hours.

When connecting the halves at the bow and stern, you need to connect them as accurately as possible to avoid “propeller”. This then affects swimming. Because of this, my kayak constantly drifted to the right.

I applied fiberglass with epoxy. I was so eager to break it in in the morning, so I decided to quickly apply a second coat. Epoxy did not forgive me for this. By the way, if I did it again, then before covering the plywood with fiberglass, I would first prime it with the same epoxy. Why? Because plywood absorbs well, and there are areas under the fabric where it’s dry - all the resin is in the plywood!

I didn't have fiberglass tape, so I cut strips and glued them on. In such cases, “fringe” cannot be avoided. Aesthetics would be nice, some people are prickly.

The photo shows the result of an error that was made at the very beginning of the assembly. The keel was a "propeller". I had to dilute the epoxy with plywood flour (which is formed during the sanding process) and putty. Covered the top with a piece of fiberglass. Well, it's more or less fixed. It stopped pulling to the right. But overall I liked it. The family went for a Saturday walk, everyone was happy.

Despite the fact that the title of the article refers to making a kayak from plywood, you don’t have to limit yourself to just this material. Sheets of fiberglass or cellular polypropylene are quite suitable for cladding. After all, it’s the 21st century, it’s quite possible to use modern materials.

Drawings of a homemade kayak are intended for making homemade boat using cut and glue technology.

Download drawings of a homemade kayak Can

The archive shows cuttings of parts and their location on plywood sheets. The entire kayak assembly technology is also described, from cutting to final finishing.

It is worth noting that this assembly technology makes it possible to produce a swimming device in a fairly short time. It usually takes a lot of time to preparatory stage- development of boat drawings, procurement various materials, adjustment when replacing what is missing from what is available.

With the technology of assembling from plywood using templates, you are spared most of the difficulties. The cutting is optimally calculated; there is no need to bend the wood much during assembly.

You can read in detail about working with plywood when making a boat with your own hands.

Download the plans for a homemade kayak and see that you can build such a craft alone, in a couple of weekends. Construction can be carried out in the garage or, if you work at an accelerated pace, it can be completed in a couple of weekends in the conditions of an ordinary apartment.

Hjy comments:

Instead of plywood, you can use coroplast or PVC

Andrey comments:

I was expecting to see blueprints for the kayak.

ets comments:

I was expecting to see blueprints for the kayak.

All photos from the article

If you like active recreation, but do not want to spend significant money on a swimming device, then you can make your own kayak from plywood. This option is different in that you can build a structure according to your own parameters, while the cost ready-made solution will be several times, or even tens of times lower than that of a factory product. In this article we will talk about the main features of the process so that you understand its essence and understand its specifics.

Necessary materials

In order to carry out the work, you will need a certain set of components. To calculate their number, you need to have drawings of a plywood kayak on hand - it’s difficult to make them yourself without knowledge in this area, it’s better to buy finished project. Many companies sell patterns with life-size patterns, which is very convenient when working and saves a lot of time and effort.

As for materials, you need the following:

Plywood You need 3 sheets measuring 2440x1220 mm and 4 mm thick. Only the highest grade products without knots or other defects are suitable for work. Ideally, it is better to use special marine plywood, it is not sold everywhere, but it is best suited for creating ships, so the high price should not be an obstacle, it is better to take this option
Fiberglass Material with a density of 130 g/m2 is required; it is sold in rolls of different lengths. On average it takes from 15 to 20 linear meters. It is important that the fiberglass is of high quality, without flaws or damage to the surface
Epoxy resin To strengthen the structure, increase its strength and protect it from moisture, epoxy resin is used; approximately 10 kg of it is needed. Naturally, a hardener is also needed, its amount depends on the proportion in which the components are mixed. You should always take a small reserve of hardener, since most often it is used 10-15% more than normal
Varnish There are special yacht varnishes on sale that perfectly withstand both fresh and salt water and retain their properties for a long period of time. Also, do not forget to purchase a solvent, sometimes the varnish needs to be diluted, and you also need to wash your hands and tools after finishing work

To tighten the elements together, copper wire 2 mm thick is used; do not forget about this important component, since the work process often stops precisely due to the lack of this material.

The working process

It is very important to do everything correctly, since any errors and shortcomings will make the design unusable. We will divide the process into two main stages to make it easier for you to understand.

Cutting and assembling the structure

At this stage the following work is carried out:

  • First of all, you need to carefully consider the drawings of a plywood kayak - you need to transfer all the patterns onto the material with your own hands. As noted above, it is best to purchase a ready-made kit to avoid miscalculations and errors when cutting finished elements;
  • The patterns are applied to the surface and then transferred to it using an awl. To make the lines clearly visible, you need to draw them with a carpenter's pencil. When drawing Special attention pay attention to the accuracy of the lines, you need them to be as close to ideal as possible;
  • The instructions for cutting the material are simple, but keep in mind that the thickness of the plywood used is small, so it is very easy to damage. When sawing, you should not rush, you must be careful. The better you carry out this part of the work, the better and more reliable the final result will be;

  • It is very important to collect small sawdust when cutting, to do this, lay down newspapers, they will be useful to you in the future when gluing individual elements;
  • When assembling elements, holes are drilled at a distance of 10 mm from the edge and the parts are pulled together copper wire , do not apply too much force so as not to damage the plywood.

It is worth noting that other options are assembled in a similar way - a do-it-yourself plywood punt is made in the same way, the only difference is in the shape of the elements.

Strengthening the structure

This stage is also very important, you need to complete whole line works:

  • First of all, all seams are filled with epoxy resin filled with sawdust. This is done very carefully after hardening;
  • Then the external joints are processed - filled with the composition, rounded and leveled. Next, the fiberglass is cut out, applied to the surface and impregnated with epoxy. After drying, the excess is trimmed off;
  • The upper ceiling is made of 4 mm thick slats; first, all elements are cut out, and then they are fastened with transverse bars;

  • Next, all the elements are connected, treated with resin and leveled. The last stage appears on the surface.

Of course, structures such as a do-it-yourself plywood yacht can also be assembled, but this is much more difficult than a small kayak or punt.


To make an individual watercraft, you do not need to have complex equipment at hand and have special skills, you just need time and accuracy. The video in this article will help you understand the process in more detail, and if you have questions, ask them in the comments, qualified specialists will answer you.

A plywood kayak is made in the form of sports and tourist equipment. Externally they are different and design features and weight. At self-installation, it is important to remember that the product should allow the rower to be positioned facing the direction of movement, and for rowing, one oar with two blades is used, rotated relative to each other for ease of movement.

Main advantages

  • Easy movement on water.
  • Light weight.
  • The shallow draft facilitates the passage of riffles and shallow water.
  • Wave stability and high load capacity.
  • Protection of the rower from splashes using a special apron.
  • Possibility of traveling in cold water.
  • If you decide to build a kayak from plywood yourself, you can make the drawings yourself or use those proposed on this page.

Disadvantages include the lack of a keel. It is not suitable for long-term swimming in large open waters. The structures are used in small rivers and coastal areas.

Design Features

When choosing a plywood kayak with your own hands, the drawings can meet the specified characteristics:

  • The recreational kayak is designed for short trips. It is equipped with everything necessary equipment for day tourism. The design of the products prevents them from turning over. Seating is provided inside – a series of “Sit-In” structures. The duration of the walk is 3-5 hours, it can be used by people with limited mobility. Includes luggage compartment and deck harness. The length is 3.5-3.7 m, and the width is from 66 to 80 cm.
  • Tourist kayak. Designed for long distances. They cover long distances more easily than recreational kayaks, and are distinguished by their speed and directional stability. There are products for day tourism, no more than 1-2 days, and for longer walks (from 3 days).

A kayak made of plywood with patterns is presented with 2 or more luggage compartments and internal partitions luggage compartments. Some models have a retractable keel ("skeg") or steering system. The seats are characterized by different positions for adjustment to suit the rowers.

  • A universal kayak used for fishing and walking. Among the main features is a two-position raised seat. Equipped with a sealed luggage hatch and latches.
  • Large sea kayak for long expeditions. The peculiarity of the design is its large dimensions, which allows it to accommodate a manager with tall stature and large dimensions. The device has 2 luggage compartments with large dimensions.


Equipment preparation:

  1. Electric drill, electric screwdriver, jigsaw, belt sander.
  2. Cutting tools, pliers, wire cutters used for assembly.
  3. Epoxy for sealing the body at the seams and securely fastening plywood sheets.
  4. Plywood panels 3 mm thick – 4 pcs. standard size.
  5. Knitting rod - for fastening elements during assembly.
  6. Fiberglass - allows you to provide seams with an increased level of strength. You can use a ready-made tape 3-4 cm wide.
  7. Water-resistant varnish coating to prevent swelling in water and loss of shape.
  8. May be needed protective elements in the form of gloves, masks, glasses.

Assembly steps

Before cutting out the elements of the future device, plywood is prepared. Standard parameter 1 sheet is equal to 150 by 150 cm, and for a kayak you will need strips of 280 cm and 75 cm wide. They are purchased from the manufacturer.

To create the edges, it is necessary to cut the plywood sheets into strips of 75 cm. For joints, use a grinder to cut the corner chamfer, ensuring the fit of adjacent sheets. The strips are assembled into one panel with parameters of 360 – 380 cm.

The joints are glued with epoxy. To ensure rigid properties, fiberglass tape coated with epoxy is laid on the surface of the seam. The connection areas are fixed using construction staples. High-quality gluing can be created by pressing with heavy weights placed on top of the structure until the glue is completely dry.

In the process of gluing the elements for the side part, cutting of plywood parts for the remaining parts continues. To do this you will need:

  • 4 partitions for dividing the inner part of the body, giving rigidity and preventing it from sinking to the bottom in the presence of a pothole.
  • Deck blank.
  • 4 products for the junction of the deck with the sides.

Shaping and gluing

After gluing the plywood sheets, use a jigsaw to give the desired shape. Then the blanks of the side parts are placed side by side and connected using a knitting rod. Gaps are made at the joints using an electric drill. The connection of the structure is made from the center.

Attention! The shape of the future equipment is given by 4 pre-created partitions.

In bulk, the seam is glued with fiberglass and epoxy on different sides. As the hull dries, the deck and 4 side elements are fixed to it, providing airtight properties. Using a jigsaw, a landing gap is created in the deck, which is additionally covered with fiberglass.

After complete drying, the outside is glued with fiberglass with epoxy and varnish. For ease of placement in the body, a plywood panel is fixed under the landing gap, acting as a seat. A separate issue is creating a paddle or purchasing it in a specialized store.

A fishing kayak is a swimming device that is lightweight and highly maneuverable. It is capable of developing higher speed, passing freely between reeds and other hard-to-reach places.

Industrial enterprises that produce kayaks took as a basis the watercraft used by the peoples of the North. The boats have been improved and fishermen can now purchase a tourist version.

According to its characteristics, the vessel differs from inflatable, aluminum and plastic boats. For its production, casting technology is used. The body resembles a capsule closed type, it is protected from water penetration. Companies often use polyethylene, consisting of 3 layers, to produce kayaks. This material has positive buoyancy. This ensures that the watercraft never sink.

The products have a drainage system. This is the name given to a series of holes through which water that gets inside is discharged out. If necessary, the fisherman can close them with plugs.

The inflatable fishing kayak has. It is also equipped with sockets that are designed for fixing fishing rods.

You can carry cargo in a kayak small size, luggage compartments were made for its transportation. To prevent the fisherman from getting tired, manufacturers equip the watercraft with footrests. The oars are secured to the sides with clips, so you can release them to give your arms a rest.

In the store we choose a fishing kayak, paying attention to its dimensions. Speed ​​and maneuverability are influenced by length and width. The larger the ship, the faster it is. As the size decreases, its stability on water decreases.

In the store you can buy an inflatable kayak for fishing. If you plan to fish on small canals, rivers and small lakes, you can choose a kayak with a length of 3.5 to 3.7 m.

The kayak is used not only for tourism, but also for hunting and fishing; models longer than 4 m with a high seating position are suitable for the sea. The fact is that short ships are not designed for big waves. In a strong crosswind, their heading stability will decrease and their movement speed will be low.

The larger the body of water, the longer the kayak should be. The width of the craft is selected individually; it depends on the physical shape of the fisherman and his weight. An important parameter is load capacity. It is determined by the following formula: the weight of the kayaker plus 40 kg.

Benefits of using it while fishing

Fishing kayaks have the following advantages:

  1. It does not need to be registered, there is no need to have a license with you.
  2. No inspection required.
  3. It can be stored in the garage by hanging it on the wall.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. A comfortable seat that allows the fisherman to remain in one position on the water for several hours.
  6. There is a holder for rods. There are clamps for the echo sounder sensor, anchor and anchor line.
  7. The vessel is easy to transport by car.

High speed allows you to cover long distances during daylight hours. The silent movement makes it possible to get close to shy fish.

Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade watercraft

A homemade kayak can be made from plywood and other cheap materials, so creating such a vessel will not damage the family budget. But construction requires skills in working with tools, this can be an obstacle.

Self-construction will require the installation of slipways; they must be positioned strictly horizontally, so this stage will be difficult for beginners. The boat can be framed; a do-it-yourself kayak can be made on slipways in a week.

Fishermen are often interested in how to make a kayak themselves. The construction of a watercraft begins with the purchase of materials. You will need the following tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • Grinder;
  • screwdriver and drill;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers.

To make a fishing kayak with your own hands, you will need 4 sheets of plywood, a knife and a spatula. Fiberglass or polyethylene films are suitable for covering the body.

Drawings and diagrams

Schemes will help speed up construction. You can make them yourself, but it is better to use ready-made drawings of kayak frames.

You can make a kayak for fishing with your own hands using polystyrene foam, plywood or other materials according to the diagram. A canoe is hollowed out of wood, and household building materials are sufficient to complete the work. When assembling, pay attention to joints and seams.


To make a kayak you will need plywood, epoxy resin and fiberglass. The strength of the vessel depends on the quality of the materials used, so you need to buy sheets of plywood without knots or other defects.

The fiberglass must have specific gravity from 130 to 200 g/m². For gluing, it is worth taking pieces of material without bends. If they are, it will be more difficult to coat the vessel with epoxy resin.

To make a kayak you need 10 kg epoxy resin. This amount is enough to cover the surface of the product for 1 time. It is best to purchase Etal-370. A hardener will also be needed; Etal-47 F5 is suitable for this purpose.

Work order

It is best to build a boat in a garage; the process can be divided into the following technological stages:

  1. Marking and cutting out kayak elements. To speed up the construction process, use an electric jigsaw.
  2. Assembling parts using masking tape.
  3. Fixing the decks and the bottom of the product.
  4. Connecting parts of a structure into a single whole. If necessary, the elements are adjusted to each other.
  5. The inside of the parts is coated with epoxy resin.
  6. At the bottom of the boat there is a compartment consisting of several partitions. He will make the ship unsinkable. All elements are also coated with epoxy material.
  7. Once again, adjust the bottom of the boat and the deck; there should be no gaps between them. After this, they begin gluing all the elements; the joints are covered with epoxy resin.
  8. Hatch device.
  9. The structure is covered with fiberglass.

After the epoxy resin has hardened, the surface of the kayak is sanded and then painted in the chosen color.

Sea trials

When the homemade watercraft is ready, the stage of sea trials begins. They are necessary in order to check its technical characteristics.

If everything was done correctly, the kayak will not leak water. It must be easy to operate, carry at least 120 kg of cargo, be stable on the water and be maneuverable.

Without carrying out sea trials, you cannot operate the product in deep water.